A Trainer's Tale - Chapter 1: Down the Rabbit-Hole

Story by WittyOverload on SoFurry

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                                  A Trainer's Tale                     Chapter 1: Down the Rabbit-Hole                                 In a particularly boring town, on a particularly uninteresting street, in a particularly bland room in a parti- well you get the picture. But then... an explosion! The room is filled with smoke and fire, sounds of a crying baby come from a crib surrounded by flames! then a shadowy figure enters the room holding a knife! He approaches to crib, then holds to knife to strike then he... then he...

"Nah" a 16-year-old boy exclaims as he began to delete all he had typed. Ian was a typical boy - by his looks - he had black hair that reached his shoulders, 5'7, and brown eyes. He was Skinny but not very strong. But personality-wise, he was... different. He had an active imagination, spacing out various times during the day. He was a typical nerd: no friends and liked video games and movies. He liked to write for fun, hense the whole mess from before. He was fresh out of ideas. He decided to do what he usually did when he was out of ideas, he took a walk. Stepping outside of his room for a breather, he passed Melody's room. Melody was his 6 year old sister, a energetic little girl, creative and loving with long blond hair and blue eyes. Continuing down the hall, Ian passed his mother's room. His mother was in appearences, an adult Melody. Nancy was a loyal and caring mother, divorced soon after Melody's birth. Ian hadn't seen his dad since. Ian lived in a nice house in cozy Maryland. His mother was some sort of executive, and he worked at a nearby GameStore. His school was like other schools, boring and unexciting. He was in his Junior year, and, of course, There were cliques like normal highschools, but he was more of a loner. He was usually picked-on by the brain-deads, but he found himself getting used to it.  Putting on his jacket and shoes, he noticed something was missing: His Gameboy. Ever since he was a kid, he walked into the woods and sat behind his favorite tree and played pokemon Sapphire, his favorite pokemon. Writing a note for the girls that he'd be out, he began his journey through the woods. Giving a sigh, he continued to create crackles by stepping on the fallen  branches. He was having trouble coming up with new story ideas. An sci-fi adventure set in in a post apocalyptic society? No, too cliche... what about a character piece with five characters stuck in an elevator? He continued to think of a good story, but none seemed good enough. After an hour he spotted his favorite tree. The thing about this location was far out of anyone but his own's knowledge, and he considered it his own personal hideout. He sat down, leaning his back against the giant tree. After playing on his Gameboy for a while, it began to lose power and the signal became red "Ah! no!". right now he was battling Wattson for the 4th time and couldn't save. Right after defeating the gym leader's 2nd Pokemon, it shut off. "Damnit!" Throwing the thing to his right he then noticed it didn't make a noise. looking to the right he saw something strange: A hole Of course this hole was...different. It was at least 3 times as big as Ian himself. The strange thing was this he'd been here at least 20 -30 times. Investigating, he really couldn't see because his light source was gone and the thing seemed a too little deep (not realizing at the time how much of an understatement that was) Reaching down, he still could'nt touch the bottom. Unfortunantly, while extending more, a snake decided to sneak up and bite his leg. Giving a yelp of pain he began to turn around, failing to notice he was hanging off the ledge of the hole! "What the- AGHHH!" Ian screamed. Barely keeping himself up, the snake-from-hell decided to bite his hands, and with that he began to fall down the hole. Of course the first thing he thought was 'Oh yay! i'm going to DIE!' but soon realized it had been at least a minute and there hadn't been a 'thump' sound followed by a 16 year old boy's screams of excruciating pain. Of course, while thinking these things, he began to pass out.

Inside the lab of Hoenn's renowned Professor Birch, One of Birch's scientists had been working on feeding the pokemon and decided to take a break and go outside for a smoke (they have cigarettes in the Pokeverse, who knew?) he continued to puff until he noticed something strange at his feet. Looking down he noticed a large mass: A boy. "What the?" quickly grabbing the boy, he realized he really couldn't take a risk of walking to Oldale town's Pokemon Center, this boy might be in a coma! or maybe he's internaly bleeding! After bringing him inside he set him down on a table and ingoring the strange looks of the other pokemon, he began checking the boy for injuries  Turning up (thankfully) no results, he began to question why the boy was lying down in the dirt only 5 minutes ago, and why infront of the lab? After an unknown time, the professor appeared in the lab's entrance, returning from his usual tuesday walk to check up on the pokemon of the forest. "Gareth, whats with the commotion- Good Arceus! what have you done!" Birch questioned "Professer! It wasn't me sir! I found this boy unconscious outside of the entrance!"  the scientist explained "No matter, has he any injuries?" "Uh n-no sir, i've already checked him, he's clean" the professer began to think for a few moments "Well, if so, let's just wait till he wakes up."

So this is what death is like, nothing but black, and a strange beeping noises... wait... Ian's eyes shot open. He looked to be in a lab. what the... what if i'm in hell! what if some evil scientist is going to preform experiments on me!?! sitting up he looked around. The place seemed normal enough, beeping machines, white floors and walls, pokemon- Pokemon! what are- how are- why are- a million questions raced through his mind, all coming up with one answer: He must be dreaming. Of course he was! Either he dozed off playing his game or he fell asleep whilst typing. What if he wasn't? He stared at the pokemon for a while, his mouth gaping open. Continuing until a certain voice snapped him out of it "Hello! I see you're awake and gaping at my pokemon!" The voice exclaimed with a gruff laugh. Looking over, he saw someone he didn't expect: Professor Birch. "You- You're Professor Bir-Birch!" Ian said shockingly, another thousand questions emerged. Of course to Ian the biggest was he hadn't expected to have Birch have such a low voice, as well as his mind giving such detail for a dream. "You've heard of me! not surprising but its great!" Birch exclaimed "But i've gotta ask you, what were you doing unconscious in front of my lab?" Ian was confused. Even he was 99% sure this was a dream, he didn't want to confuse these dream people. "Uh I-Uh  don't know..." Ian mumbled out Birch was stumped. He doesn't know how? what if he has amnesia? "You don't know how? well uh... thats a little... Odd..." "Odd?" "Yes well... Most amnesiac's wind up with family-" Birch was about to continue, unfortunately being cut off by Ian "Amnesiacs?" Birch began to look nervous , figuring he insulted the boy. "Well... I must assume so. You don't know how you got here you said?" Ian realized why he would assume that he had amnesia. "Uh i think so..." "If you are, then i must ask you a few questions..." "Uh.. okay..." Ian answered them accordingly: My name is Ian, I don't know of any relatives, I don't know where i am, and i have no memories of my life. Ian really didn't want to lie, but he didn't want to freak the guy by saying his whole existence was just a pixel in he world. "Well then Ian, now that thats done, we've got to find out what to do with you..." Birch concluded "What to do with me?" Ian asked nervously. He was still 80% sure it was a dream, and really anything could happen in a dream... Birch Cleared his throught throat "Yes well, i'm asking what you're going to do now." Ian thought about this. What was he going to do now. Fake or not, it seemed he'd be here for a while longer. What to do now? "Well... I uh don't know... Any idea?" Birch was a little shocked. "Well, you could get a job... or become a Trainer, or a Rang-" After the word 'Trainer' Ian stopped listening. A trainer? He could become a Trainer! Journey around the world with pokemon! Participate in the Hoenn league! become the champion just like the game! "A Trainer!" Ian interrupted/exclaimed "Yes, a Trainer... you know battling pokemon" the moment the word 'battling came out, the pokemon on his desk: Treecko and Torchic's heads perked up (Mudkip had been sent to Birch's friend Rowan for some study he was working on.) "Of course i know! I've always wanted to be a Trainer!" Ian continued his little giddy rant, all while Birch had a warm smile. This is why he gave away pokemon: to see kid's excitement. "So i take it you're mind is made up?" Birch interrupted Before Ian could answer with an obvious 'YES', the lab's entrance doors opened to a young brown haired girl. "Hey Dad! i think you know what day it is today!" the girl answered with a sweet-as-honey tone. "Oh who is this? that boy who just moved in?" She continued. "No dear, this is Ian, he was only unconscious a few hours ago. He lost his memory and wants to be a Trainer." "Oh my! I'm so sorry Ian! But its cool you're gunna be a Trainer! we'll be rivals!" the girl responded "Rivals?" Ian questioned "Yes! i'm going to be a Trainer like you! Thats why i came here! Oh by the way! I'm May!" "And to see your loving father as well" the pokemon professor mumbled "Oh dad i'm always here 'to see my loving father', i just have a second thing on the agenda. Again, the doors flung open, this time to a boy with a white knit hat. "Ah you must be the boy that just moved in! Your mother called, you must be here for your pokemon!" Birch exclaimed "Yes i-uh am sir" The boy replied "No need to be nervous! I'n Professor Birch, this is my daughter May, and this boy is Ian!" "Oh- Uh nice to um meet you, i'm Brandon." The boy replied, shaking the three's hands. Ian started to note some differences. The people didn't say the stock dialouge, as well as everybody had a personality. Birch was a bit of a klutz and a optimist, May a textbook girl-next-door and Brandon a shy boy. "Well unfortunately we have a problem- theres three of you, and two pokemon." The three of them looked at each other then to the two pokemon eying them nervously. All in silence until Birch interrupts. "I could get that Mudkip back from Rowan, although one of you would have to wait here for a while.." Birch explained with a slight frown on his face. He never liked telling kids he was out of pokemon. "Its okay guys, You two can have the pokemon, i'll get mine another way". Ian said. He didn't want to take these guys from their journey, after all, he basically stumbled into their world, and this adventure was rightfully theirs. "Are you sure Ian? I mean, you were here first, we came afterwards" May sadly said "Yeah Ian, i just came to this town with barely a word that i was going to become a Trainer-" Brandon said. "Guys it's fine. Go on, choose your pokemon" Ian replied, keeping a cool head. While the two picked their pokemon, Birch pulled Ian aside "So, my boy, how are you going to get a pokemon?" "Well, i think i'll just go on my journey and hope to find a friend" Ian said giving the answer with a large grin.

As the sun begins to make the land twilight, a lone boy walks along a dirt path on Route 102. Ian had, after getting his trainer's license and a pokedex (as well as some money from Birch) travelled to Oldale and picked up some things for his journey: Some new clothes, a backpack, some human and poke food, some camping gear and, of course, a few pokeballs. He was delightly surprised by the fact that the pokemart sold more then antidotes and revives. Ian kept on the path thinking out the day's events. His friends had decided to stay in Oldale's Pokecenter and train with their pokemon. Brandon had choosen a rather serious treecko, and May, an energetic torchic. Ian was  still a little regretful he had given up his chance at a shot for the two after seeing the two play with the pokemon (well torchic with May mostly, the treecko just gave his new trainer a nod, before Brandon gave him a hug). Ian Sighed. He was just being selfish, he went out of his way to say they were theirs. noticing he had about 30 minutes of twilight left, he decides to set up camp. After going off trail and into the woods, He finds a spot to set up camp. unpacking his sleeping bag and cooking supplies, be began to collect some firewood. After finding a few twigs, he heading back to the camp unaware a certain figure was watching him from the woods.

She was confused and angered a human had picked sticks in front of HER den. If the human had known he was in front of her den, he'd run home back to his momma. screaming OR most likely he'd try to capture her, using some weak pokemon in attempt to make her his slave. She herself had been tired from picking berries, so there was a certain relief he hadn't attack her. Still... She had a strange impulse to follow this boy. She didn't know why, and it made her angry. Maybe this human wasn't as stupid as she thought, maybe he did something to the air so he could capture her without a fight. No... he didn't look that smart... maybe she just wanted to make sure he wasn't a threat. Ya that was probably it. Whatever the reason, she continued to follow his scent

As Ian made it back to his campsite, He couldn't help but feel he was being watched. Once there, he took some matches and began to make his soup, all the while thinking about how awesome it would be to have a pokemon. They'd battle and have fun together as friends. Giving a sigh, he began to eat his soup and continued to think about how this new life would be so cool. This new life. What about his old life? Would and/or Did he mom and sister miss him? and friends? (ha, ya right.) and futhermore, what was this world? Every second he believed this place was real a little more. But was it? That, he wasn't sure. He sure as hell liked this place. The colors seemed brighter and the people friendlier. But the world had more of an attitude then the games or anime. Pokemon had personalities (besides the anime) and it seemed slightly darker. What if no pokemon wanted him? How could he get one to join him? Ask them? 'Hey i'm a trainer, can i steal you from your family and force you to fight others around the world?' But those thoughts mostly drifted from his mind after he continued to think what his first pokemon would be. Maybe a pikachu? Or a misdreavus? each guess got him more excited. He contiued to slurp his soup, looking around at the wildlife and much it acted like his world's. The notable being most pokemon avoided him, not daring to go near with a ten-foot-poll. Of course, he'd sometimes see a rushing wurmple rushing by every now and then. whenever they noticed him staring, they gave a look like a deer in front of a car's headlights. He always gave a chuckle at that, wondering if he really looked like that much of trainer and what pokemon parents taught their children about the dangers of looking into a trainer's eyes. Most wild pokemon probably thought trainers were evil or something. As Ian was about to continue his thoughts, he heard a russling from the woods. The noise was louder and the creature seemed larger. "Uh- Hel-Hello?" Ian yelled out, obviously nervous. just as much a giant figure approached from the treeline, shocking Ian to the core. It was a Zangoose

The zangoose began to follow the human's scent, till finally finding him in a clearing chuckling about a wumple tripping. He was sitting & sipping his soup. The boy (or from his male-sounding laugh) didn't seem like a mastermind sent to kill her, helk he seemed normal enough. What if he wasn't a trainer? most trainers at this time would feed their pokemon at the time they're eating. Of course she would've thought that, until she eyed the pokeballs. There were two of them, but neither had the registration marks she had seen from other trainers. This confused her. This trainer-or so he seemed- didn't have any pokemon. No pokemon? Who was this kid? Maybe he wasn't good enough for a pokemon. maybe he sucked at battling. What if he captured her by surprise. Then she'd really lose her reputation around the forest she'd worked so hard to get. Any pokemon that came near her den would run home crying, but this human had managed to waltz around her home and not even get scared enough to piss he pants. Why was this human different? She began to approach him. Why am i moving my legs? stop! She wanted to but couldn't. She continued in a trance. After a few moments, she stepped on a branch "Uh- Hel-Hello?" Crap! she stopped, but only for a second until her legs continued until she stepped from the treeline, her red eyes meeting his

A Zangoose! They both just remained still, both questioning of each others motives. A zangoose! maybe it wanted to join him? No... Maybe it wanted some soup? Maybe- Ian was about to continue his train of thought, unfortunantly being cut off by a pouncing zangoose "What do you want with me human!" The zangoose yelled Ian was shocked. He just heard a real life zangoose yell at him, and he understood it! when he thought back to being in the lab with May and Brandon, he swear he could get the gist of what the two pokemon said, but he shook it off thinking he was still a little not right in the head. The zangoose continued her rant, until Ian finally found his voice. "What are you talking about!" Ian yelled back The zangoose was confused. Had this human understood her? "What did you just say?" she asked in a calmer voice "I Said 'What are you talking about!'" Ian replied So he can understand me... zangoose thought until Ian interrupted "So... why were you... shaking me violently?"  "Well.. i thought that you were trying to mind control me..." She said in a small voice, realizing how stupid it was "Mind control you? I didn't even know their were any zangoose around here..." "Yes well i'm the only one..." she replied "doesn't it get lonely?"  She never really thought about it. It was rather lonely. She only fended for herself. It would be nice to have someone else in her life... Ian noticed the sad look on her face, so he decided to change the topic. "Uh Ms., i know you just tried to uh... ripmythroatout" he said smally "But uh.. i don't have any pokemon companions so uh... would you like to join me?" Join him? have a chance for glory by someone who obviously respected her enough to give her a choice and call her 'miss'. But what if this was all a ploy? No.. theres no need to be pessimistic. This is a one in a lifetime chance: Go with a boy who wasn't self-centered or mean to his pokemon. But could she really trust him? "Ya...sure i guess..." she said shyly. She agreed! She's going to be my new friend! He then tackled her into a hug. She was about to scratch him and run away, until realizing it was just a display of affection. "Hurray! we're friends now!" Ian said, getting all giddy "Oh! i forgot to ask your name!" "I-Uh I don't have a name..." she replied "You don't have a name! I can't keep calling you 'miss', so we'll have to think of one... why not... Elizabeth!" "Uh yes! thats a great name! Thank you uh... Human?" "You can call me Ian. And it's nice to meet you Elizabeth" He said with a smile. "Well, i think its time for bed, you can sleep with me in the sleeping-" Ian said, stopping when he noticed her sleeping, curled in a ball. After giving a laugh, he carried her and setting down in the bag, smiling at his new friend, before falling asleep himself. End of Chapter 1

Author's Note: Well, thats the first chapter, and my first attempt at writing for fun. What will happen to our Oddball, Childlike Hero and his somewhat emotionally distant friend? Only time will tell! I had a lot of fun & trouble writing this, the trouble mostly coming from writing the dialouge and what pokemon I wanted Elizabeth to be (the first choice being a Typhlosion). I will create more chapters, hopefully longer. Feedback is appreciated of course.