Light of the Heart: Prologue

Story by Dravlon Likerus on SoFurry

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#1 of Light of the Heart (SCRAPPED)

Hey guys! So this is my first story Light of the Heart and I will be using elements from different shows and videogames I watch/played in it and I am saying now that I do not in any way whatsoever own that stuff and am only using it to insert in my story for entertainment purposes.Oh and this will lead to a gay relationship but don't worry no...naughty things(in detail anyway XD)

That said enjoy!

Falling...Yes, I was falling and I couldn't tell anything else. I could feel myself descending slowly unable to breathe yet somehow not needing to. As I drift toward wherever gravity, or whatever force that is guiding me's destination I hear a voice.

"Don't be afraid..."

It was almost like a whisper so I couldn't make out the voice's details but I knew what it was saying. Honestly I wasn't afraid, or more like I could'nt feel afraid. It was as if my emotions had been stripped from me. As i contemplate this I feel a pressure on my feet.

"I must have finally landed," I thought, as I couldn't speak. I slowly open my eyes and I see darkness. No not pitch black darkness, but a dark void with a slightly lighter fog passing through it. I was standing on a perfectly circular black platform that was untouched by the fog. I soon hear the voice again.

"I know you are confused young one but time is of the essance and there is much to do before you begin your journey."

I wanted to question it about what it meant by a journey but my inability to speak hindered me so I decided to comply with the voice as it didn't seem to be hostile or evil in nature. Then it said

"With that being said, please step foward and be prepared to make a choice."

I didn't know what it meant but I did what it said and as soon as my first step foward something amazing happened. Where my foot touched an explosion of radiance emerged and spread out over the platform and I had to sheild my eyes from the light. When I put my arms back down and looked back at the platform I was greeted by a giant, circular, stain glass platform with a picture of me in a position that looked like I was falling back with my eyes closed.

Oh, I bet you're wondering what I look like right? Well I am a human that is rather skinnyas I am more of a gamer. I have caramel brown asian skin with black hair and brown eyes. My hair is rather spiky, but naturally soft and smooth.

Not long after the platform is revealed, three stone pedestals with an intricate design that feature a three-pronged symbol rise from the ground to my north, east, and west.On the pedestal to my east a black and red shield with a star symbol appears. On the northern pedestal a silver sword with a golden hilt and black handle, with the same symbol appears as well. Finally on the third pedestal to my west a staff appears with a brown base rod topped with the star symbol appears.

"You have 3 paths to take young one. The path of strength that will destroy anything in your path with an unrelenting will, the path of wisdom that will grant you untold knowledge, and insight, and last but not least the path of protection that will guard you and those you love with an unbreakable guard. Choose wisely."

I think for a moment about this and I consider the options. With strength I could beat anything. With wisdom I could be ready for anything. With protection I can guard myself and those I love from anything. After a long moment of consideration I make my choice. I walk up to the eastern pedestal and reach for the shield.

"I would gladly give up strength and wisdom for the ones I love," I think to myself. As I touch the shield it dissipates into a shower of light and is gone. Then theu need. voice speaks.

"What will you give up in return?"

I automatically walk over to the sword and touch it and it dissolves the same way. If there's anything you learn from movies and junk, it's that strength is always the last thing you need.

"Your path is now set. You are one who puts loved ones before themselves and has wisdom and insight to offer them. You do not however, have much strength on your own and must gather strength from others to overcome difficult challenges. Is this the path you choose?"

"Yes," I think to myself and to my surprise I gplace my et a response.

"Very well. Your journey will begin very soon at sunset and you will find success if you follow your heart."

In the center of the platform an ornate door appears and I walk towards it. I slowly place my grip on the handle and I pull. With some difficultly I get the door to budge and what I see is a bright light as I look into the brick thin door. When I fully open the door the light engulfs me and that was the last thing I remembered.

So what do you think? Personally I think I did pretty good but I'm a bit too lazy with details and I don't think that'll change anytime soon XD. Please feel free to comment what you think about it but please don't be unreasonably mean I'm a bit ensitive. I'll be doing more when I feel like it.