Proper Place in Society (Warning: Dark)

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Warning: Right off the bat, look at this, and look at the tags. This is a cub story, rape, and more than a little misogynistic behavior leveled at the woman turned cub in this story. It is mean, and...well, yeah, dark. Sexy to the people that like darker and more edgy things, but still, dark enough that I feel that I need to put this warning here.

Past that, this was commissioned by Rayoelgatubelo, and he loved it.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

There were two things that reporters for Slugger Talk learned right off the bat. The first was that the reports that they were assigned were always due on time. There were no extensions, no excuses; if it wasn't on time, then it was as good as not doing it. And if one didn't do an assigned report, then one went out the door, usually with the boot of the boss on one's ass.

The second thing that reporters learned was that there were no, absolutely no, trading of assigned work. That meant that, no matter what kind of subject they were assigned, they were required to do it themselves. No farming it out, no requesting the help of another writer.

Most of the time, that didn't cause problems. However, every now and then, a reporter would be assigned to a team that they hated, having to report on a win, or had to interview a player that was particularly annoying, or hideous, or otherwise off-putting to the reporter in question, and despite regulations, people would be lining up in the boss's office to try and get something different.

Until today, Michelle Karnoupakis had avoided the boss's office. There'd never been any reason to go there; no matter the fact that she had hated some of her assignments, she'd done the jobs she'd been asked to do, and never complained. She knew how lucky she was to have this job, and she knew how hard it would be to get another one. A little annoyance was no good reason to actually go complaining to him, and in all likelihood, getting pointed to the door as a result.

But this...this assignment was something she couldn't take.

Michelle barged past the door, shoving one of the other reporters out of the way before leaning over his desk. Her blond hair fell over her face, waving back and forth as she sucked in angry breaths, almost panting as her fingers curled, the nails scraping at the top of his desk.

"I'm guessing you got your assignment for the week, then?" her boss, a portly man who only went by the name Mr. Tobbs, asked.

"You bet I did." She threw the little yellow piece of paper with her assignment onto the table. It crackled, part of the edge rolling up before lying flat again. "You're sending me out there to interview Hideo Noguchi again?! You know I hate that guy."

Mr. Tobbs shrugged his shoulders, reaching for another stack of papers. "He requested you specifically, Ms. Karnoupakis; I figured he had a good-"

He was interrupted as Michelle slapped her hand through his papers, sending half of them flying out of his hands and sending the rest into disarray in his grip. She leaned forward, her eyes fiery and her chest heaving, almost making it look like her breasts were bouncing as she panted. "The only reason he wants me to get out there again is because he wants to spend an hour ogling me again! The last time I went down to Perkygoats Stadium, every other player was pleasant, but he spent all of his time looking down my shirt and trying to sidle over and grab my leg!"

"Oh, I'm sure you're-"

"If you say I'm exaggerating, I'll find a way to ram your assignment log down your throat and watch you choke on it," she warned.

He looked up at her, and she saw that he believed her threat. He cleared his throat, putting down the papers still in his hands, and crossed his hands together in front of him. "Look. This is the only thing that you have to do this week. Is it really that bad to have one guy looking down your shirt for what we pay you?"

Michelle snorted, and Mr. Tobbs shook his head. "Alright, bad way to put it. But seriously, one guy. It's just one guy."

"One guy that I'm damn sure would do a whole lot more than look if he could get away with it." Michelle shook her head, finally calming down enough to take a step back from the desk and sit down in one of the chairs in front of it. "Look. I've never asked for any other assignment other than the ones you've given me -"

"And if you know what's good for you, you're not going to do it now."

She paused, looking at him.

"I'm serious, Ms. Karnoupakis," he said. He met her eyes. "Now, if you would let me finish what I was going to say?"

As she nodded, he explained. "I didn't know about Hideo Noguchi's habits, but if I did, I would have filed something the first time." He held up a hand before she could say something to argue against him. "But that does not get you out of interviewing him again today. If he's this bad, though, you'll be happy to hear that he's just part of a group interview. You're to go to the stadium, and then meet up with the Seattle Torrents down in the locker room. They'll be heading there to keep away from the rest of the press, from what I heard, and you can get an exclusive this way."

Exclusive...Michelle hadn't thought about that. She looked down at that little yellow sheet again. "An exclusive? How exclusive?" she asked. "Few hours?"

"One week exclusive."

She ripped her eyes off of the paper to look at Mr. Tobbs again. He smiled. "Yeah, that's right, Ms. Karnoupakis. You're going to be getting the scoop for Slugger Talk one week before any other news network gets any hint of this news. You do this right, and you're going to have a good boost to your career, not to mention the eyes of a few of the higher ups." He leaned back in his chair, his smile rising a little bit higher. "I would say that's a pretty good reason to put up with this Noguchi guy for a little bit longer, don't you?"

It was a good opportunity, Michelle had to admit; these kinds of exclusives didn't come along very often, particularly not to a smaller group like Slugger Talk; they were a little too niche for that, and it made it harder to compete against the larger news networks out there. If they could really get an exclusive about this team, and so much earlier than everyone else...

And better still, if she was the one that got it...

"Alright, I'll do it," Michelle said. As she picked up the paper, though, she looked the boss in the eye. "But if he does anything - "

"I'll have the company lawyer on call."

"That's all I'm asking." She smiled, pocketing the paper as she walked out of Mr. Tobbs' office. Despite her smile, though, she couldn't shake her distaste of that one guy.

Hideo Noguchi, the newest player that the Torrents had. He'd come from overseas halfway through last season, and he'd turned out to be a very skilled player for them. Within a few games, he'd become one of their most valued athletes, and he'd gone from the bench to the starting line-up to one of the most preferred players in the major leagues, to the point where other teams were offering some of their best players to get him on their player lists.

Of course, the Torrents were hesitant to let go of their best player, so he was still on the line-up for this season, having proved that he'd lost none of his skill during the latest exhibition games between the seasons.

Despite all that, Michelle could not hide her disgust for him.

The reasons for it all rushed back to her as she stepped into the elevator down to the parking lot. The floors flickering by through that slight gap between the elevator doors ticked off the reasons for her. His arrogance. His pushiness. The cocky surety that every woman out there was fascinated with him and would eagerly do what he wanted. The way that he had come damn close to shoving his hand up her skirt and -

Michelle shook her head, putting a hand to her forehead and rubbing it to calm herself down. "" she muttered to herself. "Remember. It's an exclusive...and you can find your way out of this little job if you do a good job. You can get past this. It's"

The elevator dinged as it reached the parking garage level. She stepped out, the sound of her high heels clicking on the stone floor echoing as it always did. A few cars starting and revving up in the distance was the only other sound in the place, and even they were far off enough that they didn't overwhelm the sound of her own shoes on the ground.

It didn't take long to find her car. Michelle's vehicle was a blue Kazama, one that was smaller and easily fit into one of the parking spots. Hers was one of the few that did that, as most of the other employees tended to prefer huge trucks that took forever to fit into the spaces, and that was when they didn't just spill over into two spaces. Prime examples of that were placed on both sides of her car, where some of her co-workers must have decided to park earlier in the day. On the plus side, she had a lot of room to get into her car. On the downside, it disgusted her to see the lack of consideration for other people, seeing the parking spots being taken up deliberately like that, with the cars driven right along a middle line so that there was a ridiculous amount of room on both sides of the car.

Grumbling under her breath, Michelle slipped into her car and revved up her engine. A quick reverse, followed by a stomp on the gas, had her flying down the parking garage towards the exit, and from there, to the stadium.


Considering that Slugger Talk had picked out offices that were deliberately close to Perkygoats Stadium, it didn't take long to drive there. But by the time that Michelle had managed to get a parking spot, she had started to wonder if it would be better to walk. It was always that way in big cities, and Seattle was no exception, but she never learned. If there was anything related to sports going on, people were crowding the streets, and parking spots went from common to an extremely rare, highly valued commodity.

At least hers wasn't one that was out on the far end of the block; she'd managed to get into the main parking lot, and it was about halfway between the main gate and the end of the parking lot. Considering that she had gotten in without a parking pass or season pass, that was probably the best she could hope for. Hell, in some ways, it was basically a miracle.

She stepped out of her car, clicking the beeper to lock it behind her, and started walking down the parking lot. There were a few attendants setting up for the first game of the season - which was today, in about five hours - but that was it. There were surprisingly few fans here yet, which kind of saddened her.

It was something to be expected, she supposed; while the Torrents had been a shining jewel in terms of baseball teams for a while, they'd had a bad decade. It was a quick decline after some of their best players disappeared, either retired or injured, and it seemed that there was no one really ready in the minor leagues to replace them. Not so much as a single player seemed to be able to match up to the legends that had been part of the team before. It was enough to make a fan weep.

The most annoying thing - at least to her - was that the only reason that the team was doing any good so far this year, and had managed to make any recovery last year, was because of their newest player. That damnable pervert Noguchi. Just thinking of him already had her teeth clenched and her shoulders hunched, and she would have wagered money that if it were physically possible, steam would have been blowing out of her ears.

A few fans at the gates watched her as she walked by. She saw that a few of them noticed her badge, and probably a few of them recognized the Slugger Talk logo on the shirt she wore. Either way, they started muttering to each other as she walked by. They were too quiet for her to be able to make out what they were saying, but she could see her name on their lips a few times. Well, at least that was something, she thought to herself, relaxing enough to stand up straight and not walk all hunched over.

The guard at the gate gave her a quick look, noting her badge before nodding and stepping out of the way. She passed by some of the fans before she was stopped by another guard on the other side of the gate. He looked at her, holding out a metal detecting wand.

Familiar with procedure, she put her purse down on the table beside her, holding out her arms for the guard to scan. He was professional, at least; there were no ogles down her shirt, nor did he look up her skirt when he bent over to scan her legs. Just doing his job, the way that he should. The way that anyone should do, she thought to herself with a little grit to her teeth.

Eventually he pulled the wand back, nodding at her. "You're clear," he said. "Mind if I ask where you're going?"

"Just some interview with the Torrents, and one with Mr. Noguchi," Michelle said. She was thankful that she was able to keep her distaste for him out of her voice. Most fans didn't share her problems with him, and definitely not most men.

He just nodded, pointing towards the front door of the stadium. "You need me to escort you down there, ma'am?"

"No, I've been down there enough times to know the way myself. But thank you, sir," she said, nodding her head.

The reporter hurried past the guard and into the stadium proper. Her feet followed a familiar path away from the main thoroughfares into the back hallways, where the food service people and the employees of the stadium tended to use. They had to stay out of sight, after all, as well as keep from being underfoot with all the paying customers. The customers thought that the staff were just keeping out of sight to be courteous, more than likely.

Michelle chuckled at that thought. If only the sports fans knew; the employees stayed in the back because it was less loud, and because all the best shortcuts were back there. If the fans knew how much faster they could get from seat to food court to bathroom and...well, everywhere else through the back halls, they'd probably be in an uproar, wanting their own access to it. Screw the fact that it allowed employees to make things better for all the fans; they needed speed and access everywhere, damn it!

Just the thought of that happening was enough to make her giggle to herself, and a passing cleaner looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Sorry," Michelle said. "Just imagining what it would be like with all the sports fans back here, instead of people who knew what they were doing."

His face went completely white, and she chuckled. "Yeah, about my thoughts, too."

With a nod in his direction, she set off towards the locker rooms. They weren't all that far away, she remembered, and there were a few signs to point her in the right direction in case her feet forgot the way. Not that that was very likely; she had memorized the insides of the stadium by this point.

A slight hint of musk and sweat caught her attention, and she chuckled. "Well, that's my hint that I'm getting close," Michelle said with a small smile. The locker room always smelled of sweaty guys. Must be a universal things, everywhere, because it seemed the same between high schools, colleges, and professional stadiums. Something about athletes pervaded the walls, and it wasn't just that they came there to change, either. It was something that just seeped into the walls. Kind of hard to explain, but it was always there, even if the place was completely emptied and had recently been washed.

Despite the smell, though, Michelle just smiled. She was used to it. After all, being in the sports reporting industry as long as she had been, one got used to the smell of rank men pretty quickly. After a while, it had just gotten to be a part of the things she loved about the sport.

And she really did love baseball. She smiled, dragging her hand along the concrete wall beside her as she walked along. It had been part of her life for so long that she just couldn't NOT like baseball. And nobody had been surprised when she'd gone along to take the job of a sports reporter. It had just been a surprise that she had taken so long to do it, studying in college for a few years to make sure that she got both a Journalism and English degree. It was practically useless, the latter one, but it had helped qualify her writing skills above the other journalists applying for the job.

And now...well, now she was a reporter for Slugger Talk. Michelle shook her head a bit. She really didn't want that to be a negative thought, but considering how little viewing the company got in comparison to some of the bigger companies, it sometimes felt like it. On Sportszone, yes, but there were others out there that covered more sports and more teams than Slugger Talk did.

She wanted to make Slugger Talk something good...but if the choice came between staying with Slugger Talk and moving up in the sports reporting world, she would take the choice to move up in the world instead. And as much as she hated Noguchi, this exclusive could be her ticket to something bigger and better.

Startled from her thoughts by a loud clang, Michelle looked up just in time to see one of the big sweeping machines pass by her. Thankfully she was on the side of the hall, her hand on the wall and in the safety zones. If she hadn't been, the machine was big enough and powerful enough that it was even odds of whether the driver would have been able to steer around her in time.

Waving at him, she stopped and looked at the wall.

To her surprise, she'd already reached the locker room. "Huh...Must have been a little deeper in thought than I thought," Michelle muttered to herself. Shaking her head, she pushed the door open, and stepped inside.

The smell of sweat and...well, man, filled her nose again. It was stronger inside of the locker room, despite the sound of water running and the steam from the showers filling the room. It made it a little hard to see, too, a little like mist that covered everything.

She stepped into it, feeling her way along with the lockers. "Hello? Is this a sauna or locker room, you guys?" she called out.

She kind of hoped to hear the voices of some of the other players on the team. She was on pretty good terms with Hipólito Acosta and Fred Kirk, and even Jason Basanelli, who was something of a bruiser in the public eye, had a bit of a soft spot for her. They tended to look at her as a friend that really wanted to know them, rather than just another person trying to cash in on their fame and popularity for their career.


"Oh, it's a locker room. It's just not vented very well."

Immediately, what relaxation she'd managed to achieve during her walk abandoned her, the voice setting her teeth back on edge in seconds. would have to be him in here. With her luck, she'd find him just in a towel or something, and he'd be trying to flash her the whole time he was talking.

Taking a few deep breaths, trying to keep herself professional, she did her best to ignore the way he annoyed her. "I'm sorry that you're only finding me right now; the rest of the team was on a trip to the Space Needle, getting re-acquainted with the city after being away. They'll be back later, I'm sure, and with plenty of time for your interview."

"Where are you?" she asked. The mist made it very hard for her to see much at all in the locker room. She leaned back against one of the lockers, feeling that it would be a good idea to have something solid at her back. At least that way she couldn't be grabbed from behind, at least, not easily. "I'm supposed to interview you too, you know; the boss thinks that you make for good stuff for Slugger Talk."

"Oh, I'm not surprised about that, Ms. Karnoupakis," he said from somewhere deep in the steamy mist. The voice came from behind her, from around the lockers. "I'm quite popular with the sports fans, after all. I would think that your female audience is quite fond of me, as well. Or at least the pictures that you publish."

"That's the Visual department, not mine," Michelle said. She slid along the lockers, grimacing at the feeling of the jagged vents rubbing against her back, but not willing to give up her reassuring protection. "Are you going to come out of the steam? I can't tell where you are, and I like to see who I'm interviewing."

"Oh, I'll be there in a second, Ms. Karnoupakis. I'm just finishing an early shower." He chuckled, and the sound seemed to echo more than usual through the locker room. "If you really want to have me come out now, I can, but I am naked." He chuckled again. "Of course, maybe you'd like to have an interview like that."

"No, I can wait...just hurry it up," she said.

He just kept laughing, and she gritted her teeth. Damn athletes always had egos the size of skyscrapers, but Noguchi's had to be a record. Female audience loving him...they might have liked his body, but that was about all they liked. And considering how short he was, half of them probably didn't even like that. He was just...

She squeezed her hand, digging her nails into her palm to keep from growling at the fury that this guy got going in her without even trying. She would be professional. Then this would be over, and she could move on.

Now that she was closer, she could hear the sound of running water, as well as the sound of it hitting the ground. It wasn't as thunderously loud as when the entire team was down here and getting clean after a game, but it was loud enough. "How long do you think you're going to be doing this?" Michelle asked, tapping her foot. "I'd like to get this interview today."

"The offer -"

"Of seeing you naked is rejected. Get a damn towel and get out here, why don't you?" she asked.

"My my, so pushy today," he said. That infuriating chuckle filled the room again, but she heard the water shut off. "Alright, Ms. Karnoupakis. I'll be right there."

"Finally." She shook her head. This was behavior that was unbecoming to any member of the press, but she just couldn't help herself. Any other player would have been easier to deal with; even some of the arrogant players on the New York Applers were easier to deal with than this guy. "Just remember the exclusive," she whispered to herself. "Just remember the exclusive."

She waited for the sound of Noguchi's footsteps, but she heard nothing. Was he still staying in the shower? Waiting for her to come to him, perhaps? If that was the case, he'd be sadly disappointed, because she wasn't going to indulge his little power games. He was going to come to-

"Now, you were saying something about an interview?"

His voice was much closer now, and was coming from above. Michelle jerked around, stepping back from the locker. Squatting on top of the locker was Hideo all his glory.

Covering her eyes to avoid looking at the way that he was all too 'happy' to see her, she said, "Come on, I said put on a towel. Do you want a sexual harassment suit or something? Because at this point I'd be happy to open one against you."

"Oh, you wouldn't do something like that," Noguchi said. He chuckled again. "You like seeing it anyway...or you will."

"Is that some sort of threat?" she asked. "Because I'll have you know that -"


She jumped again, his voice coming from right next to her ear. She spun to the side, seeing Noguchi standing right behind where she'd been standing. ""

Smiling at her in a way that showed so many teeth, the baseball player walked towards her, slowly, in a way that reminded her of nothing less than a stalking predator. "Oh, you know me. I'm full of tricks, both on and off of the field."

True enough; she remembered some of the tricks that he'd pulled in the outfield, some of the near acrobatic catches and throws that he'd been able to pull off. The opposing teams had never been able to believe he was doing it without cheating, but nobody had found any proof of him using any supplements or equipment that would make him better. So, that had been dropped...but what he had just done was more than a simple trick. "You were just..." She pointed to the top of the lockers. "And then...How?"

"Heh...oh, my dear, you have no idea of just what I can do." He chuckled, his the mist of the locker room. The steam seemed to coalesce around him, making him little more than a silhouette.

Without warning, she felt hands on her wrists, pulling her arms behind her back. She gasped, struggling against the inexplicable grip around her hands. "Let...let go!" she shouted, jerking herself from side to side. It was futile, though, as the iron grip of her attacker held her completely still.

She felt a mouth press against her ear. They nibbled against her earlobe, and she shivered at the touch. Not in arousal, as she might have in another situation, but in revulsion.

Noguchi's voice made the shudder that much worse. "I wouldn't run so hard, Ms. Karnoupakis...It will just make it harder for you in the long run."

"What is 'it'?" she grunted. She tossed her head back, trying to headbutt him, but he ducked out of the way easily. "Let go of me! I'm not going to put up with this anymore!"

"You don't have a choice, woman." Noguchi chuckled, and with a suddenness and strength that surprised her, rammed her against one of the lockers.

Her face thankfully avoided the vents in it, which would have ripped and pulled at her skin, but the smooth metal that formed the rest of the locker door was painful enough to be slammed into. She grunted loudly, screaming at the top of her lungs. "Help! Help!"

"Nobody is going to hear you, woman," the athlete said behind her. He shoved her face harder against the locker door, making her whimper at the pressure her head was under. "I made sure of that."

She felt him leaning his chin against her shoulder, his lips brushing her ear as he whispered to her again. "Ever since that first interview, I've been wanting to teach you some real respect for men. You have forgotten your place. So many of the women over here have forgotten what their true place should be. I would teach them all what they should be like...but I suppose I'll have to settle for you. At least for now."

"What...are you going to rape me?" she muttered against the locker. This couldn't be happening; she was just here to interview this guy, an interview that was supposed to get her higher up the reporting ladder. "Don't...please...I beg you -"

"Rape? Rape's impossible with a woman. She must always be willing...always be ready for the men around her to take their pleasure." He yanked her around again, this time shoving her against one of the benches in the locker room. He pinned her against it, face down, and did it with just one hand. "The fact that you HUMANS, have forgotten this...means you must be taught again."

Michelle whimpered as she felt the athlete's other hand start roaming over her body, grabbing hold of different pieces of clothing and pulling them off, in some cases not even doing that, but ripping them off completely. Her shoes came off, followed by her stockings, leaving her legs and feet bare. Her skirt was pulled off of her, ripped in half with a sharp yank and thrown off to the side. She couldn't even see where it landed, considering her face was shoved too hard against the wooden bench for her to turn and follow it.

He skipped her panties for now, grabbing hold of her shirt. She whimpered, squirming against his grip, trying to keep him from being able to get a good hold on her, but it was for nothing. It took him seconds to grab hold of her business shirt, and it was ripped to shreds in seconds, just like her skirt. Her ribs - and her hips, for that matter - ached from the pressure that was pushed on them while he pulled her clothes off.

As he leaned over her, she could feel his cock rubbing against her ass through her panties, could feel that he was getting hard against her. It felt absolutely huge, inches longer than what she had seen in that brief flash he'd given her, and....and he was still getting hard?! How the hell was this happening? What the hell was going on?

A piece of what he said made a light switch go off in her head. "Humans...what are you talking about? You''re one too, aren't you?"

"Ah, heheheh, now we come to the unveiling!" Noguchi said, the sneer in his voice ever so obvious. "Well, it's a little late for that now, woman, considering how little you've got covered - " She shuddered at that, as only her bra and panties remained of her clothes. "- but you might as well find out now."

For a second, she thought he would let her go, or at least turn her around so that she could see what he was talking about. Instead, he laid himself on top of her, his hands reaching around her body to grab at her breasts. He fondled them, squeezing them hard enough to make her scream again, his smaller hands nowhere near big enough to hold her large breasts but trying anyway. They pinched and tugged and squeezed, and she couldn't stop herself from tearing up at the discomfort.

As he kept fondling her, though, she was aware of something else. Warm, soft fur pressed against her in several places, namely her ankles and her wrists. She tried to turn, but couldn't move her head enough to see them as they were pulled along, yanked out into a spread-eagle position. It was like ropes, but warmer, smoother, softer, but no less strong. She grunted, moaned, whimpered as she tried to keep her limbs in close, but the strange fur bindings were relentless, pulling them further and further out, leaving her more and more exposed.

Finally, one of her arms were dragged into her field of vision, and her eyes went wide at what she saw.

Wrapped around her wrist was a fox tail. Not just a normal one, but one that was longer than any she had ever seen. It seemed to glow with an orange-red light, and it was long enough to wrap around her wrist three times and still reach back to wherever the start of it was. The fur seemed to exude heat, keeping her wrists warm as well as her ankles.

A fifth tail - for she was sure that was what was on her other limbs - suddenly dangled in front of her face, rubbing against her cheeks. It even shoved against her lips for a second, like something out of a tentacle hentai, before it pulled back and swatted her across the face.

"Heh, you see that I'm not human, woman," Noguchi said. His hands found their way down to her nipples, and he pinched them, hard enough to make her shriek. The pain got worse as he pulled on them, stretching them further and further out from her chest, making her pain worse and worse.

And then he twisted them, and her shouts echoed through the entire locker room, her voice going higher and higher in octaves.

She must have hit a sound range that hurt his ears, because he suddenly let go, yelping himself as he covered his ears.

Michelle took advantage of the sudden freedom, shoving herself up to her feet and running down the locker lanes. She had to get out of the room; if she could get security in here, if she could get ANYONE in here, then she could get Noguchi arrested, and still get her story.

However, as she rounded the corner, Noguchi was there waiting for her. He glared at her, the slimy charm normally written across his face gone. He still looked mostly human...except for the tails writhing behind him, and the fox ears on top of his head.

"You shouldn't have done that," he growled under his breath. "I was going to make it fun for you...make your lesson pleasant...but if you're going to fight, then you're going to have to learn much more than I thought."

She barely had the time to take a shaky step back before one of his tails grabbed her by the ankle. It moved like a striking snake, and lifted her off of the ground with the strength of a superman. It dangled her from near the ceiling, letting her bob up and down a few times. Michelle whimpered to herself, unable to even bring herself to struggle against the tail holding her up.

As he stepped closer, Noguchi lowered her down, just enough so that her eyes were pointed directly towards his shaft. It was hard, now, rather than the semi-hardness that she'd felt rubbing against her through her panties just a few seconds ago, and it was huge...and inhuman.

Pushing out from his groin was a cock that was most definitely not humanoid. It was hard, and very smooth, smoother looking than a human cock. The tip of it wasn't rounded, either, but tapered, flat along a weird top that moved towards a point at the end. It throbbed, visibly squirting and oozing pre with every step that Noguchi took, and at the base of the cock was a thick knot. She'd never seen anything like that, but she'd heard that was what canines were well as vulpines.

The tails, the ears, the anatomy down below..."You're...a kitsune?" she managed to gasp out.

"Slow woman, but at least you finally get the idea that you're not dealing with another human," he said. She felt his hand press against her crotch through her panties, and she yelped as he shoved one finger inside. Even that felt inhuman, the tip of the finger dotted with a claw, and the finger itself covered in fur, abrasive and rough against her insides. She shrieked again, but this time it was cut off, her mouth gagged by the tip of his cock. It was so big that she couldn't shout around it, not even around the tip.

"Shut up. Women do not speak. They moan. That is all." He grabbed her panties by the hole his finger had made in them, yanking them off and throwing them over the lockers. A quick flick of his finger dealt the same fate to her bra, knocking it off of her and leaving her completely bare.

He lifted her off of his cock again, and she spat against the ground. She wanted to spit on him, but she didn't dare do that. Nevertheless, she needed to get the metallic taste of his pre out of her mouth, needed to get the taste out of her mind. He stopped lifting her when she was eye to eye with him, and chuckled. "Do you get your place yet, woman? Do you understand?"

She was silent, and he sighed. "Here I was hoping you'd learn...but you are so slow, so STUPID!" He threw her down the aisle between the lockers, watching as she hit the ground and bounced twice, sliding along the wet floor.

Eventually she came to a stop at the end of the aisle, back against the wall. She sat up, pulling her legs together to try and get some modesty, and stared in fear as the kitsune continued to walk forward. He no longer stalked, but strutted, his steps wide and confident, each step causing that rigid cock to sway back and forth, leaving strings of pre in the air as he approached her. They dripped and fell, filling the air with his kitsune musk as he got closer and closer to her.

She could only watch as he shifted on approach, the orange-red fur spreading further and further along his body. It spread like wildfire, fast and furious, and his body changed to reflect the furry exterior. A muzzle pushed out from his face, ripping through the human skin, rapidly covered by the fur but not fast enough to avoid the bizarre grotesqueness of his body changing so violently and rapidly. Muscles bunched out along his arms and legs, lifting him up a few inches from the ground.

His feet changed as well, his feet shifting so that he walked on his toes and the bridge of his feet, turning to a more animalistic, digitigrade formation. She shuddered at the sounds of bones popping and rearranging, shifting around to new configurations. Noguchi showed no sign of pain, but it was clear that it was not pleasant just from the sounds.

In seconds he had gone from human to kitsune, a fox that walked on two legs, with five tails waving behind him. They flickered with light, with...magic, she supposed, and his entire being emanated power.

And lust.

Her eyes drifted down to his cock again. It had grown slightly, though not as much as the rest of him. It was a full nine inches long, throbbing hard and looking all too eager to ram it into her with no regards for her comfort. It was much bigger than the cock he'd shown her in human form, and it made her tremble in fear at the thought of that getting any closer to her.

But it was the knot at his base that scared her more. His cock might have been long, but that thing was wide, very, very wide. It was at least as wide as all four of her fingers laid side by side, and she could not imagine that fitting inside of any human, not easily.

Noguchi stopped in front of her, and she could smell his musk all too keenly from having him this close. "Please...please don't..."

"Don't what? Make you the bitch woman that you should naturally be?" He grabbed her, yanking her up by the hair, ignoring her yelps of pain. "Don't bother trying to get sympathy, woman; you are going to take your proper place. And you will not dissuade me from putting you in it.

"But first...we need to put you in a proper form for learning. I hesitate to give you ANY honor after you have behaved...but it can't be helped."

"What...can't?" she gasped out, hanging from her hair. Damn it; she should have kept it trimmed like some of the other reporters. Then this couldn't happen.

Of course it could, a part of her mind said; hair wouldn't have stopped this guy one way or another.

He chuckled, one of his tails rubbing between her legs. The warmth and softness of the fur was arousing to her, no matter how much she hated it, and she blushed as she saw that she was leaving wet marks on his fur. Noguchi held up his tail in front of her face, showing her how she leaked. "You are going to become a kitsune yourself...but not a proper female. You haven't learned your place yet. So, just as a kit must learn it's place, so must you...and so a kit you will be."

The thought of becoming nothing more than a kit - and she no longer questioned if that was possible - sent trembles of fear through her body. Yet, despite the growing terror, she could not move. Her body had given up trying to resist. There was just...just no point. Not when he could follow her everywhere in the locker room. Not when he could stop her with a brief flick of his tails. It was impossible.

He dropped her to the floor, pinning her down with a foot to her chest. It was right between her breasts, his toes drumming right over her heart, the thunderous drumming felt through her bones. It was almost a tempo of music, in a bizarre way...

She gasped as she felt her body suddenly itch, everywhere. Her arms squirmed, rushing to her sides, her stomach, her chest, her neck; her legs squirmed, rubbing against each other desperately to try and grind away the itch that had suddenly sprouted from her thighs, behind her knees, along her feet. Everywhere, every bit of her skin itched from head to toes.

She cried, whimpering and begging for relief, but Noguchi just grinned down at her, leering over her form. His foot kept holding her down, preventing her from getting up to deal with the fiery itch that spread across her entire body. He even twitched his cock at her, making more of his pre drool down, falling on top of her nipples as he just watched her sadistically.

As she scratched herself to the point of rawness, she felt something under her fingers, something that was pushing out of her skin. It was rough, course, and made her fingers sting at the first touch. Michelle looked down at her chest -

  • and stared at the sight of the fur sprouting out of her skin. It was the same orange-red as the fur covering Noguchi above her, maybe slightly more red than his, and it was easy to see compared to the black 'sock' of fur that he had along his foot. It sprouted and rushed across her skin, growing in slowly but very widespread. It pushed out of her skin at a grueling rate, and it made her squirm against the floor as it filled in. It was like a giant sunburn across her body, one that was just now starting to heal and was at the point of being the itchiest that it would ever be, only multiplied by ten. The itchy feeling covered every part of her body, even her most sensitive parts, and only the way that she was pinned down kept her from scratching her whole body, including her pussy and her ass, to raw redness.

Even across her face it spread, making her look like she had facial hair for a second before she felt her face start to rearrange itself. The bones ground against themselves, and she arched her back against the wet floor. Her arms flailed above her head, her mouth open in a scream that went silent after the first second, too overwhelmed by the feeling of bone rubbing against bone to be able to form any sound.

Her bones shifted, pushed, shoved against each other, some getting pulled out longer while others were pushed into a more dense, smaller shape. Every bit of it had her screaming, loudly in her mind and silently aloud. Her fingers curled into fists, and her toes curled against her feet, her body sliding slowly along the floor as her nose pushed forward, followed by her jaws. They melded together in a way, and it felt like molten heat spreading under her skin, her fur, like someone had set fire to her, fire inside of her head.

It pushed out, out, and it felt like a hook was pulling it the whole time, a hook pulling her jaw and nose forward, while another hook held her by the back of her skull, keeping it pinned against the floor. She barely had the strength to keep her eyes open, crossed as they looked over her forming muzzle. It spread, and spread, and fur followed it up, covering it before it could rip the skin and just push out into the open.

Her teeth fell out, one by one pushed out by the new ones growing it. They fell to the floor with a soft clatter that she barely heard over the rush of pain. She whimpered, briefly tasting blood on her tongue as each tooth fell out and the others replaced them.

Then even that started changing, pushing out further in her mouth. It was like a giant hand had grabbed hold of it, pulling it forward and yanking it to the front of her new, longer mouth. It was sharp, hard, not slow and gradual, and she whimpered, crying down her new face as it felt like her tongue might actually be pulled out of her mouth, permanently.

It wasn't, but she almost wished it was. It hung over the smaller teeth at the front of her mouth, dangling out of her mouth like a dog's would, panting and huffing. She didn't have the strength to pull it into her mouth again, even when Noguchi slid forward, letting his cock drip directly into her open mouth.

Her ears crawled up the side of her head, growing at the same time. Not like they were being tugged, but like they were being flattened, rough, pressing fingers shoving them into a flatter, thinner shape before tugging it outwards, like they were molding clay. They pressed hard against her ears, the pressure enough to draw a quiet whimper from her mouth, enough to make her reach up and hold them, trying to comfort them as they not only grew but slid along the side of her head towards the top, twitching all the while to some unseen reflex.

The changes remained at her head for a little while, until her ears were moved to the top of her head. Then it was replaced by a pressure that surrounded her from her neck to the tips of her ears, spreading all the way up her head. It pressed along her face, her throat, her ears, everything all at once, and started...condensing. That was the only way that she could think to describe it, the pressure shoving at her head from all directions as though it was trying to shrink it down through immense pressure.

Even as she felt her head following that, she could feel the rest of her body starting to change as well, the fur that had since covered her entire body being followed by other changes.

The biggest and most drastic she could see and feel was right at her chest. A massive suction pulled at her breasts from behind, like a vacuum sucking up water from a pool, or something like that. She groaned, pulling her head up as much as she could, forcing herself to look down at her breasts.

The formerly large mounds had already shrunk by several cup sizes, and they rippled like sacks of fighting animals, bumps forming, pushing at the edges, before sinking down and forming empty air spaces, rippling and bouncing but always shrinking. The fur covered flesh pulled in towards her chest, shrinking with every passing second as the fat and tissue was apparently sucked out of them, pulled elsewhere.

And it didn't go easily, trying to hang around. Her chest hurt, like pieces were being ripped out of it, chunk by chunk. Michelle threw her head back and forth, lifting her hands, pulling on her breasts, squeezing them, trying anything that might keep them bigger, keep them from being siphoned away.

But the drumming toes of the kitsune continued, and the change did the same. She felt them shrinking away, further and further disappearing under her fingers, her nipples pulling in closer and closer to her chest by the second. A few inches inch out...before they were finally sucked in tight to her chest. There wasn't the slightest hint of breasts to her chest anymore, just the slight bump of her nipples, and even that was hardly present, almost like she had been-

"I told you that were becoming a kit, woman; that means that all you'll have to show your womanhood is your cunt," Noguchi said. He chuckled, deliberately grabbing his cock by the knot, drooling more of his pre around her flattened chest. Dragging his foot along it and rubbing it into her fur, he went back to drumming his toes. "Did you think a kit had breasts? No, only women who know their place have breasts. You are nothing but an ignorant kit that must learn your place."

She yelped again as the change continued down her body, the same pressure surrounding her head surrounding her torso. Her head had already shrunk, she could feel it, but she was helpless but to watch as the same pressure started shoving itself around her chest. From the waist up, she was being pushed inwards, condensed, shrunk down from her adult size. Her ribs pulled tight around her heart and lungs, pinching and squeezing them to the point of making it hard to breathe for almost a full minute before her organs caught up to the changes. The lack of air almost knocked her out before she could breathe normally again.

Almost, she wished it had.

As her upper body continued to shrink, her lower body started to change. Rather than gaining muscles the way that Noguchi had, her body lost them, burned away by the changing magic that ravaged her. Her thighs, strengthened by so much walking and stalking stories, were thinned down, reduced to the slim, small legs of a child, the fire consuming them with burning pain as well as surprising speed. She kicked out, desperately trying to work some small piece of the pain away, but it was futile. Her squirming did nothing, but she could not stop, her body ignoring logic, desperate for anything that might distract her.

Her curves at her hips disappeared, the fat and tissue eaten in the same consuming fire that ran through her legs. It was like little bites, little burns consumed each piece, and she could feel her body lowering itself further and further onto the floor as the curves and padding she had back there was removed. She cried, tears running down her face as she was changed, shrunk, hurt by the pain.

Eventually her back was flat against the ground, pinned there by the weight of the foot on top of her. Her rear no longer had the padding, and her hips no longer the curves, to keep her partway off of the ground like before. She was flat chested, and had no curves to her waist. Truly, the only thing that separated her from being a boy was the fact that she had a pussy.

The pain died down for a second, leaving her alone with the pressure that continued to shift down her legs. It pulled them in closer to her, shortening her legs, pulling her into a more and more compact shape. She could barely move her body anymore, weakened by the transformation, and if she had been the same size as before, her body would have been too heavy to move. The only thing allowing her any ability to move was her smaller size, lesser weight, and even that didn't help much.

Suddenly the pain returned, and she arched her back against the floor, shoving herself and Noguchi's foot up from the grinding pain of bone on bone as her feet adjusted themselves. They shifted slowly, horrendously slowly, as her heel was pulled partway up her leg, her toes spreading, growing, melding with each other. Skin went rough, feeling as though they were sandpapered into that state, and the pain of bone literally melting into bone burned her enough to draw sputtering tears and screams from her lips again.

Michelle gagged on spit and pre that fell in her mouth, her screams garbled and gargled as her feet shifted to paws. Her five toes melded into four, tipped with slight, cute claws that could do nothing to anyone. They wriggled, curled, thick but gripping. She barely saw them, eyes to bleary and blurry with tears for her to see anything clearly, but she could feel them wrenching themselves into a new shape, her bones following along. They scraped and ground against each other, loud enough and forcefully enough for her to hear it.

Her legs wrenched themselves into a new position, knees pointing in a different direction as she got different legs, digitigrade legs instead of the normal ones that she had as a human. Michelle shuddered, whimpering in disgust and pain at what she saw she became.

Her body had left human behind long ago, and as she shrank down, the pressure consuming her body, compressing her and holding her down far more effectively than anything else that Noguchi might have done, she felt one last change. A change pushing at the base of her spine.

Noguchi kicked her onto her stomach just as she felt the skin tear just above her rear. She felt something slithering out of her, pushing out further, further, tugging her spine along with it. It grated against her hips, fluttering the nerves in a most painful way as it shoved its way free. Barely having the energy to move, Michelle forced herself to look back over her shoulders.

Pushing its way free of her spine was a tail, a tail covered in the same red-orange fur that covered the rest of her body. Unlike with Noguchi, though, it didn't glow. He had just given her the body of a kitsune, not the powers of one, so there was no magic in it.

As soon as it finished pushing out, he grabbed her by it, lifting her off of the ground and holding her in front of him. He wore a sneer on his face, with a trace of a leer as well. "Now, you look like you really are; a kit with no understanding of their place. Just a cunt to be used until you really learn your purpose. To please men."

He flipped her around, and she whimpered, feeling the heat and rigidity of his cock against her rear. It left smears of fluid along her ass, and she could feel him tugging her around so that it would point towards her slit. His grip on her tail was surprisingly painful, and being held up this way was worse than being held by her hair, tugging directly on her spine the entire time.

Whimpering, Michelle felt him pressing his tip against her sex, and felt his other hand come up under her, supporting her by her belly. He shoved her back against his chest, and bit her ear. " show you what I wanted to do after the first time I met you..."

His grip was too strong for her to break free from, and Michelle could do nothing but whimper as he lowered her down on his cock. It was hot, pointed, and slid between her pussy lips despite her own smaller size. Even the head was more massive than she could have imagined, forcing her sex apart with the ease of a hot knife through butter. It hurt, too, probably almost as much as the knife hurt the butter.

She could feel it sliding in, pushed in by her own weight as gravity tugged her down along his cock. Her arms were held tight behind her back one of his hands, held there so she couldn't flail or try and stop her descent, and he still held her tail tightly, guiding her down.

His idea of mercy was to slow her down, to allow her to come to a stop now and then, but Michelle knew that was to his own convenience instead of hers. The stops only came when he had lowered her to a point of being too narrow to pass through immediately, and even then the stop only lasted until he had adjusted her enough to allow him to keep sliding in.

There wasn't even any moisture in her pussy to allow it to slide in easily. The only lube that she had came from his pre inside of her, and that was more hot irritation than easing slickness, heating her up much the same way that her bones had heated during her transformation. She whimpered, wiggling her hips side to side along his cock, trying to get some relief, or at least get his pre to flow back out of her pussy, but there was no room for that. His cock was too big, and she was too small for anything to slide back out, and she had to endure the supernatural heat of his pre inside of her.

He stopped her for the third time when she was about halfway down his cock, looking down at her tear stained face with a smirk. "See? Your body is already learning how to perform its natural duties. And you're already halfway down to the knot. I knew that taking away that human body would allow you to learn easier."

Michelle shook her head, but he grabbed her by the chin, forcing her to look up at him. The smile on his face disappeared as he looked her in the eye, and Michelle whimpered at the thought of what he might do to her for her mild defiance.

Thankfully, all he did was bite her ear. Painful, but not the worst thing that he could have done. "For that, I'll just have to teach you how to take it faster. And here I was going to make it just a little easier. I should have known better; women will never learn anything without the right force behind the lesson."

Faster...The thought of what he was going to do was processed by her mind just a second before he did the act. Michelle had just enough time to try and squirm again before he grabbed her by the ships, letting go of her tail and her arms, and slammed her down his cock.

In the space of a second, a full four and a half inches slammed into her immature little pussy, spreading it open wide and punching the tip of his cock directly into her womb. Her eyes went wide, but there was not enough air in her lungs to let loose the scream that begged to be released. She hung limply on his cock, balanced on the top of his knot as she felt him leaking more and more pre inside of her. It was unnaturally hot, and rather than trying to pull herself off, she did the only thing she could think of to give herself comfort.

Hugging her stomach, she gave up control to the kitsune. She could not fight him; any attempt would be punished. The only thing that she could do was endure.

How she was going to do that, she didn't know; the fingers around her waist curled, the claws at the tip pricking at her through her fur. He held her tightly, grinding her down against his knot as if she was nothing more than an oversized Fleshlight for his pleasure. The size of his knot was even more intimidating now that she felt it grinding against her, threatening to bash its way inside of her. There was no way that it would slide in on its own; it was too big compared to her little body.

No, Noguchi would have to force it in...and judging by the growls she heard from him, he was going to do it at some point.

But for the moment, he seemed to give up on slamming it in on the first thrust. He lifted her upwards, dragging her pussy along the smooth shaft towards the tip. There was no moisture of her own left behind on his cock as he pulled it out of her, yanking her up towards his tip. She would not be aroused by this, not this small, not this tiny compared to him; all of the pleasure was his, and that was probably just how he wanted it. Probably how he saw women, as nothing more than givers of pleasure, rather than ones that should get a little as well.

Her train of thought was derailed as he slammed her down his cock again. Though she'd been opened up by most of his length, just being slammed down on it again was almost enough to knock her out from the impact, from the way that it slid into her and opened her up again so fast. She could feel him leaking more, adding to the slight slickness inside of her slit, but it still hurt. She whimpered, shaking her head and hugging her stomach as she felt more of his goo slipping inside of her cervix, feeling it forcefully opened up.

He was so big that it felt like he was dragging her pussy walls along with him as he pulled his cock back, and she whimpered, crying and snuffling from the sensation. He ignored her, and she felt his hot breath against the back of her neck as he panted, groaned in pleasure.

Down again, filled up to the point of bursting, another cock punch to her womb; up again, pulled back so fast that she was sure that there was an air vacuum inside of her, tugging on her insides and threatening to pull them right out of her body. Again, and again, he rammed her up and down his cock, using her for his pleasure, using her as he saw that she should be used.

Michelle could only hang on for the ride, wincing at every turn, and yelping whenever she felt his knot come into contact with her pussy. It pushed against her painfully hard, and it was even more rigid than Noguchi's dick. While his cock would give a little bit, as it was surrounded by her pussy, his knot didn't do a darn thing, too hard for it to actually give enough for her to take it. The only way it would go in was for it to be forced through her pussy lips, forcing her to give instead of him. The ultimate sign of her place, she realized; there was no way he would go without knotting her.

The only hope she had was that she would be too tight for it, but that hope was rapidly disappearing as he ground her against his knot again and again. Each time she felt some slight millimeter more of it sliding in. Never enough for it to actually get in completely, but she was being pushed further and further towards the thickest point of the knot. If Noguchi could get that part of it inside of her, the rest of it would follow, and there was no way she would be able to get any relief from his cock, from the pain that it was giving her, until it had softened and the knot deflated enough for him to pull off.

Already she was feeling her pussy starting to stretch around it, forced to allow more of it in, like a door that was gradually being forced open by an attacker. It felt like it was going to stretch her to the breaking point; already she could feel hot liquid flowing over the knot, and she was pretty sure that was coming from her, ripped pussy lips starting to show signs of damage. She was in so much pain she didn't know where it was coming from anymore, just that it was pain, just that she wanted to pass out and forget it.

Up and down, up and down, ramming her against his knot, Noguchi carried her along his dick. He panted, gasped in pleasure, and she could feel his cock throbbing beneath her, filling her up with his pre every time he paused for even a second near her cervix, or in it. It had her entire pussy burning, small as it was, and not just from the size of his cock. She wanted nothing more for it to end, however it might happen.

Finally, he brought it to a close. With as hard a push as he could summon, he rammed her down on his cock. The tip of his cock passed through the battered entrance to her cervix, too loose to keep him out anymore, and his knot threatened to follow his cock into her pussy. It was a third of the way in...a little more...Michelle cried aloud as his knot stretched her pussy lips, sure that she was feeling them tear-


-before it finally slid in. Her eyes went wide at the feeling of the massive thing actually inside of her, locked inside of her pussy lips, unable to slide out. His long thrusts in and out stopped, but only to transform into quick, short humps. He shoved her up against the wall of the locker room, forcing her to support herself against it as he rammed himself back and forth in short, quick thrusts, his balls slapping forward against her abused clit as he did.

He didn't take long to finally shoot his load, though her pussy screamed for relief by the time that he did. She cried against the wall, tears running along it as he finally stopped moving. The heat of his cum splattered too deep in her for it to be felt anymore, but she could almost hear the gurgles of it settling inside of her. Shivering at the feeling of the creep behind her, Michelle kept her mouth shut, not daring to say anything, not brave enough to protest, do anything other than wait.

As his orgasm wound down, Noguchi sat down on one of the benches. He chuckled, petting her head with a smile on his face. "Heh, now that is what a woman is supposed to do...if she knows her place. But I don't think that you've learned your place yet, kit." His smile turned into a smirk, the light patting of her head turning into a tight grip on her ears, turning her head to the side to avoid more pain as he pulled on her. "You cried...a woman never cries. They only moan.

"Now, we're going to wait for my knot to go down, and we're going to do this again, and again if need be, until you learn how to take it without any sound other than pleasure." His other hand slapped her pussy, making her jump, hurting herself on his knot. "And if you don't pull yourself together, kit, you're going to be here for a long time, indeed. And don't think that you're getting out of here anytime soon. I lied before; the team isn't coming back here. They have the game, and then they'll be going on a training trip. I'll have you for myself the whole weekend, to train you for your proper place."

The thought of that, combined by the way that he started reaching up to her nipples, brought another wave of tears to Michelle's eyes. was she going to get out of this? There was no way she could escape. She...

There was only one way. She sniffled, clenching her teeth as the slight rubs to her nipples suddenly became rough pinches, complete with Noguchi's claws digging into her flesh. The urge to scream was almost overpowering, but she was able to hold back. Barely.

He nodded in approval, slowly stroking over her young body again. She just...she just needed to last. To last until he figured she had learned her place. If she could fake it, maybe he'd let her go...

The question was, by the time he let her go, would she be faking it anymore?