Ch.1 Abandon all hope...

Story by Cubone Gal on SoFurry

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#1 of Horror Asylum

The little canine girl just sat on her bed, curled up. The bare room around here was almost universally a dark white color, and free from most luxuries. A small bed, a desk, a chair, and a few bathroom utilities were the only thing in the entire cell. She was already horribly depressed by her surroundings, though, it was only her first day admitted to Ashfield Asylum... She had been picked up on a ship to a military outpost near Barbarian lands, with only foggy and confused memories to guide her. The Humans sent her to Ashfield Asylum, a building specifically dedicated to the Civilization's mentally fragile and unstable populace.

She couldn't remember her real name, but the people at the Asylum named her Jane. She couldn't remember much of anything, about who she was, or where she came from. She was a short, thin, canine with a soft coat of messy fur. One of her oddest features was the fact that her fur was almost completely snow white, and she had big, bright blue eyes. She was a mutt of no definable breed, with long pointed ears, like a wolf, and a very light build. Her muzzle was decorated with an X-shaped scar under her right eye, once again of mysterious origins.

She'd only been there one day, but the Asylum workers already determined that she had acute emotional issues, amnesia, and a distinct inability to walk by herself. Her legs were fine, but she could not psychologically support her weight on with her lower legs. They had dressed her in the generic teal gown and tossed her on her bed, and she had been lying there, crying, almost all day. Suddenly a click was heard at her door. She gasped, shrinking back against the wall bordering her bed. The door swung open and a orange-furred, Feline male with a wheelchair walked in. He was wearing the generic white staff uniform.

"Calm down, Jane. It's time to take you to your first evaluation." He said, impatiently.

"E... evaluation...?" She asked, quietly.

He nodded, "We're going to see if we can sort out your fucked-up psyche." He obviously wasn't happy about his job, but he gently picked her up and set her down in her wheelchair.

"O-okay..." She said, shivering. She was a little thing, she couldn't have been much over five feet tall. She looked around at the outside hallway, and the lines and lines of cell doors lining it. Every once in a while she could hear a shout, or a cry from inside one. The guard ignored it. She whimpered, but he just shushed her impatiently. She hugged herself as they entered the elevator.

A short trip down, he wheeled her down a much nicer-looking place, filled with regular doors, not like the cells of the upstairs area. He opened a door with a sign outside it. "Dr. Morgan...?" She asked. The guard wheeled her in and stopped her in front of a small table before walking to the back of the room and closing the door. Dr. Morgan, the psychologist who she was assigned to, was a graying canine, probably a husky, getting on in years it looked like. He had glasses and his muzzle was decorated with a grey goatee, and he was staring intently at the file he had been given. He got up from his desk and sat down at the table across from her, wearing a friendly smile.

"So, Jane, how are you?" He asked in a friendly tone. She smiled shyly. He was being really nice.

Jane said, "... O-okay... I'm scared though..."

"Well, I understand that. The psychiatric ward can be a... scary place. Especially for the patients..." He said, sounding a little... distracted, and a little sad. But he cheered up instantly. "But don't worry. I'm here to be a friend for you.."

Jane smiled again, "Th-thank you...Dr..."

"Gary." He interrupted. She nodded, silently. "So, amnesia, is it? I can imagine you're very confused." She nodded again, her ears folding down sadly. "Hmm... Well, we don't have a lot of time today... but I do have a few questions if you don't mind."

"Oh, of course not..." She said, shyly.

Gary nodded and continued, "So... Do you have any memories at all? Visions? Dreams?"

Jane hesitated a moment, staring down at the desk. "Y... yes..." She said. "B-but.... I dunno.... They're just.... Not mine..."

He raised an eyebrow. "Not yours? I don't understand. How are they not yours?"

Jane took a deep breath. "I'm not sure... I'm not... I'm not ME in them... I'm someone else..." Tears started welling up in her eyes.

"If you're not you... then who are you?"

"... Well, I'm me in some of them... But in a lot of them... there's lots of fighting.... And I remember dead things... and.... And a man who looks like me, with a sword... and in mine I'm... Me... all alone... but I don't know what they mean... they're all so short... I don't understand!" Tears started dripping out of her eyes. Gary Morgan actually got up and put his hand on hers.

"There there, Jane... you don't have to talk about this if you don't want to. You can talk about it whenever you're ready." She nodded and hugged him, trying to find anyone to cling to. He patted her back. "Here, take this... they said they found you with it. It might make you feel better."

He got up and walked over to a box on his desk, taking a blanket out of it. It was a soft, woven blanket with lots of designs in it, mostly blue and white colored. "Th-that's my blanket..." She said. She didn't remember it, but somehow she knew it was hers. Gary nodded and handed to her, and she hugged it, drying her tears on it. ".... Th-thanks you... Gary..." She said, smiling.

"You're welcome. I'll see you again soon, okay?" He answered. She nodded as the guard walked over and started wheeling her out of the room and back to the elevator.

The whole trip she just hugged her blanket, rubbing her nuzzle against the soft fabric. Before she knew it she was back in her cell, the guard shutting the door behind her. She was glad that he left her wheelchair in the room with her this time. She sighed and crawled out of her chair and into bed on all fours, getting comfortable with her blanket wrapped around her body. She felt better already, yet she didn't know why. She had a whole cast of characters in her head that she saw in her memories. This blanket had to do with one of them, she knew.

Jane heard a click at her door. She jolted a bit. She realized that she must've fallen asleep. The little canine sat up, wondering what was going on. Cleaning? Check-up? The guard from before and another man walked in, shutting the door behind them. "Wh-" She started, but the guard shushed her.

"You're right, buddy. She's so little and cute." The other cat, a panther-looking one, said. He was wearing a similar, but different uniform. She didn't understand though. The second man reached for her, but she shrank back as far as she could. He kept going, though, and grabbed her by her jaw.

"Wh-what-" She stuttered, scared. His other hand suddenly grabbed at her chest, inciting a scared yelp from the poor girl.

He laughed, "Look at these little baby titties!" Her head was spinning. She was confused. Jane started struggling against him, but he kept a hold on her. He started tearing her body of out of her gown, trying not to damage the garment, and before long it was strewn on the floor and her small breasts topped with small pink nipples were exposed to sight. She started screaming, but the guard's hand clamped over her muzzle while his friend started suckling at her, teasing her.

Tears were flowing down her face. She wanted to protest, but his hand kept her mouth shut. "Go ahead, cry. They're giving you therapy, but you're not leaving here. None of the psychos that wind up here do. No one's gonna let you out." He warned. She was bawling by then.

His friend backed up, grabbing her legs and spreading them, admiring the view of her panties. "This one's not much of a fighter, Tom." His friend chuckled. She kept trying to fight, but Tom held her down while his friend stripped her of the last remaining cloth protecting her. She kept trying to scream as loud as she could and her squeal could be heard through her clamped muzzle, though they kept going, and it became obvious that no one was coming to help her.

"Go ahead fuck her, Nick." Tom said. The smaller male chuckled and unzipped his pants, exposing his throbbing cock. She closed her eyes, still crying, trying to pretend that she was somewhere else, anywhere else. The tip of his cock poked at her entrance, until he thrust inside her. She squealed again, shaking and squirming, trying to get away from him.

"She's not a virgin, but she's tight as hell!" Nick said, starting to slowly slide in and out of her. It felt so good, but it hurt so bad. She kept trying to fight it, but they were simply too strong. Tom let go of her muzzle just in time for Nick to get a listen to an anguished cry of fear.

"Please! Stop!!!" She choked, crying her eyes out. But they didn't listen, and Nick started to pump her faster. "Why...!?" She cried.

"You nuts are worthless. We don't let you out, and we have to take care of your shit for years, even the rest of your lives. This is how you bitches pay us." Tom said, smirking. Nick pulled out of her and they both picked her up, tossing her on her belly. She tried to get away but Nick grabbed her tail and shoved himself right back into her pussy. She cried again, and her squeals and yells were getting more and more filled with ecstasy as the guilty pleasure built.

The room around her started getting more and more distant as she was violated. She could only feel the man pounding into her and pinching at her nipples. She felt Tom unbuckle himself, but she was too scared to open her eyes. She felt his dick pressing at her mouth, and he grabbed one of her ears. "Open it." He demanded. Choking on tears, she obliged and opened her mouth, letting his fairly impressive length in. The two men roughly fucked her for a while, rocking her back and forth. She felt like she was floating in nothingness.

Something warm suddenly injected into her insides, and Nick pulled out of her. She felt a few wet splashes on her rear before the man started buckling himself up. Tom, meanwhile kept her busy on his own head, forcing her head up and down. It wasn't long before the same warm, wet feeling flooded her mouth. She choked on the salty taste, and she motioned to spit it up, but pulled out of her mouth and clamped it shut. "C'mon, swallow it down." He told her.

She tried downing the fluid, but she was so terrified that her throat muscles simply wouldn't obey. She just whimpered and finally opened her eyes since it had started, closing them back immediately. The two laughed and let her go, letting her collapse on her bed. They both chuckled, filing out, but not before Nick stopped to pick up her panties. "You won't need these." He giggled. With that, the two men had left, locking up behind her.

Jane just laid there, crying, cum lazily drooling out of both her ends. She was trapped... trapped in a hellish place, and she couldn't even remember much of what happened before it. All her muscles were sore, but she grabbed the blanket that had been strewn aside during the rape. She pulled it over herself, trying to seek some comfort. She couldn't find any, but still, she was very tired, and sleep managed to sneak up and catch her anyway.