A Trainer's Tale - Chapter 3: Road to Rustboro

Story by WittyOverload on SoFurry

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                       A Trainer's Tale                  Chapter 3: Road to Rustboro   Inside the Petalburg Pokecenter, two pokemon, a buizel and a zangoose stand over a sleeping human. "But i'm HUNGRY" the buizel complained "I don't care. You can wait until he wakes. Just go into his pack and grab a granola bar" the zangoose replied, irritated by the buizel's childness. "But those things taste AWFUL. Can't we just wake him up?" the buizel asked, moving over to an armchair and slumping on it. Their trainer had been asleep for a little too long, but the zangoose, Elizabeth, didn't want to annoy him. The buizel, Jessica, began making annoyed grunts into the armchair. The room they were in was a typical pokecenter room: A tv, a bed, and a desk, all the normal things. Elizabeth was about to tell Jessica to shut up, until their trainer, Ian, began to stir. "Hey guys, stop fighting" Ian mumbled, a mouth half-full of the pillow. Sitting up, Ian began to look over at Elizabeth, then to Jessica. It was funny how much you could tell by what they were doing. Elizabeth was simpily standing by Ian, while Jessica was whining, not noticing Ian over her cries. Walking over to her, he put a hand on her shoulder, hoping she would stop whining. She did, but at a cost. "Ee Ann! You're awake! can we go get some food?" said giddily said, tackling him. She began to lick his face, much like a dog. "Okay Jessica- AH! that tickles! Get off please" Ian said, barely able to keep in the laughs. After getting dressed, they all headed down to the cafeteria. After getting some pokefood for the girls and himself a breakfast sandwich, they all sat at a table. "So Ee Ann what are going to do today?" Jessica asked before digging into her food face first "Today we're going to travel on Route 104 to Rustboro, then we take on Roxanne, the first gym leader." Ian replied taking a bite of his sandwich. "Oh Ee ann! we're going to win that gym badge for you! We promise!" Jessica shouted "Ya Ian, we promise" Elizabeth said with a strange optimism. Ian was about to question her on her new view, unfortunantly being interrupted. "Ian! Hey!" a familiar voice shouted over the eatery. Noticing Ian, May walked over with her torchic "Brandon told me you got another pokemon! Is this her?" May asked. She had been here for a couple hour, mostly eating breakfast and hoping to see Brandon or Ian before she left. "Oh hey May, and yes this is Jessica, she's a buizel" Ian told her, before May gave her a hug Wow... I've never realized how alike May and Jessica are... After the hug Ian threw away his trash and had a quick chat with May "So where's Brandon?" Ian questioned. Last thing he saw of him was him desperately trying to get comfy in a hospital chair. "Some boy named Wally wanted to get a pokemon, so Norman lended him a zigzagoon to help him catch one" May explained. Ian knew Wally as the main rival of the game, so he assumed he'd be Wally's rival as well. "Oh, i'd like to meet him, but we have a tight schedule, but i guess i'll meet him at Rustboro." With that said, May gave a frown and was about to convince him to stay, but she knew she couldn't... "Well i guess this is goodbye May, say bye to Brandon and Wally to me." Ian said looking away, not really wanting to see the girl who usually is so happy giving a sad look "Okay... Goodbye Ian! be safe!" May yelled (even though he was right in front of her) while giving him a strong hug "Uh okay May be safe too..." He said, hoping to get her off him. After packing up, Ian, Elizabeth and Jessica bought all other necessities they would need for the trip to Rustboro. With everything fine, they headed on Route 104

The trip was going long, and in time they began to get... "I'M BORED EE ANN!" Jessica yelled. They had been walking for an hour and she was BORED. They had played I-Spy for a while, till realizing the only thing around them was bushes and those stupid Wurmples. God she had those bugs. Always tried to fight but were easily defeated. "Jessica, this is going to be most of our time together:Walking to places. If you really don't want to walk you can run back to Norman." Ian teased. Jessica had been a bit of a pain during this whol trip. It had only been an hour and they were only 1/4 way there. "No Ee Ann! I promised i'd never leave you and you did the same! I just am tired of walking!" She complained. She wouldn't leave him on any circumstance... but this was BORING and TIRING!  Ian gave a Sigh "Fine, if you want to, you can go back into your ball and i'll just walk with Elizabeth." After going into her ball, he let Elizabeth out. After Jessica's second fit, she asked- well more commanded- Ian to put her in it. Sure it was like get stabbed with a million swords, but it was better than listening to Jessica's insessant complaining. "Ian, i told you i want to be in my ball-" Elizabeth told him, not wanting to hurt Jessica's feelings "Don't worry Elizabeth, She got tired and i put her in her ball." Ian said. He knew the zangoose had a loose temper and was trying her best not rip out her throat, but he could tell she liked her...a little. "I'm sorry to put you out of your ball, but it gets a little lonely when you walk alone" Ian said hoping to convince her not to go bad into her ball "You're tell me" she muttered, hoping Ian hadn't heard her. "Ya Jessica can be a bit of a pill huh?". "Whats a pill?" "It's... it means their hard to handle" Ian said with a chuckle. Elizabeth knew MOST things, but phrases were not one of them. She knew of things like Pokechow from stealing from unsuspecting trainers, But human stuff was a gray-area. She knew some things but not that many. "Then i guess she is this 'A pill' then" Elizabeth said with a giggle. Ian noticed how much she had changed since they first met. In about a day and A half, She'd gone from trying to kill him him to laughing about jokes with him. She was begining to become less cold, which he liked. The pokemon was more 'i'll kill you if you touch me' to a 'i don't mind if you touch me'. After about an hour, the duo stopped for lunch. After he let Jessica out, He began get everyone's meals out. "Well, It's a good thing we get to sit, huh gang?" Ian asked, to which to girls gave a nod before getting back to their food. "So, i think we need to discuss battle plans. After you two finish your food. After a nice training session, the three got back on the road. Jessica and Elizabeth remained in their balls, Elizabeth doing so after getting tired. Now Ian walked alone deep in thought.  How was this gym battle going to play out? What if he didn't win? If he didn't he wouldn't blame the two, but they would definitely blame themselves, that was his main worry. If they blamed him he'd be okay. It was now night, but he didn't want to stop until he reached the city. Ian had just made it to the docks, so he was trying to not fall in (two times he had almost.) on his way to the docks, he had had a few fights and gain some much-needed cash. Birch's generosity had run out right after his last stop at the Pokemart, and although Brandon and Norman tried to give him some money for winning against treecko, but Ian said it was just a friendly fight. Then behind the trail he saw it: Rustboro. It was amazing! It was Giant! It was a sight to behold, much larger than Petalburg. quickly digging for the girl's pokeballs, he let them out. "Hey Ian what's the hold up?" Elizabeth asked "Ya Ee Ann what's the..." Jessica asked before seeing the sight itself "Wow... It's really big... and bright" the buizel said quietly, rather unusual for her And with that, they made their way into Rustboro End of Chapter 3

Well, thats chapter 3. Sorry it was so short and not much happened. I mainly made this a filler chapter because the story's moving very fast. Next chapter will be the Rustboro gym battle. Feedback is appreciated of course.