Make Your Dreams Reality - Chapter 1

Story by Jaki-Kun on SoFurry

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#1 of Byourii Collabs

Technically, this was supposed to be a request I did for Byourii. She's always been super nice, and has drawn me a ton of Shinxes, so to show my appreciation I decided I'd take a request from her. But then she ended up being more of a co-writer than anything else - thus, the "Collabs" folder. :P

I'm still working on Chapter 2, but I don't expect it will take me much longer, especially with summer coming up. Hope you all are looking forward to it~.

As always, comments/critique/suggestions, please! Help me improve! I need it. :3cDisclaimer: I do not own rights to Pokemon, Nintendo, Game Freak, or any of its affiliates, and do not claim to do so. All characters and items mentioned in this story are copyright their rightful owners.

"Okay, yeah. This is definitely news-worthy."

The reporter's pen etches mercilessly into his notepad, recording the finest details of his surroundings. In the center of the vast cavern is a natural pond, a variety of aquatic flowers gathered around a quaint little island in its center. The walls and ceiling shimmer with the iridescence of various crystal formations- which is perfectly sensible, considering the architecture is based inside a mountain. Accompanying the gems is a multitude of different rewards. While the majority of them are contest ribbons and framed letters of congratulations or thanks, there's plenty of space to distinguish the plaques only given to victors of the Elite Four. What's most impressive isn't the fact that this person managed to conquer those fearsome four- it's that they've done so in every known region, and has the proof to show it.

"Are you lost?"

The sudden voice echoes through the cavern, the soft tone bouncing off the walls, mimicking itself so that it startles the young journalist. His attention is immediately drawn across the pool of water's glossy surface, towards the back of the cave. He doesn't know how he missed it before. A regal, red carpet stretches from the far end of the pond, blanketing three tall steps before stopping underneath what can only be called a throne. The sizable stone chair has been masterfully sculpted, with what could only be described as nine, carved tails extending from the back making it fit for royalty. But of course, it wasn't the throne that called out to him. It was the remarkably dressed champion in its seat. He'd found her.

No, not if those awards belong to you," the reporter says in reply, already knowing that they do. "Although I can't say I'm here to battle. I'm impressed you could tell, Karis," he admits, grinning eagerly as he approaches her royal highness. She was the end-all, be-all of challenges to face for any self-deserving trainer. However, that didn't mean she was an easy woman to track down. Outside of her victories, there was very little published on her; she apparently liked to keep out of the limelight. He was tasked with the duty of retrieving on official interview. "My name is Faust- I'm a writer for the Sinnoh Daily," he says, smiling warmly as he reaches the foot of three tall steps leading up to her. "I was hoping you wouldn't mind if I asked you a few questions. Given your accomplishments, you must know how many people want to learn more about you."

"You know, people come to me for guidance, to learn about their true selves. I can show you what you were meant to be." Her eyes dazzle with the shimmering spectrum from the walls and her lips twist up into a playful grin. A coy pout plays on her ruby-red lips. "But a reporter? Well that profession can't make you happy, now can it..."

"It makes me happy when people cooperate and answer questions," Faust retorts, jotting the first part of what she said down. If he didn't know any better, he'd think she's alluding to some kind of fortune-telling. Brushing curiosity aside for the moment, he puts his writing hand to work, recording the girl's appearance as he sees it. Her long auburn hair and emerald-green eyes are what first catch his attention, despite her distinguished choice in attire. Foremost is her full-length, black jacket, adorned at the cuffs and hemline with pearly green satin. Ornate brass buttons are unfastened, giving him a view of a silky white blouse, lined with lace that runs up the sides of her neck. A thick, black ribbon of suede is fastened around the middle of her waist, tied in an old belt-knot above her hip. Her pants are simple, thin legged and black. A pair of black boots fit over them, a row of the same brass buttons running up from her ankle. Her figure is striking, but he has other things on his mind. He'd come here for a reason, after all."Care to elaborate on what you just said? About helping people find their 'true selves?'" he asks, tapping his pen lightly against his notepad.

Now, her mouth lifts into a full, though sealed, smile. "Gladly. As you've already gathered, many people from across all lands come to me for various things; training, direction, means with which to prove themselves... But I want to know what, specifically, brings you here to me?" As she speaks, a Lopunny, taller than most of his kind, toned with muscle, steps out from behind the throne, arms crossed over a defined chest.

"I hate to disappoint you, but all I'm here for is the interview- nothing more," he says, his eyes wandering to the muscular Lopunny beside her. "Though if you don't mind me asking, who's this?" he asks, pointing his pen at the brown and white Pokemon. "He doesn't seem like the kind of Pokemon you'd see with any ordinary gym leader."

She clicks her tongue. "A reporter from Sinnoh doesn't know a Lopunny when he sees one? And, no. I am no ordinary gym leader." The mockery and chiding in her tone is thinly veiled. "I'm a five-region tour World Champion. I'm also a renowned Pokemon Breeder and Contest Competitor, but that's not all I'm capable of." Her words hang on threads in the air. Slowly, she leans forward in her seat, focusing her piercing gaze on the poor lad before her. "I can give you an entirely new outlook on life - Sorry, Finn, was it?"

"Faust," the reporter answers unamusedly, realizing now how difficult it'll be to squeeze information from her. Not that he expected this to be easy- if she was quick to talk, other writers would have spilled more details about her by now. With that in mind, he can't simply refuse. If he does, there's a very good chance she'll just turn him away. So he's only left with one option... "All right, I'll humor you. Assuming you see fit to give me 'an entirely new outlook on life,' what exactly would that entail...? Hypothetically speaking, of course," the journalist asks, smirking slightly as he prepares his notepad.

The Lopunny descends the stairs and slowly circles the reporter as the Champion speaks. "Well, Faust, I could teach you to the basics of Pokémon communication. I could teach you how they act, how they respond, their mannerisms and natures. I could tell you how to nearly speak with them; to have a relationship with them so deep, it's almost intimate. Working under me, I could fix all you've ever done wrong in life. I could help you regain the friends that you have lost, and the dreams you've had to throw away because of an unkind fate. Together, we could mold you into who you've always wanted to become..."

Faust gulps, his notes ending mid-sentence as she goes on. What she's talking about sounds crazy. No human could possibly understand Pokemon that well, let alone teach others how to. If it was anybody else telling him this, he'd have passed them off as insane a long time ago. But the conviction in her gaze and voice... In all his years of gathering information, Faust has never seen this kind of certainty from someone telling a lie. It doesn't mean he's ready to drop everything and believe her without a second thought, though. "That's pretty big talk, even for you. Tell me- how would you intend to go about that?"

"Many people have come to me over my career, Faust. Even little filler-piece writers like you. But you won't see their names tacked onto the bottoms of their sad little editorials in the papers anymore because I helped them, made them better; molded them into what they've always wanted to be. Call it a gift." She smiles and casts a glance at her Pokemon. The humanoid rabbit nods towards her as he stands beside the reporter, fixing his deep crimson gaze upon the young man. "If you're like the others... You haven't always wanted to be what you are, or who you've become. Maybe you started off thinking you'd follow your friends and explore your homeland, capturing Pokemon and making friends along the way. Something stopped you - your parents, perhaps, or the promise of a more stable future. But that's not what you've wanted - not what your heart desires. So please, wordsmith, weave me your story. Tell me what you wanted."

The reporter's notepad seems to slide in slow motion out of his hand, bouncing a single time as it hits the red carpet underneath him. He'd managed to write a few words about the writers she'd "helped" before- it's easily one of the most news-worthy things she's said so far, and deserves a thorough press for more info. But Faust is far too unsettled to do that. The Pokemon looming beside him him isn't a Psychic-type, and as peculiar as she is, there's no way a girl like Karis can read minds. So how did she know? How could she tell so much about him when they only met a few minutes ago?

"All right, you've earned your answer," Faust says, completely forgetting his notepad on the ground. "You're right. Pokemon have always fascinated me, ever since I was a kid. I didn't care what I was when I grew up, as long as I got to do something with Pokemon. But the rest of my family hated them. They despised Pokemon, and any lifestyle involving them. I tried to convince them Pokemon aren't all bad, and that I wanted to dedicate my career to them. That only made them hold me back even more. They enrolled me in classes, decided my focus, and paid for it all themselves. Then before I knew it, I had a college degree and a job in the Sinnoh Daily. I certainly don't hate it, and like to think I'm quite good at it... Yet..." The journalist shifts uncomfortably, gripping his forearms with both hands. "Deep down, I've never stopped wanting a different life. A life that I can be with Pokemon in," Faust says, finishing with a deep breath.

"That's sweet." She smiled, reclining to the side, still seated comfortable on her throne. She waved her hand loftily in the air, looking off into the distance. "And that's something I'd be more than happy to make happen for you - to be able to lead a life with Pokemon. One's life shouldn't be so orchestrated. You've been nothing more than a puppet to your parent's whim and will; perfectly subservient because you feared angering them, or maybe because you ultimately believed they knew what they were doing. In any case..." As her words hung in the air, the Lopunny circled the reporter again, delicate furred hands clenching into loose fists and releasing again in consideration. "I can start you on your own path - give you a new life! One that you'd be happy to have, rather than just... complacent. All you have to do is give in."

"Give... In...?" Faust parrots, his words echoing throughout the cave- almost as loudly as hers are in his mind. A red flag rises in his subconscious. There are plenty of things wrong with submitting to a complete stranger. In this particular instance, her dismissive waving of hands and her Pokémon's clenching of fists aren't exactly settling, and neither is the presence of the Lopunny walking circles around him. But.. Karis is right. Her words gnaw relentlessly at the forefront of his brain. Compared to a life involved with Pokemon, the way he is now just feels... empty. "Fine. You win. I- I give in," Faust says, his expression of defeat contrasting with the content in his voice. "Now what?"

"Now..." There's something peculiar in her tone; a curious upward lilt. "Now all you need to do is relax." She smiles, closing her eyes and relaxing deep into her seat. With a snap of the fingers on her raised hand, the Lopunny stops behind the young man, a wicked glean to his crimson eyes. "Oh, and Neils, do be gentle with the boy." Her words were directed, obviously towards her Pokemon. As one emerald eye peers out from behind lazy, hooded lashes, she smirks. "And, Faust? Select members of my team will walk you through the motions. Just put your faith in their hands..."

"R-relax?" the reporter asks aloud, taking a step back in uncertainty. Those instructions would be much easier to follow if she hadn't needed to remind the one circling him to "be gentle." He takes a step back, rethinking his earlier decision, but it only serves in planting his back into the Lopunny's firm abs. A sharp gasp escapes him as the Pokemon's hands wrap securely around his stomach from under his arms. "This i-isn't the kind of thing that instills faith, y-you know," Faust says, struggling futilely against his captor's tight grip.

Suddenly, the journalist feels the cave's cool air blow across his bare chest as the world goes dark, temporarily, following the abrupt sounds of ripping and tearing. Within seconds, his sight returns and all that remains of Faust's blue t-shirt is the tattered cloth scattered across the red carpet underneath him. "Wh-what do you think you're d-doing?!" he shouts behind him, watching helplessly as the Lopunny runs its hands down his chest provocatively. "I d-didn't agree to this! C-cut it out!" the boy shouts, wriggling in vain against the Pokemon's firm hold, his eyes widening as he sees the Lopunny tear off his khaki pants and undergarments in only a couple movements. The reporter can't help but tremble- partially because of the cavern's cold draft, and partially out of worry of what Neils is going to do next.

"A-aaah!" Faust yells, quickly discovering how warranted his worry is. The Lopunny's soft hands rub up and down his hips waist, occasionally deviating to run across his waist and stomach. "K-Karis! This isn't right! D-do something!" he pleads, using both hands to cover his groin area as he looks to the throne in desperation, feeling the Lopunny slide his socks and shoes off dexterously with its nimble, cream-furred feet.

"As a matter of fact, this isn't right," the elegantly dressed Champion scolds him, resting her head against her fist amusedly. "Perhaps I was mistaken- I thought you heard me when I told you to relax." Karis smirks, shaking her head. "But don't worry. It won't matter soon enough. Soon, I think you'll find Neils's charms to be quite... irresistible," she chimes, leaning back in her stone chair.

"Ch-charms? I-irresistible? What's that s-supposed to-?" Faust cuts off, wincing at the feel of the Lopunny's hot breath against his right shoulder. "Wha-?" He doesn't have time to question the Pokemon's actions any further before the creature leans in, dragging its rough, wet tongue up his exposed neck. "Ngh-! S-stop that!" he demands, trying futilely to lean out of reach. "Wh-who in their right mind could relax d-during this?!" the reporter shouts, flinching as he feels the Lopunny nibbling on his right ear. "I d-don't know what you're thinking, but I'm not into g-guys at all!" the journalist exclaims, clenching his teeth together as the Pokemon's hand sensually runs down his stomach, coming closer and closer to his groin area with each passing moment. "All right... Th-that does it!"

Faust's right arm acts reflexively, sending his elbow into his captor's stomach with surprising force and with ample power. The Lopunny lets out a slight grunt as it hits him, his long furry ears draping over his face as he doubles over onto the ground. It's Faust's one chance to run. His one opportunity to take back that stupid agreement of his and make a break for the exit. And yet... for some reason, he can't help but feel legitimately bad. Like, really bad. Maybe the Pokemon went too far, but it didn't deserve that.

The moment he hit the Lopunny, his entire outlook on the situation changed. It was like... Something ran straight up his elbow and right into his heart. Faust knows he couldn't hit the creature again if he wanted to. His face is red from shame, but that's not the only reason. The more he looks at the Pokemon, the more his breath catches in his throat. There's nothing about this predicament that should charm the journalist at all... And yet...

"Hey... Neils, w-was it?" Faust asks, taking a couple steps towards the Lopunny sheepishly. "Look... I'm sorry... I don't know what c-came over me..." he says apologetically, kneeling in front of him. "I kn-know you're only doing what you were asked to do... I shouldn't have reacted that way..." A thousand needles plunge into his heart as the Pokemon turns its head away, as if to reject the apology. "P-please! I still want this new life... A-and you're the only one who can help me... I'll let you do whatever y-you need to... I promise..." the reporter pleads sincerely, offering his hand to help Neils up. A small voice in his head rests wondering where this sudden desperation came from.

The veil made by the Lopunny's ears slowly parts, revealing a triumphant, almost wicked grin on the Pokemon's face. That look... It's almost like he was expecting Faust to react this way. But how could he have known something like that? The reporter can only wonder as he helps Neils back to his feet, helping the Pokemon dust himself off before backing away slightly. He's never been more confused in his entire life. He's as straight as an arrow, and he most definitely shouldn't have feelings for someone who was holding him captive only moments before- let alone a Pokemon. But for some reason, the sight of the Lopunny alone sends mixed signals through his entire body. He isn't sure what to do.

As if to provide an answer to his confusion, Neils places his left hand on his chest, making a "come hither" motion towards the boy, an almost mischievous look in the Pokemon's eyes. Not knowing what else to do, Faust takes the few steps to stand directly in front of the Lopunny, waiting only a second before burying himself into Neils's chest. "I'm sorry... I'm just... really confused..." the reporter admits, gulping nervously. "I'm ready... Just... Tell me what I need to do..." he says, looking up from the Pokemon's chest. The Lopunny has a satisfied, yet cunning expression plastered on his face, pointing an index finger down and spinning it in circles. "You want me to... Turn around?" the journalist asks, doing so as Neils nods in approval.

"Okay, but what n- Ahhhh..." Faust sighs, feeling the Lopunny's soft hands gently stroke his chest. "Hahhh... This is... nnngh." he groans, closing his eyes and enjoying the resulting sensations running through him. He's never felt pleasure anything like this, but he can't spare a thought to dwell on it. All he can focus on is how nice the Pokemon's hands feel as they run over his pectorals- how great the delicate massage is- and how wonderful the occasional tweaks to his nipples are. But the more time goes on, the more the sensations change. What Neils is doing no longer causes a twinge of satisfaction here and there- it causes Faust to moan and writhe in intense pleasure, the powerful sensations forcing the reporter to question what's really going on.

"Wh-what are you-?" the journalist starts, his eyelids parting slowly as he tilts his head down. "A-aaaaah!" He gasps, his face turning a bright red, his eyes fixated on his upper torso. While he'd never been built muscularly, he had always been thin. Now, protruding from his chest are two perky feminine breasts, the pair growing steadily with each of the Lopunny's gentle gropings. The Pokemon's fondling causes the two orbs to swell in size, the flesh becoming more supple and sensitive with each passing second. The same can be said of his nipples and the pink circles around them, the tugging and tracing around them eliciting an aroused sigh from Faust's lips. What's happening to him shouldn't even be possible... But he can't deny how much it turns him on- especially with how Neils is treating him. The gently nuzzling of his neck, the nibbling of his ear lobes... It doesn't take long for the reporter's body to prove it, his masculine tool hardening with each of the Pokemon's sensual touches.

Faust's hands tremble as lust clouds his judgment, his fingers sinking towards his throbbing member, hoping to relieve some of the resulting tension. But before he can reach it, he feels a slight pain shoot through his neck, the Lopunny gently pinching the area with his teeth. The journalist's hands stop dead in their tracks, recognizing the soft bite as one of discipline. As the Pokemon removes its hands from his chest, Faust quickly comes to the assumption that he's being punished. When Neils grabs the boy's hands and guides them back up his stomach, however, that assumption is immediately flipped upside-down.

"Mmmnnn..." Faust moans, biting his bottom lip as the Lopunny clutches its fingers over his own, forcing him to squeeze the ample, feminine breasts attached to his chest. The Pokemon repeats his movements a few more times, as if to convey what he wants his captive to do- not that the reporter needs any persuasion in doing it. He's already fondling the tender, sensitive cushions on his chest before the Lopunny's hands even leave his, letting out soft sighs as he tweaks his own pert nipples.

It's not long before those soft sighs turn into powerful gasps, though, the boy feeling something smooth wrap around his lower organ. He can already guess what it is, but he has to lean over his sizable breasts to make sure, taking a quick glance at the sight of the Pokemon working his member with its right hand. Faust throws his head back as Neils makes an exceptionally pleasing stroke, provoking the journalist to work the pillows beneath his hands even more. The tender flesh pushes between his fingertips as he squeezes them harder. The feel of the Lopunny nuzzling his neck with its nose, occasionally giving him a long, sensual lick serves in exciting the reporter even more, the Pokemon pumping his shaft even better as time goes on.

"S-so... Good... Ngah-ah!." Faust pants, closing his fingers between his nipples, the pleasure in his masculine tool reaching new heights. There's something different about the Lopunny's skilled strokes- it feels as if the Pokemon is putting pressure on his tool's tip with each slide back. Not that the journalist isn't enjoying it. He's never felt this satisfied down there in his entire life. And yet... As wonderful as it feels, he can't feel himself getting any closer to release, nor can he feel his member getting any harder or longer. In fact, the skillful strokes are beginning to feel shorter, almost as if his masculinity's becoming... smaller. But with what Neils is doing, how could that even be possible?

Brushing the uncertainty aside, Faust goes back to playing with his ever-increasing bust, taking a sharp breath inward as he feels the Lopunny caressing his balls with its left hand. The Pokemon's fingers grace them with velvety strokes, occasionally pressing lightly in on them like it does his member. The pleasure is surprisingly fantastic, almost numbing from how great it feels. Before long, the journalist finds himself bucking his hips forward ever so slightly, making the Lopunny's movements all that more intense. Faust shudders as he feels Neils flex his fingers against his balls, the pleasure in his loins reaching new heights following a small tugging sensation. Internally, Faust can feel his abdominal muscles flex, as if contracting around something. He can only wonder what the Pokemon did as he pinches his stiffened teats even harder, not worried about the lack of feeling in his balls in the least.

It's all the young reporter can do just to stay standing, his knees shaking with each satisfying jerk of the Pokemon's hand. A stifled gasp escapes Faust's throat as Neils strokes the tip of his member with his now-free left hand, the Lopunny using its right hand to focus on pumping his length- or rather, what's left of his length. Despite how amazing everything the Pokemon is doing feels, the boy's member has diminished to less than half its normal erect size, continuing to get smaller with each of the the Lopunny's pumps. Even stranger is the way the pleasure changes as it continues. Faust couldn't describe it if he had to- he can't even wrap his head around the feelings himself. All he knows is that these kinds of sensations are completely foreign to him, and the more he wonders about why that may be, the more uneasy he becomes with why that may be.

Faust's hot breath brushes against his ample breasts as he takes a peek over them, watching both of the Pokemon's hand expertly work his shaft. With how much his size has receded, the Lopunny now only has its thumb and pointer finger around his tool, making much more powerful tugs inwards than outwards. Neils's left hand is still on the tip of the boy's member, its middle finger dragging sensually over it, particularly over the tiny hole there. The sensations get more and more alien as Faust watches, unsure of whether he should really be enjoying something like this or not. That decision becomes apparent once he hears the Lopunny let out a slight chuckle from behind him, feeling the Pokemon press and force what remains of his diminutive member inside him, leaving only the end of his tool showing against the now mostly flat skin around his groin. At least, that's what it was. Now, it's veiled in silken flesh and no more than a hard nub the size of a thimble.

"H-hey! What did you just... do?" Faust asks worriedly, his hips writhing as he feels something shifting inside his lower stomach. The Lopunny's mischievous laugh makes him instantly regret asking that question, the Pokemon's fingers stroking up and down his groin, particularly in the center of the nub that used to be his masculinity. The reporter groans in distress, the bizarre shifts in his abdomen, combined with the abnormal tingling under the Lopunny's fingers, sending mixed sensations through his entire body. The contradicting sensations are almost too much for the boy's mind to handle, and his eyes begin to shut, his consciousness slowly fading away...

That is, until he feels something slip inside him- something down there. Faust's eyes flash wide open, the reporter letting out a shrill, high-pitched moan. He's not sure what disturbs him more- the alien sensations between his legs, or the feminine voice that just left his mouth. But as his eyes focus back on where he left off, Faust realizes just how unsettled he is with both, his gaze set on the cause underneath his stomach. In the place of where his tool used to be is a set of feminine lips, the entrance's puffy, pink appearance bringing a blush to his face. Or more appropriately, her face.

The new girl takes a moment to think about all the things that have happened to her so far, and how impossible it all has to be. Pokemon can't do this to people- nothing can do this to people. The only way this could happen is could happen is in a dream, she tells herself. A deep, elaborate dream. Faust is about to reach up to pinch herself when she feels a much more convincing sensation, another sharp gasp leaving her throat. The Lopunny is wriggling his middle finger, causing the appendage to worm further into her female lips. As much as it alarms her to admit it, there's no way she could feel something so powerful in a dream. This is real. It's all too real.

Feeling some sort of fog starting to lift from her thoughts, Faust throws herself forward, her breasts bouncing slightly as she escapes from the Pokemon's hold. The reporter takes only a couple steps forward before spinning around, a look of anger and confusion directed towards Neils. "Wh-what the hell did you do to me?!" she shouts, staring down at her unfamiliar body.

"Oh, don't pretend you aren't enjoying this!" Karis shouts, the lilt of laughter hanging on her words. The Champion rises to her feet in a quick, fluid movement, gesturing broadly with her arm. "You simply claimed to be straight, so I made arrangements to oblige. Besides, being a girl has its advantages. You get what you want for free most of the time, people treat you better... And, typically, hiding your arousal is a little easier. Though, in your case..." She chuckles lightly, gesturing to the former male's groin. "It's almost painfully obvious."

Faust lets out a surprised yelp as she's suddenly reminded Karis is still there, the naked female quickly attempting to cover herself up. "I'm not pretending! I-I'm not enjoying this!" Faust says, turning her head to the side. "I don't care what kind of 'advantages' this has! I am straight!... Er... I was straight!... I mean..." she trails off, unsure of how to properly phrase it. "This- this isn't what you think! It's just- part of the changes!" the reporter shouts, squeezing her legs together, trying to conceal the trail of juices running down them. She doesn't even notice Neils is approaching her again until he places his right hand under her chin. The former male balks before having her head turned back towards him and her mouth pinched open. "Wh-mm!" Faust begins, her question being cut off before it can begin as the Lopunny forces his saturated middle finger into her mouth. "Mmmmng..." she sighs as her eyes roll back into her skull, finding herself incapable of resisting the sweet juices on his digit, using her tongue to gather as much of the nectar as possible.

"That's more like it," Karis giggles, leaning forward with a confident grin. "This is what you've always wanted, isn't it? To be released from your old life? To become something greater?"

A slight popping noise comes from Faust's mouth as Neils yanks his finger out, leaving a small line of saliva connecting the two. The taste of her own arousal lingers in her mouth even after he removes it. A stifled moan catches in her throat as she feels the male run his hand down her waist, wiping the remaining saliva and juices off on her skin, effectively using her as his dishrag. She squeezes her eyes shut in shame, shaking her head back and forth, not prepared to let the two of them believe she enjoys this.

"N-no! This isn't what I wanted at all!" Faust shouts, looking down at her feminine body in distress. "Did you seriously think turning me into this would change anything?! That I'd find release in this?! That I'd consider this something 'greater' than what I was?!" she yells, her eyes turning up to train on Karis, the other girl's unwavering smirk compelling Faust to shout even louder. "You're crazy! Both of you are! And if you think I'm going to just stand here and let you do what you want with me, you've got another thing coming!"

"Money's down on the bet you aren't getting very far." Karis releases a bark of laughter as her words chase after her latest victim.

With the threat bouncing off the walls, Faust sprints down the plush carpet, around the rippling lake and towards the cave's entrance. Her bare feet connect with the cool stone floor, causing a slight echo with each step, the sound becoming quieter and quieter as she nears the exit. Her breasts bounce and sway in sync with her long strides, bringing her within mere feet of freedom. But as her left foot stops within less than an inch of sunlight, she realizes something- the closer she's managed to get to the exit, the slower her body has become. And now, she can't bring herself to move her body at all.

"But... Why?" Faust asks aloud, suddenly becoming aware of the sweet, ethereal melody being sung in her direction. It's unlike anything she's ever heard before. The tone of the voice sounds almost angelic, and the resulting harmony is alluring in terms of both mind and body. Focus on all else slips away as she becomes completely concentrated on listening to the divine song, its volume increasing steadily over time. Before she realizes what she's doing, she finds herself waist-deep in the lake, staring deep into a pair of sapphire blue eyes.

"I see you've met Miles," Karis chuckles, suddenly kneeling at the water's edge, admiring a spattering of blossoms on a creeping vine. Her voice is soft, mixing in with the sounds of the enchanting melody. "He's quite the singer, don't you agree?"

"It... It's coming from-?" Faust begins, only managing those few words before finding herself focused on the mesmerizing tune yet again, the girl having to strain herself just to take in the appearance of the creature in front of her. The Pokemon is large and serpentine in build, its scales sleek and smooth. Most of the top half of its body is a bright ivory, with the bottom half patterned in red and blue diamonds. Its majestic red eyebrows extend and curl inward, its hair-like fins of the same color hanging slightly below them. Faust only barely manages to distinguish the Pokemon as a Milotic as the creature coils its body around her, lifting her out of the water and into the air. Cradling her gently, by no means constricting her, the water-serpent hovers just inches away from the lake's surface, his aura of levitation causing minute ripples against an otherwise pristine mirror.

It isn't until that point that the girl realizes how calm she is. The way the Milotic's head sways in rhythm with its song- the relaxing tune of the melody- the feeling of its soft scales around her- and its shining cobalt eyes looking deep into hers- she's never felt soothed like this. Does it really matter if she's a woman now? Things have to be better than they were before, don't they? Adjusting to this new life couldn't be too difficult, could it? A number of similar thoughts flow through Faust's mind as the Milotic continues, putting the formerly tense girl at ease. But somehow, something feels off... Even more off than they were before.

Faust's vision shifts slightly as her eyes slant slightly and turn feral, her naturally brown irises sparkling with golden specks as they begin to change color. "Ah... What's... H-Happening?!"