ch 2

Story by bad-larry on SoFurry

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#1 of aramir in skyrim

next chapter in my story, please remember I write for personal entertainment and have difficulty finishing a story.

a few days had passed since i left my territory in my search. i was in my smaller form eavsdropping on people in a town called rorikstead. i had done so often in many small villages and towns hoping to hear news but until now had no luck. two male nords with farmers clothes were talking to an imperial courier over a few glasses of mead. "i saw a dragon on my way from markarth, it had four legs i tell you! not only that but it was a a color none of the nord ledgends spoke of. the beasts hide was a light amber!" the nords walked away one saying "hes crazy". i prodded the couriers mind and said "where did you see this dragon?" he looked around and slurred "who are you? are you my consience?" i sighed, slipping from my hiding spot in the shadow of a house before walking out to reveal myself. the man looked at me and laughed saying "akatosh! you're much smaller than i imagined!" 'wow, hes kind of stupid' i thought but went along with it. "well, im under cover. now tell me, where did you see this dragon?" he laughed again, spilling whatever was in his tankard on himself as he said with a grin "ill tell you if ya grant me a wish." i sighed exasperatadly before saying "fine. tell me want you want, and you will have it tommorow." "i want to be a goat! theyre so cute and regal, and ifn i got hungry i could just eat grass!" "done, the changes have started, where did you see this dragon?" "great! it was about two miles that way, i saw it yesterday." i took of in the direction he pointed, noting that it was in the direction of a city my map had named 'makarth'.

i had flown for nealy an hour when i noticed a scent on the wind. 'a female?' i thought excitedly as i turned towards the scent. i rose over a mountain to see her fighting apes wearing furs. her scales were a golden amber that reflected the sunlight wonderfully. i marveled at the way she fought, such ferocity in battled was something many of us males had to strive to get. i prepared to land to her aid but a high pitched roar made me look to the south. one of the forsaken came to join the fray. it focused on her, not having noticed me and began to dive. i charged at it and it roared in victory at its target. my kin-sister looked up and saw it coming, widening her eyes. just before it hit her i reached my target. the speed i was going made it shoot over her as i landed on its back and pinned its wings with my hind legs. as we hit the ground i grabbed the base of its skull between my jaws and squeezed. it gave a pained roar as my fangs pierced its leathery scales and it thrashed on the ground. i bit down harder and soon heard the snapping if its spine. i got off its corpse and saw some of the apes had stopped attacking her to go after me and i got into a fighting stance. a stone axe swung at my head and i dodged, swiping with my claws and dismembering my opponent. arrows were fired at me, most bouncing off of my iron hard scales, the others hitting at the right agle to go underneath or piercing my sensative wing membranes. another came at me and i stepped on him before smacking a few more away with the spiked end of my tail, sending them flying. more came out of the nearby hills and i realized we were fighting a losing battle. i spoke to her in my natural language, a complex combination of thoughts, emotions, vocal sounds and body language "kin-sister, there are too many! we have to leave!" she looked at me, the bloodlust in her eyes slowly fading and said "youre right, lets go!" i took off towards the east and she followed.

we landed to rest and talk on a small mountain. as i pulled the arrows from my body and licked my wounds i said "the ancestors have appointed me as this worlds guardian, you are the first of our kin to arrive." she stopped liking her wounds and replied "why was there a forsaken here?" "i honestly don't know, but it seems this group has a leader called alduin. the locals have a common toungue, if you allow me i will share my knowledge of this world with you." she looked at me, as if sizing me up and said "i must see your guardian stone first before i will allow you into my mind. where is it?" i looked towards the setting sun and said "its about three days flight in my cave to the east." "then lets not waste any time." she unfurled her wings and i marveled at her beauty. the sun reflected perfectly off her amber scales giving her an almost gilded appearence and she was well muscled. her eyes were more of an amythest in color and she had the usual six horns at the top of her head. two small spikes protruded from her jawbone in the direction of her throat and the spikes on her back were slightly smaller than my own. her tail spikes were normal, five spikes on each side and on the top forming a deadly weapon designed for punching through armor. her spikes and horns were different in coloration though, an unusual dark red in colouration. it was not unheard of for a dragons horns and spikes to be something other than pearly white like polished bone, but it was rare. any male would be lucky to have her choose them as a mate, i was glad that i had the first chance to try and impress her. i took off after her almost immiediately.

the flight was mostly uneventful, a few bipeds fired bows at us and she asked why they were so aggressive. i explained to her they could not tell us apart from the forsaken who had enslaved and tormented their ancestors. when we arrived at my cave, harva was gone. my kin-sister followed me to my nest and i uncovered my guardian stone. she inspected it thouroughly, comparing its color to that of my scales before snorting in acceptance and opening her mind to me. i did not touch her memories out of respect, instead sending the knowledge i had gained from harva. and soon we were talking in our own language about this world as i seperated my nest into two for us to lay on.

harva pov

in the time after aramir left the days grew colder as winter approached. i had replaced the rope with a rope ladder but was soon forced to leave his cave as the nights began to drop below zero. i moved to a nearby village of rorikstead, and got a job of bringing mead to the inns patrons. the pay was humble, five septims a day with a small room and food provided for me. but i accepted the job as it was good pay for such a remote place. the barkeep was a nord and after explaining to him i was waiting for a friend to return he let me have three days off throughout the week. i used this time to travel back to aramirs cave, a four hour journey on foot. i had made subtle markers, leading the way to the base of the mountain he lived in as it was far from the nearest road.

aramir pov

hours had passed as we talked. the topics were mostly revolving around our past as we grew up with our parents. i told her my name and the translation i came up with in this worlds common toungue and she decided hers would be svenhl (sss-ven-hal). i was currently looking through my cave to see if harva left any clues to where she had gone. next to the fur i had given her i noticed my map. small rocks weighted the corners to keep it open and a small garnet sat on the image of a village just inside my territory. i turned my attention back to svenhl and told her i was going to see a friend and she was welcome to join me. she declined saying she wanted to explore and i left without another word.

i flew over the village harva marked on my map, watching it as i studied the layout. it was simply a single road with buldings on either side. it was also the largest grouping of bipeds in my territory. i studied the layout as they went about their daily lives. i considered the best way to search for harva and decided on entering the village. i landed far from sight and shrank to the size i now favored for exploring caves. a few minutes walk i was within sight of the village guards and they began peering at me as if trying to figure out what they saw. as i gew closer they took out bows and aimed them in my direction. i stopped and sat down on my haunches as i gazed at them and they me. several minutes passed and they relaxed the tension in their bows slightly talking to each other. in voices barly audible to even my keen ears. "what do you think we should do?" one asked the other. "i dont know, its not attacking yet. perhaps we should kill it before it does?" "have you taken leave of your senses? its a dragon, we cant take it alone." "then maybe we should call for reinforcements." i interrupted their coversation by saying into their minds "attacking me would not be a good idea, you should listen to your friend on that part." they gawked at me for several seconds before the one who thought they should get reinforcements spoke up. raising his voice for me to hear easily. "and what do you suggest dragon? we wont stand aside and let you burn this village." i laughed, and they seemed to mistake the grating sound for a threatening growl, because they trained their bows on me once more. "trust me, i have no interest in attacking this village." the other spoke saying "then why are you here? we wont let you enslave us either." this time i let loose a genuine growl deep in my throat at the insult. "do not insult me. i am not one of the forsaken to enslave others or kill without provocation. i am here because one of my friends may be in this village and i wish to check on them." "there only dragon here is you, i suggest you leave." i stood up and flared my wings out ingnoring them as they tensed up. "i am not an idiot, there is only one other dragon in this world and she is exploring my territory. the friend i seek is not a dragon. she has scales like me but walks on two legs and wears cloth like you." they talked amongst themselves again "i think it means an argonian." "must be the one that served me a drink the other night. i wondered why she went south on her days off." one of the guards spoke and said "how do we know you wont cause trouble?" i snorted and said "if i wanted to sow chaos, why would i try so hard to get you to let me in willingly? it would be much simpler to just fly by and blanket this place in fire. are you going to let me look for my friend or not?" they looked at each other before the one who wanted to call for reinforcements said "fine, but i will be following you. any sudden moves and you will greet the wrong end of my blade." "fine." i said as i stood up and began walking towards them. he kept his hand on his blade as he fell into step behind me and i walked accrossed the stone bridge into the town. many gawked at me in fear, most gripping weapons as i looked around for harva. her scent was everywhere but the freshest came from a large building and i approached it. a nord with a tankard of sweet smelling liquid came out and saw me, only to drop the drink with a yell of fear and rush back inside. i sniffed the contents as i heard the guard say "everyone stay calm, its just looking for its friend." curiously i stuck out my longue tong and tasted the liquid in the tankard. it tasted of honey but left a light tingling on my tastebuds. i refocused on my task and looked at the door. a simple lever served as the doornob and i turned it before steping inside.

the room was large and had a firepit in the center with meat roasting on an iron spit. a counter was on the opposite side of the room with plants and animals hanging behind it. the sweet smell of the liquid emnated from larges barrels behind the counter. a man said "dragon!" and many drew their weapons as the guard followed me in. "stop, he is my friend!" said a familiar voice and i looked to see harva. she was not wearing the fir armor i remembered, instead was a simple cloth dress with an apron tied to her front. the others hesitated and the guard said "put your weapons away, if it tries anything ill kill it myself." i let the insult to my pride go and i spoke to harva, not bothering to block what i said from the others in the room. "harva, my friend. its good to see you are doing well." she walked to me and gestured to a table saying "its good to see you too aramir, lets talk at that table." i nodded and moved to the table in question and pushed a chair aside before sitting on the floor as harva sat in the chair opposite me. i craned my head up, barely able to look over the table in my smaller form as a man walked up nervously. i slightly lessened the magic keeping me small and heard a sound to my right. i looked to see the man had fallen backwards when i grew and was staring at me with fearful suprise. i apologised saying "im sorry, i did not mean to frighten you. the table was too high so i lessened the hold on the magic keeping me small. i only wished to be more comfortable as i talk with harva." he got up and hesitated before he approached and siad nervously "would you like any thing to eat or drink?" i was about to say no when i thought to the liquid i so enjoyed the taste of and said "yes actually, but any gold and silver i could pay with is at my home. is their any way i could have some now and pay you back later?" he nodded and said "yes, i suppose i could start a tab for you if i was reassured you would pay." "then i would like to have one of these tabs. and about payments, a dragon always payes their debts, even if it means their death." "is their any way i could contact you? to collect this debt if you refuse to pay? not that you will of course." i held back my anger at the insult and said calmly "yes, harva has been to my home many times. if such an unlikely event did occur she could take you there." he nodded and said "thats acceptable, what would you like?" "ouside a man dropped a tankard of an intruguing liquid. it tasted of honey and made my tastebuds tingle. i would like some of that." he nodded and began to turn and i said, raising my forepaws for him to see_"and can you put it in a bowl?_ while my paws are perfectly capable of carrying deer and other objects, if i used them to cary a tankard more of the liquid would end up on my scales and the floor than in my maw." he nodded and vanished towards the counter and harva said "so, did you find what you were looking for?" i showed my teeth in a smile and said "yes, and she is beutiful." her eyes lit up and she said "a female? what is her name?" "svenhl." " thats an interesting name." i then said "our real names are mental impressions of our scents. youre language does not support the same form of speech as is native to my kin. it is long tradition that upon intereacting with people using your chosen means of communication for a dragon to choose a name that can be spoke in their language." she leaned forward in interest and said "really? can you teach me to speak in your language?" i looked her body over before sayng "not properly, no." she looked slightly downcast as the bartender placed a bowl in front of me. i nodded my thanks before continuing "you lack the wings and spines needed for it, but i can teach you to understand what we are saying when we speak as such." she grinned at the thought as i brought my attention to the bowl in front of me. it was a deep amber in color reminding me of svenhl's scales and had the same sweet odor as the liquid from earlier. i tasted it to find it was the same thing. i countinued to lap, enjoying the tingling sensation as it spread down my trhoat and settled in my stomach. "what is this called?" i said to the barkeep acrossed the room and he came over as i continued to lap at the liquid. he said as he got closer "that is honningbrew mead. one the of finer meads brewed in skyrim." i looked at him, he seemed to have lost some of the nervousness he held earlier. unlike the others in the taven who shot me nervous glances as they whispered to each other.

"i would like a few barrels to take home." i said he he frowned slightly saying "i only have one barrel left, i could order more if you payed me upfront." "how much would your price be?" "okay let me think. buying in bulk costs less, and if my order was increased by five barrels it would be a bulk order. it would have to be no less then three hundred septims and i would be able to make a small profit, even slashing prices for my other customers." i thought back to my hoard. it would be a large chunk of what i had in actual coins, but i had seven chests brimming with silver ingots as well. besides, im sure i could get the guards to pay me to get rid of problems like bears and wolves to help keep my hoard from diminishing too much. "sounds like a deal, when will i be able to get my order?" "it would be about a month before it arrived." "then i will return in a few days with your coin. including what i owe you for my tab." i said.

i had talked with harva and the leader of the guards in ivaarsted and between the three of us came up with a deal that benefitted both me and the people of this area. they would send smoke signals into the air over their village which i would be able to see from my cave. two puffs indicated a bounty, and three puffs meant they were under attack. i was almost home when i heard someone roar a greeting and i turned to se svenhl coming towards me. "hello aramir, i found the most wonderful spot just outside your territory." she said. curiously i said "whats so special about it?" "water bubles up from the ground, steaming hot. it feels great, follow me." she turned and i followed her. we flew over forest but soon it gave way to a steep incline that ended with a yellowish colored soil. we descended and soon i was on the edge of the water she described. it had a light sulphuric scent and the air around it was warm and humid. it was a sharp change from the nearby forest that was mostly cold and dry. i tested the water with a paw as she jogged in and found it was a pleasant feeling and joined her. i lay down in the heat and the water came up to the middle of my legs in the deepest places. i hummed happily as it washed over my scales and soon we were both relaxing in the hot water.