Ch.2 Fellows in Hopelessness

Story by Cubone Gal on SoFurry

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#2 of Horror Asylum

Jane was being wheeled down the hall, by the same cat that had raped her the night just before. She clung to her blanket for dear life, as hard as she could. The guard was acting as if nothing had ever happened. Her ward gown mercifully covered her crotch, but the fact that her panties were missing and she could still taste a hint of cum in her mouth proved to her that what happened was all too real.

He wheeled her into Dr. Morgan's office, leaving her and closing the door on the way out this time. The second he was gone she started tearing up, making Gary look up from the file. "... Jane..?" he said, reaching over and grabbing her hand. "It's gonna be okay..."

"He-he-he... He r-" She sputtered, trying to formulate a complete sentence.

"I know, Jane..." He interrupted. "... I know..." She stopped trying to talk and just sniffled. The elderly husky got up and walked around the table, giving her a hug. "It happens to most of the female patients..." He said, rocking her.

"I... I don't like it..." She sniffled. "Please don't let it happen again... Please, help me..."

Gar shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, Jane... that's something that you'll have to live with..." His voice was obviously sad for her, and she just hugged him.

" it's true.... I'm never gonna get out of here...." She cried.

"Hm?" Gary asked, surprised.

"Th-they said that I'd never be able to get out... and... and if they can do that and not suffer any penalties... then it must be true..."

Dr. Morgan sighed and closed his eyes. "I'm so sorry, Jane... There's nothing I can do..."

"B-but why...?" She asked, sniffling.

"The higher ups... they don't care if you're cured or not. They just want you and... others like you out of the way. The clearance for a... patient release is so time-consuming and difficult it almost never happens unless they've got some outside suit helping them. Also, abuse reports from Ashfield just gut buried and ignored, so there's no point to me even filling them out..." Gary explained. "I'm here to make things easier for you, Jane... To try to help you as much as I can, and maybe get you out of here."

Jane hugged him, "... I'm scared..." She said.

"I know you are. But I'll try to help... Did you want to talk about anything..?" He asked. Jane shook her head, she was too shaken up. "Alright. You still have almost an hour. You can just stay in here until the time's up if you like." She nodded, clinging to him. "And if there's anything you need, I'll try to help."

Jane sniffled, "... W-well... I kinda would like more than... just an hour of company..." Gary smiled at her.

"Well..." He said, "I've already sent your permission files in. That means you can go to the public areas now, since I've deemed you as non-threatening. Maybe you can make some friends with your fellow patients."

"I'm scared though..." Jane admitted.

"Jane, sweetie, I think you'll find most of them in the same situation you're in. I've talked with a lot of them. They're mostly nice people."

"Alright..." She said, nervously. They sat there for about ten minutes, making small talk, though, mostly on Gary's side, before the psychologist suggested something.

"Jane, if you'd like, we could try to get you some friends. I could go introduce you if you like." He offered. Jane looked up, hesitating for a moment. "Y-yeah... I think I'd like that." She said, smiling.

"Alright, then let's go." He said, walking around and grabbing the handles of her wheelchair. They walked out of the office, Dr. Morgan waving to Tom to signal that he was taking her. The guard went back to his newspaper, clearly uninterested. They took the elevator up to the second floor, and went down the cell-lined hallway to the big door on the other side, past her own cell. She had seen the door, and patients going in and out before, but she wasn't sure what it was for.

Gary wheeled her right past the doors, revealing the community room. It was one, giant room filled with tables, chairs, and cabinets. One whole wall was dedicated to a cafeteria that had been set up as well. Many different people wearing the same teal gown she was were milling about the area, some of them eating, playing boardgames, and otherwise amusing themselves. Several guards were watching over them, and the patients took obvious pains to avoid them as much as they could. Though, Jane could easily tell why...

"See? You're safe here, and you've got other people in the same boat now." Gary said, wheeling her closer. She had to admit, she did feel a little better now. One of the guards, however, walked up behind them, whispering something to the doctor. "Oh... Turk... Alright, I'll see him as soon as I can..." Jane looked behind her.

"What's wrong, Dr. Morgan?" She asked, frightened

"I'm sorry, Jane. Something important's come up. But don't worry, I'll get one of my other patients to take you around, okay?" He said, chipper, trying to keep her relaxed.

"Okay..." She said. She was nervous about having someone else besides him guiding her.

Gary looked around, grinning when he saw the person he was looking for. "Laura! Do you have a moment?" He asked, shouting across the room. A tall girl got up and scampered over to her. She was twitchy-looking, with very messy blonde fur, with a slightly longer and darker head of hair. She was a weasel, and her exaggerated lankiness showed it.

"Hiya Dr. Morgan!" She greeted.

He smiled, "Yes, hello, Laura. I have a favor to ask." The weasel girl nodded happily. "This is Jane, I need you to take care of her while I'm gone, okay? Make sure she feels welcome, and be a friend. You two'll get along great. I know it."

"Oh of course, Dr. Morgan." Laura answered. "So... you already screened her, right?"

"Yes, I did."

"So she's not an alien? Or a spy? Or a robo-"

"No, she's perfectly fine. Nothing suspicious." Gary interrupted, laughing.

Laura smiled, "Alright then, she's alright in my book. I'll take good care of her!" With that, the manic girl grabbed Jane's wheelchair and started carting off with her, almost skipping.

"I'll see you two later then!" He called, turning to leave.

"We're gonna be great friends!" Laura said, wheeling her to a nearby table. Jane smiled, happy to see someone so cheerful. Laura pushed the little dog up to the table, which was housing another woman.

She was a small, red-haired porcupine, only a few inches taller than Jane herself. She also looked older than Jane, but her very shy body language and timid expression made her seem very child-like. She had quills that ran from her scalp all the way down to the small of her back, and they had all been clipped near the tips, rendering them useless as tools and weapons. "Hi, Rika!" Laura piped in. "This is Jane! She's a new friend!"

"Hello, Rika." Jane said, happily, extending a hand.

Rika cringed a bit, nervously. "H-hello... Jane..." She said, taking her hand and shaking it gently.

"Don't mind her, she's just paranoid." The lanky weasel stated. "So, what are you in for!?" She asked.

Jane looked around. "Um... amnesia... I think... I have a lot of scrambled memories..."

Laura cringed, "Amnesia huh? Wow, that sucks... Well, I'M here because I know too much. The government put me in here to keep me quiet. I know a lot of stuff, man! They tell me I'm just having delusions, but I know better!"

"Laura..." Rika interrupted. "P-please don't... it s-scares me when you go off on that scary s-stuff..."

"She's in for sheer paranoia. Her parents admitted her, poor thing..." Laura explained. Rika sniffled in response.

"This place is t-t-terrible..." The porcupine noted. "Even the g-guards..." She trailed off. Jane looked up, surprised.

"Rika... did they... rape you too...?" Jane asked. Rika sniffled again and nodded.

"That's how it is here..." Laura said. "They beat the boys and rape the girls..." All three of them sat in silence for a few moments.

For the next few hours they talked, had a meal, and got to know each other. Laura and Rika were both very nice. Laura had children living with her ex-husband. She was convinced that her husband used her as some kind of secret experiment to breed some kind of soldier, but Jane had the feeling that was far from the truth... She loved them, regardless, and was picked up when she kidnapped them to 'save them from the military'.

Rika was only 16, and she had suffered some fairly bad sexual abuse from her father growing up, which gave her a huge paranoid streak. Things started looking up for her when her mom remarried, but her step-dad thought that she needed help due to her horrible paranoia. She thinks they just forgot about her, but Jane figured that she's just trapped by the horrible bureaucratic barrier that Dr. Morgan told her about.

Jane felt kind of awkward, since she didn't have any stories to tell, or background to share. The only thing she had was her fragmented memories, and that she couldn't walk for some reason. Regardless, the three became almost instant friends. Of course, it all ended when one of the guards called out the end of community hours, and all three were escorted back to their cells...

As Jane climbed into bed, she cuddled up with her blanket. She was actually wearing a smile, seeing as how she actually had something to look forward to the next day. Things were looking a little brighter with companions. She was so lost in thought her tail started wagging, and she didn't hear the silent opening and closing of her door. She felt a familiar hand grab her face, suddenly, and something wet and warm slide into her mouth.

She opened her eyes to see Nick's face pressed against hers, forcing a passionate kiss on her while he climbed on top. She tried to protest but he kept her mouth busy with his invading tongue. She felt him slide her gown all the way up to her collarbone, and his dick press against her entrance again. She started crying. She just closed her eyes, unable to fight, and let him do whatever he was going to do.

As he kissed her and started squirming in and out of her, she wondered if Laura and Rika were going through the same thing. The thought of it made her cry harder. The feline's tongue was rough on hers, and she felt him once again pinching at her nipples, this time rougher. She couldn't kick or scream or anything, so she just laid there and let him finish. "You're a good girl..." He said, breaking their kiss for only a moment.

Before long she felt him release himself inside her, filling her up to the brim with his seed. "Thanks, Babe." He mocked, climbing off of her and making himself decent before walking out. She curled up, ashamed, pulling her gown back down to cover herself. She hugged her blanket, just wishing and wishing that someone would help her... and everyone else in that place...