A Trainer's Tale - Chapter 5: Homesick

Story by WittyOverload on SoFurry

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                      A Trainer's Tale                                 Chapter 5: Homesick   As a boat cruised along Route 106, the sun began to set. Over the railing a lone 16-year-old looked out into the sea. Earlier that day Ian had left Rustboro and Traveled through Petalburg Forest to Mr. Briney's house to catch a ride with Brandon and May. Luckily he'd left Rustboro at 9 and made it to the boat by 3 o' clock. He'd spent most of the day with Brandon and May while he let Elizabeth and Jessica play with Treecko and Combusken (May's Torchic had evolved during the match and from what Brandon could tell, Treecko was soon to evolve as well.) Brandon and May were eating dinner in the bedroom. Ian just looked out to the sea, thinking of his family. Ever since he'd met Wally, The topic stuck to his mind. How were his family doing? He could imagine his mother now: Crying on his old bed looking at drawings of his when he was 8 while his sister Melody tried to comfort her. The thought saddened him. He never liked his mother crying, even so she barely did it. He'd only seen her cry a few times in her life, the most when Dad divorced her. Even though he was just 10, he knew she was going through a difficult time. He did his best to help her, but he was only 10. "You okay?" a familiar voice asked. It was Elizabeth. The zangoose showed a face of worry, Ian was never a downer. Ian gave a sigh "Just a bit... Homesick, i guess." Ian said rather glumly.  He did miss home. As much as he loved this world and being with Elizabeth and Jessica, anyone can be homesick. "Whatya mean? don't you not remember your past? whats there to be homesick?" Elizabeth asked. "I guess i just remember something from my past." Ian replied. He didn't want to keep up this charade anymore, but he didn't want any unneeded problems. Even if he were only to reveal it to just Elizabeth, how would she take it? Would she kill him? Worse yet leaving him. Plus, he would he tell her anyway? 'Yeah i come from a place where your very existence is a sprite.' He had to tell her. "Elizabeth, I need to tell you about my past" He simpily told her. He didn't want to use anymore words than he had to, as to not delude her. His past? Didn't he not know of his past? He never really talked about his struggles with losing his memory. What if he did remember it but said that he didn't for pity? No... thats not like Ian. "What's more to tell? You lost your memory, thats it." She said This was going to be harder than he thought "Okay, i'm not going to bullcrap you. I have my memory. But i said i didn't know my memory because no one would believe me if i told them my real story. Okay... This is hard to explain... I'm not from here." Even though he hadn't even told his real story, this was hard to handle. He lied to her? At least he'd not just lied to her, so she felt a little better. "So... what's the story, Ian?" She said extending her claws a little. She had no plan on actually killing or seriously hurting him, its just to get him a little spooked for lying to her. "Okay... I'm not from not just Hoenn, but... This world" Ian nervously remarked, scared by not only her blabbing but her claws extended a little. He wasn't from this world... Okay she could still deal with that. I mean they were friends, right? Friends don't abandon each other even if they are (possibly evil) Aliens, right? "Then... You must be an alien! Well i'm not THAT mad at you-" Elizabeth was about to continue, until being cut off by Ian "No... but its a little close" Ian said, a little surprised at her calmness to him not being from this world "I'm from a different... dimension.. At least i think... I was out walking in the woods.. and there was this hole.. and then i fell" Ian said, each word making him sound more crazy Not being from this world was a little (understatement) hard to get behind, but... not from this dimension? Where exactly was he from? They would still be friends, RIGHT? "Okay let me explain, Where i come from... there aren't any pokemon..." Ian stated. How would she handle this? How WAS she handling this? Okay, Okay there aren't any pokemon where he's from. That's okay, That's okay. She felt like she was about to have a panic attack. He continued "Where i come from.. They don't really exist. In my world, pokemon are just a toy brand." Ian continued, but not really wanting to "But I was in the woods, then i threw my pokemon game and it fell down this hole and then i fell and... i wound up here." He winced at every word. He used the least words he could She was probably going to hate him. What if she would tell the others? At least Brandon and May couldn't understand. Wait...How would they handle it? "Okay." Okay? did he just imagine this? why was she so cool with him? He was actually mad that she hadn't gotten mad at him. Did she think this was a joke? Did she not actually take him seriously? Did she not take their friendship seriously? "Okay?" "Ya i'm okay that you being a cross dimensional human from a world where my kind don't exist" Wow, really hit the nail on the head. Not really wanting to bring up the topic, they both began to stare at the sea. " Elizabeth?" he asked "Yeah Ian?" "Do you ever get homesick?" Elizabeth remained silent "No, not really." She replied with the simple answer. "Why?" He asked again. Didn't she miss her family? Did she have any family left? "It's because home is where the heart is" She replied, a phrase she'd heard in Petalburg "Yeah, i guess it is" he said with a slight laugh. They both stared out at the Ocean, both not saying a thing, just enjoying each other's company.

End of Chapter 5

Sorry this one was so short, but i felt like the ending was fitting. And Team Aqua will appear next chapter, as well as a new party member.