furry lovers

Story by white friesian on SoFurry

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Furry lovers

This story was inspired by my love and mate. All characters are BASED on real people the names are only their nicknames, the street addresses are fictional along with everything else. and ya this is my first story ive posted anywhere and the first one i wrote (willingly wrote, i still remember those fn mccages i think they were from elementry school, i hated those things. what was the purpose of them anyway?) anyway if ya have any comments gime a yell ( aim and yahoo is wolf03man04 ) and theres no real yiff in the first chapter but there will be, im still writing it actually. anyway i just noticed im rampling so enjoy.

Rabu: a cheetah standing at roughly 5'10". His slim build leading you to think him around 140 lbs at most. His golden brown fur gleams in the dim torchlight and you can clearly make out several black spots dotting his beautiful fur in random places. His eyes, which are a deep blue, rival that of the night sky and gleam when looked upon. Most of the time they smile at all from behind a pair of thin reading glasses. His hair, a dark mahogany, falls an inch from his shoulders in thick loose waves. Beneath the ink black industrial overcoat he wears a silk button down blood red shirt and a pair of black khakis that tuck neatly into his shin-high army boots. A thick strip of leather is strapped across his chest, holding the sheath of a sword on the center of his back. The swords' long silver hilt gleams with polish.

Stang: satin black Friesian stallion, about six feet tall and 210 but despite him being large when he runs its about as smooth as someone half his weight and almost silent, even in his heavy combat boots. brood shoulder and defined muscles that include a six pack and pecs. just looking at him you knew he was built for military service. he's well known in school as a great defense player in almost anything. but known to be best at football. his normal attire consists of military surplus pants and a band jacket, camo jacket from the navy or a hodie. he carries his stuff in a tactical back pack. in his school he is one of only eleven horses, seven mares and four stallions, most of the rest are either wolves, foxes, humans, or lions.

CHAPTER 1, lovers meeting

Stang, a deep red mustang with a stature that defines him as a warrior and his BDU's that he wears confirms that look, looks around from his back corner of the room.

"Class. Class quiet down." the science teacher, a tall slim bright red dragon called Draco Howle, screams at the class as a confused looking cheetah walks in.

"Is this Mr. Howle's science class?"

"Yes, you must be Rabu."

"Ya. Umm wear should I sit?"

"Hey, Stang, anyone sit next to you?"


"Ok you can sit there, Rabu"


Stang returns to half paying attention and jotting down notes. Glancing over at the trim cheetah.

As class ends Rabu gently taps Stang's shoulder to ask how to get to his next class "Excuse me, Mr. Stang."

"Huh, what? Mr.? Yes?"

"Sorry if I offended you, but I was wondering if you could tell me where room 5 is?"

"No, no offence taken at all, just surprised me there. And room 5? Um"

"Oh, ok. Yes, room 5. It's a study hall"

"5. That would be in the art's hall past A hall. Hey I'm heading to 4, so just stick with me, ok?"

"Sure. What's in 4, Mr. Stang?"

"Band. And one, you don't have to call me with my title and two my title would be C/TSrg. But still just Stang is fine."

"Ok Stang. Um what breed are you?"

"Friesian mostly, a little mustang here and there."

"Neat" the bell rings "So just follow you?"

"Ya, I just need to toss my bag in my locker first"


They leave the room, and after stopping briefly at Stang's locker, they quickly make their way to the arts hall and stop in front of two sets of doors "Ok that's 5, where you go next?"

"Next? Um, lunch"

"Cool same here. I'll meet you here at the end of the period. Ok?"

"Sure. Wait, when you said band did you mean concert or marching?"

"Well technically it's symphonic but basically concert band. But we're playing marching band music. Why?"

"Well I was in a marching band back at my old school. Do you think I can spend the period in there?"

"Cool. Possibly, ask the study hall teacher. I'm sure Steffen wont mind"

"Really? Awesome. I'll do that"

"Cool, well I'll tell Steffan you might be coming in. If you do, look for me ok? Ill probably be on the far side of the room."

As they go in the neighboring rooms Fran thinks to himself, damn he's hot, and as he passes the grey wolf that is Steffan, telling him that a new cheetah might be coming in and he's interested in marching band and that he was in his last school's band. Steffan nods and goes about what he was doing. After sitting down with his other friends, Boris an lion, Tyron a red fox, and Elfonzo a thin small timber wolf, Rabu comes in the door and immediately looks around and sees Fran and then Steffan. After talking briefly to the wolf Rabu pads softly over and takes a seat next to Fran.

"So he let you out of study hall I take it?"

"Ya. He said since I was only defaulted there that I could come in here and also come here for the rest of the year since it's only a couple days"

"Cool. Hey let me introduce you to some of my friends. This is Boris, trombone, Tyron, alto sax, and the section of one Elfonzo, tenor sax."

"Hey" "Morgan" "Nani?"

"Glad to meet you all, I'm Rabu. I just moved here from Florida. What's nani mean?"

"It means what" the wolf retorts

"Don't ask why, he's just crazy." Fran informs the cheetah

"So, Rabu, what you play?" Boris questions

"Oh I play the trombone too. It's at home currently, some where."

"Oh ya I play trombone to. Forgot to tell you before Rabu."

"Cool, its ok Fran."

"Hey listen up" Steffan tries to get the classes attention

"YO SHUT UP!!" a short fox shouts and the band quiets down

"Thanks Cody. Well today we're just listening to the marching band music which I'll start passing out tomorrow and playing it till the end of school"

The rest of the period goes pretty swiftly and by the end Rabu is awed by the music which they will be playing. Fran, and basically everyone, just sits there smiling. None can wait to play this music.

"So, Fran, we are playing that music?"

"Not just playing Rabu, memorizing and performing weekly for at least 500 people in any weather"

Rabu's jaw drops "Shit. Wow."

"Yup, but we can pull it off. Last year wasn't easy and this year looks just as hard and fun if not harder"

"So you joining the proud ranks of the pride's bonners?"

"Yup. Defiantly after hearing that music I'm defiantly joining"

"Cool. You might wana talk to Steffan about getting he stuff needed and getting your uniform. I'll be over by the door when your done"

"Ok Fran."

As Rabu goes to talk to Steffan about joining the marching band Fran goes over to the door where the section leaders have been posted and after a little Rabu comes over and the bell rings and they walk down to the lunch room, Fran showing Rabu where to sit as he gets his lunch before sitting down himself.

"So Rabu what you have next?"

"Umm. Health. Room 26"

"Ok that's a back hall room. When you leave here go past the office and down B hall past the double doors, turn left up a small set of stairs, and it will be the second door on your left, just before a poll. I'm going there next also but I'm heading to rotc when I finish eating so ill be going there from about where my locker is"

"Thanks. Hey where you live? That is if you don't mind sharing"

"I don't mind sharing at all. Red oak drive"

"Oh cool. I live there too, 718"

"Serious? I'm next door. 720"

"Awesome" the bell rings

As Stang finishes eating and stands up to leave he reminds Rabu where to go as class ends and the are dismissed with a loud 'Sire, Yes, Sire', as is the procures of ROTC, he leaves and navigates the main hall to go down C hall, and to the room. He just goes to his seat and drops his bag before heading to the back corner where saw Rabu sitting.

"I see you found here"

"Ya. Wasn't too hard thanks to you, Stang"

"Cool. So how were you're other classes, in the morning?"

"I got here just before science"

"Oh, so what are your other classes?"

"Um, gym with Theison first, math with Jones, study hall, English with Soxman, and history with McClelland"

"Cool, we have a few classes together. Gym and English I'm in, I have Jones for math but 5th. She's a nice vixen. McClelland is a good one too he's a lion."

"Neat, the office said I can fill my study halls if I find a class with an open spot. What language you taking?"

"Ich habe Deutsch. German."

"Cool. I like German."

"Well, the class is open. We only have like ten."

"I'll talk to the office tomorrow. What teacher is it?"

"Herr Wesner, but I'll come with you if you want."


"Any time." the bell rings "We'll talk more after class."


Health class passes with little event. After class was over Stang went back and talked to Rabu more. As the bell rings they leave and walk out to the bus to go home. The trip home was a quiet one. Rabu looking around at all the car dealerships.

"Ok, Rabu, here's where we get off."

"Ya. Hey, Stang..." Rabu starts as the bus leaves them.

"Yes, Rabu?"

"You want to come over to my house for awhile?"

"Sure, let me just dump my crap in my room. You want to come up with me?"

"Why not. I'd love to see your room."

"Believe me, it's not much. But any way, follow me."

"Gladly." Rabu follows him into his house and room, looking around his room as Stang drops his bag and picks up a chain, putting it around his neck. "Cool room."

"Thanks. Ok just need to leave a note and we can go." scribbles a note and tapes it to his door before leaving. Rabu follows closely, then leads Stang to his room.

Opening his arms as he walks through the door backwards, arms open. "Welcome, my friend, to my room. Lots of crap in here, aint there."

"Ya, but nice." looks around as Rabu puts his stuff away. Glancing at his slim build and subconsciously nickering.

Rabu freezes and turns to see the horse looking at him. "Something wrong?"

"No not at all cutie."

"Cutie? Did you call me cutie?"

********sorry bout the abrupt ending for this chapter but its the best chapter break i could find and well, ill try to get more up soon