Normo takes Nana to the vet

Story by Sunkra on SoFurry

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WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are under age, or you can't separate fiction from real life events, or are intending to use this material against the author in any way, PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!

--------------------------------------------------------This work is copyrighted to the author Sunkra © 2010. Please don't remove the author information or make any changes to this story. Do not redistribute this storyin any way without the author's explicit writtenpermission. All rights reserved.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This story was written as adult fiction. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life. Any similarities with any real life events and/or persons are completely coincidental. Describedcharacters and/or events are fictional. Enjoy the story!--------------------------------------------------------

This story is about a young blood elf hunter taking his female lynx pet to a troll shaman vet for examination.This story contains: world of warcraft theme, medical,bestiality, bi sexuality, FMM, furry

Normo takes Nana to the vet.

Nervously, Normo waits in front of the troll shaman's tent, he casts an insecure smile to his lynx cat which he named Nana. A really beautiful creature she was, her coat shiny and groomed, rusty red coloured and her personality sweet as candy. But she had been rubbing her rear to the ground lately, making very sad mewing sounds and almost jumping everything that moved, so he took her to this local troll shaman doctor whom also is a vet in the hopes he can cure whatever ails her. He softly curses at his inexperience to help his own pet, but his training as a hunter hadn't progressed very far yet, him only being barely of the right age to go out and venture the world of Azeroth safely. Him being a fragile looking young blood elf boy not helping to repel danger at all. Finally the not bad looking face of the troll vet appears from his door opening, smiling reassuringly at the young troll boy:"Me be 'eady tah see cha' now, cum' on in."The blood elf boy rises to his feet, he had been hunching down to pet Nana and keep her comfortable, now gently commanding her to follow as both lynx and master enter the tent.

The rather dark inside is dimly lit by the hole in the top of the roof, allowing a little bit of sun inside. Heavy perfumed smoke from burning herbs hangs densely in the air, Normo needing some deep breathing to adjust. "Place da pet onto dah table, mon, an' tell me wut da p'oblem be."With a heavy grunt, Normo barely gets the cat lifted onto the heavy wooden table, his slender frame lacking any fat but as well lacking any real muscle. After washing his hands, the troll shaman grabs a leather kit which he displays and opens next to the friendly Nana, whilst she swishes her tail as she waits. With the troll vet preparing his tools, Normo has a little bit of time to observe the doctor better, doesn't seem too young but still in great shape, only wearing his shamanistic kilt and herb pouches on a belt around his waist. Reddish mohawk and painted symbols on his face, quite a good looking guy but since Normo thinks of himself as a straight blood elf boy he would never admit that publicly. "Le's 'ave a look den."

The troll doctor gently opens the feline's large maw and inspects the colour of her gums and tests her fangs for cracks whilst Normo explains the symptoms to him. "So she he' p'oblems be mos'ly at her back?" and after checking the cat's ears he coaxes her to turn around and raises her rear up in the air. The blood elf boy shuffles a little where he stands, concerned for his beloved pet's health. As the troll doctor lifts the cat's tail out of the way, a most delicate and pink slit is revealed with an equally pink anus under the base of her tail. A warm smile spreads over the troll's face, he moves his finger and with a lot of care and respect slides it over the beast's pussy, the warmth radiating from the delicate lips arousing him slightly. "Wut elfies an' blue bannah peeps dun' undahstand about bein' a huntah is da close bond wid cha' pet an' da 'esponsibilities dat b'ings wid it."

Patiently he proceeds with pulling open the tender lips and asks Normo to assist him by doing the same for her anus which the blood elf hunter does with a deep red blush on his cheeks. The soft velvety skin so pleasurable to touch, he slips two fingers inside her tight tail hole and pulls the cat's anus open a little, making her mew out and purr softly. The doctor hums a little tune as he checks the cat's temperature and the colour of her intimate parts, before suddenly leaning in close and taking a big wet lick over and between the plump and slight swollen lips of the cat's pussy. She mews out in delight and shivers run through her spine, drops of moist welling up from her slit. "Cha' see mon, dis be a huge deal elfies an' blue bannah peeps nevah lea'n deir huntahs, it be dah needs of cha' beast an' da gud way tah handle dem."

Releasing the cat's pussy lips, the grinning troll nudges the perplexed blood elf boy directly in front of the cat's rear, making him blush deeply and protest faintly:"This isn't right to do with an animal, they can't consent to having sex!""So cha' be thinkin' dat elfie? Why evah wul' animals mate wid each otah if dey culdn' decide wetah dey like tah rut o' not? Stop bein' silly an' treat cha' lady fine, she be needin' it mon!" the troll patiently explains as he tugs at the blood elf boy's clothes, leaving him soon completely naked. Shivering and with contradicting emotions battling inside of him, Normo extends his hands again and pets his cat's buttocks, stroking the fur and being rewarded with a loving gaze of Nana. He sighs slowly and lowers himself, bringing his head level with the soft delicate lips of her sex and gently licks the tip of his tongue over the slit. Mewing and clawing at the table, Nana lifts her tail and rear up high, pushing against her master's young tongue. Murring and grunting with forbidden pleasure, Normo dives his tongue deeper into the wet hot flesh of his pet cat's pussy.

Meanwhile the troll shaman unclasps his belt and slowly lowers his own kilt, a smooth blue penis, circumcised with a pink cock head, bounces into view in all its glory. It's still soft and flaccid, complimenting the rumors of trolls have large cocks already as the doctor hunches down behind the elf boy and rubs his short tusks against the tender flesh of his buttocks. His red trollish tongue sneaks out of his mouth and dips between the pink globes, running over the tight virginal anus of the boy elf and coating it in a layer of saliva. Blushing, the blood elf pushes back himself against the troll's face, the blunt tusks pressing into him as he does. He never had sex with a male before but oddly his body nor mind resists the deep primal urge this troll has awoken inside of him. With his chin, mouth and nose coated in pussy juices, Normo leans up again and trembling he brings his penis to Nana's well lubed slit, rubbing it gently against it and dipping it inside briefly. With load purring and growls, Nana scratches and claws the table, her pink anus winking invitingly as her master starts sliding his cock head into her warm sex.

With a few grunts, Normo's pink elven penis slides smoothly and deeply inside the large cat, his smooth balls bouncing into the furry belly of the feline. "Oh by the Light... this feels so good..."And inside he feels this isn't wrong, grabbing his pet's hips and moving into a pumping rhythm, slick squelching noises loudly audible as he mates Nana's large cat pussy. The troll never stopped grinning, the arousing vapors of his herbs which hang densely in the room never missed their effect in persuading his visitors, though the choices they make are still entirely theirs as the doctor would never force his patients. His other hand tickles his own trollish sack and his three large fingers enclose around his stiffening member, pumping it slowly as he keeps up the licking and probing of the elf's anus with his tongue. The troll then rises and stands behind Normo, leaning into him to press his warm body against the more fragile frame of the elf and to lick his ears with his long tongue.

Normo shivers and presses back into the shaman, the troll's blue skin contrasting his own pink colour so beautifully. Not waiting any longer, the doctor grabs the boy around his waist whilst Normo is still pumping into his cat, slowly pushing his cock head to the spit lubed anus. "Now mon, wut me will be takin' fo' meh payment..." and with a grin, the doctor pushes his large pink head inside the elf boy, making him gasp and grunt, stopping his fucking motions briefly to allow his body to adjust to the big intruder:"P-please, go easy... sir..."With his red tongue hanging out obscenely, the troll grunts and gives a few good pushes with his pelvis, forcing his long cock almost all the way in until he felt he bottomed out the poor boy. Withdrawing his cock until only his cock head remained inside, the troll shaman slams it back inside, making the boy whimper and yelp out. Nana can feel her master's burdened efforts and starts to push back onto the elf's penis in her own rutting motion, squeezing and milking her beastly pussy and making her master's balls churn in their sack.

After a few minutes of intense male and beastly fucking, Normo whimpers out:"S-sir... I am going to... oh Light, I'm going to cum..."With deep grunts and pumps, the troll almost snarls in his lust:"Gud boy, make cha' cat p'egnant wid cha' cubs, make he' tummy g'ow big and swollen wid cha' seed, give he' cha' babies!"The dark lusty words of the troll prove too much for the poor elf and he yells out as he buries his steel hard penis one more time into the soppy pussy of his cat, Nana mewing out loudly along with her master as soon her own animalistic orgasm hits her and floods her master's balls with little streams of cunt juices. Heavily grunting the troll doctor pumps a few more times, his smooth blue and heavy sack slapping the blood elf's bum as he finally presses deeply too, biting the boy's shoulder as he shoots his seed deeply inside. "Gud boy, ve'y gud boy... so young, so pink, ngh..."They stand like that for a couple of minutes, the three beings connected to each other as the afterglow of their orgasms slowly fade. The troll clears his throat and attains a more professional attitude again, pulling out his slick blue penis as it deflates, getting a few linen cloth towels to dry it off:"Me be thinkin' cha' pet be needin' mucha moar o' dis until she be leavin' heat... an' aftah dat, if cha' both still need a good ruttin', by all means go fo' it!"

Normo leans over his cat and kisses and licks her back, making her mew like a kitten as she feels the loving touches of her master. He slowly pulls out his own pink penis, soaked in sperm and beastly pussy juice as he receives a towel to clean up himself:"A-alright doc, by Quel'thalas, that felt so good I don't know why I didn't do it earlier."As he returns to earth with his two feet, the boy looks back at the troll and blushes at the sight of the large penis, realizing he just had male sex too for the first time:"That definitely was a surprise, but kind of nice..."The troll just smirks, clasping his kilt and belt back in place:"Cha' be a blood elfie mon, tah 'ave male sex be w'itten all ovah cha!"

With a last few chuckles, Normo cleans up himself and his pet, dressing up and leaving the doctor with a big hug, promising to return for regular check ups soon.