Tobais' Story, pt. 2

Story by theredvulpine on SoFurry

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Here's number 2! Reminder: If you are confused by this, please read number one first. Thank you and enjoy!

3,598 words


I was running. I turned and looked behind me to be sure I wasn't being followed, I wasn't. I turned the corner and bumped into someone, but I just kept running. Then I saw a small doorway and ducked into it. The room was small, no bigger than my old room in the village. I looked around and saw a closet to duck into. I closed the door behind me and tried to quiet my breathing. I didn't know what I would do if they caught me.

Just then, I heard the door open. I heard a few voices, male; probably soldiers come looking for me. I heard sniffing, it was getting closer! I held my breath, hoping they wouldn't notice me, but it was too late. The door to the closet swung open and I stared into the face of my pursuer. "Gotchya," he said.

The larger husky pulled me out of the closet and restrained me, I struggled against him, but it was no use. "You just wait," he said.

I heard more footsteps coming towards the room. The soldiers grew quiet as they heard them to, just then, he entered.

"Not fair!" I complained.

Malachi looked confused. "What?" he said.

"No fair using the guards!"

"And why not? They're my guards."

"Well, yeah, but they won't listen to me! They give you an unfair advantage," I concluded. With that, I crossed my now freed arms and turned my back to him.

Hide and seek was one of my favorite games to play in the castle. I know it sounds immature, but it was really fun. There were so many good places to hide, unfortunately, Malachi knew them all. That didn't bother me, though, as I enjoyed any time I got with him. We had been spending less and less time together in the three week period that I had been staying at the castle. I was beginning to get used to this new life of mine. I was still a little socially disgraceful, but I was learning. Malachi had been doing his best to get me ready to lead the life royalty, but I found it hard to adjust, hence our little game of hide-and-go-seek.

Malachi walked up behind me and embraced me, nuzzling at my neck and murring softly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cheat."

"Yes you did, but I'll forgive you anyway." I turned my head and licked at his ears.

Malachi cleared his throat and looked at the husky who had caught me earlier.

"Oh! Right!" said the husky. "Move out men, the king and his companion need to, er, be alone for a while." Amidst a bit of snickering and chatter, the soldiers left the room, closing the door behind them. I was finally alone with my mate.

I turned in his embrace to face him. He touched his nose to mine and looked deeply into my eyes. "I've got you," he whispered.

"I know," I whispered back. He smiled, and then pressed his lips to mine. An electric shock shot through me as it had in our first kiss and every kiss we had shared since then. I held more tightly to him as the kiss became more passionate, his tongue sliding across my lips and his hands traveling up and down my back. I felt tingles shoot through my body, making my fur stand on end as he slowly pushed his tongue into my mouth and wrapped it around mine. I moaned quietly as he backed me up into a wall and held me tighter.

He broke the kiss, which made me whimper, but he put his finger to my lips, quieting me. I kissed his finger and he smiled at me. Then, he surprised me by sliding his thigh between my hips and pressing it against my groin. I moaned and held to him tightly, leaning my head on his shoulder as he pressed my sex with his leg.

"Hmm..." he said quietly. "You feel a bit, hard to me..." Indeed this was true, from the moment he had first put his arms around me I had begun to feel, shall I say, twitterpated. Now with his leg between my thighs, I could not help but to become excited.

He began to rub my groin with his leg, causing me to moan louder as he slowly worked me out of my sheath and into my pants. I could not help myself and started to slowly trust against his leg, this bringing immense pleasure causing my knot to grow. Malachi must have noticed my excitement, as he began to open my shirt and rub my chest, only adding to my need of him. He slowly worked his hand down my chest and stomach and to my pants, where he continued to toy with me. He rubbed the bulge in my pants with his palm, smiling at the face I made as he did so. After rubbing me for a moment, he opened my belt and slowly opened my pants to reveal my twitching cock. He smiled and pulled it out of my pants. He then lightly clutched it and ever-so-slowly began to stroke. This evoked a subtle feeling that made me whimper with desire as he pressed his knee into my crotch again. I held tighter to him and pressed my face into his neck as he clutched me tighter and stroked faster. I began thrusting into his palm again, pre cum spurting out of my cock. He gently grabbed my ass with his free hand and rubbed his knee between my legs, causing me to moan again. I started to thrust faster and faster as I neared climax. Malachi seemed to notice and pressed his knee deeper between my legs and squeezed my cock tightly, that was too much, I couldn't take it. I arched my back and moaned loudly as I came into his hands, my seed quickly covering my mate's hand. He continued stroking until I had finished ejaculating, and even then he did not release my cock, not that I minded. Then he kissed me, a long passionate kiss that made me even weaker in the knees than I had been before. He slowly broke the kiss and whispered "I love you.

"I love you too," I whispered back and we lost ourselves in the other's eyes.

Then I heard someone cough from somewhere near the door. I quickly broke eye contact with my mate to see who it was, worried that they had watched us in such an intimate moment.

It was Yanic, Malachi's chief advisor. He was an older looking hawk with a strong build and was fairly tall, though not as tall as Malachi. He had piercing grey eyes that made you want to look away. He carried himself with pride and always looked even Malachi right in the eye. Frankly, he frightened me. I didn't particularly like him, probably because he had done things like this before, either interrupting us or just "happening to enter as we finished."

Malachi turned to see what I was looking at; apparently he hadn't heard the cough. "Oh, Yanic, er, fancy meeting you here."

"Yes," said Yanic, looking me up and down with a sarcastically amused look on his face. "I've got some pressing matters that you need to attend to, my lord. However, I see that you have some matters of your own..." he paused, looking me over again, "that you may need to deal with."

Malachi quickly looked down at me, and then backed up. "Hun, I should probably go..."

"Alright sweetie, I love you," I whispered, downhearted at having him taken away from me so quickly.

Malachi turned and started to leave the room, looking over his shoulder to wink at me as he started to lick his hand clean.

Yanic followed Malachi out, but stopped before he left, turning back to look at me, "Tobias," he said, almost sounding concerned. "Do us a favor and put that away," he said, pointing at my crotch.

I looked down and realized that my pants were still open and my privates were hanging out. I quickly closed my pants, blushing brightly as I heard Yanic chuckle and close the door behind him.

It was several days later and I had seen little of Malachi since our last game of hide-and-go-seek. He had been quite busy with matters of the war and had little time to spend with me. The only time we had together was in bed, and he was often too tired to do anything but sleep.

During my hours alone, I had begun to explore the castle grounds. The gardens themselves stretched for acres. I had spent many a pleasurable afternoon smelling the flowers or searching for a new fountain. I had once even gotten lost in a large maze, but I quickly found the exit when a local scholar out for a stroll had found me huddled in a corner.

Another place that I had "discovered" was the library. It seemed to me that there were more books here than there had been trees in the forest of my home. Any book I could ever want was there. I had visited quite a few times and had already made friends with the librarian, an elderly mole who told the most interesting riddles.

However, I did not always have free time. Sometimes Malachi sent a tutor, who was to help me become better at things such as table manners and conversation during social gatherings. I did not know why I needed to know how to converse, so far the only person that I had ever talked to at dinner was Malachi, other than that I was quiet. Malachi had told me that this made some of the nobility to think of me as mysterious, but in reality it was because I was far too shy to even ask someone (other than Malachi) to pass the rolls.

The fact was that I was not entirely comfortable with this new life. It was scary and I was not nearly ready to deal with so many people. On a normal basis, there would be more people in a single room in this castle, than there had been people in my village. However, I found myself coping quite nicely, knowing that Malachi would always be there to protect me should the need arise.

It was not that the people at the castle treated me badly, in fact, it was quite the opposite. Everyone treated me with the courtesy and kindness that the treated Malachi. I had even been bowed to a few times. The soldiers had especially been treating me nicely. They gave me directions or help whenever I needed it, albeit they were lousy at following any orders I gave them concerning hide-and-go-seek.

Today was quite boring. It was raining outside, so the gardens were out, also there was a conference being held in the library, so there was off limits. I was wandering through the hall when I saw Malachi and his usual group of guards and aids following about. I ran up to him, shouting for him to stop. I saw the guards tense up, but they saw that it was only me and relaxed as I approached.

"Sweetheart!" exclaimed Malachi. "Oh, I'm so glad to see you," he said as he gave me a big hug, which I greatly appreciated. "Come on, you're just in time to listen to my new recruits speech!"

I had no idea what he meant so, curious, I joined him. I held his hand as we walked through the halls towards the barracks where the speech would be held.

We entered a large, open room with a rise in the center, around which were standing about fifty soldiers in formation, apparently new recruits. They looked in awe as Malachi approached. Malachi released my hand and smiled at me as he entered the stepped up to the rise and looked down at the recruits. I sat at the side and looked around at the soldiers.

They looked about as old as me, though some a bit older. A few looked at me curiously and mumbled something to their companions, but most were most concerned with Malachi. I continued examining the new recruits, and then I saw Yanic standing in a corner. He glanced at me but nothing else. I vowed to get to Malachi before he did. For some reason I felt that he was trying to steal my mate out from under me. Whenever he was around I felt extremely jealous and protective, cuddling up close to Malachi so as to mark my territory.

Malachi called to attention the new recruits and gave them a speech about protecting the country and family or something, I wasn't really paying attention. Instead, all of my attention was centering on the tight pants that Malachi had decided to wear. The speech lasted about five minutes, and then Malachi stepped down and began walking towards me. As I began to get up to meet him, Yanic swooped out of nowhere, said something to Malachi and lead him in another direction. I stopped; dumbfounded for a moment, then I was crushed, realizing that Malachi had once again been distracted from me.

I decided to return to Malachi's and my room. The entrance lead into a large room, filled with fine art and luxurious furniture. Off of that room was our expansive bedroom, which housed our bed, a few more chairs and sofas, and a large fireplace that was constantly kept going. There was also a small bathroom and closets, though I ignored those rooms and went straight for the bed. I sat on the edge and took off my clothes, climbing under the covers and trying to fall asleep. I had a hard time of it and eventually grabbed Malachi's pillow and snuggled with it, burying my face in it and breathing in Malachi's scent. I whimpered as I began to fall asleep. Although I saw my mate everyday, I missed him.

I woke up the next morning, expecting to find Malachi next to me. Instead I opened my eyes to find myself alone. Malachi had come to bed later than me before, but never had he completely skipped sleeping altogether. I sat up and looked around the room, looking for any sign that he had been here. There wasn't. My clothes were still on the ground beside the bed and there was nothing else moved. I whimpered softly. Since I had first gotten here, I had always woken up next to Malachi. Today just seemed to show how far apart we were getting. I began to wonder if coming here was the right thing to do. I clutched Malachi's pillow to my chest and jut lie there, feeling abandoned by my mate for a while. Eventually I got up and put on a robe. I went into the main living room and found Malachi sitting at a desk and looking over some papers. I came up behind him and put my hand on his shoulder. He jumped.

"Oh, it's only you,"

"Only me?" I asked, tilting my ears back and swishing my tail.

Malachi turned and smiled at me. "Only the most wonderful fox on the face of this earth, you."

I smiled. Malachi knew just how to make me feel better. I pulled up a chair and sat next to him, looking at what he was working on, and then looking at him. He looked tired, exhausted even.

"You need to go to bed," I told him.

"Just a few more minutes, then I'll join you."

"Join me? It's in the morning silly."

He thought for a minute. "Oh my, it is the morning isn't it... OH Hun!" He looked at me with a sad expression on his face. "I didn't realize that I was working so late! I'm so sorry, I would have come to bed with you but-"

"Shhh..." I cut him off. "No worries sweetie, but come on, you need to sleep."

"Only if you join me," he said with a devilish grin.

So, of course, I followed him into the bedroom. He shut and locked the door. "No interruptions this time," he said, for which I was grateful.

I stared at his tail as he walked to the bed. I watched him swish his beautifully black tail back and forth, it was almost hypnotizing. He sat down and motioned me to come over. I sat on his lap and he smiled at me.

"Hi," he whispered.

"Hi," I whispered back.

He nuzzled at my neck and I wrapped my arms around him. He began kissing my at my neck and jaw line, which made me giggle. I playfully nibbled on his ears and he pushed me over onto the bed and crawled on top of me, sitting up on my hips.

He smiled down at me as he untied my robe and revealed my torso. He murred as he rubbed his hands through my chestfur, making me lay my head back and moan quietly. He sat up and removed his shirt, causing me to stare openly at his naked chest and stomach. I began to get excited and Malachi looked at me slyly.

"Ooohhh," he said playfully. "I've got an idea." With that, he scooted back and pulled my robe open all the way, revealing my expanding sheath. I whimpered in anticipation as he leaned over and blew gently on my balls. He moved his head very close to me and breathed gently on my sheath, making me whimper again and clutch at the sheets. He decided he had tortured me enough and began to lick at my sheath. I moaned, the feeling of his soft tongue on my sheath quickly making me hard. As my cock pushed out of my sheath, Malachi reached up and slowly stroked me, causing me to grow even faster. He continued until I was fully erect, then he licked up my sheath and shaft and swirled his tongue around the head. I closed my eyes as he continued this until pre cum began to stream from my cock. He sat up and rubbed my cock, spreading the pre cum evenly over my shaft.

"Don't move a muscle," he said as he got out of bed. He removed his pants to reveal that he had a sizeable erection himself, which he promptly began stroking. I felt myself drooling at the sight of my beautiful mate pleasuring himself. He climbed back into bed and crouched right over my cock. I gasped as I realized his intentions. I had never penetrated him. He leaned forward to softly kiss me then he leaned back again, hovering directly over my cock. He reached down to guide my cock to his tail hole and then he paused again, my head just pressing into him. He moved his hips a little, causing his fur to rub against the sensitive area of my cock, and I gasped, and then moaned softly. He smiled at this and then slowly pressed down on my cock. I gripped the bed sheets tightly as he slid down onto me, gritting my teeth at this wonderful new sensation. When he was finally all the way down on me, he paused, allowing me to feel this new, warm, tight sensation around my cock. Then, he began to rock his hips back and forth, causing my cock to slide slowly in and out of him. I moaned and leaned my head back, gripping the sheets again. He slowed to a stop again and I looked up at him. He made sure I was looking, and then he grabbed his cock and slowly started to stroke, I whimpered at the sight. Then, as he increased his speed, I could feel his tail hole twitching with each stroke. He then started to rock his hips again, this time going faster. I moaned loudly as he rode me in this fashion, stroking himself as he did so. I pressed my head back and pulled on the sheets, the sensations causing me to cry out time and time again.

I heard Malachi gasp and felt him stiffen and I looked up quickly. I watched as he stroked himself quickly and listened to him groan and finally cry out as he came, his pearly seed spurting out onto my chest. He continued rocking his hips, faster and stronger now as he came on me. This was all too much, his masturbating on me, and him riding me as his tailhole went into spasms as he orgasmed. I moaned loudly and arched my back as I came deep inside my mate. He pushed down onto my cock as I spurted my seed inside him.

He finished stroking himself and lay down on top of me. I embraced him tightly, feeling his warm body against mine. We lay this way for a long time. I smiled as I felt his heavy breathing and his heart beating against my chest. I gently scratched his back. After a while I felt his breathing become steadier and I nuzzled his neck. He did not respond so I did it again before I realized he was asleep.

"I love you," I whispered into his ear, and then kissed his cheek and held my sleeping mate close.