A Trainer's Tale - Chapter 7: Witt

Story by WittyOverload on SoFurry

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                      A Trainer's Tale                               Chapter 7: Witt   Ian and friends had just had a nice stay at the beach and were now eating lunch at a (thankfully pokemon friendly) restaurant. As Ian dined, he noticed the bell ring indicating a new customer. The man that arrived was rather strange. He had a large trenchcoat and a cowboy hat on, A cocky smile and a Raichu by his side. Something about this guy was different. He seemed to be staring at Ian intensly. Ingoring it, he payed for his food, Ian and his pokemon all headed out. Soon Ian's Pokenav' began ringing. "Hello?" Ian asked. In honesty this was his first time using it and he found it working along the lines of a cell phone. "Hey Ian! It's May! Me and Brandon are arriving at the dock soon and we'd like to see you at the museum, Okay?" May asked. "Yeah, uh sure. See you then" Ian turned off his phone and turned to the group "Okay guys, were going to a museum" Ian told them. They all had blank stares. Museum? Was that some Gym? Noticing this, he tried his best to explain. "It's, Uh it's this place where... you learn things."

After heading to the museum, He paid his way and (unfortunantly) had to keep them all in their balls. When he looked at everyone in it, He noticed something: They were all Team Aqua! Slipping by so he was noticed, he headed upstairs. There didn't seem to be any members, just a lone sea captain. "Hello sir! Good to see someone who isn't a grunt!" Ian said to the man "Yes, i wonder what those lads are doing! They-" The captain was interrupted by two grunts. "Hey! get out of- WAIT A MINUTE! You're that kid! I knew you had the package we were looking for!" the grunt yelled What the helk was that guy talking about. Oh! that was that stupid guy who had Dean. What was his name? Wigg? Wudge? "You're Weedge!" Ian yelled "ITS WEDGE! W-E-D-G-E! GET THAT IN YOUR HEAD! NOW I'M GUNNA HAVE FUN STEALING THE GOODS AND KICKING YOUR KEISTER!" Wedge yelled as he pulled out a pokeball and turned to his partner "Biggs, let me kick this guy's behind alone." Wedge said as he clicked the pokeball'd button "Go Carvanha!" the grunt yelled as they began to battle Out from the doorway, the Cowboy trainer stood in the doorway, "He's the one" The guy muttered with a smirk. After being defeated, Wedge slumped back to Biggs "Wedge, let me tell you something. YOU'RE A MORON! let me deal with this" Of course, Biggs lost as well. Giving a sigh (and some money) the two headed out before being blocked by something: It was Archie! Their fearless leader would kill this punk! "I was waiting for you two idiots to get the parts, but i see you were held up by a mere child. I am Team Aqua's Archie. Sigh Why do you meddle in the noble affairs of Team Aqua? We are trying to change the world for the better. Ah, Fine... I can see you're still too young. Now, if you dare oppose us again, there will be consequences! I am Team Aqua's all knowing leader! Heed my warning! Farewell!" Archie yelled as Biggs and Wedge ran behind their master. "Funny the 'All knowing leader' didn't realize i already have the parts. Now, you must be Ian, Eh? You're name is getting around as some 'master trainer'. Now, let me properly reward you" The captain said as he handed him some disk...It was a TM! Not only that... "It's HM03, or surf." The captain said. Before Ian could thank the man, he noticed the man had been gone for a while. I guess i've just been gawking at this for a while Ian thought with a laugh Suddenly, a man's footstep began towards him, followed by a slow clapping. "Bravo! Bravo! I can see you're making a name for yourself!" Looking towards the voice, he noticed it was the cowboy from the restaurant! "Wh-Who're you?" Ian asked, curious if he was going to murder him "Don't be so scared! Obviously you haven't met her yet, but you will soon enough. I was told you were strong, but not THAT strong. Hell, you could probably take me on!" The guy said with a laugh "The name's Witt" Witt said extending his hand. Ian had eased up a little, enough to shake hands at least, but a million questions raced through his mind. "Don't worry, it'll all be clear soon" Witt said "What does that-" Ian stopped as he looked around and saw he was alone. "-Mean...." Ian finished before hearing more footsteps. "Ian!" He heard May call as she and Brandon joined him "I heard you met with that Archie guy! Thats so cool!" May giddily said as she gave him a hug.

Right now Ian was in the Pokecenter heading back to his room. He pondered what that cowboy- Er...Witt! ya him- what he meant. As he opened the door and let everyone out he noticed a large figure by his bedside covered by a tarp. After untarping it, he saw what it really was: It was a Mach Bike! on it was attached a note: This'll help with the road ahead - Witt "Wow Ee ann! That things cool!" Jessica screamed as she, Elizabeth and Dean all looked it over. Soon the four all had a nice shower and got into bed-positions. While the pokemon all fell to sleep, Ian still thought about Witt's riddle like words: Who was she? What did this have to do with him? Before long he fell asleep End of Chapter 7

The first introduction of Witt, The mysterious Cowboy. This chapter was hard to write (mainly because i had to write a whole chapter in a day just to keep up on schedual and that chapter 8 was going to be chapter 7 but i switched them around.) Next chapter focuses on Melody and Nancy, Ian's sister and mother.