RG6: Aurora Borealis Part 1

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#6 of RG


Part One

Part Six of Reindeer Games:

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Rudolph held Clarice's hand firmly as they walked beneath the brilliant display of the heavens above, the dark stillness of the North Pole all around them as they enjoyed the concealing safety of the lush tropical foliage surrounding them.

"It's beautiful, Rudolph," said Clarice softly, looking up at her handsome young friend. "I'm so glad you brought me here. I've always loved the stars at night. But I've never been warm before when I looked up at them."

When he'd first started down the single hallway toward the gym, Rudolph hadn't really known where he was taking the sweet-faced young doe. But when he reached the end of the hall, there was a fork where before there'd been a right angle. One way had a sign that read 'Gym,' just as he'd seen it before. But the other way had a sign that read 'Greenhouse,' which Rudolph could have sworn wasn't there the first time he'd gone down the hall. But of course, he didn't tell Clarice that. No sense wasting a perfectly good turn of events like that, after all, by making her wonder more about the Workshop than about the matter at hand.

'And what is the matter at hand?' Rudolph thought briefly to himself as he turned to look down into Clarice's sweet blue eyes, pulling her wonderful, warm body against his firm chest. 'I really don't know. But whatever it is, I'm liking it.'

"I love the stars too," said Rudolph quietly. "But only because I know that you're under them, your face lit up brighter than any of them."

"It's only been a week since we last saw each other, Rudolph," said Clarice hesitantly. "But why does it feel so long ago? It's like we're both totally different people, with totally different feelings."

"Not different," said Rudolph, his face lowering until his glowing nose was just grazing Clarice's sending electric tingles through her body. "Just deeper, more mature and refined. I think I love you, Clarice. I think I always have."

"I think . . ." and Clarice turned her head then, nuzzling Rudolph's cheek, "that you think too much."

Rudolph was suddenly left blinking then, as Clarice slipped from his arms and darted a few paces off into the thick foliage. She paused a moment, looking back at Rudolph, then gave him a slow, sultry wink, before vanishing into the underbrush.

Rudolph, taking a few seconds to realize that a challenge had been made, started forward, pushing his way through the thick greenery of the Workshop greenhouse. He'd only gone a few steps when he noticed one of Clarice's elegant white elbow gloves hanging from a bush, lit up in the dark by his nose. A short while later, he found the other glove, lying on the ground near one of her hoofprints. As Rudolph progressed his imagination began going crazy as he discovered Clarice's white dress neatly unzipped and hanging from the low-hanging branch of a tree. Another tree only moments deeper into the forest held her brassier, enclosed in its deciduous depths. Finally, right on the border of a small clearing filled with tall wildflowers, Rudolph found Clarice's pink silk panties lying neatly placed on the ground. Looking up, the buck's breath caught in his chest, and he was certain his heart skipped a beat, even as his nose increased in luminosity, filling up the night sky with a soft rosy glow.

There, standing in the middle of the clearing, perfectly highlighted by the light of Rudolph's shining nose, half-turned away from him, her arms covering her pert breasts with sweet modesty, was Clarice, wearing not a stitch of clothing. Had they been normal tiny reindeer, walking about on all fours, Rudolph knew that he wouldn't have been affected by the knowledge that there was a naked female only a short distance in front of him. But now, as a biped, that thought was driving him nuts with desire, and he began to walk toward Clarice, his eyes drinking in her sweet, wonderful body, which was all the more desirable because of the sweet and wonderful spirit within.

"I love you too, Rudolph," said Clarice as Rudolph reached her. "I don't think that. I know it. I've always known it. I just never knew how to say it before"

Rudolph opened his mouth to speak, but Clarice stepped forward, into his arms, and kissed him, her tongue sliding into his muzzle. The French kiss lacked experience, but the mere thought of being kissed by the doe he'd grown up loving was more than enough to make Rudolph swoon.

"Here," said the red-nosed buck as he closed his arms around Clarice, his voice strained and short of breath from the intensity of his feelings. "Let me show you how to do that right."

"Please," said Clarice as she let her naked body be pressed against her buck's. "I think we need to practice it a lot, don't you?"

"Most definitely," agreed Rudolph. "There's no such thing as too much practice."

Joy glanced at her twin sister, Peace, then looked back up at the pleased face of Comet, his eyes still obscured by his dark glasses. The two anthropomorphic tiny reindeer had been enjoying themselves at the buffet line only a short while before, chatting amiably with some of the bucks and does that had come to see what the celebrity lifestyle was really like. Then they had both turned as one when they felt someone come up behind them, only to stare up into the mirrorshaded eyes of Comet.

Like most of the young tiny reindeer at the party, this was the first time for the twins in a humanoid body. Because of this, they weren't quite used to the strange feelings that came with being more humanlike, such as infatuation, and the odd sensation of sexual arousal outside of their usual heat cycle. So when a tall, handsome celebrity like Comet came and began to put the moves on the twins, they both fell for it like a ton of bricks. They had both enjoyed his attentions while they were nonmorphic, and he'd been an expert lover on all fours. Just thinking about what he'd be like now that he had hands and a much more agile muzzle quickly drove all inhibition and caution from the twin does. Have a friend you want to bring along for the ride? No problem. Or at least, that was what Joy and Peace had thought, until they found out that the friend was actually a massive Russian polar bear.

Seated on the edge of the massive waterbed in Comet's room, Peter the polar bear smiled down at the pretty doe kneeling between his legs, his wildly colorful swimsuit pooled at his ankles while he rested his hands on the bed behind him, his massive black erection standing at full attention. Peace shared the look her sister shot her, and shrugged. She really wasn't sure what she was going to do with this big bear, but she'd figure something out.

"You want to taste it first, yes?" asked Peter as he looked down at Peace, smiling pleasantly. "Or you prefer to get right to the humping."

"Um, I'm just getting used to it," said Peace, wrapping one gentle hand around the thick length and starting to stroke it up and down, marveling at the size. "It's just, I've never had a polar bear before."

"You will learn fast," said Peter with a chuckle. "Am not that different from stud-buck Comet, here, after all. Same color, and taste not too much off either."

Joy shook her head with a grin as she heard this, and then looked Comet over. He was naked, something that hadn't been quite so great a turn-on until her change. The young doe could easily appreciate how well muscled Comet was, from his sculpted chest, to this bulging arms, to his eight-pack abs, to the tight butt just beneath his uplifted tail, to the powerful thighs she was resting her hands upon. His black-skinned cock, while not the piece of geography hanging between Peter's white-furred legs, was just as long as she remembered it, and quite a bit thicker with the change into a humanoid shape, with an odd, humanlike knob at its end. The slit at the very tip was leaking a little precum, and Joy leaned forward and licked it off with a flick of her tongue, making Comet grunt in approval of her action.

Lowering herself still further, Joy gently stroked Comet's plump white-furred balls, and then took first one and then the other into her mouth, rolling them around in her sweet heat, her tongue doing delightful things to his seed sacs. Comet had taught her and Peace how to do a lot of things that made them very popular with the other bucks, and she intended to show her teacher what she'd learned since the last time they'd fooled around.

Peace, meanwhile, was moving her muzzle all over Peter's balls. There was no way she could fit the softball-sized organs completely into her muzzle, so she satisfied herself by licking and nibbling her way all over them, sucking in little nibbles of the warm skin beneath the pelt and giving it some swipes of her tongue before releasing that little mouthful to move on to the next patch. Peter was obviously quite pleased with her efforts, for he soon began to moan in a very pleased manner, gripping the bed sheets in his large clawed hands.

Comet's face remained an inscrutable mask behind his shades and his pleased smirk as he watched Joy in her ball-play. He almost gasped aloud, though, when she dipped her head a little bit lower and began to tongue his (thankfully clean) tailhole. Leaning back a little to let Joy go to work, Comet's cobblestone tummy flexed and tightened with the pleasures running through him as he was rimmed out by the cute doe, her peach colored fur and pure white underbelly the same as her sister's, the only difference being a tiny spot of stray black fur on their faces. For Joy it was the left side, and for Peace the right.

Peter growled deep in his chest as he saw and felt Peace's talented pink tongue flick across the thick knobbed head of his cock. She would turn her head to the side and wrap her muzzle around his girth, then rotate her head as she slid her muzzle up and down, her lips moving, her tongue stroking and teasing. Finally the big bear had enough of the cock play, and reached down to take the pretty little doe by the head. Gently extricating her from his penis, Peter lifted her until she was staring down the barrel of his cock, which she held steady with one hand, while her other hand continued to stroke his balls. Peace looked up at Peter and gulped nervously, but there was nothing for it: in a moment the thick, bulbous cockhead was rubbing against her lips, the spicy tang of his precum begging entry into her muzzle. Yielding up all resistance, Peace took a deep breath, and let the bear-cock slide into her muzzle, stretching her jaws wide. Fighting back her gag reflex, Peace opened her throat as well, and whimpered a little as she began to deep-throat the huge organ, letting Peter guide her up and down with his strong paw. After a short while Peter let Peace up for air, which she sucked in with gasping breaths, before he pushed her back down onto his cock, his thick precum dribbling straight into her stomach as he slowly humped her throat, being careful not to injure the much-smaller doe. Seeing her pressed up against his furry paunch, her hands pressed against his belly as she whimpered, her beautiful brown eyes looking up at him, pleading silently with him not to hurt her, was so much of a turn on that Peace's muzzle soon began to overflow with spurts of thick precum from Peter's cock.

Joy looked up at Comet as she bobbed her head up and down on his pleasant-tasting shaft. For some reason the tiny reindeer's cum and precum always tasted just like cream soda, and she didn't know of any doe who could enough of it. It was addictive, for the more you sucked, the more you wanted. And when Comet came inside of you, well, it felt just as though his semen was bubbling around like real soda, a feeling like nothing else, and one which could make the most stoic of does scream in ecstasy. Joy's hands were gripping Comet's tight butt, squeezing it tightly as she pulled up, swirled her tongue around the head of his cock, and then sucked the whole length down once more, humming to herself with pleasure as she did so, the vibrations rattling Comet's nerves until it took all his willpower just to keep from grimacing, though a close look would have revealed that the muscles of his jaw had tightened up, and his abs were clenched until they almost hurt. Joy could feel how tightened Comet's butt was as she went to work on him, and pressed herself forward until she'd taken him to the roots, looking up with her wide brown eyes as her muzzle was pressed against his tight tummy, her chinfur rubbing his balls as she sucked hard on his throbbing buck-meat.

Giving a grunt of pleasure at this move, Comet placed his hand on Joy's head and pulled her gently from his cock, tilting his head forward just enough so that she could see him wink at her over his shades.

"Let's take this a step higher," he said, pulling her onto the bed and then lying back.

Peter, hearing Comet's voice, glanced at the buck, and then grinned as he saw Comet positioning Joy on top of him, her firm little bottom facing his muzzle, while her muzzle was already nibbling once more at his erection. Pulling Peace's head up, letting the doe gasp for breath once more, the big bear scooped her easily into his arms and lay back on the bed next to Comet, setting Peace down on top of his pleasantly rounded tummy, facing away from him.

"This new position, Comet," said Peter with a grin at the buck, even as his long-clawed paws gripped Peace's tight rump, his thumbs prizing her tight little labia open. "I am liking it very much so."

"They call it sixty-nine," murmured Comet as his hands gently stroked Joy's inner labia, as her outer labia was parted by the spreading of her legs, getting it all wet and puffy with need. "Like the numbers, you know: head to tail, tail to head."

"Is very clever," said Peter with a broad smile. "I am liking it more and more."

That said, Peter thrust his muzzle forward, tilting it downward slightly, and a yelp escaped Peace's lips as the bear's thick tongue invaded her tight cunny, and then began to deftly stroke her G-spot, besides numerous other places, making her eyes roll back into her head as she grabbed onto his thick cock and began pumping it for dear life, taking just the head into her muzzle so that she could give it a good sucking. Her tongue swirled madly around the thick tulip-shaped bulb that, unknown to her, hadn't yet reached its full dimensions, and probably wouldn't until it was sheathed deep inside her body, locking them together like dogs in heat, as she worked with all her might to match the furious pace of the mighty bear, which was making her senses reel.

"Yeah," agreed Comet as he breathed across Joy's sweet-smelling sex. "So am I."

Comet then began to nibble his way around Joy's labia, before starting to lick and nibble on the hood of her clitty, making the doe writhe and buck in pleasure as she began to deep-throat his cock once more. He gave a soft grunt of pleasure, then slid his tongue deep inside her, tasting her essence straight from its source as he made the young doe moan around his cock in pleasure.

Jenny sat nervously on the edge of the plush red satin sheets of Vixen's bed, trying to look anywhere but at the voluptuous Vixen who was even then stripping down before the elf-girl's eyes. But despite all her embarrassment, Jenny still found herself looking as the sheer red dress slid like a crimson waterfall to the floor, before Vixen looked over her shoulder at the petite little elf-girl, her tail flicking up to show off her perfectly-rounded rump. Vixen wore nothing beneath her dress, and Jenny's breath caught in her throat, growing steadily more aroused not only by the sight of the beautiful female in front of her, but also from the thought of how deliciously naughty all of this really was.

"I think you're overdressed for this occasion," said Vixen in her smooth, sultry way as she turned, utterly unashamed of her nudity, and sashayed over to the elf-girl, her body moving in ways that could bring any male on the planet to his knees, and a good number of females as well.

"I - I've never done this . . . with a female . . . before," stammered Jenny as Vixen's soft hands reached down to the hem of her green shirt. "M-maybe this isn't such a good idea. Maybe we should just . . ."

Vixen cut off Jenny's words with a kiss on the elf-girl's lips, and before she even knew it, Jenny was kissing back, her eyes shut tight as she felt the blood pounding in her head. Vixen's hands roamed everywhere, and soon Jenny found herself stroking Vixen's breasts, and then over the doe's smooth-furred back, down to Vixen's uplifted tail. The two femmes broke the kiss only long enough to slip the green elf-shirt over Jenny's head, and it grew even more impassioned as Vixen began to stroke the elf's pretty, pert breasts (for, like almost all elf girls, Jenny was petite enough to not need a brassier).

"You have such perfect skin," said Vixen softly as she broke the kiss at last, her muzzle lowering to Jenny's little breasts. "So smooth, so soft. Hmm," she looked up at Jenny's face with a naughty, knowing smirk. "I wonder if your skin is that smooth all over."

Jenny was too busy trying to catch her breath to say anything as Vixen unbuckled the shiny black leather belt that held up the elf-girl's green leggings, and she could only watch wide-eyed as Vixen slid her pants down her legs as smoothly as butter across a hot pan, with Jenny lifting her small, cute bottom just a little to help the tiny reindeer undress her.

Now clad only in her pointy elf-shoes and her elf-hat with its jingling little bell on the end, Jenny looked up at Vixen with a mixture of nervousness and desire, even as the svelte doe lay the elf-girl back on the bed, her long-lashed eyes eagerly absorbing Jenny's sensitive elf body. Jenny's legs were proportionately long for her size, which was about two-thirds that of an average human woman, making her quite tall for an elf. But though her body was small, and her skin was as pale and smooth as fresh cream, she was nevertheless a full-grown female of her kind, and had the proportions of a petite adult human woman, though with a more perfect symmetry to her body than could be found on any human. Her breasts were pert swellings on her chest, with large, very sensitive nipples, and her stomach smooth and flat, though she lacked a belly-button, as did all of her people. Jenny's face was slightly angular, but only just enough to make her look a little impish, heightening the smiles that came so easily to the faces of elf folk at the North Pole. Vixen gently parted Jenny's legs then, and nodded in satisfaction as she took in the wonderfully sweet little cunny of the elf-girl, its depths as cloyingly tight as a human teenager. Because of her immortal status, Jenny's body could stretch to fit a male of almost any size, and yet would always return to that delightful, near-virgin tightness only minutes after her lovemaking was finished.

"Just relax, Jenny," said Vixen soothingly as she climbed onto the bed, covering Jenny's body with her own, her soft fur rubbing against the elf's smooth, pale skin. "This is gonna feel really good, I promise."

Jenny opened her mouth to say something, but promptly forgot what it was as Vixen's muzzle covered her mouth once more with expert, practiced skill. Jenny moaned softly as her eyes closed, and let Vixen's tongue slide into her pert little mouth, her own childishly small tongue reaching out to meet and wrestle with the larger, pleasantly smooth tiny reindeer's. As they kissed, Jenny reached up with both her hands in a moment of daring, and began to stroke Vixen's pleasantly large breasts. Finding them to be too large to fit into her dainty elven palms, Jenny started to trace her fingers in little circles around the sensitive aureoles, then gently tease and pinch the perked nipples of the tiny reindeer doe, making Vixen moan in a very pleased way.

"Naughty little minx!" laughed Vixen, breaking the kiss and grinning down at Jenny. "I knew you had it in you." Then she lowered her eyelids, smiling in a way that was so drop-dead seductive, Jenny's breath caught in her throat. "Hmm, how about I put something else into you as well." And then she licked her lips, and Jenny shivered in anticipation, lying back on the soft sheets as Vixen began to kiss and nibble her way down Jenny's smooth, soft skin, her pert breasts heaving as she awaited the pleasures she knew Vixen's efforts would bring. Vixen actually paused for several long, deliciously pleasured minutes on those pert elven breasts, nibbling up and down the tiny mounds, flicking her tongue across the broad nipples, until Jenny was gripping the sheets with need, feeling the heat and wetness between her legs burning her with almost unbearable need. And then Vixen continued her grazing down Jenny's skin, leaving the elf girl almost unable to move from the intensity of the pleasure being inflicted upon her.

"Hmm, just as I thought," said Vixen as she parted Jenny's coltish thighs, smiling down at the sweet female treasures now presented to her view, "sweet and tight. You haven't had many males down here, have you?"

Jenny tried to answer, but her throat was too dry, so she just nodded. Vixen grinned, then licked her lips eagerly.

"Didn't think so," said the doe with a naughty chuckle. "Elf males never seem to be all that creative in bed. I think it's because it all goes into their workshops. Guess someone who knows how to treat a female right ought to show you just how good this can be."

Jenny swallowed and tried to wet her lips, but all that came out was a startled gasp as Vixen's delicate, skilled fingers parted her petals, revealing the pink tightness within. The elf girl watched with wide eyes as Vixen lowered her muzzle to Jenny's sweet sex, and gave it a long, slow lick with her tongue. As Jenny began to squirm in pleasure, finding enough of a voice to moan quite loudly, Vixen began to nibble delicately up and down the outermost petals, her tongue flicking across the sensitive inner linings, before she started to delve even deeper. Gasping as Vixen parted her inner petals with her long, talented tongue, Jenny's whole body suddenly began to tense up as the voluptuous doe tilted her head upward, putting her long tongue to its best use by finding and manipulating the most tender, pleasure-ridden spot within Jenny's sex. In moments Jenny, already severely turned-on by the earlier muzzle-work, gasped and gripped the sheets even harder, her head pressing back against the pillows as her hips arched upward, her juices flowing copiously. Her eyes were wide and staring as she tried to scream, only to have no sound escape her lips, the pleasure too intense for her to give it a proper voice.

"Now that wasn't so bad, was it?" said Vixen after several intensely long minutes, licking her very damp muzzle as she looked up at Jenny. The elf girl just stared at Vixen in stunned, pleasured silence. Her silly little green hat had fallen off at some point during her thrashing, her short blonde hair was tousled, and one of her shoes was quite gone, its whereabouts completely unknown, and never to be found again. Vixen laughed at the sight Jenny made, and crawled up the bed to pull her smooth-skinned lover into a gentle snuggle.

"You okay?" asked Vixen, gently tilting up Jenny's face as she asked the question, her eyes sincere for once rather than just seductive. Jenny nodded.

"That was intense," said Jenny after several false starts. "I've never felt anything like that."

"It's a trip, huh?" agreed Vixen with a smile, stroking Jenny's smooth back. "I learned that stuff from a ki-lin in Japan, who got it from a unicorn in India. Later I got some more tricks directly from the unicorn, though that's all a story for another time. But I must admit, I've never had any complaints about my oral skills since." Vixen lifted Jenny's face and gave the elf girl's cheek a tender nuzzle. "It got me really wet watching you cum, Jenny. Do you think you're up for some more?"

Jenny smiled.

"Oh yeah! What do you have in mind?"

Vixen smiled in a way that most resembled the cunning of her namesake and held up a single finger.

"Wait and see, my darling elfgirl," said the doe teasingly, even as her other hand reached beneath the bed, sliding out a large, brightly painted toybox. She soon pulled a small bundle of four silk scarves out of the toybox, and reached up to take Jenny's right hand and secure the wrist to the bedpost nearest that limb. As Jenny watched, her almost flat chest rising and falling with growing excitement tinged ever-so-slightly with fear, Vixen tied her other wrist, and then both her ankles, leaving just enough slack so that there wasn't any discomfort. It was obvious that Vixen had done this many times before. Jenny felt another twinge of fear as she tested the strength of the silk scarves, finding them far beyond her meager elfish strength to break. But the smile on Vixen's face reassured her, as did the kiss that followed it, which she returned eagerly, lifting her body up to press naked skin against soft fur. She gasped as Vixen's fingers slipped between her thighs, and returned soaking wet with her juices, her eyes closing as she let the voluptuous doe do with her as she pleased.

"Mmm," said Vixen meditatively as she licked her fingers clean. "Seems you're a little needy, huh, Jenny? Well don't worry. I have just the thing to take care of all your needs."

Jenny left her eyes closed for several long minutes, listening to Vixen rustle around in the toybox until she found what she was looking for. Somehow relying on sound alone heightened the experience, making her tremble in anticipation for what would come next. The elf girl's inner thighs were soaked, of course, and dripped down onto the red sheets in a copious stream. After what Vixen had done to her before, it was all Jenny could do to keep from coming again just from the anticipation.

"Open your pretty eyes, Jenny," said Vixen in her silky sweet voice. "I want you to look at my new toy."

Jenny's eyes opened, and then widened in a mixture of shock and excitement.

"That - that thing's huge!" she gasped, struggling futilely against her bonds.

"My own special Christmas present," said Vixen proudly as she stroked the glowing red length of perfectly molded plastic. "A life-size strap-on modeled after Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer!"

The walls of Prancer's room were a soft powder blue. Not an especially unpleasant color, but Blaze was starting to get tired of staring at them. There were pictures of males of various species covering the walls, woodcuts, paintings, photographs, and more, leaving only just enough space for their color to be determined, and not much else. If Prancer was to be believed, every one of them was a past lover, and he'd kept mementos of each and every one. A great majority of these pictures were of males in the nude or very close to that state, and the white-chested male was starting to feel a little uncomfortable about the eyes of so many others upon his performance. But he could either stare at the walls, or stare at what was taking place below his waist. Considering himself to be as macho a stud-buck as could be imagined, Blaze just couldn't bear to look at that. At least not for very more than a few minutes at a time. But that was probably just the Christmas cheer he'd drunk making him do things he normally wouldn't. It'd be a major notch in his belt to have bedded one of Santa's sleigh team, whatever sex they were, and after all, it was just a blowjob. A muzzle's a muzzle, right? And even if he did the slender buck in the tailhole, that was fine too. After all, Prancer looked pretty girlish, and Blaze'd done does there numerous times. Now, if only all those eyes would stop staring at him.

Prancer, for his part, was perfectly content where he was. There were clothes strewn all about the floor leading up to the bed, the passion he'd incited in the younger, inexperienced male making them both needful when it came to undressing. Prancer had soon knelt by the side of his large bed, while Blaze stood in front of him, facing the bed, a little dubious at first, though the passion of their rapid stripping had already gotten his cock fully erected. Now happily and busily engaged in one of his favorite pastimes, Prancer hummed cheerfully to himself as he worked, breathing through his nose as he easily took the tall, studly buck's endowment to the hilt, the other male's balls pressing against Prancer's chin. The blatantly gay tiny reindeer smiled inwardly as he made Blaze's back arch with the intensity of his pleasure, and reached up with both hands to grasp the other male's butt and give it a naughty squeeze.

"H-hey!" said Blaze, forcing the words out half-heartedly. "I'm not like that. This is just an 'experiment,' like you said, and I'm just trying you out before moving on to some doe tail. So none of that fag stu- . . . ah!"

Blaze's protests were quite suddenly cut off as Prancer began to gently rub his fingers in a little circle around the tight virgin tailhole of the handsome buck, and, upon finding that the Christmas cheer they'd both drunk earlier had already loosened this rear passage somewhat, carefully penetrated Blaze with his index finger. As his talented, slender digit found and began to expertly stroke the walnut-sized protrusion of Blaze's prostate gland, Prancer looked up with his large, green eyes, and couldn't help but giggle at the look on the young buck's face. Blaze's expression was caught between utter, absolute bliss, and abject horror that he was actually enjoying the attentions of another male, and in such an utterly homosexual way. Prancer's free hand slid beneath his bed, to one of the boxes of toys concealed there, and slid out a bottle of nontoxic, water-soluble lubricant, complete with a peppermint aftertaste. While such a thing wouldn't be invented for some years to come in the waking world, elves were always a step ahead of the game in such matters, and Prancer had made liberal use of this clever chemical over the many years of his eternally young life. Sliding his finger out, which drew a half-relieved gasp from Blaze, Prancer took a deep breath, then plunged forward, his tongue rippling along the underside of Blaze's shaft as he let the long cock slide as far down his throat as was possible. Blaze's eyes squeezed shut at the intensity of this pleasure, and Prancer used that opportunity to quickly and efficiently lube up his fingers.

"How are you doing that?" Blaze panted, his eyes opening to little slits as he looked down at Prancer. "I thought our muzzles were too long to go any deeper."

"I've got a short muzzle," said Prancer, sliding his mouth off to answer before licking the plump head of the pink cock with his dainty tongue. "And can hold my breath a really long time."

"That's incrrrrrr-," Blaze gritted his teeth as Prancer began nibbling up and down the underside of his penis, his eyes then clenching just as tightly shut as the talented tiny reindeer began to swirl his tongue around the mushroom-shaped head, paying especially attention to the super-sensitive top part of the glans, just behind the urethra. And then, when Prancer slid his well-lubed finger back inside of Blaze's tailhole, followed soon after by a second slender finger, Blaze reached up and grabbed his own antlers, his knuckles turning white as he held on as though his life depended on it.

The room was soon filled with Blaze's moans and soft grunts and with the loud, enthusiastic slurping of Prancer as he worked his dexterous tongue and gentle muzzle slowly down and around the throbbing, fully-engorged pink reindeer cock. Reaching the base of Blaze's penis, Prancer began licking the circle of furry circle of flesh where Blaze's emptied sheath had disgorged its contents, making the younger buck squirm and nearly scream with sensitized pleasure, while at the same time not providing enough stimulus to bring Blaze to an orgasm. Blaze wasn't sure how long he would be able to last as Prancer's tongue began to flick across the tightly-stretched skin of the young buck's white-furred balls, and was even less sure that he really cared. The plump orbs were gently, one by one, engulfed by that wonderful muzzle, sending Blaze through worlds of wonderful feelings as his back arched, his head thrown back in bliss as he moaned his pleasure to the ceiling of the room.

And then, suddenly, the fingers and muzzle withdrew, leaving Blaze gasping for breath and whimpering for more. He would later deny that he'd whimpered, and certainly that he'd done so in such a desperately pleading manner, but Prancer knew what he heard, and knew that Blaze was now his. The handsome buck almost sighed in relief as Prancer's gentle hands returned, this time both of them stroking the soft fur of the buck's bottom, as Blaze obligingly lifted his tail. The angle of this stroking indicated that Prancer was now behind Blaze, but the buck was soon beyond caring as his rumpcheeks were parted, and a warm, wet, wonderful tongue began to mercilessly rim his tight virgin tailhole. Overcome with sensation, Blaze's upper body fell forward, onto the bed, thrusting his firm bottom back against the wonderful anal pleasures being inflicted upon him. He gripped the sheets tightly, his body squirming around like a doe in heat despite all his efforts to control himself. The only sounds Blaze could make were needy, lustful whimpers, begging without words for the pleasure never to end.

So caught up in his lust was Blaze, that he failed to notice when one of Prancer's hands left his rump. All he really noticed them was the thumb of the other hand teasing his little tailhole just before Prancer's tongue parted the tight anal ring, and slid deep into his squeaky-clean, virgin rump. He certainly didn't hear the soft rustling of that renegade hand in the toy chest beneath Prancer's bed. If he noticed, he didn't prevent Prancer's hands from taking Blaze's wrists and gently pulling them back, until they were resting in the small of the younger buck's back. He almost didn't notice the soft click of a pair of comfortably-padded handcuffs as they closed around his wrists, but was forced to do so when Prancer's tongue withdrew from its tightly-ensconced place within his tailhole.

"Wha . . .?" Blaze queried, looking over his shoulder. His eyes blinked twice, and then grew wide as he saw Prancer standing behind him, stroking his cock until it glistened with lube. "Oh no."

"We'll get to that part soon enough, hot stuff," said Prancer with a teasing smile. "But first, you've been a bad boy, and need to be taught a lesson."

Blaze blinked in confusion, looking at Prancer with worried, half-frightened eyes. Prancer giggled, then took a few steps to stand to one side of Blaze's upturned rump. One hand rested on Blaze's upper back, gently pressing down, while the other squeezed and then began to gently stroke the downy-soft fur of Blaze's bottom.

"You've been a bully, Blaze," said Prancer, his voice not unkind. "Rudolph wasn't the first person you've hurt, teased, and taunted, though he was certainly the worst case after you and your friends put him in the infirmary. I just hope he'll be the last. We've had our eye on you for a while now, but weren't really sure what to do without embarrassing you in front of everybody, which would have just made you mad at us. So now here you are, naked and helpless, with your cute butt up in the air and your tail raised nice and high for me. You must know that you deserve to be punished, or you wouldn't be so eager for it."

"P-punished?" asked Blaze, shivering a little, though only partially from fright. "What do you mean?"

"Bullies like you deserve to be spanked," said Prancer sweetly, his hand sliding down to give the helpless buck's balls a gentle squeeze before returning to stroking his rumpfur. "And good things come in twos. So I'm going to give you two swats for every person you've ever bullied around. How many do you think that will be, Blaze?"

"Uh, ten, maybe?" asked the buck hopefully, shifting nervously as he wondered whether Prancer was being serious, the gay buck's teasing manner and good humor making it very hard for Blaze to be completely sure. "I, uh, really don't know. I don't think I've been mean to that many people."

"Wrong!" said Prancer in a sweetly delighted manner. "You are getting fourty-six swats on your cute bare bottom, to make up for twenty-three bullied people, including everyone from does you were inconsiderate to, to schoolmates you hazed, to adults you openly disrespected. I am, I admit, leaving out those to whom you've only been rude to in passing, without targeting them for further unpleasantness. If I included that group, you probably wouldn't be able to sit down for weeks."

"Aw, cut it out, Prancer," said Blaze, giving the other buck a cocky grin, shifting a little to get his still-throbbing cock into a more comfortable position as it pressed against the bed. "I know you're only . . ."


The look on Blaze's face at that moment was priceless. Prancer wished he had a camera to capture that moment, then grinned as he looked at the wall opposite the head of the bed, and found a framed photo that hadn't been there before. There were real benefits to being on Santa's sleigh team, all right.

"Count for me," said Prancer as his hand lifted once more.

"Screw you!" snarled Blaze, trying to get up, only to grunt in surprise as Prancer held him down with one hand, without even really trying. How such a slender, girlie-buck could be so strong was something that boggled Blaze's mind, and yet none of his desperate struggles had any effect upon Pracer's firm hand.

"That's not very polite," said Prancer mildly, just before his hand connected with Blaze's left rumpcheek with a loud SMACK to rival the first. "Now count for me, or I'll just carry on without a count."

Blaze started to reply with a choice Scandinavian phrase, but was cut off by a smack to his right rumpcheek. His bottom now burning after only three swats, Blaze suddenly realized that Prancer was very serious indeed. The bullying tiny reindeer was going to be punished for all his past misdeeds, and there was nothing he could do to get out of it.


"Four," Blaze said, clenching his teeth, deciding that he might as well play along, to get it over with faster.

"You mean 'one,'" corrected Prancer in the same calm, sweet voice as before. "But I'll let that one count anyway."


"Two," growled Blaze, looking at Prancer with sullenly defiant anger.

"Oh, don't be like that," said Prancer with a chuckle, his long-fingered hand lingering on Blaze's upturned rump for a moment before sliding down. "After all, if you really hated this, this probably would have gone away."

Blaze grunted in surprise as Prancer's fingers encircled his throbbing, fully-erect cock, then moaned as it was stroked. Prancer giggled at this, then moved his left hand from Blaze's back to the young buck's cock, his right hand returning to Blaze's rump.

"Be a good boy and I'll keep you happy while I administer your punishment," said Prancer with a grin and wink. Blaze blinked, not sure what to say or do for a moment. Then, giving a little nod, he lowered his head submissively to the soft sheets, his tail lifting as he presented his rump.


"Thr-three," said Blaze through gritted teeth as his hips lurched forward, thrusting his cock through Prancer's silk-soft fingers. Why did this feel so good? Why wasn't he fighting back like he always had when disciplined in the past? Blaze didn't know. But he didn't resist the pleasure either.

"That's right," said Prancer, his hand raising once more. "Take your medicine, bad little boy. It's good for what ails you."


"Four!" exclaimed Blaze. "Yes sir!"

"You deserve this, don't you?" asked Prancer, his voice still sweet-as-sugar, stroking Blaze's bottom, feeling the heat already rising from his firm rumpcheeks.

"Yessir," said Blaze, his wide, suddenly-submissive eyes lifting to look at Prancer. "I deserve to be punished."

"Glad to hear you agree," said Prancer with a smile. He bent his head to lick the tip of Blaze's nose, then leaned in to give the buck a slow, lingering kiss, which Blaze returned with equal enthusiasm, forgetting for a moment that he wasn't a fag. Prancer eventually broke the kiss and raised his hand once more.


"Ooh, five, sir!" gasped Blaze, grunting and wriggling in pain and pleasure, not sure what was making him say what came next. "Harder, please!"

"With pleasure," said Prancer, smiling to himself.


Snowdrop's legs were more than a little wobbly as she stood in the middle of Cupid's small room, its confines cozy and relaxing. The 'bed' in the one-room domicile consisted of a pile of pillows and several warm comforters strewn about in the middle of the room. This, along with several bean bags and overstuffed chairs was the extent of the furniture in the place. There were some books scattered about near the bed, but most of these were trashy romance novels, and hardly worth having a bookshelf to themselves.

"C'mon," said Cupid, stepping into the room and gently shutting the door behind him, closing off all the sound of talk and laughter from the main room, "let's get you settled in. There's no sense in making a lady wait when she's in the mood, now is there?"

"Most certainly not," agreed Snowdrop after only a moment's hesitation, following after Cupid as he walked toward the comforters and pillows in the middle of the room. "That would be the very height of rudeness, and I wouldn't stand for it."

"So you'd have to punish me, wouldn't you, Miss Snowdrop?" said Cupid with a teasing smile as he removed his sport coat and tossed it onto a nearby chair before seating himself on the comforters. "That's what schoolmarms do, isn't it?"

"Only with the very bad students, Cupid," said Snowdrop, carefully settling her quadruped form down on a pile of soft pillows, her body turned at a right angle to Cupid. "With those that are merely naughty, I try to use love and patience."

"Love and patience, eh?" said Cupid with his usual inscrutable smile. "Well, what if we see how long your patience can hold out, while I show you a little bit of love?"

Snowdrop began to breath a little faster, her eyes widening, as she watched Cupid crawl the short distance that separated them, stripping off his shirt as he went, his smile broadening to one of such unabashed naughtiness, that it made her snowy white fur start to turn pinkish all over with the intensity of her blush.

Starting to open her mouth to say something in response to Cupid's last quip, she was prevented as he touched a finger to her lips, then covered her muzzle with his, his kiss smooth and skilled, his tongue sure and delightfully erotic as it wrestled with hers, his lips tender but firm as they nibbled around the skin surrounding her muzzle. And as he kissed her, Cupid's hands trailed through her soft white fur, trailing lower, ever lower until . . .

"Oh my!" exclaimed Snowdrop, breaking the kiss with a startled gasp. "That's not at all proper!"

"But very pleasurable, Miss Snowdrop," said Cupid. "Nevertheless, I suppose I should have asked before causing any offense to your person. Shall I kiss it and make it better as penance?"

"Yes, please," said Snowdrop, her side rising and falling quickly, her heart pounding as her body flushed with arousal. She watched the dark-eyed buck slide his muzzle smoothly down through her fur, its softness like silk from long hours spent in scrupulous grooming. His fingers on one hand continued their naughty business right where they were, making Snowdrop's hind legs squirm in a decidedly unladylike fashion, while the soft-spoken buck gently stroked and kneaded the smooth, naked pink skin of her udders, rolling one of her four pert little nipples between his fingers from time to time. He soon bent his head and put his muzzle to work as well, slowly licking each nipple one by one with smooth, broad strokes across their perked tips, and then sucking with careful eagerness, being sure that the albino doe felt not even the slightest hint of teeth.

"Y-you still owe me a kiss," gasped Snowdrop after several long moments, finding it very hard to breath with the tightness in her chest Cupid had set off. "And I admit that my patience has been sorely tried by the wait."

"Ah, but of course," said Cupid, raising his face to grace the tiny reindeer schoolmarm with a smile. "My apologies. I shall get right on it."

With that, Cupid lifted the hand that had been busily engaged in its naughtiness, and raised it to his lips, licking each finger slowly, savoring the copious moisture that had collected there.

"A fine bouquet," said Cupid with obvious approval. "A very fine year, indeed."

"So now you insult my age," said Snowdrop with mock irritation, even as Cupid lifted one of her slender hind legs upward, allowing him better access to her tender female treasures. "Why I ought to . . . ooh, perhaps not."

"I thought you'd see it my way," murmured Cupid softly, before bending his head fully into his work.

Cupid, being a member of a herbivorous species, had lips that were perfectly designed for nibbling. He quickly put them to work doing just that, avoiding the tender pink treasures that lay between Snowdrop's hind legs for the moment, instead grazing through the light fur surrounding those most sensitive places, and up and down her inner thighs, first nibbling his way up the leg in the air, then stopping at her hock to repeat the process on the one lying on the pillows. Then, just at the moment when Snowdrop thought she would die from desperate need, the dark-eyed buck sent a long, warm breath over her soaking wet sex, making the pure white doe shiver all over with the intensity of heat that had settled into her body.

"Cupid, I need . . ."

"I know," breathed Cupid, showing mercy at last as his muzzle opened, and the dexterous lips began to gently suck and tug on the tender pink inner labia of the once-reserved schoolmarm, making a slow circuit first one way and then the other, each time starting and then stopping just short of the perked little bud of pleasure at the peak of the white doe's sex. Taking a deep breath, Cupid let his nostrils close, as any reindeer can do in times of extreme cold, and pushed his face slowly forward, sinking first his tongue and then the first few inches of his nose into Snowdrop's dripping wet cunny, tilting his head slightly upward so that he could lap directly at her needy G-spot, only a short distance inward and toward her upturned underbelly. This was all it took, and Snowdrop's whole body began to tremble and clench up with tension as she involuntarily fought the pressure for a moment, then threw her head back and gave a scream of orgasmic release, her juices gushing out around Cupid's face, forcing him to close his eyes as he was soaked in her cum.

As Cupid pulled his muzzle back he licked his lips, then picked up a towel lying nearby and wiped off his face, wearing a very self-satisfied smile.

"How was that, Miss Snowdrop?" he asked, knowing very well that the young schoolmarm couldn't answer him at that moment, being far too busy just gasping for breath. "Did you know, there's one other nice thing about Christmas Cheer. It deadens pain, especially the pain from oversensitivity that women get when they've just had a really good orgasm. That makes it all the easier to get them to have another one."

Snowdrop's eyes widened as she watched, mutely, as Cupid carefully rolled her onto her back, taking hold of her slender cervine legs by the ankles, even as his hips shifted to line up his short, thick penis with her dripping femaleness. She looked up at him, breathing heavily, her whole body flushed with post-orgasmic pleasure, and saw the look in his dark eyes. That look alone made her get even wetter, if such a thing were possible, and she craned her neck with all the strength she had left to watch eagerly what Cupid was about to do to her, and which she was more than willing to let happen.

"My, you're a healthy one, aren't you?" said Muffy, running her eyes with pleased appraisal up and down Donder's exceptionally impressive endowment.

"Thanks," said Donder with a modest grin. "Large size sorta runs in my family."

"Reggie's very nicely gifted as well," said Blitzen as she helped the todd out of his pants and neatly folded them, before setting them on a chair next to the massive bed resting against the far wall of Donder and Blitzen's wood-paneled bedroom. "This should be lots of fun. Lots of male flesh to play with."

Lacking a door to the bedroom, it hadn't taken but a matter of brief minutes for the foursome to start to undress, giving each other very lustful looks as they each stripped down, starting in the living room, and ending by the orgy-sized oak-framed bed that dominated the bedroom. By silent agreement, both Donder and Reggie decided to keep their pants on, letting each others' mates strip off their last coverings, like the wrappers to a candy cane, as they stood side by side, each looking down at the others' mate.

"I say," said Reggie, his eyebrows raising as he watched Blitzen's sweet muzzle gently mouth the very tip of his throbbing foxflesh, then draw it in to the hilt, her lips pressing against his firm, snowy-furred belly in moments, "your wife has excellent form, Donder. Hmm," he winced in pleasure as the muscular doe began to bob her head, humming softly to herself to add just the right amount of vibration to her efforts as she held her hands behind her back, "very good form indeed."

"Muffy's not bad herself," said Donder, his voice slightly husky from working to restrain his powerful cervine instincts to start thrusting into the warm, wet, tight hole that had engulfed the trunk of his erection. "How's she takin' all of that in, anyway?" He gave a soft grunt as the long-furred, pleasantly endowed Arctic Fox vixen began to make a spiraling motion with her muzzle as she slid forward and back, taking in quick breaths through her nose when she reached the pink glans of Donder's cock, and holding it for the long journey back down the impressive shaft.

"Muffy insisted that we get a horse to pull our sleigh," said Reggie rather distractedly, his eyes closed, tongue out and tail wagging happily behind him as he enjoyed the delightful oral attentions Blitzen was giving him. "Of course, he quickly developed sentience after about a year spent around the magic in the North Pole. Being the only horse around for several miles placed quite a toll on him, you know, especially during the spring. So naturally my wife went and helped him relieve some of his tensions, if you take my meaning. This has helped her become most proficient in handling very large objects in delightfully intimate ways."

"Ngh, lucky horse," grunted Donder, reaching down to place a large hand on the back of the vixen's soft-furred head, dominantly guiding her actions without interfering with her efforts to bring him pleasure. Muffy got a grin at the edges of her mouth at the peak of one of her upward trips, and looked up at Donder before giving him a wink. She then reached up with her deft, long-fingered hands and began to tease his pleasure centers to the next level.

The Herculean tiny reindeer gave a low moan as Muffy began to stroke his balls with her velvet-soft black handpads, and then arched his back with a loud grunt as she gripped his firm rump with the other hand, one finger slipping between his cheeks to tease the sensitive rosette of his tailhole. Finding this to be a sensitive spot, Muffy continued her gentle efforts, finding Donder thankfully clean back there after his recent shower, and slowly slid her finger inward, until she felt a walnut-sized nodule of flesh a fair distance in. Stroking this sensitive inner spot had a most remarkable effect upon Donder, causing the veins on his well-muscled body to suddenly bulge with pleasured tension, and giving Muffy the prompt reward of a large quantity of thick precum spurting from the tip of the big cervine's sizeable cock, to be savored and then gulped down by the vixen's greedy muzzle. Muffy's tail wagged in time to the bobbing of her head, and pleased slurps, moans and yips came from her throat as she enjoyed the impressive length of reindeer jerky being given to her.

Blitzen, meanwhile, had worked her way up Reggie's body, until she had managed to stroke back the fur covering his sensitive pink nipples, and had nibbled on them both until the scrupulously mannered todd politely asked her to stop, as he doubted he could take much more teasing at that spot on his body. Seeing what Muffy was doing to Donder out of the corner of their eyes, it was only a matter of time before Reggie and Blitzen had rearranged themselves so that the Arctic Fox todd was slightly bent over, leaning his hands on the bed as he held his beautiful, fluffy tail tucked out of the way under one arm. Blitzen, meanwhile, held his delightfully firm rumpcheeks apart as she slid her muzzle between them, and began to lick at the freshly-washed and carefully deodorized vulpine tailhole.

"That is a very naughty thing to do, Blitzen," said Reggie through clenched jaws, his eyes squeezed shut from the intensity of the pleasure. "Adding on that my tailhole tends toward the sensitive side, and I must say that you are," a long moan interrupted his words for a moment, "making me really horny."

Blitzen just chuckled and pressed in deeper, until her tongue finally penetrated the tight, pink outer ring of Reggie's rear passage, sliding into his body even as her hand reached around and took the todd's dripping erection in her strong grasp, stroking him mercilessly as she drove the handsome fox quite wild with her skilled attentions.

Todd and stag managed to share a brief glimpse at each others' situation, and caught each others' eyes for just a moment. In that moment, each shared a grin and wink that told more than words before they let themselves submit to the pleasures being given to them by each others' mate.

To be continued

RG7-Aurora Borealis2

AURORA BOREALIS Part Two Part Seven of Reindeer Games: By Gideon Kalve Jarvis Several long, pleasure-filled minutes of loving treatment passed, as Blitzen and Muffy put their muzzles to their best use on the todd and tiny reindeer stag,...

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RG5-The Post-Christmas Party

Before I begin, I wish to apologize for the long delay between stories, and to thank all those who have written me with encouragement. THE POST-CHRISTMAS PARTY Part Five of Reindeer Games By Gideon Kalve Jarvis Jenny the elf girl gave...

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Desert Trade

DESERT TRADE By Gideon Kalve Jarvis Based (with permission) on a picture of the same name by Chris "Cobalt" Sutor Chris Sutor's Yahoo! site can be found at [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/big\_pit/](http://groups.yahoo.com/group/big_pit/)...

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