
Story by Silverback_CP on SoFurry

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#8 of Random Stories

This story is a birthday present I made for my wonderful mate.

Singlet By: Silverback Christianpaw

_ We all stood in our line as the coach got the wrestling room ready for our exercises today. The school's tournament is only a few weeks away so these next few weeks are going to be serious crunch time. I look at our line of athletes ranging from size, stature, and species. We've got a rhino and a tiger on our team but it's mostly canines. I'm surely not one of the most built wrestlers in my school at my tubby 245 lbs and being only 5'7. A lot of the wrestlers are taller than me but I try my best to have my mass and ability be my greatest weapons. I've pinned a few of the bigger guys in my class . . . but there's one guy in particular that I have wrestled many times, but I have never once pinned him to the mat._

_ "Alright boys, time for singles combat exercises, Silverback?"_

_ "Yes coach?" I say standing up straight._

_ "You will be paired with . . . hmm," he eyeballs the line of guys until he points to one, the guy that I want on the mat, "Zero, you and Silverback are in ring one."_

_ "Yes coach," Zero says. He got up from the bench and smiled at me as he walks over to ring one. I couldn't help but smile back at him as I made my way to the ring in the corner of the room. My tongue started to stick out as I watch Zero's strong, round butt move from side to side._

_ "Oh, my," I whisper to myself._

_ We both stand in the ring and smile at each other, "Hello little one," he says._

_ "Hai," I say back with a blush. He gave me the name of 'little one' since I'm one of the shorter wrestlers on the team. Plus Zero isn't average size, he stands at a good 6'8, maybe even more and he's one of the most muscular kids in the class. Though he isn't big and bulky like the wrestlers on TV, he is lean and mean. I can't wait to get my paws on him when we lock up. Looking at him in that tight dark-blue wrestling singlet gets me very hot. I could feel a hard already growing inside me, it's a good thing I'm wearing a cup._

_ "So Silverback," he smiles, "How you think you're going to do in the tournament?"_

_ I try to put on my confident face, "Well, I don't think that I will win 1st place but I can hold my own."_

_ Zero looks down at my crotch and then back to me, "Hehe, I bet you do."_

_ I look down quickly at my crotch and start blushing beat red as my hard grows even bigger against the surface of the cup._

_ Before I knew it the coach blows on his whistle. Zero and I get in stance and lock up in the center of the ring. I try to take him down early but he easily out-muscles me and tries to get me down from the right side, my weaker side, but I continue to push on. I try to get my arm under his and get him down from the other side, but no luck. Before I knew it my cheek hits the dark brown mat as he hooks one of my arms behind my back and gets on top of me. I get my knees in front of me and try to stay on all fours so I won't be pinned or thrown outside of the ring._

_ I pant hard as I look under myself and try to counter his grapple. I reach back but can't find his leg or anything, just the sweaty air._

_ "Hehe, come on Silverback," he says. I growl as I reach out to grab his leg. I finally grab hold of it and try to get him on his back._

_ "Arf! Oh God, um Silverback?"_

_ "Guh!" I grunt as we both flip over and I get him down on his back. I look again at his dark blue singlet against the gyms shining lights to see that I didn't grab his leg at all . . . I grabbed his ball-sack. "Oh shit!" I get up quickly and just stand next to him._

_ "I'm so sorry!" I say. He just looks up at me with a big smile on his face. I look down at the crotch of his singlet to see his thick member poking through the fabric, stretching it. He definitely wasn't wearing his cup and oh good Lord I just grabbed his balls during wrestling practice. Oh my God!_

_ "I'm sorry, I didn't--"_

_ He stands up and giggles, "It's ok hun,"_

_ I look down at the mat, he just continues to giggle and says,_

_ "You're blushing so much right now,"_

_ "Hey!" Coach says from across the gym next to ring twelve standing next to a wolf and a dingo grappling and thankfully not close enough to see his hard or my blushing head, "I don't see you guys practicing!"_

_ Zero gets in stance again, "Come on hun, we need to keep wrestling or coach will get mad."_

_ "Yes," I say trying to shake it off as I get into wrestling stance as well._

_ We edge closer and lock up yet again. He doesn't hesitate at all and he gets me down on the mat in one split second. I try to get myself up before he locks in another hold but it's too late. He circles on top of me and this time wrenches both my arms behind me in a full nelson and uses his paws to push my head forward._

_ "Hehe, you're mine now," he whispers to me. I try to struggle out of the hold when I realize that something warm is touching on my tailhole. It still feels like the fabric of the singlet but something very warm was lurking inside and poking hard._

_ "Ahh!" I grunt and try to struggle out but Zero just licks my neck, "Hehe, don't fight it, Silverback."_

_ I start giggling, "But hun, we're in class, don't you--gah!" He starts making a humping motion against my tail and I try hard not to yelp out loud. "Mmf! Um hunny, don't you think we shouldn't do this during class? We might get in trouble."_

_ Zero smiles and wonders to himself, "Hmm, you think so?"_

_ "Yeah, just a little bit."_

_ "Awww, okay." He continues to show his strength by rolling both of our bodies over to the other side as most of my body ends up outside of the ring. He wins the match._

_ I pant hard and feel his sweat dripping into my fur as my sweat drips down on the mat. We both get up off the mat to hear Coach say,_

_ "Okay, rotate!"_

_ I watch him as he smiles and waves bye to me. I faintly wave back with a big smile. I don't want to him to leave, I could wrestle him for hours and hours. But now I have to get ready for my next opponent, an orange tiger . . . but how the hell am I supposed to wrestle him after that? My dick is throbbing so hard it's going to break the damn cup!_

* * *

_ It's after class as I turn the water off in the shower. I took an extra long shower for today after all of that wrestling. Needed to loosen the tension in my neck and back I got from the match with the tiger. Since I always drove to school I knew there wasn't any real hurry for me to get out of there._

_ I wrap myself in a towel and dry my fur._

_ "Hey love," I hear a voice say. I turn around, it's Zero still in his singlet._

_ "Hehe, hai love. Listen, don't do that again, I don't want us to get kicked off the team."_

_ "I know, I just couldn't wait, you know what today is after all."_

_ I blush, "Yep, I know exactly what today is my big birthday boy."_

_ He smiles and wraps his arm around me and pulls into a big kiss. We both moan as he wraps his tongue around mine. I feel his paws move down the weak spots in my back and grab onto both my butt cheeks and squeeze them tight._

_ I murr in pleasure as I start sucking on the big weak spot on his neck and grab his butt through his singlet. His hard throbs harder against my belly._

_ "Get on your knees, babe?" he whispers in my ear._

_ "Hehe, shouldn't we wait til we get back home?"_

_ He nibbles on my ear, "Nope, I want my birthday present now."_

_ "Hehe okay love . . . but you'll have to take the singlet off."_

_ Zero smiles, "Yes, sir." He grabs one of the straps and removes it from his shoulder and follows up with the other before pulling them down off his torso, revealing his think, pink member. I pull his singlet the rest of the way down until the sweaty fabric relaxes across his feet and I fall down to my knees. I grab hold of his big dick and look up, gently licking the tip._

_ He holds the back of my head and pushes it in closer to him. I wrap my tongue around his cock and start sucking him nicely . . ._

The fur on my head was rubbing back and forth on the familiar bed sheets as my head moved back and forth, tongue pressed against his throbbing dick. I could hear my heavy nose-breathing as it wrapped in the aroma of my wolfy's one-of-a-kind scent.

"Mmmmf," I hear as the warm sensation of his cum slashes into my muzzle and down my throat. I give the base of his dick a little lick to make sure I don't lost a single drop.

"Mmmmm, hehe hunny? Are you awake yet?" Zero says.

I open my eyes. My tongue starts to move again and lick across Zero's cock. I look up and see Zero smiling down at me. I nose under his cute, chubby belly and let go of him.

"I'm guessing you had a good dream since you started sucking me in your sleep again, hehe."

I sat up in bed with the last of the cum going down my throat, "Wow, really?"

He smiles, "Mhmm, I loved it."

"Hehe awww, and yes I had the best dream; We were both on the wrestling team and you kept trying to yiff me after I accidently grabbed your crotch."

"Hehe right, 'accidently' grabbed my crotch."

"Hehe I did!"

"Sure you did hunny," He holds me close to his chest and gives me a big kiss right on the muzzle, "Mmmm and that felt great love, now you remember the tradition, right?"

My tail wags happily, "Of course I do. It's your 20th birthday today and that was the first round, so only nineteen more rounds to go before the day is over.

"Hehe, good boy," he kisses me again.

"Hehe, Happy Birthday Zero."

G.R.R. All-Extreme Ch. 3

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