Nerd Hipsters are Called Grognards

Story by Casca on SoFurry

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To keep her friend focused on winning their game Keke offers him a prize

The donkey groaned as he threw down his cards. "You know what? I'm done. This is is getting ridiculous," he insisted, crossing his arms obstinately.

He had gotten sick of losing. The hyena sitting across from him didn't help matters much. She was good. Admittedly her decks had been refined over years of play, but to the sour donkey that only made it worse. Anyone might have gotten mad as complex as her moves were. She just spent the last four minutes trying to explain one combo. It was asinine.

"Oh come on. We barely even got started," she moaned mock-pathetically. Her breasts shifted forward in her tight shirt as she gesticulated to the clock on the wall behind her. At least if he had to lose, the sight of her looming over her cards was nice. She had this strong look about her - not strange for a hyena - but despite it, her body was plush. Thick curves filled with soft flesh that jiggled just so when she moved. He would always have a weakness for fat chicks.

She shook her braided mane back in exasperation and waved her empty paws dramatically. "Look, my hand is empty and if I remember your deck, there are like 7 cards you could draw and stop everything I'm doing."

"No, I'm just gonna have a cigarette and call it," Laurence whined fishing the lighter out of his hoodie. "I can't see any way to win right now and I'm just getting mad."

A self-superiour sigh fell out over Keesha's soft lips, those dark, glossed lips. "Seriously. I'm not doing nearly as well as you think I am. Here. Finish the game. If you figure it out and win, I'll give you a... prize."

Laurence had never been as aware of his own facial expression as he was at that moment. His whole face perked up, his long ears swinging forward as if he might have missed some meaning by not catching every soundwave. Prize was a euphemism. He could feel it in his crotch. But he had to be sure. "What kind of 'prize' are we talking about here?"

"You know," she replied, lifting her heavy chest up and making a quick, circular gesture in front of it. "A prize prize."

Suddenly the gears started turning in his head. It was like she flipped a switch in his brain; the thought of getting his hands on her restored his vigor. He gathered his cards and poured over them desperately, trying to ignore his body swelling with heat. Peering across the table, he scanned each and every card in play, trying to find this supposed chink in her armour. He couldn't see it but he hadn't drawn yet.

"Hah. That got you focused!" the hyena teased, her boobs bouncing in that distracting way they do. "You should have seen your face change. That's adorable."

"Keke! This is serious business," Laurence half-shouted he pulled the next card from the top of his deck.

"No vowels, of course," came the thickly curved Keesha's immediate retort.

"Lemme think a minute. Seriously."

The odds still seemed insurmountable. Her defenses seemed so impregnable. Her deck was punishing him for everything he did: gaining life, tapping creatures. Earlier she was punishing him for even having a turn. All he could do was run a hand desperately through his ginger hair and push up the brim of his hat before he drew what he felt was the deciding card of the game.

He looked over it and felt his dick jump for joy. "Fuck yeah. Fucking heart of the cards!" he cheered as he looked over the field. He would get creatures out of the deal, thanks to what had been a flimsy combo until just that moment, and he'd be able to get rid of those bastards that were damaging him all the time. "Life's Finale. Destroy all creatures and I get to search your deck."

He made quick work getting rid of the copies of the card that was punishing him for attacking from Keesha's library as she tried to look glad for him though it didn't work terribly well. Even when she was trying to get him to win, she didn't like to lose but she was being gracious and he really did appreciate it. But Laurence had to make sure he won; the way she curved was just right and he wanted to get his his prize.

So he counted up the number of creatures his massacre produced and smiled as the number turned out much bigger than he thought.

"What did I tell you? You're deck is great when it actually works right," she offered, drawing a card and sighing as she played it down on the field.

A land! Laurence couldn't have been happier to see a land in his life. He wriggled closer to the table, recounting his own lands to see just how he could pull this off and it became clear. All he needed was one card and the way the night was going he was almost starting to expect the card he needed would be on top of his deck. He donkey tugged on his hat subconsciously for luck as his opponent ended her turn and drew once more.

He pulled his next card and there it was. Selfless Cathar. He won and he was going to get a little chubby yena for his trouble. "Yes. You have 17 life right?," the equine reassured himself as he played his creature down. "Then, if I sacrifice him, all my creatures get 'plus one, plus one' which means..." He paused to turn his cards with a triumphant flare. "They attack for 18 damage

"Told you," Keesha insisted, gathering up her deck then giving it a quick shuffle to avoid looking sore for losing from such a vast lead. "Don't give up so much."

"It's not that I give up," Laurence defended quickly, fumbling with his cigarettes before lighting one. "Problem is it's hard to have fun when you think there's no chance to win. I said I was gonna have one of these like 5 minutes ago."

The garage started to fill with the wispy shapes of burning tobacco while the hyena opened her own shining cigarette case and puffed on one herself. "You had a lot on your mind. Either way, you did it and I promised so..."

She purposefully trailed off letting her actions speak for themselves, draping her cigarette over the ashtray before she peeled off her shirt. Laurence panted gently as he watched. It wasn't the provocative stripping of a dank club but the way she moved was still enticing; more so for the context. Her hips swayed this way and that as she worked her breasts out of the tight shirt to the let them bounce gently in the equally tight bra.

As she reached behind and undid the hooks, the modestly lacy garment pulled tighter against the fabric, revealing her nipples through the soft, supportive cups. Then their shape faded again when she let the pressure go. She just smiled at the roll of her shoulders which sent the straps cascading down her arms. A teasing paw kept her breasts just short of naked, catching the loose bra against her chest. It was a classic, if 'porn-y' look: dishevelled braids bouncing around her face, smooth, plump thighs swinging toward the impressed donkey. Her thigh finally brushed his before she reached across with her free fingers, taking one last breath of smoke before extinguishing the flame and staring darkly. "So where should we start, donk?"

The hyena swung her other leg forward to straddle Laurence's lap as he looked up at his heavy friend. The smell of cigarettes and hyena tits made a surprisingly pleasant mixture as her body finally pressed against his. It wasn't the first time he felt her against him but it was the first time it was this purposeful or naked. She felt especially hot in his lap as her hips came down to rest.

"I guess we could not scrape me to death on my zipper," he teased. He was definitely hard. Like a rock, in fact. His pulse was bouncing against her thigh, poking firmly against her body for some attention while she leaned in to nibble on his neck.

"You can fix that can't you?" Keesha teased back, shifting her weight to free his crotch and releasing the cradle against her breasts so the heavy mounds pressed into the donkey's chest.

Laurence groaned as her teeth scraped his neck, clumsily putting out his cigarette next to hers while his other hand squirmed against her plush belly. Probing further downward coaxed a gentle shiver out of Keesha, and finally gave him enough leverage to undo his zipper. She was determined to make it difficult though, grinding against him, the heat of her lips pressing on the back of his hand, eager for their tryst. Despite her teasing, he worked his fingers deftly enough to undo his belt and fly so his tented boxers rubbed against her jeans.

With a wicked smile she pulled his head between her breasts. Her rich smell surrounding his head, forcing its way into his snout. He breathed it in deep, then shook his head vigorously. The crush of her body on his was a better relief than the nicotine was after such a harsh game and if she was going to let him, he was certainly going to enjoy it. He couldn't help but hump at her as she tittered gleefully, her jiggling breasts tickled by his scruffy beard. He could see, in his mind, his bright hair in his mind, sticking out of her dark cleavage like a little patch of red and even laughed into her cleavage at the thought.

The soft trap of her legs was deliciously warm, holding his dick invitingly while she licked and nibbled and teased his ear. Still, she pulled him free and all too soon her weight slid out of his lap. She pulled her bra completely free, dropping it with her shirt in the chair beside her and smiled, lifting up her heavy tits, showing off the dark nipples pert and turgid with her own arousal.

"You got a condom, hun?" she asked letting the heavy pair fall against her body and ran her freed paw down to her waist. Keesha unhooked the button to her pants, her panties showing through subtly while her other fingers stroked over the curve of her breast, slowly tracing her own shape for Laurence and his pulsating tent.

The donkey huffed a bit, trying to remember if had some in his nightstand. "Come on. I won, Keke."

"And I'm not on the pill," she shot back, undoing her zipper slowly. "If you don't have one, I know you'll enjoy a little head."

"Ugh. Fine," Laurence exaggerated, reflexively trying to hide his erection as he stood. "Let's go back in the house. I'm sure I have a couple."

"Aww don't put it away. No one else is here. We can sneak up naked," the hyena insisted, unwrapping the denim from her hips then grasping the jack's dark striped arm.

With a swift kick, her pants were pooled under her seat and she was tugging him back into the house. Laurence flushed, not quite comfortable wandering around with his dick leading the way or even letting Keke wander through his home in nothing but pussy-soaked panties, but seeing her ass writhe so clearly in front of him was more than making up for it.

He grabbed the waist of his pants to hold them up and followed her in, peering around every corner for fear that someone came home while he wasn't paying attention until they made it to his room. The mess of clothes and art supplies and cards was less than minimal but she didn't seem to notice at all. She simply cleared off the bed and climbed in, her little tail held up high as her rump swished back and forth. She had the exact right number of curves and standing over her like this let him see every one. He watched her closely for a moment, just enjoying the way she moved before he went to his dresser, fished out one of his rubbers and let his pants fall to the floor.

"Come here before you put that on," Keesha instructed turning over, and kneeling in the bed. Her breasts swung against each other softly making it easier for him to follow her lead, his boner bouncing with his heartbeat. She grabbed his hips just before he could climb in next to her and tugged off his boxers, smiling as his dick thumped her chin. "Y'know, I kinda like the smell of horny donk."

Laurence chuckled at her but the sound quickly transformed into a moan as her tongue unfurled and dragged up the underside of his bared skin. He cursed under his breath while she continued to assault his nerves with the exquisite texture of her tongue. The hyena moaned gratuitously up to him, kissing his tip and sucking over the head, wetting his rod generously with her warm spit. This might have been prize enough if he didn't know she was planning to give him more, so he stripped his own shirt off and enjoyed it.

Then, all at once, Keesha went from tip to root, groaning just a bit, wincing despite herself as she swallowed around his cock. The donkey reached down, careful not to hold her in place, though he couldn't say he didn't want to, and pressed his balls against her. Her wet, hot breath washed over him while he spurted a glob of precum into her belly. She was good at this. He could even feel cool air rushing over him through her nostrils as she tried to breath.

Be eventually she started to lose air and pulled away. Keesha twisted her smooth lips around his skin before pulling off with a gasp and an almost silent pop. Her tongue lolled out to the side as she restored the oxygen in her lungs, leaning back and shaking her braids out of her face again and grinning up at him. A shift of her weight folded her curves so she could lift her legs, strip her panties for him, then spread them over the bed to put her body on display. "Come on, Rence. Impatient 'yena."

He didn't need to be told twice, he fumbled with his condom, desperate to roll it over his dick -- the last condition for getting himself some. But finally he was sheathed and climbed between those dark thighs, gripping his dick in one hand and propping himself over Keesha's body with the other. He aimed carefully for her wet fold, the glistening, dark skin beckoning him. She pulled his head against her bosom again while their hips writhed together searching for the perfect fit. He latched on to one of her dark nipples, biting lightly around it until finding her 'spot' made her fall back completely on the bed.

He had to try this when she could go raw. Her passage was tight and warm and smooth and without this damned condom he could be satisfied for a week but as it was he leaned over her, grasping her soft boobs in his hands and teasing them while he rocked in and out.

He could tell that for all her bravado and posturing that he was giving her more dick than she'd had in a while, biting her lip she tried to suppress her own sounds of delighted anguish but soon enough he'd gotten his whole length in and she was getting used to its size. Keesha's breathing was heavy, her breasts trying to heave while he massaged into their soft flesh, his thumbs rolling the nipples around aggressively while she rocked into his hips. Laurence couldn't hold back long, He had to thrust. And hard.

He let his pace build up gradually but the more she groaned and writhed the more the donkey wanted to make her do it. He bent down again to bite at one of her teats while he bounced his balls against her soft body, slapping wetly as her juices soaked his fiery crotch.

"Not so hard," she commanded grasping his body against hers. He did for a moment. Letting her relax, letting the energy drop so she could catch her breath but the primal and ancient part of his brain started to pick up again. He released one of her soft mounds and reached down under her leg, lifting it up to turn her on her side, twisting her pussy around his cock before he picked up his pace again.

It was the hyena's turn to curse and she did; each one punctuated by another thrust as they pressed into each other. Her soft body accepted his flesh deeper and deeper until he was was buried into his balls. Naked bodies writhing in heat and moisture and sexual musk, pounding over and over until at last the donkey huffed for air and made his thrusts sharp and deep.

"I'm close," was all he needed to say for the hyena to sober up and push him off her.

"Take the condom off. I want it on my tits."

He'd almost forgotten. Keesha was obsessed with jizz. She would be upset if he wasted his load in a condom. But Laurence could barely pull himself out in time but with a panicked zeal he snapped the tight latex off his shaft, the quick clip of its lip smacked him just right. He shot off a forceful rope of the hyena's favourite drink across her chest. Panting with exertion, she pressed her tits together catching the next, massive, quintessentially equine blasts of cream in her cleavage, letting it pool between them dripping down against her chest and painting her nipples white until the equine was finished.

Even then she had to have a taste, gripping his hips again and dragging him straight over her. He was not so inclined to wallow in his mess as she was though, so he tossed his weight to the side, evading at the last moment and collapsing into the pillows beside her instead.

"Don't want your spooge all over you?" Keesha teased as she ran her finger across her breasts. Once she had a big enough dollop she sucked it off her finger greedily and snickered. "It's good."

"I'm good," the donkey panted, his naked body relaxing in the soft mattress. "You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm not a screamer but trust me I'm good."

He looked around the room, wondering how to get her back to the garage without her dripping all over the place, but as she started cleaning herself further, eating his load neatly off her paws it became rather apparent that wasn't his issue to worry about. Soon enough though the lull faded and it was time for another cigarette then bed.

"Let's sneak you back out and get a smoke and all your stuff," Laurence offered, sliding off the sheets and gathering up his clothes.

"Yeah. Probably," the hyena's response came after one last satisfied smack of her lips. SHe followed suit, pulling her panties back over her still wet crotch and swishing her hips lazily around him while he finished pulling on his shirt.

Bold as ever she moved into the hall with only a cursory glance, holding her arm across her chest as much for her own support as modesty. Laurence followed her out, much more carefully, and quickly enough they were back in their little gaming retreat, their ashes and musk lingering vaguely in the air. Slowly Keesha donned her clothes, taking her time getting her tits back into their bra before she pulled her shirt back in place over it all. Before she could get her pants back on though he had to grab a handful of that ass.

She squeaked her surprise but other than she didn't seemed to mind. In fact she wiggled back and forth for a moment then slipped right into the denim, any hint of their liaison hidden away completely.

"I'm tempted to try a quick rematch but I'm sleepy and fuck your decks.

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