Ch.3 Sharing a Room

Story by Cubone Gal on SoFurry

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#3 of Horror Asylum

"So, this sword is a primary item in your dreams?" Dr. Morgan asked. Jane nodded.

"Yeah... it pops up all the time. Sometimes I'm holding it, and sometimes it's in the hands of another person..." She said.

Dr. Morgan thought for a moment, "The man that has your same fur color, yes?" He asked. Jane nodded again. Gary looked at his watch, frowning. "Well, Jane, it's been over seven days since our first meeting. I'm afraid, after today, I can only see you twice a week."

"Wh-what?" She asked, heartbroken. "Why?"

"Regulations... I'm given a week to do what I can, and after that, each patient is regulated to two sessions every week. There's nothing I can do about it..." Jane looked down, saddened. Gary put a hand on her shoulder, comfortingly. "Don't worry, we've still got two out of seven days. And I know something that might cheer you up. Rika's roomie was removed earlier this day."

Jane looked up. "Huh?... What does that mean?"

Dr. Morgan explained, "She had a bit of an episode and really scared Rika. So bad that she couldn't stand to be in the same room with her. So, her former room mate will be getting your room, and you're moving in with her."

Jane smiled. "I am..? That's great!" She exclaimed.

Gary chuckled, "I thought you'd be happy with that. Well, I'm sorry, Jane. We're already a little over our time slot. I'll have to see you later, okay?" As if on cue the guard walked in and started wheeling her out. "Bye, Jane. I'll see you soon."

"Okay, bye, Gary..." She said, sadly. The guard took their usual route to the community room, leaving it once she arrived. She spotted Laura and Rika sitting at their table, and wheeled herself over. "Hi guys!" She said.

"Oh, hiya, Jane!" Laura squealed. "We were just talking about how glad we are that her scary old roomie is getting the boot! Right, Rika?"

"Y-yeah..." Rika stuttered, timidly. "I hope I j-just get a nicer one th-this time... Dr. Morgan didn't s-say who was m-moving in..."

Jane smiled, "Well, maybe he wanted to surprise you?" The other two looked at her, curiously. "'Cause I'm your new roommate!"

A shy smile washed over Rika's face, "R-really?" She asked. Jane nodded happily. The porcupine girl let out a relieved sigh. "That's great to h-hear..."

"Oh! I'm so happy for you two!" Laura said. "You can keep each other company even at night or during lockdown! Plus, with you two together, it'd be harder for them to plant brain-worms in your ears!" Rika cringed at the mentioning of 'brain-worms', but Jane couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah, that's true." She said, humoring her delusional friend. She was in an awfully good mood since she found out about her new living arrangements. She noticed that Rika seemed pretty happy about the idea too. The three friends went about their idle talk as they normally did until suddenly a small scuffle broke out between the guards and one patient.

When Jane turned around to see what the commotion was, the guards were in the process of handcuffing a large, reptilian woman. She looked like she might be an alligator, or some kind of dragon, or even a bit of both. She was well built and very tall, though, her features were still smooth and soft despite her build, and she was actually quite pretty. She was covered in soft olive-green scales spotted with black, and had a head of long, scraggly black hair on her head. She stopped thrashing after the guards subdued her, and dragged her off.

"Who was that?" Jane asked, surprised.

"Th-th-that was F-Feris..." Rika stuttered. "She got here this morning..."

Laura piped in, "Yeah. The word going around is that she was here for manic and violent behavior. She said she killed like, twelve people before they caught her!"

"Sh-she's scary..." Rika said again, slouching timidly. Jane didn't have anything to add, and she just watched them drag the violent woman away. Several of the other prisoners started to get restless due to too much excitement. Several guards started moving around to make sure the situation didn't get out of hand.

"Okay, everyone, it's time to return to your cells!" One guard cried. The prisoners all started moving towards the doors to their respective blocks, unhappily.

"Okay, Rika, Jane, I'll catch you guys later, okay?" Laura said, giving the two a hug before running off to join the others at her own block. Jane looked around. "Um... Rika? Where is our cell..?" She asked. Rika smiled, shyly.

"Don't worry, I-I'll take you there..." Rika said, grabbing her wheelchair and walking off.

"You don't have to. I can move myself." Jane pointed out.

"N-no, no... I don't mind at all..." Rika said. Jane smiled and let her take her to their cell. When the guards came by and unlocked all the doors, they went in, letting them lock the doors behind them. It looked exactly like her old cell, save for the fact that two beds were in the room, and it was slightly bigger. "D-do you mind taking the bed by the door..?" Rika asked.

"Hm? No, of course not. I'm just happy to finally have a roomie." She smiled and Rika smiled back.

Rika kicked the ground, "I just have a... th-thing about doors..."

"Rika, really, it's alright!" Jane laughed. Rika let out a quiet, nervous chuckle in response. The little canine climbed into her new bed, crawling in a few circles before lying down, curling up with her blanket. It was nice and soft, unlike her old bed. She didn't know why there was a difference, but there was.

Several minutes passed before there was a familiar click at the door. The two patients looked up at the now open cell door and two guards walked in. One of them was a large lizard of some kind, where the other was a feline that Jane recognized as Nick. The lizard smiled at the terrified porcupine, "Hey there, Rika. We're only on guard duty now, so we've got some extra time to knock around..." Rika whimpered, her hands going down to protect her privates instinctively.

Nick followed him before stopping in front of Jane, who was already shivering. "Hey, you're that bitch that Tom set me up with. Ralph, we got some fresh ass now! Hahaha!"

Jane started crying, "No...." She thought she might be able to escape this treatment... Nick pressed his muzzle to hers, forcing a kiss on her, which she, by habit, started returning it to him. He broke out of it and pulled her gown off, completely exposing her. She didn't have time to cover herself before had picked her up, making her yelp, and tossed her on Rika's bed.

The two friends found themselves lying next to each other, completely naked. Jane noticed that Rika had a more developed figure than she did, but she didn't really have any time to take it in before she noticed the two guards looming over them. Rika was already starting to hyperventilate and cry.

The two guards unzipped themselves and started to rub their dicks against the crazy girls' entrances, making them quiver. Jane bit down on her lower lip as Nick started slowly pressing himself into her. Ralph continued teasing Rika, who was, as if by instinct, starting to tease her own breasts. The little red porcupine opened her eyes, and they had a teary, far-away look to them. "D-Daddy... p-please... d-don't....." She begged, crying.

"That's right, I'm your daddy." Ralph mocked, thrusting into her, hard. She let out a cry as the tip of his reptilian length slammed into the back of her womb. The two guards started to get into rhythm, humping and thrusting into their respective partners. Both the girls were moaning and whimpering, though Rika seemed lost in another world entirely, and she was bawling her eyes out.

The lizard kissed Rika all over her face, laying little affectionate pecks as he violated her. Meanwhile Jane's whole mouth was being invaded by the cat's tongue. She just closed her eyes and waited for it to be over. Nick pulled his mouth away from hers, and when she looked up she saw a third guard, another reptile, stroking his prestigious length. She tried to say something but another yelp of pleasure shot up her throat.

"Hey, bro, could I join?" The guard asked after pawing himself a few moments. The other two nodded, giving him the okay. He walked over, and the three guards started shifting around, changing positions. Jane was kind of relieved when Nick pulled out of her, but it was replaced with dread when he laid down beside her, and lifted her up on top of him. She was staring down the long length of the lizard's cock, her back towards Nick's head.

She heard Rika whimper, and when she looked over at her companion she had Ralph's dick being slid up her tail-hole, in the same sex position she was in. She felt nick's cock pressing against her own second hole, and it slowly started invading her innards. It hurt as her asshole was stretched and she was forced down on his cock, up until their hips were mashed together. She slammed her eyes closed as she was forced up and then back down again and Nick's fingers started invading her chest. The other lizard's hand grabber her shoulder, an she was forced closer to his crotch. She dared to glance up at what he wanted her to do.

His cock was already in Rika's mouth, who was crying as he forced her head back and forth and Ralph kneaded her breasts and teased her clit with his tail. He had Jane's muzzle pointing towards his balls, and she got an idea of what he wanted. She opened her mouth and ran her tongue, disgusted, across one of the large, scaly orbs. The lizard grabbed her head and shoved her closer. She cried harder and let her jaw hang open a little more, taking his ball and gently sucking on it, careful not to hurt him else he'd hurt her more.

Nick started ramming his fingers into Jane's slit. Moaning and crying, she kept up her work. In the corner of her eye she saw Ralph's tail starting to viciously pump in and out of Rika's slit. This kept up for several minutes until the two girls started moaning in orgasm, and Jane felt the feline's hot cum shoot up into her insides. As her orgasm kept up, the lizard pushed Jane and Rika both back, continuing to paw off in front of them.

"Open up..." The lizard ordered. They both did as they were told, still out of breath. It was long before Rika was blasted in the face with the lizard's seed, only making a minimal amount into his intended target, instead splashing Rika all over her face and chest. He turned towards Jane, giving her the same coating, which was now obviously intentional.

The guards all laughed and chuckled to each other and heckled the two poor girls. They took turns standing in front of them, ordering them to clean off their privates. The two girls licked each of them clean, one by one, often forcing to touch tongues and press their cum-covered muzzles together as they worked by the sadistic guards. With that done they left, laughing, leaving the two girls alone.

Jane sat up, panting. She tried wiping the cum off of her face and muzzle, but it only smeared and stuck to her fur. That was the first time she had been violated so violently. She took a deep breath, still crying a little. It was horrible. Rika was just curled up, hugging herself, sniffling. "Rika...?" Jane asked, crawling over to her.

"I'm sorry daddy..." Rika whined.

Jane shook her a little. "Rika! It's me, Jane!" She said. Rika's eyes focused.

"O-oh... Jane... I'm so s-s-s-"

"Don't be sorry..." Jane interrupted. The two teared up and laid down, curling up with each other. They were so shaken neither of them could stand being alone that night, especially Rika, who was shaking like a leaf. They just laid there, seeking comfort in each other's company, still naked and coated in semen. "I wanna get out of here..."

Rika nodded, "I wanna g-go home..." Jane was silent for a moment.

"I don't know where home is..." She said, sadly. Rika looked up.

"Y-you could c-c-come home with m-me..."

Jane actually smiled, "R.... really...?"

"Y-yeah...." Rika replied, "I want my m-mom so bad... she wouldn't mind taking c-care of you too..." She said. Jane noted that she left out her stepfather completely. They scooted closer, sharing warmth. Jane noticed her blanket bunched up on the side of the bed. She didn't know how it got there, but she was glad. She snagged it and covered both herself and her friend with it, snuggling up with her under it.

Rika suddenly started crying again, "I miss my mo-mo-mommy...." Jane's ears drooped and she hugged her, trying to comfort her.

"Shhhhhhhh...." Jane couldn't say 'Everything's going to be alright.' Because she didn't know that was true. In fact, she even doubted it... but at least they could be there for each other. Several minutes passed by before Rika had calmed down enough to start falling asleep, and once she did, Jane wasn't far behind her.