A visitor in the rain

Story by Sunkra on SoFurry

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WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are under age, or you can't separate fiction from real life events, or are intending to use this material against the author in any way, PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!

--------------------------------------------------------This work is copyrighted to the author Sunkra © 2010. Please don't remove the author information or make any changes to this story. Do not redistribute this storyin any way without the author's explicit writtenpermission. All rights reserved.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This story was written as adult fiction. The authordoes NOT condone the described behavior in real life. Any similarities with any real life events and/or persons are completely coincidental. Describedcharacters and/or events are fictional. Enjoy the story!--------------------------------------------------------

This story is about a couple of a raccoon hybrid and a lynx taking in a dog to shelter it from the rain.This story contains: bestiality, sex, anal, oral, gay, sheath play, trio/threesome

A visitor in the rain.

Rain pours down outside the house, making those millions of typical tapping sounds on the roof above Reggie's head. The dark gray raccoon-hyena hybrid stretches in front of the television, the scent of cooking invading his nostrils and making his stomach growl in anticipation of his mate's delicious food. Reggie has a rich white striped pattern on his back and in the fur of his tail, his white head hair sticks straight backwards like flames and giving him quite a tough look. The cheeky coon decides to surprise his mate for life and tiptoes to the kitchen. As silent as Reg can be, he sneaks into the kitchen and prepares himself to pounce onto the cute and smaller lynx boy with his back to Reggie.

The Canadian lynx is quite cute and named Xaff, blood red hair adorns his head and he's much lighter gray with black C-shaped markings in his fur pattern. From that cute butt sticks a short tail with a black tip, swaying ever so slightly from side to side in a teasing fashion. "Don't you dare, bad wuffie," is the response from the other boy and causes Reggie to lose his concentration in surprise, tripping forward and banging against his boyfriend quite harshly. Xaff turns around and gives the apologetic looking coon an acted harsh glare, the lynx's silver eyes quite beautiful:"Go get the plates and such ready if you're bored, dinner's almost done."Reggie recovers quickly and his laying down ears perk up again, he walks over to the cupboard and retrieves a set of plates until he hears scratching at the door.

Puzzled, the black and white striped coon steps over to the door and hears soft whimpering as well as scratching. Reggie opens the door and is greeted by a soaked Rottweiler, the poor creature looks like it had the garden hose turned on him and is barely an adult male, "Hello there little guy, where is your master?"With another whimper, the dog tilts its head to the side and looks up at the raccoon as he gives the saddest puppy look ever. Reggie's heart melts and he quickly retrieves a kitchen towel, kneeling down and starting to rub the Rottweiler dry after closing the door. Xaff calls for Reg and steps towards the door:"Reg! What the hell, that's a stray dog, who knows what diseases it has! It can be mean too for all you know!"

Mimicking the dog, the raccoon looks up together with his new buddy, giving the lynx boy two sad puppy looks now:"But Xaff, honey, he doesn't have anywhere to go! Let's just give him shelter until the rain stops, he looks well cared and fed."Xaff rolls his eyes and kneels next to the Rottweiler as it wags his short stubby tail, picking up the tag on its collar:"Says here he's named Rex, very original..."The gray with black spots furred lynx stands up again and brushes his red hair out of his eyes:"Okay, but only for today then, I need to get back to the cooking pots!" and he turns around to walk back to the kitchen counter. Rex looks up at the wagging tail and suddenly lets out a loud adolescent bark, jumping up and tackling Xaff whom is completely taken by surprise by the rather heavy dog.

Wasting no time, the Rottweiler presses his snout under the cat's tail and takes a deep whiff, the muscles all over his body bulge and tense under the black and brown short fur coat. Reggie is briefly as taken by surprise as well but in these few short seconds his black canine shaped cock swells halfway up out of its protective sheath, the cheeky raccoon just grinning:"Oh look Xaff, he seems to like you very much!""Reg, get him off me!" calls the lynx out to his mate but the coon just stands up and kneels in front of the struggling boy:"Mmm, honey, I've dreamed of an opportunity like this!"And with that the naughty raccoon presses the tip of his cock against the now calm lynx's lips, as soon as Xaff opens his mouth to reply he gets a mouth full of his boyfriend's cock:"Regmmn, I pwhink pwhis is a bwad idea!"

Soothing his boyfriend, Reggie shoves more of his erect penis down the other boy's gullet, looking up at the young and handsome Rottweiler as he barks out in happiness, starting to lap at the sensitive butt hole under Xaff's tail. Xaff's complaining breaks down and vanishes, he starts to softly moan and coo as his own pink humanoid penis slips out of his sheath and presses against the cool clean tiles of the kitchen floor, sucking down hard on Reggie's cock. Reg moans out as well, thrusting his shaft in and out of his willing boyfriend's eager mouth:"Oh Xaff, this is so freaking hot! Let's keep him, please...?"

Instead of answering, the lynx lifts his tail completely up and out of the way as he now leans down on all fours on the floor and the dog's frenzy licking is interrupted as Rex jumps onto Xaff's rear, starting to hump away at the boy's ass. Leaning forward and thereby shoving more inches down Xaff's throat, Reggie extends his arm and gently fondles the muscular dog's sheath, feeling the swollen form of its well sized cock inside of the furry cover:"Oh Xaff, I'm touching his cock, and it feels so good!"By now, Reggie is fucking his cock in and out of the gray furred lynx's throat and decides to take the situation one step further by slipping the tip of his index finger inside Rex's sheath. The naughty raccoon shivers all over his body as he feels the slippery, slimy goodness of the dog's sheath sucking and spasming around his finger, swirling the digit around the sensitive tip and making the Rottweiler hump the air.

After inserting as much as his whole finger, Reg withdraws it and eagerly sticks it inside of his mouth, taking in the heavenly taste of the dog dick's taste and scent:"Oh God, Xaff honey, you should taste this!"With that he returns the finger to Rex's bouncing sheath as he still humps the air and licks deeply into Xaff's anus, sticking it in entirely and swirling it around the slimy hot shaft of the dog before pulling it out and pushing it into the lynx's mouth whilst pulling out his own cock. Xaff hesitates a second but then hungrily gobbles down the finger, licking it clean and moaning:"Oh yes, this tastes so good!"By now Reggie is so horny and pumped up he can barely control himself anymore, scooting over until he's besides the humping dog, helping him jump up the lynx's rear.

Quickly, the coon sticks his head between his boyfriend's spit slobbered anus and Rex's sheath, getting the furry pouch rubbed and jiggled all over his face. Latching his lips onto the sheath opening, Reggie slides his tongue inside and tickles the Rottweiler's tip before swirling it all over and around the red dog cock:"Mmm, comwe own Rewx doggwy, gwet that hawt cawk out!"Due to this stimulation, soon the entire red throbbing shaft slides out of the sheath and into Reg's awaiting mouth, which he hungrily nurses onto like a cub would to its mother's teat. Withdrawing his mouth after a couple of minutes, the raccoon hunches down behind the humping dog and guides the doggy cock to Xaff's eagerly waiting tail hole. Rubbing and bouncing it all over the puckering anus, Reggie teases his lover before pressing the tip straight to it, the Rottweiler finding his mark and powerfully humps his penis halfway inside.

Xaff yells out both in pleasure and discomfort, the dog's erect penis is quite different in shape, volume and texture than Reggie's which he is used to by now. Rex yelps out and pushes his hips forward in a needy way, his entire doggy cock sliding inside until his still sheathed knot bumps into Xaff's buttocks. Not able to hold out any longer, Reggie pinches the young dog's stub of a tail, sliding his hands all over the shiny black coat on its back, rubbing his leaking cock head to the Rottweiler's tail hole:"Oh, such a sweet little virgin pup!"After massaging and pushing his tip all over and into the tight ring of anal muscle, the naughty coon lines it up with the humping dog's rear and ever so slowly starts pushing inside:"Oooh, good Rex, good boy! Ungh, his tail hole is even tighter than yours was the first time, Xaff!"

Rex looks back and whimpers slightly at the unfamiliar and somewhat threatening feeling of someone showing domination over him, but Reg's soothing words and strokes over his back and head put the dog at ease quickly. Slowly the black shaft of the raccoon's cock slides deeper into the young dog and Reg sighs out in delight as his furry balls touch the dog's furry sack:"Oh God, this tail feels almost as good as yours, Xaff honey."Reggie almost doesn't need to do any of the work, the Rottweiler is eagerly and whiningly humping back and forth, both sinking his own penis deeply into the lynx boy and at the same time forcing his anus to be impaled and slide down the hard cock behind him. Reggie is hunched down and grabs the beautiful furred flanks of the dog to hump back into him, the slick canine anus sliding over his shaft like a wet velvet glove:"This, ngh... this isn't gonna take long."

The raccoon's hand slips under Rex's belly again and touches along the pistoning shaft and sheath, feeling the thick knot trapped inside still. Reggie grips the end of the furry sheath and with one pull forces the knot to pop out, making the sandwiched dog yelp out briefly. With every powerful thrust Reg makes now, the Rottweiler is pushed forward and thereby his cock presses deeply into Xaff, making the lynx boy whimper and moan like a slut. To help their new friend a little, Reggie grips Rex's balls and squeezes them gently in massage, stroking the base of the sheath and slippery red cock to masturbate him into Xaff's tail hole:"Come on Rex, show my sweetie how eager you are to plant your babies inside of him. Do you want to carry his puppies, Xaff baby?"

"Y-yes! Oh God, Reggie, make him spurt all that doggy seed deep inside of me! I want to feel him cumming inside of me!" moans the horny feline as his own pink humanoid cock is pressed into the puddle of pre cum on the floor with every thrust of the two dominant males on his back. With one more powerful push and roar, Reggie deposits his own seed into Rex's backside, filling the dog up with his spurts of hot coony semen. His tip bumps into the dog's prostate which makes Rex howl out in his own orgasm, the unknown but pleasurable feeling of hot liquid filling up his rear for the first time in his young life. Pushing his knot inside of the gasping lynx, Rex falls down onto the feline and pants exhaustedly, slobbering his tongue all over the boy's ears and neck. Xaff himself shoots his sperm all over the floor as it is squeezed between the tiles and his furry belly.

Joined by their cocks and knots, the threesome pants and catches their breath slowly, the feeling of them so closely connected is so heavenly they don't want it to end. Xaff sniffs the air and detects a burnt smell, sighing:"Guess it's ordering pizza today..."