Finding Something New

Story by FaolWolf on SoFurry

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This is my first yiff story. This is, to an extent, based on reality, and thus would have to thank my mate, w/o whom, this story wouldn't be possible *grins and wags tail* Enjoy!


Faol sat comfortably on the couch, watching his friends Raw and Never converse animatedly about different topics of which he had little knowledge. Computers and music dominated the conversation, much as it always did with them. The overly slender wolf leaned back and yawned slightly, feeling a little out of place amongst these furs that were older and had more experience in the world than he. He didn't consider leaving though. For whatever reason, it seemed as though they wanted him around, liked having him around. Faol closed his eyes and let himself drift to his own little world, his tail swishing back and forth slightly as he did. He was snapped to when Raw poked him, his much larger paw pushing into his side.

"Faol, You awake in there?"

Faol pushed his paw away. "Yeah, yeah, I'm still here. Just listening to you two is all."

"Well alright then, but I got to get going now. I'm tired as all hell, and I need to get up tomorrow." The larger black wolf stood and yawned, looking at his two friends. "Well, I guess I'll see you two tomorrow then."

Never and Faol both waved as Raw padded out of the room to his car. They both sat there as they heard it start and pull away down the street, leaving them alone in Never's small apartment. Faol looked across at the fox, noting that he was larger than himself first of all. His features were distinct, shorter muzzle, large ears, black paws, deep red fur, whitish chin. He sat on the couch, trying to look relaxed, and failing in that regard in his own opinion. He always felt nervous when alone with this fox, and he wasn't sure why. He liked him, even had a little crush on him, but that hadn't made him nervous in the past.

Never sat there as well, staring at the black and red wolf. His eyes ran along his form silently. He noticed the wolf's red fur mask, notched right ear, the smooth reddish black tail swishing rhythmically behind his friend. He liked this wolf, despite himself. He didn't find it possible that anyone could ever want him, so he always did his best to not crush on anyone too hard, knowing that he'd get rejected if he did. Yet, there was somthing about him that made him feel good, and he enjoyed that, even if he didn't know why.

The two of them sat there, staring at each other for what seemed like forever. In reality, neither of them knew each other that well. They were more or less mutual friends of Raw's, and had only met a week or two ago. Finally, Never became conscious that he was staring at the wolf, and averted his gaze as he spoke.

"I'm sorry about Raw and I. We just get in these tangents sometimes and it's hard for us to stop."

"Nah, it's alright, i don't mind."

"No, but we shouldn't leave you out like that. I like it when the three of us hang out. I really enjoy it."

Faol chuckled. "Why me? I pretty much just sit here while you two talk about this, that, and the other thing that i know nothing about."

"Yeah, I know, but I like having you here all the same. You're a really nice wolf Faol."

Faol looked up at Never, and their eyes met and held each other for a moment, in their gaze. Then, Never looked down again quickly and Faol leaned back on the couch, sighing. "I don't get it, but i'm glad to have someone to hang out with."

"Me too." Never said, voice quiet and ears twitching slightly. He felt really nervous now, and he noticed his paws shaking a little. He quickly stood and strode towards the kitchen, wanting any excuse to leave the room. "Faol, do you want anything?"

Faol noticed the hasty retreat of his friend and furrowed his brow a little. "No, i'm good Never."

Never returned empty-pawed and sat down again in the chair across from Faol, looking at him, trying to think of something to talk about. "Um...hey, do you want to see some of those games Raw and I were talking about?"


The two of them padded over to Never's computer, Never sitting in the computer chair, starting the machine up. Faol found a metal folding chair and sat backwards in it, listening to the hum of the machine as it booted. Never quickly opened a game, and started explaining it to Faol. Faol for his part, sat and listened intently although he was more paying attention to the fox himself than what he was saying. He noticed how much more comfortable he was, sitting in front of his computer. Faol knew that feeling all too well. It had been Never actually, that had convinced him to drive here for the weekend, he still wasn't sure why though. Everything in the apartment smelled of Never's scent. Faol enjoyed it and let it surround him. He suddenly snapped back as the game gave a loud bang as a grenade went off inside that virtual world. As he stared at the screen, he saw a young female wolf prance across it, gun in paw, and he chuckled to himself.

"Hey Never, that looks like an old girlfriend of mine." He laughed and smiled.

"Really? That's interesting."

"Yeah, we dated in high school. That was before I was open about being bi though."

The question just blurted right out of Never's mouth. "Have you ever had a boyfriend before?" Never blushed deeply as he realized he had just asked that, and turned back to the game to hide his embarassment.

"Well, not really. I dated this one guy for a week, until I realized he was just playing me, so I don't really count that. Other than that, no, I have never been with a guy before. How about you Never?"

Never's ears drooped slightly and he mumbled nervously. "No, i never have, and probably never will. No one would be interested in a fur like me."

"That can't be true. I'm sure plenty of furs want you."

Never shook his head slowly. "Nope, but I'm ok with that. I've decided I'm probably better off on my own anyway."

Faol nodded slowly and sighed just audibly in his seat. He decided that it would be best if he changed the subject. "Hey, what kind of movies do you like?"

"Lots of different ones. Yourself?"

"Well," Faol blushed slightly, "I like animated flicks, like Balto and all that. So what is your favorite?"

Never blushed deeply. "Well, no, it's too embarassing."

"Oh c'mon, tell me Never." Faol smiled, looking at the blushed fox.

"No, i don't want to." Never blushed deeper still, as he became more embarassed about the subject.

"Fine then, I'll make you tell me." Faol suddenly got out his chair and pounced Never to the ground. The surprised fox fell on his back onto the floor, eyes wide. Faol quickly pinned his paws down, and using his muzzle, lifted Never's shirt slightly, revealing his white underside. With his tail, Faol gently tickled Never's stomach and then he looked back at the now giggling fox. "So tell me what it is, or i go lower." Faol grinned slyly at Never.

A strange sensation came over Never. He liked the feel of the wolf's paws on his body, of looking up and seeing him standing there. He laughed harder as the tickling increased, and he decided to see how far he could push the wolf. "No, it's too embarassing, I won't tell you."

"Tell me!" Faol increased the pace, and let his tail drift lower down his friend's stomach.

Never laughed harder still. "No, i can't. I mustn't!"

Faol let his tail slide between the small space between Never's pants and his body, still wagging it slowly. Never yipped and giggled loudly at that sensation, but made no move to stop the wolf. Faol kept urging his friend to tell him, poking his tail further and further in until it was gently touching and moving across his friend's sheath. Never moaned slightly at that first touch, but still would not give in to the wolf on top of him. Faol started to glance around the room looking for hints, and he spotted a plush sitting in the corner. "Is it Sonic?"

Never nodded, still laughing. "Yes, yes, that's it!"

Faol grinned as he licked his friend's nose before bounding off him and sitting back in the chair again, still grinning widely. "Well, I didn't think you'd let me take it that far. I'm rather impressed." Faol chuckled, his tail now wagging freely in the air.

Never laid on the floor, staring up at the wolf now sitting in the chair in front of him. "I didn't think that you would. I thought I had the control there, but I was wrong." He smiled sheepishly as his ears twitched slightly.

Faol got up from his chair and laid down next to Never, nuzzling him and rubbing his head fur. "Don't you forget that either." Faol smiled again, laughing as he spoke.

"Oh, i won't forget, although it cost me a secret." Never grinned at the wolf.

"Bah, don't worry. Your secret is safe with me." Faol placed a paw momentarily on the fox's shoulder, and then, becoming conscious of what he was doing, moved it and scooted it away a little, feeling suddenly nervous himself.

"I know you won't tell anyone Faol. Besides, it was worth it." The last part slipped out before Never could stop it and he blushed profusely, turning his muzzle away from Faol, ashamed of what he just said.

Faol stared at the fox, amazed. " liked it? You wanted me to?" The sound of his voice was not accusatory, but more questioning.

Never looked quickly up at the wolf staring at him now. His muzzle blushed a deeper shade of red than it did before. "Yeah well, I can be kind of dirty sometimes, you know?"

Grinning, the wolf moved towards Never again. "Yeah, I do."

"I'm sorry Faol, if i screwed anything up. I don't want to ruin a friendship over something like that."

"Oh, don't think that Never. I'm cool with it, really." Faol rubbed Never's head fur again, trying to make his friend feel better. "So you were really just playing then?" There was just a hint of disappointment in his voice, which he did his best to hide.

Never smiled sheepishly again, feeling his friend's paw on his head. He thought about what to say, wondering if he should say what he wanted to. However, the feel of his friend's paw rubbing through his fur melted him right there. "Most of the time, yeah, I'm not serious. But with you...with you, it's different somehow."


"I don't...I can't explain it. It's more serious somehow." Never looked down and covered his eyes with his paws, not believing he was saying what he was. He sat there and waited for the wolf to move away from him, to reject him. He couldn't believe he had just wrecked a friendship like this.

Faol sat, a bit stunned. He had never thought the fox had feelings for him. He just didn't think he was interested. That revelation struck him hard in the gut. The truth was, he had some of those feelings too, although he tried to avoid them, seeing as how they seemed to get him in trouble more times than not. "Never," he stammered a little, "are you saying that you have a crush on me?"

All the fox could do was nod into his paws, not daring to look up at the wolf's eyes, which he was sure would hold nothing but rejection for him.

The wolf sat for a moment, a paw still resting on Never's shoulder, letting that feeling sink in. Then he hugged him tightly, wrapping his paws around the fox's back and stroking it gently. He looked up and whispered into his ear, "I have one on you too."

Never nearly gasped at the hug he was given. Feeling the wolf's paws wrapped around his back nearly took his breath away. But more than that, it was the words he had just said. He had a crush on him too. He had never heard these words from another, and to hear them now, from Faol, was not something he was prepared for. He slowly wrapped his paws around the wolf that was embracing him. His eyes teared up and Never laid his muzzle on Faol's shoulder, unable to speak.

"I never thought..."

Faol quieted him down by placing a paw over his muzzle and smiling. "So, we both like each other a lot, what should we do about that?"

"Well, I leave the decision up to you, but I would very much like to be your boyfriend." Never looked into the wolf's eyes for a moment, seeing them staring gently back at him. Then, he looked down again, embarrassed. "But, if that is not what you want, I completely understand, and will accept your wishes."

Suddenly, he felt a soft breath on his ear, as the wolf leaned in and whispered to him. "I'd like that."

Faol looked into his new mate's face and saw a joy that he had never seen cross it before. Never leaned in and gently licked Faol's nose. The wolf stared for a moment and then kissed him, pressing against his body and slipping his tongue into the fox's muzzle. Never was taken aback at first as he felt the wolf's soft tongue inside his muzzle. He breathed softly to himself and relaxed, letting Faol push him gently to the ground while the wolf's tongue probed gently around his muzzle. Never murred softly into Faol's muzzle, feeling a pleasure he never had before. Slowly breaking the kiss, Faol sat up, smiling. He glanced around and then back down at the fox below him.

"Perhaps we should take this to bedroom." Faol smiled warmly. He stood, as did Never. "Lead the way hun." Faol said. Never started to walk towards the bedroom, Faol following close behind. Faol swung his arm forward and placed his paw in Never's, smiling shyly at him as he did. Never squeezed it gently and pulled the smiling wolf to the bedroom. Once inside, Faol closed the door as Never sat down on the bed, looking up at the wolf standing before him. Faol walked slowly over to him and tugged on the fox's loose t-shirt, starting to pull it up. Never whined suddenly and the wolf stopped, looking concerned at his new mate.

"I'm a bit shy about myself, not used to this..." Never looked down as his voice trailed slowly off.

"Oh, i see." Faol said. He backed away from Never slightly, and then smiled at him. "Maybe it'd help a little if I did this." Faol lifted his own shirt off, revealing his own gaunt, black furred chest. Slowly and deliberately, he undid the button and zipper on his jeans and slid out of them and his boxers at the same time, leaving him nude in front of the nearly stunned fox, the wolf's black fur glinting in the light, hints of red flashing here and there. His gaunt form and shining black fur stood in front his mate, his tail swishing slowly in its freedom. He walked a bit shyly back over to Never and kissed him again before laying behind him on the bed. He grinned up at the still stunned fox. "Well, here I am."

"So you are." Never said softly, staring down at nude wolf on his bed. Faol again reached his paws up and tugged gently at the fox's shirt. Never sighed softly and allowed the wolf to pull it off, revealing his white furred chest. He shivered as he lay down next to the black wolf, still a bit self conscious and nervous. Faol gently wrapped one paw around his mate, pulling him close while the other gently rubbed the fox's white stomach, playing with the soft fur.

Never looked into Faol's eyes. "I just want to make sure you are completely ok with this." In answer to his question, Faol slipped his paw from Never's stomach, under his pants and started gently stroking the fox's sheath. Never jumped a little and murred softly. "I guess that's a yes." Never chuckled softly and looked into the wolf's eyes, running a paw under his muzzle and speaking softly. "This is such a new concept for me, companionship. I think I like it."

Faol smiled softly at his mate as his paw continued to work the fox's sheath. "I'm glad you do." The wolf moved his other paw over and slowly undid the fox's pants, sliding them and his boxers down his legs and off, so that now, the two mates were both nude in the bed together.

Never felt himself getting harder in his sheath, growing under the wolf's soft strokes. "Well, this is really not how I expected this night to go, but I'm not complaining."

"Neither did I"

Never slowly started to stroke Faol's stomach, raking his claws along the soft, black fur. The fox murred softly as he felt his cock beginning to emerge from his sheath. He let his paw drift down towards the wolf's sheath. He looked down at it, watching it move slowly with his mate's breathing. His paw encircled the wolf's sheath, feeling the wolfhood inside stiffening, growing. Slowly, he stroked the sheath up and down, exposing more and more of the wolf's hard, pink flesh underneath. Never moved his paw underneath the wolf's cock, running it down to his base and tugging gently at the wolf's swelling knot, feeling it grow more in his paw's grip. The fox leaned down and sniffed deeply, taking in the scent of the wolf's musk and sex. He flicked his tongue across the tip of Faol's cock, tasting him and murring at that taste.

Faol moaned loudly as he felt his tip being licked and arched his back slightly, on instinct. His paw moved to the fox's cock, stroking it softly, running his paw up and down the fox meat it gripped. The wolf moaned louder as he felt his mate's breath on his quivering cock, and he began to salivate. He wanted to taste his mate, take him into his muzzle and taste the fox's hot, pink meat. The desire to take the fox into his muzzle grew and overwhelmed his senses and his thoughts. He gently pushed his mate back on the bed, the fox seeming a bit startled. Faol kissed Never and inverted himself, placing his head and muzzle right next to the fox's stiff cock. The wolf smiled widely and nosed the fox's crotch, taking in his mate's sweet scent. He lapped at the fox's tip greedily, tasting his precum and meat, and loving every minute of it as he began to take his mate in.

Never moaned softly and again found the wolf's cock next to his muzzle. He licked up the wolf's shaft slowly, seeing Faol shiver a little as he did so. The fox paused at the tip, licking the precum that was dribbling from it. Never pressed himself against his new mate and slowly wrapped his tongue around the wolf's tip, taking it into his muzzle and sucking gently on it as he moved his muzzle down the twitching cock. He ran his tongue along the underside of the Faol's cock as he moaned around the cock in his muzzle. When his muzzle was full of hot wolf meat, he slowly pulled his muzzle off again, sucking the entire time. He paused then, just enjoying the sensations he was feeling, and shuddered at the wolf's soft touch.

The heat and passion of the loving encounter hung over the lovers like a cloud. The wolf suckled his fox's cock as he took the length into his muzzle completely. He pressed back against his mate, feeling his fur, his essence mingling with his own as he moaned loudly. He gently swallowed around the head of his mate's cock, growing more excited, getting closer to spilling his load with each moment, each breath he took. He moved his muzzle slowly up and down Never's cock, sucking on it all the way and moaning around it.

The excited fox reached a paw up under the base of his mate's cock and gently massaged his sack. He gently fondled the wolf's balls, rolling them around his paw digits. With his other paw, he tugged at Faol's knot, causing the wolf to squirm and his knot to swell more. Never eagerly took his mate's cock back into his muzzle, moving it all the way down his length and then down his throat. He tried not to suck too hard on his mate. He didn't want this moment to end. He didn't want his mate to spill too soon. But as he lay there, Faol's cock in his mouth, he began to lose it. The taste of his mate, the smell of his musk, the heat of the moment drove him wild. Finally, the fox gave in, and sucked hard on the wolf's cock, no longer caring if he spilled now, just wanting his mate to explode into him. He moved his muzzle up and down, sucking hard the entire time while his paw tugged the wolf's knot, trying to force the cum from his mate. He too was coming close, his seed building up inside him, wanting to burst free.

Faol could feel his mate getting more excited, building up to his climax. He was caught in the moment and sped up his movements on his mate's cock. He sucked hard on fox meat in his muzzle as he moved it in and out of his muzzle faster and faster. The heat and smell of sex surrounded the the fox and the wolf, engulfing them in it's maddening haze. The pleasure, the feel, the sweet, musky smell of his mate finally overcame the wolf. His cock swelled for a moment and his seed burst from it into Never's muzzle. Faol paused for a moment to let out a loud, low, howl as he began to cum. He returned to sucking his mate, moving his muzzle up and down fast while he was still moaning and spilling his seed into his mate's waiting muzzle.

Never felt his mate's seed erupt into his muzzle as he sucked it down. He sucked hard, wanting this wolf to cum as hard as possible, wanting this experience to be memorable. As the wolf's seed burst into his muzzle, he felt himself reach his peak and release, his own fox seed now flowing freely into Faol's muzzle, which was also sucking it down, draining him of all his hot seed. He panted as both his and his mate's cocks began to soften and retreat into their sheaths again.

Faol turned himself around again slowly and kissed Never, tasting his own seed still on his mate's muzzle. Never looked into his mate's loving eyes and spoke quietly to him. "I never expected this. The thought of you, here, I..." He stammered slightly.

The wolf hushed him by kissing him again and then he stared at his new mate. "Well, I am here now. I'm your wolfie, and somehow, I think I always will be."

They held each other then, laying in the bed together. Faol shifted so that his back was up against Never's chest and the fox wrapped his paws around his wolf. They drifted off to sleep together, in each others arms. As they slept together, they came to a realization in their dreams. They had both found what they had been searching for for so long, and they had found it in each other.