No Ordinary Job - Part Two

Story by CanadianWusky on SoFurry

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#2 of B.I.T.N's the steamy conclusion of the first installment of B.I.TN. Hopefully its gets you as hard reading it as it got me when I was writing it.

After his first lusty session with clients on his first day, Auren gets invited to a double-session with Nate, which opens up a whole lot more doors for these two libidinous friends. And also spells one heckuva good time for their client ;P

Cameo appearance by my good friend FLamedragon02, as his fursona Ryu takes a visit to the club.

Nate stretched out and relaxed on the bed in Room #4, awaiting the arrival of both his client and his partner-in-crime for the afternoon, Auren. The silver-furred wolf had been surprised when Garcia had called him in and told him about the switch in his appointment. Not that he minded, though. It meant he got to spend some quality time with Auren as they worked over an apparently horny client. A soft click at the door, and Nate realized one of his companions had showed up. Looking up, he couldn't help but stare as the form of Auren slipped in the doorway, and Nate got a good look at his friend.

The silver dragon had clearly been with a client or clients of his own quite recently, for the drake was noticeably taller and more muscular than he had been about an hour ago. His belly had the barest hint of a paunch, further evidence that one or more meals was still finishing their digestion in his gut. "Damn, bro," Nate chuckled. "Now I see why you didn't join me for breakfast."

"You like?" Auren growled playfully, posing a bit for his lupin friend. Admittedly, this was one of their favourite perks of the job; the increase in size and muscle from voring a client. The silver-furred wolf stood up and made a slow circle around his dragon friend, taking in the sight. Auren was easily over six feet tall now, and had packed on at least twenty pounds of muscle to his frame. His toned torso now rippled with taught muscles, and his arms and legs were thick as well. Nate gave his friend's waist a rub, dipping down to gently fondle his newly-enlarged equipment. Auren's cock was now just over a foot long, growing several inches from its previous size, and certainly a good inch or so thicker. His plump balls hung low between his legs, engorged to the size of oranges, and thick with recently vored fluid. "I should pick up beefy construction workers more often," the drake grinned.

"Oh, I'm sure Glauron would love a quick round with you now," Nate joked, giving the drake's cock a playful stroke. Despite the fact that both he and Auren had boyfriends they were committed too, the silver drake and wolf had agreed they were comfortable messing around with one another frequently, having forged quite a close bond in such a short time. It also may have had something to do with the fact that Nate was also Auren's first meal, the two silver furs bonding over their love of vore.

Auren chuckled and stretched, working out a small kink in his back as the two of them returned to lounge on the bed. "So, what's up with this client of yours? Garcia said they were looking to double their fun."

"Apparently....but I doubt we're complaining, right?"

"Right," the dragon grinned. He idly stroked his enlarged member, feeling his libido already recharged and ready to go thanks to his big meals earlier. "After all, that's why I love this job already."

Nate was about to ask about the drake's previous clients, when the door clicked again, and the pair of friends looked towards the entrance expectantly. In the doorway stood a red-scaled dragon, roughly the same build as Auren was now. A bright silver streak ran up the sides of his neck and down his back, standing out against the crimson scales. His wings were tucked tightly against his back, showing off his innate nervousness, as did his slightly shy eyes. "Hey there," Nate called amicably. "You must be...Ryu, right?"

"Yeah," the red dragon said, shuffling into the room. Auren noted that the drake was quite muscular, having a thick helping of muscle under his hide. Yet, despite his appearance, the dragon almost sounded like Glau had once upon a time; shy and a little unsure of himself.

"Well, I'm Nate, and this is Auren," the wolf continued, offering a paw. The dragon named Ryu shook the proffered paw, as well as Auren's when it was extended. "So, judging by the fact of the three of us here, I take it you're looking for some fun?"

"Yeah," Ryu said again, finally coming to sit between the pair of silver companions.

Sensing a little hesitation, Auren and Nate exchanged a look of understanding. "So, what brings you here, Ryu?" Auren asked kindly, hoping some friendly conversation would help his fellow dragon relax.

"Well...I won an Inter-School Flying Contest at my academy last week. The prize was a nice little sum of I figured I would treat myself. A couple friends and I are on vacation up this way, and I heard about the club so...." The red dragon blushed a bit, his crimson cheeks getting a little brighter, but Nate and Auren just chuckled gently.

"Yup, that's what we're here for," the wolf grinned, rubbing Ryu's back a bit. "So what kinda fun were you looking for?"

The red drake paused for a moment, looking at his hands in his lap. "Well, I'm no stranger to sex. Me and my friends mess around quite a bit, but I usually end up topping a lot. So....I was hoping to have you two top me.....and kinda work me over." Ryu blushed again. "Its not that I dislike topping, but sometimes, I feel like I just wanna get fucked, you know?"

Again, both Auren and Nate chuckled. "Oh, we do," the chorused. Auren smiled a bit wider as he noticed Ryu's gaze continually glace over at his enlarged manhood,, clearly liking what he saw. "How much you taken before, Ry?" the silver drake asked, steering the conversation more towards the business end of things.

The red dragon looked over Auren's equipment again, then flicked his gaze to Nate's own package, comparing the two. "Well, the biggest was slightly smaller than him," he said, nodding to the wolf. Again, his eyes darted back to the silver dragon's recently-grown shaft. "But nothing near what you're packing."

" we know who's taking your ass then," Nate grinned, reaching down to rub the red dragon's groin. Ryu fidgeted slightly in surprise, but let the silver-furred wolf remove his pants. The crimson drake had arrived without any shirt on, so in short order, Nate had him completely naked between the two of them. Ryu started to say something, but it turned into a soft moan as the wolf started to stroke his emerging ridged maleness. "You did say you wanted to be worked..."

"Mm...yeah," Ryu sighed, laying back as his cock rose to full hardness under the soft paws of the wolf. Standing proud at nine-and-a-half inches, he red dragon's cock throbbed with his heartbeat, evidence of his growing arousal, a fact that was not lost on the two silver companions beside him.

Auren grinned and began sliding his claws along the crimson drake's tight rump, making him gasp slightly as his pucker was brushed against. "So, I guess that means Nate can fill your mouth, huh?" he asked sultrily, making their client shiver and moan softly again. Ryu nodded, unable to bother with words as they sensually stroked and prodded him. Nate gave Auren a wink, and the two of them simultaneously ceased their attentions and pulled Ryu to his feet together. The red dragon blinked in surprised, then yelped slightly as he was pushed to his knees, the two companions circling him like hungry predators. "Hmm...that was almost too easy," Auren purred, trailing a claw along Ryu's shoulders and back."He really does want to get worked over."

"Good, because staring at your jacked body has given me such a turn-on, I am ready for action," Nate growled playfully, stepping up to the crimson drake and letting his now-hard lupine cock bob in front of him. It only took a moment for Ryu to psyche himself up for this little venture, before he leaned forward and began to lick at Nate's cock. His tongue darted out and caressed the thick wolf flesh, teasing along the tapered head, and its owner sighed happily. "Mmm....yeah, you've definitely done this before, pal." Running his paw over Ryu's head, Nate growled appreciatively as the drake left behind his hesitation, and took the wolf's cock in his mouth, starting to bob and suck.

Watching Ryu start to swallow Nate's cock, Auren stood behind the red dragon and stroked his own thick and ready member, smearing the drops of pre that emerged from his slit over his head and shaft. The crimson drake's firm behind looked tight, and Auren was eager to try out his newly-engorged cock in something just like that. His hefty, sloshing balls felt almost overly full, evidence that part of the mass he had gained from the two construction workers had been turned into a large helping of dragon cum. Auren grinned, and hoped Ryu was the stretchy type, knowing that between him and Nate, the red dragon was about to get very full.

It didn't take long for Ryu to work up a steady pace of bobbing on Nate's wolfhood, the silver lupine groaning and wagging his tail in delight. Giving a distracted nod to Auren, Nate took Ryu's head in his paws and began a gentle rhythm of thrusting into his maw, even as the silver dragon took up his position at the rear. Nate tried not to feel a pang of jealousy that he wouldn't get to give Auren's newly-grown meat a try, but reasoned that there may be more opportunities for the two of them to operate together down the road. Keeping Ryu focused on sucking his cock, Nate watched as Auren knelt down behind their client and lines himself up. The moment his thick head pressed against the red dragon's entrance was clear, as Ryu's eyes shot open in surprise. A muffled moan sounded around his mouthful of wolf cock, followed by a yelp as Auren managed to squeeze the head in. "Ohh...ooh!" Ryu moaned as the silver drake began to push more of his length in.

"Da-aamn.." Auren growled, feeling the drake's tight passage clamp down around his hefty cock. He held Ryu by the hips and began humping softly, slowly working himself in deeper every time. The red dragon moaned and yelped as he was taken by the bigger dragon's cock, quickly getting the idea of what it would be like to bottom for the pair of silver companions. He was about to cry out again from the sensation of taking such a large cock, when he mouth was stuffed by Nate's own member again, the wolf getting right back to humping his face. Ryu took his place in stride, going back to sucking and licking at the wolf cock as it pumped into his mouth, even as he felt himself getting stretched more and more as Auren added inches of hefty cock into his ass. With a sharp growl, the silver dragon thrust forward hard, and buried his foot of flesh into the submissive crimson drake. "Oh man," Auren groaned. "Yeah...I could get used to having something this big. Hits all the tight spots."

Nate managed to chuckled between his grunts of pleasure, the red dragon's maw working his lupine cock over quite nicely. "Mm...maybe next time, I'll get the big meals and you can go for a ride," he teased. At the same time, he and Auren leaned over Ryu's body, holding him between them and they placed their heads against one another. They gave each other a few playful nibbles before dropping into a synchronized rhythm of thrusting. Auren would thrust forward, pushing Ryu onto Nate's cock, followed by Nate mirroring the action as he pulled back, effectively fucking the red dragon back and forth between their members. The bottom drake moaned and squeaked slightly, feeling his body being used by the dominating furs as his mouth and ass were ravaged pleasantly.

Despite having a foot of dragon cock buried in it, Ryu's passage managed to adapt rather quickly to Auren's size, and the silver dragon was able to thrust into the hilt each time, making his heavy balls slap against the crimson rump. At the same time, Nate's shaft and sac were nearly covered in saliva, the dragon whose mouth he was humping sloppily sucking and licking at them as the member rocked back and forth along his tongue. Ryu was fully getting into the submissive role now, trying his best to please the pair of studs who were taking his body for themselves. As he rocked back and forth between their thrusts, he also rolled his hips and used his tongue to further stimulate the wolf and dragon that were fucking him. More than once he clamped his anal passage down on the thick cock spearing it, only to receive a lustful growl and hard, deep thrust in return for his efforts. Between his legs, Ryu's own cock dangled and swayed, hard as stone and leaking pre like a faucet, the pleasure of being stuffed at both ends nearly sending him over the edge.

Auren panted slightly as he continued to thrust into the red dragon's tight passage, his enlarged cock rubbing against every muscle and wall it could find. Still buzzed from the sex and vore of his first two clients, the silver drake was floating on cloud nine as wave after wave of pleasure surged up his cock, making his plump balls churn and gurgle. He knew Ryu's tight ass would be milking its reward from him soon, and Auren increased the pace and force of this thrusting, eager to finally get a nice release. After being pounded by the two burly construction workers and not getting any himself, the silver dragon was considerably pent up. Huffs and moans came from the dragon beneath him, nearly choking on Nate's own throbbing shaft as it plunged and jerked into his mouth. The wolf was panting as much as his silver partner, evidence that he too was getting close. "Mmph....I'm gonna bust soon," Nate growled, stroking Ryu's head as he continued to hump his face.

"Yeah...same," Auren grunted, now deep-thrusting the red drake with his hefty cock. Ryu squeaked and moaned loudly every time Auren hilted him hard, his ass getting pounded by the bigger dragon. The pair of silver studs continued to hump and thrust for a few more moments, before the tell-tale signs of climax hit them. Nate was first to go, grimacing slightly before throwing his head back and giving a soft howl of pleasure as his cock erupted in Ryu's mouth. The wolf humped in quickly, almost pushing his bulging knot into the red dragon's lips as he pumped jets of thick wolf cream down the drake's throat, Ryu gagging, then swallowing in reflex. Ryu barely had time to swallow one mouthful before another replaced it, Nate managing to shoot quite a bit. paled in comparison to his partner.

Auren was fucking Ryu's tailhole madly, his own cock engorged and ready to blow as he slapped his thickened knot heavily against the red dragon's entrance. Ryu moaned and yelped as the big bulge of flesh tried to gain entrance, not knowing if it would actually fit. Regardless, Auren would not be denied his release, and with a wet squelch, pushed forward hard and spread the dragon's tight ass around his knot, making Ryu howl out around Nate's shaft. As soon as the drake's tailhole had squeezed down around his knot, the floodgates of Auren's balls let loose, and the silver dragon roared as he finally came. The first shot of cum hit Ryu in the gut like a sucker punch, followed by another...and another...and another. Jet after jet of dragon spunk blasted into his body, the flow almost like a hose as Auren's overfilled balls got their release. The first two shots made Ryu's belly start to bulge out, and the bulge only grew with each successive shot. Rounder and rounder the red drake became as the pair of silver studs filled him from both ends, his midsection starting to look more and more overweight.

The torrent finally ceased as Nate sagged and pulled his cock from Ryu's maw, the red dragon finally free to gasp and moan aloud as Auren finished filling him from behind. "Ooohhh...gods....," he groaned, the silver dragon giving a few last thrusts into him as the flow of his cum stopped. With his big knot lodged in Ryu's backside, Auren's large load of seed had no where to go and simply bloated the red dragon, making the guy look like he had just finished an all night binge at the restaurant. "So much," Ryu whispered, panting.

"Yeah...should have mentioned I was pretty full," Auren chuckled, resting on the other dragon's back slightly. "Had a couple of big guys plump me up just before I came here." The red dragon simply nodded and panted a bit more, rubbing his bloated belly.

The trio rested for a few minutes while their came off their highs, before Auren stood up slowly, helping Ryu to his feet as well. With a gentle tug, the silver drake popped his knot out of his client, the red dragon clenching up right away to hold all the fluids inside him. "That was great," Ryu sighed, laying back on the bed as his paws wandered over his larger belly. One hand trailed down and gripped his still-hard member, a trail of pre shining against the black shaft. "Huh....surprised that didn't set me off."

The pair of silver companions traded grins, and looked back at their plump client. "You know....the session isn't over until you're completely satisfied," Nate said softly, coming to lay beside the crimson drake.

Ryu looked between the wolf and the other dragon, contemplating, before he matched their grins. "So...think I could get another pair of rides?"

The wolf flashed his fangs as his muzzle peeled into a seductive smile, and he slid over to straddle the red dragon's waist. "Sure thing, cutie," he purred. "After pumping that much into you, its only fair you get to release some of your own." Nate crawled over Ryu's form to get in position, his toned abs brushing against the bulged belly of the drake. Wiggling his furred ass cheeks backwards, he felt the throbbing tip of the drake's member touch his entrance, and pushed back. With practised ease, his passage parted, helped along by the copious pre leaking from their client, and Nate growled appreciatively as his rump slowly engulfed the ridged cock. Ryu moaned happily, feeling the warmth of Nate's ass wrap around his cock, and he gave a few easy thrusts upwards to further introduce his hard shaft into the willing wolf. The silver-furred lupine rocked steadily, working more and more into him, until he half-sat in the drake's lap, hilted on his throbbing cock. "Mmm...I do like them big," Nate winked, flashing his fangs once again.

"Hope you like being full too," Auren teased, coming up between Ryu's legs. His dangling cock had risen up to full mast once again, eager to work off all that extra spunk. The moment its thick head brushed against Ryu's already-worked hole, the red dragon moaned in anticipation, lifting his legs slightly to give Auren better access. "Because another round with this tool of mine might just make him plump you up, bud."

"Bring it on," the wolf chuckled, reaching back to caress Auren's neck as the silver dragon eased into Ryu's stretched hole. The slick entrance parted easily, and Auren was able to quickly hump himself almost all the way in, making Ryu gasp and groan in pleasure once more. As soon as he buried all of himself in the eager bottom dragon, Auren slid his arms around Nate's waist and fondled his lupine maleness, not wanting the wolf to feel left out. Nate's shiver at his touch was like a signal to start, and all three started moving in time with one another.

Ryu flexed his hips back and forth, both pushing his cock into Nate and rocking on Auren's big meat in his tailhole. The wolf rode their client in a soft, steady fashion, working his rump up and down on Ryu's cock and humping his own into Auren's grip at the same time. The silver dragon gave him a few gentle nips on the neck as they worked, even as he thrust into Ryu's receptive passage heartily. A chorus of moans and pleasured growls echoed about the room, the threesome once again working themselves into a nice tempo, as the scent of males in lustful bliss flooded each other their nostrils, only driving their libidos higher.

With one hand, Auren gripped Ryu's thigh and started thrusting harder and faster, his dominant rutting instincts taking over as he pounded into the submissive dragon. His other hand kept its grip and pace on Nate's cock, making the wolf moan loudly at the double stimulation. "Mmph...Auren...I can feel you inside him," Nate giggled through his sounds of pleasure. "You did get pretty big..."

"Y-yes he di-di-did," Ryu stammered and moaned, starting to rock from the silver dragon's increased thrusting. With each smack of Auren's hips into his, the red drake shoved his own cock deep into the wolf riding him, earning even more howls and moans. A particularly deep thrust from Auren made Ryu squeak out loud, followed by a clenching in his gut. "Oh fuck..I'm gonnaRAWR!" The red drake yowled and jerked, hitting his orgasm hard and firing his spunk up into the wolf atop him. He didn't have to bother trying to control his thrusts as Auren's heavy humping did it for him, sliding his spewing cock back and forth inside Nate's rump as he painted the wolf's bowels. Nate simply murred and continued to ride him, feeling the jets of warm dragon cum filling him up, and bringing him closer to his second orgasm. Ryu writhed and moaned as he came, Auren's big cock still pumping in and out of him and dragging out the sensations. He was dimly aware of Nate's passage clenching down on him, and he finally let of of his restrain. "Oh, yes! Yes! Auren fuck me! Harder!"

A sharp growl from between his legs sounded, and he got just that. Auren began taking him hard and rough, eager to please both his client and himself, having another hefty load sloshing around in his balls and ready to go. He leaned forward, pressing into Nate's back as he in turn pressed the wolf to the red dragon beneath them, and started working his hips deep and quick. Nate felt his chest push into Ryu's plump belly, and he could feel the sloshing of the cum inside, as well as a bump from underneath his tail as Auren thrust his enlarged cock in. The silver dragon's paw was a blur on his own knotted cock, and soon, the wolf was moaning and howling alongside Ryu, streaking the crimson drake's chest with lines of white.

Auren's hips pistoned back and forth quick and steady as he drove his thick shaft into the yowling red dragon, panting and loving every second of it. He could feel another big load churning in his balls, and hoped the poor drake was going to be able to take it. Now that Nate had cum, he let go of the wolf's cock and grabbed Ryu by his waist, helping to thrust into him deeper, feeling the drake's inner passage part around his thick head, accompanied by the warmth of his cum from the first round. "Oh gods oh gods oh gods..." Ryu kept moaning over and over every time Auren's shaft hilted inside him, making his gut slosh with its thick contents. The red dragon arched his back and almost screamed as a second orgasm jolted through him, more of his own seed shooting up into Nate's rump as Auren worked them both over.

Feeling his passage clamp down with orgasm again, Auren fucked hard and fast as his own climax hit, and roared as he once again rammed his knot home. Ryu howled and moaned as he was knotted again, before gasping with the sensation of another flood hitting his gut. He and Nate watched, transfixed, as his belly bulged out more and more, being fed another hefty load from the silver dragon. Even as Auren jerked and writhed in the throes of his orgasm, Ryu began to look like a pregnant female, his stomach rounded out enough to cover his own genitals. Jet after jet of cum pumped into him before Auren finally sagged and panted against Nate's back. "Whew...," he sighed, chuckling. "Didn't think I still had that much in me."

"No...its in me!" Ryu groaned, even though his muzzle showed a pleased grin. He growled a bit as Nate popped off his cock and rolled to the side, and laid there to enjoy the afterglow until Auren's big knot went down. He had come here looking for a good time and to play bottom to some studs, and had gotten every credits' worth.

This would certainly not be his last visit to BITN.

About a half hour later, Nate was once again lounging on his favorite spot on the couch in the employee's lounge, his shirt discarded on the armrest. They had just finished seeing Ryu off, the red dragon waddling out the door with his big belly and an even bigger smile on his face, and now were enjoying some down time. Auren had sauntered off to the Reformation Room to bring back his first clients of the day, and see them on their way. The gentle sound of the door swaying open came to his sensitive ears, and the wolf looked up to see said silver dragon come into the room. Shirtless as well, he could see that Auren had once again regained his normal body stature, his increased muscle mass and size gone now that he had given up his prey.

Scooting over, he motioned for the drake to join him on the couch, and Auren plopped down beside him. There was a moment's pause, then Auren slid his arm teasingly around the wolf's waist. "Have fun, bro?" he grinned.

"Is that even a question?" Nate chuckled, mirroring with grin of his own. He glanced down at the arm around his waist, then shrugged it off, and leaned back into his friend. Stuff like this was no biggie between the two couples, as their open relationships and deep friendships made them comfortable with gesture such as these outside their partners. "You and me should double-team more often."

Another chuckle met his ear from the dragon half-holding him. "Mmm...that's what I told Garcia."


"I stopped by the desk on my way back," Auren explained. "She asked how things went, and then I mentioned how you and I enjoyed working as a pair." His pearly white fangs flashed in a smile. "She said she'd put it on the site for clients to choose if you agreed to it."

Nate was stunned for a moment, then broke into a wide grin and a laugh. "Hell yeah!" he whooped. The thought of him and Auren working as a pair again nearly made him hard right there, not to mention all the sexy options that would be open if they took clients as a duo.

"Good," the drake rumbled. "Cause I already said you approved." The pair play-wrestled on the couch for a moment, laughing, before the relaxed back against the cushion, Nate still held against Auren's chest. "Not bad for the first day," Auren sighed.

"Mmm...can't wait to see what tomorrow brings," Nate agreed, chilling against his friend as he flipped through channels. Behind him, he felt and heard the rumbling chuckle from the dragon, and looked back in curiosity. "What?"

"Tomorrow, dude?" Auren laughed, then nodded to the wall clock. "Its like...noon." Nate's eyes widened and his ears perked up as he looked too. "We still got a whole lot of today left...."

The pair of friends smiled and began laughing again. "So....lunch to recharge, then?" Nate chuckled.

"Sure. Let's go to the restaurant and see who's on the menu."

Nate blinked slowly. "You mean 'what's on the menu', right?"

Auren simply grinned and waggled his eyebrows playfully, and right away, the hint got through to his lupine friend. With a pair of identical predatory grins, the two silver-colored companions jumped off the couch and headed towards the restaurant....not bothering to pick up their shirts on the way.


Hehe....oh, I'm gonna love writing about these two. And the others, of course, but Auren and Nate together just These two are definitely going to become a working pair now, as it's apparent they go well together. Especially since me and the real-life "Nate" are getting rather close ourselves ;)

(*blows kiss to his wolf friend*)

Anyways, as stated above, Ryu was a guest appearance of my friend FLamedragon02, letting his fursona visit the smexy world of BITN and have a little fun as well. Next chapter, another cameo from another friend of mine, DantheOrca.

FLamedragon02's profile:

If any readers are interested in their own cameos, or have ideas for scenes in the series, please, feel free to shoot me a PM. Not only will I be writing for myself in this series, but I will be tying some commission work in as well. I plan on using this world as a template for any requested works and such, giving me a ready-made base with which to jump off of quickly, along with the characters, setting, and available kinks already present in it. Of course, if you want a scene/chapter purely with characters of your own choosing, that is completely doable as well.

Either way, lots lots more yiffy fun ahead!

Until next time!