Wolf Pack: Part 1

Story by WWOLF on SoFurry

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I woke up with a start, a soaking feeling across my forhead. It was a hot summer night, yet my body felt cold to the touch with a hot sweat across it. I shook my head a few times to erase the memories that infested my mind like a parasite. I carefully looked around, eyeing the few scraps of the airplane that was still left over from the crash. Eyeing the mounds of dirt where I spent two full days of non-stop burrying of bodies of people I've grown to love and care about. I was scared now, I was always scared. We crashed somewhere far North, I think I heard the pilot saying something about how we were close to Alaska. I think he's right, because I can still hear the wolves howling...


One Week Earlier:

I was so excited! An entire trip to the real North Pole! My family teased me about finding Santa Claus up there, and even though it made me laugh, I still found it unncessary hearing it every day. At my young of age of twelve years old I thought a trip like this would be incredibly exciting.

This trip was actually to go find my father who's an explorer. He was at the North Pole mining ores or something similar. I was just excited on my trip! I got to fly in a small airplane with two of my friends and my three brothers and sisters. My oldest brother, Mark, wasn't too happy on going. Me and him have different fathers, so he didn't quite care to go see my father.

When we boarded the airplane I waved goodbye to my family and friends who were waiting at the gate to watch me off. I never had a thought in my mind that this may be the last time I wave goodbye to them. When we were in the air, it was a calming and very beautiful flight. It was so beautiful seeing all the small trees and places smaller than ants. I couldn't wait to get there.

It happened so fast that even now I don't remember exactly what happened. First there was a large thud that woke me up late at night when I was sleeping. As I looked outside, lightning was flashing wildly with rain and hail banging against the plane in a wild torment. At first I wasn't scared, but when the plane began to shake and jerk violently I started to fear for my own life.

I screamed loudly as the plane was beginning to drop suddenly. Bags were flying from the front of the plane to the back with my entire family screaming and hanging onto their chairs for dear life. I stared out the front of the plane, eyeing the front window. There was only blackness with the occasional flash of lightning. I heard the captain of the plane scream mayday, mayday. I clung to my seat as I heard the co-pilot attempt to radio for help, calling out that we're going down, landing gear is blown away, and that there was no way to get out of this. There was a hard crunch of trees, a sudden jerk, a large flash of fire, the loudest sound I've ever heard, and finally there was blackness.


Now here I am. My best bet is that we're somewhere around Alaska during the early summer. It was warm and sunny, sometimes the occasional chilling breeze, but other than that it was very beautiful. It would've been a lot more beautiful if my family could've seen this. I had to get on my hands and knees and burry each and every one of my friends and family, including the pilots. The area was filled with green, lush trees as far as the eye can see, scaling mountains, and gorgeous river and lake formations. Sometimes it'd be so beautiful that my fur would stand on end. Oh, just for quick reference, let me remind you of what I am. I'm a fox anthro with red, almost tawny colored fur with a white blotch on the tip of my tail. My paws were black gloves along with the tips of my ears being of black shading. From the crash, though, my clothes were torn to shreds, so from then on I walked around, ate, and even slept completely in the nude. I slept easy for some odd reason, despite the terrible accident that left me without anyone to be there for me or any form of contact with another person. I think I slept quieter because of the wolves.

At exploring the area when we crashed, I saw a wolf pack that kept their den not too far away from where I was. I read about wolves and packs, but never once have I've seen a wolf pack this large before. There must have been at least six families living all together, but how they survived together without disputions over food was beside me. Once or twice I've crawled over the small hill that seperated us to watch them. It was the only form of entertainment I had, aside from having to give myself a little stimulation every now and. Hey, when you're as stranded as I am, you have to find something to give you something to keep your nerves calm.

On one particular day when I was satisfying myself, I heard a crunch to my left. I turned hard and saw two golden eyes not even five feet from my body. I was deathly scared, this wolf was tall enough from paw to shoulder to be up to my mid chest region, I mean he was huge! That wasn't the real thing that scared me, though. I was laying on the ground, my paw gripping onto my sheath to pull it back while my other paw calmly rested against my fox meat. I thought the wolf would rip me up and bite off my cock thinking it was sausage or something. Instead I was even more suprised as he trotted to me and sniffed my neck, oh no, he thought I was submissing to him. He smelled me for a couple of minutes, inhaling deeply my scent from my face, ears, neck, and my stomach. When I felt his cold nose press right into my sheath to actually inspect what I was doing, I couldn't help but gasp and spray his muzzle with a jet of pre cum. Jumping back he let out a small growl, and I thought I was dead. Though instead, he sniffed me one more time, turned to his side and lifted up his leg. I was about to scream when I felt a jet of warm urine splash against my neck and chest before he ran away. I sat up and almost fell backwards from the scent. It was harsh and pungeant, making my tail bristle out. I wiped it off the best I could, though the smell never really left.

That night it was incredibly hard to sleep, the smell was keeping me up. I wrapped my tail around myself tighter until I heard another crunch as before, only this time there were a lot more of them. I quickly sat up and was met face to face with at least five wolves, the biggest and also the one from before was standing in front of them all. I assumed he was the alpha for how the others stood behind him and didn't make a move unless he did. Taking a step forward I began to crawl on my hands and knees, my large fox ears pressed to my skull with my tail tucked firmly between my legs. I couldn't beleive what I was doing, I was actually submissing to a wolf, and by the way he raised his tail even higher and stood up more straight, I could tell he understood what I was doing.

As I was getting ready to look up to him I felt fangs against my scruff. I couldn't help but let out a loud bark of pain, expecting this to be my last moments alive. Instead I could feel the pain, it hurt yes, but it was gentle and yet firm at the same time. I didn't even have a moment to do anything else when I actually felt myself being picked up off the ground by the alpha. He must've thought I was a runt or something, but he couldn't have not known that I was of different species. Before I knew it, I was being carried off by the alpha followed by the wolves. He took me to the pack and all looked at me, oh no, maybe I was being taken away as a meal. When I was finally set down I quickly looked around as the wolves were closing in on me. I was going to scream until I heard something, the sound making my head jerk towards the direction of the alpha.

"He's stranded, only survivor. I think we should take him in, no point in letting him die," I heard coming from the alpha's muzzle. It was too much, the alpha was speaking, a real wolf was talking! My eyes fluttered close and everything went dark.


I awoke with a wonderful sensation, it was one of those sensations that you feel when your parents held you close in their bedroom after you had a bad nightmare. That feeling you get like nothing could hurt you, like you were being protected by in your mind the world's strongest person. This was different, however, as I looked down at my body and saw at least five adolescent wolves covering me up with their own bodies, sharing their heat to keep warm. I didn't think straight for some reason, and I was scared of being surrounded by so many wolves. I couldn't help it, and I couldn't stop it, and I immidiettly began to cry and wail loudly. I awoke all the wolves that were covering me, but more so another larger wolf behind me.

I turned around with tears pouring down as a large, warm, and wet tongue glided across my face. I stopped crying and calmed down as I smelled something. As a fox anthro I didn't really have that good a smell from living in the city, but I knew this smell easy, it was a female wolf. I tried to open my eyes from my still small sobs as she licked me and nuzzled me. I felt happy, like she was a mother to me. Soon I stopped crying and she stopped her routine. When I was about to lay back down she pulled onto my scruff which made me gasp from pain. I looked back and she began to lay down, looking directly at me. I took the hint and crawled on my paws to her. When I got to her, she rolled onto her side and fell asleep, and though I didn't know for sure if that's what she wanted me to do, I layed down onto her lightly and fell asleep with her.

Waking up to the female wolf's movement, I sat up and eyed the alpha again. He was strong and firm, but even if he looked to be dark and mysterious, my eyes trailed down to his paws where he was surrounded by three little wolf pups. They were so adorable I went to reach to pet one but had my paw nearly snapped off by the alpha. I pulled back quickly and saw I wasn't allowed to touch them by the look in his eyes. I pulled back as the alpha went to lay down, the pups soon following him. When he got onto his side I couldn't help but giggle as they began to jump all over him, barking and yipping playfully. I watched their antics for a while until one of them started to actually suck on his ear. It looked adorable and soon all the pups were doing it. The alpha barked in protest until they all moved away from his ears. Soon I thought the game was over, until I saw one pup nuzzling the alpha's hind leg.

Expecting him to shoo the pup away, I continued to watch. Instead, the alpha lifted up his leg and let the pup venture forth. My mouth literally dropped open as the pup latched himself right onto the alpha's testicles. At first I thought it was going to bite him, but I heard this loud, wet, sloppy noise and I realized what was going on. The pup was actually sucking on his father's balls, and by the large smile across the alpha's muzzle, I knew he wasn't going to protest. The other pups watched with their tails wagging. Soon the alpha nuzzled the pups to the other suckling one. I couldn't beleive my eyes, two pups were busy sucking and slurping away at the alpha's testicles, while the third went right for the goods. It burried it's muzzle right over it's father's sheath and I heard this loud, audible sucking, like the pup was nursing off of him.

I didn't think it was true, I didn't want to think it was, but the alpha of this pack was actually letting his own children suck him off! I stared in awe and couldn't help but move closer to get a better view. The third pup was really working over the alpha's meat, sucking and slurping until I saw his cock begin to swell up, knot and all, while turning a deep crimson color. As the pups worked faster and faster I was amazed on how the alpha just sat there and enjoyed it, occasionally giving off a small purr if you'll call it of pleasure. When the alpha's hips were starting to buck underneath the small pup, he shooed them all away and looked at me. I understood immidiettly what he meant by that look in his eyes.

I crawled on my hands and knees over to the alpha's legs, knowing I'd be finishing up the third pup's job. I stared at his sheath, his red hot poker sticking from the slit. I gulped and literally had to force myself onto him. I sucked heavily, my tongue flicking over his cock, tasting the sweet juices that flowed into my muzzle of his natural flavoring. I couldn't help but moan as I began to hear that purring noise from the alpha again, only louder and louder. Before I could object to what I was doing, I felt his hips jerk forward and a splash of warmth in my muzzle. All instincts told me to pull away but I ignored them and continued to suckle on him. I drank down his tart and sweet alpha cream down my throat until I couldn't handle it anymore, I pulled away. A few other jet streams of his cum splashed across my face and muzzle before I backed away. The alpha in the meantime leaned his head down to finish up the job before he trotted away.

This was amazing, this pack, these wolves, this alpha! What was going on? This has to be some sort of dream, I have to be dreaming. I pinched myself, OW, ok, maybe I'm not. The alpha marked me so I'd be able to be in the pack, only later to find out that the mark was actually to proclaim me as his own, and he even let me help suck him off. I was part of this pack, and even though I knew I was going to be the bitch in it, I was praying every moment I had that no one would come looking for me.

Wolf Pack: Part 2

=Took me forever to finish it since I've been mad busy lately, but I finally got the second part of the story up. Hope you like it, and if you do, I might keep the series going for a while. Heh, thanks for the feedback on my last one by the way ^.^= ...

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Eric's Fur Suit

It was a lonely night and the storm was raging on and on. Eric looked out the window glumly and let out a low sigh of boredom. It's been raining for the past few hours and he's been stuck at home from his date since he drives a convertabile. His car...

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