Wolf Pack: Part 2

Story by WWOLF on SoFurry

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=Took me forever to finish it since I've been mad busy lately, but I finally got the second part of the story up. Hope you like it, and if you do, I might keep the series going for a while. Heh, thanks for the feedback on my last one by the way ^.^=


Two days so far in this pack and I haven't seen anything quite as wild as the alpha being sucked off by his own pups. I've grown quite accustomed to the pack, because they were smarter than any pack I've read about or even heard about. They'd actually kill an animal and drag it back to the pack where they'd all feast, though of course still having the alphas eat first. The pack lay out was very incredible. I discovered upon exploration four dens, one den was actually made out of a solid stone cave where the alphas slept. The three others that were surrounding that main den were at a place low enough so the alpha den could look over easily just from a glance outside. The dens were surrounding a large open place where we'd eat, play, and on almost every night howl. Occasionally I'd join in the howling too, though I wasn't exactly the right species to do so.

I've got to see all the other pack members, and the ones that stood out the most were actually mostly the males from the seperate pack dens. In the first den that was farthest left of the alpha den's cave, there were two twin male brothers. I called them Hack and Sack, short for hacky sack. Every time I saw them, they'd be throwing around from one to the other a pine cone, sometimes bopping it back by their own muzzles like a game of hacky sack. In the den that was to the the right of the main den, there was one male who was the fastest runner ever. His legs were taught and lean muscled, and once or twice he'd even let me feel his legs and was amazed on even when he was laying down his muscles were so very tight and so rock solid. I nick named him Speedy, though I wish I could've gotten a more sophisticated and cooler name, but Speedy seemed to fit him just perfect. Now the last male that stood out the most was maybe an inch smaller than the alpha and all black in coloring. The alpha was warm and caring in my opinion, but this wolf, he was darker and probably the meanest of all the wolves here. He'd bite the pups hard enough to draw blood, force himself onto females that weren't even in heat, and sometimes he'd even start fights with the alpha. The wolves treated it like they were just play fights, though by the look in this wolf's eyes, I knew he was trying to kill him. So far I haven't gotten any good nick name for him, except Shadow.

It was the third morning since my stay here at the pack, and just as the sun was rising up, I was already attempting to slide my body from underneath my pack buds. All five of the same adolescent wolves kept sleeping near or even on top of me since I got here, and I've gotten to know them very well. As I finally lifted away the last of them I crawled out of the den on my paws, trotting around like another ordinary wolf there, my nose almost in the ground as I sniffed around to try and find a place to pee. I didn't know why I couldn't smell him, or why I didn't even notice him, but my head ran right into Shadow's leg. I didn't have to look up to tell it was him, his scent gave him away as well as his solid black coat. Slowly I began to look up to him, to try and submiss, but I felt was sharp, peircing fangs in my scruff, and this time they sunk in. I didn't bother with casualties as I completely bellored out and screamed at the top of my fox lungs. I woke up a lot of wolves in all the dens as many shot out to see what was happening. Before I could wake any others up with my screaming, I felt myself being dropped in a harsh way by Shadow's face being slashed away.

I glanced up with my bleeding neck to see the alpha's bloody muzzle with Shadow's bloody muzzle, snarling at one another. The alpha saved me again, and sadly, I still haven't picked out a name for him. My ears started to perk up as I listened to the snarling and growls. I could feel the passion in their anger, their hatred for one another, like a story was unfolding in every single flash of fang. I understood the story so well that my ears were starting to pick up other things. I thought it was a fluke, but I knew this was true, I could hear them... talking.

"Shadow! Stay away from him... he meant you no harm what so ever!" bellored out the alpha's angry voice.

"Mind your own business, Kosan," yelled out Shadow, "I can do what I want and how I please without the guidance of a two-bit alpha leading!"

Kosan, as he was called, lashed out at Shadow. His paw flew to his face and the sound of Shadow growling in anger and in pain along with the strong smell of fresh blood perfurated all of the surrounding air. "Watch your tongue, Shadow," came his voice, dark and angry, "or you may just find yourself without it."

Shadow had nothing more to say, he merely let out one more snarl of protest and ran away into the foilage. In the meantime I layed on the ground, dumbfounded, and in complete and utter awe. I stared at Kosan for a long time until he looked down at me. That look in his eyes, that look that always tells me what he's thinking, and I knew that he knows I can understand them.

"Are you alright?" he asked me. His voice was now softer, much more softer and gentle. It was just wonderful to hear him sound so loving.

"I... I'm fine," I managed to stammer out through my shock. "What, what in the-?"

Kosan only smiled and wagged his bushy tail at my shock. He shook his head and nuzzled me lightly, "Come now, let me explain this to you in a much more suited environment." He led me into the alpha's den, and then he explained some very surprising things to me.


It was harsh truth to hear what Kosan, my alpha, had to tell me. It seems as though the wolves that lived here were once tamed and raised by humans. But when a great famine happened there, they turned on the wolves and tried to eat them. They barely escaped with their lives. Soon they started a new pack, a stronger one. It seemed as though if they all worked together and used their intelligence more than just their fangs and claws, they could do so much more and have such a stronger pack. More so importantly, Kosan explained to me why he marked me. It seems as though when the wolves learned to be smarter with a larger pack, they also learned that they should not just have the alpha mate with the female alpha. They learned on how to "satisify" one another, taking a female when she's not into heat and more so importantly, the male's mating with one another. The mark he gave me was to prove that I was entitled to be his property, and that he had rights over me and if I got to be mated by the other males here as well. It was harsh truth, but deep down, I liked it. I liked the idea of being this way, it was comforting. More so comforting because it was the alpha of the pack who owns me.

"How do you feel, about me having you?" asked Kosan.

I could only stare at him. The whole truth behind it all was incredible, I loved it. "Well, I think it's great, really. But... what was that you did with your uh, cubs?" I asked. I almost feared the answer.

Kosan only purred at the question. "Well," he began, "my cubs, since birth, have been prone to liking males more than females. So, I taught them how to fully enjoy the company of another, and since I didn't trust others to do that for them, I merely did this feat myself."

Nodding ascent I asked, "Do you ever mount other males and ya know... take them?"

"Yes, I do," replied Kosan, "I enjoy to do that quite often." He stood up fully and started to circle me. It was a stranger feeling this time, it was like a shark swimming around it's prey. "I want you to know," he started, "that in a few moments, I'm going to mount you also. I'm going to fully mark you, then I will truely own you."

"B-because I'm not fully marked," I was beginning to stutter, he knew I was afraid, "is that why Shadow was so angry with me?"

"Some of it, most of it's because he wanted you as his own first." He finally circled behind me and started to sniff around my tail. Instinct made me pull it close to my body, only to have a strong paw step on it to stop me in my tracks. "No," he said almost angrily, "open it up, let me smell and taste you first."

I was getting scared now, I wasn't sure if I wanted him to do that. But I had to obey the alpha, and I slowly started to lift up my tail for him as I started to get upon my knees, as if asking for his inspection. I felt a cold nose press right against my tailhole, it sent electricity up my spine that made my fur stand on end. I couldn't help myself as I softly let out a murr of pleasure, but then completely gasped as I felt a hot tongue swipe against my puckered tail ring. Soon that warmth started to spread inside of me, he was trying to press his lupine tongue deep into my tight tailhole. The more that he got to glide inside of me, the more I felt his fangs prick against my fur and flesh, it all added to my sheath beginning to thicken from the enjoyment and satisfaction.

"Have you ever been mounted before?" Kosan asked me, still trying to get more of his tongue inside of my body.

"No, I haven't... I want you to do it, though," I said in an almost shaky voice, my body becoming limp from under me.

Those words only made Kosan purr with satisfaction, the smell of his arousal was starting to thicken the air around me. "And so I shall," he said, finally starting to pull away only to nuzzle against my backside. "You know the position," he said as he attempted to coax me onto all fours, "get into it, let me fully enter inside of you."

I hesitated at first, but after a few moments I quickly obeyed. I barely had my knees firmly planted and my paws on the ground before I felt a weight against my backside, starting to push me downwards but I quickly held my ground the best way I could. Kosan's breath against my ears was starting to make my sheath thicken even further than it had before. I started to feel another's warmth against my rump and what felt like a red hot poker striking against my behind softly. Glancing back I could see Kosan's heated desire in his eyes, his tail rose high into the air as he was getting ready to proclaim me truely his.

Barely even having another moment to think of anything else, I felt a hard and slick shaft slide right into my tailhole. I let out a hollar of pain, it was the size that got me, he was incredibly huge. Not like I had a ruler handy, but I could feel that he was at least nine inches long, though from my study of wolves and canine anatomy, I knew this wasn't his full length. I felt him slide out slowly and I quickly glanced back to watch him. His lips were pulled back into a silent growl of lust before his hips drove back with devastating force. All emotions kicked in and I began to cry as I started to feel him pound away at my tailhole brutally. He was taking me in the most painful way possible. I didn't realize it, but I was actually begging him to stop without even a thought to do so. His slick cock was beginning to thicken gradually as well as become slightly longer. His hips became a blur as I felt a thicker part of his cock slap against my now swollen opening, and I knew it was his knot. Thrusting faster and harder I could tell he was trying to tie with me, he was trying to shove his fist sized knot into my tiny fox opening.

"Kosan, please, stop," I begged through grinding teeth. I knew he wouldn't obey me, since he was in fact my alpha. Just as I was about to open my mouth in another plea of protest, I felt a pain shoot up my spine. It was hard to describe, I felt my tailhole stretch wide open and finally clamp around a hot ball of flame. The fires sent thrills up and down my backside, igniting me into his firey passion as well. The flames, our souls, they were burning together and I knew I was almost fully marked now. The flames were hot, burning into me as my tailhole's reflexes clamped down onto the large knot shoved inside of it. Barely even feeling the fire now, it was soon washed away in what felt like an even hotter flame. The alpha's seed was splashing inside of me wildly and cooling off the flames. I could feel the fire against my body and inside of it, it heated me to the core until I felt my own sheath twitch and spray my small amounts of fox cum across my lower body, arms, and legs. It was pleasurable pain, hard to describe in any word, and through the pleasure I couldn't even hear the alpha letting out a howl. It was stranger than all the other howls I heard from him, this was a joyous howl and yet it was a domineering one as well.

My breath came out in short and shallow gasps for air as I felt a hot panting against my neck and ears. Kosan had now fully marked me, I was now truely his. Soon the flames were dying out inside of me and I started to feel the ball of fire inside of my tailhole die down. To me it felt like only a moment, but glancing outside the sun told me otherwise. Perhaps it lasted half an hour, maybe even forty-five minutes, I don't know. All I did know and chose to care about was that Kosan had marked me, and before I knew it he slid his cock from my tailhole at last and leapt off my backside. I fell to the ground on my side, looking up at Kosan with his wonderful eyes. I was bewildered, dumbfounded, I had no mortal thought running inside of my mind anymore.

"Well," came Kosan's voice finally, "I hope you realize that now I own you. I can take you when I want and whenever I want, as well as choose if any other gets to have you as well."

I nodded my comply before I replied, "Yes I do, Kosan. Do I..." I fell short of my words.

"Do you what?" he asked me curiously.

"Do I get to have someone now?" I said almost sheepishly.

Kosan purred at my question and threw his head towards the cave entrance. I quickly glanced the way he was motioning to and saw Kosan's pups. Their tails were wagging and they were panting heavily, waiting eagerly for the one thing I knew they wanted. A small smile crept across my muzzle as I saw them and lifted my leg invitingly. I knew now that flame I felt was the true mark of Kosan, and this pack would abide by his orders and his proclomations, say for one. Also, I knew one more thing... I didn't want anyone to come looking for me anytime soon.

Wolf Pack: Part 3

=Sorry this story took so long and isn't as well written out as I planned, but I've been sick for the past week and I can't exactly think straight. In any case, hope you enjoy this one as well as the others, and if you like it, feedback is greatly...

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Wolf Pack: Part 1

I woke up with a start, a soaking feeling across my forhead. It was a hot summer night, yet my body felt cold to the touch with a hot sweat across it. I shook my head a few times to erase the memories that infested my mind like a parasite. I carefully...

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