I Thought It Meant

Story by Valanx on SoFurry

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#34 of Free Association

Dan and Mitch continue their... adventures. Contains M/M, 3260 words.

Hey everyone! Welcome to Episode 34 of the gay romantic serial drama, Free Association! If you're new, please head on back to Episode 1! If you're old hands, sorry it's up a bit late.

The excellent cover art you see above was done by my wonderful boyfriend, Frosty, who is difficult to link for some reason... Be sure to give him some love on the original! Dan! Dan! He did a really great job... My very first fanart ever! *glomps his husky* I love this guy.

_ Friday. _

It was easy to almost forget how this had all started.

"Great game, dude, that was amazing! Man, you musta practiced drifting for hours!"

Man, talk about flattering, with those big gleamy eyes... "Heheh, actually I just kinda have a knack for it... dunno why! I actually prefer indie games 'n stuff..."

"Really? Cool, me too! Name's Mitch, gimmie the paw."

Stupid giggle, neckscratch, pawshake. "I'm Daniel... I'm only in high school and I think you're really cute..."

Now, that wasn't how it had gone.... Hrmmm...

Mitch hadn't been lying, about his penchant for producing precum. The gryphon's dick was all but dripping, clear fluid oozing down the underside, over his balls and onto the sheets. It was leaking so fluidly that he could plainly see the small dark mark at the tip, where the opening was slighly dilated. The gryphon was blushing at him, the expression an act. He was performing a blush.

"I... I guess we can..." the gryphon mumbled.

Man, that can/may distinction made such a difference, in how one interpreted things. "We don't... have to, I was just... thinking..." the dragon rumbled, disarming.

Mitch stared at his knees.

He was breathing... funny.

"Hey, guys, this is Daniel, he's the one who beat me and Mike in Forza! Yeah I know, it was all kinds of awesome! He almost won, too! Dan - can I call ya Dan? - this is Jason and Bill, and you know Mike..."

When the gryphon's eyes rose... Daniel recognized the look he saw there. "Okay. Fuck me," he breathed.

Eyes traversing the trembling gryphon's nude, erect form, Daniel couldn't tell how much fear lay behind that quiet, vulgar assent. "We can always just..."

"Dan... I want you to fuck me." This time... it was a purr. A sound, a vocalization, which reminded the dragon acutely of his friend's feline heritage. A lot of guys could purr, if you put them in the right mood... but only a cat can do it properly.

Funny, that, the dragon thought. He's at once a cat, and a bird... and good, natural... at being both.

Daniel supposed it was silly to find that part funny, but take the gryphon's shy horniness in stride.

"Heheh, actually, no one calls me that..." Heart thudding, breath huffing, cold sweat on the backs of his paws.

"Oh really? Sorry, I thought you didn't mind it..."

"N-no, it's okay, a cute guy like you can call me whatever he likes..."

All the stuff he'd wanted to say... and beaten back. It was awful... but he could remember it far better than his buzzing, generic replies, blocked out by the pounding of his heart. The prattle he'd pushed to try and keep the gryphon talking to him, without scaring him off.

Slowly, the dragon climbed to his knees. "O-okay..." he growled. For all that he'd suggested it... the idea was daunting, now. He glanced down at his own cock, bemused, as if wondering whether he was capable of it.

"Um... do you have condoms?" the gryphon asked, voice growing a bit less certain.

The dragon shook his head.

"Oh... Uh..." Mitch squirmed. "I guess... we shouldn't, then..." Daniel could practically see his dick wilt a little.


"You're a virgin, right?" the dragon murmured.

Hesitant nod.

"Totally, completely?"

"...Haven't touched any dicks but my own, until tonight," Mitch whispered. He wasn't very shy now.

"Then... do you trust me, if I say that... neither have I?"

Never mind that... in Daniel's case, the 'until tonight' was still an assumption. He looked at the gryphon's gleaming dick, licking his mouth a bit. He'd sure like to touch it...

The gryphon looked up at him, hesitant, eyes widening a little. "You wanna do it... without one?"

The dragon shrugged. "We're both virgins, how much safer can you get?"

He watched the gryphon gulp. "I... I guess..." he trailed off, staring, hesitant, gaze slowly hardening. "I trust you."

The dragon smiled a little. Slowly, he reached out... and pushed the gryphon onto his back.

Mitch's head hit the pillow. They were both panting. Daniel gulped, watching, as their boners came into fairly close proximity... whatever Mitch had said, he couldn't help being intimidated by the several-inch difference in their dimensions... both length and girth.

"I'll... try to make it satisfactory..." he mumbled.

Mitch looked down at him, eyes bleary with lust. "Huh?"

"Nothin'... Uh... What are we gonna use for lube?"

The gryphon's flicking, feline tail was winding up between the dragon's legs, stroking over his tight scrotum and short, thick pubic fur. "Uh... Crap, I dunno... T-try it without..."

"No way, your tail's not gonna survive that," the dragon protested, and Mitch didn't argue, though he did look a bit downcast. "Uh... damn..."

Now the gryphon was starting to look upset. "Use spit or something, but please, Dan... I... I want you... I'm ready for you..."

Gulp. The dragon's mouth couldn't have chosen a worse time to emulate the Sahara. He stared down at the needy gryphon, whose legs were spread halfway, knees bent, chest rising and falling with each shuddering breath... Come on, there had to be something... He frowned, watching Mitch's cock twitch under him.


The avian's shiny, slippery cock. Literally dripping onto his feathery stomach.

Slowly, Daniel grinned, and reached out, wrapping his paw around it. Mitch tweaked his hips, breath catching, and groaned, as the dragon drew his grip up towards the end.

"W-what are you doing?"

"You sure make a lot of precum," the dragon remarked, voice quiet.

There was a beat of silence, as Daniel regarded his sticky paw.

"N-no, I don't wanna be on top," the gryphon protested. "I want you... inside me..."

Pant, pant. "You're not gonna be on top, silly..." His slippery paw met his dick. Groooaaan. "I'm gonna... use your pre as lube."

Stare. Stare. "W-what?" Mitch whined.

He watched, eyes wide, as Daniel went to scoop up more, being sure to get a nice thick coating on his scaly pads... and then unceremoniously sticking his paw under the gryphon's tail, gently sliding it between his cheeks.

"Nnnnngh!" Mitch jerked his legs up reflexively.

"Heh..." Daniel felt the gryphon's tight tailhole against his pawdigit, flexing, quivering...

"Oh god, Dan, that's so fucking hot... Oh fff-fuck... You're... you're gonna fuck me with..."

"Don't get too excited, now..." the dragon rumbled, with a small chuckle, withdrawing his paw from the other male's slippery hindquarters. There was really plenty of this stuff, gleaming and dripping... As he watched, the gryphon squirted a bit more clear fluid onto his tummy. To think: there was a ready supply of lube hovering directly above where the action was going to take place! Once the dragon got going, they probably wouldn't need much. He did make a small amount himself, at least enough to keep him happy when pawing... But he wasn't sure how much he'd be able to produce tonight. He was already pretty excited... and this was the first time and all... Gee, he hoped Mitch's expectations weren't too far out of reach...

The dragon gulped, paws stroking along Mitch's sides feverishly; the gryphon was looking up at him, making a soft, avian whine in his throat. Daniel could hear himself... growling. A very low, bass rumble, like a bus engine idling. He didn't know why he was doing that. "You ready?" he asked quietly, his dick throbbing near Mitch's butt. The gryphon's tail was still playing around between his legs; it ran up the underside of his tail to his own tailhole, making the drake jump and shiver.

"Yeah..." Mitch's eyes were still burning with desire, but his voice had gone quiet once more, and a blush was returning to his cheeks. His ears were straining between forward and back... but forward was winning. "D-do it..."

Sooo cuuuute.

Shaking, Daniel shuffled closer and aimed his dick down with one paw... gingerly, he positioned his hips, and shivered when his cockhead poked between the gryphon's buttcheeks. So slippery... So warm... A tight, clenching ring of flesh twitched against his bare tool. He pressed against it gently... He pushed... He gritted his teeth and grunted, as it clamped down on his head.

Mitch, tail flicking, made a soft noise of discomfort, but he was watching passively, hornily. Daniel pressed forward, and the layer of precum coating his dick made the passage easy; he glided into the other male, Mitch's tight insides squeezing on his cock.

Daniel moaned. It was... the tightest, softest, warmest, best-feeling sensation he couldn't've imagined. His sheath pressed between the other male's rump, pubic fur tickling the gryphon's perineum.

Mitch moaned, too. Quietly. "Feels good..." he whispered, his sphincter twitching sporadically. "Oh feels so good, Dan..." He didn't seem to be in hardly any pain... Which the dragon reluctantly supposed was an upside.

Paws sliding down to the gryphon's thighs, Daniel hooked the other male's legs around his waist. The angle was a bit awkward, with Mitch flat on the bed like that. Gulping, he hunched over the gryphon, taking ahold of his shoulders... The avian whined a little bit as the motion drilled Daniel's cock deeper into him.

Breathing heavily, the drake began rocking his hips back and forth.

The tight band of flesh surrounding his tool spasmed and twitched. They panted in each other's faces. Mitch made a little squeak, clinging to him tightly. Daniel wrapped his arms around the feathery guy, holding his shoulders from behind now, and pressed his muzzle against the gryphon's beak.

Mitch's eyes opened, widened, rolled back a bit as they slid shut again. Their tongues played once more. The taste of the mammal's mouth was now familiar in more ways than one, the dragon realized, blushing a little as he encountered a distinctive, complex flavor he had never tasted... but had smelled countless times.

It was impossible to deny it was a turn-on... tasting your own cock on someone else's tongue...

The gryphon broke away, panting a little and staring up at him. His body rocked a bit with each stroke, part reaction, part action. He grunted a little each time the dragon hilted inside him... His cock was dripping faster now.

"Nnngh... Harder..." Mitch groaned, his eyes wild. "H-harder, please... fuck me... Ohhh..."

The dragon shifted his grip to his friend's hips, and tried to increase the force of his thrusting. His brow was furrowed, his face a contorted mask of intensity. Sure, it felt good, probably better than anything else he'd ever done to his dick... but that wasn't the most mindblowing part. What really drove the dragon crazy was... that it didn't stop feeling that good. It didn't dull, it didn't mellow, it wasn't a surge of pleasure, it was.... constant. That tight, muscular ring squeezing up and down his shaft, that clinging, warm internal organ stretching around his cockhead...

Rock-hard and quivering, Mitch's cock was leaving a puddle below his belly button, flopping a bit with each thrust the younger male applied to his friend's rump. His tight, downy scrotum was wrinkled and tense, clinging to his body from the temperature, or from arousal, or...

Daniel hoped he was doing a good job. He hoped he was... big enough to make Mitch at least feel something nice. He wasn't really sure whether the gryphon's prostate was 'within reach'; he was sure trying to drive upward toward the guy's frontside. He'd have to start pawing the guy to be sure and get him off. This has to be a good experience for him... it has to be nice. I can't let it fall short of his expectations... What would that say about me?

N-not yet, though... felt so good... he could barely concentrate on keeping his hips moving, let alone... gripping a foreign phallus and furiously fist-fapping it. The dragon leaned over his bedmate and pressed his face against Mitch's feathery chest, eyes shut tight, breathing roughly through his mouth as he thrusted.

Mitch adjusted his grip a little, hiking his legs up higher on the dragon's waist. Daniel hoped this position wasn't making his back hurt... He hoped the gryphon wouldn't want to stop before the dragon was able to finish. The thought made him thrust a bit faster, suddenly worried... Mitch, by the sound of his moaning, was not of a mind to object.

Or a mind to do anything, really, except buck back against him and stroke his neck and shoulders.

Daniel rubbed his face against Mitch's chest. His arousal was becoming somewhat paradoxical... he was so turned on that he felt barely inches away from cumming, and yet the harder he went at the gryphon, the more stamina he felt like he had. There was... a feeling building, growing very strong... but nothing impending. Nothing was even approaching. He could keep this up for a little bit, at least. Gritting his teeth, the dragon tried to thrust harder.

This had to be amazing for Mitch. It had to be. Daniel wouldn't let his friend's first time be anything else. He wouldn't let this be a disappointment for the gryphon, even if it probably wasn't the most stimulating --

"Oh god Daniel..." the gryphon whined. "D-daniel... I'm gonna cum..."

The dragon slowed a bit, eyes sliding open as his head drew back. "H-huh?"

The face he was making... "I'm so close, oh god, don't stop... keep... keep going... H-harder!"

With a gulp, the dragon, resumed slamming his hips against the gryphon's backside.

"Oh goood... F-fuuuck... I'm so close... I... I can't..."

They were both panting. "Want me to jack you off?" the dragon growled, almost drooling from the insane level of testosterone surging through his body.

"Aaah... Aaaaaah..." the gryphon whined, shaking, looking up at him, delirious. "F-fuck... Y-yeah... Go ahead..."

Daniel slowly wrapped his paw around the middle of the gryphon's shaft, and began sliding it up and down, nice and gentle. He watched Mitch's face screw up tight as his paw glided over the glans. The gryphon's male organ was straining, twitching...

"Aaaahn... Go... go down... Push my sheath back..." the gryphon whined, tweaking his hips. The dragon glanced down at that long, loose section of brownish skin. It wrinkled somewhat, bunched slightly towards the tip, but because of the way Mitch's cock tapered, it did tend to slide up his shaft, leaving the lowest quarter of his tool enshrouded. Daniel grunted a little as his paw slid down the slippery length... he definitely wasn't in need of any more lubrication assistance. In fact, feeling that slick gooeyness leaking between his pawdigits was doing a pretty good job of smoothing out the ride below.

The gryphon tensed, back arching, as his thick sheath bunched up under the tentative pressure of the dragon's paw. "Aaa... Yeah... H-harder, squeeze it..." His speech stopped as Daniel gripped the root of his cock and squeezed, grinding his sheath down against the gryphon's abdomen. His dick was so hard that it actually made a fairly good anchor for the dragon's continued thrusting - Daniel held on tightly, panting, and pistoned his cock in and out of the gryphon's tailhole.

Mitch made a little squeak, and then another. Daniel felt hot, sticky fluid running down over the back of his paw. He looked up, and saw the gryphon's eyes squeezed shut, his beak open but silent, head rolling back against the pillow as his feathery stomach was coated with streaks of white. The compressive clenching of his abdominal muscles was intense.

Gulping, the dragon increased the pace of his thrusting. He didn't want to awkwardly continue this for hours after the gryphon came... fortunately, it didn't feel like he was too far behind the other male. With a groan, he let go of the gryphon's still-twitching cock and took ahold of his thighs, pressing them back toward Mitch's chest so he could get better leverage. His nose returned to grinding against the gryphon's chest, inhaling his strange, exotic avian/mammal scent... Mitch was just panting, now, his sticky cock softening a little, but still 'propped up' by the assault on his tail. His paws stroked the dragon's shoulders, slowly

"Oh, Dan..." the gryphon murmured softly, paws combing into his mane and gripping it.

"Aaahh..." Daniel groaned, tail lashing behind him. "F-fuck... Ah..."

He was getting close now, too. The tight squeezing on his cock was finally getting the best of him. Driving him wild.

Man... never would have thought... meeting this cute guy at the expo... was gonna lead to this...

He slumped atop the other male, panting, his thrusting abruptly slowing to half its former rate. "Nnngh... ungh... F-fuck..."

After a few moments, Daniel began to hear, to concentrate on things outside his groin region again. The room was filled with the sounds of two males panting, the smell of dragon sweat and the gryphon cum that was now gluing them together.

"S-should we take a shower?" Mitch asked hesitantly.

"In a bit..." the dragon replied. He wrapped his arms around Mitch's torso, now lying between the gryphon's legs, on top of him. The mammal's soft dick was rubbing against his stomach. Mitch's paws were in his mane, and it felt nice.

With a slow, post-orgasmic smile, the dragon rumbled, "You like my mane?"

"Oh, uh..." The gryphon quickly withdrew his paws. "Sorry..."

The dragon nuzzled at his bedmate's chest, faintly amused. He's so shy, most of the time... and yet... when he's turned on...

He could still distinctly recall the way Mitch had been touching him yesterday morning. The way Mitch had groaned that invitation, not long ago...

"You can keep doing it if you want," the dragon murmured. "Feels nice..."

Their panting was growing quieter now. He heard the furnace kick on, a rush of air echoing through the vents. Soft, fuzzy paws returned to the back of his neck.

"So was that... okay?" the dragon asked, indicating their pelvic region with a dip of his head.

"Okay? That was amazing, Dan... That was all kinds of... fuck..."

The mammal's response made him grin. "I didn't think you were going to cum first." He left out the bit about doubting his own stamina and sexual prowess.

"I couldn't hold it..." the gryphon whined. "I was trying to hold it back... basically the whole time... It felt so good..." He shifted his hips a little.

"I really like you..." Daniel rumbled, smiling.

"...I really like you too..." the gryphon responded, massaging the roots of the dragon's mane.

Daniel opened his mouth, trying to judge the receptiveness of that reply. "Is... 'boyfriend' too strong of a word? Should we... maybe wait for that?"

Another silence. They'd mostly caught their breath, now. Mitch's paws stilled, and then began moving again.

"I like that word," he said quietly.

The dragon's face broke into a smile, and he cuddled up a bit closer to the mammal. His dick was going soft, it slipped out of the gryphon, making them both twitch and chuckle. "We'll go shower in a bit," Daniel promised. He imagined the mammal couldn't be too comfortable right now, with how slick his tail had felt.

They lay there a moment longer, both growing a little drowsy... until, quite abruptly, the end-table gave a large VRRRR-VRRRR.

Daniel jumped a little, and the gryphon glanced over. The phone sitting atop it had lit up. "Hmm..." He reached over and grabbed it.

"What's up?" the dragon asked, rubbing his face against the gryphon's torso.

Mitch sounded fairly bemused, as he spoke slowly while skimming the screen. "Just... got a text from a friend I've been meaning to talk to all week..."

And to think - I went almost 30 episodes without any sex. Haaaahahaha. Yeah. That wasn't ever really intended. Sex is pivotal to this story.

I think it's plain now that the point of this plot detour is to contrast the sort of relationship Brad and Jonathon have with the sort of relationship Daniel and Mitch have. Thoughts?

Oh, and be sure to go appreciate my boyfriend for the lovely fanart! :3 See you next week!