blood hunt of dreams

Story by Durexia on SoFurry

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In the dream they were hunting me. Four beasts with glowing eyes, snorting and howling into the darkness, they caught hold of my sent and tore through the fields. I stood by the river in the fog, hoping my wet fur would not get me sick. It was late winter, the snow had melted a few weeks ago swelling the stream into a torrent of rapids. The beasts hunting me must have been wolf like creatures, for as they came bounding over the rocks I could see their long muzzles and gleaming fangs, their thick tails and large paws tearing through the mud. It was Gray Tooth. He towered over me and as the moonlight suddenly broke through the mists, his silhouette was backlit with a white light setting him aglow. I crouched on the ground as the others flanked him around me. One wolf had a great scar down the right side of his face. He was Kade, a reckless hunter who should have died in battle long ago. His eyes fell on my bleeding shoulder; he was sizing up my weakness, ready to close in for the kill. I turned my back to him, showing my defiance, and focused my attention on the bitch facing me now. She was a powerful female with dark brown fur; she must have been Gray Tooth's mate Mina. Her blue eyes widened when I dared to look her full on in the face. Then her hackles went up and she let out a low, menacing growl. "You are no match for me." She whispered. The fourth had kept its ground hoping I would not sense its presence, but I caught the sent from the edge of the woods and called it out with a sharp bark. They would all have to face me head on. Gray Tooth moved first, going for my neck. He threw all his weight into me in an attempt to force me down. Kade was right behind him and together, they gripped my legs and toppled with me into the river. The bitch held her ground waiting for the right moment. I saw a ghostly shadow approaching form the left, the illusive fourth leapt into the air and fell on my back in the muddy stream. Claws dug into my spine. I tried to howl with pain but it was cut short by a jaw clamping down on my throat. I tasted my own blood as I coughed. Kade was choking me down under the water.

I woke thrashing at the darkness. My fangs were snapping at the air and I struggled to rise. They were gone; it had all been a dream. I took in a deep sigh of relief and then stretched my legs. What was my subconscious trying to tell me? Were my pack mates going to turn on me soon? No, impossible! Kade and I grew up together, and Gray Tooth had been a pack mate of my father. I was in no danger. My ear began to itch and so I rolled in the dirt to discourage the biting insects. It was time to head back to the den. The sun began to climb over the hills as first light crept across the open fields. I broke into a slow trot along the edge of the glade and then turned down into the trees, following the same stream from my dreams. A shiver crept up my spine as I glanced in the water. The dawn sent red streaks across the sky which reflected like blood in the pools; my blood. It was only a dream; I had to keep telling myself this as I came closer to Gray Tooth's territory.

Approaching me from the left came Mina, her dark brown fur was sleek and well groomed giving her a regal presence. As she came closer I lowered my head and tail to show respect to her dominance. Mina looked at me with her piercing blue eyes as if reading my thoughts. I tried no to show fear as I recalled her words in my dream. She nodded to me and I licked under her chin as she passed. Her scent was strong in my nostrils, she was in heat. Gray Tooth would not be far off. As I came into the clearing of the den there he sat, chatting with Kade. They stopped to look at me as I appeared out of the brush. There was another wolf with them, a female gray who seemed reserve and confidant before the alpha and his beta friend. She did not look at me as I passed by, showing her dismissal of my low rank.

It was true; I was tolerated in this territory because my father had been Gray Tooth's ally in the old days. My mother was a half breed, part malamute, which made me a weaker dog blood. It showed in my smaller frame. I was only three fourths the size of Mina and she was a bitch. As I thought more about my breeding I forgot the group sitting near me. Suddenly a paw came down hard on my head. Kade was barking a warning at me, something about not showing our guest proper respect. I prostrated myself most humbly before him and bared my throat. The visiting gray wolf glanced at Kade and me, but continued talking to Gray Tooth. After a moment my dominator backed off me and began wrestling with a large stick. As I attempted to rise there was a sharp pain in my upper right shoulder. I licked it and tasted the blood on my tongue. Puzzled, I searched around for what had injured me. There on the ground was a sharp rock stained with a few drops of red. I quickly rolled in the dirt to cover the injury and tried my best to ignore the sting as I walked into the den.

For the first time I overheard what my alpha and his guest were talking about. "Yes Gray, but half breeds are becoming more of an infestation. You should be weary of the effect his blood will have on your pack if he mingles with any females." The gray wolf bitch was talking low but her voice carried into the den. I perked up; cocking an ear to the voice I listened. "Blade, he's an omega pup, no threat to my pack. I have him well under control." Gray Tooth was backing me; I nodded in satisfaction and curled up for a nap, thinking no more of the Blade bitch's words.

I woke to a soft licking on my muzzle. It was Mina. She stretched out over me, her tail linked with mine. The smell of her body was almost overpowering. I felt a heat between my legs and I stood up. "What are you doing here Mina?" I asked, careful to keep my head lower than hers. The blue eyed bitch circled me once and then, coming to stand in front of me she lowered herself and turned her back to me. My body acted before I could think. Her body took my weight easily as I slid over her. She began to growl and whimper as I went in. This was beyond my comprehension, but the sensation between my thighs was amazing. I pressed into her again and again, forgetting everything else; including the fact that Gray Tooth would skin me alive if he found out. The only feeling I had was to quench the fire between my legs. Mina suddenly buckled and I felt a strong tug on my body which only spurred me on harder. She was yipping with pleasure now and I joined her in a lusty harmony of grunting. When we had finished, she bucked me off and turned on me franticly, pushing me to the ground. "I'll kill you if you tell anyone." She said. With that, the brown wolf loped away out of the den. I could still smell her all over me. I had to go wash off before anyone else caught the scent.

At the river I completely submerged myself in the frigid water. It was a shock, but also sent a cool pleasure through me calming my throbbing penis. I could not believe what had happened. Mina had offered herself to me; she had asked me to mate with her. I lay in the water thinking about her again. It was cold enough to keep me calm, but I fantasized about mounting her again. As I lay there daydreaming, I was unaware of the gray wolf standing nearby in the thicket. She was watching me closely in disgust. Slowly, I came out of the water onto the sunny rocks and began stroking myself. The heat retuned to my groin and I began to moan. "Mina, oh Mina!" I called allowed. Those words betray me all too quickly, yet I was completely ignorant of the witness who was now racing back to the den ready to deliver the news that would mark me. In my ignorant bliss I spent the rest of the afternoon pleasuring myself and dozing on the warm rocks unaware of the danger mounting around me.

The great howl of rage brought me out of my slumber. It was dark; the chirping crickets fell into a hush as the far off sounds of barking filled the air. I knew the sound of that howl and rose in terror. Gray Tooth was hunting me, and he was not alone. I stumbled back into to the water. They were tracking my scent and getting closer. Run! In seconds I was racing across the field. My only chance was to risk crossing into another pack's territory. It was seven miles to the hills where Gray Tooth could not follow. The pain in my shoulder began to throb, the wound was slowing me down and I knew that soon they would be upon me. Ahead was the forest, if I could get to the trees I would have better cover. The moonlight always reflected brightly off my sliver back, if only the darker red fur covered my whole body. Suddenly the wound in my shoulder tore open and I slid down to the ground yelping with pain. They had surely heard me. The barking quieted into the stillness of the night. Now they were stalking from close by.

It became apparent rather quickly that I was not going to make it to the woods. Instead of heading straight I began to zigzag in the grass, running left and right despite the intense pain I was feeling in my shoulder. Maybe this would buy me some time. After covering what felt like the whole field I took off back in the direction I had come. The river was my only hope now. The water hit me again like a brick wall and I entered and began heading down stream. As I ran I began to think I had made it, they sourly would have caught up with me by now if they were going to. Rounding the next bend I froze in my tracks. They were waiting for me; Gray Tooth and Kade. A whimper escaped me as I sank into the murky brook. From behind I caught a whiff of Blade; she was standing with Mina waiting for the signal. Gray stepped forward and beckoned me to approach him. Meekly I crawled through the water cautiously protecting my neck by staying low, I lay down next to him.

"You have challenged my authority." He said, in a surprisingly calm voice, "I have accepted this threat from you because it was my ignorance that allowed this action to occur. But you have tainted my mate. How should I deal with this my friend? You tell me what should be done." I shook with fear as his paw came to rest on my bleeding shoulder. He squeezed the fur, gripping it in his claws and tearing the gash open a little more. I winced in agony but did not attempt to pull away. He jerked my flesh again and growled, "Well?! You have put me in this predicament, what should I do now?" Kade spoke up from behind, "Kill him Gray, skin him alive while I hold him down in the water." The black wolf snapped his jaws in anticipation of the blood soon to be spilt. But Gray loosened his grip and took a step back from me. "No Kade, I will not skin him, but he must carry a warning, some kind of sign that will let other packs know of his betrayal. This time Blade spoke up, "Take his ear. You should have his balls, but an ear is much more noticeable." Mina growled in approval but said nothing. Gray turned to the two bitches and stared at them for a moment, then he looked back at me full in the face. I tried to move my eyes away but he put my head in his paws and forced us to make eye contact. "I will not take your ear." He whispered, "But I will take something from you." With that he pushed me down and moved behind me. I grew tense and braced for what I thought he might do. His heavy paws pressed my shoulders down so that my rear was straight up in the air. I whined, pleading for him to reconsider what he was about to do, but the old male had made up his mind. Before I could struggle he quickly finished it. I screamed an unearthly howl and the searing sensation of fire erupted from my tail. His jaw closed in a flash over the bone and severed it clean off. My stub bled profusely into the dark water. Gray carried my tail off in his mouth, followed by the others in silence.

I prayed to awaken again from this nightmare, but the night went on. My body was drowning in the blood and water as I lay there hoping to be swallowed up in the darkness. As the first light of dawn crept down into the valley where the stream flowed, the banks came alive with the crimson stains of my misfortune.