Ulysses is Responsible

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Ulysses, a jackalope, watches after Obi, a zebra cub, while his mother is out of town.

Ulysses is Responsible

by Ulysses Faer

"Like I told you on the phone, he's 12-years-old and perfectly capable of looking after and feeding himself, so there won't be too much you'll have to do. I just can't legally leave him alone for so long, you understand," Nomusa told me as I arrived. She was one of my mother's friends who was suddenly forced to go out of town on business, and being a widow, had no one to look after her preteen son. My mom essentially volunteered me for the job and gave the zebra my number. I didn't have any plans and was offered some money for doing virtually no work, so I didn't bother declining.

I nodded.

"You know how to get ahold of me if you need to. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen. I've already said goodbye to Obi a few minutes ago. He's up in his room and with to how upset he was when I told him I hired a cubsitter, he'll probably stay up there for most of the weekend. I really must be going now or I'll miss my flight. Take care," she rattled off quickly in her thick accent as she grabbed her bags and hurried out the door, leaving me alone.

I decided that I'd wander about and familiarized myself with the layout of the house. The zebra's abode was an impressive upper-middle-class home. I wasn't sure what Nomusa did at work, but whatever it was obviously paid well enough. As I took a look around I heard a door open up in the hallway behind me. I turned to see the young zebra, Obi, leaning nonchalantly against the frame with his head cocked to the side curiously and brows raised. He was barely any shorter than I and dressed more or less typically for his age, wearing a graphic T-shirt with a logo on it for some skateboard brand that I wasn't familiar with and long, black-denim shorts. He was a handsome cub, and would definitely be very attractive in the years to come.

I gave a friendly smile and a small wave.

"Hi, I'm-"

Obi silently slid inside and quickly shut the door before I finished, most likely still annoyed that he had to be watched after. It hadn't been that many years since I was his age. At 12 I would have thought myself mature enough to be fine on my own and have been embarrassed and frustrated at having a cubsitter as well. I doubted he'd invite any friends over with that attitude, likely wanting to keep having a guardian while his mother was out a well-kept secret. I felt a little sorry for the striped equine, and decided to give him his space and go watch television, hoping he'd come around.

I plopped back on the plush couch in the living room and grabbed the remote, surfing the channels for a couple of hours without seeing the young fur. I was getting hungry and I was willing to bet that Obi was too, so in an attempt to appeal to him I decided that I'd order dinner for the two of us on me. I sauntered back up to his bedroom and rapped lightly on the door.

"I'm about to call for a pizza and I needed to know your favorite toppings," I said through the closed portal.

The zebra didn't respond. After several seconds of waiting in silence, I opened up the door and peeked inside to make sure that he was just ignoring me out of spite and hadn't snuck out his window. The last thing I needed was to deal with a runaway cub. My eyes widened at what I saw as I was hit with a familiar scent.

Obi was half-reclined in a chair at desk, staring intently at a video on his laptop screen while wearing large, noise cancelling earphones (which would explain why he didn't hear me). His shirt was pulled up and held near his collarbone with his chin, revealing his lean, athletic midriff. His jean shorts were bundled up in a pile on the carpet in the middle of his messy bedroom, and his green briefs were pushed just below his spread knees, the elastic waistband stretching between his splayed legs.

With one paw he languidly stroked his engorged, black phallus, which already matched my six-inches at such a young age (and sure to grow bigger if any of the other equines I had been with were any reliable point of comparison). On the screen was a pornographic recording that I was shocked to recognize. I saw myself there, straddling a silicone dildo in the shape of a horse cock and riding it with a look of ecstasy on my face. I did such shows regularly, but had always assumed my viewers were of the adult variety. I continued to watch the cub for a moment, mesmerized as he ran his paw gently over his flared tip, slicking it with the glistening beads of pre-cum that were forming there and running it over his swollen length in well-practiced motions.

He inquisitively licked his fingers to taste his own essence, before returning to casually massaging his cock. He slid his free paw beneath his heavy sac and fondled the large orbs there, exhaling loudly as he pleasured himself.

Absently I started rubbing my crotch, where a bulge was steadily forming in my jeans. It briefly flashed through my mind how depraved it would seem to touch myself to a vision of a 12-year-old masturbating, but I couldn't will myself to look away. The cub was undeniably attractive, and the scent of his arousal was turning me on.

Obi picked up his pace and started pumping his cock faster and faster. He released a sighing moan and lolled his head back over the back of the chair, eyes closing tightly in bliss. He opened them after a second and immediately ceased his ministrations, obviously startled to see me rubbing myself through my pants in the doorway. The youth nearly fell from his seat, catching himself at the last minute. He rushed to cover his genitals with his shirt and hunched over, trying to block my view of the computer screen while blushing furiously and stuttering incoherently for me to leave.

I broke from my stupor and mumbled apology in equally erratic words, backing out and clumsily slamming the door. I was probably nearly as abashed as the zebra was.

I decided to go back to the living room and think about what to do and wondered if we would both pretend what had just happened never occurred and live out the remainder of the weekend in awkward silence.

I sat on the couch for several minutes, lost in thought. I couldn't get the mental image out of my head. I knew it was wrong to be attracted to the cub, but I was still hard. My cock pressed against my underwear, leaking little droplets of pre-cum, as the vision of Obi pleasuring himself (to me, no less) was freshly emblazoned in my mind. He wasn't that much younger than me, only by seven years. I had been with furs seven years or more my senior, I told myself, trying to justify how horny I became.

Before long I heard hoofs at the top of the stairs, and peeked over my shoulder to see the once again fully dressed Obi standing there quietly.

He started down toward me with slow, deliberate steps. The uncomfortable silence lasted for a long time until he finally came to stand near me.

"My mom doesn't know," he comments, casting his gaze downward rather than at me, a hot blush tinting his ears. It took me a second to realize the candid comment was about him being gay.

"I won't tell her," I replied awkwardly. I knew how hard it is for a young cub to come to grips with his sexuality, much less come out to his parents. I also wasn't keen on letting Nomusa know that her son was masturbating to erotic images of me.

"That was you, in the video right?" He asked.

"Yeah." I nodded in response.

"I thought I recognized you in the hallway earlier. You play with all of those toys, so you must be..." the zebra trailed off.

"Yes, I'm gay too," I said, trying to relax a bit. I turned my head to the side and showed the rainbow colored piercings I had going down my left ear. "That usually gives it away."

He chuckled nervously, obviously forcing the laughter out. There was a pregnant pause between us.

"I, uh, don't know any other gay people. Could you, well, show me things? You know, teach me?" The cub asked shyly, quickly glancing away.

My heart fluttered. I hated to admit it, but I was attracted to the youth. I desired him physically and would certainly enjoy showing him the ins and outs of gay sex, but my mind raced with the possibilities of what would happen should we be discovered along the ethical and moral implications of the actions. I didn't know how to respond at first.

"Please?" He pressed, clearly embarrassed. It must have taken a lot of courage to ask.

"I can explain some things to you if you have questions," I answered finally, mustering all of my willpower to decline, "but I'm not sure how appropriate it would be for me to show you or teach you how to do anything."

He looked a little crestfallen at my response at first, but steadily his disappointed shifted into a sly grin. I became a little confused and nervous at his quick shift in attitude.

"Fine, if playing innocent won't work," he said in a much more confident tone, "then I'll have to do this the hard way. I saw you touching yourself back in my room. You're going to do what I say this weekend or I'm going to tell my mom about that. As well as that video that you showed me the computer."

I was agape, not able to believe that the cub was merely trying to seduce me at first. Obi was a good actor. Apparently conniving as well. I held up my paws defensively.

"What!?" I exclaimed. "I didn't show you that video!"

"Who is my mom going to believe?" He retorted smugly. "Me, her son, or you, a fur with videos of yourself all over the internet. You're hot, so you can either have some fun playing with me, or you can get in trouble for it."

I gulped, having to admit to myself that the evidence would be damning in a parent's eyes. Obi could be an evil little cub. He fully understood the serious trouble that his lies could get me into, but pressed on them anyway. At the same time I knew that I would really enjoy a weekend of pleasure the sexy young zebra, even if I was forced into it. I resigned myself with a heavy sigh.

"I guess I have no choice," I responded. "What do you want me to do?"

"First, get rid of your clothes," he answered, clearly excited at my reluctant acceptance.

I promptly stood and began unbuttoning my shirt, shrugging it off and casting it aside, before prying open my belt and shoving my jeans and briefs to the carpet. I stepped out of the bundle of clothing and stood naked, and still half-erect, in the zebra's living room, then fell back on my rump onto the couch.

"Good," he said, with a cruel smirk, running his eyes over my lithe frame lasciviously. He pulled his shirt up over his head and tossed it aside as well, then undid his shorts, letting gravity take them to the floor for him He massaged the bulge in his vibrant green briefs, the taut fabric showing every contour of his swollen, pubescent sheath. The cub hooked his thumbs into his waistband and slid them off as well. His dark cock was once again entreating in the open, flopping out to one side. I visibly stiffened. The scent of both of our arousal hung heavy in the air.

"Lick it," he commanded, an eager smile upon his lips, thrusting his hips forward to bring his erect phallus in front of my face.

I complied. Even though I wasn't entirely consenting to the encounter I would be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy it. Despite the circumstances I decided to give in and relish to evening. I leaned forward a set my tongue at the base of his onyx penis and dragged it slowly upward along the entire length with all my skill, right up until I reached the flaring tip. The zebra groaned in bliss. I repeated the motion a couple more times, enjoying the scent of his body and the taste of the cub's flesh. I reached my paws up beneath Obi's tail and gripped his ass, holding it tightly as I lapped at his hard cock.

The 12-year-old put his paws behind my head and held me in place, quivering slightly from the pleasure.

I parted my lips and slid his tip into my muzzle, engulfing the top half of his cock. I couldn't believe how turned on I was by being dominated sexually by a cub. My own phallus stood solidly erect and dribbling pre-cum. I suckled on his rigid length, wrapping my tongue about the member, and moved a paw to his shaft to stroke it lightly. He bucked in and out of my mouth. Spurts of hot pre-cum erupted into my maw and I hungrily swallow the youth's seed. He pulled away after a minute or so.

"My turn," he said, elated. The cruel tone that he had used to extort me was fading into a more appropriate and youthful enthusiasm since I had fully given in.

The zebra cub fell to his knees between my spread legs and grabbed my leaking cock in one paw. He eagerly licked his lips and took my penis into his mouth, bobbing and sucking with wild abandon. It was obvious that he had done this before, probably with cubs his own age, but he was clumsy and unpracticed. Nonetheless, I enjoyed his attempts. With the fervor he dived into fellating me with I had no doubt that he was gay and not merely curious. I periodically released moans of ecstasy. He ceased before bringing me to climax and wiped away a bit of pre-cum that was dripping from his chin before standing up.

"I want to take you," he said.

I nodded erratically, secretly embarrassed by how much I wanted to feel the young cub inside of me.

"Do you have anything for lube?" I gasped.

"I'll find something," he replied, bolting toward the bathroom. He came out after a couple of seconds holding up a regular bottle of lotion. "I use this for masturbating sometimes," he finished sheepily.

"That'll work," I said with a smile. "We'll just have to use plenty. Have you ever done this before?"

Obi shook his head, perhaps a bit nervously.

"My friends will let me suck them, but none of them want to do anything past that," he confided.

"I'll walk you through it," I told him I told him truthfully. By then I was fully all right with the fact that I was forced into the situation.

I stood and ambled around to the side of the sofa before leaning over the armrest. I raised my tail and presented my tight ring, spreading the cleft of my ass open with my paws. My penis pressed against couch, rubbing pre-cum into the fabric. I didn't care; I'd clean it up later. The zebra hurried behind me, thoughtlessly stroking himself as he went.

"How am I supposed to start?" He inquired. His innocence was endearing.

"First coat your fingers really well and gently slide one or two inside of me. Move them around and play a little bit; I'll need to be stretched so it doesn't hurt when you enter me," I instructed.

I heard him apply the lotion to his paw and smelled its powerful odor. Unceremoniously I felt a finger prod at my hole and slip rapidly inside. I released a throaty moan as the digits slid in and out, and before long the first finger was joined by a second, increasing the pleasure. Obi seemed to be enjoying himself, alternating through several motions. Every once in a while he brushed against my prostate, setting off fireworks inside of me. I let him indulge me for a couple of minutes longer than was needed before deciding to move on.

"All right," I continued. "Now slick you penis really good. And believe me when I say that you can't use too much lube. When is it good and slippery, use your paw to guide the tip to my hole."

He fiddled with the bottle for a few more seconds and slathered his cock with the stand-in lubricant. I felt the tip of his equine phallus press against my ring. I relaxed my body.

"Now, slowly push it into me, just an inch at a time at first," I told him. I've had more than one fur simply ram himself inside of me to the hilt, and while I had adjusted to the point that could take it, and enjoy it, as Obi's first lover I wanted to make sure he didn't the wrong idea and hurt whoever his next partner was, especially since it would likely be an equally inexperienced cub.

I heard his heavy, excited breathing as he leaned forward and thrust his velvety phallus into me. My hole stretched around the tip which was flaring slightly with exhilaration. Over the next several seconds he plunged deeper within me, until most of his cock was stuffed inside my eager ass. I panted as I wiggled back, taking a bit more of him to tease the cub as he held still. His body quaked in delight.

"It's so tight! And hot!" He exclaimed, grabbing my waist tightly with his paws. I felt his penis spasm and jolt inside of me and I knew my young partner would not last long.

"Just slide in and out, slowly at first, but you'll pick up speed as you get a good rhythm going. the rest will come naturally," I said, looking over my shoulders with a smile.

The young zebra did just that. He pulled most of the way and then thrust forward again, his sac brushing against my thigh as he went all of the way in. He bucked his hips and picked up his pace rapidly. His cock massaged my prostate, leaving me groaning in rapture from sex with a cub as he pounded me like a piston. I reached beneath myself and started stroking my own penis. Pre-cum dribbled in little rivers over the back of my paw. I felt Obi's motions becoming more erratic as he leaned over me and huffed. I could tell he was going to climax any second, so I attempted to time my orgasm with his.

He grunted as he slammed in and out of my ass. I let myself release, spraying the side of the sofa with several blasts of jackalope seed. Ropes of sticky ejaculate erupted from my cock. My ring tightened around Obi as I finished, causing him to arch his back and climax as well. He hilted me and shuddered. I felt his cock tip flare widely as he released a torrent of semen into me. I felt the warmth spread within me as he collapsed atop my body. His chest expanded and contracted quickly against my back as he basked the afterglow of his first encounter, penis slowly softening and retreating from within me.

"Can you show me more?" He asked, after a minute of laying in silence.

"We have the whole weekend."