Bitter Sweet Cold (Part 2)

Story by Rob Stirling on SoFurry

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Sheer panic gripped Diana with an unforgiving vice. The emergency light started to flash red and confusion spread among every single being on board. Edgar rushed to the window to see the damage that had been inflicted, "Shit! The engine has been blown hollow! Get the Parachutes!" Another soldier pulled a heavy chest from beneath the seats and threw it open tossing one parachute after another to everyone else. Diana got up from the floor and hobbled over to receive her own whilst fighting to keep her balance. Just as she grabbed hold of one the plane dropped from the sky and Diana felt her feet leave the floor, floating within the air. "Dammit get that ramp open!" the wolf screamed as another wolf pawed his way across the room, pulling himself towards the rear end.

Suddenly she could hear the chains of the bear tug and jingle with immense force, he was still chained to the floor helpless but fighting for release even though his actions futile. "What do we do about the prisoner?" Diana asked.

"Protocol dictates he goes down with the plane!" Suddenly the plane managed to gain some form of flight and they all collapsed to the floor hard, gravity had returned to them so they wasted no time in taking advantage. The soldier got to the ramp controls, "Serge! We aren't low enough for a safe jump!"

"We will be soon enough!" Edgar rushed over to Diana with a parachute in hand. "Take off your coat," he said. After she threw off her oversized coat he strapped the chute on her. While he made sure everything was secure he gave a quick tutorial on emergency skydiving, "This cord is your main and this cord is your backup. If neither works make your peace with god. All you have to do is jump, count to five and pull. Understood?"

She nodded still a little speechless from all that had happened in mere moments. While he was giving the same lesson to Mr Gyre she returned her gaze to Robert whom still struggles with all his might to break free, her conscious started to seep in. Not a single person on the plane had a second thought on condemning this man to die. Should I do the same?

"Okay! Time to Jump!" the soldier said as he opened the rear ramp. A rush of biting cold air flooded in with a high pitch whistling wind making it a hell of a lot more difficult to hear anything that was going on. There was nothing but White Mountains and cloudy skies with a heavy snowfall dotting the air.

"You two! To the rear!" Edgar shouted pointing to Diana and Mr Gyre.

"No!" her response was completely out of the blue.

"I haven't got time to argue with you woman!"

Her training kicked in at that moment as well as her commanding voice, she was quiet and out of the way until that point where she showed her true attitude, "You forget who outranks who Sergeant! I certainly won't leap off this plane with my tail between my legs before anyone else! I will get off last!"

Edgar's speech halted with surprise. She did not want him to pick up on her motive, she wanted to try and find a way to release Robert... there was no way she could leave a helpless being behind. It just wasn't in her nature. "Second to last," he replied "If you don't agree with me I will throw you off now!"

"Fine," she agreed. "I am going to get the pilots!" She turned and rushed to the cockpit while the first men leaped from the plane. She pulled open the cockpit door to find two Red Squirrel pilots wrestling with the steering and pounding the controls. "Come on! We are jumping now!"

They both glanced at her and returned to fight for control "I know!" The left pilot screamed. "One man has to stay behind to keep this bitch level enough to jump! We are just arguing on which of us is retarded enough to be the hero!"

The other pilot spat back at him with a jabbing response "If your pup is raised without a father I swear to god I will piss on your grave!" Emotions were high and both the pilots were grinding their teeth with fury.

Reluctantly he seemed to agree with his point but he was far from pleased about it. He violently pulled off his buckle shouting, "You stubborn asshole! I will fuck your widow!"

"You're welcome to that street whore!"

The pilot got up a snatched one of the dog tags from his co-pilot's neck. He was on the verge of tears from having to leave his best friend behind. It wasn't easy for her to watch. "Get the fuck out of here Tex," said the co-pilot.

"I will tell your wife... you died a stubborn bastard... Nate," Tex replied.

He let out an amused sigh, "Better to tell her something she doesn't already know." The two exchange one last friendly glance to each other, Tex then left pushing his way past Diana.

She didn't leave without offering her own gratitude, "Thank you."

"Are you still here?" he said forcing his fear not to choke his voice "GO!"

She hopped out of the cockpit and headed over to the rear ramp and saw that everyone but Edgar had already jumped. Tex wasted no time throwing on his parachute. Edgar grabbed her by the arm leading her to the rear "Come on!"

She tugged her arm away forcefully, "No! I want you to release the prisoner!"

If the wolfs eyes could catch fire they would have done that very moment "WHAT!? Has your head been crack!? It is far better for this man to die than get loose!"

"THAT IS AN ORDER! I am not getting off this plane without him!" She wasn't going to back down. Her voice was like a whip cracking against the back of his neck.

He growled with agitation and rage then pulled the key out of his pocket. "Here!" He held out the key to her. As she took it from his hand he grasped her wrist to make sure she paid attention to every word that came out of his mouth next, "This is on your head! I am not going to help you! I wash my hands of this entirely!" he let go, turned and then took a running jump out of the back followed by the pilot.

As she rushed over to Robert he asked, "Why are you doing this?" with sincere confusion. She didn't answer immediately; she had all her focus on unlocking the heavy chains. First came off the ankle cuffs and then the wrists. After he was released she went to grab a parachute for Robert while he slowly got up adjusting to standing upright after kneeling for goodness knows how long. The bear was very tall, well over six feet.

As she handed him one she answered his question, "I am doing this because I believe every life is worth saving. No matter who they are."

He paused for a moment to contemplate what she said. He was relieved that there was at least one good soul on board with him. "Come on!" Robert shouted ushering her to jump with him. They both made a running jump off the edge feeling frost blast through them as they fell.

Diana counted the seconds in her head 1...2...3...4...5

She pulled the cord and the chute launched out of the bag and pulled her from falling. She looked up and saw the plane plummeting through the sky, it disappeared into the fog the storm casted but nevertheless after a minute of holding her breath for the inevitable she heard the sound of the thundering crash carried with the wind. Her stomach churned with the knowledge that her safety did not come without sacrifice. Nate. A man she met for a mere moment but would remember his name for the rest of her life.

There was no time to put her thoughts on the honoured dead. They had jumped out of the fire and into the freeze. The storm had indeed caught up with them. She swayed heavily in the wind hoping to god that her chute would not tear. She looked down to see how far the ground was but the storm made it difficult to determine if she saw ground or fog. Everything was starting to white out. She could barely glimpse Robert descending with her. Her cheeks started to numb and her snout started to frost up.

After a couple of minutes of being at the mercy of the wind she heard a shout from Robert, "Brace yourself!"

She let her legs go limber and tightened her chest for impact. She tumbled into the flat solid ground with a heavy thud. She breathed a heavy sigh of relief and lay in the snow for a moment just to let everything that had just occurred mull through her head. As she pushed herself up and looked around, she saw Robert a few yards from her starting to sit up and look around.

Diana got to her feet and then she head Robert's booming voice hit her. "Stop," He yelled. "Don't move!"

Confused she did as he said but not without asking, "What is it?"

"Look at the ground beneath your feet," he replied. She looked down, at first she saw nothing but snow but then horror gripped her when she heard a snap... they had landed on a frozen lake.

"Oh my god..." every muscle in her body tensed up with the realisation that her worst nightmare became reality "Robert... help me... I... I..." she couldn't bring herself to utter another word. Terror took control of her entire body. She felt as if her heart stopped beating. She started to gasp for air vigorously and felt her entire body tremble and fall to one knee.

That fall forced another snap out of the ice and then it suddenly gave way. She fell into the water through the sheet of ice hearing Robert shout "NO!" just before freezing water surrounded her. It was painfully cold, attacking like a thousand needles in every cell in her body. She could not hold her breath, the air bubbled out of her lungs in one wave. Shock took her. As Diana lost consciousness she saw the bear break through the ice himself swimming towards her but she couldn't cling on. She closed her eyes.

Am I dead?

Diana felt warmth and could hear the sound of a crackling fire as well as a howling wind. Her eyes squinted open to the sight of the bright rich fire right in front of her, nestled in a moderate sized fireplace. There was also a large blanket wrapped around her from neck to toe. She groaned a little as she felt every joint in her body ache. "Don't move," she heard the familiar soft English accent of Robert come from behind her a meter away "Keep warm. The storm won't be over for a while and you need time to recover from the cold."

She glanced at what she could from her position, she lay on a large fur rug on the floor with a pillow tucked under her head, close to the fire, "Where...?"

He answered her knowing all too well what she would ask, "We are in a hunting cabin no more than a stone's throw from that lake you fell into. I couldn't see shit in the white out so I followed my nose, whoever owns this place likes to drink. A lot." Just as he mentioned it the smell of liquor became immediately distinct.

She started to stir, her eyes finally adjusted to the world and the first thing she caught sight of was the clothes hanging over the fireplace to dry. All of them were hers, including the underwear. It was enough to force her eyes from squinting to shock in a heartbeat, "Did... did you undress me!?" She turned around to give him the scolding of a lifetime then was suddenly faced with a huge naked white polar bear sitting at a wooden table with a bottle of jack in hand "Oh my god!" she screamed.

Diana threw the blanket over her head and buried herself underneath, seeing herself naked from ear to tail. She had no idea how to react, nothing like this has happened to her before. "I am sorry if I prioritised preventing hypothermia over personal boundaries," he replied before taking a deep gulp of whiskey.

Diana yelled at him from beneath the blanket with fury and embarrassment, "Why are YOU naked too!?" She knew polar bears had a far better resistant to the cold than your average mammal however he had a fair excuse.

"Well I can't sit around in wet clothes," he replied. "I had no idea when you would wake up. Better I dried mine with yours." She barely paid attention to him; her thoughts were still on that fact that she was naked in the room with him whom was also naked. "I didn't take advantage of you if that is what your worried about. I focused on getting you out of those wet clothes and warming you up as quickly as I could. I even had to share body heat for a while." He spoke so casually, not in any way ashamed that she saw him naked too. He had various small scars all over his body, some old and some new. His whole body looked incredibly healthy with added muscle packed into each appendage, he looked incredibly strong.

She snapped herself out of dwelling on it too much and focused on getting back what dignity she had left, "Give me my clothes back!" she demanded.

"They aren't dry yet."

"I don't care!"

"I do. You put on those wet clothes now and we'll have to thaw them out later. We have a long hike ahead of us when the storm passes."

She poked her head out of the top of the blanket making sure it didn't reveal anything below the collar bone, "What do you mean?" her voice calmed, trying her best not to look at Robert too far below the eyes.

He looked back to her with a heavy sigh, "My things were on board that plane, I need to get them back."

Her thoughts drew back to the plane and what caused it to crash but the bottom line was that she didn't know squat. The engines blew and she didn't know how or why, then a possibility crossed her mind. Did Robert arrange for that plane to crash? As he took another swig of his drink she looked around the room for the gun Edgar gave her trying her best not to seem eager to find it. So far the only weapon she could see was the one between the legs of the polar bear but then she spotted the end of her holster strap dangling off the edge of the table.

If she was going to grab the gun she was in a good position to do so, it was close and Robert was soused. He would not expect a girl shy about her body to make a move in her current state. She just needed him to take another sip of his drink.

Diana noticed that it had been silent for far too long and she broke it with a question, "What do you think happened?"

Robert looked down to the floor in thought, "That wasn't an accident. The odds of one engine blowing by accident are astronomical, the odds of both of them blowing... at the same time..." He sighed again looking back to his bottle and taking another deep gulp.

Now was her chance. She shot out from under the blanket and grabbed the holster strap pulling the gun off the table. By the time he reacted to it she already had the gun pointed at his face standing at enough of a distance so he could not lunge at her without getting shot. He didn't seem to flinch though. He sat there looking at her with disappointment, "I see... just as I thought. Saving me doesn't entail giving me my freedom. But at least I am glad you have gotten over your sense of modesty." He raised his bottle to her in respect with his eyes taking in the full view.

"We will have an army out looking for us. I doubt they will have trouble finding us once the storm is over." By the tone of her voice she was trying to make it clear that she was in control.

"You are a very loyal dog," he replied. "It is a shame you aren't a smart one. Whoever crashed that plane wanted me dead, if you hadn't have stepped in that would be the case." He was right, if he did arrange for the plane to be blown he would have also had a way to get out of his chains.

She didn't lower her gun though, he was still a dangerous prisoner and she had every intention of turning him back in, "It doesn't matter now. I'm still going to make sure you go back."

He finished the bottle and placed it on the table. As he crossed his arms an amused but feint smile appeared, "Then you should ask yourself why I am not threatened."

Diana had a gut feeling that she knew. She looked at her gun and pulled back the chamber... it was empty. She popped the clip open and it told the same story, "You..." she was so angry she couldn't finish the insult. His dirty trick hit her last nerve.

"I may not be loyal but at least I am smart," He said tapping his temple with his finger "You aren't very good at thinking on your feet are you? I doubt you have held a gun outside of training otherwise you would have felt the weight difference between a loaded gun and an empty one. Correct me if I am wrong but you are a fresh officer with little to no combat experience." Even after finishing an entire bottle of whiskey his words were not the slightest bit slurred.

Every word out of his mouth was like a dagger in her spine. She couldn't contain her fury. She squeezed the empty gun with all her rage and threw it at the bear. He caught it with ease but then was faced with the husky leaping at him bearing her sharp teeth. He fell back hard onto the wooden floor with her on top of him. The chair he sat on feel to pieces on impact. Even though she was primal he was not the same, he didn't bear his teeth nor attempt a counter attack. She quickly leaned up and started to throw heavy and unforgiving punches into his face on each side, one by one. After a dozen merciless blows her rage started to subside when she realised he had no intention of fighting back, he just took it. The last punch was enough to cut the cheek yet he still lay there looking up at her so calmly.

When she stopped he simply said, "Are you done?"

They were right, the commander and Mr Gyre. Robert didn't fight back. He couldn't bring himself to harm her. Her anger overwhelmed her and she attacked a man that could kill her with one swipe of his claw yet he didn't.

Diana got up and quickly walked over to the fire to grab her blanket. Wrapping it around her body holding it together at the front, she looked down at the fire feeling very ashamed for losing her temper like that, "I'm sorry."

Robert sat up and wiped his cheek, "I don't blame you for that. The stress of this whole incident has been building up inside your head. You had to take it out on something."

She turned around and approached him, offering a hand to help him up. He took it with a hint of gratitude and got to his feet, "Well I can see now that you have some combat experience and those punches weren't amateur..."

She took the compliment seeming a little cheerful about it, "Krav Maga. My dad enrolled me in lessons since high school. He was paranoid about guys taking advantage of me."

"Smart man," He replied feeling a bit better now that they had finally started to get friendly.

However his attention was suddenly caught by something else, his eyes darted over to the door. She heard him take a few deep sniffs through his snout, "Do you smell that?" He whispered as he silently walked over by the door. She took a few deep sniffs and picked up the scent of a male mammal close by, it was a familiar scent.

"Robert. Don't hurt him," she whispered back.

Suddenly the door burst open with a kick and as the intruder came in gun first Robert suddenly snatched it away clean from his palms. With an intimidating roar Robert grabbed the assailant by the throat and pulled him inside throwing him up against the wall with his legs dangling a foot from the ground. With his other hand he threw the door so as not to let any of the valuable heat escape.

Diana recognised the man immediately. It was the squirrel Pilot that had leaped out of the plane with Edgar, Tex. He struggled for breath clawing at Robert's wrist, "Put him down! He isn't armed now! You don't need to hurt him!" She screamed at him with the same voice of order she used with Edgar on the plane.

"Fine," Robert let him go and he fell to his knees coughing his lungs out and rubbing the new bruises on his neck.

Once the pilot managed to get his breath back he yelled, "Jesus Christ! Your ass needs some anger management!"

Robert walked over the corner of the room where a well-stocked drinks cabinet stood. He took out a bottle of whiskey and brought it over to Tex as an apology gift, "Here."

The squirrel took it with no intention of thanking him and got to his feet. He started to ramble as he unscrewed the lid, "God a hard drink has been on my mind for hours. I lost that other guy while we were drifting down, he got pulled out of sight by the wind. I have been looking for shelter ever since, when I caught the smell of what can best be described as a brewery I followed it leading me here," He took a long deep gulp of his drink and continued. "The storm shutters on the windows were sealed tight so I couldn't see inside but then I thought I heard fighting so I..." he stopped mid speech when he started to take in everything, he saw Diana wearing nothing but a blanket over her shoulders, the polar bear naked, the clothes above the fireplace, the fur rug and the broken chair.

"Sweet Jesus... Have you two been fucking?"

Bitter Sweet Cold (Part 3)

It was two in the morning. The storm showed no sign of passing anytime soon. Commander Starr stood within his private quarters staring out into the blackness through reinforced windows. Such weather was common in the Alaskan winter however he could not...

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Bitter Sweet Cold (Part 1)

The assignment that was given to Diana was as vague as it could get. "Escort a high priority P.O.I. from the Alaskan Air Force Base to Black site" as vague as it was it certainly looked like the safest assignment out of the options she had available to...

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