Good Dog

Story by Pdity2347 on SoFurry

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Just a little tf story I cooked up :) I hope you guys enjoy it and I hope to do more in the future!

Good Dog

It was just like any other summer weekend. I was jogging at the creek bed near my house. It was beautiful in the morning and it was nice seeing everybody in the neighborhood there, relaxing, sunbathing, swimming near the waterfalls, or whatever. Everybody could just do what they wanted. There at the creek, I was able to meet up with my old ex in high school, Catherine. She just got out of the waterfall in her green, two-piece swimsuit when I saw her. She was about 19 years old, about the same age I was, had long, brown hair, long shapely legs, perky C-cup breasts, and beautiful brown eyes.

"Hey Blake! Remember me?" Catherine asked with her shy but cute smile she had. "Catherine! Of course I remember you! How's it going?" I was so shocked to have seen here; it has been so long, I forgot how stunning she looked. "I'm doing great! It's so nice to see you again! How are you?" " I'm great too! It's great to see you! We should hangout out more sometime, just to do some catching up."

I hoped I didn't sound too much like a nostalgic ex-boyfriend, but I truly did want to know more about how she was. "Yes of course! But my little cousins are staying at my house, can we go to your place?" Wow, that was a pleasantly unexpected answer. "Awesome! That sounds great!" "Great! See ya tonight, Blake!" Catherine said as she waved, shyly smiling just like in high school "See ya Catherine!"

Immediately I started jogging back home with a large grin on my face that I just couldn't hide. We were good friends before we started dating, but during our rather romantic relationship, we were inseparable. We dated for over a year when from out of nowhere, Catherine suggested seeing other people. At first, I thought she was just angry at me for something and was trying to get my back for it, but there wasn't anger in her eyes as she asked me this. It was guilt, sadness, even tears.

Ever since then, our friendship was almost nonexistent. But now is the chance, I hope, that I could finally mend together our friendship again. I still have feelings for her that never went away. I've even had lucid, sensual, wet dreams about her sometimes, but having a friendship with her rather than what we used to have is better than nothing. I couldn't wait.

Hours later at my house, I finally heard the doorbell ring. I immediately got up from the couch watching TV and, wearing my gray billabong tee shirt, old sperrys, and kakis, ran to the front door. I really hoped it wasn't some stupid kid ding-dong ditching. When I opened the door, there she was. Catherine was standing there, now with curly hair, wearing some short shorts, a low cut brown tank top, and wearing a pair of sandals. "Hey Blake! Can I come in?" Catherine asked. "Yes of course Catherine! Come on in!" I could barely hide my excitement from her.

Once she came in, we both just sat on the couch in the living room and began talking. "So Catherine, what're your plans since high school is over?" "Well, now that you mentioned it, I just got an acceptance letter from Rice last week." Man I knew she was smart, but Rice? "So about you, Blake? What colleges are you thinking about? " "Well... I guess I'm not quite sure yet..." "Oh...ok that's fine". I felt like a dumbass. Here's girl who's kind, beautiful, smart and has her whole life planned out. And then there's me, a B student with a couple of C's and no A's besides football and history class. I haven't even applied to a single college yet.

"Blake can I tell you something? It's kind of important." I saw her smile begin to fade away. I was starting to get a little worried. "Yeah that's fine Catherine, what do you want to tell me?" "I know we haven't talked in a while, and I know the break up was really sudden, but I still really like you Blake. In fact, I've even been dreaming about you for a while now. Maybe we can be together again, just like we used to be!"

At first I couldn't believe what she was saying. I was so happy that she still liked me and that we can rekindle our relationship. But at the same time, I was starting to get a little frustrated. "Catherine, I'm happy you feel this way about me and I have been feeling the same about you for a while. But why did you break up with me out of nowhere, without even telling me why?"

I saw her looking at the ground, her beautiful brown hair partially covering her face. She seemed ashamed about something. "Blake, the reason I broke up with you was because I felt guilty. I still feel guilty about it, and you deserve to know what it is. Blake do you remember the last time we made love?" "Ummm... sort of. I remember how awesome it felt and how awesome you felt, but I honestly don't remember the details". I couldn't believe it. I didn't remember. How could something so incredible, so pleasurable, just be a blur?

"Do you remember when we visited my mother the night before?" "Ya actually I do remember that. She was a therapist right?" "And a hypnotist..." she was starting to grin a little now. "Now Blake, do you remember what she did?" "Well she told me relax and close my eyes and stuff. After she told me that everything kind of went blank. I guess she hypnotized me, right? " "Yes Blake she did. Now I need to show you a video on the computer, because I don't think you'll believe me if I simply tell you".

Suddenly, she grabbed the laptop next to the couch and began typing vigorously. After a couple of seconds, she placed the laptop between us on the couch. I saw that she was on a website with a number of files on the screen. "Please don't freak out" she said, trying to avoid making eye contact with me. "I know it's really weird, but I feel like I have to show you". "It's fine Catherine, I promise I won't freak out" what was it that she was worried about showing me?

At that, she scrolled down and opened a file. The file was named "Good Dog". It opened up to a flash player video, which had the quality of a portable camera of some sort. It showed Catherine's mom and myself, sitting next to each other a black leather couch inside a beige room. She was wearing gray business attire, including black heels and a pair of glasses. Since when did I go to her office? "Now Blake, I've heard that you and my daughter want to be more 'adventurous' in loving each other, is this correct?" I saw myself squirming in the seat, a little uncomfortable at the question "W-well, uhhh... m-maybe ju-".

"It's okay Blake, my daughter actually asked me to help out a little with you little love birds' love lives! Since I have specialized in hypnotherapy, I'm going to put you into a deep trance. I just want to make you and Catherine's fantasies to become reality" Now I was starting to get interested in this video. Next, she put right hand onto my forehead and begin to whisper. "Now just sit back and relax. Yes Blake, just sit back and relax..." I saw myself close my eyes and lie back on the couch next to her. "Good Blake, sink deeper... give in completely to my voice...". Catherine started to skip a couple of minutes ahead into the video, and I saw myself lying eyes closed on the couch again, except for one small difference. I was completely naked, and my phallus was hard and throbbing, Catherine's mother still whispering in my ear.

"What the f-" "Shhhh, I'm sorry I know, I know, but you have to keep watching" I saw that Catherine was blushing a little bit from the sight of my naked body. Hell if it gets her in the mood, maybe the video isn't that bad. Suddenly, I began to hear yipping, like a small dog. I looked around for a little, until I realize it was coming from the video. Then, I began to become even more puzzled than before. The yipping and groaning was coming from me in the video. "Ohhh you love this, don't you Blake? Yes, you'll love this" Catherine's mother cooed as she put a black, spiked dog collar around my neck, attached to a leash.

Catherine began to squirm a little on the couch watching this and fast-forwarded the video to the near end. At the paused screenshot, I saw Catherine's mom and something that made my jaw drop nearly to the floor. There was something kneeling in front of Catherine's mother, smiling with a long tongue hanging out of its mouth. It was a human, but not human. It was hard to describe it, but it was some sort of humanoid creature, shaped like a human, except it was covered in gray hair, had a dog tail, an elongated snout and dog-ears, and claws on its hands and feet. It also seemed to have a "red rocket" throbbing between his thighs.

Then I saw that a leash and black, spiked collar held it, the same leash put on me. That dog thing in the video, it was me. It was me. "I know I have some stuff to explain to you, and I'm sorry you had to find out this way Blake" she seemed to be tearing up a little "Wow, that's amazing Catherine! Don't be sorry, this is something that I've never heard of happening to someone before! It's incredible, really, there's no need to feel like you've done something wrong" I lifted Catherine's chin and looked into her beautiful, brown eyes, and smiled. She chuckled a bit and wiped the tears from her eyes as her smile began to return.

Now, don't get me wrong, I was still in plenty of disbelief about what I just saw and there were plenty of questions I had for her. But at the same time, I was kind of amazed by what happened to me and it seemed like she was pretty amazed at what happened too. Plus I couldn't stand seeing her cry like that, and I know that if she's happy, I'm happy. Then all of the sudden, something came over me, "Hey Catherine, I need to tell you something...". "mmmhhhmmm...?" She was looking up at me, leaning her head against my shoulder. I knew this was the time to finally say it "Catherine, I know it's been a while since we dated, but I...I...I love you".

At that her eyes lit up like fireworks, and her hand covered up her delicate smile, with a wonderful combination of surprise and joy. "A-And I wish I could've said something earlier, y-your much more than just some girl..." I was choking up now and my eyes began to water. "Catherine, t-to me you're the smartest, sweetest, and most beautiful girl in the world. A-And I know you deserve better than me, but I simply had to...". Before I could finish my sentence, Catherine embraced me in her arms, and I felt her lips touch mine as we passionately kissed.

Afterwards, she placed one of her hands on my cheek and looked straight at me with her deep green eyes, "Blake, you are so special to me. You are genuinely kind and I would be luck to have you, I was just afraid of what you would think of me when you found out about the video" "Catherine, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and to be totally honest, I thought the video and thought of being truly yours... well it really turns me on honestly, and I would love to do it again for you". Catherine was really smiling now, and her voice started go to a an excited whisper "Blake, I actually have the collar hidden in your closet from when we were dating. I can get it really quickly and we can do it right now, Blake ". She was shaking with anticipation now, "Catherine, I would love to be your pet tonight"

Without a second to spare, Catherine giddily leaped from the couch and ran up the stairs to get the collar from my room. I was so excited, so turned on by aspect of being hers. I couldn't wait. Before I knew it, she was back, a devious smile on her face, and the black spiked collar in her hands, leash still attached. "Now Blake, let's have some fun. Let's undress, of course. This is going to be a wonderful experience for both of us".

Immediately, we both started to rapidly undress, I was down to my underwear by the time when I watched Catherine slowly undress herself. She kicked off her sandals to reveal her delicate feet and practically ripped her brown tank top off. I really hope I was being to much of a creeper just staring at her, but form the way she was looking at me while she was undressing, I just assumed she didn't mind. She then slowly slid her shorts down to her ankles, and walked up to me in her green bra and panties. Her bare legs and thighs were shaped and slender, her supple breasts were C-cup and perky, and her beautiful green eyes looked into mine as they seemed to glow like emeralds.

She giggled a little bit as she went down to her knees and slid my Hanes briefs off, revealing my hardened phallus. "Haha, and I thought I was excited. Don't get too much more excited Blake, we still have the best part" she whispered into my ear and placed the collar onto my neck. It felt unusually comfortable, and soft on my skin. I felt so relaxed, so submissive. Catherine was holding the leash in her hand; she was in control. She is my mistress.

I simply stood still, waiting for my command. "Blake?" she snapped her finger in front of my face "Blake, can you hear me?" Everything around me seemed to fade away, as all my focus seemed to center around Catherine, and her beautiful green eyes. "Yes mistress", her devious grin came back. "Blake, you will obey me... you will be obedient... you will call me...". "Mistress..." it seemed so natural, like it was all I knew. She was giggling now, "Wow, mom really did a good job. Now Blake, let my words flow within you, all you need to do is listen to my voice. Feel my voice inside of you... feel all your resistance fade...It feels good to obey me, doesn't it?". I began to moan now; I began to become more aroused, "Yes mistress".

"Now, assume your position my wonderful pet" she snapped her finger and I was immediately on all fours, on my toes and palms like a dog in front of her. "Now for the fun part, pet. Now, you will pleasure your mistress and every time I say 'Good Dog', you will transform and become more and more like an anthromorphic dog, do you understand?" She lifted my chin and looked into me with her emerald eyes, "Yes mistress, I will pleasure you". Suddenly she began to sit down in front of me and removed her bra, revealing her perky breasts. She then laid back on the ground in front of me and instinctively, I placed my head between her legs and pulled her soft green panties down with my teeth. I could hear mistress begin to moan and giggle now. Next thing I knew, I began to slowly lick around her thighs and tease her trimmed vagina with my tongue. Now she was really beginning, to moan "G-good Dog, good dog...".

Those words seemed to flow over my naked like warm milk, as I began to feel my fingernails and toenails begin to grow and sharpen. It was a strang feeling, but it also felt a little natural. I began to lick a little more rapidly, while she started tugging on my leash a little more. "Good dog B-blake, good dog... you're doing so well" I was starting to moan, and even growl, as I felt fingers and toes reshaping into more paw like hands and feet. I could also feel small hairs appear all over my naked body. It felt wonderful. Then, I heard mistress' breaths begin to shorten and become sharper. I felt the little tiny ball on the tip of my tongue, I found the clitoris "Good dog, g-good dog... Oh yes Blake, you're such a good dog"

She began to moan louder and tug even more on the leash, pulling me close and closer to her. I was full on growling now, I felt my body change rapidly and becoming more aroused. My brown hair began to grow thicker and my tail began to grow out of the base of my spine and reach down to the floor. I could even feel the newly grown hair rub against my bright red, enlarged phallus. I knew I was close to being complete, and I wanted to make mistress cum. I my senses began to heighten now, I could smell more potently Catherine's love juices and her moist pussy. I rapidly began to lick her clitoris and even felt my tongue lengthen inside of her. "She was practically screaming now, I could feel the collar tugging strongly towards her as we both began to give in to our animalistic pleasures.

"...G-g-good...d-d-dog...I...I love you Blake..." she could barely speak now from the pleasure she was given.. I felt my nose becoming wet and ears begin to grow in length. Then thoughts began to appear in my mind as my muzzle grew and my teeth sharpened. The thoughts were of running through the soft grass above a clear blue sky; I even felt the wind in my fur and the cold ground on my paws. I was running into the embrace of my mistress and I knew that forever, I was hers. At these thoughts, I came all over the floor and stopped. From the way she was gasping, and smelling her juices on the ground, I knew she was finished.

I woke up the next on the crouched up on the couch with my clothes sitting on the floor. The rest of the day before was pretty much a blur. However, I do remember cleaning the floor and mistress' thighs of her love juices and I remember being embraced by her and finally feeling that I truly had a reason to live. Then as I picked up my clothes, I saw that Catherine had left the collar under the clothes with a little note, "Walkies Tonight? :)". God I love this girl.