The Fugetive

Story by Stinkdog on SoFurry

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Devon yawned as he rested his head on his fists. The fox's elbows were propped on his desk as he sat in the midst of his fellow students. The professor at the head of the class was known for his long, drawn out lectures and Devon was feeling the brunt of this one. He knew that taking this class this late in the day was a bad decision. He should have listened to Roger. As the mouse at the head of class prattled on about the importance of René Descartes' argument for the existence of God, Devon's mind started to wander. It had been an interesting first year at the university. Between all of the classes and assignments, there were sports, none of which Devon was particularly good at, and clubs to join. At least the people here weren't crazy like at his previous school. College sure was different than High School.

The fox abruptly came back to reality as the professor's ruler struck the front of his desk. The mouse looked down at the fox disapprovingly.

"Mr. Phelps, care to tell me why Descartes' argument is flawed?" The professor was a much more imposing sight than his small frame made him out to be. Devon gulped and glanced at the board. The writing was impossible to read; scrawled chicken scratch marred the face of the blackboard like a white stain. It was a wonder anyone could take notes in this class.

"Uh," Devon cleared his throat. "That is to say..."

The fox's brain was frantically trying to remember the text book he had read the night before and Devon felt himself starting to sweat. He looked down at his notebook and saw it.

"Descartes' argument is flawed because he assumes too much. From 'I exist' to 'God exists' is too big of a jump for conventional philosophy." The fox sat back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest; smiling as the mouse blinked at him for a moment.

"Er... yes. Correct." his stride was clearly broken. "Anyway, class, what was I saying?"

"Page 186, professor." A mink at the back of the class spoke up.

"Ah yes. Well as we can see from illustration A: Descartes' main point was to get across the existence of God to the common layman," The mouse strode proudly back to his own desk. "But as Mr. Phelps just brought up, Descartes makes too big of a jump between 'I think; therefore I exist' to 'I think; therefore God must exist as well.'"

When the class was over, Devon walked from the classroom in a herd with all of the other students. The fox yawned again tiredly. He really needed a shower and some caffeine.

"Hey Dev!" The fox turned around to see who called him.

A chubby raccoon was rushing towards him.

"Hey, Kal. What's up?" Devon was desperately trying to stay awake.

"Don't you remember? You promised you'd help me finish my art history project!"

Devon mentally slapped himself. "I'm so sorry! I totally forgot. I don't even have any of the books with me."

"That's ok man we won't need the books. It's in here and I just need to take some photos of you." The Raccoon pushed the fox into room 128.

The room was empty save a rather shoddily made wolf suit.

"Er, Kal?" Devon asked. "What the fuck is this?"

"You put this on." The raccoon said as he pushed the wolf suit into Devon's arms.

"Dude, seriously, what are you doing your project on?" Devon held up the suit in front of him awkwardly.

"The many themes of the wolf in Hairless-Ape art history." Kal responded.

"You're so going to fail, man." Devon smirked.

"No I'm not! Especially if you put the suit on and stop being a nancy bitch." The raccoon winked and stuck out his tongue.

"Well I'm not the one who's going out with a guy twice my age, princess." Devon said mockingly as he slipped his feet into the costume and pulled it up the rest of his body.

"Ha, ha very funny." Kal picked up a digital camera. "I'll have you know that Bruce isn't twice my age, he's only eleven years older than me."

"Some difference," Devon chuckled and made a mock gagging noise as he put the head of the suit on. "How do I look?" He asked sarcastically.

The raccoon giggled. "Like an ugly gay wolf on Prozac. In other words, perfect for my project. Now get down on all fours, strike your most vicious pose, and hold it."

Mike walked towards the dreary building as students streamed out of it. It was a dark grey stone building with three stories; set apart from the rest of the campus, which was very much less depressing. Ivy crawled up the walls of the gray, old building and much of the lawn around the class hall was overgrown and encroaching on the walkways and walls. He was right on time. The rottweiler hesitated; a lump lodged in his throat. God damn it... He wiped the tears that fell from his eyes, but they still stained his cheeks. What the fuck was wrong with him? He never had this much trouble dealing with someone before. The canine sniffed slightly as he approached a parked car outside of the building. He looked at the tiger mouthing the words to some song inside before rapping his knuckles against the window. The tiger looked at him and then rolled down the window.

"Hey man, are you okay?" The feline asked.

"Is this Watkins Hall?" Mike asked back.

"Er... yeah; yeah it is. It's the only building on campus that looks gloomy all of the time." The tiger grinned foolishly.

"Thanks... See you in the next life." Mike looked back up at the building and took a deep breath; putting his hand on the handle of the knife in his pocket. The fox was going to pay for what he did. The canine entered the building; his face now a mask of determination. Mike's nose twitched. Devon was definitely in here. As the canine walked through the crowd of students he looked closely at each one, trying to spot his target amongst the throng. He strode passed room 128 as a raccoon pushed another fur in and closed the door. Mike didn't catch a glimpse of the fur with the raccoon so he looked through the window. Just a raccoon taking pictures of an ugly wolf he thought to himself before continuing to the second floor.

Roger sat in his car looking out at the drab Watkins Hall. Devon was due out of it at any minute. The muscular tiger thrummed his fingers on the steering wheel to the song on the radio. It was one of his favorites. As Roger mouthed the words to the chorus for the second time, a tap came on his window. The tiger turned down the stereo and looked out to see a rather handsome rottweiler peeking into his car. The rottie's face was sad, however and his cheeks were stained with tears. The tiger rolled down the window a crack.

"Hey man, are you okay?" he asked.

"Is this Watkins Hall?" The rottie asked in return.

"Er... yeah; yeah it is. It's the only building on campus that looks gloomy all of the time." He grinned at the rottie, trying to cheer him up a bit.

"Thanks, man... See you in the next life." The canine smiled weakly as he walked off towards the doors of the hall.

Roger watched the grief stricken dog for only a few minutes until the song hit the chorus again and he once again grooved to the tune of "Lover Boy" in the privacy of his own car. A few minutes later, Devon opened the passenger side door.

"You're late." Roger said, smiling.

"And you were early." Devon shot back.

Roger held up his hands in mock defeat. "Hey, hey Guilty as charged. So where are we going now, foxie?"

"I need to take a shower and relax after that," Devon's ears drooped. "God I hate that class."

The tiger rubbed the top of Devon's head playfully. "Aw... well I know a place that has a nice warm shower. It's a big shower too."

Devon giggled. "Oh really? And where's that, Mr. Tiger?"

"My place, of course, cheeky foxie." Roger grinned as the car pulled out of the parking lot.

Roger's apartment was only fifteen minutes away from the campus and traffic wasn't nearly as bad as it should have been. All of the while, Devon found himself staring out of the window; lost in thought. There were some things he wanted to tell Roger, but he didn't know how to say it. He couldn't just up and say, By the way, Roger, my last boyfriend raped me, so I stabbed him in the gut with a screwdriver. I hope you don't mind. Devon knew that Mike was still out there somewhere and that he was probably looking for revenge. The fox hated running, he hated being a fugitive, but he didn't really have a choice at this point. Hopefully he had made the right move in falling in love with a police officer.

"So what did you do in class today?" Roger asked; trying to get Devon's mind in the now, rather than in the clouds.

"Ugh," Devon sighed. "It was the same old crap. 'How do you prove that god exists without sounding like a colossal ass?'"

Roger laughed. The fox sighed again.

"Well you did want to get rid of core classes this year and Philosophy is one of them." The tiger rubbed Devon's thigh. "You'll make it through, foxie."

"I hope you're right." Devon sighed again and went back to looking out the window.

As the car pulled into the parking lot of the apartment complex; it started to rain. The two furs quickly darted inside to escape the furious downpour that suddenly dropped on the small town.

Inside Roger's apartment, Devon flicked on the radio, "And meteorologists suspect that we will be getting at least ten inches of rainfall before the week is out."

The fox sighed again and pulled his shirt over his head. He felt strong, bare arms circle his torso; making him smile for the first time that day.

"Hey tiger," he said.

"Hey foxie," Roger responded; hugging the smaller canine to his burly chest. "You want some company in there?"

Devon smiled again. "Sure." He turned around in his lover's arms and pressed his lips against the tiger's as Roger's arms fell about the fox's waist; squeezing the slender vulpine's rear with his large paws. Slowly Roger's fingers slipped under the fabric around Devon's waist and urged the cloth downwards; letting gravity take over after the pants passed the fox's round rump. The feline's tongue crept into the vulpine's muzzle and lightly massaged Devon's tongue. The fox murred softly as he unbuckled Roger's belt and slipped the tiger's pants off; his paws running through Roger's soft belly and chest fur. Devon broke the kiss and walked into the bathroom; pulling the big cat after him. Roger started the water as the fox slipped out of his boxers; closing the door behind them.

"In other news, a rottweiler named Mike Stonewell evaded police custody for a second time today. Police are urging the public to come to them with any information they have on the fugitive canine. The authorities have not made clear what they intend to do with Mr. Stonewell, but the assumption is that they are looking to question him about the unexplained bout of murders that have taken place recently. This is Serena Davis for WRXI radio signing off."

It was impossible for the two lovers to hear the radio from the bathroom, especially after Devon turned the shower on. Roger's rough feline tongue dragged along Devon's soft neck fur as the fox unbuttoned his pants and slid them down his slender legs. The fox lifted the tiger's white muscle-shirt over the larger feline's head as the big cat dropped his running shorts to the floor. His sheath was already very plump from arousal; a slight red tip peeking from within. Devon murred softly at the sight of his muscular boyfriend in the nude as he slipped his white briefs off and stepped into the shower with a beckoning wink. Roger practically leaped into the shower; grabbing the fox around the waist from behind and pulling the smaller canine into him lovingly. Devon soaped up his chest and leaned into the big cat behind him; sighing happily.

"I love you," Roger whispered into the fox's ear.

"I love you too," Devon whispered back as he handed the bar of soap to the tiger. "Could you scrub my back for me, Tiger?"

Roger took the soap and worked up a lather in his paws before scratching down the fox's back; making Devon shiver with delight. The fox's tail rose slightly at the feel of talented paws on his stiff muscles. He murred happily as the tiger's paws massaged lower; rubbing over his rump slowly and squeezing the round cheeks. A finger dipped between them and teased the fox's tailhole quickly before the paws returned to massaging Devon's shoulders.

"You big tease." Devon said as he turned around to rinse off his back. The fox lowered his lips to one of Roger's nipples, sucking gently on the nub of flesh before dragging his tongue down the tiger's chest and belly. The fox was greeted by a stiff, dripping feline cock; throbbing slightly from the tiger's arousal. The fox swallowed the tip; lovingly sucking and rolling his tongue around the slit in the crown. Roger moaned loudly and grabbed the metal bar in the shower to keep himself standing. His other paw gripped the back of Devon's head and squeezed gently. The fox's lips slid down the thick cock slowly; tasting the feline's salty precum as it spurted from the throbbing member in his muzzle. Devon murred around the erection; vibrating it against his tongue as he swallowed the entire staff to the hilt. Roger panted hotly and groaned even louder; trying to hold back the climax that was rapidly approaching. The tiger snarled as he felt Devon suck harder; starting to thrust his meaty cock deeper into the fox's throat. The vulpine grinned to himself and reached up to tweak a nipple as his tongue swirled around the hot rod in his muzzle. The tiger above him purred and whimpered at the same time; desperately attempting to make the pleasure last for as long as possible, but it was clear it was a losing battle. Devon felt the balls against his chin rising towards the feline's crotch and he knew that the cat would be exploding soon. The fox grinned again around the mammoth erection and slowly sucked back up to the tip; teasing the slit quickly with his tongue before letting the meaty stick pop from his mouth.

Roger panted heavily; trying to regain his breath. "That was- whew!" he stammered.

Devon smiled and winked as he turned the water off and stepped out of the shower; his own fox cock hard and dripping. "I don't want you erupting just yet; that's for later."

Roger whimpered softly.

"No complaints!" Devon smirked as he rubbed himself down with a towel. "You'll be happy afterwards, believe me." Roger twisted his face into a mock expression of misery as he slinked out of the shower and got a towel in the nose. "Cut that out, you big sissy." Devon was grinning.

"A big sissy, am I?" Roger growled through his smiling teeth. "I'll show you, you ungrateful tease!"

The tiger pounced; pushing the smaller canine into the door and lifting him up by the legs.

"My, my how forceful!" Devon was still grinning. "You know just how to push my buttons." The fox reached out his muzzle and kissed the large feline on the nose.

The tiger carried Devon into the bedroom; their lips still locked in passion as he gently lowered the fox to the bed under him. Devon rolled his tongue around Roger's mouth; the tiger's large cock poking at his rump cheeks incessantly. The fox grinned and spread his legs slightly as he reached over to the nightstand for some lube. Roger was a big boy after all. Roger was already trying to force his erection into Devon's practically virgin tailhole; making the fox grit his teeth cry out suddenly in discomfort.

"Hey! Go easy, big guy!" Devon pulled himself off of the mammoth tiger cock. "I guess teasing you in the shower wasn't a good idea."

The fox grinned and pushed the bottle of lube into Roger's hand.

"Maybe that'll teach you not to be a tease in the future, foxie." Roger grinned as he poured a copious amount of the lubricant on his throbbing erection. Devon lifted his legs for the larger tiger and shivered as Roger gently pushed two lubed fingers into the fox's small entrance. The fox groaned and clenched his teeth; trying to relax his rear as the fingers pushed all of the way in to the hilt. Roger wiggled them a little inside his lover's passage and watched the fox squirm in pleasure. The tiger suddenly pulled the fingers out and readied his member. He leaned into Devon; pressing the tip of his dripping erection into the fox's tight entrance. Devon gritted his teeth and forced himself to loosen up as the thick tiger meat stretched him wide open. The tiger gasped at the feel of the tight ring sliding over his throbbing cock and gripped the fox's shoulders tightly with both hands as he forced more of his large pole into the clinging passage. The canine moaned in pleasure as the large head of his lover's cock pushed passed his prostate; sending waves of pleasure through his entire body. The tiger above him sighed happily as his cock hilted fully inside his slender lover's tight rear end. Both creatures stopped to catch their breath.

"How're you doing?" Roger asked, panting slightly from the clenching of the fox's rectum.

"F-fine." Devon responded; the throbbing of Roger's cock against his prostate making him shudder in pleasure. The feline grunted as he pulled out to the tip and pushed his meaty erection back into the quivering tailhole. The fox gasped and moaned loudly; his own throbbing member firing a single spurt of precum onto his belly as the tiger hilted in him again. Roger panted heavily as he began to thrust in earnest, pushing his thick cock in and out of the tight; clinging hole. Devon whimpered and moaned in ecstasy; trying to push back to meet his lover's hard thrusts. The tiger growled and dug his claws into the smaller canine's shoulders as he sped up his thrusting. He could feel his climax approaching quickly, but he wanted to hold out for more. The fox clenched his tailhole harder around the throbbing tiger cock inside him; his own throbbing member fully hardened, knot and all. Devon could feel the familiar itch in his groin that meant orgasm. Roger's cock pushed at the fox's prostate; trying to embed itself as deep as possible into the hot, clenching hole. Suddenly, Devon's tailhole clamped down hard on the thrusting erection; making Roger cry out in pleasure as the fox cock between them erupted; spewing thick jets of white, creamy seed onto Devon's chest and belly. The tiger soon followed, exploding inside his lover and whitewashing the fox's inner walls with his thick, musky tiger cream. Both creatures shuddered in unison for a moment before collapsing onto each other; both panting heavily. Roger licked Devon's nose.

"That was wonderful, foxie." The tiger grinned as his cock quickly softened and slid out of Devon's rear.

"You're telling me, stud." Devon panted. "Wow..."

Roger kissed the fox on the nose and rolled off of him; hugging the smaller fur tightly.

"I love you, Devon." He said.

"Me too." The fox responded as he hugged the tiger back.

"Dev?" Roger asked.

"Yeah?" Devon looked at the big cat next to him.

"Did you have any, you know, lovers before me?" Roger seemed genuinely curious.

"Well, yeah, just one." Devon sighed and put an arm behind his head. "His name was Mike."

Mike stopped in his tracks when he heard the footsteps behind him. Shit he thought. They couldn't have gotten here that fast. The Rottweiler turned around just in time to see a police dog in full uniform jogging up the stairs. The Doberman immediately pulled out his sidearm.

"Freeze!" the canine yelled.

Mike sighed. "I'm having a really bad day, man. Why don't you put the gun away and let me go about my business?"

The kneeling Doberman cocked his pistol. "I'm afraid I can't do that, sir. Please drop your weapon and come quietly or I will open fire!"

Mike shrugged as he slowly stepped backwards. "So open fire." There was a window no more than five feet from him. If he could just get a little bit closer he would be home free. "I dare you, dog. Open fire."

The police dog didn't move. He kept his eyes on the slowly retreating canine. The Doberman spoke again, "Do not take another step, sir or I'll pull this trigger."

Mike gritted his teeth and decided to press his luck. As his foot touched the ground behind him, a shot rang out. The fugitive froze and winced, but didn't feel any pain.

"That was a warning shot. Now put down your weapon and come with me to the station." The Doberman cocked his revolver a second time.

Damn it. Mike was still three feet from his dramatic exit.

"Fine." He said as he slowly put his hand in his pocket; his other paw rising high above his head. "I'm just dropping my weapon." The cold hilt of the knife cut through his fur as he pulled it out and dropped it on the floor.

The dog still didn't move and Mike could hear the footsteps of more officers approaching. "Please step forward slowly and turn around, sir." The Doberman moved a paw from the revolver to his belt; unhooking the handcuffs there as Mike walked forward three steps and turned around.

"Is this close enough?" He asked; paws still lifted above his head.

"Please step backward, sir."

"Sorry, this is as good as you're gonna get." Mike concentrated on the window, listening for the sound of the dog moving behind him. There was the jingle of the cuffs. It was now or never. Mike quickly turned and his fist planted itself square in the dog's jaw. The Doberman grunted as he flew backwards; his gun clattering to the floor. Mike smirked and picked up the firearm; pocketing it. The Rottweiler looked back at the window and took off down the hallway as three other police dogs ran up the stairs; opening fire. Students and professors behind the police guarding the front door gasped as they heard gunfire erupt from the building. The Rottweiler ran as fast as he could towards the window; leaping at the glass with his shoulder pushed forwards. There was a crack and a shattering sound as the fragile glass gave way to the muscular canine's physique. Yes! Mike thought to himself as he flew through the newly created hole. His excitement was short lived as a familiar feeling crept across his right side; leaving behind wetness and searing pain. Fuck... The canine started to fall as metal projectiles whizzed passed his ears. The ground loomed dangerously close very quickly. Land on your feet and roll! Mike told himself as one of his paws instinctively clutched his bleeding ribs. Feet touched the ground, quickly followed by the rest of the fugitive. It was all he could do not to cry out from the pain that gripped him. He bit his lip; forcing himself to his feet as he shakily started to run across the campus. The police dogs darted to the window, firing down at the running Rottweiler below.

"We lost him, sir." The Doberman sighed to his superior as he slowly recovered from the blow.

"Yes you did, Charles." The Dalmatian clicked on his radio. "Anderson, send in the clean up crew. No. No, he's gone already. Listen, I want four detachments sent out immediately to pursue and capture the suspect."

Mike pushed his way passed bushes and climbed over fences in his mad dash to get away. He had to do something to stop the bleeding or else it would be easy for them to track him. The Rottweiler turned left into some fur's back yard; ripping a sheet off of the clothesline. The canine crouched in the bushes; ripping the fabric into long strips, which he lashed around his torso in a feeble attempt to bandage himself. Mike left the extra fabric on the ground as he continued running. A phonebook, he thought. That's what he needed to find. If he had a phonebook, he could look up where Devon lived. There was another house on his left. This one looked empty. There were no cars in the driveway and no lights on inside. The Rottweiler slowly crept up to the house as the clouds above started to drip on him. At least the rain would dampen his scent. The canine made his way cautiously to the back door of the small house; placing his paw on the handle. He took a breath and twisted hard; making the door fly open and almost off its hinges. Strange, he thought. The house was indeed empty, and Mike quickly found a phonebook. He grabbed it and some painkillers before he left the house.

When he was about a block away, Mike opened the phone book. It wasn't hard to find Devon Phelps. The Rottweiler winced as his right side throbbed in pain. He swallowed a painkiller. It was a long walk to Devon's apartment building and, by now, the rain had truly started to come down in torrents. After forty minutes, Mike finally found the building. He was shivering from the cold and his wound had been throbbing for the last mile. The canine opened the door to the building and walked in. There was a mouse behind the reception desk. Mike walked up to her as casually as he could.

"Could I have the spare key to apartment 5B, please?" The Rottweiler was having trouble thinking straight.

"Are you related or visiting the persons who live there, sir?" The receptionist asked.

"I'm visiting them." Mike panted heavily. It must have been from the blood loss.

"I'll call them to check, sir." The mouse picked up a phone and pressed a button as Mike watched her warily; making sure that she hadn't dialed 9-1-1.

"There is no response, but I'll let you have the key anyway." The receptionist pulled out a folder from under her desk and pushed it towards the Rottweiler. "I'll need you to sign here please. Make sure to check out when you leave, sir."

Mike signed a fake name and took the key from the mouse. "Thank you, miss." He said as he shakily walked towards the elevator.

Roger awoke to the sound of a key in the lock. He nudged Devon and the two quickly dressed. The tiger moved to the nightstand; opening it and pulling out his police issue firearm, cocking the gun and removing the safety. Devon grabbed his metal baseball bat and hid on one side of the door. Roger just stood in the middle of the room; waiting for the door to open. The knob turned and the door swung inwards, a figure rolling inside with little trouble.

"Don't move another inch." Roger said as he turned on a light; his gun pointed right at the Rottweiler's head.

Mike stopped where he was as he saw the tiger. This was unexpected.

"Mike!?" Devon asked after his eyes adjusted to the now bright room. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I came to get you back," he responded. "I came to repay you for what you did to me."

Devon scoffed. "What did you expect me to do!? You mounted me against my will."

Roger picked up his police radio; turning it on.

"This is officer Bartlet reporting a break in. Address 352 Kensington Drive, apartment 5B. I'd like backup, the perp is armed and probably dangerous."

"You're dating a fucking cop now, Dev?" Mike sneered, "That's rich. What are you, scared that I might come back for you?"

"No, Mike, I don't use people like you do." Devon took a step closer, brandishing the bat.

"Devon, get back." Roger told the fox, but Devon didn't appear to be listening.

"You stabbed me, you little bitch." Mike stood up. He was a full two heads taller than the fox.

"You raped me, you sick arrogant fuckhead." Devon lifted his bat higher as he took another step closer.

Roger lifted his gun at Mike. "Devon! Get the fuck back, for the love of god!"

Devon took another step forward, ignoring Roger. He wanted to beat the sneer off the Rottweiler's face.

Mike cocked his own gun and pointed it at Devon. "You should've listened to your boyfriend, fox."

The police officers running up the stairs heard the shots from the third floor. The receptionist behind her desk heard the shots from the lobby. Devon dropped the bat, staggering backwards, his face contorted in a mask of surprise and fear. His back hit the wall and he slowly sank to the floor, breathing in ragged breaths. Roger slumped down the opposite wall; bleeding from his stomach. Mike lay dead on the ground; a bullet hole in his forehead.

"I told you to back off..." Roger was saying. As the cops burst through the door, Devon reached for the phone; quickly calling an ambulance. The Dalmatian in the lead rushed over to the tiger; lifting his feet upwards.

"Roger," Devon was choking on his words as he rushed to the tiger's side. "I'm sorry, I-"

"I know." Roger said. "This is your prize for playing a risky game. I'll try to hold on, but if I go, know that I don't blame you."

Devon leaned into his lover; crying as the paramedics flooded into the room and carried Roger away on a stretcher. The police took Devon to the station, where he relayed all that had happened after mike broke into the room. They told him about the three murders the Rottweiler committed while apparently trying to track him down. When the questions were over, they gave the fox a lift to the emergency room, where he sat, waiting for news.

The room was white and drab; smelling of plastic and air fresheners. Devon hated hospitals. It was nearly five in the morning when someone shook Devon's shoulder. The fox woke abruptly and looked up at the wolf expectantly. The doctor was looking at a clipboard with a serious look on his face. Without saying a word, the other canine removed a piece of paper from the clipboard and handed it to the fox before leaving down the hallway. Devon read it with tears in his eyes.

"To whom it may concern. The following is a notice of hospital proceedings dictating eligible visitors and visiting hours. If you are not related to or civilly bound to the person admitted, you may not stay in the hospital beyond nine o clock pm."

Devon slowly stood and crumpled the piece of paper into a ball; throwing it into a garbage can as he walked out of the building. The fox hailed a cab and took it back to the apartment. The clean up crew had done a good job. The apartment looked no different than before Mike broke in. Devon looked around sadly, grabbing the television remote and flicking the tube on.

The fox didn't know when he had fallen asleep, but when he woke up, sunlight was filtering through the blinds and someone was knocking. Devon sighed and rubbed his eyes sleepily as he got up. The fox took his time turning off the TV and washing his face in the bathroom before finally going to open the door.

"Hey, foxie." It was Roger. The tiger was in crutches, but he was alive and Devon was overwhelmed with joy. The fox hugged the bigger cat around the waist and pulled him gently into the apartment.

"I thought I'd never see you again." He said, sitting Roger down in the cat's favorite chair.

"I'm stronger than I look." Roger replied, smiling. "The police chief says it was justifiable self defense, so I don't have to worry about getting arrested."

Devon smiled and kissed the tiger on the nose. "I'm just glad to see you again. Is there anything I can get you? Milk? Tea? Coffee?" The fox walked into the kitchen.

"Hmm. A blowjob would be nice," Roger said jokingly. "But the doctor tells me I shouldn't strain myself, so for now, tea is fine."

Devon gladly obliged; putting the kettle on the stove.

"I'm glad to have you back, Tiger." The fox said. "I won't do anything stupid like that again."

"I'm glad, foxie," Roger responded, "And I forgive you."

"Thanks, love." Devon smiled to himself. His past couldn't hurt him any more. There was no more reason to run. He was finally free.
