Flexible Survival - Feline Fine
A day 0 short story of the Flexible Survival Universe. The origin of those panther taurs seen about in the game.
The news was on, droning quietly. The girls were not paying it much mind as the newsanchor announced that it was Feburary 11th, 2008. "Stay inside," said the anchorman, "Keep doors and windows closed."
"Ugh!" exclaimed one of the three girls, "Turn that thing off. News is always so depressing. Why do you even have that on, Sophie?"
Sophie raised the control and dismissed the anchor, the screen darkening as she tossed it aside, "Sorry Sue, that better?"
The remaining female laughed airily. "That's Sue, always have to have her way," she mocked.
"Better than 'Spreadlegs Sam," countered Sue with a frown.
"You did not!"
"I just did."
Sam threw a pillow across the room, catching Sue in the face. The friends laughed and began beating one another, forgetting their troubles for the moment. They were in their early twenties, just old enough to start getting real responsibilities, but young enough to revel in just such things. They were enjoying a sleepover, and the remains of their festivities were spread about with several bottles and cans of emptied alcohol spread about, some junk food containers pushed off to the corners of the living room, and many crumbs waiting to be cleaned.
"So you got anything to eat?" asked Sue, looking towards Sophie.
"Sure sure, one moment." She hopped up to her feet and ambled through her apartment towards the kitchen, half tripping over something small and furry. "Hey Mike," she said, crouching down and plucking up her black cat. She began to pet him gently as she walked into the kitchen, "You want a snack too huh?" The cat had no reply but to purr contentedly in her arms.
She balanced the cat in one arm as she pulled the fridge open and pulled out a pizza they had stashed away earlier. She got it into the oven and turned the knob to start warming it, then reached back into the chilly box, producing the cat's half empty can of food and unending it onto the small plate she reserved for just such things.
Setting Michael down to enjoy his dinner, she watched the oven impatiently. She was roused from the wait with the feeling of fur against her leg. A peek revealed Michael rubbing up against her fondly. She crouched down and began to pet him anew. He felt unusually warm, and she pulled him up into her arms, "Aw, does my baby have a cold?" she asked with some concern, looking him over. Her hands and arms tingled softly as if they had been asleep, and Michael gave a plaintive meow. She moved to set him on the counter, but found she could not. Her fingers refused to come free of the cat, barely able to slide it across his fur, but unable to withdraw it even an inch. "The hell?" she asked no one in particular as he pulled harder.
It must have hurt michael, who spun around and sunk small teeth into her wrist. She cried out in surprise, trying to release the cat again, only to find herself still glued to the angry critter's sides. The points of blood where the cat had bit her welled up, but then began to recede. Fur suddenly lept up, spreading from the cat across her fingers as the soft tingles became a fierce throbbing. She hissed, then began to scream.
Sam and Sue came rushing into the kitchen to find their friend waving her arms around wildly a moment, something stuck between them, but then, they came free. Stranger still, her hands looked furry, like she was wearing cat gloves. "Where did you get those?" asked Sam with confusion, "And what's all the shouting about in here?"
Sue shook her head, "Did you forget to put on your... what are those, oven mitts? Before you reached in? You can be such a klutz sometimes."
Sophie gave a nervous laugh at her friends, heart pounding. Her cat was gone, and her hands were on fire with change. She had fur, and claws, and pads. She wanted to scream, to run away, but her friends were staring at her. She wasn't sure what to do, "Uh, yea, that's... it, silly me..." She moved haltingly to the oven and pulled it open. The pizza smelled good, and she felt her throat start to vibrate, sending shudders through her entire body. She was purring. She stopped herself quickly, glancing over at her friends.
"Well?" asked Sue, "Going to get it? What's wrong with you girl?"
Sophie frowned a little, then reached to snatch the pizza and its tray. It was hot, but nowhere near as hot as she expected it to be. Her hands didn't burn on contact, and she got it onto the counter quickly. Maybe having fur wasn't entirely a bad thing. The tingling was spreading though, and her elbows were becoming as furry as her wrists and hands were. Thinking quickly and haphazardly, she shoved the pizza tray towards her friends, "Here guys! Enjoy!"
Sam took the tray, peering at her with some concern, "You sure you're ok? You can talk to us, you know."
Sophie leaned forward and kissed Sam on her cheek, then began blushing fiercely, Sam as well. She had never kissed her friend before. As the two stared at each other, stunned, Sue burst into laughter. "Well well well, aren't you two the best of friends." She took the pizza tray from Sophie's numb fingers, "Thank you, come on Sam, let's let our 'host' get her act together." Sam departed, being dragged along, still stunned, by Sue, leaving Sophie in the kitchen.
Sophie shook herself out and let out her breath, "Alright girl," she said to herself, "Get it together. There has to be an explanation for this. You didn't just... combine with your cat... That's impossible."
Her words did nothing to halt the progress of the warmth and tingling that slowly crept through her. Her midsection suddenly ached, like the worst stomache ache she ever had. She doubled over, clutching at herself and groaning before she felt something pushing back at her fuzzy hands. She straightened with a jerk, looking down with wide eyes as two lumps began to push out against her shirt. They caught in it, and it began to hurt. Without conciously directing it, she moved them, and their sharp claws sprung free, shredding the bottom of the shirt and freeing her new paws. Her third pair of limbs grew rapidly, poking out from her middle absurdly. They were black furred paws, like Michael's, but sized for her, larger, actually. As she studied them, she was certain they were bigger than her hands. Ice suddenly fell into her belly as she realized what she was looking at.
"Hey, Sophie," came Sam's voice from behind, "Mind if I get some soda?" Sam was approaching as she asked. Sophie span around to send her friend way, and her new paws brushed up against her friend. Sam squeaked in surprise, then began to stare.
"What, the, hell girl? Are those? What?" She stammered, reaching out and tapping a paw. When the paw batted back at her finger, she wrenched her hand away as if it were on fire, squealing in surprise at its motion, "It's alive!"
Sophie felt her cheeks burning, but not entirely with a blush. The tingle was heavy in her face, changing something, "Sam, please, help me," she said, her voice sounding slurred and strange.
Sam shook her head, "What? I mean, of course! You're my friend." She grabbed at the changing girl's new paw, rubbing it, "It'll be ok, I mean, I think? Alright, we'll get through this."
Sophie smiled, feeling relieved, and something else. She reached out with her furry hands, and drew Sam in closer, hugging her. Her new paws wrapped around as well, helping hold her friend gently, "I'm sorry I never told you before, but I'm so glad you're my friend. I love you."
Sam stiffened in her grasp, but returned the embrace, drawing close and putting cheek to cheek a moment.
"I...love you too... Uh... do you mean... that way?" she asks, sounding nervous.
"What way?"
"Oh, you know, like like?"
The changing girl frowned at her friend, not putting it together, "What do you OOoo" she was cut off as her face throbbed, pushing forward into a feline snout with several loud snaps. She hissed and grabbed for her face, "That hurt," she said, slurred.
Sam reached for Sophie's aching face, gently rubbing along the new snout, "I don't know what's happening, but I won't leave you, I swear, ok?"
"Where is that soda?" came the voice of their friend, Sue, who marched into the kitchen, and paused, eyeing the two, between the hands, on Sophie's dramatically altered face, the new paws, the still spreading fur, those twitching feline ears, "What the hell happened to you?" She asked, backing up several paces, "Sam, what are you doing? She's like a were cat or something, she'll eat you!"
"Don't be stupid," argued Sam, though she drew her hands away, "This is Sophie, she's our friend, and she needs our help. Stop shouting at her."
Sophie rested her arms at her sides, unsure what to do, or say, "How bad does it look?"
"You look like a freak," spoke Sue plainly, fishing out a mirror and offering it up.
Sophie held up the mirror, looking at herself. She had the face of a feline, not much different from her beloved pet's, though much larger, and somehow... female. Her slit eyes blinked at themselves as she lowered the mirror with shaking paws to examine her mid paws and try to look at other parts of herself. She dropped the mirror suddenly, pain stabbing at her lower back.
"Oh jeez, what's going on?" asked Sam with a concerned voice, moving up towards Sophie as the new feline's spine extended bit by bit. The new tail burst through her pajama bottoms, stretching out behind her long and slinky. Already it was growing a dense carpet of black fur. She felt Sam's hand on it, petting it, "You alright?"
"That's it!" exclaimed Sue, "I got it. You're a furry aren't you?" she asked, peering at Sam, "A lesbian furry. Oh my god. How did I not see this earlier?" she asked, laughing, malice and hysteria mixing together into an unnerving sounding laughter.
"Shut up," exclaimed Sam, "She's in pain, can't you focus?" The flush in her cheeks gave it away though. She did like Sophie, and the feline attributes weren't... all bad... "We're her friends."
Sophie smiled at Sam, "Thanks." Without thinking, she leaned forward and ran a raspy pink tongue along her friends face, dragging over her lips. It became a kiss as she leaned further in, pressing lips to lips. Sam stiffened at the sudden amor, but did not draw away. The two melted into one another, lost in the moment while Sue gawked with amazement.
The odd girl out drew out her cellphone and snapped a shot of the scene with a soft laugh, "Bunch of freaks," she muttered under her breath, backing away and moving towards the living room, soda forgotten.
When the kiss ended, Sophie drawing back for breath, both felt hot and light, sensitive with the awakened passion within them. "Sam," Sophie said, "I think I do like like you."
Before Sam could process the words, a new tearing sound was heard. Sophie suddenly fell forward, but her new paws caught herself. For a moment, she awkwardly faced the ground, trying to push upwards, until her spine complied, drawing her upright on her four legged body even as her legs snapped and reformed, becoming just as pawlike.
"Oh wow," breathed out Sam, "You're like a centaur... cat? Cat taur? Felitaur? Whatever, wow." She reached out, tugging at the shredded clothes, "I think these are ruined though."
Sophie gently pawed at her friend's hands with her own. Despite the fur and claws, her fingers were still fingers, which she was happy to see. She opened her mouth to speak, but only a loud purr emerged. She couldn't speak. Try as she might, only meows and hisses formed. She frowned, tears welling in her eyes.
Sam hugged her gently and rocked her upper torso back and forth, "Relax, it'll come back I bet. It's just... all new, here." She raised a hand to rub over Sophie's throat. The feel of the fingers caressing over her throat made Sophie begin to purr. Every touch from her friend made her feel more alive.
With Sam's help, Sophie began to peel off her ruined clothes, tossing them aside to reveal her expanded form. She had the lower half of a feline, with four strong paws, and the upper body of a woman, except for the feline head. She twisted herself around, finding her new form was very flexible, allowing her to inspect every portion of her new body.
"You're... very pretty," said Sam. "Majestic."
Sophie put a furry hand on Sam's lips, but then began to shiver. Something else was changing, between her rear legs. She began to buck her hips on some unspoken urge, growling as the itching tingles grow intense. A new organ slipped free of her, a furry sheath forming around it and two heavy orbs descending into a fuzzy sac that began to swell rapidly with their growth, soon leaving her quite well equipped, and more than just a woman.
Sam watched the whole thing from the side, eyeing the new projection as it slid forward longer and longer, soon about a foot in length, with small barbs at the end, the whole thing twitching with the rapid heartbeat of its owner, and dripping fluid to the ground in excitement. It was perhaps one thing too many, and Sam took a step back.
Sophie grabbed for her. Her new instincts demanded satisfaction, a satisfaction that only Sam could provide. Sam squealed in horror and tugged at Sophie.
Sue came rushing back in, "What, is she eating you? I wa..." She trailed off, oggling at the felitaur and its huge member. Sophie released Sam and turned towards Sue. Sue turned and fled, making it three steps before she was roughly tackled to the ground under the beast. She screamed to be let go, and scrambled to regain her footing, but the paws on her were heavy and strong, easily holding her still as her clothing began to be shredded from her in uneven ribbons, tossed to the side at the end of each swipe. The claws dug at flesh lightly, causing light scrapes that became swollen a moment before black fur began to spread over the woman. "Sam, god, Sam, help!"
Sam watched with wide eyes, horrified, but also, somewhere deep, jealous that her friend and would-be lover was taking out this sexual lust on someone else.
Sophie was lost in her own world. All she knew that was that satisfaction was close at hand. She lifted Sue's back end upwards and brought her new cock into position. It was strange looking, not the least reason being that it was hers, but it was a pink red, pointed, and she could feel soft barbs near the tip, begging to drill into this fertile pussy. She giggled briefly at the pun that had formed in her mind, then drove the hungry tool deep into the wet confines of Sue, drawing the woman back onto the new shaft. Sue screamed, clenching her hands as she was taken. Whens she drew back, the barbs caught and pulled at sensitive flesh, at first painful, but soon not. As the infection spread, she started to feel the pleasure of it. Her tunnel was changing rapidly, becoming larger, ready to accept the heavy tool, tougher to accept the rough tugs as the loving gestures they were. Soon they were rocking against one another with growing intensity.
Sue's body was changing with every pound, arms and legs turning into paws, her face drawing forward, ears upwards, tail outwards. She was a howling cat, hissing and crying her delight as that spiney shaft drilled its way to her very soul, making her explode into peak after peak, body ready to be filled with all the children that this strange beast could provide her. Unlike Sophie, she never developed an upper torso, remaining mostly cat like beneath the larger tauric being. The two howled in unison, huge balls upending what felt like gallons of rushing hot seed into the rapidly swelling belly of the new feline. Sue collapsed to the ground, shuddering with the aftershocks of their coupling. Her hands were still such, just barely, her fingers feeling numb and clumsy, but better than paws by small measure. She curled on herself, trying to come to terms with what happened to her even as Sophie abandoned her. Lust slaked, she returned to Sam, walking a bit haltingly.
Sam watched her friend approach. The strange beast that was Sophie was leaving a wet trail, it's still huge member dripping along under it as it came closer, "Sam." It was still Sophie's voice, it had returned to her.
"You can talk," gasped Sam, "Are you alright?"
Sophie bobbed her head, and reached out. Sam flinched back, but didn't run away. She was drawn against the soft front of Sophie, "Where you telling the truth? Do you really like me? Really like me?"
Sam nodded her head quickly, "Yes, even if you're... what you are."
Sophia ran her hands down, and brushed over Sam's front lightly, exploring her chest, "I feel different now. I look at you and I think you're pretty in a whole new way. Do you think I'm pretty?" asked the feline hermaphrodite.
Sam nodded her head quickly, as much out of affection as fear for hesitating, "Very. Uh, do... you mind if I ask, how it felt?"
Sophie glanced towards the largely still Sue, then back at Sam, "Amazing. Just... I can't really describe. It was good though. It will be better though."
"Better how?" asked Sam with a quizzical look.
"When I do it with someone I love."
Sam looked at her blankly for a moment before an 'oh' escaped her and she flushed, "God, you want to do that, with me?"
"I do, of course, right now." she said forcefully before she paused, "I mean, sorry, damn. I... want to, if you want to. Something in me wants to just... grab you. Do you want it?"
Sam hesitated. Part of her wanted it, really wanted it, another part wanted to run screaming into the night. When Sophie leaned in and ran a rough tongue across a sensitive nipple, she sighed out, "Yes." she breathed, surrendering, "I never want to leave you."
Sophie had never known such happiness. Hearing her say that, accepting her without force, made her entire body warm with satisfaction. She gently plucked Sam up, cradling them on the way to the living room to set her down carefully on a bean bag, "Get undressed."
Sam rolled over onto her side, peeling herself free of her clothing. They felt stifling and constrictive, and the touch of air on her fevered flesh brought delightful relief as she was soon bared to her exotic lover. "Be gentle," she said, rolling onto her belly. She felt she should be more embarrassed about this, more shocked, more... a lot of things, but something kept her calm, eager, and patient.
Sophie settled atop her friend's back, wrapping warm paws around her and sinking the wet feline tool deep inside. Sue she had ravaged, Sam, she made love to. She worked her throbbing cock along that willing tunnel like a fine instrument, drawing every pleasured noise from Sam with skill and love. She caressed and teased across Sam's front as she worked, eager to please her lover, her friend, her life long mate, with every touch and tease. As Sam began to grow and become furry, their motions slowly hastened. When she had a full feline back end to cling to, her motions became rapid and eager thrusts, plunging hard and fast into the cunt that was tough enough to not only accept, but to relish and welcome the rapid motions.
Sam stretched and grew, reaching up for the roof as her spine grew and grew. New limbs reached down, stabilizing herself, allowing her to counter rock against the eager lovemaking, until two felitaurs were wrapped around one another in the throes of their fucking, calling one another's names intermixed with impassioned cries and growls of increasing bestial lust.
Sophie plunged to the hilt, and shuddered as she made Sam's belly grow heavy with the flood of seed, spreading warmth through the new feline. They embraced, clinging to one another as she injected the seed deep. A sudden jerk from Sam made Sophie blink. A glance revealed the source. Sam was spraying the beanbag beneath her with fresh seed, new shaft grown and brought to peak through their intense pairing. They said nothing, no words were required. Eventually, her mate would catch her and give her a share of that prickly shaft, and she would cry out her pleasure of it. She reached and rubbed along the furry sides of her mate, purring softly in anticipation. There would be so much hunting to be done, and she could hardly wait.