The Other Side of the Fence, pt. 4

Story by Wolfhound_22 on SoFurry

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#4 of The Other Side of the Fence

After having violated the will of his Master, Sigmund is punished by being whored out to some clients with a taste for the extreme. Will he survive the ordeal and in one piece?

Note: Some things in this story are a little more extreme than what I'm used to, and that's saying quite a bit for me. Also bear in mind that the kinks portrayed in this story are not necessarily mine, though I did have to use my imagination for some things. It was necessary for the plot to invent some far out weird stuff. For those of you who are into this stuff, or might be into this, enjoy! ;)

Sigmund (c) Sigmund Hvittann

All others (c) me

"The Other Side of the Fence, pt. 4"

by WolfHound Baxton

Sigmund looked out over the water as the boat made its way across the channel, jumping with a sickening jolt every time it hit a wave. As Sigmund looked back in the direction he was coming from, he saw his Master's villa, one of the more prominent sights on Grande Island. Grande Island was the capital of the island nation of Bastana, over which Xarius Augustine, Sigmund's owner, ruled as an unofficial dictator.

Sigmund looked ahead of the boat and across the water to the small island they were headed for. Green Island was smaller than most of the Bastanian islands and was privately owned. It looked peaceful enough. Above the beaches were green hills covered with grass and lightly spotted with trees. Aside from the dock, the only visible structures were a house and a barn. It stood in stark contrast to the bustling city of Grande Island, with its busy bars, clubs, and tourist beaches. Sigmund almost wondered if he had lucked out.

The black wolf was being punished. This fact was plain by the cherry-red ball gag and rubber straitjacket he was bound in, secured by a strap around his torso and arms, holding them in front of him. The front of the rubber straitjacket was marked with the number "32" in bright blue with a red circle around it.

Sigmund was a slave, or more officially a "foreign guest worker," in the island nation of Bastana, having inadvertently signed his life away when he entered the service of his Master, Xarius Augustine, the self-styled God of Dragons. The electronic collar on his neck allowed the authorities of these islands to track his movements by satellite and also could deliver him a punishing shock for misbehavior. He was once Master Xarius' champion in the Bloodgames, a gladiator, but he had violated one of his Master's sacred rules. He had came and violated his chastity, and was later caught spying in his Master's private information with Andrew, a slave from another master he had fallen in love with. Andrew sat across from him in the boat right now.

Andrew was a dingo, similarly collared, ball-gagged, and restrained in a rubber straitjacket. On the front though he bore the number "22" in orange, also surrounded by a red circle. The colors marked their owners and the numbers marked their identities in Bastana's legal prostitution registry. The red circle meant that they were marked as "full service" whores. This meant that whoever rented them wasn't necessarily bound to return them in one piece, but would have to pay damage fees if they returned dead or with parts missing. Usually, the eccentric clients who could afford these "full service" prostitutes could also well afford the fee, which usually amounted to buying the whole slave.

Andrew had displeased his own Master by sneaking off to see Sigmund in Master Xarius' villa. A special bond existed between the wolf and dingo that their Masters did not approve of. And so, they were both punished by being assigned to this "full service" prostitution, an adventure from which neither of them were guaranteed to return. The Bloodgames had prepared them to accept death, but a death in combat was far preferable to those with a warrior soul than death as some pervert's toy.

Sigmund squirmed as he looked across at Andrew, sitting on the bench at the opposite of the boat. Sigmund contemplated for a moment jumping over into the water to end it now, but having his ankles shackled to the floor of the boat ensured that, as fleeing as the thought was, it would never be able to take reality.

"You two lovebirds really lucked out, you know," said Marius. Marius, a doberman, was one of Xarius' mercenaries assigned to guard the slaves on their journey to Green Island.

"Dick Henderson decided to hire you both out for the full six months. Mighty coincidence that is. And he's just some harmless mouse who lives on a farm with his wife. He probably just wants some muscle around the farm and a little help with the misses. This should be an easy gig for you two. So don't mess it up."

Dick Henderson was a wealthy oil baron from the mainland who, after gaining his fortune, had developed some eccentric tastes. He had a passion for being an independent rancher as well as a heavy desire for privacy.

The boat entered a small concrete enclosure and pulled up to a dock. A guard threw out a line and tied the boat as other guards removed Sigmund and Andrew's chains, leashed their collars and led the slaves off the boat and onto the concrete dock.

The rubber-bound slaves held their heads down as the mercenaries led them off the dock, looking up at the distinctive sound of hooves clopping on pavement met their ears.

"Whoa, boy!," yelled Dick Henderson, pulling back on the reins of his horse and bringing him to a halt. Henderson was rather short, but this was usual for a gray mouse, such as himself. He wore a rather large black cowboy hat along with "western" clothes that evoked a century gone by. He wore leather chaps over his pants, leather riding gloves, and cowboy boots with spurs.

The two gagged slaves opened their eyes up at the sight with a bit of fright, but the mercenaries just grinned. Henderson wasn't riding a feral horse, but instead one of the intelligent sort. His mount was a muscular stallion, bent over with fake hooves locked to his hands and a bridle with a gag on his head. The technological collar on his neck, similar to those worn by Sigmund and Andrew, marked him as a "foreign guest worker" of Bastana, one of those unfortunates who, willingly or by mistake, had signed their lives and rights away in exchange for the "privilege" to work in what some considered an island paradise.

Marius, the ranking guard, stepped forward and tipped his patrol cap to the cowboy. "Mr. Henderson, we've brought the property you've ordered."

"Well I reckon that'll do just fine, partner," said the mouse in a thickly flavored accent.

"Tell ya what, the wife's been workin' on a mighty fine supper and if y'all'd like to join us, we'd be rightly pleased."

"I'm fine with that," said Marius cautiously, giving a nod to his men before proceeding up the hill towards the house, his men leading the slaves by their leashes.

The mouse flung the door which swung open loudly as he entered the house, his spurs clanging loudly as he swaggered and clopped his cowboy boots across the wood floor, removing his gloves, putting them in the nearby closet.

As the guards followed cautiously inside, they noted where the very western mouse had tied up his "horse." The horse-slave was tied up to a hitching post just outside the door to the house. Still restrained to all fours and wearing his bridle, gag, and hoof-mitts, his eyes met with Sigmund's.

The horse shivered. His eyes pleaded loudly but with futility, "Please help me".

The mouse clapped his paws together with a loud smack, raising his muzzle to the air and breathing the scent of his home in deeply.

"Shoo-wee!," he said. "It shore is nice ta come home to the smell of a hot supper in the kitchen. Don't ya think so boys?," he said, looking back to the guards.

Marius just nodded cautiously and continued into the house with the other guards, the slaves being led behind them, still restrained in their rubber straitjackets and leashes.

The interior of the house was mostly wood, including the floors. On the walls hung various pictures of the Master of the house, Dick Henderson, at rodeos, rounding up cattle, or just riding his horse. A couple rare ones had the mouse in a suit with an oil rig in the background. Some rooms were decorated with steer horns and guns hanging on the wall. They finally arrived in the kitchen where a table was set up. Henderson was obviously not very big on the formality of a dining room. The dishes that had been prepared for the evening were set out on the counter next to the stove.

Henderson took another sniff and then swaggered over to the counter.

"Mmmmm-hmmm! Lookie what we got here," said the mouse. "We been expectin' comp'ny ya know. We got us some big juicy steaks, baked taters, grits, collard greens, more grits, chitlins, cheese grits, and black eyed peas! Now that there's enough ta feed alla y'uns and then some."

The guards looked at the trays laid out on the counter. The steaks didn't look so bad but they didn't seem so sure about some of the other food there.

"Hey Clarence! Get in here, you get on this food, boy!," yelled the mouse before grabbing a lengthy piece of beef jerky from a jar and putting it into his mouth. He pulled a big hunk of it off with a yank and then chewed on it as a slave butler came in.

Clarence, one of Master Dick's servants, entered the room. He was a small yellow otter that wore nothing but his slave collar. Of particular interest was his exposed crotch, which was devoid of a cock or balls and only had a small piss hole.

Andrew shuddered, the dingo breathing heavily through his nose as his eyes bulged and he looked over the otter's missing bits with fear. He huffed through his ball gag and struggled a little in his straitjacket. He and Sigmund had both been in the Bloodgames, an underground gladiatorial combat for slaves in Bastana and castration was one of the potential punishments for losers in the Bloodgames. Both Sigmund and Andrew had managed to avoid this fate by fighting well.

Marius and the other guards took their seat at the set table as Clarance came around with the various serving dishes. Each of the guards took as they liked from the dishes.

The mouse pawed at his crotch a little and adjusted his codpiece, his whiskers twitching as he saw the door to the kitchen open.

"Well would ya lookie there," said the cowboy mouse, his round ears twitching a bit as his eyes looked to the opening door.

"Hey folks. I'd like y'all to meet my wife. She's been purtyin up since y'all got here... Hey come on out hunny!"

The guards and the bound slaves turned towards the opening door, the sharp "click, click" of high heels on the wooden floor greeting their ears.

Two black high heels entered the room attached to a pair of legs, each wrapped in fishnet hose. Above these legs, and extending only a few inches down from the waist, was a tight leather miniskirt, the sizable bulge on which hinted that its occupant was not entirely female. Above the waist, the creature was well-muscled and clad in a revealing fishnet top and had two very large breasts covered by a leather bra. Finally, the head of this creature revealed its species - an elephant wearing a peaked leather officer's cap. In her hand she held a small whip

"Hey there sweet cheeks," said the elephant to her husband in a very deep gravelly voice. She was at least twice the height and width of her mate, and very much heavier.

The reactions of the males present varied somewhat. Most of the guards had a look of bewildered surprise on their faces. For his part, Marius the Doberman wore a mischievous grin. He didn't fancy himself with this shemale but was greatly amused at the thought that the slaves may end up with the elephant, especially since neither of them looked too enthused at the prospect.

Andrew simply sighed and lowered his head as if in resignation to his fate.

Sigmund's eyes went wide at the sight and he huffed in his ball gag and squirmed in his straitjacket in vain.

The mouse smiled, his thin tail giving an excited little twitch at the sight of his mate in gear.

"Aw shucks hunny!," said the mouse excitedly. "You sure do know how to put on a right purty outfit."

"Thanks, dear," said the elephant as she twitched her trunk. She reached over for a roll from a basket the otter was carrying with her trunk and grabbed one, flipping it into her mouth.

"Mmm... I do make fine hot rolls if I say so myself."

"That ya do, darlin'," said the mouse

"Well I sure reckon I wouldn't want to be accused of being inhospitable, and I'm sure you folks had a right hard time gettin' these boys home, so tell ya what. I'm gonna let y'all have some fun with 'em during dinner tonight.

"Uh, sure," responded Marius.

"You ever had your nuts sucked while you were eatin' a good old time country dinner? I tell ya its one of the best things, you gotta try it," said the rodent with a grin, showing off his two buck teeth.

Sigmund and Andrew squirmed in their restraints, whimpering with lowered ears as the doberman eyed them up. He certainly didn't mind and wanted a chance to abuse Sigmund for quite some time, but the dragon Xarius wouldn't let his slave be touched. Now that Sigmund was being rented out to Henderson, anything went.

"I sure wouldn't mind," said Marius. "Just let me have the wolf first." He grinned wickedly as he eyed up the black wolf.

"You got it, partner!," said the mouse as he sat down at the table along with his wife and then looked to the other mercenaries at the table. "Any of y'all want a go at the dingo?" asked the mouse.

The other guards shook their heads. They didn't seem comfortable with this scene and were a bit shocked at Marius' eagerness for the wolf, but they remained polite. Money was money and they were well paid, even if they weren't into the eccentricities of Master Xarius, Henderson, or many of the other slave masters in Bastana.

Marius nodded to the guards who stood up and removed the ball gags from the two slaves, pushing them down and then forcing them under the table where they would be doing their duty. Sigmund was placed at Marius' feet and Andrew was forced under the table next to the elephant.

Marius grinned down at Sigmund and growled at him lightly, letting the wolf know that any biting or other funny business would not be tolerated before spreading his legs and undoing his pants, letting his sheath and balls flop against the wolf's face.

"You know you're hungry for some dobie-cock, boy," said Marius softly. Now get busy.

Sigmund turned his head away for a bit with a light whimper. He did not want to do this and had detested the doberman for the constant rude remarks and advances that he had made towards the slave over the past several months. Mercifully, Sigmund had been protected until this time by Xarius' orders that nobody touch him without permission. Xarius was of the opinion that only dragons should receive pleasure, and while he did not "own" the doberman, he wasn't about to aid a non-dragon in such a "delinquency" without good reason.

The shemale elephant rumbled lightly as she pulled up her leather skirt, revealing the massive piece of equipment her kind was known for. She shoved the huge cock, already swelling and excited from the prospect of a good sucking in Andrew's face as those massive and engorged balls hung below her cock, the musk overpowering the dingo.

"You know what to do boy," said the elephant as she forced her member against the dingo's muzzle.

Andrew opened wide, not resisting. He had long since resigned to the fate that befell him and was a good slave. His jaws were stretched to the limit as the huge gray length was shoved into his muzzle, and he began to slowly bob and slurp on the elephant cock as it was force-fed to him.

Marius grabbed the back of Sigmund's head and forced him down onto his cock, thrusting forward a bit as he used his other paw to some black eyed peas up with his fork and shovel them into his muzzle.

"Mmm... these are actually pretty good," said Marius, pressing his member forward a bit into the wolf's muzzle.

"Thanks hun," said the shemale elephant in a deep voice as she gave the doberman a teasing wink with one of her long lashes.

Marius looked away a bit and grunted. He wasn't interested in the shemale at all, but rather more in the forbidden fun he was having with the wolf between his legs.

"She does make a mean supper! Mhmmm!," said Henderson as he cut off a piece of steak and popped it in his maw.

"I think you should be informed, " said Marius to the mouse, "that Xarius believes that an extra security detail should be assigned to your island to keep an eye on things here." He reached down and gave the wolf's ear a little twist to let him know he needed to do a better job.

Sigmund huffed a little bit through his mouthful. He had not been putting forth effort into this distasteful task, but the ear twist pressed him further into action and he began to work the doberman's cock with his tongue as well as suck now.

"Aww well I don't think that's hardly necessary," said the mouse as he fed a spoonful of grits into his mouth.

"These two slaves you ordered have been in an inappropriate relationship with each other and are both being punished," said the doberman. "Xarius wasn't aware that you would be ordering them both for service. They're both trained and veteran gladiators and Xarius thinks we need some extra guards here to keep an eye on them. Keep any mischief down. Also, the wolf here is something of a prized piece of property and Xarius wants updates on the slave's situation," said the doberman.

"So they're a couple little lovebirds huh," said the elephant, her cock growing in Andrew's muzzle as she pressed one of her spiked heels against the dingo slave's rubber crotch. "I got some things I been wantin' to do with slaves in love. I think I'll have to get 'em done up special for some work in the slave barn together."

The doberman's gaze turned towards the elephant. "You mean you actually want these two troublemakers together?"

"Trust me," said the elephant. "It'll be real fun and I'll keep things totally under control.

Andrew sniffled as he continued to suck the elephant's huge cock as she gave a thrust forward, deepthroating her. As the elephant's spiked heel dug into Andrew's rubber-clad crotch a bit more, the dingo let out a muffled yelp.

Sigmund sniffed himself, hearing his mate suffering, then gagged as the doberman thrust his cock down his throat. Sigmund squirmed in his straitjacket and growled angrily.

"Oooh!, yes! That's good. You're talented boy! Do that again!," groaned Marius as both paws reached under the table and grabbed Sigmund's head. Apparently the vibration of the growl as pleasurable for the doberman, unintentionally.

Sigmund glared up at the doberman from under the table and growled once more, bringing more pleasured moans from Marius as the guard ate his meal. "One of these days," thought Sigmund to himself. "I'll have you right where I want you."

"Well that sounds right fun!," said Henderson. "Mistress has got some fun things she likes to do with boys in the barn."

"That so?," said Marius, looking over at the elephant. "In that case, I think I'd like to keep an eye on things, both for safety and for... mmm... entertainment."

"I'm fine with that hunny," said the elephant with a smile as she looked to Marius, groaning in pleasure as she thrust her cock further into Andrew's muzzle, her trunk dipping below the table to grope at various parts of his body. She obviously had a bit of thing for the manly doberman and was hoping to spend more time in his company.

Marius gave a brief, polite nod to the shemale and then moaned as his knot began to grow. He gave it a little squeeze and then shoved it against Sigmund's nose. He was coming pretty close to his climax.

"Well then I reckon all that'll be just hunkydory then!," shouted the mouse excitedly as he clapped his paws together loudly. "We'll get em both started tonight. Need some help sloppin' the hogs and I'm sure Mistress needs some help a milkin' her cows."

"Sounds like a fun night dearie," said the elephant to her husband, grunting as she thrust a bit more into Andrew's muzzle. She was coming rather close herself.

Marius gave his knot another squeeze, moaning deeply and throwing his head back as he finished in Sigmund's muzzle, his hot canine seed spilling into the boy's throat and maw, a bit of it dripping down from the edges of his muzzle. He grabbed both of his paws on the back of Sigmund's head again and shouted down at him. "Swallow, boy!"

Sigmund gagged a bit but did as he was told. It wasn't as if he had any choice in the matter by this point anyhow.

The elephant let out a loud rumble as well, finishing in the dingo's muzzle and pulling her huge dripping cock from the dingo's maw before giving it a heavy slap across Andrew's face, prompting a yelp of surprise and light pain from the dingo.

The dinner wore on with some small talk back and forth between the different people there. Some of it was exciting, some of it mundane, but it left little hint at what horrible trials were in store for the two boys. They just got the impression they were going to be helping out with the couple's farm animals and used for pleasure now and then. As they were traded back and forth between Marius, the elephant, and the mouse for more use under the table, they thought for a moment that Marius was right. Perhaps they had indeed lucked out on this one, compared to how bad it could have been.

The slave barn was modest in size and typical for such a building. There was a walkway down the middle and a set of stalls on each side. On one side of the barn were the "cows," and on the other side were the "hogs." Sigmund and Andrew were surprised that these "farm animals" were not the literal feral beasts they were expecting, but collared slaves forced into an animal role. None of these beast-slaves spoke, but it wasn't clear if this was because they couldn't speak or because they were not able to.

Sigmund was set to work slopping the hogs by his Master. For this, the hog-slaves were led out each day into a feeding pen outside of the barn. There were several species, but all of them wore a rubber pig's hood hiding their heads. The shape of their heads revealed their species. There were several canines, a few horses and felines, and even a hyena. The one other trait they all shared in common was that their tails had been cut off and a curly "pig's tail" had been grafted onto their rumps just above their ass cracks where their old tails had been.

Master Dick stood behind Sigmund with a bullwhip. The black wolf was shackled and chained well. Metal cuffs were locked on his wrists and ankles and a length of chain ran from each to a ring in the center, holding them all together. Another chain went from the ring to his collar. Sigmund had been well-trained in hand to hand combat for his time fighting in the Bloodgames for Master Xarius, so he had been fitted with these irons to limit him on the suggestion of Marius the doberman. Henderson took the idea to heart. He loved seeing boys in chains.

"Giddyup and move on mutt!," yelled the mouse as he cracked the whip on Sigmund's back, causing the wolf to move faster with his buckets of slop.

As Sigmund poured the slop in the trough, the "hogs," came forward and lapped it up greedily, oinking and squealing as they pushed and nipped at each other for a place at the trough to lap up the goodies. It was all they got to eat after all. Feeding time was one of the few times when their hoods were removed, revealing their true species. The slop itself was made up of mashed together leftovers and grease from Master Dick's table as well as mixed together leftovers and mush he imported from the resorts on Grande Island. It was good food, or had been at some point. Sometimes Sigmund envied the hog slop. Some of it looked appetizing compared to the slave food he had been fed all this time, both from Master Xarius and from Master Dick.

Sigmund grunted at the crack of the whip and looked back to the mouse. "I'm going as fast as I can!"

The wolf yelped as the bullwhip hit his back one more. He instinctively tried to turn and fight but couldn't due to his restraints. He stumbled as he dropped his bucket, spilling the hog slop on the ground, falling in it with the clank and clatter of his chains.

The mouse stood over the wolf, stepping on his back with his cowboy boot, the spur digging into the wolf's flesh as he pressed him down into the mud and the spilled slop.

"Now lookie what you done gone and did, boy!" shouted the mouse as he punished the black wolf. "All cause I had to go and whip you for goin' and gettin' all uppity with your Master."

"Take it boy!," yelled Henderson as he pressed Sigmund's face down into a pile of the muddied hog slop with his boot.

"Eat up slave! No sense in lettin' the slop go to waste after I done had it shipped in special this mornin'!" shouted the mouse.

Sigmund gagged and reluctantly licked up the filthy slop as the heavy cowboy boot pressed him down into it.

Back inside the barn, Andrew was in a hell of his own. "Mistress" had decided to train him to be one of her "milkmaids," and he was dressed the part. The once-manly dingo was forced to wear a corset and a small skirt as he served Mistress' cattle.

Mistress was also dressed the part. She wore a pink old-fashioned style dress and a bonnet and carried a shepherd's crook with a large pink bow tied around the staff as she oversaw Andrew and the other "milkmaids."

Just as the hogs were not real hogs, the "cows" were not real cows either, but instead slaves forced to take on the role. All of them were male and wore prosthetic hooves that replaced their hands and feet, crawling about on all fours. Strapped to the waist of each cow-slave was an enormous black rubber udder that covered his crotch. The cows also didn't speak, but played their part, mooing and groaning. When their "udders" were fully inflated they panted and squirmed in discomfort and mooed more urgently.

"Cows need mlked, girl!," yelled the elephant as she walked over to Andrew, who sat on a milking stool and reached under one of the cows, grabbing at the engorged false udder underneath the slave he was working on, a muscled lion who looked like he had been the pinnacle of manly perfection before his mane had been sheared and he had been forced into this position.

"H... how?," asked Andrew nervously, looking back at the elephant.

"You just squeeze their nipples and pull em boy, nice and gentle and get the milk out for Mistress," said the elephant as she ran the butt end of her shepherd's staff up and under Andrew's skirt, toying at his tailhole as he began to "milk" the lion.

"Y.. yes Mistress," said Andrew nervously as he pulled and squeezed, gasping in horror as shots of strong-smelling lion piss shot into the pail underneath the false udder. The lion groaned and mooed to have some small measure of relief.

Andrew gasped and recoiled in disgust. Never had he seen something quite like this. "Good gods!" he gasped in horror.

His hesitation was rewarded with a palpable tap on his ass from Mistress' staff.

"You gotta milk 'em girl!," said the elephant shemale. "Otherwise they get all full and its just plum painful. And we don't want that now do we hun?"

"No Ma'am," said Andrew with a gulp as he continued his task, grabbing and squeezing at the lion's "nipples" and pulling them. He tried to breathe through his mouth as he continued to milk the feline's strong musky piss into the metal pail.

The guard, Marius, had been leaning up against a post in the barn and watching, grinning lightly as he talked to Mistress. She liked to have him around for such occasions.

"You know," said Marius. "When I first met you I didn't think we'd be getting along so well, but I have to say you've got some really creative ideas."

"Thanks hun," said the elephant as she looked over to the doberman, her trunk twitching.

Marius ears perked and he snickered as the sound of Sigmund getting flogged by Master Dick outside greeted his ears.

"You know I'm glad Xarius assigned me here. It's a bit of a rest from the more stressful duty of guarding the Bloodgames for him, and I get to see his little pet get what's coming to him," said Marius.

The elephant nodded and flapped her ears a bit to relieve her of the heat.

"So," said Marius as he walked around the lion and then put a clawed finger under his muzzle as he looked on curiously while Andrew mliked. "How's this whole thing work?"

"Oh its quite simple really," said Mistress with noticeable pride in her voice as he trunk wandered down naughtily and pulled up Andrew's skirt as he milked, revealing his tailhole. "First the cow is castrated. Cows don't have balls after all do they?"

The doberman snickered and pawed at his crotch at the thought of such cruelty. "No, they certainly don't," he affirmed.

"Then we shove a catheter up her cock and all the way into her bladder before we strap the udder on. The piss drains into the udder and fills it up, then backs up into their bladder. If the cow don't get milked, well... that can be some bad news there. We got a doctor that comes over from Grande Island to get this done special for us. Awful nice guy but he can't practice on the mainland anymore. Wonder why, he's good at what he does."

Andrew gasped at the description and whimpered. Though partly he was whimpering because the elephant had randomly decided to start violating his hole with her trunk while he milked.

The slave groaned, looking back and up at his Mistress and pausing the milking for a moment. A look of utter degradation and pain washed over his face as she took him with her trunk. He didn't resist, but pleaded with her for mercy.

"P... please Mistress. This is so horrible. I don't know if I can take it."

Andrew had seen his share of blood and gore, having been a seasoned gladiator in the Bloodgames, but this was a bit more than he could stand. He grabbed at his crotch in sympathetic pain at the thought of what the lion had been put through.

"Awww," said the elephant with pity in her voice, though she continued to violate the dingo with her trunk, causing little yips of pain and discomfort from him. "Poor girl, what's the matter?"

"I... I can speak, Ma'am?," said the dingo.

"Yes, girl."

This is just so cruel and horrible, Ma'am. I don't think I can take this and I've seen a lot. Just... please. I know you're kind and generous. You've fed me well and taken good care of me. Just... please can I have another assignment?"

The elephant slowly pulled her trunk from the dingo's ass and let his skirt down, reaching the trunk up now and rubbing at his headfur. The dingo was at first relieved, but then cringed more at the thought of where that trunk had been as he continued to milk the unfortunate lion-cow.

"Aww, you've been such a good girl. I don't see why not. I'm sure I can find another job in the barn you're more suited for than being a milkmaid," said the elephant as she petted him with his trunk.

"Thank you so much Ma'am. Whatever it is I'll do a real good job. You'll see," said Andrew with a grateful sigh of relief.

Marius grunted and stood up, walking over to the elephant and looking at her skeptically, "You letting the bitch get off easy huh?," said the doberman.

Marius yelped and jumped in surprise as he felt the elephant's fingers grab and pinch his ass. He looked at her and bared his teeth for a moment to let her know she'd gone a bit too far.

Unfazed, the elephant smiled and winked that the doberman. "You just wait hunny. Just wait."

Sigmund grunted and squirmed uncomfortably in his corset and skirt. Marius and another guard had to fight for thirty minutes just to get him into his milkmaid gear. His attitude wasn't helped by the fact that Marius had taken the opportunity to rape him once he was in gear and had his shackles put back on. Master Dick was thoroughly disappointed in Sigmund's performance as a hog slopper and had him transferred over to Mistress when he she told him that she needed another milkmaid to replace Andrew.

"Dammit this thing is so tight!," complained Sigmund as he struggled into the barn, his chains clanking as he looked back. "Shut up and get set to do your job, slave!" yelled Marius, giving the black wolf a shove. Marius was happy to have any excuse to further humiliate or use the wolf.

Sigmund sighed and sat down on the stool in the barn, looking into the stalls he saw the "hooves" of the cows, some of them beating against the floor of the barn as they mooed, some of them in obvious agony.

"Where's Andrew?," asked Sigmund. "I haven't seen him in days..."

Marius grinned. "Oh don't worry, he's just getting set up for his new job. I'm sure you lovebirds will have a lot of quality time to spend with each other soon enough."

Sigmund looked back from his seat and lifted an eyebrow at Marius suspiciously. It certainly was odd for the sadistic doberman to be wishing him well for once.

The barn door opened slowly and Mistress walked in. She was in her usual fishnets and high heels with her leather skirt, though she carried her shepherd's crook again. She smiled as she looked down at the wolf. "Oh well if it isn't our newest milkmaid!" she said, her ears twitching with excitement as she batted her long eyelashes. "And such a pretty girl you make too."

"I'm not a girl...," said Sigmund, prompting a slap from the doberman across his face.

"You are now, slave! Get used to it," growled the guard as he scowled at the black wolf.

"Oh Marius!," said the shemale. "Gretel's just got to get used to her new role. And her new name. It takes time you know, but soon it'll be second nature."

An obscene tongue creeped out from the elephant's mouth and licked her lips as she moved over towards Sigmund, cooing at him in a sickeningly sweet voice. "You ready to milk your first cow, girl. I know you've seen it done before and know all about it."

"I guess...," said Sigmund.

"Alright boys! Bring the cow in!," yelled the elephant to one of Marius' guards outside.

The dull clang of a cow bell could be heard as Sigmund looked outside the barn. The brightness of the sun rendered it difficult to make out the details and all that could be seen were dark silhouettes. He saw the outline of the guard, cattle prod in hand, and the outline of the "cow" coming towards him. When they finally entered the barn, the full and horrible truth hit Sigmund.

The newest "cow" was Andrew. He shuddered as he walked, hesitating a bit when he saw his mate and the shocked and horrified expression on his face. He was forced to move forward again by the electric shock of the equine guard's cattle prod forcing him onward.

Sigmund was enraged. He started to get up, shackled and restrained as he was, to fight. This was stopped by a sudden shock from his collar as the doberman pushed a control button, then grabbed him by his shoulders and forced him back down onto his stool. "You're gonna take this, bitch!" yelled Marius. The doberman had obviously known all along and made it a point to be here to witness this.

"Gonna have to milk the cow, girl," said the elephant, looking down to Sigmund.

"I will not!," growled Sigmund defiantly, earning him another slap from the doberman.

"I swear, Xarius had this bitch for more than a year and he's still not broken. For anyone but Xarius that is," complained the mercenary. "Hopefully this will shock some sense into the pup."

The elephant reached her trunk out and pinched Sigmund's ears with it lightly, then spoke softly. "Cow needs milked, girl. Otherwise her bladder will burst. I know you don't want that."

"I think we might want to leave these two alone for this special moment!," said Marius with sarcastic sentimentality, winking at the elephant and then motioning to the door.

"Not a bad idea, dear," said the elephant. "Not like they can get into any trouble like this. Hehee." She turned and looked to Sigmund, "Now we're gonna leave you alone with the cow for a bit Gretel. Be good, and remember. Betsy here is gonna have to learn that she can't speak. Only moo. You'd better start getting her trained and used to that before we send her back to the doc to operate on her vocal cords."

Sigmund breathed a sigh of relief as Mistress and Marius left the barn together, along with the other guard. They couldn't notice that the two of them went to a crack in the barn wall to watch.

Sigmund and Andrew looked behind them as the two disappeared from the barn and gave a dual sigh of relief when they were soon left alone, the only sounds being the mooing of the other "cows" now.

Sigmund hopped up from his milking stool and leaned down, pulling Andrew into a tight hug.

"Love! I've been so worried about you."

"I know," said Andrew, nuzzling into Sigmund. "I ... I don't know what all they've done to me, but its pretty fucked up. I can't feel my legs."

Sigmund looked around and sighed, noticing that Andrew's legs had been cut off below the knee and replaced with prosthetic cow "hooves." There's no way his friend and lover could stand now, ever again. The same had been done for his hands, also replaced with hooves.

"Oh Andrew!," said the wolf.

"Spare me the details," said the dingo. "I can take what comes to me. I'm just happy to see you again. That matters more to me than anything in the world."

Sigmund and Andrew cried as the wolf embraced his lover, nuzzling into his shoulder and wetting it with his tears. It wasn't often that this wolf cried and it took a lot.

"I hate to ask, bro," said the dingo. "But you gotta do it. Its the only way. I feel like I've gotta piss bad."

"You're serious?," asked Sigmund.

"Please... I know it sucks. It's humiliating, for both of us. I know they'll watch it and laugh but we're just gonna have to be tough and make it through it all, just like back in the arena in the old days," said Andrew.

The old days indeed. It seemed like ages ago, but it had only been two weeks since then.

Andrew crawled forward and took his place over the pail and Sigmund moved the bucket underneath the false udder.

"You ready?," asked Sigmund.

"Yeah I guess... just get it over with. It won't be long," said the dingo.

Sigmund breathed deeply and closed his eyes, grasping one of the rubber teats and beginning to squeeze and pull, squirting Andrew's piss into the bottom of the bucket, causing Andrew to groan and sigh as he was relieved.

"Thanks, bro... I needed this bad. And I know it sounds fucked up, but I'd rather you do it than anyone else."

"I love you so much," said Sigmund, tears in his eyes as he continued his degrading task.

Mistress and Marius snickered as they watched through the crack in the wall. They loved this sight. Two lovers united again. It was so romantic, and perverted. Marius was going to enjoy watching the boys live out their new life together so much. His paw reached down and under Mistress' skirt, rubbing the elephant's shaft as she returned the favor. Marius couldn't have imagined himself being interested in the shemale before, but he had found something to admire. Under her exterior, she hid the most wretched sadism, an evil to match his own.

"Say," said Andrew, trying to take their minds off the situation with a bit of small talk. "You noticed that Hog Number Five is missing from its stall?,"

The hogs were not given names. Instead Master Dick numbered them and branded them with their numbers. He called them all "it," despite the fact that they were once beings with lives other than this. It rubbed off on everyone around the ranch and they also called them this without thinking about it. It seemed to come more naturally than calling all the cows and milkmaids "she" as Mistress tried to impress on everyone.

"Yeah I see that," said Sigmund. As he thought a bit more on it, Sigmund realized he hadn't seen Hog Number Five in two days, about the same time Andrew disappeared.

As Sigmund was nearly finished emptying Andrew's udder, a pleasant smell came to his nostrils. It smelled rather like cooking pork. He thought that their owners must be having a barbecue. He grumbled realizing that they always fixed such nice meals, but he and Andrew had never been allowed to partake of them. They'd always been fed slop and sludge.

Sigmund thought back to his time with Master Silva before he had run away and ended up held captive by Xarius. Master Silva wasn't perfect, but the bear was an angel compared to the horrors that Sigmund had endured since he had arrived on Bastana. Even when Sigmund had been put into dog-slavery by the bear, he had been allowed to eat real meals sometimes, especially on special occasions like holidays and birthdays. Silva and Midas loved taking their family out for a fun time and an outing. At times like this it was often more like they were relatives or even children instead of slaves. He knew none of that now. And here he looked at the one he loved, mutilated and degraded.

"I'll make you twice the man you used to be!," Lord Xarius had said when taking possession of Sigmund. It was true, Sigmund had been through a lot that had toughened him, but none of it was worth what he had to endure now.

"That smell reminds me of Master Silva's birthday last year," said Sigmund. "I miss those days so much. Was a warm summer day and Master Midas had bought a plump hog for the occasion and spit roasted it over a pit. Silva and Midas loved to barbecue. It was... oh my gods!," Sigmund yelled and stopped milking, his eye focusing on nothing as his gut became heavy with a sudden realization.

That train of thought was interrupted by the loud ringing of a bell.

"Come and get it!," yelled Master Dick, the mouse proudly ringing a huge bell in the air. "The pig's a roasted and the sauce is warm and drippin!"

"Oh the hog's done!" yelled Mistress excitedly as she pulled away from Marius.

The doberman grumbled and lowered his ears some as he stuffed himself back in his pants and reluctantly zipped up. "But... but we were busy."

"Oh come on dearie! You haven't lived until you've tasted my husband's world famous barbecue!"

The doberman grinned wickedly and wagged his stump as he finally realized what was going on. "Oh you mean... the hog's... done?"

"Yuh huh!," nodded the elephant to him excitedly.

"Oh that's awesome!," said the doberman. "I gotta confess this is something I've always wanted to try."

Sigmund walked slowly towards the barn door and then peeked out. He saw smoke rising in the distance and Dick and Mistress enjoying barbecue sandwiches together along with Marius.

Mistress looked at the mouse and shouted happily. "Mmmm hunny! You sure make a fine barbecue."

"Yep!," said Henderson as he wiped some barbecue sauce off of his lips with the back of his paw. "Not to be immodest but there ain't many who can roast a hog like me."

Sigmund sighed and came back to Andrew and rested a paw on his lover's head. "I can't believe these people. There's no bottom for how low they'll go."

"What are we gonna do though? We can't go anywhere...," said Andrew.

"There's only one way out..."

"You're not going to kill yourself?"

"Maybe, maybe not. It's a big ocean and I still got a family out there on the other side of it that loves me, maybe. I hope so. I can still hope. Maybe somehow..."

"But the collar! They'll track you down! And even if you make it past that you'll die out there. Oh don't even try it."

"Better dead than here," said Sigmund. The wolf sighed and looked down at Andrew, leaning down and giving the dingo a long and warm hug. "I promise, if somehow I make it. I'll come back for you."

"If there's anything left of me..."

"I love you, never forget that. Your soul will always be with mine."

"Yes ... I guess," replied Andrew with his head lowered. He knew realistically that his time was short. Soon he would be nothing more than another cow in the stalls, and without Sigmund. He could only hope that somehow maybe he would be re-united with his lover.

Insects chirped loudly in the trees on Green Island as the hyena guard yawned in his chair at the boat dock.

"So much for Xarius' elite Mercenaries," thought Sigmund. This guard clearly didn't take any threats seriously. So much the better for Sigmund.

The guard's eyes went wide as he was awakened by the feel of cold metal against his throat. He grabbed at it and was about to yell when the chain was suddenly pulled back against his throat, cutting off his air.

The chains were supposed to restrict Sigmund's movement. They did this, but the resourceful wolf always found ways to turn his predicaments to his advantage whenever he could. The guard would have tried to grab for his gun, but he was too distracted by the vain attempt to free the stranglehold on his throat as Sigmund choked the life out of him. He tried to scream but the only sounds he could make were quiet gurgles and grunts as the chain dug deeper into the flesh of his neck. His face began to turn blue and finally his eyes rolled back in his head as the life went from his body.

Sigmund sighed in relief as he released the guard's body from his hold and dropped it to the ground. He knelt down and grabbed for the keys at the guard's belt. He tried them on his chains but to no avail.

"Damn!," thought Sigmund. Apparently his keys were on another guard, but there was no time to search every guard on the island, some of whom were undoubtedly much more studious than the one here. At least he knew that this one had the boat keys. Even so, there was not enough fuel on the small boat to make it across the thousands of miles of ocean to the mainland. Sigmund had been preparing well though.

In a small cave on the western shore of the island, he had been sneaking away from the barn and storing non-perishable food he had stolen from his owners' pantry and a makeshift sail patched together from a metal pole and whatever bits of cloth he could come across. It was rather primitive, but it was at least enough for him to make a serious escape attempt, however poor his chances might be.

Sigmund took the boat keys and crept down into the boat. He started the engine. The roaring of the surf against the island's beaches was enough to camouflage the sound and keep the other guards from noticing, hopefully. Sigmund kept his head and body low as he puttered around the island to the cave on the western shore and carefully beached the boat, crawling up to the cave and then grabbing his provisions and sail, bringing them down to the boat and loading them on. Soon enough, he was ready. He shoved off the beach with an oar and then started the boat again. Turning west, he set sail for home. He would take himself out a bit and then set up the sail, reserving most of his fuel for emergencies. Hopefully the boat still had a full tank when it was docked.

Marius yawned and rolled over in bed. He grumbled as he heard his comm beep. He grabbed for it and pushed the button as he pulled himself from bed. "Green Island command here, status?"

"This is security central," said the voice on the other end. "A slave on your island is escaping. We're reading his collar several miles off shore. You're to grab your men and boats and mount a pursuit. We'll be sending choppers after him ourselves.

"Dammit!," yelled Marius. "It doesn't matter how much you drive home how pointless it is, they always attempt an escape. Right. I'll get right on it!"

Marius left his bedroom and suited up quickly, grabbing his submachine gun and then going outside, slamming his paw up against a button that sounded an alarm and called his guards stationed on the island to posts. It soon became clear that one of them was missing, along with one of the boats.

"Fucking Sigmund!," yelled Marius when it became clear who the perpetrator was.

"Damn wolf had to be the one to try something stupid like this."

Marius took what men he could and readied the two other boats, setting off quickly. He looked to the south and could see the lights of the search choppers taking off from Grande Island.

"Fuck! They're gonna get him first like always. Gods dammit, Xarius will have my head if anything goes wrong!..." was all Marius could think of as he looked at the screen next to the boat's wheel, showing him the location of Sigmund's collar.

The seas became rough and a great wind came up as Marius led his boat and two others in the direction of the collar's signal.

"We got a serious storm brewing up here," called the choppers to the boats.

"Damn winds something fierce. Seems it came right up out of nowhere. Got it on the radar now and the thing is massive! We're gonna have to abort! We'll try to trace the collar but there's no way anybody's gonna survive this in a small boat."

"I'm not going to be stopped by some freak storm!" yelled Marius over the comm as he continued out with his boats. "Do what you want but know this. I'm bringing that pup back alive or dead."

"Your funeral," came the call over the comm from the choppers as they turned back towards Bastana.

Marius just snarled and looked ahead into the blackness, the wind howling in his face as the boat jolted sickeningly from the crest of one wave to another, the waves growing ever larger and more violent by the minute as the sea was churned to a boil. The doberman's fur and gear were soaked, splashed by seawater and rain as he pressed onward into the void. The other boat had long since turned back and the two other guards on Marius' boat looked as if they would have preferred to join them.

Marius continued to follow the signal of the collar but ahead of him he could see nothing but black night and violent waters.

Lightning flashed, and in that split second he saw it clearly ahead of him on the crest of a tall wave. It was the other boat! And it probably had Sigmund inside.

Marius growled as the force of pure anger raced through his body and he aimed his boat for Sigmund's pressing the throttle bar forward as far as it could go.

A huge wave hit Marius' boat, pushing it backwards and nearly turning it over. As it went over the crest and into the trough between waves, only one occupant remained on the boat -- Marius.

The doberman hadn't even noticed the fate of his comrades, his anger and energy focused only on the goal and target in front of him. Soon he was there. His boat found itself riding the same wave as Sigmund's and very close by.

"So now I have you! You worthless mutt!," shouted the doberman. He jumped over into the other boat as they began their descent from the crest of the wave into another deep trough.

Sigmund had secured his chains around one of the boat's tie downs to keep himself from being washed over. He knew that if he was his irons would carry him straight down into the deep. He had been meditating, his eyes closed as the fury of the wind and waters swept over his body, soaking and lashing it with brutal force.

His concentration was broken. He heard a familiar voice call above the sounds of the roaring storm and looked up with a startled expression. The doberman had hopped into his boat and was about to run into him. Sigmund dodged to the side as the boat descended into the trough of the waves with gut-wrenching speed. The doberman flew down like a rag doll to the front of the boat and hit his head on the bulkhead, knocking him out.

Sigmund looked to him and then looked to the clouded sky as the lighting flashed again and the other boat drifted away from him.

The day had begun with Sigmund as a prisoner and Marius as a free man. Now, with the day at an end, they were both prisoners to the whims and currents of a raging sea.

To Be Continued.

Next time: After having made his daring escape from Bastana, Sigmund faces a threat far more deadly than Xarius or all of his mercenaries, the vast and merciless ocean.