Welcome to the Rabid

Story by LeiLani on SoFurry

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#8 of The H'otta Files (Extreme, Wild, Ultra-Sexy)

This was a commission for Northernwolf and I have to say, this was THE most complex request I've ever had to fill - so far. The story is a "what-if" scenario of sorts. I don't know if there's a "Rabid" nightclub anywhere in Toronto, Canada, but seriously if there is? I'm probably going to stay far away from there. This story contains rape, M/M, transformation, transvestites and bondage, oh my! ^^

Are you sure you want to quit? (yes/no)

I'd see that option coming up in my video games all the time, when I'd been going at it a little too long and I felt my eyes going bleary and watery.

There's a time to just quit living that virtual life, whether you're battling any number or variety of enemies living or dead, or lost inside a huge puzzle with only a lighted candle. At some point, you have to hit the "pause" button and exit.

But then you're really still playing the game, because you're staring at the blank screen, with your head swimming with memories about whether or not you made the right decision. You never feel complete, you know? It doesn't matter either way, whether you finish the game or not.

Don't believe me? Look, if you stop the game at a point where you feel you've gone as far as you can go on a level, without either looking for cheat codes or outside assistance, you're going to feel like crap the rest of the night wondering if there was something you missed.

Now, let's say you finish the game. You probably will immediately think to yourself, "Hey, maybe I could have done this, or collected that, or taken this other path." And suddenly you'll wish you could play the game again, but in a different way. And then, again, you feel like crap.

I guess that's life for the typical college teen. Not only is it unpredictable, but it has a weird way of making you think about hitting the "quit" button. No, I'm not talking about suicide. I mean taking a pause, looking at what you've done, and then either taking another path - or not doing anything for a while.

I have to say, I was glad when Tim and his best friend Ben decided to include me in on some action during my freshman year at the University of Toronto, mostly as the designated driver. But I didn't care. I was getting away from the video games more, we were having a lot of fun, and I didn't feel like such an outsider. You always do when you're a freshman in college. You could have been the belle of the prom, or the high school sweetheart back where you came from, but the minute you step into college life, it's like hitting the game reset button. The only thing you get to keep from high school are your memories, the yearbook and your transcripts. That's it. You're a nobody. And it's basically high school all over again.

Unless you're lucky enough to find the love of your life - and they're willing to either carry the torch or go to the same university as you.

Which I guess was the whole reason for us going to Rabid that night. We were young, lonesome, horny boys looking for a little action - or maybe a new relationship. Tim found out about the place through the grapevine down at the university's recreation area, but he wasn't too sure about the details. All he knew was it was a brand new nightclub, over-21, good music, great drinks and food, and boasted some of the most beautiful men and women on the planet. I helpfully pointed out none of us were over 21, but that didn't seem to matter to Tim. He's like that. If it's his idea, it's a good one, and if you told him it wasn't, God help you.

Ben's sort of his wing-man. Nice enough guy, really handsome like Tim, with the same sandy-blonde hair and blue eyes, but one look at the way he and Tim are as a couple will tell you he's nothing more than a follower. If it's good for Tim, it sure as hell is good for Ben. Oh yeah, Tim was the dominant predator of our little trio, no question about that.

"Told you I could get him to let us in, Josh!" Tim grinned, pushing his way through the small crowd of people drinking and laughing to get to the main bar at Rabid, me and Ben in tow.

"Never said you couldn't!" I countered loudly over the dull thud of the dub-step bass coming out of an ungodly amount of woofers and tweeters. "I just wanna know what you told the guy, that's all!"

Ben nudged my side and sat down next to Tim. "What's it matter? We're here, right? They're not gonna kick us out now, we have money." He grinned over at Tim, his blue eyes twinkling. "Nice job."

Tim gave Ben a thumbs-up and then looked over at me. "Relax, Josh. This is a great place, I hear. Just look around, man."

I did. And I have to say, I never saw so many beautiful girls in one place. Blondes, brunettes, red-heads, white, black, Asian, European, take your pick. It was like the whole cast of "Canada's Next Top Model" had decided to make Rabid a port of call. My eyes immediately caught sight of a luscious Pacific Islander with dark hair and intense green eyes doing a playful hula on the dance floor. I smiled at her and she smiled back, shaking her hips under a very short red skirt, giving me a brief but awesome view of a white silk thong underneath, the material stretched almost impossibly between tight ass-cheeks.

Too bad I'm gay.

Women are fun to look at and all but...I've just not had the best luck with them. I'm more comfortable with guys because I can talk to them about everything. In fact, I kind of wonder why we try to have relationships with other genders. Yeah, we need babies to keep the human race intact, but I never understood why we had to live with each other. It's hard for a male and female to get together and discuss what the hell is going on in their lives every day for forever. That's probably the main reason over half of all marriages fail, I guess.

We sat together at the bar for about an hour with our drinks, listening to the music and talking about the next semester. We'd all done pretty well for Winter Quarter, so this was also sort of a celebratory night for us. I'd resigned myself to dancing with the pretty Pacific girl, just for something to do, when a man and woman came up to us and started talking.

"You guys aren't no twenty-one," the black-haired, mustached man laughed between sips of his beer, and there was a shine to his dark brown eyes I liked immediately. The woman next to him was an average-height red-head with green eyes, but there was a fire within them that I could see got Tim's attention real quick.

Tim, always the wise-ass, replied with a grin, "We're slumming. We're actually all sixteen and still in high school. But our moms should be here any minute."

The man seemed to find that hilarious and slapped Tim's shoulder good-naturedly. "Name's Rick, this is my sister, Tia. We're sort of regulars here. We were here when the place opened up about a month ago."

"Oh yeah?" Ben looked curious. "Was it jumping that night too?"

Rick glanced at Ben and I saw something I didn't like just then. It wasn't just the way he was sizing my friend up like a side of beef, but it also seemed to me like he was troubled about something. "Yeah," he finally answered after another drink, "it was really jumping."

"Well then," Tim cut in and came forward to take Tia's hand. "Would you care to dance, lovely lady?"

Tia giggled and set her drink down. "Why, I would be honored, handsome gent." She smiled widely, showing plenty of teeth, and allowed Tim to lead her to the main floor.

Rick chuckled after them. "He sure doesn't waste time, does he?"

I smiled. "He's like that. Kind of automatic."

He replied, still laughing, "Sort of an animal instinct, huh?"

"Eh. Well, we are at "Rabid", right?"

We both had a laugh at that and then talked a while about the Bluejays' hopes this baseball season. While we were chatting, Ben was getting to know three good-looking girls who had joined our group, all dark-haired, brown-eyed cuties that could have been sisters. Every so often one of them would laugh and touch Ben's cheek or play with his hair. Tim stopped back after a few songs, still holding Tia's hand, and grinned wickedly when he saw Ben getting along so well.

I, meanwhile, was having a pleasant time with Rick. I was about to ask if he wanted to maybe hit the dance floor with me, when a large, burly man with long, flowing white-dyed hair joined the party. I recognized him immediately as the one Tim had been speaking to at the front gate outside the club. He accosted Tim and pulled him away out of earshot. I watched the two banter back and forth a moment, and then they came back to our group.

Tim spoke to me, "Need you to do me a favor. Jerry's shift is up and he's headed home. I told him you'd give him a ride. It's the least we can do for him letting us in, right?" He fished in his jeans pocket for the keys and gave them to me. "He'll tell you where to go."

"Well, wait a sec, why me?"

Ben replied, "Because you're not with anyone right now," he leaned his head over to kiss one of the girls around him. "Go on, man, it won't take long. Maybe we can share."

I sighed. It didn't look like any action would be coming my way tonight. "Alright, fine. Rick, can we talk later?" But Jerry was already grabbing my hand and pulling at me. "Hey!"

"Come on," the large man said roughly, "I can get us out of here in a hurry. Next to impossible to get through without some muscle."

I watched him expertly push and shove patrons left and right until the front door was open to us, and we were soon outside in the cold night. I extricated my hand carefully from his and pointed up the street. "It's this way."

"Lead the way, Josh."

I blinked a few times. "You know my name?"

"Oh yeah, Tim told me all about you. Said you were the designated driver."

I shrugged and started walking again, leading the way to the powder-blue Camaro in the distance bathed in the glow of a single streetlight above. "Yeah, I guess so." Jerry caught up to me and matched my steps. "You live close-by?"

"Well, a little far, I guess. I'd take the bus but they don't run after midnight."

I glanced at my watch. "It's 11:30."

"Oh." He looked suddenly sheepish, which on a man his size, seemed comical. "Damn, the clocks at Rabid must be off. Well, can you still do it? I did let you guys in. My ass could be on the line if you guys told anyone."

I smiled, shaking my head. "It's fine. I'm...I'm actually glad to do it." He surprised me with a meaningful arm around the shoulders and heartfelt thanks. I found I liked Jerry, at least a little bit. He had a gentle and friendly demeanor, wrapped up in a hard, gruff, well-built young man, maybe about 10 or 15 years my senior. Up close, I caught a whiff of musk as well, cologne mixed with the permeating, unmistakable odor of gin.

We got into the Camaro and drove off.


Tim watched Josh and Jerry head for the door and then grinned at Ben, still holding Tia's hand. "You won't mind if I split and socialize with Tia and Rick a bit, will you?"

Ben paused from his conversation with the three girls around him. "Does it look like I need you here?" He chuckled, and one of the girl's pressed up close to him, kissing his cheek. "Go on...we can always make sleeping arrangements later."

"I heard that," Tim laughed, and then he, Rick and Tia went off towards one of the booths.

Ben turned to nuzzle at the closest girl. "So...you girls wouldn't want to um...do something, would you?"

One of them smiled big and wide. "Oh sure. We all live together." The other two girls nodded eagerly and reached for his hands to help him off the bar stool. "Our car's right outside."

Ben barely managed to wave before he was herded past the crowd and towards the door. "I'll call you tomorrow!" He laughed over his shoulder.

Tim nodded, barely hearing him over the music, and pressed in close to Tia in the booth, while Rick sat opposite them. "So...what do you guys feel like doing?"

Rick folded his hands on the table and the strange grin never left his face. "Entirely up to you. Looks like my sister already has developed a little fondness, I'd say." He watched Tia's face and his brown eyes seemed to darken, becoming like cold mud. "What do you think, sis? Should we take him home for the night?"

"Oh yes, brother dear, I think that would be a most charming suggestion." She turned to nuzzle Tim again, and pressed her lips up close to his ear to purr loudly.

The vibrations against his lobe set Tim's heartbeat speeding up and he looked at the girl in surprise. "Wow...you...you sound just like a real cat. How did you learn to do that?"

Tia giggled, winking over at Rick. "Oh, it's a practiced art. It requires a little tongue rolling is all. Same as if you were speaking Spanish, and trilled your R-sounds, you know?"

Tim nodded uncertainly. "I guess so, yah, sure." But he could have sworn the purring hadn't come from the girl's mouth at all.

In fact-

"So!" Rick suddenly slapped his hands hard enough on the table to cause it to shake, jolting Tim's thoughts. "Let's say we am-scray. We've got a nice bottle of Scotch at home, along with a few sodas, a movie and a late-night snack. Sound good to you?"

Tim smiled as Tia squeezed his knee under the table. "I'm all yours..."


Ben sat in the back seat between two of the girls, trading deep kisses with them, and allowed their small hands to rub over his pants in slow circles, willing him to full arousal. He started to fondle one of the girl's chests, but she quickly blushed and pushed his hand away.

"No, not yet honey, not here," she whispered and kissed him again, working her tongue eagerly into his mouth to suckle. The other girl had managed to undo his zipper, and now held his heavy sex in her hand, giving it enough of a squeeze to start a bead of pre-cum along the tip. "Oooh, Babs," she said to the girl behind the wheel. "We'd better get our catch home soon, he's ready to burst already..."

"Mmmm," the driver practically moaned. "Well, I don't see a reason not to blow his top, Brenda," and she added a short laugh, "we can always clean the seats tomorrow..."

Brenda giggled and began tugging on Ben's member slowly. "Mmm, so true...alright with you, Ben?" She didn't wait for a reply as she crouched on the seat and bent her head down, taking his length suddenly deep into her mouth, engulfing it in her saliva, and bobbing her head quickly.

The third girl gasped and moaned, "Oooh, don't let him go yet..." At once her hand was around the last bit of Ben's shaft, pressing her fingers against the veins and pumping him steadily.

"Oh...ohhh..." Ben's head tilted back and he panted, closing his eyes tightly as he could feel himself about to burst. "Yeah...oh yeah girls, just a little more...just...yeah..." The third girl pressed her mouth against his and kissed hard, swirling her tongue around his in several quick laps as she worked her fingers tighter and stroked faster.

Ben came just as Brenda pulled off of his length to take a break, panting hard with him. Cum started dribbling over the third girl's hand, and Brenda excitedly grabbed around his length, jerking him off hard, whimpering, watching thick sprays of cum fly up and then down to spatter across the seat in several splotches. He got over his climax in a hurry, still moaning loudly, and started kissing both girls again feverishly.

Babs smiled as she looked in the rear-view mirror. "Did he finish?"

The girls laughed in unison. "Oh yeah," Brenda was giddy. "he's done...for now..."

"Mmm...he's not seen anything yet..." Babs wheeled the car up a sloping driveway to a large two-story house and stopped at a four-car garage in the back. "We're only just getting started."

Ben was attempting to arrange his pants again when he felt a sharp sting at the side of his neck. His head lolled forward, and he fell unconscious.


"Thanks again for the ride, Josh," Jerry said to me as he pointed out his place. I slowed down and came to a stop at a dark driveway with statues near the base. He started to get out of the Camaro. I took a good look at his home, and then did a double-take.

I'd expected one of those shabby ground-floor jobs, with a battered roof and cracked painting all around. Especially on this side of the neighborhood, where poverty and crime ran rampant. Instead, his house was quite big, with several windows in a row, and spanned two floors, and a third floor I could guess was a nice attic and storage area. It was a freaking mansion.

"You live...here?" My voice squeaked and I couldn't help but put the car in "park" and step out to see for myself. A small light at the front door bathed the house in enough of a glow to see the driveway circle up and then back down. Four huge Romanesque support columns in the front held up a nice-sized patio up top, and I could see several large plants sticking up from there. There was a blue glow coming from the back, shimmers of light dancing and twisting like spirits, and I could only guess he had an awesome swimming pool and deck back there.

Jerry grinned. "Yeah, for about a month now. Ever since..." He trailed off and looked at me thoughtfully. "You want a tour?"

I was beside myself. I knew Tim would be mad as hell if I kept his car too long. But it seemed like he was getting on pretty good with Tia and Rick. He probably wouldn't notice me gone a little while. Besides, I was the designated driver. If he got dead-drunk, he wasn't going anywhere anyway. And a part of me really wanted to know how the hell a guy like Jerry got a mansion.

I slammed the car door closed and followed Jerry up the long brick driveway. As we got to the front door, he jangled a large set of keys. "Maid's been here and gone already so the place should be set for company."

"You don't say," I replied, my eyes trained on one of the columns. Now close up, I saw something I thought was weird. The columns were powder-white, with a ton of etchings and designs marring the smooth surface. In one of the designs, I could clearly see what I thought was a stallion rearing up on its hind legs, but as I looked closer, the stallion seemed to have a few human qualities to it. The body that should have been a barreled stomach and flanks was actually a torso, coming down normal looking legs to large hooves. The horse-head was very authentic, however it looked a little odd sitting atop square shoulders.

I started to lean over to inspect the column closer and Jerry's hand quickly grabbed mine and tugged me inside. "Come on," he said, "I'll make us a little something in the kitchen right quick. Least I can do, right?"

"Um, yeah, okay." I was steered to a spacious living room with comfortable ornate chairs and sofas, and told to have a seat. "You live alone?"

Jerry disappeared into the other room and I heard some glasses tinkle. "Yeah. I just moved into the area. Rabid's been pretty good to me and pays well."

I looked around the large room, filled with paintings, vases on stands, and shelves of books and antique knickknacks. Yeah, pretty damned well. I began to think about completely trashing my current computer science curriculum at the university and choosing "night club bouncer" as a career.

Jerry came back with a few glasses filled with sparkling champagne and handed me one before sitting down next to me. "There ya go. Cheers." He clinked glasses with me and grinned broadly. "So...what's a good looking guy like you doing trying to bust into Rabid with those so-called friends of yours?"

I smiled, caught off-guard. "We're not really friends, I guess. I just met them last semester, we shared a class together." His scent was really strong this close to me. He was a big guy too, with a thick neck, square shoulders, and broad chest. Muscles practically rippled under the t-shirt he wore. I found myself scooting over a bit closer to him, crossing my legs and sipping the drink. "We hang out, more or less."

His face turned to mine and I noticed a few little grey flecks around his amber eyes. "So...you um...you with someone there? I saw you checking out the girls..."

"Not into them," I shrugged. "I'm gay."

He smiled thinly and then looked at his lap. "Oh...good..."

I couldn't help myself. His musk was really getting to me, and the quick shot of champagne was already lowering my inhibitions. Besides, I was really liking Jerry's demeanor. It was like he was a naïve kid in some ways, a lot like me, just older. I pressed my nose against his neck and gave him a long sniff. I heard him sigh and felt his hand on my knee.

"Hey um...you...you mind if I change? I've been in these clothes all day..." Jerry nuzzled my cheek before standing up. "I'll just...be a sec...okay?"

I swallowed hard and nodded, not really realizing just how far this could go. I watched Jerry wink as he walked off down a long foyer, and heard a door open and close behind. I took another long drink from the champagne glass and waited for what seemed like an eternity before I heard the door open and close again, then strange footsteps along the foyer.

I realized right away the floors were hardwood, because loud clopping sounds echoed down the foyer hall. They didn't sound like shoes at all, and the gait wasn't certain and sure-footed. In fact, it sounded slow and inhibited. I craned my neck looking towards the foyer entrance and then gaped in disbelief when I saw Jerry.

It wasn't Jerry. I mean, I didn't think it was him. It was impossible. My first thought was that Jerry had picked up a costume from the other room, but one so complex and creative it could only have come from the minds of some special effects wizard in Hollywood. There was a large naked horse-man in front of me, at least eight feet tall, and maybe three-hundred pounds or so. The muscles on him bulged and swelled with each step, as if part of some exotic dance. From the shoulders down to the thick calves, there didn't seem to be a bit of flab. All in all, he was a well-formed human male, except for the hooves on his hands and feet. His large amber eyes stared intently at me as he clopped fully into the living room, and I noticed one more thing: he was in full arousal. A good sized 15-inch sex bobbed between his legs, surrounded by baseball-sized testicles. I think I realized right then, this was no costume.

I bolted from the sofa and ran to the door, scrambling with the locks. "Don't leave," he said quite clearly and shook his large head, the ears on top flapping. "Don't be afraid of me. I'm really not gonna hurt you."

Something in his voice made me stop and turn back to him. "What the hell are you?" I asked, trying to keep the squeak out of my voice.

"I can't quite control it yet," he sighed and flumped down heavily on the sofa. "They said it'll take some time for me. That's why I went into the other room. I didn't want you to see me changing in front of you." He snorted out a chuckle. "Probably screw up your mind if I did."

I timidly crept back to the sofa, looking aghast. "Wait...who are they? You mean...you do this often?"

"The Rabid, and that's really all you need to know about it. Maybe the less you know the better, actually." He folded his arms in his lap and his hooves surrounded his tremendous arousal. "I get like this when I'm super-horny. Part of the price we pay, or so I'm told. Some of them can keep the changes from coming on for a while, but folks like me, it's almost instant...I can't stop it."

I sat down a few feet away from him. "Some of them? There's o-others like you?"

Jerry took a deep breath and then edged closer to me on the sofa, placing his hoof on my shoulder. It took all of my effort to not shake it away in revulsion. "Yeah, there's lots. Rabid is...well, it's a special place." He pressed against my side and his large muzzle came down to nose the top of my head. "Look, I'm still the same guy. We could still do stuff and...I really could use your hands about now..."

I blinked stupidly at him, at first not understanding what the hell he was talking about, then looked down at his lap, where he'd made little effort to hide his thick, throbbing erection practically bouncing up and down against his stomach. "I...I really dunno about this..." I licked my lips. I'd never seen a cock so big or full before, not even in the few magazines I'd secretly scored at the local newsstand. And to be honest, a part of me just wanted to touch it, to trace its rubbery lines and-

I steeled myself up and reached out, touching just the swollen, thick knob of his cock. I was immediately welcomed with a sudden dribble of pre-cum oozing from it.

"There ya go..." Jerry breathed in deeply and nuzzled my head again. His musk was almost overpowering, and it was different now. He even smelled like a horse. "Yeah, just like that, that's sure nice, Josh. I can't hardly do anything with these hooves. Ohh..." He trembled against me and I realized how aroused he really was now. I closed my fingers around as much of his cock as I could and squeezed. The feeling was like electricity; he was so much bigger than some of the other guys I'd stolen glances of in the shower, and I suddenly really badly wanted to see what his orgasm would be like. My insatiable curiosity caused me to step up my pace, sliding my hand up and down his member faster.

"Ohh...yeah, yeah, Josh, that's perfect...oh man, just like that, yeah..." He was nodding his head now, the silver mane flying, and his eyes were nearly rolled back full, showing almost white. I had no intention of stopping now. I was horny as hell at the thought of getting this horse-thing off, and seeing just how much cum would fly out. I wrapped my other hand around his length and pumped as hard as I could, and then that was it. Jerry went rigid on the couch, and the next instant large, ropey spatters of cum erupted from the tip of him, painting the table in front of us, part of the carpet, and dribbling over the cushions. By the time he was done, my hands were nearly soaked with his juices.

He didn't say anything to me for a moment, but instead got up and tromped into the kitchen to get some towels, then returned, blushing profusely as he wiped up our mess. "Thanks...I mean, thanks for that, you don't know how hard it is, I mean...how long it's been... I mean..." He suddenly laughed uproariously, holding a hoof to his chest, and I was surprised how much I was laughing too.


"He's coming around," Ben heard muffled whispers around him and slowly opened his eyes to the glare of a lamp and three blurry faces huddled close. "Bren, you really need to work on the doses..."

"Hey, I'm still new at this!" Brenda retorted and shook hair free of her eyes disdainfully. "He's alive, isn't he? That's what Mel wanted..."

"Shh! He'll hear you! You know the master doesn't like that..."

Brenda shrugged and reached up to her forehead, and Ben watched the woman remove the hair completely from atop of her head, sporting a short dark-haired crew-cut underneath. "Oh relax, we're okay. What about him?"

The one called Babs smiled as she looked at Ben's face carefully, then reached down his body, running her hand across the bulge still present. "Still a little out of it." She turned to the other woman next to her. "Jen, be a doll and let the master know he's ready?"

Jen nodded and pulled off her wig, then wiped a ton of mascara and makeup from around her face, sporting a much stronger, square chin. "Now don't you worry none, tiger," she grinned widely as she sat up from the floor. "You'll like our master..."

Babs had already removed her wig and was removing the tight jeans she'd been wearing. As Ben gasped at the bulge in her panties, he could now see that all three of the girls he'd supposedly picked up from the bar were in fact boys. His stomach churned at the thought of what had happened in the car, and he tried to swim through the haze of semi-consciousness to the surface.

"M-master?" he said weakly, shaking his head a few times. "N-no...I...I need to get out of here..."

"Jen, go get him...we'll get our friend Ben here prepared," the boy named Brenda said with a twinkle in his eye. "In the meantime..."

Brenda suddenly knelt down on the floor on all fours, shuddering hard and grunting. Jen laid Ben's head back down on a pillow on the floor and joined Brenda, taking the same position beside him. Both young men closed their eyes and strained suddenly taut muscles in their chests and stomachs. As Ben watched in horror, their faces began to change. The faint stubble on their cheeks and neck became much thicker and their noses seemed to pull away, becoming large snouts. Sharp fangs slid into their mouths. The cheeks swelled to double there size and then the flesh pushed backwards against their necks. Their shining brown eyes sunk inwards, and as their ears disappeared, the top of their heads sprouted newly-formed ears, poking up through their brown hair. Their bodies remained mercifully intact, but now each hand and foot was big padded paws with large thick furry digits that moved like fingers and toes. Sticking up from the smalls of their backs, two fluffy, thick raccoon tails swayed gently to and fro.

Ben choked back a scream as the two raccoon boys finished trembling and crawled over towards him, smiling softly. "What..." He was sure he was still hallucinating. He closed his eyes tightly, trying to shake the rest of the cobwebs from his mind. "Please...l-let me go..."

"Shhh," Brenda grinned as he reached out with a paw to touch his cheek. "Just relax, you're gonna be fine, hon. We promise..."

Ben chanced opening his eyes again and saw up close the black eyes looking back at him intently. He felt one of Babs' paws suddenly against his groin, slipping into his jeans.

"Mmm, we really need to get these off of you, sweets," he said, and wrapped his digits around the growing sex inside his briefs. "There...see? Doesn't that feel good?"

Ben couldn't believe it. The fur was so soft, much softer than any human hand, any sock, anything he'd ever used before with which to masturbate. The way the digits grasped at him now, it was like several different fingers were around him at once, holding fine silk, engorging him into an unbelievable erection.

Brenda wiggled free of his shirt, and Ben saw that the dark brown and silver fur covered his chest. "He seems to be enjoying that, huh?" He giggled and knelt down next to Ben, stroking his cheek.

Babs nodded, bringing his paw up to cup the thick, swollen crown and brush a dab of pre from the tip. "Told you he'd get going again."

The boy called Jen returned just then, still in human form, and behind him, almost towering over the other boys, was a large raccoon-man, completely naked, sporting an immense erection pulled away from a furry sheath of flesh between thick legs. As he came into the living room, he grinned down at Ben, tilting his head. "Alright, Babs...that's enough priming the human. Don't want him going off just yet, do we?"

Babs quickly got to his feet and bowed humbly before smiling down at Ben on the floor. "Of course, Master..." He stepped past Ben and stood away from the others as the larger raccoon knelt down to look a terrified Ben in the eyes. "Now don't you worry none, kid," he growled gently, as the other two boys finished undressing Ben, pulling off his sweater and t-shirt and leaving him only with black briefs. "You're gonna like this..."

Ben gasped hard as the master's large paw engulfed his member, giving it a healthy, firm squeeze, as tight as a vise. "Oh, yeah, that's a nice one," the raccoon rumbled in his furred throat, almost drooling.

Ben had just enough time to let out a startled cry and then the raccoon fell upon him, snarling.


"So, home sweet home," Tia said sunnily as she stepped inside the lavish condo, holding hands with Tim and dropping her keys in a small wicker basket beside the door. "At least, until I can get this freeloader out of the house and into his own apartment." She snickered over her shoulder at Rick, who gave her a pained expression.

"Hey, I pay rent. Be happy. Remember when Mom wanted us to..." He trailed off, looking suddenly uncomfortable, and Tim saw a strange look cross his face before he warmed up again, smiling brightly. "Well, it doesn't matter. What's your poison, Tim?"

Tim grinned. "I'll take another beer if you've got it."

Tia laughed as she slipped off her jacket and shoes, and walked towards the kitchen in black stockings. "I think we can do a little better than that..."

"Come on," Rick immediately took his arm and roughly pulled him towards the back rooms past the kitchen. "Got something to show you. You are really going to love this."

Tim struggled as Rick's grip on him was like solid, unyielding steel. "Hey, hey, can't a guy get a drink firrrst?" he slurred, still under the influence of the beer from the Rabid. Rick ignored him, pulling him down the short hallway to a spacious back room containing an empty bed, along with a few chairs. Above the bed, Tim noticed a beautiful painting of a lion and lioness pouncing amidst a stream of goldenrods and flowers. As he peered closer, he saw that the two large felines were in fact part human and on all-fours, as they possessed natural arms and legs that came down to large paws and sharp claws on each digit.

Rick let go of Tim's arm and smiled, resting a hand on his shoulder. "What do you think?"

Tim nodded. "I guess it looks alright, if you're into this shtuff. You did this?"

Rick didn't answer at first and walked past Tim to the painting, caressing the frame gently, like a lover. "Yeah, a few weeks ago. I'm going to paint more of them when I get some better brushes." An uncomfortable silence passed between them as Rick kept gazing fondly at the painting.

Tim could hear Tia back in the kitchen pouring drinks over ice and nodded absently, clearing his throat. "Hey, uh...how about that drink?"

The other young man turned from his work to look at Tim steadily. "Well, hold on there, tiger...Got one more thing to show you..." He started unbuttoning his shirt slowly and methodically, showing a bronzed, bare chest teeming with muscles. "Get yourself comfortable for now."

Tia entered the room with a tray of glasses and set them down on a nearby table, then came over to stand beside her brother. "Did I miss anything?" she giggled, slipping her sweater from over her arms, showing a black lace bra underneath.

Rick grinned, his eyes still focused on Tim. "Nope, not a thing..." His brown eyes slowly narrowed and from his grin, Tim watched in fascination as long sharp teeth started to grow and push outwards. Tia in the meantime pulled off her jeans and padded towards Tim on bare feet, letting out another loud purr, and then walked past him to the door, stroking his hip on the way.

Tim swallowed hard, distracted by Tia, as Rick suddenly let out an unearthly roar and fell to his knees, shaking his head back and forth. The long dark hair quickly puffed around his head like a halo, becoming light brown and yellow thick tufts, and his body started to cover over with the same colored bristly fur, spreading down him like a sudden virus.

"No...no..." Tim whispered, shaking his head in horror, and backed towards the door - and bumped into another large shape, completely covered in fur. He whipped around to look into the face of a lioness, deep green eyes staring at him intently through breathy wisps of red hair. Through a set of sharp fangs and teeth, a smile gleamed. He glanced down, seeing pert furred breasts, and a trim figure, with an expressive tail whipping behind it. From the hollows of its throat he recognized a distinctive, loud purring.

"Oh, don't leave just yet, Tim," the lioness growled softly, lifting her paws in front of her and unsheathing deadly claws. "Stick around..."

Large paws suddenly wrapped around his stomach from behind and he felt one of them dig down inside his briefs, stroking his sex and starting to pull it into a healthy erection. "Yeah, Tim..." Rick's voice spoke gravelly into his ear. "Let's have some fun..."


Ben closed his eyes and whimpered as the raccoon plunged into him again, sliding a healthy foot-long shaft slowly at first, and then with more speed and strength into his anus, the thick ridged member pushing past his prostate, and then quickly upwards and forwards. So many times he would try to push, his muscles tightening and binding against the thick intrusion, but the beast was stronger. His arms were wrenched up behind his back painfully, forced to endure the pain and torture going on behind him.

"Almost...there..." he heard the raccoon grunt, "Just...a little more...come on..." His muzzle pressed against his neck and he felt the sting of his sharp fangs clamping down on soft flesh.

Ben was crying soundlessly now. He could feel the tears running down his cheeks as his head was pushed down against the floor, grinding his chin into the hardwood. His own shriveled sex lay like a weak sack of flesh between his legs. His legs every so often buckled in protest and he could feel the blood rushing out of them, along with a constant throbbing pain in his knees. Hunkering on all-fours for so long had not only drained his strength, but his will as well. He kept his eyes shut tight, wishing his bad dream would end, as the raccoon worked faster, sliding its length in and out of his hole with a renewed passion and lust, unhooking his teeth from around his neck to speak in a guttural voice.

"There...yes...there...okay, now...now...ohhhhh..." The raccoon suddenly thrust hard, giving Ben every inch of his shaft once more, and stayed there as he emptied himself, thick streams of cum splashing deep into the human's anus and filling him. Unwillingly, Ben's anal muscles welcomed the gift, and squeezed and clenched around the thick, pumping phallus, letting all the rich cum burst out in a rush.

"Ohhhhhh!" the raccoon growled loudly and with one last thrust, pounced atop of Ben, his furred body covering Ben's back as he panted, staying inside of him, his offering starting to dribble from between Ben's hole and run along the inside of his thighs. "Ohh, that...was...amaaaazing, Ben..." he said, wrapping his huge paws around the boy's stomach and caressing. "Mmm...alright...now just let it come...and then...you're ready to join us..."

Ben found his voice through the racked sobs. "Wh-what...l-let...what...c-c-come?"

He started to speak again, and then felt a strange tingle at either side of his face as four sets of thick black whiskers pushed up from his cheeks.


Tim lay on his side, still gasping for air, as the lion pounding behind him roared once more, before letting loose a thick lay of cum across his back in several spatters. The boy tried to pull away, but a large, clawed paw clamped against his chest and held him tightly. "No...p-please...no more...no more..." His eyes darted back and forth wildly like lanterns, trying to look around him on the bed. He spotted the lioness still standing by the door and gave her a pleading look. "Help...please..."

Tia smiled, casually padding over to the bed and sitting down at the foot of it, running her paw along Tim's and Rick's legs gently. "Relaaaax...it's over now, hon. You were just great." She curled up into a ball and looked at the lion, running a large tongue across her teeth. "You think he's ready?"

Rick lifted his head up from Tim's back and smiled, nodding, his mane shaking. "More than ready..."

Tim felt an odd sensation just then. It started out with a small tickle along his back, like a bug had somehow crawled under his skin, and then he felt something starting to push away from the skin. He chanced a look over his shoulder, watching an orange tuft of fur start to form - and screamed.


It's not so bad.

Granted, I'm having some trouble still with the changes and all, but Jerry says I'm coming through things alright. He's pretty patient with me. And he's really a great guy. In fact, God help me, I'm sort of falling for the big lug. He's just got that great character, the rough mean exterior, and underneath there's this heart of gold that is so caring, and yet so passionate - like a lover should be.

Yes, I'd say it's love I'm feeling.

Hey, I need to go pretty soon. Jerry's arranged a meeting for me with the owners of Rabid and I really want to make a good impression, so a quick shower is in order. Well, if he can keep his hands off me while I'm washing, that is. He's so playful and exuberant on the weekends. He says I'll make a good bouncer someday, once I put on a bit more muscle.

But that's the nice thing about my new-found gift, I guess.

I'm literally as strong as a horse now.

I don't know what happened to Tim and Ben. I think about the last time I saw them, off in their own corners, having fun and drinking with some pretty handsome guys and gals.

I think about the night I stepped out into the darkness with my friends, when I decided my life needed to take a pause. Sometimes you just have to take a different path, right?

And I can't help but think about what Jerry said when we first went up the front walk towards the bar entrance.

"Welcome to the Rabid," he had said as he smiled at us, and at me the longest. "Once yer here...yer never the same again..."

God, I'm horny...

I'd better be careful though...




Man, Jerry's right. It's damned hard to jerk off with these hooves.