Chapter 7: In Your Eyes

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#7 of Caught Up in the Moment/But not in the Right Way.(INCOMPLETE)

~Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. If you read this and your not old enough. try not to get caught. if you aren't held back by any of those silly laws then your good too. Also... M/M Here, so... Not your bag? Then exit now. Otherwise Enjoy!


"Oh ho ho," A voice cut through heaven and popped the cloudy bubble it had been secluded in. A single

voice that jabbed two smiling canines through the heart they suddenly seemed to be sharing underneath

those warmed sheets. "Look, babe. The two fags are cuddlin'"

"Since when do you call me "babe"...?" Angela's voice only added to the sickening feeling, making Wyler

want nothing more then to wake up alone in a sun soaked old cage somewhere.

The mutt and the dalmatian both opened their eyes together, laying one glance one the other's shimmering

face, despite the ill weather that still pelted outside. Almost as if a needle had been pushing into each of their

spines, they both jumped and kicked away at each other, leaving both on opposite sides of the bed with a

well timed *Thump!*

"Fuck!" Hudson exhaled as a blow settled over his stomach from the sudden kick away. He crumpled and

looked at Wyler's face from under the bed frame, whose was also riddled with pain.

"God damnit..." Wyler answer him, his voice raised a couple octaves. He was fumbling around with his

crotch, which was in the process of recovering from its lasted foot-paw run-in seconds before. He tried to

etch a smile in his muzzle as he gazed back at the dalmatian.

"Look at 'em," Trusser put his massive paw on Angela's shoulder, which she tried to shy away from. "On

the ground writhing in pain. Ha!"

"Hey um, Wyler?" Angela looked the mutt in the eye as she flipped her hair. "Can I ugh... Talk to you a sec?"

"Yes Angela..." Wyler groaned as he tried to move, scrunching his face in regret a moment after he did so.

"Let's talk in the corner over there... Or in that one perhaps?"

"Wylerrrr..." Angela growled as she motioned with her eyes over to the horny tiger that was in the process

of... clamping her down? She mouthed the words "help me..." before he felt a tapping on his shoulder.

"Are you hungry?" Hudson asked him with a smile.

Wyler was stunned for a moment, having just recovered from the static he had just felt from the

dalmatian's paw. He nodded stupidly as he stood; standing eye to eye with the boy he spent last night with.

Just one glance backwards in time made him melt.

"Sorry Angela..." Wyler whispered. "Something just came up..."

"Wyler?" Angela tried reaching for him, but was caught by Trusser as he licked her neck. "Wyler where ya

goin'? Wyler? WYLER?!"

Hudson pried the metal door with a clang as he slid it open. It squeaked on its neglected hinges as the

water from outside struck the deck like water balloons, exploding every which way, wetting the bottoms of

their matching pants.

"WYLER!!" Screamed Angela as she tried shoving the oncoming tiger off her. The door slammed shut as the

two had entered the pelting zone with a towel over each of their heads.

"Looks like she'll have fun..." Hudson chuckled as the trotted their way to the galley, which they hoped to

god wasn't closed up.

"What??" Wyler replied as he tried to get his towel the stay away from his sensitive ears.

"I said..." Hudson laughed, but was interrupted with another "What!?" Which made him shake his head. "I'll

tell ya when we get inside!"

"WHAT?!" Wyler debated on throwing the towel to the ground in anger. He was willing to suck up a few

bruises if he could only hear the canine's sweet voice...

Finally after few spills and laughs from helping up, the two had reached the galley with its sign happily

glowing in fluorescent "We're open =D. Come in alright!". This brought joy to the two, especially since there

was nobody inside except the bartender himself. A stocky old rat with a sweat stained wife-beater was wiping

the wooden counter clean. He looked up as the door opened bringing two giggling canines in, almost holding


"Oy," He grinned a little, revealing his many gold plated teeth. "'ey m'tt... l'ng t'me n'see..."

"Paulie...?" Wyler almost dropped his jaw. "Paulie is that really you?"

"Nawww, m'tt." He chuckled, tucking the cloth under the counter. "I'm Pa'lie's Bro, y's kn'w?"

Wyler cocked his head. "Paulie didn't have a brother...?"

"I's Pawnie," He smiled, striking a pose that made his belly jiggle. Much like that fat guy with a beard that

brings presents. "A'ww c'me on... y's g'tta 'memb'r me!"

"I don't remember any Pawnie..." Wyler scratched his head, almost forgetting Hudson was standing quite

close next to him, looking back and forth between the two like a tennis game.

"I memb'r you, m'tt," He chuckled as he cleaned a beer mug, holding it to the dim light to check his

progress. "Ya h'd a b'thday p'rty at the p'zza pl'ce wh'n I m't ya's."

Wyler's eyes grew wide. "You were the..."

"Th't g'd d'mn cl'wn..." Pawnie interrupted as he slammed the mug down to the wooden bar. "D'n't r'mind

me, k'd..." He wiped his brow and looked back to the kitchen behind him. "N'w c'n I g't ya two' s'mthing, or


"Umm..." Wyler looked to Hudson, who seemed amused at the fact that somehow, someway the

"stowaway" knew the barge's king Chef. Ever since the Dalmatian had come aboard the ship, he had

nicknamed him the "Burger God". And I must admit, his burgers were to die for...

"We'll have your specialty," Hudson smiled, giving Wyler a look of "Trust me" as the rat padded off into the

back, where flames suddenly grew high and steam filled the bar.

"Wanna sit?" Wyler exhaled, looking around at the empty place. Its sheen finished chairs glistened in the

poor lighting as they stood clean on the tables. The place seemed smaller then he remembered when he

came in with the drunken lion, but then again it had been full of fur and booze. The scent of food had also

filled the air, but now it only smelled like... lime and feet...

"Over here is fine," Hudson grabbed his paw and pulled him, making him jump slightly as his face flew into

his heat. Wyler let him pull slightly as they made their way over to a booth, secluded in a corner. The two sat

and laid eyes on each other once again before the dalmatian raised an eyebrow. "Wyler... you okay??"

Sudden clouds of doubt filled his mind as he suddenly regretted taking the mutt's paw.

Wyler's face had contorted as his sensitive muzzle crumpled under the realization of the scent that

surrounded them. "I JUST got this damned smell out of my nose... And now it's all over the place...!" He

gagged as he put his paw on Hudson's. "It's okay though... heh..." His face showed he was lying.

"What smell...?" Hudson asked, smiling at him. "The only thing I smell is Ionic gel...?"

"That's the smell!" Wyler chuckled as he covered his nose, sniffing the in-betweens of his pads, which

reeked of seawater. "I freaking HATE this smell... Why the hell would you clean with it? It's a fuel... not a

cleaning product..." He stifled another gag as Hudson smiled again.

"It's loads of things, Wy..." Hudson said. "It's a cleaning product, a fuel, a heat source... a building product...


Wyler's face changed from repulsion to sorrow at the mention of the name "Wy" as his vision became

riddled with flashbacks.


He tried to hold back tears that were forming, and blushed as he did so. He put his face down into his arms

and felt Hudson move next to him, followed by two arms that wrapped around his middle.

"What did I say?" He asked him, resting his chin on the mutt's back.

"Nothing..." Wyler sobbed. "Just... please don't call my Wy... please..."

Tears dripped to the floor like small, pathetic little raindrops as both of them breathed in unison. A feeling

neither of them had ever felt since last night and right now. A feeling that breathed a small bit of life back into

the cabin boy and stowaway.

"I'm sorry..." Hudson whispered as he felt himself welling up in sympathy. "I won't call you that ever again..."

"Thank you..." Wyler whispered back as he wiped the matted fur under his eyes with his wrist. He then rose

up and smiled at his new companion for the support. "Thank you for just being here..." He then hugged him

hard, taking the dalmatian by surprise. He sat for a second like he had been doused with water before

returning the hug with a smile.

"Don't mention it, Wyler..." Hudson spoke into his neck as he took in the scent of the mutt's glorious and

unique coat. Even though every time he tried to admire it, Wyler seemed to shy away, hiding as much of his

fur as he could. It was something he didn't understand, but in light of the current evens he wasn't about to

ask him about it... Not now at least.

"B'ger's 're d'ne, k'ds," Shouted the rat from the other side of the room. He scoffed as he placed the two

plates on the bar before crossing his arms. "'nd D'n't th'nk 'm br'ng'n' th'm t' y's, n'ither..."

"I'll get them," Hudson smiled as he got up out of the booth and walked over. Wyler absentmindedly took a

swift look at the dalmatian's rump, firm and toned as it was. He blushed the second he caught himself and

looked away as he tried to un-matt the tear stains from under his eyes.

"I hope you're hungry," Hudson said, coming back with two saucers filled to the brim with a huge burger

and fries.

"I am..." Wyler sighed, wishing he totally hadn't just let himself go like that. "I'm hungry..." He let loose a

small, fake smile as he picked up a few fries and munched on them. Silence started flowing between them as

they both ate and before too long, Wyler coughed. "Look, Hudson... I didn't mean to cause a scene like that

or anything... it's just..."

"You miss your best friend," Hudson said, looking up with a mouthful of burger. "I can understand that. I

miss my boyfriend back home..."

Wyler's ears perked at the sound of boyfriend, then fell a split second later. Could it be that this perfect fur

was already taken... It sure wasn't a surprise after-all.

Hudson's eyes widened at the sudden effect his words had had on the mutt and quickly corrected himself.

"I mean EX boyfriend... heh..."

In truth, Hudson never really had an ex boyfriend, or any boyfriend for that matter. It was really something

he had read on the internet. "How to pick up guys when you're a guy: Step one: Let him know you're

gay^^". This was just him improvising.

"So you're gay?" Wyler said, trying to hold back a smile.

"Well," Hudson lowered his ears in sudden embarrassment. Another thing he really had to work on was

being open. "Yeah... Is that a problem?"

"Definatly not," Wyler replied, staring at his burger. Time all of the sudden seemed to stop again, which had

become more and more frequent over the past while on the ship. All he could think about was "What

next...?". Even the air seemed to hang on strings as everything flew by in slow motion.

"You wanna get out of here?" Hudson asked him, putting his paw under the mutt's chin, raising his face with

his knuckle.

"Back to the room?" Wyler asked, eyes pleading to. The smell was killing him.

"Heh," Hudson chuckled as he stood, offering a paw to Wyler who refused it. "I guess there's no other

place to go is there...?"

And so the two left together, once again debating in the back of their mind on grabbing the other someway.

A paw... a hug... Ya know, just to see what would happen...

As they made it to the door, one push showed it was firmly locked. Bad news for two canines soaked to

the bone in a rainstorm that wasn't letting up. Hudson pounded on it with his fist.

"Trusser open up!" He shouted. They both perked their ears to see if there was movement and suddenly

they were greeted by a squeaking door revealing the two inside.

One glance showed a relaxed looking raccoon with utmost pleasure on her muzzle, and connected to her

shoulders were the paws of a rather disgruntled tiger. As they walked in the room smelled of some sort of

strawberry lotion mixed with incense.

"What the hell happened here?" Hudson asked. Wyler was still to dumbstruck to say anything yet. Trusser

seemed to have control over everything when they left, right? It sort of scary to think what Angela had to do

to captivate the tiger...

"Mmm," Angela moaned in pleasure as the giant tiger paws rubbed on her shoulders. "Just a little obedience

training, that's all." She shut her eyes and lay her head back, murring as Trusser looked like he wanted to kill


"Anything else happen while we were gone?" Wyler asked, suddenly striking down the paranoia of getting

caught again. Angela carelessly nodded no while Trusser ever so slightly nodded with a horrified expression on

his face.


For four days it rained like that. Four days of constant water fall on the deck of the lonely barge that floated

across the ocean. Four days of that cramped bedroom... and four nights of sharing a bed. Each night was as

intensely insecure as the last with each boy, Hudson and Wyler, debating on testing waters, wondering, and

then finally deciding to wait for the other to make the first move.

Then on the fifth day, the unrelenting pounding on the steel walls of the cabin slowed, ending a perfect

storm that lit a fire within the cabin-boy and the stowaway. Noon had just struck when the sudden silence

rushed into the cabin, only making the situation more terrifying as the sudden clatter of doors started

pounding in the cabin hallway.

As quickly as the storm had come, it dispersed, and to everyone's pleasure it left a nice smell lingering that

smelled oddly like fresh-cut grass. Inside Trusser and Hudson's cabin, though, eyes grew wide as the sudden

lack of ninja skills became apparent when each tried to formulate a plan inside their head on how to get the

two back in their cage without a single fur noticing. That's when a knock on the steel door made everyone

inside jump as the hoarse voice of Captain Agnus muffled through.

"Trusser, Hudson!"

Nobody answered in fear that if they did they'd somehow give away that there were two extra bodies in


"Both of you get out of bed!" He shouted after a few seconds. "Let's go check to see if the two stowaways

are still alive!" He chuckled gravely as everyone cheered "Yeah!" in the background.

Suddenly Hudson stood, ran to the door and rushed out of it, quickly slamming the thing behind him as he

waved his arms around.

"Guys Guys!" He called, making everyone turn towards him. "I went outside while the rain was coming


"Liar!" Interrupted one of the crew-mates, who threw his paw in the air.

The sudden sporadic intrusion cause Hudson to lose his balance on the slippery deck, thus causing a big

thump that made the three inside almost exhale from holding their breath.

"He ain't lyin'!" Shouted another crew member, pointing at the dalmatian's almost healed bruises that lined

his back. Hudson stood and pulled down his vest before calling attention to everyone again with the waving of

his paws.

"I think there's a crack in the hull!" He said. Gasps sounded off all around him as Captain Agnus crushingly

thumbed through the crowd until he reached the cabin boy. He eyed him and sneered before saying "The hell

you talkin' about boy..."

"I think I saw it when I was out..." Hudson whimpered crumpling under the weight of Agnus's stare.

"And why were you out in a deathly storm like that one...?" He smiled, almost cat-like as he tried to make

the dalmatian uncomfortable with his questions.

"I was hungry..." Hudson replied shortly. Suddenly everyone around him nodded in agreement, and then

looked to the captain who chuckled.

"Hungry, mate?" He said, raising a greying eyebrow. Then, crossing his arms, he scoffed. "Alright. Show me

then, pup."

Hudson was soon consumed in energy as his pads tried to grip the floor.

"Come on!" He shouted, telling everyone to follow him. "It's over here! Come on!"

Everyone ran after him, even if they were just wondering what the whole fuss was about, and soon after

they were followed by the captain, who walked at his own pace after the crowd.

Angela, who had her ear up to door the whole time, felt hope in her chest as she eyed the other two. Wyler

partially under a blanket, ready in-case anyone decided to barge in, and Trusser lying on the bed. He was

pretty unphased by the situation and was watching something on the opposite wall pretty intently, more than

likely thanking God that the fem fatal was about to be put back in her cage.

"Come on!" She said, opening the door. The two followed her as they tip-toed past the crew that all stood

on the other side of the ship, eyeing the entire side for a crack.

Suddenly, the dreaded cage lay before them as Trusser took out his keys.

"Well," He said in an obviously fake sorrow. "It's been fun... Now in ya go."

"It has been fun..." Angela said very sexually. Batting her eyelashes at the tiger, she walked delicately over

and wrapped her leg around him, kissing him hard on the cheek.

Wyler was jumping up and down, waiting for the door to open so he could jump in to salvation, as ironic as

that was. Even though he was going back to... basically hell... he couldn't stop thinking about how worth it it

all was... just for even one night with the dalmatian...

"Yeah yeah," Trusser growled, even though the lump in his paint-white pants had become as noticeable as

the sun. Just after unlocking the door, the mutt pulled the raccoon in by her shirt that she had stolen from

Trusser, and suddenly became very aware at what they were both wearing.

"Oh shit..." Wyler whimpered. "What do we do about the clothes?" He fidgeted as he debated on stripping in

front of the two and throwing Hudson's outfit overboard, but the fact that he was wearing clothes that

belonged to the dalmatian suddenly deemed that idea very, very bad.

The tiger had just finished locking the lock back up before he heard a throat clear behind him, and when he

turned he saw the captain holding the cabin-boy by the scruff.

"What are you doing?" He asked in an overtone of curiosity.

"Makin' sure the lock was still holding..." Trusser growled. Either his acting was phenomenal, or he was so

relieved that he was rid of the two that he would do anything to stop from getting caught now.

"Why are they wearing sea-clothes?" The captain asked his second question with the same amount of

innocent curiosity.

"They barely had anything left when I got out here.." Trusser replied. He had walked over to the crowd now

and looked the captain right in the eye as he spoke. "Now... can I have my cabin-boy?"

Agnus seemed convinced, although he eyed the two in the cage for a couple seconds before handing over

the pooch.

"Make sure he doesn't lie like he did just then... It'll get his tongue cut out..."

Trusser took hold with a nod and carried him all the way out of sight as Wyler watched them both from the

cage, and only stopped when Angela elbowed him in the ribs. This brought his attention back to the captain,

who was standing at the door now, smiling grimly.

"Enjoying your stay so far?" He chuckled before kicked the cage with his giant, brown leather boot. "I sure

hope so. It's almost coming to an end, ya know?"

"What do you mean?" Angela growled, gleaming her eyes at him.

"We're almost to shore, my friends," He replied quickly. "We took a short-cut by sea, hence the storm..."

"You could have killed everyone..." Wyler said grimly. "What if the ship couldn't take it?"

"Oh it could take it," The captain chortled. "But that's not your problem, mates. You have to worry about

what you're going to do once we hand you over to the proper authorities."

The two stayed silent as the crew behind the captain started hooting and hollering.

"Yeah!" One would say, or "Jail-bait for the both of ya's!". It almost scared Angela and Wyler. What were

they going to do once they got there? Nobody had thought this far ahead, and the fact that both of them

were ill prepared was almost too horrid to think about. After a minute or two, Agnus seemed bored of the

heckling and shouted behind him.

"Alright you lazy bunch or twits!" He said, raising his paw to the sky. "We have one night and half a day left!

That doesn't mean sit and drink yer ass's off till we run-a-ground!"

And with that, everyone, big and small, went to their individual posts and worked their paws to the bone.

Each's heart set on what they would do once they reached the shore beyond...


"Hey!" Trusser called to Hudson, who was mistakably mopping the same spot he had been at for more

than half an hour now. "Ya know, kid, there's more deck than that little spot you keep rubbin', right?"

The dalmatian shook his head at the word "kid" and looked up to see his tiger-friend up on the balcony of

the Cabin Compartments. He waved and looked down, only to see that he had begun rubbing away what

was left of the finish on the wood. The rain from before had removed so much that he figured no one would

mind if he rubbed away the rest.

"You're heads been in the clouds lately, kid," Trusser said before leaping over the railing, landing with perfect

grace. Walking over, he picked up the dalmatian's bucket and brought it closer to him.

"You're head hasn't," Hudson chuckled, dipping his mop in the bucket. "Angela turns you off finally or


"She wouldn't sleep with me..." Trusser growled. His ears fell to his head as he clenched his fists. "All she

would do was make me do things for her..."

"Like how, when we got back, you were giving her a back massage?"


"How worse?"

Trusser seemed to shrink a little and he laced the fingers on both his paws. "Let's not talk about that shall


Hudson just smiled, nodding, as he pretended to be so interested in mopping he didn't have anything to say

about his adventures with Wyler.

"So what about you?" Trusser said, looking out to the sea.

"What do you mean?" Hudson asked, still pretending.

"Well I guess I'm asking you what you think of her?" The tiger said. "I mean she IS the only female aboard.

You have to be at least somewhat interested?"

"I'm not into raccoons," Hudson said as he felt his heart breaking. Trusser still had no idea, even though he

made jokes. "It's better this way..." He thought as he still mopped. "I can't have the only hero in my life

hating me for who I am..."

"What do you mean?" Trusser playfully punched him in the shoulder. "What's not to like? She has a vagina...

you have a cock..." Making a hole with one paw, and extending his index finger on the other, he brought them

together and pounded them furiously. "You're mom gave you the sex talk, right? Before..."

Another ping in the dalmatian's chest caused him to flinch. "Yeah... she gave me the sex talk..."

The situation grew silently awkward as Trusser immediately regretted bringing up anything at all while

Hudson just clenched the mop in both paws and stroked it back and forth on the lack-lustre deck.

The sun started going down before either said a word. Finally an angered call of "Trusser!" from Captain

Agnus broke the two of the bond that caused each to not look at the other.

The tiger laid his giant paw on the dalmatian's shoulder and smiled. "I didn't mean anything by what I said..."

He told him. "I miss her too, ya know..."

Hudson just nodded as kept mopping as Trusser walked back to the stairs that lead up to the Cabins. Then,

with a perk of his cat-like ears, he turned and smiled at the lad. "And don't worry..." He said. "There'll be

plenty of babes on the shores when we arrive tomorrow. You'll knock 'em all dead and have your pick, don't

you worry about that."

"Good for me..." Hudson replied without looking as he half-heartedly looked at the setting sun. Stars began

poking through the sky as the gentle current rocked off the sides boat, seemingly easing the mood a little.

Putting his mop down, the dalmatian walked to the railing beside him and rested all his weight on his


He suddenly began to feel like someone was watching as he looked up to the clouds, which floated by so

carelessly. A feeling passed through like he should be praying right now, as if his mother could hear him. He

felt like he should talk to her, even though he never believed in stuff like that, and even though she was

dead... it felt like she was somehow there.

That's when the breeze changed direction. Strangely enough it brought with it the scent of pine-flowers and

moonlight as petals and things floated along within it.

"These must have been floating for days like this..." Hudson thought as he absentmindedly followed them.

"That's the only way... they.."

That's when he felt it. That familiar feeling growing inside like wildfire as the breeze took him in the exact

direction of Wyler and Angela's cage. He stayed in the shadows as he watched the two and wondered.

Wondered what it all meant...


"Wanna know something funny?" Wyler smiled as the sun started to set, beginning their last night in that

god-forsaken cage. They hadn't spoken much all day. Each was contemplating on what they were going to

do once they struck soil, and each falling deeper and deeper into the well of hopelessness and doubt that

basically said "give up and stop trying..."

"...What?" Angela sighed as she looked over to her cell-mate, who was holding a piece of paper in his paws.

A grin spread so deep within his muzzle that buried treasure could have been found.

The raccoon suddenly flew into action as she dived for the map within the mutt's paw, but before grabbing

hold it was snatched out of her reach.

"Sorry, Ange..." Wyler chuckled. "But I can't let you have it..."

Angela was huffing with rage as she picked herself up off the deck. "And WHY NOT?"

"Cause then you'd just leave me behind, ya know?"

"I can't believe you still think that..."

"I can't believe you forgot about that map..."


Wyler was taken aback by the sudden blast from the past as he readily remembered the first pet name

Angela had ever given him.

"Don't worry," He told her. "So long as I have this map, we're together. It's like our friendship." The mutt

smiled as he tried to have a moment with the angry raccoon, who "hmphed" and crossed her arms.

"If you were my friend, then you would give me what rightfully belongs to ME!" She growled before a

sudden change in the breeze became noticeable. An odd, indescribable smell made them both sniff the air as,

what seemed like, rose petals started to fall as if from nowhere, carried within the breeze like fish in a current.

That's when Wyler sensed something in front of him, hidden within darkness as the silhouette of vest and

baggy pants became more and more visible. It was odd how motionless the dalmatian was as he just stared

in the shadow.

Wyler rose to his foot-paws, making the dalmatian inch forward slightly as the moonlight cascaded the deck

like a curtain just before a famous play. His heart pounded in his throat as his paws came to rest on the bars,

beckoning the boy closer.

"I can't believe you're back in here..." Hudson whispered as he padded over. He thought about bringing his

paws forward, if only to just touch Wyler's, but he thought against it. Instead he lay then just below his and

held on tight as if a wind would pull him away at any second.

"I can't believe it either..." Wyler replied. "What I wouldn't give to sleep in your bed once more... ya know?"

"Yeah..." Hudson gave a slight smile, wondering what exactly he meant by that.. "A hard wooden deck can't

be that comfortable to sleep on..."

"You'd be right on that one..." Wyler returned the smile and looked away, trying to avoid eye contact, for if

he made it the jolt would make him unable to control himself any longer.

"I had fun with you.." Hudson broke the silence that was building before bringing his paw underneath the

mutt's chin. He rose it to look, wondering why the other was staring away and felt the heat of his pulse on his

fingers, beating almost as fast as his was.

It was at that moment that each of their fears melted away as they somehow knew what the other was

wanting, finally making eye contact. The heat of the moment took them both within her hands, disintegrating

the bars that separated them as lighting seemed to strike all around.

A movement, ever so slight, made both of them inhale as their muzzles came ever so close, then finally

touching softly, sending each other's world into a spin. Together they held as stars started falling and time fell

to a stop again as finally two became one, even if it was only for a moment...

"And they finally kiss..." Came the sarcastic sigh of the raccoon behind them. Each perked their ears as their

eyes slid slowly open.

"Oh..." Wyler said as they both back away from each other, blushing harder than they could ever

remember. "I'm... uh... so... hey... heh..."

"That..." Hudson smiled, letting go of the bar and stepping back. "Was..."

"Yeah..." Wyler finished his sentence. "So..."

"I better get going then..."

"I better... not..."

"Oh yeah... cage..."

"Yeah... kinda can't..."

Hudson smiled and waved slightly, feeling like he could float away to the heavens right now. Wyler returned

the wave with a smile as well, wishing he could follow him.

Neither of them noticed, though, the pair of gleaming green eyes witnessing everything that happened in

that small moment. The tall figure of a tiger, with his tail flicking curiously, rose as he lifted his weight off the bars of the balcony.

"Interesting..." He said as he walked back to his room. "Very... interesting indeed..."


(8)In you're eyes (The light, the heat.) In you're eyes (I am complete.)

In you're eyes (I see the doorway, to a thousand churches.)

In you're eyes (The resolution to all my fruitless searches.)

Oh I want to be that complete. I wanna touch the light the heat I see in your eyes.(8)

"In Your Eyes."



And sooooo That is Chapter 7. I feel the need to apologise a million times due to the intensely extreme

lateness because of my exams, WHICH were pretty brutal btw. Oh well they're done now, which leaves me

with nothing less but my passion to write, so i should be churning out more for you guys^^.

So yeah i really hope you enjoyed this one, because after my... Hiatus i guess you could call it, it felt sort of strange to jump back into writing. Just like it felt strange to jump out of it i guess. It's all a good strange nonetheless and im glad to be back^^.

Sincerely yours,
