I Was Broken and Lost Chapter 2

Story by Rogal Ursus on SoFurry

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#2 of I Was Broken...

I was Broken and Lost-Chapter 2

By Rogal Ursus

This is the prologue to the story _ I was Broken and Lost and you Found Me _. So I have been taken advantage of by my master. This Chapter details the after effects

If the following themes bother you or are not allowed where you are, please do not read. This story also is not suitable for reading in a corporate working environment. YOU HAVE BEEN Warned!!

The following morning, I woke up with him sitting next to my side of the bed, a look of concern on his face. It had appeared he had been crying. I looked down and saw scars on his arms, some of them still bleeding.

"Oh god! What did you do? What the hell did you do?" I cried jumping out of bed and looking at his wounds.

"I'm sorry. I'm just so sorry cub. I couldn't help myself. I shouldn't have done that. I never should have done that," he kept crying over and over, slumping onto the floor.

Now it was my turn to cry. "Oh gods. Why did you go and do something so stupid like this? I wanted it you bastard. I wanted it for a long time. I love you, don't you understand? I want to stay, and be with you!" I ran out of the room to get the first aid kit. I had to help him. A few minutes I returned to the bedroom. He had curled into a ball on the floor and was sobbing. "Give me your arm. Let me try to stop this." I grabbed his arm and began to apply the antiseptic to each scar. Oh god, what did he use? There had to be 20-30 slices on his arms. This was too much for me to handle. I ran downstairs and grabbed the phone and dialed for the ambulance. The second call I made was to my parents. Within minutes, both were at the shop. My master was taken away to the hospital and my parents and I followed in the ambulance.

"What happened son?" my dad asked, seeing the tears streaming down my face. I couldn't respond. I looked up at him and started sobbing uncontrollably. My mother just took my head and laid it in her lap. "Dear, you did the right thing. He's going to be ok."

We arrived at the hospital and were guided into the room where my master slept. The doctor sat in a chair at the foot of the bed. Once he saw me, he smiled and came over and shook my hand. "You saved his life cub. If you had woken up any later, he would have been dead." Looking at my parents, his expression changed to concern and seriousness. "Please have a seat in the lounge. I need to talk to him privately"

He called for a nurse to guide my parents. Once they were out of sight, he guided me into the room and moved the chair to the right side of the bed and motioned for me to sit. He saw the expression on my face and pulled up another chair and sat next to me, his arm on my shoulder.

"I understand you are his apprentice. Are you more than that to him?"

"Yes sir. I had finished a big project and he just kissed me and I felt connected to him in so many ways." I replied. "He brought me to his bed and we made love and when I woke up he was sitting next to me crying and I noticed the scars on his arm and I reacted."

The doctor stood up next to me and looked into my eyes. He then went to the door and called for a nurse who brought an extra bed. Moving the curtain around my master's bed, she moved the other bed into the empty space and drew the curtain around that. After that, she went to a small cabinet and removed a gown and handed it to me. I looked at the doctor with a confused face.

"I want to make sure you are ok. Please go change into the gown. I wish I didn't have to do this now, but we found traces of blood around your master's privates and realized it wasn't his. I'm going to do an exterior exam now and then we will take you for a CT scan to make sure there's nothing wrong internally," placing his hand on my shoulder, he guided me to behind the curtain and I began to change.

Once I was done, I moved the curtain back and slowly moved into the bed. The nurse left the room and returned with a cart containing some tools and a box of gloves. I whimpered a little bit when they began to put on the gloves. "It's ok cub. We're just to check you out and make sure you are ok." He placed a hand on my shoulder and lightly motioned for me to roll over. He checked my feet and moved up my legs and stopped just before my ass. He asked the nurse to step out and hand him a tongue depressor.

Once the nurse stepped away, the doctor sighed. "Ok cub. I'm going to check down there. I need you to stay perfectly still." I whimpered in agreement as I felt him pry my cheeks apart. I heard another sign and then "Oh god. Nurse, get me an IV bag, a vitamin shot, a shot of morphine, and the salve. This is bad. Also book the CT immediately. Oh and nurse, do NOT tell his parents what is going on. They don't need to know this." The nurse left to get the supplies. As he rolled me back onto my back, I winced and whimpered. "I'm sorry cub for what's going on. I really am. Now I'm going to ask a difficult question to you. Did he force you?"

I thought about it for a minute and before I could get the answer out, I began sobbing. The doctor sat down on the bed with me and took me in his arms. The nurse came back in with the supplies and once she saw what was going on, almost began to cry herself. "It's ok cub. Let it out."

I continued for several minutes and stopped when I heard my master's voice calling for me. I jumped out of my bed and I ran to his side. He opened his eyes and he smiled when he saw me and noticed I had been crying.

"Curse the gods cub. This was not what I had intended. I did this because I couldn't deal with what I had done to you. I really do care about you cub, more than just a master and apprentice, but as two lovers together. I am so sorry cub," he cried. I turned to the doctor and sniffled. "To answer your question, he did not force me. I was a willing participant. I wanted him."

The doctor sighed and come to my side. "Ok cub. But we still need to finish making sure you are ok. Nurse, put him back into his bed and get him to CT. After that, put in the IV and sedate him. He needs to rest." The nurse placed me back into my bed and wheeled it out of the room.

The doctor sat down in the chair next to master's bed. "Before we talk about how he is, let's deal with you shall we? You obviously show remorse for what you have done, so the guilt is enough. I am concerned why you reacted the way you did. Many of those cuts are serious and deep enough that you could have nicked a major vessel and killed yourself. That cub depends on you for not only a trade, but to learn about life. What good are you going to do him by ending yours?

Master sighed. "It was never supposed to happen. I have trained many in my craft and never fallen for any of them. This cub was different. Not only was he cute, but he was brilliant and I grew to think about him as an equal and someone I would cherish and love. I am telling you this now, I never intended to hurt him. When I realized that he was hurt, my guilt was too much. I sat by his side all night, making sure he was ok, but the guilt kept building and I couldn't live with what I had done. Is he going to be ok?" The look of concern in master's face shocked the doctor. He really cares about his cub. This guy is serious.

"Well, judging by how much of his blood we found on you and the damage I saw on him, he's lost about a pint of blood. We're taking him to CT to determine if there is any internal damage. For your part in this and your injuries, we are going to keep both of you here. You are on a hold for your attempt and he's going to stay with you to recover," the doctor replied, a serious expression on his face. "His parents are here. He called them after he called the ambulance to come get you. They know nothing about what is going on and legally I cannot tell them. All I can tell them is he was injured and will be kept here for a few days for observation."

Master sighed and tears appeared in his eyes. "I screwed it up bad. I would not be surprised if he didn't want to see me again."

The doctor stood over him and slapped his face. "I'm sorry I had to do that, but you deserved that Sir. Unlike how you feel, that cub not only loves you, but is devoted to you. I could have you arrested for what you did, but he wouldn't have any of it. He cares about you; I really believe he wants to stay with you...that's if you want him to."

Upon hearing this, Master began crying and then sobbing. "You have no idea how bad I want him to. " The doctor stood over him and patted his shoulder.

When I was wheeled back to the room, the doctor had left. Master looked like he had been crying. I flashed a smile over to him and he stopped briefly. Once the nurse placed the bed back, she then placed the IV in my arm and injected the medicines into the IV line. She helped me up and over to sit in the chair by master's bed. "I want to lie next to him," I pleaded with the nurse.

When she realized that resisting wasn't going to work, she arranged me in the bed next to master and made sure the IV wouldn't snag on anything. It was only a matter of minutes before I fell asleep in his arms.