Knight's honor

Story by Phen on SoFurry

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#1 of Mixed

Uploading a bunch of old stories for your reading pleasure. The specifics vary, but they all involve excess in some form.

Comments are very much appreciated.

Story by Phen

The beast of Caerbannog!

This would be his big break to be sure. Galahad hadn't exactly been in good standings with the king lately. In fact, unless he returned with something extraordinary... He might as well not return at all.

Onwards, to glory!

The rocky terrain forced him to cover the last few hundred meter on foot. His target was unmistakable at least - a huge cave opening loomed above him, a wound in the mountain that was easily spotted from far away. The view must be fantastic. The climb was made difficult by his armor, but he pressed on, finding the ground much more comfortable at the mouth of the cave. Many hours had gone by training with this equipment - he could handle it. The knight readied his shield and drew his blade before stepping forward.

Lesser men would've soiled their pants and run away from the sound of the win howling, but not Galahad. The thought did cross his mind, however, when he realized that the sounds were more like heavy breathing. A faint pair of lights were floating in the darkness.

Something was watching him, he could feel it! He thrust out his sword, expecting a couple of bats to fly out. That's how it always goes, isn't it?

Instead, the lights blinked and drew forward, revealing the face of some sort of dragon. The knight was frozen as the large figure emerged, a scaly being twice his size not even counting the long neck that put the head even further above his. "... No bats?" He thought out loud and mentally shook himself into readiness.

The face looked at him with faint disinterest, but did raise an eyebrow. "No bats here, they disturb my sleep. What do you want?"

Galahad couldn't be certain, but this wasn't how monster slaying was supposed to start off. "I... I'm here to slay the beast that has been terrorizing the countryside! Prepare to die!"

"Please, terrorizing is a bit of a strong word, isn't it? All I did was to snatch a few of their cattle now and then. A varied diet is important for everyone."

"Prepare to die!"

The beast cocked it's head and leaned forward on it's arms, looking at the stationary knight. "Are you sure you're all right?"

"Prepare to die!"

Sir Galahad charged! The sudden movement did take the monster by surprise, looking incredulously at the small tin soldier as he ran forwards and unceremoniously chopped the head off. It fell to the ground, still wearing the same expression.

"Well... That went much easier than I thought. Must be my knight training."

The only sweating he'd done was from the fear of being face-to-face with a mythical creature. The head was proof of the deed, however... Now he'd regain his honour.

The body was standing stiffly. A very rapid rigor mortis in these mythicals, apparently. Then the top of the long neck began to writhe, whipping around and transforming until Sir Galahad was faced with the creature again, the head grown back with a vengeance.

Two sets of eyes looked down at him with wide eyes, looking just as confused as the knight himself. "Wha..?" It began to speak in stereo before two swift strikes reduced them to a pile on the ground.

"What is this sorcery... At least I got more heads out of it. I wonder how long before they rot... I could preserve them if I need a reputation boost in the future..." Galahad schemed, looking thoughtfully into the distance. A clawtip tapped his shoulder.


He turned.

Lesser men would've soiled their pants. Galahad merely Squealed like a little girl.

The beast leaned back on it's thighs and grinned at him four times at once. That wasn't everything, however. Sitting like that, he saw that the general shape was more humanoid than he had assumed - the four necks flowed into a set of well-built shoulders and beneath that was a more than generously sized pair of breasts. Scaled, perhaps, but still unmistakably breasts.

"This is your idea of slaying me? Hee. I like that..." She giggled, the long necks carrying her faces down close to aspiring hero. "Wanna slay me some more?" The faces surrounded him, baring themselves for easy hitting. Galahad wasn't stupid, however. At least, not *that* stupid.

He took a step back, wondering where his victory had gone. The hydra moved swiftly, however, blocking the exit with her larger body. "Now, now, don't leave already. You must slay the terrible beastie thing to save the world!"

"Don't mock me, evil one!" He cried out in frustration, making the four heads wince.

"Easy on the shouting, I'm kinda four times more sensitive to that right now. If you insist of being so boring, though... I wonder..." One mused out loud, sizing up one of her fellow heads before swiftly launching itself and slicing the neck in one fell bite. The remaining three faces immediately moaned, eyes wide with glee as two more heads formed to replace the fallen one.

The flurry that broke out above Galahad would aid his escape, the hydra too preoccupied with snapping at her necks to notice him sneaking away. He forgot, however, that this wasn't a sneaking mission and his armor made him sound like a trashcan bouncing off the walls.

A dozen pair of eyes immediately turned to him, the knight caught in the act. Some laughed, others looked disappointed.

"Typical. I get a visitor and on the first chance he tries to sneak off... Well, listen here. I'll give you a choice. I'll let you leave since you were so kind to alleviate my boredom, but if you want my head you'll have to fight me for it." One bared her razor-sharp teeth.

"Or... You'll stay with me a little while longer. It's so dull around here. I never get visitors... Not even from my own species."

The beast looked sad, if deadly. Galahad had no illusions about being able to outrun her, however. Not in armor. He sheathed his sword and approached her again, putting one hand on her thigh. "Surely you have gathering with your family? I hear tales about that."

The crowd of heads shook. "No... I don't know if I have any. I can't remember ever meeting one like me..."

"But... How will there be beasts to slay in the future if you never take mates?"

"I doubt I'll ever find one if I can't even find my family. Doomed to solitude. Unless..."

The faces began lighting up, the effect spreading from head to head as they begun grinning. "Sir knight, I have a new choice for you. Either you fight me... Or you fuck me."

Lesser men would've soiled their pants. Galahad stared with wide eyes. "I... I beg your pardon?"

The hydra giggled in chorus and leaned in conspiratorially. "You heard me. My name is Polly, by the way. I feel that we should get acquainted."

Per reflex, the knight answered "Galahad" and looked in awe and wonder as the feminine beast turned, moving her tail out of the way and showing off a scaled, but actually good-looking rear-end. She sat on her knees, lifting her butt up high and due to the size difference just below his head height. The feminine slit was unmistakable.

Her heads easily bent all the way behind herself. "Well, sir knight?" One teased, others beginning to nibble and tug at his armor. Despite the exorbitant price tag, the metal dislodged quite easily to her powerful jaws and left him nearly naked. Polly just grinned and gently pushed him closer, the scent of arousal flowing out from her loins.

I'm still going to slay the dragon, he thought to himself, trying to make sense of the situation that had turned on it's head in no time. "Just... Winning it's confidence. Slaying it. Yeah. Fuck it."

He found himself slightly unnerved by how quickly the beast had made him rise to the occasion, but he was past the point of no return. He gripped her thighs firmly and with a purposeful step forward pierced her slit with his lance. A chorus of moans erupted around him, the hydra balling her hands into tight fists and using her heads to push him deeper into her.

"Oh, Galahad! I never imagined..." She moaned, the knight thrusting and breathing deeply as well. Many hours had gone by training with this equipment - he could handle it. She, however, was completely unprepared. The necks were whipping around the room, flailing and crying out in an orgy of sensation that she had gone without for all her life.

"I'm... I'm... Nnnnng...!" She cried out, reaching back and clutching him to herself. So many heads were moving around at once, so many voices... He felt her inner muscles tighten around him and he came as the creature shuddered, holding onto herself as she rode out the storm, finally sinking together and snapping for breath.

"Oh... Oh, Galahad. Incredible. I..." She spoke in a shaky voice, purring and nuzzling her faces against the spent knight. "It was g-WOAH!" He exclaimed as the hydra turned around, now at least triple his height from feet to shoulders. She had another set of arms, breasts... Only god knew how many more heads! She seemed surprised, but quickly found herself grinning impishly. "Oooh. That was unexpected." The new limbs wasted no time in exploring her expanded body, cooing as she adjusted to the feel of so many more senses.

Galahad was struck with a terrible sense of being tricked. He stepped back with a horrified look on his face, but she deftly swept him up into her arms, a number of mouthes kissing warmly over his naked body.


"Me. So much me... I had no idea of why that happened, let alone how good it would feel! I'm indebted to you, sir knight..." She kissed him, tongues cleaning her juices off his body. "You can leave with my head now as proof of the deed..."

As he was set down on the ground again, Galahad picked up the disembodied head and considered it. The beastie smiled at him, but there was a hint of sadness which evaporated instantly as he threw the head to the side and walked towards her again. "I think I'll stay a while longer before claiming the prize, my dear."

"Oh, a proper gentleman." She giggled, one head kissing him on the cheek. "I'm so happy you decided to drop in today. Wanna slay me again?" She winked mischievously, the answer being Galahad jumping in between her thighs. Polly spread them eagerly, breathing fast in anticipation as she began to grow and multiply...