Fighting the Fire, Alone

Story by dolphinsanity on SoFurry

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Altrean, a dolphin herm, seeks relief in masturbation, memories, and fantasies when an economic crash and the riots that follow keep hir firefighter husband Galter away night after night.

Contains masturbation of male and female bits, vaginal use of a dildo, descriptions of male-on-herm vaginal sex, and a fantasy about a character growing to macro size and ejaculating.

I wrote this one for myself and one of my mates, who can fight a fire for me anytime he pleases. <3

Altrean sighed from hir blowhole as shi undressed for the night, knowing that shi would once again be sleeping in the king-bed alone. The release of pressure out the top of hir head had a calming effect on hir stressed-out body, but it did little to soothe the lovesickness and separation anxiety in hir mind. Another night alone. The dolphin missed hir dragon husband so.

Shi still remembered the papers when they had arrived for him in the mail... his emergency assignment. His information had been listed down the page in a way that couldn't help but seem foreboding, hir awesome mate little more a sheet of name and statistics in the eyes of their city and nation:

Name: Galter Wallen. Race: Dragon (onyx clan). Height: 2.4 m. Weight: 122 kg... and very nearly all of that was scale and rippling muscle...

Galter had been strong and lean to begin with, and over the six years that Altrean had known him, the combination of his healthy diet, regular workouts, and city firefighting job had turned him into more and more of a muscular man. Nothing about him was huge beyond sanity or possibility, nowhere near the sizes reached by steroid-popping athletes or the unusually naturally gifted people on television, but he was still hir muscle man, and smooth and good looking to boot. He was one of the only non-aquatics who had ever kept up with hir in a swimming contest, and shi appreciated that--wished he could be there right now to make plans with hir to go down to their apartment complex's community pool again sometime soon.

Shi fantasized about that idea, imagining hirself sneaking up on him under the water, grabbing his butt, giving his crotch a lewd rub, starting a long and slow process of foreplay that would carry them through a progression from pool to bedroom, the heat of their bodies and needs in their minds rising more and more until that glorious time of penetration, however their sex act played out.

Altrean was already somewhat aroused before shi started thinking about this, and the existing conditions made the wanderings of hir mind all the more willing to lean in erotic directions. Despite how crazy this fantasizing drove hir, shi didn't mind too much and embraced the feelings of frustration as something that would lead up to better times. Knowing that shi would not be seeing Galter again tonight, shi had already mentally prepared hirself for the possibility of taking care of hir own sexual needs. Shi had hardly ever masturbated alone since they married two years ago, but shi was no stranger to the concept, and remembered how to do it quite well. Shi had an active sexual imagination, one which usually meandered and flowed from position to position and kink to kink, in harmony with the feelings of hir body, the closeness of hir climaxing. This was true both in self-pleasure and in actual sex, and had enhanced hir already splendid times with Galter on many occasions, hir mind embellishing his wonderful body to even more perfect proportions, and sexual actions, than it already had and gave. Galter in turn had told hir of his many fantasies about hir; their shared sense of idealism, both sexual and not, kept them all the closer together.

Shi only wished the riots hadn't gotten so out of hand, that the social climate of everything would stop working so hard to keep hir beloved away... everything was easier to endure when they were together, when they could share both reality and possibility with each other, through words and embraces...

Sadly, to conclude that the political situation around them was scary took no embellishment at all. The economy in their small country had been hit harder than most by a worldwide economic depression. Government mishandling of the situation, local rumoring, and terrifying rises in the price of food and other essentials had led to rioting and firebombing, both in the capital and in numerous other cities. Altrean and Galter lived in one of the large, non-capital cities... and ever since the fires started five days ago, the emergency notices had started going out, the central government asserting its authority to call out firefighters and other first-responders to help restore order. Galter, one of the better firefighters in their distract, had been forced to spend both his days and his nights at the main fire station near the heart of the city. He and his fellow firefighters were under police guard and ready to deploy at a moment's notice to help stop burnings, until the chaos could be sorted once and for all.

Every day shi had hoped he would get to come home, and every day he had called to say, "I'm sorry. There was another incident..."

Their apartment building, out on the edge of town, was not a prime target for the mayhem. If anything, it was the opposite. It lay on the outskirts of the city, distant from anything important. No government officials lived there, and the people who did were never more than middle class. The closest attacks had been fourteen blocks away, directed at city office buildings, law offices, and Old Towne buildings that would burn easily.

All the way out here, in hir bedroom on the fourth floor, it was frighteningly easy to ignore all of the problems, to absorb hirself in work or a hobby, or to sink into the softness of hir mattress and focus on physical pleasures. At least, it would have been easy if not for intermittently fearing for Galter's safety. With him still out there, hir activities were only ever a brief escape.

A few hours ago, when shi had still been putting in time for hir work-from-home computer programming job, the work had been hir distraction, but now shi had little left to keep the more difficult thoughts at bay besides playing with hir own genitals until shi came, and then letting hirself drift to sleep on the wave of the orgasm and afterglow. Shi had done this many times when shi was younger and worrying about university stresses, and Galter had long ago learned that hir worries could always be soothed by a strong-bodied mating, shallow though that might admittedly seem...

Now lying down with hir legs spread, feet dangling slightly off the edge of the bed as they often did during sex, Altrean propped hir head with two thin, soft pillows and erected hir muscular, tapered penis, giving it a smoothing rubbing with hir right hand while shi started prodding and teasing hir vaginal region with hir left, trying to evoke in hirself the feelings of hir husband's final foreplays in the moments leading up to the act. Hir tail, also tucked under hir between hir legs, rocked downward and billowed against the floor, the skin of hir flukes pleasantly patting their bedroom's carpet as hir self-stimulations increased. Hir eyes closed; shi crooned out a moment's song of delight.

In hir mind's eye, Galter's nude body flexed and grinned for hir as shi touched hirself, the strokings and pokings falling into rhythm with the swaying and bulgings of his wonderful body. Shi imagined his long, slender reptilian cock rising to fullness to prepare to enter hir... imagined shi could feel the heat of his breath and the tastings of his narrow, talented tongue on hir face and in hir mouth.

Shi imagined him so vividly that shi could almost feel him, pushing away the worries that he might've gotten hurt tonight in a riot's aftermath, or been crushed beneath a falling girder or piece of burning wood. These particular fears were largely irrational; shi had spoken to him not even an hour ago, and the local news had said nothing about any direct attacks on fire stations, nor any new attacks at all. Galter was safely inside for the night and, barring another increasingly improbable firebomb incident, would remain so for the rest of the night. If something did happen, the odds of him dying, to flames at least, were low. Dragons were some of the best firefighters because of their natural resistance. Even a bullet, if it was only one bullet, probably wouldn't do enough damage to threaten either life or limb... rarely if ever would it cause him any problems that a quick medical clean-out couldn't solve.

Shi tried to rationalize, to keep hir thoughts in check, much as shi always tried to do... but shi was a realist about hir weaknesses as well: shi knew that at this point, nothing could stop hir brain from worrying "too much" if shi left it with nothing else to focus on, even for a moment... he had been gone too long for rationality, too long for easy logical comfort. Perhaps shi was clingy, though shi didn't want to think of that either--too painful an admission, minor though it was.

Instead, shi regained hir focus on hir fantasies, next imagining her husband eating hir out, licking into hir vagina while shi nuzzled his genital slit and cockbase.

Physically, hir rubbing was starting to feel like it was not quite "enough" to mimic the pleasures hir husband would be bringing hir if he were really here doing these things. A hunch rose in hir mind, motivating hir to prevent this dissonance, to do what shi could to make the fantasy and the reality similar in their intensity... to help hir body feel as if Galter were truly there.

Keeping the antics of hir husband's tongue firmly in mind, shi rolled hir way over to the bed's edge and reached for the little purple box sitting on the nightstand. It looked like a shoebox, yet it was anything but: pulling the lid off easily with hir right hand while the left continued ministrations on hir vaginal area, shi revealed a large black dildo, styled after a dragon's penis but with the girth exaggerated and a canine knot added at the base for good measure.

This was the dildo shi often used with hir husband, who was fond of anal play. He liked having the dildo's thickness pushed into his ass, all the way, before they had sex. While he thrust into hir, he would often reach back and stimulate himself with the toy, milking his own prostate while he moaned on top of hir and prepared to shoot his acrid seed into hir heated, clenching folds. Already as shi thought of this shi found hirself shaky-handed, taking the clean, smooth dildo and pushing it up against the needy lips of hir feminine sex. Shi imagined the grin of dominance on hir husband's large, ivory-fanged face, envisioned his body lurching down onto hir with a feral roar, felt his big cock jab into hir wet, slick, eagerly waiting treasure. Hir treasure... his dragon-hoard. All for him.

"Unnnh!" shi groaned as shi pushed the dildo in too hard and too fast, with too little lubrication. Shi winced in pain but didn't mind the sensations, though they jarred hir briefly from hir fantasies. Grabbing hir suddenly slightly less erect cock and stroking its tip again, over and over, shi reminded hir body to focus on the pleasure, the pleasure... to think of hir husband and not of the state of the world, to remember his strength, his size, his beauty...

Rubbing hir cock and reinserting the dildo more carefully, shi began anew in hir mind, this time seeing Galter as a giant, fourteen meters tall, with the build and genitals to match. Shi imagined him walking forward toward her with only a white towel over his shoulder, no clothing, his long cock dangling out from his slit, as fat as the dildo and fatter still, sporting the same "extra" canine attributes that shi had recently tried to force inside of hir vagina.

"Excuse me miss," shi imagined Galter telling hir, "but do you know anyone who could help me with this strange itch that I have? It's inside of my penis, and nothing seems to stop it... it's like I can't reach it to scratch."

"Oh yes, sir," shi imagined hirself saying in a voice like that of an airline stewardess. "I am well trained in helping large men like yourself feel better. Please let me kneel before you and help you feel better!"

"You better not kneel," he said with a smile as his big cock throbbed its way to hardness. "You're already too short to touch me properly!"

"But I want to be your small, sweet servant. Oh..." Shi imagined hirself lying on hir back for him, getting into a position like the one shi was physically in now, the giant Galter looking down at hir, his massive dick lengthening and swelling as his mind visibly raced with possibilities of what to do with his new, tiny toy.

As hir thrusting of the dildo started to find its rhythm again, the macro-micro fantasy dissolved gradually into a half-imagining, half-memory of real thrusting shi had experienced from hir husband in the past. Shi felt as if the giant galter's enormous penis was somehow fitting inside of hir, compacting itself to a size that retained all of its giant-grown strength and power, yet still fit succulently inside of hir tiny-by-comparison femsex, stretching hir just enough, her vaginal walls dilating and then clenching, taking the length and girth, adoring it...

"Galter," shi murmured as hir hand sawed the dildo back and forth within hir, the juices within hir vagina having now moistened it enough that shi could take it better. Hir right hand worked furiously on hir penis, the long, flexible shaft pulsating with growing intensities of good, moany feelings as shi imagined hir husband's own moaning and growling, recalling the past throbbings of his shaft and empathizing with them, feeling as though the dildo and hir own penis were each in their own ways representative of his wonderful cock, hirs to pleasure, big and full and ready to explode within hir.

Hir climax now drawing nearer, Altrean spontaneously re-imagined the giant growth scenario, this time watching in hir mind's eye as the fourteen-meter version of hir husband gazed hungrily at his own cock while vigorously masturbating it, shi looking up at him submissively from hir position below him, awed and aroused by his size and primal actions. Down the mental street nearby, a building caught fire, and Galter broke from his reverie of self pleasure and sprang into action, running toward the blaze while his cock bobbed and throbbed ever larger in the breeze. Shi got to hir feet and ran with all her strength to keep up with him, fingering hir own pussy as shi watched his huge and wonderful ass, and tail, grow even bigger along with the rest of him. His cock was like a magical scepter, exuding secret powers of growth and masculinity, and with each bob of its length, Galter's already giant body continued to enlarge, rapidly surging to twice, triple--five times his prior size, the coming release of his semen fueling the magical energy onward, swelling his body to a seemingly limitless size. Shi watched, a distance away from him but still with a splendid view, as he planted his still-growing feet near the burning building and finished jacking himself to orgasm, his posture first straightening and then curving like a convex lens as he came, his ankles rising and toes digging deep grooves into the asphalt. His cock erupted violently, the initial spurts of semen firing forth like water from a once-kinked firehose, the whiteness blasting in torrential waves across the burning building. Hunkering forward as his ejaculation continued, and repositioning his feet when he needed, Galter skillfully aimed his seed and put out the fire completely over the course of his orgasm. When it was over, he squatted down and sat with his knees up, his butt and ankles bearing most of the weight of his spent and satisfied macro body. The growth stopped, but his cock continued to tower erect and unwavering, pointing toward the sky at a small angle from his heaving, deep-breathing belly. All the little people who had been inside the building--foxes, raccoons, even lions and cats--came running toward him, getting covered in the puddles and dribbles of his seed. They cheered and praised him for being their hero, for saving them from the fire with his perfect, unstoppable cock. Galter grinned down at them, confident, his chest even more barreled than usual as he tapped the top of his cockbase, along the knot, with one long index claw, causing the shaft to give one more visible, triumphant throb and a final, beady spurt of cum. He laughed, and the people cheered more, eagerly seeking to be hit by the falling juices...

While the fictionalized Galter was saving the city from terror, Altrean's own physical eruption had streaked hir bedsheets white. Hir vagina even now continued clenching in orgasmic rhythm around the toy inside of hir, hir mind a haze of bliss and moans as shi muddled hir way through a dissolving, happy sea of mental images.

As the fantasies faded, only one imagining remained: a simple vision of hir husband at his normal size gazing toward hir, beckoning hir to him. In hir mind, shi approached him, he still towering above hir by more than a head, as his very tall dragon body always did. His penis was spent and dripping, as was hir own, and they touched each other's loins for a moment, getting a feel of each other's juices as they leaned into each other, exchanging wistful gazes. Then she took him by the hands, and he craned his neck down, and shi kissed him--kissed the nothingness of their bedroom, and the everything of his loving soul. Then the vision faded fully.

The imaginings and memories had all represented aspects of hir man as shi saw him. Shi hoped and prayed that they were also shadows of real, further experiences to come: wonderful nights and days together again, sharing their mundane thoughts and their strangest inner secrets, both in and out of the bedroom.

"Please," shi murmured, crying inwardly even as shi started to fall asleep. The pain of hir earlier too-sudden dildo insertion was catching up to hir, and mixing with and overloading the pleasure in unusual ways. "Please God, let him be safe... let him come home."

Altrean did not rise again until morning, and hir sleep, though dream-filled, was relatively peaceful.

(C) 2012-2013 dolphinsanity