What are friends for

Story by Jackmink on SoFurry

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What Are Friends For?

By Jack the wolverine

Kayleb couldn't help himself as he giggled staring up at his colossal sized friend. Though the pine martin always thought his friend was good looking before shrunk down as he was he could truly marvel at the fox's handsomely sexy body.

Rich orange fur cascaded over the muscular hills that ran up the fox's legs, sides, down his arms and up his neck to the grinning face staring down at him. The cheek and throat of the fox was white, this same color ran down his chest and over his belly and between his thighs where his plump thick sheath and sack hung free for the world to see. Or at least anyone in his bedroom that is. Such as the pine martin between his legs.

The fox's paws were brown like his hands and ears. Even the scruff on his chin was this same darker shade of brown. It was these paws though towering high above the small pine martin's body that had him so captivated though.

Thick darker brown paw pads sprung from his toes and the bottom of his foot from this brown fur. Each toe had a claw sticking from it though small for the fox these claws were as big as the pine martin's upper body. Each toe bigger than his torso and the long hind paw thicker and taller than this martin's whole body.

Quinn just looked down at his small buddy with a raised eyebrow and a silly grin plastered on his face. "Well?" He asked his voice booming for the tiny martin's ears. The fox chuckled watching the smaller male wince at his voice. "Sorry," he said much softer this time folding his huge brown tipped ears back. The corner of Quinn's muzzle rose showing off his pearly white teeth. "Keep forgetting 'bout that."

"It's cool." Kayleb called back up his voice squeaking even more so with his tiny body.

Normally, on any other day, the pine martin was roughly the same size (if just a few inches shorter) than the fox sitting before him. This day however wasn't like any other day. They had seen it on commercials and in ads, on news bulletins and even got pop ups and spam online. Of course the two thought it was just a spoof, a gag or an early April fool's joke. But having heard so much about it the two finally gave and bought it. The Wonder Drug or so many online forums were beginning to call it.

It was a simple unmarked white bottle with thick liquid inside. It smelt as bad as it tasted and after losing a game of rock, paper, scissors the pine martin closed his nose and gulped the foul brew down. It took several hours for anything to really take effect and the two figured it was just a gag and crashed in the living room playing a few games on Quinn's X-box.

It was when the pine martin started feeling warm and tingling all over and shrinking down to only a couple inches tall that Quinn, unable to believe his eyes, whisked his friend away safely in hand to his room. Locking and securely fastening the door and window shut Quinn jumped onto the bed nearly as giddy as his small, slightly frightened friend was.

"So?" Kayleb said standing between the fox's colossal sized legs and looking up at his grinning friend.

"So indeed." Was the soft reply he got from the fox. Quinn just rested back against the head rest of his bed, opening his thighs a bit as he did so.

Coughing off handedly the fox turned his head, nudging his groin a bit forward and resting one of his paws on its side. His toes wiggled and fluffy tail swayed at his side off the bed.

Kayleb moved forward between those legs but the fox shifted and moved catching him off guard. The sheets beneath him lurched and shifted with the fox's weight causing him to stumble on his paws before landing on his bare rear.

Quinn had moved his own paws on the sides of the pine martin. Closing his toes and squeezing them together he formed creases along the thick yet soft, warm paw pads and moved them in on his small friend. Rubbing them carefully on the pine martin's whole body as he rubbed him back and forth between them.

"Can't get to the goods just yet." Quinn winked watching his friend squirm between his toes.

The thick paw pads were indeed warm Kayleb soon learned as they nearly crushed him from both sides. Though just enough for him to leave an impression in their thick, spongy cushions they felt as if he were indeed about to be squished between them. They hugged his body from both sides, in a tight embrace that would put a bear hug to shame. They had a faint, if clean, musky scent to them and Kayleb was glad the fox had just showered a few hours ago. Though it wasn't very apparent as Quinn stopped rubbing him and Kayleb could just rest against the warm pads he could feel his friend's heart beating, the warm blood pumping underneath.

This made the pine martin shiver.

Being naked, like his friend, Kayleb's now small body was feeling the cold draft in the room. These warm paws were a welcome change from frigid air circulating throughout the room. And as such the pine martin found himself rubbing his face against them. Rubbing the tip of his muzzle between the creases that had formed his lips parted and his tongue licked at the slightly coarse feel of the soft pad making the fox's ears perk up.

It wasn't very apparent and he barely felt it the gesture wasn't lost on Quinn who could feel his tail frizz out at the attention his paws were now getting. He swallowed heavily before staring down at his friend, feeling his groin twitch in response, as he watched with a new earnest enthusiasm. He eased up on his little friend angling the soles of his paws skywards so he could get a better view.

Resting now between the fox paws, Kayleb began rubbing with his hands against the pads. Feeling the warmth and texture with his digits as his eyes closed shut and his muzzle continued to explore with his tongue. Licking and kissing softly at the pads as his hands rubbed, massaging them as he did so.

Murring at the paw rub he was getting Quinn moved his paw back a bit so that his toes could curl around the small pine martin. Kayleb squirmed at the feel but just tuck his arms close to his body as those slightly musky toes curled around him hugging them in their tight, warm embrace.

Kayleb nosed at them as he was held. He stuck his snout between his big toe and others and felt the fox wiggled these toes in response. Wiggling them caused these toes to rub the side of his face and muzzle several times making the pine martin squirm even more his long lithe tail lashing behind him as he giggled.

Quinn squeezed his toes around the small pine martin lifting his paw up with both hands towards his own muzzle. Opening his muzzle his tongue rolled out like a red soggy carpet. Drool dripped from his top muzzled creating a cobweb of saliva. Quinn swallowed staring transfixed at his small buddy before nosing down at him.

Kayleb could feel that slightly bumpy wet nose rub along his naked back up his spine and back down. Quinn sniffed at him smelling the pine martin's scent mixed with his toes and took a large inhaling whiff of both of them.

Murring at that he nosed him further, opening his muzzle and licking along his toes and in turn along the pine martin's body. It got an instant response from the small martin that humped into his paws and groaned at the tongue bath he was getting. Gentle, strong strokes of the tongue that lapped at his back and body as Quinn licked his own paw pads.

Sticking his nose and the front part of his muzzle now against his small friend's back Quinn shook his head back and forth as if trying to motorboat his own toes.

This got a giggling response from the pine martin that pulled away afterwards and looked at the fox grinning at him.

"Idiot," Kayleb joked and Quinn pushed his nose against his stomach inhaling once more his scent.

Kayleb could feel his fur being sucked in by that button black nose.

"Ya' loved it." Quinn whispered softly pulling back a few inches and staring down at the pine martin curled around to look at him. "Comfy?" The question didn't seem to be needed said as Kayleb was obviously enjoying himself but the fox loved to tease anyways.

"Could be better." The pine martin offered up to him now spinning around, wiggling his rear back and getting comfy where he was as if he were sitting on a laid back recliner than on a fox's paws.

"Oh really?" Quinn cocked an eyebrow and huffed a laugh at that.

Bending his muzzle down he slide his tongue underneath the pine martin's dark brown paw, underneath his brown legs and thighs and scooped him up into the fox's muzzle. Cupping him with his tongue Quinn slowly sat back up keeping his muzzle slightly open on the sides as he panted through his nose feeling his friend's soft weight on his tongue.

The world around him suddenly became very humid as Kayleb's eyes clamped shut. The breath washing over his face was that of his friends he was sure. The soggy muscle wiggling underneath had to be the fox's tongue. His hands felt the bumpy surface, sticky saliva clinging to his finger and toes. It was spongy and seemed to form around his weight, the sides of it curling upwards around him, the tip rolling back in on it and the middle of the tongue where he sat sank, dipping in for him.

Kayleb himself was afraid to swallow as he opened his eyes slowly to the cavern he discovered himself in. Rows of pearly teeth hung from the ceiling and sprung from the floor. It was hard to breathe even with the muzzle opened as it was. His breath was always that of his friends. The saliva clung to his furry body making him feel heavier, its sticky yet slippery texture made the pine martin stay where he was for fear of slipping any farther in.

Yet as he sat here the pine martin brought his paw down to his brown sack and rolled it around in his palm. Stroking his full sheath now with his thumb he curled his digits around it giving it soft encouraging strokes in this warm, wet environment. And he leaned back in the lounge chair like place he found himself in, stretching a leg out and let a groan escape his lips as he teased, playing with himself in his friends maw. It felt like a sauna in here, the warm creeping into every inch of the pine martin's fiber. A warm and feel of his friend that was.

The saliva was a perfect lubricant to stroke his now prime shaft. Scooping it up Kayleb plopped it on himself and went back to work. His eyes closed as tendrils of saliva dripped from above, accumulating like a pool around his form. He was sure his friend was only salivating more and more. Each loud groan and stroke of his member didn't seem to be lost on the fox who was now heavily panting through his nose teasing and playing with HIS own member.

The tongue was a dark shade of the muzzle's living walls around him. The palate was mostly the same color but just like the back of the tongue had black splotch marks.

The tongue underneath him rippled like a wave before compressing him and holding him to the roof of the muzzle. Against the palate Kayleb was pressed and he groaned as his hard member grinded against the rough surface. The muzzle around him began to contract and squeeze, shutting with a powerful crunch of the teeth together.

Quinn rolled his neck back with a slow groan stroking his half emerged shaft between his strong fingers. The fox could taste the pine martin fully on his lips, the familiar taste of the martin's pre in his throat and the full taste of his body resting on his tongue. It was almost too much in itself and he had to swallow it all. The building saliva and taste, feeling his throat bulge as he did so and with it the knowledge he had swallow a piece of his friend away forever.

Panting through his maw now Quinn opened his black lips once more. Kayleb clung to the roof of his muzzle before peeling off onto that tongue. The red carpet rolled out a bit and the ragged looking martin was panting heavily himself with a large smile on his dark brown muzzle. His fur was matted and messy from being sucked on. Breathing through his teeth Kayleb looked through his teeth back into the black bowels of the fox's throat before out into the room. His eyes caught the fingers before they pinched around his long torso body.

Pulling him off Quinn moved his small friend in front of his muzzle. Panting in turn the fox now grinned swallowing again as if for the visual effect. Kayleb shivered watching his throat bulge with what could've been he and sink down into the pits of the fox's stomach forever. Yet the pine martin's tail was swaying behind him now his ears up like the fox grinning at him and stretching out he rested his forearms on fox's black nose.

"You always did swallow, whore." Kayleb jested feeling exhausted however as he continued to pant on his friends nose. The warm breath of the fox washed over his lower body made him shiver and squirm in his tight grip.

"Hey now," the fox chuckled lowering his voice a bit more as he saw his friend wince. "I'm just so damn good they pay me!"

The two chuckled at that.

Quinn pulled his friend back and let him slide down into his palm. Resting on the paw pad Kayleb just groaned a bit spreading his legs and arms out as he stretched. This opportunity was not about to be let slide however and the fox, full tongue, licked between the pine martin's legs and up a crossed his face with a loud wet slurp. This was followed by another swallow.

"Tasty." Quinn grinned.

"Slut," Kayleb laughed shivering at the cold air in contrast to that warm damp place he had only seconds before been in.

"I'll show you slut," the fox grinned wickedly folding his large triangle ears back.

His paw descended down his form slowly letting the pine martin get a good view of the sheer grandeur of his form. Kayleb was nothing but a bug compared to his friend now and the pine martin was fully aware of this. However there was no fear in the smaller male who just looked at him with wide excited eyes.

Catching the fox off guard the pine martin sprung from his paw and jumped onto the fox's muscular belly. Quinn froze not wanting any sudden movements to toss his friend off and looked down with a cat's curiosity. The pine martin was already burrowing his way into the thick white creamy fur belly.

Slipping underneath the pine martin stuck his head out and with it his tongue up at the large face looking down at him. Pressing his paws against the tender warm flesh of the fox Kayleb wrapped himself up in the fluffy fur coat around him.

Quinn lifted an eyebrow, shrugged and rested back in his bed crossing his legs. He brought a paw down as he yawned and scratched at the spot Kayleb was, but just under it. As if the pine martin was but a flea the fox's nails dug into his fur and rubbed his stomach.

Catching a glimpse between the fox's paws Kayleb sprung from the fur and slide down, between two fingers, towards the goal he had been originally jumping for.

The fox's plump sheath had spill a good decent portion of its contents to the point that the fox's manhood was resting at the bottom of his stomach. Sliding down the rest of the stomach like a fuzzy, slanted slide Kayleb grabbed onto the fur stopping himself just an inch above damp pre-soaked tip.

Scooting his rear down Kayleb slid underneath it and lifting it up with both paws he kissed the tip sticking his tongue inside like a honey jar. Tasting its sweet bitter filling inside and gorging himself as the fox gasped a shiver expelling more of it into the hungry pine martin's stomach.

Such a small thing, Quinn didn't figure, could have such a mighty effect on the massively large fox in comparison to it. Yet it did. The stroke of those skilled fingers and artful tongue, the way his muzzle sealed around the opening in a French kissing suckling and nursing at it was enough to make the fox reconsider his whole outlook on life. Big wasn't always better it seemed.

Covering his muzzle with a paw Quinn closed his eyes, breathing and panting heavily shivering every couple of seconds as a new spot was teased and sucked on. Maybe it was the fact his friend could, and had, stuck his whole muzzle into the fox's tip or that the pine martin was hugging it with his leg's grinding against it but whatever the case Quinn was finding himself more and more aroused by this small creature that was not only his bro but all his...

Kayleb, having a decent enough fill, squirmed from underneath the ever thickening fleshy pole and pulled himself up above it. Setting the tip between his legs the pine martin curled around his friend, angling his own shaft against it before sliding inside. Trembling in delight Kayleb grunted, groaning as he pre'd into his friends head, humping into it now. Though there was no real noticeable effect on the fox the pine martin was clearly enjoying himself. Grunts, groans, grinding of teeth (and other more sensitive areas) left the small pint size pine martin in a shuddering mess of horny delirium.

Quinn folded his ears back snorting through his nose now. Reaching a paw down, he picked up the small pine martin pulling him away with his new best friend. Kayleb just panted, his whole groan covered in the fox's rich musky pre. Placing a hand on the side table Quinn lifted up his hunches angling himself a bit before moving his paw down to the base of his cock. Using the tips of his fingers he opened his sheath and without much coaxing had the pine martin slide inside.

The fleshy walls were like that of a sleeping bag. Fuzzy and warm on the outside and comfortably snug on the inside. A sleeping bag that had a fox's pre leaking down its length inside that was. Squishy was the only real way Kayleb could explain the place he found himself in. Sticky pre was now being rubbed and grinded into his fur as the opening of the sheath was closed and the fox began rubbing his small friend in a very sensitive spot inside of himself. The sheath might've been squishy and loose but the flesh wall he was grinding against too was warm, even hot and unyielding.

Pressed face first into it Kayleb was helpless against his friends paw, all the small pine martin could do was groan happily humping into it and going along with the flow.

At the same time as the Quinn massaged and played with his sheath so too did he stroke and tease his member. Using a full paw for both the fox twisted his legs and succumbs to the feel panting as he whined in joy. Thrashing his tail from side to side the fox kicked against the bed unaware of his friend's fulfillment in the matter.

Being forcibly pressed against the living wall Kayleb, having experience more than enough for a day, was beginning to leak uncontrollably. The fox's own pre was dribbling down his rigid shaft, between his fingers and down into his sheath. Like rain drizzling down from above Kayleb could feel the warm tingling feel of his friend's prerelease falling onto his face and body. Having it rubbed and massaged into his fur. About to finish Kayleb found his world spinning around.

Quinn having been resting on his back now flipped onto his stomach lifting up his rear high for the world his tail flipping onto his back the fox began to grind against the bed. His hefty sack hung between his thighs just as his sheath was doing now. The weight of the pine martin sagged the sheath down. Down enough for two probing digits to reach inside and scoop him out.

Sitting up a bit the fox quickly brought his friend up to his nose before going back to stroking himself faster and faster. Sniffing at the small pine martin he licked at his flesh tasting his own release combined with that of the martins. Licking him fully the two groaned together. Suckling on the lower part of his body Quinn closed his eyes, folding his ears back and concentrated on the moment itself.

Kayleb humped into that muzzle grabbing at its sides with his hands before crying out at the powerful suction and thus with it his release. A small half shot of a release for the fox that was quickly gobbled up and swallowed. Keeping the pine martin where he was Quinn smelled him deeply using his friend's musky warmth to help himself finished.

His body tightened and his toes splayed out gripping at the sheets as they curled. The poofy fox tail halted in midair and his ears fell back, eyes clamping shut and thighs tensing. Before a gasp sounded from his throat and a soft whine from his lips.

The fox's tip bounced as the rippling pulsating feel of his release vibrated down his member, through his sack and soon enough his whole being.

Quickly Quinn brought the pine martin down so his whole body was soon sprayed in the fox's jizz. A torrent of thick, warm ooze squirted onto Kayleb. Closing his eyes the exhausted pine martin just lay there taking it to the face and body. His whole body was soon drenched in the fox's hot sticky aftermath, covering Quinn's digits and hand fully.

Not even bothered the fox shivered in the release and grinned toothily bringing his paw to his lips and cleaning everything on it. Licking around the pine martin he suckled on his fingers until each one was clean. And as the last one was that cum covered tongue scooped the pine martin once more into his muzzle, pressed him against the palate once more and began sucking him clean swallowing everything that dare reach the back of his throat.

With the task finished the fox rolled back over rubbing his rear into the bed. He didn't bother covering up as he opened his muzzle and plucked his friend out from inside. He brought the pine martin to his face and rubbed and nuzzled him affectionately.

"My turn next time." Kayleb panted with a weak faint squeak of a voice.

"Oh, sure thing." Quinn replied dropping the paw he was holding his small in down to his fox sheath. His cock already disappeared inside its home. Opening it up the fox's member got a new best friend and Kayleb was slid inside. Patting the new bulge Quinn turned on his side.

"Sleep tight bud," Quinn yawned now facing the wall. His tail swung behind him knocking over the antidote on the table into the trashcan. "We'll be doing this time and time again, bro."

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