Mated Chapter 2

Story by Dragoon6345 on SoFurry

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Woo!! Another chapter done! Gotta love being sick Xp! I hope you enjoy this one as much as you enjoyed part one! This is a M/M story so reader discretion is advised. Do not read if you are under 18.....But if you do anyway, just don't get caught XD

                Devare awoke refreshed. He glanced at the clock, which read 6:00 PM. He felt Creo tighten his grip on the otter in his sleep. Devare chuckled noiselessly at this and nuzzled his beloved awake. As Creo blinked the sleep out of his eyes, he looked down and smiled at his otter.

"I had a dream about you," Creo said sleepily "it was otteriffic." Devare giggled at this and kissed his wuffie lightly.

"C'mon, we have to get dressed." Devare reluctantly removed the wolf's arms and stood up, still fully clothed and looked at himself. Creo lay there, watching the otter's ass move around, feeling his member begin to harden with thoughts of what he wanted to do with the smexy otter butt.

Devare smelt the wolf's arousal and laughed loudly. "Babe, I don't mean to discourage you, but go take a cold shower," he turned around and saw the wolf's mischievous grin and chuckled. "Or, I guess we could get a quick shower together." Creo chuckled and stood up, proudly displaying his rod, making his lover blush a dark shade of red.

Creo noticed this and slowly walked over to his submissive partner, watching the otter turn redder and redder. When he finally stood in front of the otter, he pulled him into a passionate kiss and slipped his hands into the otter's jeans, rubbing his ass through the cotton boxer briefs he wore.

Devare moaned into the kiss and pulled away reluctantly. He pulled Creo's hands out of his pants and blushed harder. "How about we get our shower first?" Creo sighed, but let the otter have his way. As the grabbed a couple towels out of the cabinet in the bathroom, he noticed that the otter was undressing slowly, almost as if he were embarrassed or shy.

Creo turned around and wrapped his arms around the nervous otter, whispering in his ear "Its ok love, you can get a shower first if it makes you more comfortable." Devare shook his head and turned towards his lover.

"No... It's not that.... It's just.... You're the only male I've been with.... And I want to so those things with you..... I just don't think I'm ready yet..." Devare looked down and waited for Creo to get mad, but only got a loud laugh. He looked up in surprise at first, and then got angry "What is so funny?"

Creo looked down at Devare and kissed him softly. "Is that all love? I would never force you to do something you don't want to do. I love you too much." He would chuckle again and kiss the otter one more, then lead him to the bathroom.

"Now, would you like to shower together or alone?" Devare blushed again and muttered, "Together..." Creo chuckled and helped pull off his shirt and kissed his chest quickly. "sorry babe," He said only half serious. "You're just so sexy." Devare rolled his eyes and smiled, quickly pulling off his pants, leaving only the underwear on.

Creo eyed it, wanting very much to pull it off for him, but not wanting to make his otter uncomfortable. Devare slowly pulled down the boxer briefs, half to drive Creo crazy and half due to his shyness of undressing in front of his mate.

Creo smiled at his now naked otter, and brought him into a hug and kissed him passionately. As they pulled away from one another, he smiled at the blushing otter and licked his nose.

"You are so sexy." Devare blushed more and walked into the shower, pulling Creo with him by the hand. They stepped in and closed the glass doors, and Creo turned on the hot water and pushed the otter under the stream of water, laughing at the look of shock on Dev's face. Devare stood stunned then glared playfully at the wolf and pulled the wolf to him and kissed him under the stream of water.

Devare was suddenly aware of his nakedness, and blushed lightly, feeling himself become aroused upon seeing his completely naked form against his lover. Creo smelt the otter's arousal and grinned knowingly at him, but said nothing. Instead, he extracted himself from the otter's grip and grabbed the soap and lightly scrubbed Devare's chest and belly, loving to rub the slightly pudgy otter.

Devare felt himself get more and more aroused till his entire member was out of his sheathe. Creo chuckled and kissed his blushing otter. He wanted to please his beloved, but didn't want to make him uncomfortable, so he just continued to wash Devare. After several minutes of scrubbing the otter slowly, he handed Devare the soap. "Would you be a dear and wash me?" Devare nodded shyly and scrubbed the wolf slowly, working his fingers into his back, loving the sound of his wuffie murring.

After a while, Devare's erection softened and disappeared once more and they enjoyed kissing and hugging in the spray of water. As they stepped out and dried off, Devare couldn't help but watch his love dry off. He accidently dropped his towel and bent over to pick it up.  Creo looked over long enough to see the otter bend over and admire his butt.

As Devare stood back up, Creo turned away and blushed a little. Devare finished drying off and walked back into the bedroom. "You have a button up shirt and a pair of slacks, right," Devare looked at Creo questioningly. Creo thought for a moment and responded, "Umm I think I have a shirt, but all I have is a pair of black jeans. Why?"

Devare nodded and pulled on some underwear and started looking for his clothes. "Because, I want to take you to dinner." Devare pulled on a maroon button up shirt and threw on a pair of black slacks. Creo looked at him for a moment, smiled, and started grabbing his clothes.

"Where did you have in mind?" "I don't know, I don't live here. What's good?" Creo thought for a moment as he pulled on his jeans. Then he smiled at the otter and finished buttoning his pants. "Well, the Olive Garden they've been building is finally open, how bout there?"

Devare pulled the wolf into his arms and kissed him quickly." Sounds perfect. You ready?" Creo nodded and took the otters arm into his. Devare blushed and followed the wolf. After about ten minutes of walking, they arrived at the restaurant.

They arrived back at the house at about 9:00 PM, laughing as they came down the road. Creo opened the front door and bowed before the otter. Devare giggled and curtsied "and they say chivalry is dead." Creo only smiled and escorted him inside. When Creo closed the door, Devare pounced on him, kissing the wolf's neck and lips.

Creo chuckled and kissed back, winding his arms around the otter. "any reason for the sudden attention?" Creo asked in between kisses.

"Because," Devare kissed him again, this time softly, "I love you...... And I think I'm ready...." Creo was stunned for a moment, and moved Devare at arm's length.

"Are you sure Dev? I don't want you to regret it later." All the otter did was pull Creo's hand and move towards the bedroom. Devare slowly unbuttoned Creo's shirt, and pulled it off of him, kissing his chest softly. Creo smiled at him and trailed his nails along Devare's neck, making him moan quietly. Creo then took control and guided himself and the otter to the bed.

As they fell on the bed, Creo tore off Devare's shirt and kissed his neck lovingly. Devare rolled both Creo onto his back and pulled off his pants. He saw the wolf's sheathe through the thin cotton fabric. He nuzzled it and rubbed it gently, enjoying the murring sounds coming from his beloved wuffie.

Creo felt his sheathe swell and him member emerge as Devare gave his crotch special attention. Devare came up, and kissed Creo passionately, forcing his tongue into his mate's mouth. Their tongues wrestled together in each other's mouths.  Devare pulled away and lightly kissed the trail of fur that went from the wolf's chest down to his now erect member.

When he got to the wolf's member, he lightly kissed and from base to tip. When he got to the tip, he licked the pre that had started to leak out. Creo quietly gaped at the sudden attention that the otter boy was giving him. Devare slowly licked from the base of Creo's member to the tip and gently kissed the tip. Devare looked up at the wolf, which received him a lust filled smile and a nod of encouragement.

Devare smiled back and slowly brought the tip of his mate's rod to his mouth and lightly blew on it, causing Creo to gasp quietly. Devare grinned lustfully and took the wolf's cock into his muzzle. He slowly took more and more, then Creo put his hand on Devare's head, signaling him to stop.

Devare looked at him, confused for a moment, then Creo signaled for him to sit up, and started undoing his pants, revealing a barely covered erection. Devare smiled and let Creo pull off his pants and underwear, and helped pull them off his feet. Creo lightly stroked the otter's member, then laid down on the bed.

"Get on top of me and put your dick in my face." Creo growled lightly, making Devare shudder and want to do as his master commanded. Devare got above him and put his face in front of Creo's cock. He slowly took the wolf's member into his muzzle once more and suckled the tip softly, making Creo groan lightly behind him. As Devare sucked Creo, he looked at the otter's furry balls and virgin tail hole.

Licking his lips quickly, Creo extended his tongue to Devare's tail hole and licked the tight opening. Upon feeling Creo's tongue lap at his tail hole, Devare moaned on the wolf's member, causing Creo even more pleasure.  Devare took more of his cock into his muzzle and begin to bob. Creo groaned softly and started to push his tongue into Devare, causing him to moan more and more.

Creo was soon tongue fucking the otter as he sucked the wolf's cock, taking all but the knot into his muzzle. Devare moaned around the cock and pulled off it. He turned around and looked at Creo, watching him push his tongue in and out of his ass.

"Creo....I....I want you to....take me." He said between moans. Creo slipped his tongue out of the otter and looked at him. "Are you sure babe? I don't want to hurt you." Devare nodded and smiled at him. "Yes, I am sure," Devare got off of Creo and got on all fours and spread his legs. Creo got up and opened a drawer and pulled out a bottle of lube.

He came back over and opened the bottle, squirting some on his still hard member, and rubbed it  all over. He then took what was left on his hand and wiped it on the fingers of his other hand and slowly fingered the otter, causeing him to moan. He slowly worked his finger in and out of the otter's tail hole. He slowly worked a second finger in, causing the submissive otter boy to moan even louder than before.

"Please.....please fuck me..." Devare begged, whining slightly. Creo smiled at his lover and kissed his neck, pulling out his out of him. He rubbed a little more lubricant on his member and lined his tip up with Devare's tail hole. "It will hurt," Creo whispered in his ear. "But I will try to be gentle. Are you ready?"

Devare nodded and gritted his teeth, preparing for the pain. Creo slowly pushed his tip into Devare's hole, getting a slight hiss of pain from the otter. He pushed till he felt his tip slide in, causing the otter to whimper. He stopped pushing and looked at the otter with worry in his eyes. "Are you okay love?" Devare was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"Yeah.....just...just give me a moment to get used to it." Creo nodded and waited, rubbing the otters back and sides lightly, trying to comfort him. Devare finally nodded, "Ok...I'm ready. Go slowly please." Creo smiled and kissed Devare's neck. "Of course, my love."

Creo slowly pushed in, filling his lover till he felt like he would burst. He pushed his whole member into his mate. Devare felt Creo hilt him up to the knot. At first it had hurt, but now he was panting lightly. Creo slowly started to pull out all but his tip, then he pushed back in just as slowly, causing Devare to moan louder than ever.

Creo groaned as he pushed in and out of his beloved otter. He was becoming more turned on from Dev's moaning. He slowly started to go deeper, pushing in harder.  Devare moaned louder with each thrust, loving the feeling of being taken.

"F...faster..." Creo grinned and sped up his thrusting, in and out, in and out. Creo reached down and started to rub Devare's cock in time with his thrusting. Devare felt his orgasm coming and moaned  more, trying to get Creo to go faster and deeper into him. "C....Creo....I'm going.....going to..."

Too late, He screamed out his lover's name and came hard against Creo's hand and the bed coverings. His entrance tightened around Creo's member, causing him to groan louder and fuck Devare harder. Creo started to pound into his mate, fucking him hard and fast, feeling himself get closer and closer to his climax.

"Cr.....Creo.....tie me.....tie me right now..." That's all he needed, he pounded harder and faster than before, feeling himself about to hit the edge. Suddenly, his knot went into Devare with a slight pop, and that was all he needed. He pumped his hips into the otter a few more times and he came inside the otter and biting his neck hard, claiming him as his.

Devare felt the pain of Creo's knot entering him, that was quickly replaced by the pleasure of being bitten and the feeling of hot cum flooding his insides. The pleasure of it all made him scream Creo's name again and cum harder than last time, covering everything in another layer of otter cum.

They both collapsed, Creo falling on top of Devare and Devare falling into his mess of cum. They lay panting and basking in the afterglow of their first time. Devare looks behind him as best as he can and smiles at the almost comatose wolf. Creo looks at him and smiles, licking the otters cheek he flips them onto their sides, and wraps his arms around Devare. He whispered in the otters ear, "I love you, my beautiful boy." Devare smiled and licked his lips, hugging the wolf's arms closer to him. "I love you too wuffie."

They fell asleep like that, Creo still inside Devare, and them both covered in Devare's mess. And they could not have been happier


Mated Chapter 1

I am sorry for such a long wait for a new story. I've been busy with school and trying to find a job. I also, for a while, had writers block. But I found my muse and I plan on writing a whole series. I hope you enjoy the story. Don't forget to comment,...

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