Chapter Eight - Damnit Electra!

Story by Dallas Adoraslash on SoFurry

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#8 of Part Three - A Journey Through The Unknown

"This place reminds me of home." I said as I followed Kevin down the hallway,

"Eh... A little I guess." He said as we approached the elevators, and he pushed the down button.

'So how does food work around here anyway? Do we just go down and eat or something?" I asked. "Is it already prepared and stuff? Do Pokémon eat special food?"

"Pokémon aren't supposed to exist here, so no." Kevin said. "It's more of a buffet thing. You take a plate, grab some stuff, sit down and eat it."

"So kind of like the normal thing I always do..." I said.

"Well you'll see when you get there." Kevin said as the elevator opened, and we all stepped inside. There were three other people inside, a bigger male human and two slightly smaller males. As Electra and I stepped in after Kevin, and Kevin turned around to face the doors, one of the humans started staring at us. The other one, the smallest, reached over towards Kevin's hood.

"Can I help you?" Cammy asked as she reached out and pushed his hand away with her right paw.

"WAH!" the human shouted, jerking his head back and staring at Cammy. "It's alive! And it talks"

"IT?" Cammy asked as she stood up as best as she could in Kevin's hood, staring at him. "I'm no 'it', I'm a 'she'.

"Yeah look at her tail, it's female." The human that was in the middle height-wise said.

"You're seeing this too... Right?" The biggest human asked as he looked down at the other two.

"Yeah dad I see it! This is SO COOL!"

"WAAAAIT!" Zeke yelled from down the hall as he came darting toward us, jumping through the gap in the doors at the last possible second and knocking Kevin into one of the three humans behind him. The doors opened back up as he jumped through, and Cammy was sent flying out of Kevin's hood, smacking right into the bigger human's chest, who quickly reached up with both arms and caught her. Zeke stood there, looking up at Kevin as he pushed himself off of the wall, the smaller human getting to his feet after being knocked over.

"Holy shit Zeke watch it..." Kevin groaned as he turned around, facing the human that had fallen. "You okay there?" He asked.

"Yes... I'm fine... Is that a Mightyena?" he asked.

"I sure am!" Zeke barked.

"And it talks too..." The other, smallest human said. "Really... loudly..."

"Oh you have got to be kidding me." The man said as he held Cammy up, who stared at him blankly. "This... Is real. And alive."

"Yes. Yes I am." Cammy said as she wiggled a little in his grip. "Could you maybe... Put me down? Or hold me some other way?"

"Oh, right." He said as he set her on the floor. "Sorry..."

"POKÉMON! REAL LIVING POKÉMON!" the smallest human shouted as he jumped on Zeke, who fell over playfully and began squirming around.

"SNUGGLE FIGHT!" Zeke barked as he pawed at the human on the floor of the elevator, rolling onto him and licking his face repeatedly.

"I don't believe this." The middle height human said, frowning as he looked down at me and Electra. "Show us one of your moves or something."

Electra sighed softly as she shot a few sparks off of her cheeks, staring up at him as he stared back down at her, gasping softly and placing both hands over his mouth.

"You're... Really real!" He squealed. "C-can I touch... Your red spots? I wanna feel!"

"Oh go right ahead." Electra said, grinning as she shot off a few more sparks.

"Electra NO." Cammy yelled as she pushed the human's hand away just before he could touch her cheek, frowning as she turned around to look at Electra. "You are NOT frying and eating these nice people."

"Frying... And eating?" the human asked, frowning.

"The deal was I cou-"

"No, the deal was you could fry and eat whoever ATTACKS you or tries to catch you. He is doing neither. Come on, you'll eat when we get down to the first floor."

"Electra huh?" The small human asked. "Electra... Were you really trying to... Eat me?"

"Yeah well that'd come a lot quicker if fluffy over there would get his tail out of the doorway." Electra growled as she pointed to Zeke, completely ignoring the small human's question. "Zeke get your fucking tail in the elevator!" Electra yelled.

"OH! I'm sorry!" He yipped as he got to his feet, turning sideways so that his tail was now inside, the elevator doors closing shortly after he'd done so.

"Electra?" The smaller human asked.

"What?" She asked as she turned around, staring up at him. "No I wasn't going to eat you."

Cammy rolled her eyes at Electra, who responded by sticking her tongue out and perking her ears straight up.

"This guy is so soft and fluffy!" The smallest human said, laughing as he ruffled Zeke's fur. "I love him!"

"We're not keeping Pokémon with us." The bigger human immediately said. "Plus, this is their trainer I'm sure."

"Yes, yes I am." Kevin said as Cammy hopped up onto Zeke's back.

The doors opened and we all walked out. Electra immediately pushed against Kevin's leg as we exited, making it obvious she didn't want to sit around and let him have a conversation.

"As much as I'd like to continue this conversation, Electra here will probably tear me apart if I don't get moving. I'll seeya around I guess."

"Bye mister!" The two smaller humans said as the larger one waved, Zeke following alongside me and Electra as Kevin lead us to the restaurant.

"It smells nice already!" Electra laughed as we made our way towards the place, going up a little ramp into another hallway and turning a corner. As soon as we approached the area where the people assign you tables, the person behind the counter just stared at us blankly.

"Table for... One? ... Five?" He asked as he looked behind Kevin, staring briefly at us.

"Five will work." Kevin said, smiling.

"Yeah I'm not even going to ask..." He mumbled as he grabbed the menus and began walking. "Right this way. We have a booth seat available for you... five."

We followed him through what seemed to be a maze of a restaurant, and the whole place seemed to get progressively quieter as we walked through. People immediately stopped their conversations as they saw us, especially when they saw Zeke, who stood over three feet tall with Cammy riding on his back, making the both of them roughly four and a half feet tall, and not easy to miss. Kevin seemed to just walk casually through like there was nothing happening at all, quiet whispering breaking out throughout the whole restaurant as people began talking to eachother, most likely about us. When we got to our table the man placed the menus on the table, then stared at us for a second before taking them back.

"Oh I'm sorry, there's a buffet today... You can just go up and grab something whenever you like. I assume you paid in advance?"

"Absolutely." Kevin said as he pulled out his wallet, showing the man his room key, which for some reason also had his picture on it, kind of like an ID card.

"Ah. You're good to go on anything you want sir. Help yourself."

Kevin nodded as he put the card back into his wallet, then returned the wallet to his pocket.

"Hey, I saw you put your card in your pocket when we left." I said, frowning as I stared at him.

"Yeah but I slipped it into my wallet the lazy way." He laughed softly.

"Aaaand helping myself." Electra said as she walked off toward the buffet table.

I shrugged and followed her as the man began walking away, hopping up onto the counter and grabbing a plate. Just as I was reaching for one however, I realized the tray right in front of me had chicken in it, and for some unknown reason, I don't know if it was instincts or what, I reached in and grabbed a piece, then hopped down onto the floor and began gnawing on it. Maybe I was hungrier than I thought. I engulfed half of the piece in one bite, which was when I realized there were no bones in them, and quickly finished the rest, hopping back up to grab another. There was a little notecard over the tray that said chicken fingers, but I had no idea how to read so I ignored it. I didn't even bother to hop down to eat the second one. I just stayed up there and ate. I mean it wasn't like I was a messy eater or anything, surely no one would mind.

Just as I was going to grab for a fourth, my ears perked up as I heard someone whisper something.

"Psst... Hey you, Pikachu."

I froze in place, my paw just hovering over the chicken as I listened carefully.

"Hey. He heard me." They whispered. "Hey you, Pikachu!"

I stood upright and turned around to see a group of humans at a square table making gestures toward me for me to approach. Figuring there wasn't really any harm at all they could do to me, I hopped down and walked over to their table, hopping up onto a chair and climbing up onto the table. I sat down in front of the person that had whispered to me, right behind his plate.

"You meant me, right?" I asked, tilting my head as I stared at him.

"I thought they could only say their names..." one of the humans mumbled.

"Then I'd sound stupid." I said, rolling my eyes.

"No, you're not supposed to be able to talk damnit! You're supposed to only say your name!"

Rolling my eyes again, I folded my arms. "Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas. Dal Dal Dallas Dallaaaas Daaaaallaaaaas Daaaallas Dallas Dal Dal."

"I meant Pikachu." The human said, rolling his eyes back.

"My name isn't Pikachu." I said as I stuck my tongue out briefly. "That'd be so... Freaking weird."

"So it's Dallas huh?" he asked, to which I nodded.

"Hey Dallas." The human in front of me, the one that had whispered to me first said. "How do you exist?"

"What kind of question is that?" I asked.

"A logical one. How do you exist?" He asked again.

"How do YOU exist?" Electra asked as she leapt up onto the table, a chicken finger in each paw.

"Is this your girlfriend?" The human asked, smirking as he elbowed the person next to him, who also smirked, which somehow caused the whole group to grin.

"Well she IS female." One of the humans said. "Look at her tail."

"Nerd." The guy next to him said, giving him a playful shove.

"Well are you his girlfriend or not?" The human in front of me asked.

"Mate." Electra said as she stuffed the two chicken fingers into her mouth, swallowing them both down at once, which seemed to catch the attention of everyone at the table, as well as people in the surrounding tables that had been eavesdropping. "Not girlfriend."

"Sorry. Are you his... 'mate'?" the human asked sarcastically, to which Electra nodded. "Yes, yes I am."

"Hey Dallas here hasn't answered my question yet." The guy in front of me said.

"Screw your question I want to know how that girl Pikachu just ate those chicken fingers like that." The dude next to him said.

"I asked first so mine takes priority over yours." He said back. "How do you exist?"

"Mine was asked second, so mine takes priority over yours too." Electra said to the other human. "But I'll be nice for once and answer your question anyway."

"HA." The human said to the guy in front of me, who shoved him and grumbled something I couldn't make out.

"It's simple really. I put stuff in my mouth and swallow. Same way you do it." She said.

"Yes but we chew." He said.

She rolled her eyes. "And I don't. There's your answer."

He picked up a piece of chicken off of his plate and poked it against her muzzle, smiling. "Do it again."

"She snatched the chicken out of his hand with an annoyed look and just stuffed it into her mouth, swallowing it down just like the others.

"Hey if you're going to sit here and feed me then I'll answer whatever question you want!" She laughed.

"DID YOU TWO DO IT?" someone yelled from another table.

Groaning, I slapped both paws to my face and looked down at the plate in front of me. "Oh Arceus..."

"FUCK yes we did!" Electra yelled back. "Now where's my chicken?"

"Do you have babies?" The guy in front of me asked.

"Okay first of all they're called P-"

"Pichu!" The guy to the left blurted out.

"Nerd!" the guy next to him said as he shoved him again.

"Hey! Liking Pokémon doesn't make me a nerd." He said.

"Hell yes it does!" He said back.

"So what you're saying is..." Electra said as she walked over to him, standing in front of him and folding her arms. "You don't... Like us?"

"I never said that." He said.

"You implied it, did you not?" Electra asked as she took a step forward, standing at the edge of the table. "Why does he have to be called names for liking us?"

"Wow you guys can't take a joke can you?" he laughed as he went to pick her up. "Now... Wow you're heavy... Get out of my face or something. Go back to where you were with your boyfri-"

"Mate." The guy next to him said.

"Neeerrrrrd." He said again, only this time Electra grabbed his hands before he could shove him.

"Cut it out." She said as she stared into his eyes. Apparently she was using some sort of move like leer or something, because when she looked away, he had this terrified look on his face and his hands were all shaky when she let go of them.

"What did you... Do?" The guy in front of me asked as the guy in front of Electra shivered.

"She used some sort of status attack on him, scared the shit out of him basically." The 'nerdy' guy said.

"W-w-w-w-what t-t-t-the f-f-f-f-f-f-f-F-F-F-F-FUCK!" the guy yelled as he stood up, staring down at Electra. "She fucking... She... She... I don't even know! That was the scariest shit I've ever seen in my life!" He yelled.

"What happened?" the guy in front of me asked.

"I did exactly what that guy said, gave him the stare." Electra chuckled. "Now if you don't mind I'm off to get some more food." She said as she hopped down off of the table and made her way back to the counter.

"Look at this guy's wolf!" someone shouted. "He's so big!"

"I'm a Mightyena." Zeke said. "But yeah, a wolf. Uh... Woof woof... Bark bark woof..."

"He's a Pokémon." Someone said. "A Mightyena, like he said. How he talks? I have no idea."

"I want a picture!" Someone shouted. "Get a picture with me and the Pikachu girl!"

"Me?" Cammy asked as she stood up, pointing to herself.

"I want a picture too!" Someone else shouted.

"I want more food!" Electra said. "Each picture is going to cost you one chicken finger!"

Everyone just stared at her and most of them rolled their eyes.

"Hey, no food, no picture." She said, folding her arms.

"Sadly I have no say in this." Kevin laughed softly.

"I want a picture but I only have jello!"

"Is it edible?" Electra asked.

"Since when do you ask if things are edible before you eat them?" Cammy asked, frowning.

"Since never." Electra said. "What I meant is does it taste good."

"It's a dessert."

"Then that's fine." She laughed.

"I can't believe you're charging people food..." Cammy laughed.

"I can." Zeke mumbled as he sat down on the floor. "Electra eats everything!"

"Hey Dallas!" the dude in front of me shouted. "You still never told me how you exist!"

"Holy crap dude." I sighed, grabbing my ears and tugging on them. "I'm RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!"

"Yes but you keep ignoring the question." He said.

"And I'll continue to ignore it if you're going to be an ass." I said back. "I'm not answering your stupid question."

"It IS kind of dumb." Someone else said.

"Hey." He said as he grabbed my tail, yanking on it and dragging me back along the table. "Answer the question."

I winced a little as my tail was suddenly pulled, something I didn't tolerate one bit. I think he could tell, because his grip loosened as a couple sparks flew off of my cheeks in anger.

"You don't pull their tails idiot." The 'nerdy' guy said. "Any Pokémon fan knows you don't pull a Pikachu's tail."

"Well I'm not one." He said. "I have every right to pull his ta-" he said, stopping short as I turned my head and fired off a quick bolt of electricity, mainly for the purpose of temporarily stunning him. When he was all jittery and shaky, which was almost instantly, I whipped my tail to the side and pulled him by the arm out of his chair, sending his limp body tumbling to the floor. I looked around the room and people were just staring at me, some with their phones out.

"Would anyone else like to pull on my tail?" I asked.

Of course there was no answer.

"Good. Now let's move on."

"I want a picture."

"I want a picture too!"

"I want MONEY!" someone yelled as they leapt over a table. "FIVE HUNDRED GRAAAAND!" He yelled as he tackled Cammy off of the table, shoving her into a sack before she got a chance to launch a counterattack. However, the man was only able to run about three steps before he was blasted with a full force thunderbolt from Electra, who came running from the buffet counter shouting "FREE FOOOOOD!"

The sack plopped to the floor and the man plopped down right alongside it, all steamy and staticy.

"Oh Arceus..." Kevin mumbled as he looked away.

"I think he's dead..." Someone whispered.

"If he had common sense he wouldn't be." Someone else said.

"HAHAHAHA! FINALLY!" Electra shouted as she ran over to him. "I ALWAYS GET WHAT I WANT!" She shouted as she stuffed his head into her mouth, causing almost everyone in the room to gasp all at the same time as they stared at her.

"Well, not always..." I said as I turned around, not really wanting to watch since we were in a public area and it'd be embarrassing. "But usually..."

I waited a few seconds before I turned back around, just in time to see the man's feet disappear, his untied shoelaces hanging out of Electra's muzzle as she swallowed his feet, the laces soon following. Everyone was dead silent as Electra licked her muzzle a few times, then her paws, just as Cammy squirmed her way out of the sack.

"Well... Now he's definitely dead." Someone mumbled.

Cammy pushed it away and scrambled to her feet, brushing her fur off and growling as she looked around the room, sparks flying from her cheeks as she hopped up onto a table.


"THAT'S MY GIRL!" Zeke barked, standing up on his hind legs and barking twice more, before losing his balance and plopping onto his back, scrambling to roll over and stand up, before sitting back down and staring at Cammy.

"Your friend there ate him." Someone said as they pointed to Electra.

Cammy turned her head and looked at her, and she nodded. "That was the deal wasn't it?"

Cammy's ears drooped back a little as she sighed, the sparks flying from her cheeks stopping as she placed a paw on Electra's head.

"I believe the deal was you're allowed to eat anyone that attacks YOU." Cammy said.

"Well I bent the rules and extended that for the whole party!" Electra chuckled softly.

"Yeah... Thanks for that." Cammy said. "No really, thank you. If you hadn't done something with him he'd be all over the walls right about now." Cammy groaned.

"Yeah, then I'd have to lick him up, and the whole point of eating the way I eat is so that it's quick and easy. Licking up his torn up parts would take forever!" She whined softly.

"USE YOUR HEAD AND YOU WON'T BE DEAD." Someone far in the background yelled.

"Well then I'd gather his pieces and shove them in this sack." Cammy said as she picked it up, quickly dropping it back to the floor. "Then you could just eat the sack of body parts I guess."

"They're like cute little murderers..." Someone said. "I don't know how she was able to do that but that was amazing... HEY PIKACHU! Do you think maybe you could do me a favor and eat this asshole I know?" they shouted.

"More free food? HECK YEAH!" Electra shouted as she hopped up onto the table. "You just tell me where and I'll get em for ya!"

"I... Think we should go now." Kevin said as he stood up. "Electra come on."

"I want pictures though!" Someone shouted. "With that one that ate the guy! She's awesome!"

"If you want pictures you can come to room fifteen thirty-six." Kevin said as he began walking.

I hopped down off of the table and followed him, Zeke and Cammy right in front of me.

"Come with the purpose of capturing us or something and I'll burn you to bits." Cammy growled. "That was just ridiculous."

"Bye bye doggy!" One of the little humans said.

"Arf arf!" Zeke barked happily, picking up speed so we could catch up with Kevin, who had a good reason to want to get out of there.

"Enjoy the rest of your day!" The man behind the counter said as we rushed past.

"Yeah you too." Kevin said quickly. It was obvious that no one on this side of the place knew about anything that had gone on over there.

When we got back to the elevator and stepped inside, Kevin waited until the doors closed to speak.

"What the HELL was THAT Electra?" He asked.

"What? What'd I do?" She asked.

"What'd you DO?" Kevin asked back. "What do you THINK you did?"

"I saved Cammy." She said. "And ate some stuff."

Kevin sighed softly as he looked down at Cammy, who frowned up at him. "Ugh... Whatever, he deserved it I guess, I don't know." Kevin said. "Although now everyone is probably after us for murder or something."

"With what evidence?" Cammy asked. "She freaking swallowed the dude whole! There's nothing left behind for them to get a lead on. There's no proof that she ate him. The man's wallet and identification cards are all history in a few minutes, along with the rest of him. Electra doesn't... You know... Crap. So it's not like they could use THAT as evidence either. Her body makes use of EVERYTHING somehow. NOTHING survives in there!"

"Cammy is right." Electra chuckled softly. "Anything that goes in here." She giggled as she patted her belly. "Doesn't come out unless I say so. And I never say so."

"Well we got that Furret out before." Kevin said.

"I got sick before I could finish him off!" Electra groaned. "The stupid thing made me swallow my Pokemart key! Its fur got caught on it and pulled it right out of my cheek pouch! Or was it her paw... Something on her body grabbed it and pulled it down there." Electra groaned.

"Thaaaat explains the key." Kevin laughed.

"I thought it was the key you swallowed back at the colony that they found." I said, frowning.

"Dallas I ate that thing like a week earlier. That key was long gone by the time I left the food room. It only takes minutes for stuff to go byebye forever when I eat it." She laughed softly.

"We still got them back." Kevin grinned.

"Okay fine. Starting... The day AFTER you got Amper back. Nothing leaves my belly without my permission!" She said as she folded her arms.

"Stryder." Cammy giggled.

"Oh shut up." Electra growled. "You're ruining the moment!"

"Yeah yeah." Cammy laughed. "The point is, everything that guy had for ID has probably melted away by now. There's no recovering any of it, and there's no way anyone could even know Electra ate him. There's no blood because he wasn't torn to pieces, no items left behind besides that sack, which is useless to them as evidence. There's no WAY anyone could know Electra killed him." She said as we stepped out of the elevator.

"Yup yup, everything is probably waaay gone now." Electra said, smiling.

"Oh whatever." Kevin said as we exited the elevator. We waited for Kevin to pull out his wallet and take out the key, and when he did we were all just about ready to run right inside. However, as he swiped his card and we opened the door, we were all greeted with something none of us expected. Cammy was the first one to react to it, followed by Zeke who just jumped back and barked.

"Holy... HOLY SHIT!" Kevin yelled.

"Kevin help me!" Cameron yelled from inside. "PLEASE!"

"What the hell leave him alone!" Electra yelled as she ran into the room.

I was the in the back of the group so I never got a chance to see what all the commotion was about. Just before I had a chance to peek inside the door slammed shut.

"Fuck!" Kevin yelled as he desperately tried to swipe the card, only to drop it a couple times in his rush to get the door back open.

I never got a chance to see what was going on in there, but judging by all the yelling I could hear from inside, it didn't sound good at all...

--END Chapter Eight.--

Chapter Seven - What Now?

I awoke feeling surprisingly good despite what had just happened the previous day. I sat up, looking around as I slowly got to my feet. Everything seemed really quiet. To my surprise, I wasn't laying in a library anymore, but rather on a bed, a...

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Chapter Six - A Failed Attempt

I walked into the library silently, holding Bolt in my paws as Kevin opened the doors. I didn't really know what to do or say, so I just wandered silently into the maze of bookshelves. Kevin carried what was left of the food into the basement. Electra...

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Chapter Five - McDonald's!

"Hey, what's that?" Cammy asked as she pointed out the window. "It looks like it has a drive through." "It does." Pikachu said, smiling. "And the food there is great." "All food is great." Electra said. "Except nasty food." "Which means all...

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