Theif's Tale's: Garret's First

Story by Cameron Winter on SoFurry

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Garret was a thief, a very talented thief to be exact and rather brazen too. The grey fox was born on the streets of some unknown city, whose name he never learned, for he was too occupied with the simple matter of keeping himself alive among the backstreets and cold alleyways, hidden from the torch lights of the city watch. An orphan street child learned to be a thief or they died, it was that simple. If they were good at it, they were likely to come to the attention of one of the city's underkings, the shadowy figure who ran the sleazy underworld, who controlled the thugs and muggers, pimped the girls in the taverns and markets and who organised the smugglers and racketeers. If you were a very good thief though, you came to the attention of the Guild.

The Guild had many different names, called by many different people and few of them were really correct. They were not criminals per say, for they did not steal for the same reasons as criminals. True there was much profit to be made in their chosen profession, but money was not their real motivation. Perhaps fame, for many of the Guild's members became famous for the audacity of their thefts, Garret himself once stealing the diamond sceptre of a visiting queen right from beside her bed as she slept, curiously with a man who was not her husband beside her, he had noted. But then, the guild was so very careful not to let its existence be confirmed as anything but an urban legend to those who were not members. Perhaps it was not the wealth, nor the fame that Guild thieves sought. was simply the challenge, to steal something that was deemed safe from theft and be the one to do it when no one else could. Yes, that was the reason the Guild's member stole...and as was said, Garret was a very talented thief.

Garret came to the guild aged around sixteen. No one was sure exactly how old he was, because he had no idea where or what day he was born. He was small in stature at only five foot tall and a skinny scarecrow with shadowy grey fur, darker with dirt and rusty red patches showing through on his cheeks, below the eyes and in his hair. None the less, he was a handsome lad with lean and even features, finished with a smile that he would later learn could charm chastity belts into spontaneous release, something that was to happen regularly in the years to come, but right now he was a young man who had never even kissed a girl, let alone seduced her.

Kayla on the other hand was well versed in such things. She was about thirty when she met Garret, or rather when she had caught him, very nearly lifting a heavy purse of coins from her belt. She was a mouse, considered to be very tall for her kind, but still a few inches shorter than Garret and very slight of build. She was still very attractive with light brown fur, long hair that she tied into a braid and soft hazel eyes. She had been slipping through the selfsame backstreets that had been Garret's home for most of his life, on her way back to her hide out after a successful "Venture" into a wealthy trader's house up in the Jade Hills, the opulent mansion district of the city where the nobility and well to do distanced themselves from the less fortunate, their privacy enforced by walls and armed guards.

It took skill to follow a Guild thief, Kayla knew this and it was this that tempered her anger when she felt the weight of the purse at her belt vanish suddenly. Her anger quickly turned to a strange excitement as she pursued the scraggly vulpine teen through the slums, all the time, their chase seemingly invisible to all but the two of them. It was something of the same thrill the mouse got when she stole from the manors and mansions up on the Jade Hills, the sense that she had found this boy when others hadn't. It was a great effort to find the boy too as it happened, as Garret led Kayla on a merry old chase halfway across the city until he was finally defeated by his own hunger and fatigue. Garret had not eaten in at least two days before spying the purse at Kayla's belt and he was not in the best condition for flight from any pursuer, not least one so skilled and tenacious as Kayla.

He fell to his knees, an arm held across his middle as hunger pains chewed deep at him and his limbs burned with their strains. He could muster enough strength to look up at the mouse femme as she approached slowly from the shadows. He had expected shouted words and a flash of steel to his throat, but instead he was surprised to receive quiet, kind spoken words and an offered hand. "Tell me boy, if I fed you, clothed you and most definitely washed you, could you thieve with such skill again? Perhaps if I taught you, thieve with greater skill next time?" She asked him, helping Garret to his feet and quickly shepparding the youth deeper into the shadows. It did not take a sage to divine Garret's answer. He would have said yes if he was asked if he was the sire of kings and witches if it would have got him a meal and warm place to sleep, if just for one night. As it happened, Kayla gave him such for more than just one night, but for many months to follow.

Garret was presented to the Guild's other members within a few short moons as his training progressed at a great pace due to his seemingly natural skills in stealth and larceny. His introduction as Kayla's apprentice was met with more than a little envy it seemed. Garret's new life seemed to be a bigger change for him in other ways too. So much of his young life had been dedicated simply to staying alive before, but now his belly was full and warm cloths were on his back, the black cloak and tunic Kayla gave him becoming his most prized possessions. Now he was not so focussed on staying alive, he had a chance to experience the things he had been missing...some of them he was not entirely aware that he was missing.

He had been under Kayla's wing for nearly a year at the time, training with her on a narrow balance beam in the abandoned warehouse where they lived. Kayla watched him as he fell for a third time from the beam, dropping several feet and thudding painfully on the hard timber floor. He had fallen on his arm and he cradled it, growling through his teeth as he tried to sit up. Kayla's usual tones of understanding and patience cut through the pain, "Garret, are you alright?"

Garret looked up at the mouse standing over him. She had crossed the sixty or so feet from where she had been observing him with remarkable speed. That however was not so remarkable actually, as she was much more athletic than she appeared and that was remarkable when one looked at her light, gymnast's fact, it was that light gymnast's body that Garret had been glancing at when he fell and Kayla it seemed sensed this. "I'm fine, I just lost my concentration, it won't happen again," The fox replied, taking Kayla's hand and working his aching arm about, satisfied there was nothing broken.

"That is not what is wrong Garret. I know you will do better next time, because you have done better before," She replied as he stood, Garret turning to look at her quickly as she spoke. "Do you want to make love to me apprentice?" She asked him simply, smiling as she saw the sudden, almost shocked look on his face when she said it.

Garret groped for the right words, stringing together what ever would come out, ", I mean yes I would like to but I...I mean...I."

Kayla just hushed him and put a finger on the younger fur's lips. "You do not have to be sorry or embarrassed. I know you have not been with a femme before and I find myself honoured that you want me to be your first. I've seen you looking at me in that way when you thought I wouldn't notice and believe me, I do not find the idea of letting you make love to me unappealing." She ran her finger down Garret's neck and placed her delicate hand on his chest. He had gained muscle in his time under her teachings and her fingers traced over the lines of his toned chest. Garret swallowed nervously as she did so, uncertain what to do.

Finally he just blurted out, " you want to make love?"

Kayla smiled and stepped in closer and placed her other hand on his cheek. "I thought you would never ask me," She said, before pressing her lips against his and kissing him lightly, but deeply. Garret's eyes were wide as cartwheels and his breath caught in his throat, Kayla's soft lips burning hot against his mouth. He felt something against his leg, making him glance down and Kayla's pink rodent tail wrapped itself around his shin. He decided to try and copy the gesture, twisting his own brush like tail around Kayla's leg, but the shorter appendage didn't reach all the way around. After many long seconds of their first kiss, Kayla's lips parted from Garret's and she looked into his eyes.

"Don't be afraid to touch me Garret. I've been your teacher for all this time and you've never been afraid to learn new things. This is just another lesson I have to teach you and its one that I'm sure you and many others will appreciate in the future. Now, put your hands on my body," She said calmly. Garret swallowed and licked around his dry mouth, plucking up the courage to put his hands on Kayla's back to draw her closer. "That's it, don't afraid to explore me," She continued, feeling his right hand slip lower. A slight tremble of excitement ran through them both when his hand reached her rump, giving the tight, toned mound a light experimental squeeze.

They were both wearing black tunics and trousers, close fitting by design and making it easier for them to feel each other's reaction. The tip of Kayla's long tail had uncoiled from Garrets leg and ticked between his legs, just below the hole in the trousers for his tail. It made him tense up for a moment as it shocked him slightly, making him squeeze Kayla's butt hard by reflex. She yelped when he did so. "Gently, women's bodies must be handled with care and a delicate this respect it is not so different from theft. After all, it takes great patience and skill to find ones prize," She said, placing her hand over Garret's and guiding it from her rump and onto one of her small breasts.

As was befitting her species, Kayla's breasts were very small, barely a handful, but the nipples were large and already stood up from her warm flesh, poking upwards through the black material of her shirt and against Garret's hand. She exhaled as Garret felt her tiny breast and her sensitive nipple, his eyes becoming wider all the time. Already his member was hardening and rubbing along the inside of his trousers as it slid from its sheath. The sensations made him shudder, instinct told him to tear off Kayla's cloths and push his member into her, but another part, maybe a more rational part told him not to. He was so confused; he had no idea where to go next, caught between animal lust and the desire to please his mentor.

Again, it appeared as if Kayla could read Garret's mind, pulling away from him and taking his hand. She led him upstairs to the upper level of the warehouse where they had their living quarters, bringing him to Kayla's bed. The bed itself was actually composed of piled cushions and bolsters pinched here and there from various dealers of quality furnishings along with a number of rich, expensive quilts and blankets. Stopping before then bed, the small mouse femme stood in front of Garret, looking him in the eyes, seemingly to reassure him and help him through his nerves.

His heart began racing faster when she reached down to her waistband and pulled her shirt up over her head, exposing her naked upper body to him. He had never seen her naked before, or at least not like this. A few times he had seen her, getting out of her bath or in her nightgown, but this was different, very different. Her back was arched out as she pulled the shirt over her head, pushing her small breasts out at him, the smooth mounds distinctive despite their small size. Garret thought his nose might start bleeding when immediately after, she bent down, pushing down her close fitting trousers and was now completely naked before him. She then lay down on the bed, on her side and looking up at him, beckoning for him to join her.

She was so beautiful, this tiny mouse woman who had been Garret's friend, teacher, saviour and now it appeared, was about to be his lover. Her body seemed so slender and delicate, almost to the point of seeming fragile. It took a while for Garret to break from the spell she had him under, pulling off his cloths quickly, without nearly as much grace as Kayla, practically stumbling onto the bed beside her. Kayla giggled at the sight of his nervous clumsiness, kissing him deeply to reassure him again that he was doing fine. She climbed on top of him, laying across Garret and pressing her breasts against his chest.

It was autumn and Garret had just moulted recently, now having his thick, soft and almost silky smooth winter coat of fur. Kayla's nipples rubbed up and down Garret's chest when they breathed, that soft fur making them tingle and a soft moan rising from the mouse. Down below, Garret's member pressed against her leg, red hot and needy. Looking into Garret's eyes and kissing him, she said, "I think its time we move on with the lesson." The fox's eyes looked back at her puzzled and questioning. She just smiled and began to kiss slowly down his body, nibbling and licking his nipple on her way down, Garret trembled, surprised by their sensitivity.

Finally, Kayla reached Garret's member, looking up at him again with another little smile as she wrapped her hand around it, lifting it upwards and giving the head a short lick. Garret immediately gasped and his head fell back into the pillows. "Mmmmm, I love the taste of a virgin, so fresh and oh so sensitive the first time," She said, watching his reaction. She began to take long licks, right from the base, upward to the head of his cock, Garret moaning with each stroke. It was more than the young fox could have imagined, the pleasure shooting up from his member in waves. Then suddenly he froze up, feeling his member enveloped in warmth and moisture, the tips of smooth rodent teeth lightly running over the shaft. He looked down and watched as Kayla took his length into her mouth. Her head bobbed up and down the hot member in her mouth, her tongue playing and swirling about the head and driving Garret wild as he gripped the blankets and groaned out loud for her to hear.

Kayla listened to his moans as they got louder the longer she sucked him. A tiny droplet of salty pre-cum on her tongue prompted her to stop, slowly pulling her head up and off his shaft with a long slurping sound. Garret looked down at her, almost breathless. He was torn between disappointment that she had stopped, certain that the pleasure would have increased from there, but at the same time a sense of guilt that he was receiving so much pleasure and doing nothing for her. Once again, Kayla's almost telepathic understanding of her young apprentice came to the fore.

"This is just the first lesson I will have to teach you. There are many aspects to love making, beyond simple intercourse. There will be many different pleasures for you to experience as well as to give to others," She said, sliding herself up Garret's body until she was straddling him, his slick member pressing against her crotch. "But for the first time, for your first time I want this to be all about your pleasure. It is the very least I can do for you," She continued with a smile, reaching down and taking hold of Garret's member.

She lifted up slightly and pointed the vulpine organ upwards towards her slit, now wet with arousal. It was a very rare and special thing to be able to be a young man's first lover. Most other times, she would not be so wet without long foreplay in the hands of an expert, but the thought of giving so much pleasure to someone for the first time in their life was exhilarating to say the least. Garret looked wide eyed as Kayla put the head of his sex against her entrance and then he looked up into her warm, hazel eyes and the kind smile below them.

"Remember this moment Garret," She said and slowly lowered herself. Garret's member slid into her inch by inch, taking a long time, both because Kayla wanted this moment to last as long as possible for him, but also because Garret's cock was proportionally larger than what the small mouse was used to. His back arched up off the bed as Kayla sank down around his member, the feelings so intense, greater than even when she had sucked on it. She was just so tight it was incredible, feeling almost as if he were forcing her open and making her moan loudly with him.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Kayla's hips rested on Garret's, his member buried up to the hilt inside her hot, silken tightness. She held it there, leaning forwards to kiss him again and give him time to cool down as it were, so he did not cum right then. It also gave her time to adjust to having him inside her too, as he stretched her open far more than a male of her own species would. "Did you enjoy that?" She asked, breathing slow and hard. Words escaped the vulpine, so lost was he in sheer pleasure, so instead he simply nodded. Kayla smiled and said with a moan, "Good, because this is just the beginning of it."

With that, she sat up again, leaning back and arching so Garret could take in the details of her body as she began to ride him slowly up and down. The fox arched and gasped with each stroke of the mouse squeezing down on his cock, his eyes and jaw clenched shut. Kayla too had her eyes closed, moaning as the vulpine stretched her and hit all her favourite spots, a little selfish twist of her own. She had said that this was supposed to be about his pleasure, but clearly it was good for her too.

Garret's hands latched onto Kayla's hips, almost reflexively and pulled her down onto him faster and harder, making her cry out a little, but this time she did not correct him. "Yes, like that, again," She sobbed, grabbing his wrists. Her juices started to flow, running out of her tight pussy each time their bodies slapped together. Her head fell back, wide ears flattening to her skull and her mouth wide open in a constant loud wail of pure lust.

Instinct and reflex took over Garret's mind and he suddenly rolled over, so that Kayla was on the bottom now, with him thrusting into her harder, pushing himself up on his hands so he could look down into her eyes. The mouse's legs wrapped around his waist, to pull him in deeper, her body rocking with the impacts of each thrust now. "Oh yes, Oh OH..." She cried out loudly, arching up and her tight pussy suddenly getting even tighter in pulsing waves. It completely took Garret by surprise, spurring his thrusts even faster and harder into Kayla's small frame, even as her spasms wracked over her. Her cries became explosive and her whole body trembled as the spasms started all over again, even more intense this time, finally taking her voice completely and paralysing her with raw ecstasy.

Garret couldn't hold on any more after that, it was like a dam had burst and a surge of pleasure shot through his whole body, making him howl out loud more like a wolf. He was dimly aware through it all that something hot had just spurted from him, filling Kayla to the brim and washing out on a flood of her own juices. Then it felt as if the energy were completely drained from his body. He fell forwards on top of Kayla who lay panting on the bed, her breaths stuttered and trembling as she hugged him tightly.

He didn't know how long he and she had lain there still joined, but eventually he woke up lying on his side facing Kayla, a warm smile on her face and her long hair flowing over her shoulder like a silky blanket. "Thank you," She said, almost dreamily.

"For what?" Garret replied, blinking both to clear the dewy moisture from them and also in confusion. Surely he should have been thanking her.

"For letting me pass on the favour that was once passed on to me. You see, my first time was with my teacher, when he brought me into the Guild and taught me to be a great thief. He was a fox too, with fiery red fur and the most amazing eyes. I was only a little older than you are now when he noticed how attracted I was to him and asked me if I wanted him to make love to me. He taught me so much, especially about how important it was the first time for it to right...for it to be special. I wanted to thank you...for giving me this honour," She said, placing her hand softly on Garret's cheek like she had before and stroking the soft winter fur.

Garret smiled in return, nodding in comprehension. "So...what do we do now? I mean, now that we did...what we did...where do we go from here?" He asked, placing his hand over hers. Kayla gave him another smile, one of her sly little knowing smiles and pulled away from him, his softened member slipping out of her before pulling back into it's sheath. She stood up and walked away from the bed towards to stairs to the lower floor, completely naked.

"Now? Now we try again on the balance beam and see if you can do better this time. There will be time enough in the future for us to see where this goes," She said stepping down the wooden stairs lightly.

Garret sat up, slightly bewildered. "The balance beam? Now? I mean like that?" He said, almost flustering again like before.

Kayla stopped, looking back at him and then looking down as if to inspect her naked body, coiling her long pink tail around herself in a teasing, seductive manner. "Why not? Its nothing you haven't just seen, after all, we did what we just did, didn't we?" She replied slyly, turning and heading down stairs to the waiting training equipment.

Garret's bewilderment passed and that winning, chastity belt releasing smile of his took over, finished by a laugh. Practically leaping from the bed, he followed Kayla to resume his training, leaving his cloths in the rumple pile next to her cloths on the floor. That was probably the true beginning of his life as a thief and as I said at the start, Garret was a very talented thief.

The End...of the beginning...