When Your Lucky Enough

Story by Vexen Kiyotoe on SoFurry

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Written by Kiyotoe

I'm going to freeze to death I'm going to freeze to death! Was all that Lavii could think of. He had been padding through one of the roughest blizzards he'd seen, and was sure if he didn't find some kind of shelter soon, he would die out here. He had been padding through the cold, unforgiving winds as they assaulted his sugar white fur. He wished he had at least been given some cloths when his tribe had kicked him out, a story that he would look back on at another time. His fur was soaked, some patches frozen and clung to his skin. His whiskers where also soaked, but one on each side where frozen completely, causing him to sneeze over and over again. As Lavii groaned and breathed into his hands, cupping them over his long, rabbit ears as he leaned up against a tree. Yipping, he jumped off of it, his butt wet from the moisture. Sobbing a little, he wiped his eyes, making his way up yet another slick, icy hill.

Then his eyes lit up, seeing a cabin in the far distance. He ran for it, slipping and stumbling as he forced his sore, frozen hind legs to work faster. As if on cue, the door opened, and Lavii could smell food cooking, and saw the light of a fire. He stopped at the door, panting and sobbing lightly from the soreness his body was feeling and how lucky he was at the fact that he might not die out here in the cold.

"Oh my gods.... Are you okay? You look like your freezing! Come on, get in here, we need to get you warmed up." Lavii looked up as the figure gently grabbed him, pulling him inside as the door was closed behind the two. He was led to an arm chair in front of a fire place, and was settled down in it. Curling up and shivering, the one who had let him in draped a heavy wool blanket over him, and he gripped it tightly. "Can't believe someone like yourself would be out in that kind of weather, and naked no less!? But never mind that, are you alright? Do you have frost bite? A fever?" Asked the concerned figure. Turning his head to him, Lavii got a good look at him as he shook his head, shivering as he stared at the one who let him in. It was a fox furry, his fur a bright, fiery red. His ears, muzzle, hands, legs and underbelly were midnight black. He wore black baggy cargo pants and that seemed to be all. The fox padded off for a moment, returning quickly as he handing Lavii a glass of heated milk. His eyes brighten, gulping it down as quickly as he could. The fox couldn't help but smile, taking the glass from his cute little bunny guest. "Well, if anything you got here at a great time, the foods almost done and I have plenty to spare for you." Lavii looked back at him, then blushed brightly as his stomach growled out, a bit embarrassed. "I'll take that as a yes then." The fox grinned, turning and headed off into the kitchen. Lavii peaked over the arm chair, watching him as he turned a corner.

Man, he looks really cute... and really nice too. He thought to himself, blushing as he gripped his blanket closer. Moment later the smell of food grew stronger, the fox sliding right up beside the rabbit as he sat a plate down in his lap. "Um... thank you." Lavii said shyly, picking up his fork and instantly started warfing down his food after the first bite. The fox starred for a moment, then grinned, laughing to himself as he sat down on a large pillow-like bed near the fire. After the two finished eating, the fox stood back up, taking Lavii's plate for him as he headed back into the kitchen, returning with two more glasses of warm milk. He offered one to Lavii, and the rabbit took it, taking his time as he sipped at it.

"Heh, seems your full now yes?" The fox asked, smiling over at Lavii.

The rabbit nodded, smiling back with a slight blush on his cheeks. "Um... again thank you, you saved me from freezing out there."

"Oh no problem, I'd hate to just leave a cute rabbit outside to freeze in a storm!" The fox said as his smile grew wider, his eyes closed and his head tilted in a goofy, good humored way.

"C-cute? Me?" The rabbit asked, blushing brightly. The fox chuckled, nodding his head at him.

"Most definitely." He replied, going over to the fire place as he tossed in some more wood, prodding it around with a fire poker. Does he like me? The rabbit thought. His tribe had thrown him out because he wasn't interested in the females like the other guys were during mating season. The tribe leaders had thought of him as sick, and thrown him out into the middle of the storm all because he liked the same gender as himself more than the other. Looking the fox over a bit more, he noticed that in the firelight, he could see well toned muscles along his body. He was built nicely, if not a little thin. Watching the fox stand and go over to the window, he asked, "May I... know your name?"

"I don't have one... I never really needed one out here." He said, turning to face the rabbit as he leaned his back against the window. "I grew up alone, no one to care for me, and no one for me to care for. I rarely see anyone in these parts of the woods, and the only time I really ever see anyone is when I trade in hides and knifes at the store a few long miles south of here in a small town." He told him, the light from his bright green eyes dimming as his face seemed to glaze over with a long, lonely sadness. But it didn't last long as he shook his head, the light back where it was and the joy of talking with someone returning to him. "May I ask your name?"

"I'm Lavii, and I'm sorry to hear about your life. I was thrown out of my tribe recently, and I thought I wasn't going to make it until you let me in a moment ago." He said, giggling shyly as the fox raised an eye brow.

"They threw you out in the middle of a storm? Your own family?" He asked, his face twisted with anger. The rabbit nodded, sinking back into the cover of the blankets and sniffled. "Well, you're lucky to be here right now seeing as how bad the weathers been, so get some sleep and stay here as long as you need. And if you get cold at night when the fire dies out, don't feel troubled to wake me and I'll start it back up for you." Said the fox, flopping down on his pillow-like bed as he pulled his own blanket over himself, squirming around a few time before he was comfortable. "And by the way, I think Lavii is a lovely name." He smiled, then slowly started to doze off.

Yawning, it was in the middle of the night, the tingles of the cold nipping at him through the wool blanket. He peaked over at the fox and saw him on his back, sprawled out in an overly comfy way. But what caught Lavii's eye made him gasp. The fox's cock was throbbing under his blanket, apparently he was having a rather nice dream. I wonder if it's about me? Lavii wondered. Shivering, he curled back up under the blanket and forced his eyes back up to the fox's peacefully sleeping face. Then he got an idea. Sitting there for a moment to work his nerve up, he stood, taking the blanket with him as he laid down next to him, carefully trying not to wake the fox. He cuddled up against him, smiling as he rested his head on the fox's shoulder. It didn't take him long to fall asleep against the fox's comfort.

Moaning, the fox opened his eyes, his vision taking a moment to a just itself. Focusing on the window, he noted that it was still snowing pretty heavily, and the winds had picked up speed again. Turning, his nose rubbed up against Lavii's, and he blushed brightly. The rabbit wriggled in his sleep, then licked the fox's lips in a sweet way. The fox blushed deeply, not wanting to wake his guest. As he tried to scoot away, Lavii nuzzled right back into him, licking his chest in that sweet way again. Sighing, and smiling to himself, the fox wrapped his arms around him and pulled him closer.

Murring, the rabbit snuggled up into the fox. Opening his eyes, he blushed as he was greeted with the fox's smile, his eyes half-way open with a caring gaze. "Good morning cutie." The fox murred as he licked the tip of the rabbit's nose. Blushing brightly, he leaned his body up against the fox's, licking his nose back. The fox chuckled, running a paw down Lavii's back. The rabbit shivered as he ached his back at the feeling. The fox smiled, taking the moment while he was distracted to lick up the rabbit's neck. Lavii let out a soft whimper, his cheeks burning deeply as he looked at the fox shyly. The fox chuckled again, his smile growing bigger as he pulled the rabbit back into his arms. "Could we stay like this for a little bit longer please?" The fox asked, hugging his guest closely. Lavii's cheeks grew pink as he looked up at the fox. The fox was blushing too, and Lavii couldn't help but giggle, licking his cheek as he snuggled up against him.

'I'd love too." He said, wrapping his arms around the fox's waist. Murring, the fox draped his arm over the rabbit, his other being used as a pillow for the cute little fellow. It didn't take long for the two to fall asleep in each others' warm, sweet embrace.


Yawning, the rabbit raised his head, looking around for the fox. The rabbit drooped his long ears as all kinds of depressing ideas came to his mind. But they were all killed out as the door opened, the fox staggering in wearing a large coat, covered in snow. He shivered, taking it off and hanging it beside the door as he tossed down a large bag, leaving it near the door as he went over to the fire and crotched down in front of it to get warmer. "Hope you didn't feel lonely while I was gone, I went out to the storage unit for some more food." He told Lavii, still shivering in front of the fire. "By the way, if you still insist on walking around naked, would you like something warmer to lay on in front of the fire?" He asked, turning his head toward him. Lavii shook his head, crawling over to the fox and hugging him.

"Your fur is perfect for me." He giggled, nuzzling up against the fox. Only now did the fox start blushing, peeking down and glanced at the rabbit's sheath. The rabbit saw his glance, looking down as he blushed too.

Knowing he had been caught, the fox quickly took his eyes away. "Um... sorry for staring..." He mumbled as he stood, heading off to the back rooms. The rabbits ears drooped again as he wondered if he did anything wrong to upset him. Then, after a few long moments, he heard a shower turn on. Feeling a bit curious, Lavii carefully scurried over to where the noise was coming from. As he rounded the corner, he reached for the first door handle, carefully turning it as he peeked inside. His eyes widen as he saw the fox stripping off his cloths, easing himself into the running tub. The rabbit bit his lower lip, watching the fox's tight rump as he bent over, leaning himself down into the steaming water. And with that in his mind, Lavii hurried off, trying to keep from touching himself as the head of his member poked out of his sheath, demanding attention.


A few days went by, the storm still not giving up as it hissed bye outside. During the day, the two talked with one another about their lives, sharing their stories. The fox talked of his lonely life, trying to make it sound less sad and depressing then it was. Lavii talked about his tribe, how their way of life was and how he was glad to be rid of them. At night, Lavii always asked if he could curl up next to the fox, and he would smile, never turning him down. Every day that went by, the rabbit was starting to like him more and more, and kept wondering if the fox was gay, not having the nerve to ask him. The fox never made him feel bad, he always tried to cheer him up when he caught Lavii crying, missing his home and angry at his people. And then Lavii caught a fever, the walk through the storm finally catching up to him. The fox was always at his side, feeding him soup and warm milk, letting the rabbit have the fox's giant pillow all to himself. Of course he never wanted to be by himself. The fox would hold him at night, trying to make him as comfortable as he could. When Lavii's fever passed, it had been two weeks since the two met, and Lavii felt that he was in love. And now, it was the day that he worked up the nerve to confess his feelings toward the fox.


Laying over the large pillow (which was all he really did, since there was nothing else to do) the rabbit thought about what he would say to the fox as he gazed off into the fire. "No matter how long you look at it, even if for years, it's still beautiful isn't it?" Murred the fox as he settled down next to the rabbit. Lavii saw that lost look in his eyes, and it hurt him to see the fox like that. The rabbit nodded to him, crawling over next to him, resting his head on against the fox's shoulder. The fox smiled as he wrapped an arm around him, turning his attention to the rabbit as he licked his cheek. Giggling, Lavii stuck his tongue out at him. The fox grinned, a new, playful look in his eyes as he pushed the rabbit back against the pillowy bed. Lavii giggled again, watching as the fox leaned over him, meeting his playful gaze.

Lavii didn't resist as the fox leaned closer, kissing the rabbits lips as gently as he could. The both of them closed their eyes, pressing their lips against one another as they lapped at each other hungrily, their tongues dancing about in a happy, passionate embrace. The fox ran his paw over the rabbits soft chest, his other paw keeping him prompted up over Lavii. The rabbit murred, wrapping his arms around the fox's neck, his paws stroking the back of his head. Then the fox started to nibble on Lavii's lip, making him shiver as he gave it a gentle tug. Opening his eyes, the rabbit blushed as he saw the lust and hunger in the fox's gaze. The fox gave him a wink as he licked up Lavii's neck, watching the cute bunny tremble at the feel of his rough tongue. Letting out a small whimper, Lavii blushed brightly as the fox started kissing down to his chest, then his belly, and stopped just inches away from his crotch. He nodded to him as he saw the question in the fox's expression, leaning his head back and gasping as the fox licked up the shaft of his already erect member.

The fox smiled to himself as the bunny trembled with excitement, his dick throbbing with need. The rabbit's length was maybe six inches at best, but the fox thought it was cute. He licked and kissed along his shaft, his tail wagging as he heard the moans and gasps of his lover. Then he slipped the tip past his lips, tightening them around it as he bobbed his head down, taking the horny bunny's cock to the sheath as his tongue lapped at it, sliding his lips along him. Taking his cock to the sheath again, he started suckling it, savoring the taste of his lover as he tried his best to please him. Lavii gripped the bed, the tip of his tongue lolling out from his mouth, panting and moaning, not being able to believe that the fox had made the advance. Gods this feels good! He thought to himself, then gasped loudly as he felt the rough tip of the fox's tongue flick the tip of his cock. Groaning, he felt his balls start to tighten up, the bunny's hips beginning to thrash against the fox's muzzle. The fox closed his eyes as he slurped at his lover, reaching down to caress his balls. The rabbit yelped, his cock pulsing as he flooded the fox's muzzle with his hot cream.

"Mmm..." The fox murred, his tail wagging behind him as he drank down his lover's seed. Slowly, the rabbit's spurts came to a lazed trickle as the fox slowly began to clean him, licking every segment of flesh and fur on the rabbit's crotch. Then he leaned up, trailing his tongue up Lavii's still erect shaft, flicking the tip before he crawled over his little bunny lover. "I knew you were sweet, but I didn't know you tasted sweet too." He murred, flashing a toothy grin that made Lavii's cheek light up pink.

Then the fox stood, and Lavii bit back a gasp as he saw his long, thick midnight black canine-cock. He could see it throbbing with need, pre slowly leaking out from the tip. Lavii guessed that the fox was a bit more than a little excited. The fox offered his paw, and the rabbit took it, helping him up as he led him to the large arm chair in front of the fire place. The fox sat, pulling the cute bunny into his lap, the two facing each other as the rabbit settled his knees next to either side of the fox's waist. The fox smiled, wrapping his paws around the rabbit's hips. He eased the rabbit's tail-hole down against the tip of his cock. Lavii leaned his head closer and whispered into the fox's ear lewdly. "Try not to hurt me to much now big guy." He giggled, gasping as the fox made a single deep thrust, his sack and sheath smacking against the rabbit's rump. Pain shot up through him as he winced, clinging to the fox. The fox held him, and being as still as he could, he licked over the rabbit's cheeks, trying to help the pain pass. It took it a minute for it to fade away, but just as it was settling, Lavii started rocking his hips back and forth, smiling as he saw the fox's delighted expression. He felt the fox's paws slide down to his rear, squeezing his cheeks playfully.

Lavii put a paw to the fox's chest, pushing him back into the chair, the feeling of being in charge of this handsome, strong fox brewing up in his mind. He put his other paw on his chest, prompting himself up, grinding his tail-hole over the fox's stiff canine-cock. Lavii could feel every throb, every pulse it gave. "Naaaah!" The rabbit moaned, bouncing his rump over the fox's delightful member. Panting, the fox started to thrust his hips up each time the rabbit went down. Lavii yipped, trembling as he came, his cock pulsing as it spurted over the fox's stomach. And with that he collapsed over the fox's chest, panting heavily and whimpered out as the fox sped up, the light growls escaping the fox's muzzle as he rammed into his lover wildly, his balls smacking against the bunny's rump with each thrust.

"L-Lavii... may I ah... knot you?" The fox groaned, the knot swelling at the base of his shaft. Lavii's heart skipped a beat as he looked up at him, wrapping his arms around the fox's neck as the rabbit clung to him. The fox's hips shot up, burying his cock into the bunny's tail-hole, filling him with his warm seed. Lavii yelped, feeling his knot stretch his rear out, leaving a burning, stinging sensation as he tighten his grip on the fox. After what seemed like an eternity, the fox's pulsing member slowing to a trickle. The years of pent up need relieved for now.

The both of them panted, each holding the other tightly as they lay there in front of the fire, and soon, they both drifted into the most peaceful sleep each hadn't had for a long, long while.


The fox woke up the next morning panting, having the most wonderful dream about Lavii. Then he felt something smooth and wet run along his shaft that made him moan out softly. He looked down, seeing the rabbit lick up his shaft again, getting a throb from it as Lavii giggled.

"Heh, find a new toy now did you?" He smiled, biting back another moan as the bunny started bobbing his lips over the tip of the fox's cock. The fox watched him, gazing into those beautiful, innocent blue eyes that made his heart beat ever so faster, along with a throb from his cock. Lavii giggled, then pounced on top of him as he kissed his nose.

"Good morning handsome." Lavii murred, nuzzling his cheek against the fox's.

"Morning to you too, my sexy little bunny." The fox grinned, feeling the rabbit's rear pin his cock between his cheeks. "Here, let's go get cleaned up. We're a bit messy don't you think?" The fox asked, raising an eye at Lavii. The bunny blushed, looking himself and the fox over. Grinning his toothy grin, the fox scooped the rabbit up into his arms and stood, carrying him to the shower. After the water was to the fox's liking, he stepped in, holding out his paw to the bunny. Lavii took it shyly, stepping in after him.

Lavii chittered as the fox took his time, carefully washing Lavii's back. The fox ran his paws over the rabbit's shoulders, massaging the soap into his sugar white fur. Lavii sighed happily, looking over his shoulder as he leaned closer to the fox, kissing his cheek. The fox smiled, wrapping his arms around his lover's hips, pressing his lips to his, kissing the rabbit deeply.

The fox pressed Lavii against the wall, the shower head washing away the soap over his fur. The fox slid his paws over the rabbit's hips, licking up from in between his shoulder blades to the base of his neck, where he gave the rabbit a little nip. Shivering, Lavii arched his back, pressing his rear against the fox's crotch. The fox chuckled, then knelt down. Lavii yipped as the fox gently bit his rear, then felt his hot tongue press against his tail hole. Lavii presses his paws against the wall, trying to keep himself up, his body trembling as the fox's tongue lapped at his rear. The fox pulled his lover closer, slipping the tip of his tongue into Lavii's tail hole, slowly wriggling it around. The rabbit yipped again, his cock poking out of his sheath at the odd new pleasure. Then the fox found Lavii's sweet spot, the rabbit's legs giving out and he slid to his knees, trembling and panting heavily.

"Mmm, seems I've found a weak point." The fox grinned, pulling the rabbit into a hug, nuzzling his muzzle against the side of Lavii's neck. Letting out a groan, the rabbit presses his rear against the fox, feeling the fox's cock press against his with a light throb.

"P-Please.... I want you." Lavii chittered, grinding the fox's cock between his rump's cheeks. The fox let out a playful growl, putting a paw on the rabbit's back as he leaned him down on all fours. Lavii groaned needly as the fox grinded his cock against the rabbit's soft rear. Then, lining himself up, he slammed into Lavii's tail hole, taking slow but powerful thrusts. "Haa~!" Lavii chittered, rocking his hips back to meet the fox's every thrust. Haa~ I've never felt this good before. Lavii thought as his tongue lolled out, panting heavily. The steam from the shower seemed to make his body more sensitive than it already was, and he could feel every pulse and every throb the fox's cock gave, and he loved it. He loved that the one he loved was with him finally, pounding him like a wild animal. Well, he IS a wild animal. He giggled as he grinned, then yipped as the fox reached up and gripped the rabbit's shoulders, pulling him back against him as he rammed his knot into him, his sheath grinding against his tail hole. It was too much for the rabbit, and with a yell he came hard, feeling the fox fill him till he felt it leak out and slide down the back of his balls. The both of them slumped down, their new mess being washed away thanks to the shower. After the fox was finally soft enough to pull out of Lavii, the rabbit gave him a sad little groan that made the fox chuckle. Lavii sat up, smiling at the fox as he started to clean his rabbit lover up again. Running his paws along his fur, massaging the water through the rabbit's fur to make sure it got cleaned properly.

It had been a week later since the two had let the other know how he felt, each was happy to know they were loved. But, it wasn't long before something got in their way, Lavii's tribe had sent someone to look for him. To bring him back. And so Lavii would face great danger, the nameless fox being the only one that would be able to help him from what would happen next. Well then, guess you better hurry off and read that second chapter hm?