My Roommate's A Stripper?! Ch. 14

Story by Darkhom on SoFurry

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#14 of My Roommate's A Stripper?!

Well here it is, right on the last day of the month: Chapter 14 of "My Roommate's A Stripper?!" Complete with a crappy title. XP Seriously, I may stop naming the chapters. I suck at that sort of thing.

Honestly, not too happy with this chapter on a whole. I'm pretty okay with all the parts that are there, I just feel like there should be more to it. Like, I missed the chance to add another scene somewhere. I just can't for the life of me figure out what. Plus my deadline is up. So here it is! Enjoy!

Chapter 14: "A Show to Remember"

"Oh, Amy." Max moaned softly, gently petting her lover's head as the collie sucked on a npple. "You're so greedy. Are my tits really that good?"

Amy looked up, blushing a bit as she pulled her lips free. "They're the best, Maxi. So firm and perky and big, and the piercings don't get in the way at all." She shrunk back a bit, hiding behind her hair and the skunk's breasts. "It's not bad, is it? Do I suck on them too much?"

Max just chuckled, giving her head a pat. "Trust me, I'd let you know if it was too much. You keep it up as long as you like, babe."

Amy's tail started wagging happily as she went right back to gently suckling Max's nipple, which only made the skunk chuckle warmly, hugging her girlfriend close as they lay together on the couch. This had pretty much become a daily activity for them, thanks to the free time they both had in the afternoons. Max actually found it rather relaxing.

"Enjoy this while you can." Max mused as she ran her fingers through Amy's hair. "I bet you won't have as much time once school starts again. You'll be as busy as Aiden."

Though the skunk was laughing, Amy pouted as she peered back up. "Well, maybe you could go to school with me. Then we could even live together and do this all the time. Wouldn't that be great?"

"Yeah, but I don't know if college is for me." Max said distantly. "I was never that smart, and I hate tests and papers. I'd probably fail out after a few weeks."

Amy sat up a bit, a nervous look on her face. "But I thought you said to not give up on dreams and all that. Don't you have a dream to strive for?"

Max just shrugged, keeping her eyes averted. "It's... I meant what I said, Amy. As long as you still have a dream, shoot for it, because if you don't, you're one chance might pass you by, and your dream will be gone forever."

She casually looked over to see the saddest face over on her girlfriend, who looked like she was about to cry. "Oh, don't worry, honey. I'm happy with my life as it is. And hey, I've got you, right?"

"Yeah, but Maxi, wouldn't it be fun to go to school together? We could help each other study, and pull all nighters working on term papers while snuggling up in bed." She sighed, getting lost in her own fantasy. "Yeah, that would be wicked awesome."

Max just chuckled, rubbing the collie's head affectionately. "Okay, I admit that does sound like fun. I just don't think I have what it takes to even make it into a college, let alone pass any classes. Besides, if you really wanted to, you could just do your homework and studying here." She smirked. "I'm sure my breasts are more comfortable than any dorm room bed."

"Yeah, but..." Amy sighed, a guilty look on her face. "Maxi, there is actually something I've been meaning to tell you..."

A sudden, urgent knocking at the door interrupted the girl, startling both of them. Neither moved until a plaintive voice called out from between the knocks. "Maxi? Please be home, I really need to talk."

"Cheryl?" Concerned, she gently pushed Amy aside and made for the door, remembering to cover up before letting the Torgi in. "Cheryl, what's wrong?"

"Maxi!" Cheryl immediately clung to the skunk's shirt, practically crying. "I don't know what to do! I really fucked up this time, Maxi! Like, seriously, life changingly fucked things up!"

"Cheryl, honey, what is it?" Max was already hugging her friend, trying her best to calm the girl down enough to be coherent. "Take a deep breath, and tell me what's wrong."

"O-okay..." Cheryl sniffed, pulling away and wiping off a few tears. She stayed within Max's arms though, as she took a couple deep breaths, collecting herself. "Okay... Maxi, I'm late."

A quiet fell over the room as they news sank in. Even Amy froze as she came to understand the Torgi's concern.

"You're... late?" Max asked, her eyes going wide as she took in the full meaning of those simple words. "You mean, like late late?"

"Yes! Late!" Cheryl emphasized, panic returning to her eyes. "What am I gonna do? I can't be pregnant. I'm too young!" She suddenly wailed, burying her face in Max's chest. "I'm not even married yet. How could I have Aiden's baby? How could this happen?"

"My guess is that you didn't use a condom." Max sighed, trying not to sound like she was lecturing her friend. "Have you guys ever slipped and forgotten to use one?"

"Well, yeah." She suddenly had a guilty look, shrinking a bit in her friend's arms. "We've 'forgotten' almost every time. It's just... we get so wrapped up in everything, and it feels so much better without one."

"Cheryl..." The skunk groaned, not even trying to hide her disappointment. "You should know better than that, seriously. Didn't you at least make him pull out?"

"But it feels so good inside..."

"Ew!" Amy interrupted, making a disgusted face at the very thought. "I don't see how anyone can stand those things. So gross." She muttered more to herself than said out loud. "I'm so glad I'm gay."

"Amy!" Max quickly scolded the collie, shaking her head at the girl while trying to comfort her friend. "It's okay honey. It's not like there aren't options. And Aiden's a great guy, so I'm sure you can count on him to stick around."

"How late are you anyway, exactly?" Amy cut in again, half curious and half annoyed at her fun being interrupted, even though this was a serious matter. "Like, a week? Week and a half?"

"Three days." Cheryl whimpered before hiding in Max's chest.

Amy's ears twitched at that as she chuckled lightly. "Three days? Is that all? That's normal. Mine is off by a few days all the time, especially when I've got a big test coming up or something."

"It's not normal!" Cheryl suddenly snapped, coming across harsher than she meant to. "Mine is always right on schedule, or at most off by a day. This long is not normal... right Maxi?" She looked up at her friend with teary, pleading eyes.

The skunk just shrugged. "I don't know, I haven't had a period since I was sixteen." She was quietly thanking the wonderful advancement of birth control right then, glad she wouldn't have to worry about this problem. "I have heard that stress can mess with it, and you did have that big fight with Aiden."

"Yeah..." Cheryl sighed, finding only a little comfort in Max's arms. "But, what if I am pregnant? What do I do then? I'm not ready for that."

"Well, why don't we figure out if you are pregnant first, and we'll cross that bridge when it comes up, okay? How about we go right now and get one of those tests?" She smiled, petting Cheryl on the head. "At least you'll know for sure, right?"

"I guess." Cheryl agreed. "Assuming they work for me."

"I'm sure it will. Let's go pick one up right now, and we'll know what's going on in no time." She smiled at Amy then. "Do you wanna come, honey?"

"Nah, I should head home actually." The collie sighed, resigning herself to the fact that she wasn't going to get any today. Besides, this was more of a private matter that she didn't need, or want, to be involved in. "I'll call you tonight, Maxi. I hope things turn out well for you, Cheryl."

Max let go of Cheryl long enough to take Amy in a hug and kiss before leading her to the door. "Oh, before you go, you were about to tell me something; what was it?"

"Oh!" Amy blushed a bit. "It's... not important. I'll tell you some other time. Bye Maxi!" And with a nervous hug she quickly left, cursing herself for her cowardice.

Max just shrugged as she left, turning her attention back to Cheryl. "Well, let's get this over with. C'mon, I'll even pay for it."

"You don't have to do that." Cheryl sighed with a soft smile. "But, having you here helps. Thanks Maxi."

"Don't even worry about it." Max smiled as the two made their way out. "You know I'll always be around to help. That's what friends are for."

"I know." Cheryl sighed as she followed the skunk. "I just... I hope Aiden will be as calm as you about all this. I'm freaking out here, and if he's the father..."

"Oh I'm sure he'd be a good baby-daddy." Max joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Maxi! Don't put it like that!" Cheryl gave her a playful shove, but a smirk did finally cross her face. "Oh god, he'll probably lose it if you call him that after I tell him." Her dour face quickly returned. "Oh no... how the hell do I tell him?"

Max paused, turning to place her hands on Cheryl's shoulders, looking her in the eyes. "Don't overthink it, and don't sugar coat it. Aiden is a bit slow on things, so it'll be best to just be direct with him. And whatever you do, don't tell him the way you told me. You'll need to stay calm, or he'll freak out too."

"Yeah, you're probably right." Cheryl nodded, taking a deep breath and finally giving Max a smile. "Seriously though, I'm going to need you there, or I won't be able to get through it. You will be there, right?"

"Of course." Max said without hesitation, though in all honesty should would have rather not been involved. The skunk had no idea how Aiden might react to that news. But despite the inconvenience, Max would never abandon a friend in her time of need. "Now come on, let's go get that test and see if you even are... preggers."

That earned her another playful shove, but Max new it was worth it to get the Torgi smiling and laughing again.

Aiden blew out an exhausted sigh that afternoon as he made his way up the stairs to his apartment. Though most people wouldn't typically believe it, working in package delivery was a tiring job. It certainly didn't help that he hadn't been sleeping well the past couple of days. Aiden felt like shit, for everything; fighting with Cheryl, then letting Jacob kiss him, and he hadn't even had the chance to speak to Cheryl since their fight. No, he knew he wouldn't feel better until he got to clear the air, for better or for worse.

He rubbed his tired eyes one last time before opening the door, wanting nothing more now than to change into some comfortable clothes and grab a beer. All thoughts of those simple pleasures went right out the window when he saw Max and Cheryl sitting together on the couch. They looked up as he walked in, and the crestfallen look on Cheryl's face completely stopped him. She looked like she was about to cry, or had been crying already. He swallowed hard, already afraid that something was his fault. "What's going on? Cheryl, what's wrong?"

The Torgi took a few deep breaths before suddenly getting up and running into Aiden's arms. She clung tight to his shirt, burying her face in his chest, but didn't say anything right away. She just stood there, not moving except for a few unsteady breaths. Aiden looked over to Max for answers, but she just shook her head, leaving Aiden without any choice but to ask directly again. "Cheryl, please, just tell me what's wrong. I don't know what to say unless you tell me what the problem is."

"Well..." Cheryl finally looked up at him, he lower lip quivering a bit and a guilty look on her face. "Aiden... I'm late."

Aiden quirked a brow at that, checking his watch. "Well, if you're late, then shouldn't you get going?"

Max's palm hit her forehead so hard Aiden just about jumped from the sound. She muttered something under her breath as Cheryl let out an annoyed sigh. "Aiden, you idiot, I meant my time of the month is late."

"Oh?" It still took Aiden a few moments for the reality to dawn on him, and his eyes went wide when he finally did. "Oh..."

"Yes, 'Oh'!" Cheryl pouted, "Aiden, I could be... we could be..." She couldn't finish the sentence, glancing down at her stomach. "What am I gonna do?"

"I think..." Aiden paused, idly glancing around the room as he tried to process. This was too much too sudden for him, and he legs were starting to feel weak. "I think I need to sit down."

Cheryl couldn't argue with that, and they both made their way to the couch, Maxi moving out of the way, giving them some space while sticking around for support.

Aiden took a deep breath, his eyes staring straight ahead for a few minutes. It took Cheryl nervously clearing her throat to get him to look at her. She looked so scared and helpless, he knew he had to say something. He just wasn't sure what to say. What does someone say when told this kind of news? "So, are you sure you're, uh... y'know?"

Cheryl let out a soft whimper before shaking her head. "No, I don't know for sure. We went out to get one of these tests, but," she picked up a small box off the coffee table, "it says I have to wait a week after my first missed day before I can use it, and it's only been three days."

Aiden nodded, relaxing a bit. 'So, she's not definitely pregnant. She just may be pregnant.' It was a bit of a relief, though only a small one. They still couldn't rule anything out, and that was more troubling than actually knowing, in a sense. He sighed, rubbing his eyes again, and kept them covered until he felt a soft pressure at his side. Cheryl was leaning against him, looking just as worried. Every now and then he thought he heard her whimper quietly. 'She's so scared.' He realized, then wrapped an arm around her. "Don't worry. We'll get through this."

Cheryl squeaked as she was pulled into the fox, but his words made her whimper again, and she was soon clinging to him. "Oh Aiden, I don't know what to do."

"It'll be okay." Aiden said, turning to take her in a hug. "I promise you I won't run out on you, if you are... pregnant. I'll stick with you through this." Aiden meant it, too. Afterall, it was the responsible thing to do.

Cheryl sighed as she snuggled into Aiden's chest, but it wasn't from any feelings of comfort. While she was hoping he would stay, even expecting it, his motivations made her uneasy. Just last week they were arguing, and now he was pledging to stay with her, all because he might have knocked her up. 'He just wants to be with me out of some sense of responsibility,' she knew, 'not because he actually wants to be with me.' It was a depressing thought that she just couldn't get past. 'This isn't what I want at all.'

Terra sighed softly as she idly browsed the internet from her laptop. It was a lazy Tuesday afternoon, and the siamese had found herself home and surprisingly alone. Marcus was once again off doing who knows what, and while she was glad he had found something to occupy his time, Terra was slightly concerned that he wouldn't tell her what exactly he was up to. 'As long as it isn't something incredibly stupid, or illegal, I suppose.'

Today he had vaguely told her that he would be out for a few hours, leaving the young woman to entertain herself. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but her usual friends were all busy, and she didn't really feel like getting all dressed up and going out anyway. So instead, she sat curled up on the couch with her laptop, browsing the internet and succoming to sheer boredom.

"How do people do this for hours on end?" She asked rhetorically as she pulled her gaze away from the screen. "Seriously, it all turns into the same thing after a while." She rubbed the back of her neck, and glancing around the living room, her eyes fell on the Playboy she had bought a little while ago, the one with Max's ad in it. Mostly out of boredom she grabbed the magazine and flipped through it, stopping when she got to the page. A soft moan escaped her lips as her eyes looked over the half naked picture of Max, and before she realized what she was doing, Terra was remembering that exciting photoshoot as she licked her lips hungrily.

"Dammit." She suddenly swore as she realized what she was doing. But despite her attempts, her eyes still returned to the magazine. In a desperate attempt to look at anything but the skunk, her eyes fell on the club's website address, Max encouraging her to check it out and see more. "Well... why not? It never hurts to look, right?"

Sitting up, Terra grabbed her laptop and in no time had found the website for Stardock 69, and was already debating delving in further. Her cursor hovered over the 'Live Web Shows' button as the internal debate continued. "C'mon, just do it. It's not like she'll be doing anything right this second. I'm just going to see who else they got to do this."

Having verbally reinforced her resolve, she took a breath and clicked. She was surprised to see that only four strippers were listed here, though she did remember Max saying this was still a trial program. Name, picture and a brief bio was listed for each one, along with a status on whether they were performing or not. The mustang, Blaze, was currently listed as 'offline', as well as a cute looking chipmunk girl named Summer. A white rabbit named Snow was listed as 'Now Performing', but it was Domino's status that halted her breath; 'Performing in 10 minutes'.

A heat rushed through her cheeks as Terra debated her options. She was just ten minutes and one credit card form away from getting to see Max strip live again. But why did she want to see that so badly? "I've never even thought about other girls like this before. Yet I can't stop thinking about her moves, and her body."

The internal debate continued anew for a while longer, before she finally let out an exasperated sigh, getting up to find her credit card. "Well, Marcus paid to see her strip. It's only fair I do that same." The logic seemed reasonable to her, ignoring the fact that she had already gotten a free show and seen more than Marcus ever had.

By the time she got her credit information in and had filled in an obscure screen name, two minutes were left before the start of the show. She was also surprised to see only a few other people signed in and waiting for things to get started. Terra guessed they were all men by their screen names and the way they talked. It clearly wasn't the first time most of them had seen Domino perform too, either online or in person.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." She sighed, putting the laptop in her lap as she got comfortable on the couch, waiting for the timer to finish counting down as she read the other's conversation. They were all talking about Domino like she was some kind of celebrity, gushing over her looks, personality, even her voice and smile. It was starting to make the feline feel antsy and she gasped quietly when her friend's face finally appeared on the screen.

"Hello my lovelies!" The skunk chimed in immediately, apparently sitting on her bed, waving and blowing a kiss at the camera. "I'm so glad you could join me today. I need to let off some steam, and I've got something special for you all."

Terra watched the chat log fill up with greetings and excited praise. She was a bit surprised at the lack of vulgarity, and by how much Max seemed to be eating it up. "Oh my. You all are so kind. Don't worry; I promise I'll give you all a show to remember."

Domino got right to work, gyrating her hips and flirting with the camera. Terra was quickly enthralled by it all, impressed by how skilled the skunk was. Every move was perfect, right down to the slight winks and coy giggles. "Damn she's good. I seriously have to get Max to teach me some of those moves. Marcus would eat it up."

She became even more impressed, and enticed, as Domino finally began to strip. Terra's eyes went wide as she took mental notes on her friend's every move. She had never imagined that stripping could be this erotic. The siamese felt a heat build inside her, shifting uncomfortably in her seat. This was proving to be even more interesting than she had expected.

Once down to her panties, Domino turned and giggled to the screen. "Aw, thank you. You guys are sweet." She arched back in her bed, lifting her hips up to better show off the underwear. "I'm glad you guys like them. They're one of my favorite pair."

Confused, Terra turned her gaze to the chat log, to see it full of complement on Domino's moves and panties. Her hands moved for the keyboard, to offer her own supportive words, but froze when she couldn't think of anything to say. "Would it be weird, since we're friends?"

The moment passed as Domino deftly removed the last of her clothes, much to the delight of her few but loyal fans. She giggled at the comments as she spread her legs wide and tugged on her clit piercing. "Oh you guys, do you really enjoy seeing me naked that much?"

"Yes..." Terra responded out loud, blushing heavily when she realized how much she was really enjoying this. Building up a bit of courage, she finally typed in a message, doing her best to ignore the heat in her face. It wasn't like Max was going to know it was her anyway. "You're starting to make me question my sexuality."

"Well, there's nothing wrong with a little experimenting." Domino answered slyly, slowly rubbing her moist folds with a finger. "I personally think it's better to keep a very open mind." She cupped her breast in one hand, giving it a squeeze as she used her other to spread her pussy lips to the camera, gazing at her fans hungrily. "After all, it's healthy to question ourselves and try new things."

Terra gasped at the display, feeling her own itch growing as Domino, her friend, continued to tease her audience. The chat log exploded with encouragement, but Terra barely saw any of it as a hand subtly slipped between her thighs. "Damn, she's really eating up this attention, and she's so... good at this."

Domino kept up the teasing for a bit longer before giving her viewers a seductive look. "Hm, I think it's time I show you guys my little surprise now. So, who wants to see my new toy?"

"New toy?" Terra had to admit her curiosity was peaked, among other things, as Domino hopped out of view "Just how much is she allowed to do on this thing?"

She heard some giggling, and her question was presumably answered when Domino came back on screen with a small bottle and, much to the feline's surprise, a large dildo. "So, what do you think of my new toy?" Domino asked lustfully as she slowly ran a finger along the canine shaped toy phallus. "Oh, I can't wait to use it, And you all get to see the trial run."

"What?" Terra's eyes went wide as she watched her naked friend sit back, taking the bottle and putting some of the contents on her fingertips. "What the hell is she doing?" Terra simply watched in aroused amazement as Domino leaned way back, exposing herself to the camera. She heard a lustful moan as those fingers, coated in what Terra assumed to be lube, reached down and pressed against her tail hole. "Oh Max, you're not doing what I think you're doing..."

They both gasped as Domino slipped a finger inside, pushing up to the second knuckle with ease. Terra couldn't look away as the performer fingered herself, oblivious to her own hands rubbing needily at her crotch. "Oh, I think that'll do." The skunk moaned softly as she popped her finger back out, sitting up with a grin. "So, you all ready for the real show?"

Quite a few short responses filled up the chat feed; clearly the other viewers were just as distracted as Terra was. She watched, mesmerized, her hands rubbing at her inner thighs as Domino slowly coated the six inches of dog dick shaped latex in lubricant. It was an interesting shape, and Terra's hands suddenly flew across the keyboard, glad to have some other use for them. "Why'd you pick one shaped like that?"

Domino paused at that, looking over the toy as she thought. "I don't know. It just seemed very appealing to me for some reason. I think the pointed tip will just make it easier to slip in, and the smooth shaft just looks like it would feel really good." She suddenly smirked at the camera. "Plus, I've always wanted to sleep with a feral; someone with this kind of endowment."

"I've got one like that!" One of the other viewers quickly chimed in. "And it's fully hard right now."

"Oh you..." Domino giggled playfully, rolling the toy in her hands. "Well, now that this bad boy is all slicked up, let's put it to the test." With a wink she got up into a kneel, placing the toy on her bed and hovering over it. Smirking at the camera she began to lower herself, stopping when the pointed tip first pressed against her tight tail hole. Terra mewled, licking her lips, as Domino lowered herself more, inhaling sharply as the toy finally slipped in.

A shiver ran through Terra's body as she watched, her hands grabbing at her thighs. "Dammit, I give up." The feline muttered, before quickly moving her laptop to the table then undoing and dropping her pants. With a moan of her own she leaned back, spreading her legs and rubbing her hands across her panties. "Damn, she's good."

She watched in lustful awe as Domino bottomed out on the toy, her ring pressing against the top of the knot. "Damn, this thing is better than I expected. Almost as good as the real thing. Oh, it feels so good."

"Yeah, it does." Terra agreed, pulling her panties back to see a wet spot had already formed. Slipping them down, she caved into her lust, rubbing her fingers between her wet lips as Domino began slowly riding her new toy, always looking at the camera as she put on her show. It sent a shiver down Terra's spine; it was as if Max was watching her watch, getting off on Terra fingering herself to her sexual show. It added a new level of excitement to it all. "Oh, Max... what are you doing to me?"

Moaning softly, Terra gave up on resisting. She watched with longing eyes as a pair of fingers delved into her moist pussy, her other hand reaching under her shirt to grasp at her breast. She gasped along with Domino, who had fallen into a steady rhythm of riding her sex toy. She couldn't believe how easily her ass was taking the toy, and at how much Max seemed to be enjoying it. "Does it... does it really feel that good there, Max?"

They happened to moan at the same time, Terra digging her fingertips into her g-spot as Domino's eyes rolled up into her head, leaning back and riding the toy with greater force. She quickly brought her eyes back to the camera, panting lustfully as her hips bucked towards the screen. "Oh god. Sorry guys, this is... way better than I thought." The skunk was panting heavily, trying her best to speak to her fans. "I don't think... I can last much longer."

"Do it..." Terra mewled, fingering herself harder and faster at the anticipation. The chat confirmed that the other viewers wanted to see it, too, probably close themselves.

"I... I... f-fuck!" Domino gave up trying to speak, riding hard, grasping the bed sheets tightly. Terra could tell she was getting close, and it made her increase her own efforts. She could barely keep her eyes open, yet she didn't want to miss Domino's grand climax. Suddenly the skunk let out a cry as she slammed down hard, her whole body shivered visibly, and Terra's eyes went wide as Max climaxed, a stream of fluids squirting from her pussy.

"Oh, fuck!" That sight was too much, and Terra through her head back as pleasure washed over her body, her hips bucking into her hand as she reeled in her own orgasm.

It took a few minutes for Terra's senses to return, still feeling the rush. She vaguely heard Max's voice and managed to return her attention to the screen, where the skunk was struggling to sit up, the toy at her side and a satisfied look on her face. "Well, I hope all you cuties enjoyed that as much as I did." She winked and blew a kiss at her viewers. "Thanks for watching, and I hope to see you all again next time." With another playful kiss at the screen, the feed ended, leaving Terra's screen blank and quiet.

The siamese sighed as she leaned over and closed her browser, feeling satisfied but conflicted. "Damn, Max, why do you have to make me feel this turned on?" Mustering her strength, she sat up straight, redressing herself with a sigh. "I shouldn't be attracted to another woman like this. But, damn Max you are just too damn sexy." She let out a bit of a chuckle, leaning back into the couch. "Marcus is just going to love this when he finds out."

The clicking sound of fingers tapping on a keyboard echoed through Aiden's apartment, the fox seated at the dining table as he attempted to work on his novel. Sadly, the sound came not from any actual writing, but from him simply drumming his fingers on the keys, staring blankly at a half finished sentence. With a frustrated grunt he jammed on the delete key, erasing a few sentences before going into a flurry of typing.

It was short lived, however, as his mind wandered back to Cheryl and thoughts of her possible pregnancy. Those thoughts put an instant block on his creative flow, and Aiden once again found himself staring at a half finished sentence.

"Dammit..." Giving up, Aiden pushed his laptop away, resting his head in his hands. He knew he would never be able to get any work done with this hanging so heavily in his mind. He wouldn't be able to focus on anything, until they knew for sure whether or not Cheryl was pregnant. "But it's only Thursday." He lamented, remember that Cheryl had said they would need to wait for Saturday before she could take the pregnancy test. "I don't know if I can wait that long."

'And what if she is pregnant?' That thought sat ominously in the back of his head. 'That would make me the father. I'd have to stick around, help her raise it. But should we move in together? Am I, are we, really ready for this kind of commitment?' He stood and began pacing around the room. "Of course, maybe she won't even keep it. Things might be easier that way, but I don't know if she's okay with that. It might be against her religion or something. We could always adopt it out, but after carrying a baby for nine months, she may want to keep it."

His thoughts bouncing around in his head like that was fast giving Aiden a headache. Rubbing his eyes, he sat back down, trying desperately to clear his head of all these options. "Well, I guess it is her body," he finally muttered, trying to reason it out. "Whatever Cheryl decids to do, I may as well just go along with that. It's the fair and responsible thing to do."

Not feeling very reaffirmed by his reasoning, Aiden was about to attempt to return to work when some rapid, energetic knocking came from the door. "Oh, what now?" Grumbling to himself, he made his way to the door, but lost all his bluster when he saw it was Cheryl standing in the hallway.

She smiled at him as Aiden opened the door, a warm, genuine smile that he hadn't seen in some time. 'No,' he realized as he watched her step inside, 'she doesn't just look happy. She looks relieved.'

Cheryl really was relieved when she turned to face Aiden, She giggled nervously, clearly trying to restrain herself. "Aiden, I... well, I'm not sure how to best say this... Oh hell with it. I'm not pregnant!"

"What?" Aiden took a step back, surprised by the sudden news. "Wait; I thought we wouldn't know until this weekend. How do you know?"

She blushed a bit, rolling her eyes. "My period finally started, just a few hours ago." She let out a big breath, as if she had been holding her breath for ages. "God, I've never been so happy to ride the cotton pony."

Giggling again, she finally ran up and gave Aiden a hug and kiss. "Oh, I'm so glad this is over. After this I am definitely investing in condoms."

"We probably should have been using them from the start."

"I know," Cheryl sighed as she sat on the couch. "Honestly, I wasn't even sure if I really could get pregnant. Well, I'm not gonna risk it from now on."

"Yeah, better safe than sorry." Aiden chuckled, already starting to feel better as he sat down beside her. "Oh man, this is such a load off my mind. I had no idea what I would have done if you were pregnant."

Cheryl nodded at that, her face turning serious for a bit. "Aiden, what would you have done? If I was pregnant with your kid, I mean." She didn't look at him, almost hating herself for asking this. But, she had to know. There was something she needed to find out.

Well..." Aiden shifted in his seat, not really wanting to answer her question. "I know I would stick around at least. If you were pregnant, and had decided to keep it... I would try to be a good father for the child, and always be around." He took a deep breath, carefully choosing his words. "I'd... I'd probably even get married to you, for the child, if it made things easier."

Cheryl just nodded at that. It was the answer she had been expecting to hear, and a reasonable, responsible one. Still, she had to press on. "Would you marry me if I wasn't pregnant?"

"No." Aiden answered before really thinking it out. "I mean, not right away, of course. Maybe after dating for a few more... years?"

"So, you don't really want to marry me then?" She looked over at Aiden, and laughed at his nervous face. "That's fine. I don't want to marry you either, baby or no. We've only been dating for like a month or so." The mirth passed quickly though. "So basically, you would get married to me if I was pregnant out of being responsible, and not because you really want to marry me."

"Well... I..." Aiden stammered a bit, caught off guard by the statement. "Um, yeah I guess that's true, but only if you were okay with it, too."

"Leaving the final decision to me?" Cheryl asked with a smirk, though it quickly passed. "So you would basically just go along with whatever I decided?"

Aiden thought on that for a moment. There was a deeper meaning behind her questions, he knew, he just couldn't figure it out. "Well, yeah I guess so. Is that a problem?"

Cheryl let out a sigh, leaning into Aiden and making herself comfortable. "No, I guess not." It was a bit of a lie, but she didn't want to push it right then. She snuggled into his chest, preferring to enjoy the relief of not being pregnant. She would worry about her suspicions another time.

My Roommate's A Stripper?! Ch. 15

Chapter 15 "Heated Relationships" It was a hot summer's day in late July as Aiden got out of his car after yet another day of work. A particularly wretched day, in fact, as the high heat and humidity had made delivering all those heavy packages all...

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My Roommate's A Stripper?! Ch. 13

Chapter 13 "Surprises Everywhere" It was such a blissful feeling, sleeping with another person. The feeling of their warm body next to your's giving you comfort and pleasant dreams through the night. That was how Max felt right now, curled up in...

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Logan and Darkhom

"Thanks again for having me over, Dark." The wolf, Logan Rayfe, tipped his glass at his fox friend. "I definitely needed some time off to just relax." "Yeah, anytime Logan." Darkhom smiled with a shrug. "You know you're always welcome here, and I'm...

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