The Reality Chapters 1-6

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This is my first attempt at writing a story cub/babyfur and minor drug content is in here if your not into it do not read. I apologize in advance if my grammar and spelling are a bit off, hopefully my spell check can catch these before I post them. All characters in this story are made up for the sake of this story it follows one character going though a life changing event.

                                                The reality chapter one

            My eyes began to open I tried to focus my vision a bit more before looking around, I could only see white walls, a door, and machines that I had no clue what they were for. I must have it the bong to hard last night I thought to myself . I went to go rub my eyes and as I had moved my hand to fast I had hit a part of me with more force than I realised and then I released a yelp of pain. Right as soon as that had happened I heard the door open and someone rush in, in the small daze I was in I noticed that I did not have a nose that it was a muzzle. Someone put there hand no wait it was not a hand it was a paw down on me, they started to speak but I could not understand what they were saying it was not the English that I was used to speaking.

"What's going on here, were am I?" I asked but no one replied, they could not understand me and I could not understand them great.

            One of the people then sat me up and began checking my body, first he grabbed my arm and when I looked over to see what he was doing I was that my arm was covered in fur and not only that and the end of my arm was not a hand but a paw as well, but mine had looked quite a bit different than theirs they had fingernails were I had claws. I had started to freak out a little bit, what was going on what had happened to me who were these people. I had tried to break free of their grasp putting up quite a bit of commotion but they were definitely to strong for me to break free, trying to flail out of the grasp I noticed the second one there was preparing a needle, The only thing I could think was in that needle was probably a sedative to calm me down so I could not resist as I was. Then I began shaking me head trying to be as calm and still as possible so they would not stick that needle into me, needles just happened to be the biggest fear I had in the whole world.

The second person noticed I had calmed down and was shaking my head so she put the

needle down but still looked ready to use it if she needed to. The one checking me over

appeared to be a man I think, he then began to look at my chest area I looked down and

saw more white fur. Great I thought to myself more fur what the hell happened to me

while I was sleeping, I was trying to recall my last memory but it just seemed to keep

slipping in my mind what I was doing last before I fell asleep. They pulled the sheet that

was over me down and I took a  look down at my legs what was there was the biggest

shock I had seen today no not today in my life. Between my legs there was a thickly

padded diaper, why was a wearing this I was so shocked but no one else in the room was

making me think that they had already knew and expected what to see down there. But to

no surprise there was more fur and more paws, again they looked different down there where my legs and feet should

be I think I was ready to pass out from shock at this point, he had finished checking me

over and then he and what I had to assume would be a nurse both left for a few moments

and then they cam back with someone new.

            That new man then came down and sat beside me with his paw held out, I had

decided to grab it and then began feeling the texture of his fur it was strange it felt just

like the old dog I used to have. He the very rudely grabbed my arms and started to move

them up down and side to side bending every joint it felt as though if he was trying to get

me used to moving the muscles and joints so I would have a bit more control over them

than I currently did, so I just sat there and let him do what he wanted there was nothing I

could do to make him stop. He then after a few minutes of that stopped and waited a few

moments, I stared at him puzzled and be made the movements with his arms, I had finally

got what he wanted, he wanted me to repeat what he did but on my own. I had given it

my best shot I did not do to badly but raising them above my head straight up was

difficult for me I was not used to the way these moved yet, after what I could say was

about half an hour someone came and attached a tray to the bed I was in and set down a

tray of food. There were so many smells it was not bad smells but it was strong I covered

my nose they were so strong it felt like I was going to get sick. They were waiting for me

smells after I was not used to being able to smell as good as this before I fell asleep last.

There was a fork and a spoon down by the food I looked at what was set down in front of

me it appeared to be some kind of soup with vegetables and what looked like some kind

of drink that was put into a Childs sippy cup. I then tried to pick up the spoon it was so

difficult for me grabbing it with these new paws. I ended up dropping it a lot until the

man that was moving my arms grabbed it and placed it properly into my paw I smiled at

him because I had no way of communicating.

            I than began to eat what was in front of me I thought to myself why would you

put a fork and a spoon with a bowl of soup when all you needed was a spoon when I put

the spoon into the broth and when to go taste it i could see why then there where quite

large chunks of vegetables and pieces of chicken by the looks of it I tried to sip the broth

a bit from the spoon but just ended up making a huge mess as it dropped into my lap it

was warm not to hot luckily I heard the giggling of some lady, and a few moments after

that they had put a bib around me because of the mess I was making, I had blushed it was

quite embarrassing to be treated like a child even though i may have looked like one.

After a few more tries with the spoon i just could not do it and tried moving to the fork, I

was not at least able to stab a couple pieces of chicken and eat it still making quite a mess

because I was not used to using this new muzzle of mine. After a while of making a huge

mess of myself the man sitting next to me had decided to help me a bit he was taking the

spoon and feeding me yet another reason for me to be embarrassed I was 30 years old I

believe I could take care of myself even if i was having a little difficulties. After a few

more minutes I was finally done it was so demeaning having to drink from a sippy cup


             They had then picked me up and sat me down on a counter and then I could hear

water running after they were done filling this sink with water they had taken off my

diaper and placed me in the water cleaning me up from my extremely messy feeding time

it took them a few minutes to clean me up and then dry me off and place a new diaper

over my bottom. I was then sat down with the same man who then started to work my

legs and my feet. This day seemed to keep dragging on and on, I was hoping so much that this was all just a dream and I would be back to reality soon enough moments we

continued to work my body building strength for a few hours, after awhile I had started to

yawn and the man looked at his watch and saw the time, everyone still looked like they

had a lot of work to do with all their files and papers everywhere soon after they had put

up a rail  on the bed like a babies crib and then left and turned off the lights I was all

alone now  just left to sleep I began to hum and sing to myself sense I was alone tears had

begun to well up in my eyes it felt like this nightmare was never going to end and that I

was stuck like this for the rest of my life, that night I quietly cried myself to sleep

wishing for my life to return to normal.

            A few more days had passed and I was now stuck in a routine of my daily

exercises feedings bath changes and bedtimes I had now gotten used to the fact of that I

was here in this hospital stuck with nothing to do as I went thought my daily routines I

was getting more used to humming and singing to myself in English even if no one could

understand me at least I could, some would even hum along with me when I did it at least

they could do something that comforted me a bit more. Although every night I did cry but

one of the nights one of the nurses heard me she sat there with me holding me tight

humming one of the tunes she had listed to me do before it was calming and helped me

easily get to sleep.

            Then a few more days had passed and they had brought in something new it

looked like a walker with wheels and a hand break that you would normally see older

men and women using to help them move it even had a seat on it, they had carefully

picked me up and sat me down on the seat they had wanted me to use this I believe I set

down my paw pads on the floor for the first time it was cold it sent a chill up my spine I

wish for once they had actually put me in some clothes or something wearing only this

diaper all the time was kind of humiliating even if I did need it. I grabbed onto the walker

and started testing each step carefully so I would not slip and hurt myself, as I walked

around a bit in my room I noticed that the door was open and walked towards it no one

was stopping me either this was hopefully going to be the first time to get out of this

room, I was excited to see what was beyond these four walls. As I took a step out of the

room I could see many nurses and doctors walking around, also noticing someone had

been following me the whole time that's why no one cared where I went. I went into the

room adjacent to the one I was in there was a bunch of desks with nurses and doctors

talking reading over reports and other various things doctors would I heard quite a bit of

giggling coming from over one of the nurses desks so I slowly wheeled up to the desk

and went a round the side, she was typing on some kind of advanced keyboard by the

looks of it. She then looked down at me and smiled I heard another person giggling so I

looked over in that direction, a split second after I looked away the nurse beside me

began scratching behind my ear I had jumped a bit which made everyone laugh a bit

more. I then tilted my head to the side in a puzzled looked wondering what was so funny.

A few moments later the one following me beckoned to me to come back to her so as I

walked over to her I could hear the wheels squeaking a small amount she lead me back to

my room and picked me up and put me back into that damn crib and laid me down I

looked over to the wall clock and looked at the time I could not understand what the

numbers was but I could see it was the usual time they normally made me take a nap at. I

closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

            As I woke up from my afternoon name something was strange there was no one there to greet me as I had awoken, the only reason why this was strange is because there was normally a doctor there to made sure I was still clean from sleeping which in most cases I was not just like this time. I then realised I had no way of contacting someone to tell them I wake. The bars were still up to and I had no idea how to lower them and hop out of the bed I tried looking at where the doctors normally touched and I could not find a way to undo them, a few moments later a doctor walked in and noticed I was awake, he then promptly changed me and started the exercises that I normally went through. I had really been craving change yes I had been allowed to start walking as of today but I had not explored to much. After the exorcises the had let me walk around the hospital a bit more, I soon realised it was just a giant square of a hospital with lots of rooms and doctors, I saw lots of smiles and heard lots of laughing every time I went and walked around to the different rooms, Its like I was a silly pet to them or something. For the first time in a long time after all the torment of walking I felt like I needed a cigarette, which it had technically been months sense I last had one I doubt I would be allowed to either, to think of it no one in the hospital smelled of tobacco either so they must not smoke at all. After I had finished walking around and got back to my room my meal was there ready for me, sense the first time I had eaten in this body I had gotten used to it and had stopped making such a mess of myself.

            After I finished eating they set me down on the floor by the walker and they were saying things to me while doing motions like stand, sit, go , and stop, after awhile I started picking up smaller words and what they were as they seemed to be trying to teach me the language if I were a baby using picture books and other children's things. An hour or two later they had put me into the bed and left and turned the lights off meaning it was time to sleep. All I could think about for some reason is words of a song I used to love and I kept saying the words in my head until I decided that I had them in the right order and said the out loud to myself.

"the man wasn't good he was great, saying music was the home for your pain, and explain I was young he would say, take that rage put it on the page, take the page to the stage and blow the roof off the place." I sung that over and over to myself until I fell asleep that was the song that inspired me to become a musician, that song was who I was.

            I woke up and repeated my daily schedule day in and out till I felt comfortable enough that I could walk without the walker now and I would continue going thought the hospital often staying in the nurses area even though I could not understand what they were talking about  eating my lunches there and my dinners now do I did not mind having them around me even if they did baby me a bit. All I could think about recently was when they would be done all of this training and just focus on teaching me to communicate with them so I could get my own way and be able to ask for things I needed to do, My hair was much to long for me to actually like it I wanted to cut most of it off and just keep it short but there was no way of telling them that, the only reason I knew it was long is because I had to keep moving it off to the side so it would stay out of the way of my eyes, it got annoying after awhile to have to keep doing it every hour or so.

            A few times after They had put me in and out of the crib I watched how they had undid my latches and I knew I could easily undo them now. The next day I woke up and no one was there watching me so I undid the latches on it and tried climbing out by myself I ended up falling it was a far drop or at least it felt like it was because it seemed like everything was going in slow motion, as I slowly descended to the floor one I hit the ground I had hit my head pretty hard and let out a howl of pain it hurt so much I could not stop the tears from welling up in my eyes, I knew this pain as nothing to what I felt before I had first awoken but I could just not stop myself from crying. Doctors and nurses both came in as they heard the crying from my room and one of them picked me up and started checking my body for injuries I had grabbed the back of my head from the pain I was feeling and then they checked that out to. They tried to calm me down but nothing was working so they prepared the sedative, and before I knew it they stuck it in me and few moments later I was out like a light. I woke up a few hours later to an angry doctor he must have watched the security tape and saw what I did, it sounded like he was scolding me and he grabbed my paw and slapped it. The only thing that went through my mind after that is that it was not a big deal and that he did not have to treat me like a child I was able to think for myself I just was not used to such heights before. I then realised that people were packing up things from my current bedroom and a nurse had come and helped me out of the crib and grabbed my paw and was walking me around the building stopping at a few places to pick up a few documents and then she started walking over to the elevators, she swiped a card through it and we waited a few moments. W got inside of the elevator and she it a button that seemed to be a few stories above our current one. we slowly ascended the elevator. The doors opened to a new floor which I had been yet allowed to see. She walked me down a long hall stopping at the door at the very end. Then she slowly opened the door, and I saw what was inside was a small room, like a child's bedroom and a small bed with bars on it still just half the height of the one I was just using and much closer to the floor, as well there was a mirror about my height so I went over and took the first good look at myself that I have gotten sense I awoke.

            I seemed to be a fox white body black paws, my limbs looked quite feral to the others in the hospital, black tips on my ears and a pink nose my eyes where a green, almost as green as an emerald, my hair was long shaggy and blonde and definitely need to but cut. My mouth dropped as I finally had gotten a good look of my chest and face I had fur markings on my chest in the shape of a flower with what seemed to be a vine or something going up to my neck down my back a small way and back up to my right eye. I began to cry because that reminded me that was the tattoo I had on my old body it had transferred over to this new one but as markings on my fur, that tattoo was one part of a set that me and my best friend had gotten together his on the opposite side I put my paw up against it, this was the strongest memory I had of my old body, now I think I wont be able to let go of the past. Just as I had finished checking over my whole body I heard a voice say something I could actually understand.

The reality chapter 2: languages lost and found

            "Hello there Kyoga its nice to meet you." Said the man dressed in a black suit. "my name is Ren Fairview." He said moments later.

"Oh my god someone who can speak English, just when I though I was going to forever doomed of no one knowing!" I said happily I almost could not keep the excitement in.

            A man followed him into the room and sat down two chairs one the size for a normal adult and one sized for a child of my age, Ren took his seat and then put down a few folders on the table. I took the seat that was opposite of him and I gave a good look at him he seemed to be a fox like me but just red with a red tail black ring with a white tip the average looking red fox. I was quite curious as what was in the papers considering the one of the words on the front stated English. The man opened up the folder and sat it down in front of me and pointed to a picture of me.

"I believe that is you there in the photo, I apologize no one has been able to speak to you sense you have first awoke, it had taken me awhile to travel here after the word that they needed me came." said Ren.

I replied swiftly. "That's fine I guess the doctors helped me regain the basic motor controls after I first awoke in this new body would you be able to explain to me what happened to me and why I am like this though, I have been craving answers for quite some time now and to be honest I could not come up with an answer myself."

Ren stated. "Well we found you in cryostasis, each cryostasis container is dated of when they were put under, your pod was dated on 2055, when your body was put into the stasis it just felt like you were sleeping 1945 years later the apocalypse wipe our your kind the humans three hundred years later us Henoids came into existence sentient animals, sense you had nothing to do with the apocalypse those you don't need to know much about it if you want to know more you can read a book. As well I believe you have noticed that your limbs and paws do look quite a bit different from the rest of us during the gene therapy the changing had a small amount of differences making your appearance to be a bit more feral to us."

I definitely had a lot to think about there was one more thing I wanted to know something I needed to know. "Did I have any personal belonging in the cryostasis, like jewerly a wallet pictures?" I asked.

Ren nodded that I did he put down the wallet that belonged to me so many years ago, I opened it up there was my credit card about $1000 dollars in my wallet, I thought to myself who carries that much money on them I searched through every compartment of my wallet until I found what I was looking, there was the picture of me and my best friend Lex sitting right next to me was my girlfriend Kiara. I turned the picture around to find that there was something taped onto the back it was my gold necklace that I used to wear and words written on the back of it saying. "My dearest Kyo, I know having cancer is hard on your body but I want you to know I will always be by your side, no matter what happens to us because as your song goes we still have not done the things we promised to, I told you I would always love you, now take my hand lets make our final stand, Love Kiara". I smiled a bit and tears welled up in my eyes cancer yes that was the reason I paid to have myself into cryostasis because it was incurable at the time and I did not want all the chemotherapy, I was really selfish. Ren moved over to me and patted me on the back.

"Ok enough reminiscing now we have to start studying." Ren said as he was pulling out some large books.

I opened one of them up and looked what was inside it was a dictionary with English and the now spoken language known as Noi, he said something in the Noi language to the person who had been standing there and they came over to me and attacked a collar around my neck with a speaker on it by the looks of it and a small tablet that I could easily carry on my person, that were if I had pockets. I began to read over some of the other pages he had given me using the tablet I was provided I typed in thank you on the screen and soon after the collar had spoke it in the Noi language. Ren stood up and nodded his head to the other person as they had left.

"From here on your my student and I will be helping you learn our language and a bit of our customs until then this is your room and you need to learn how to use that device there I made sure to list a few phrases to get peoples attention for certain things so don't be afraid to use it." Ren said as he left the room.

            Awhile later my final meal of the day was brought to be and I was practicing using the device. I said thank you and asked for assistance with the now soggy diaper I was wearing. Once they were finished they patted me on the head and left. They really did know how to make people feel small instead of treating them their actual age. About an hour after I was done eating I finally memorized  how to input all the words and phrases he gave me into the device, right after I had felt so accomplished someone came into my room and turned off the lights. I sighed I guess it was bedtime already just when things finally started to get interesting, I laid there thinking of what was going to be next where was I going to be going from here I reached the old wallet of mine and grabbed the gold chain, staring at it for a few minutes gazing at its beauty I then put it on, it had a strange feeling to it, I was no longer used to wearing it. A few moments passed by my eyelids had begun to get heavy, and I began to drift of to the world of dreams my paradise.

            I awoke from sleep to the curtains in my room being open I did not even realise I had them until now. A big man who seemed to be a bull put down a dresser in the room, I was excited to finally get to wear clothes instead of just being in a diaper the whole time. After the man left I ran over to the dresser and opened up the first drawer, It had a bunch of shirts in it blues ones, green ones, even a light yellow even though I was not so fond of it I just wanted a plain black shirt but I guess the blue one would have to do, I grabbed the blue one and put it on my bed. I opened the next drawer up and there was pants and shorts in there, I grabbed the matching blue ones and set them onto my bed as well. I opened up the last two drawers which had 3 things in them thin daytime pull up diapers thick night time diapers and socks. I smiled new that I was finally getting some privacy with being able to change myself for once instead of having someone else doing it. There was a light knock on the door, I looked over and waited no one came in. Then they knocked again I got dressed quickly and grabbed the tablet, I quickly typed something in on it saying that it was ok for them to come in.

            Ren opened and stepped through the doorway holding a tray with my mourning meal on it. Ren seemed happy today yesterday he looked like he was having a hard time. He sat the meal down on the small table that was there for me. I quickly devoured my meal, Ren shaking his head as if he were disapproving of me doing it so fast. We then began the lessons for language as well as a small portion of history and some laws for the outside world. Later after my lessons were finished for the day Ren had told me about how my tablet also had a shopping application on it, though I did know I had no money he also told me the current government had set aside a large sum of money for me but anything I wanted would have to be approved by the certain members of the faculty. After he left I jumped right onto that application and began browsing it.

            I was looking in there for a few hours I had a decent list of hair care products, body washes, a claw trimmer, scissors, and I could not find the last thing I wanted so I put the list aside and went for a walk. I went down to The floor I had first awoken in and looked for the nurse that I was always around on that floor, she looked and me and smiled. 

"what do you need hon?" said Suzy as she tilted her head a little.

I replied by typing in on my device. "I was using this shopping portal, its kind of hard to understand with my little vocabulary, I'm looking for an instrument."

            She then opened up the exact same screen I had on my tablet and with a few clicks of her mouse she was on a giant selection with a bunch of instruments on it. We searched for a few minutes until I spotted the perfect acoustic guitar, she looked at the rest of my list and she checked everything off smiling happy she got up from her desk and kneeled down beside me she said something I could not understand It was only my second day of learning the language so I gave her a puzzled look she hugged me and lightly pushed me out her office. I got the picture she wanted me to return to my room so I went back to my room and sat there for an hour or so there was scrap paper and pencils in my room so I was taking my thoughts turning them into lyrics and attempting to compose a new song that I could sing to occupy myself. Then a few moments after I had started the door opened and everything I had ordered was already here they unpacked everything for me after they were done I set all the boxes and garbage by the door. I picked up my guitar for the fist time and plucked every string one by one, it was already tuned I was excited. I grabbed the pick that came with it and started to play one of the songs I wrote long ago. It was not soon after that a lot of the doctors and nurses gathered outside of my room, at this point I had not even started to sing yet I was quite surprised at that fact, after I finished my I could hear quite a few of them praising me for playing so well. I could not help but blush at the fact that they loved it so much it just made me want to play more. I continued to play for a few hours ate and then went to bed. My next few months went about the same routine, my speech started to get better and then I was able to make a few songs in the spoken language, though he still could not speak it without the voice box, One day though a new face peaked its way into my room it was a man who seemed to brim with authority, he came in with Ren one day while I was doing my studies. Ren left afterwards and he remained there I sat there and waited for him to do something.

"Are you without something to do?" The jet black wolf said in a deep voice.

Using my tablet I replied. "Well I do have things I could do but I was not sure if I should ignore that you are here."

"I am the headmaster of Udatain Academy, my name is Rolf Jones, I would like to see what you do in your spare time." He said quite politely.

I nodded and then went over and grabbed my guitar strummed a few notes and then began to play the song. The notes flowed through the air I began to hum with the tune about thirty seconds went by and then I started to vocalise.

"I have never felt this way before, not until today the blowing through my hair, the adrenaline pump I took my leap of faith I never thought I would see this day, now come on let me hear you say it please, spread your wings and fly with me jump come on and skydive with me, come on by now you should know that you bring me to my knees." I stopped playing set the guitar on the stand carefully and took at the paper and pencil I was using to write the song. I looked at Rolf

"The song is not yet complete, its also in English but I have been writing a rough draft and from there ill be doing some changes to the lyrics and chords, after that I'll have another song to add to the list of the ones I have wrote." Typing all that in swiftly on the tablet.

            The headmaster had beckoned me to stand in front of him I did as I was told did not want to leave a bad impression of myself

"Stand straighter, paws behind your back, head up, eyes on me, in the upcoming months I will be the one in charge of your well being and I expect you to be well behaved we have very strong discipline at the academy, breaking any of the rules you will be punished for it." He told me in a stern voice.

            He turned and walked out of the door leaving me to my own. I could not believe how nice he was when he first started talking to me and then he ends up being a jerk, I guess when you have power you can afford to be two faced like that. I began to put the pen to the paper and continued my work on the song, after giving a sigh I put the paper away and brought out the workbooks for my speech and vocabulary and began to study, even though I hated to be the one to be a good student I had no choice or else I would ruin my own life this time instead of some disease. A month or two had passed sense I first met that the headmaster of the academy I was wondering what kind of place it was if people would accept someone like me. When Ren came in to help me with my studies today he took my tablet and started to change the settings the keyboard on the screen was now in the Koi language setting, Ren had completely stopped speaking in English to me except when I was having a hard time understanding him, because now and then he would talk fast, I notice he would also be very strict now of my behaviour if I was not perfect and proper he would end up yelling at me. It was quite a drag for everything to have to be going so serious for me now, after all I was still a child in body but not in mind although the younger side of me did have its moments. I finished everything up for the day and went to sleep it was good to relax.

            Tonight was the last night I was going to be here, for tomorrow I would be off to that new school to further my education in the new society  what was ok to do and not ok to do. I could say that I was pretty excited I heard from Ren that they did have a good music program even though I was already pretty adept in that area. I was finally able to start to speak the Koi language to without the tablet and speaker just small things though and even then I would stumble over some of the words, but when I did the nurses just giggle or say aww at me and rub my head because I was just "to cute" for them. My last meal came and I thought back to when I first woke up which was I could say a good 10 to 11 months ago as I was eating though I remembered how nice and helpful everyone was to me even babying me quite a bit although I did not like it the food here was pretty good to although not like I had gotten to try food from anywhere else. After I finished eating I began to snip away at my hair it had gotten long enough again that it was getting in the way of my eyesight, not being a professional hair dresser and all it looked like I'd done a good job. I began to pack my things leaving out a night time diaper and a daytime one as well, as well as a set of cloths, I made sure to get a guitar case so I would not have to carry the bulky thing in my arms the whole time it even came with a place to but a guitar stand for the case it was quite awesome if I do say so myself. I played a few notes on it hummed a tune and got lost in the melody, it was quite nice to be lost in music time just seems to fade away when I did it. It felt like only a few minutes latter till the knocking on my door and the words that it was bedtime till I put away the guitar and laid down in my bed. My head was racing with what was going to be going on tomorrow, just thinking of what was happening was making me nervous and excited, going to be in a new place but finally getting a chance to see the outside world, I heard multiple times that hospitals were the only place with technology like this everything else was very downgraded or so I was told. I did not get much sleep that night due to all the thoughts that were going into my head.

The Reality Chapter Three: My new school

That morning I got out of bed quite early, I was way to excited to finally see the outside world I had quickly gotten changed and ate my breakfast. After I was done eating I began to try to get more used to speaking without my device it was quite hard the worlds just sounded so awkward to pronounce  compared to English but I knew one day I would be able to do it. The headmaster had come into my room followed by a few others who grabbed my bags and left. The headmaster of the school had then handed me a black cloak with hood on it.

"Make sure you were this at all times if your in public we do not need any conflict happening with you, a special room has been prepared for you at the academy as well you will stay there and be separate from the student body." He told me and then also added. "As well as we will be traveling by a different method than what you would probably be used to."

I nodded as I quickly put the cloak on moving around my ears to find the holes they belonged in, and begun to follow him as he began to walk a lot of the nurses and doctors had been waiting for me giving me hugs and pats on the head as I was leaving I had definitely grown really attached to this place over the months I had been here. As we took our first steps outside I looked around at the raw beauty of the area and the natural smell of my surroundings. The headmaster was walking towards a horse and buggy, a man opened the door for him and he quickly got in, as I tried to get into the buggy I was lifted up and set in gently, I the headmaster a curious look. He gave a small laugh at me

"You are going to be treated almost like royalty sense you are now apart of the academy, its for the upper-class of our society." He stated

I nodded my head as we began to move it was actually a lot more smoother than I thought it was going to be, I looked out of the window and saw that we were traveling through a busy city with horses and buggies on the road no cars people pushing carts on bikes people walking and running even the occasional people who were running a long the roofs doing some free running. Now that was something I was interested in running along the roofs of building jumping from one to another doing flips vaulting and rolling over and under things, it just looked so fun. While going through the city I was able to see some of the shops and something that looked like a large transportation truck.

"Headmaster I though there was no vehicles in this world but there one is." I said to him

He responded. "There are some vehicles in our society but we do not use fossil fuels like in your time, we only use renewable resources and these are the only vehicles permitted within city limits and they have their own highways so they can transport to different cities."

It was a pretty good explanation after all this world was now a lot more clean and pollutant free than mine was. Looking out at the city I saw people dancing singing the culture of this city was so wonderful it was nice to see the outside world the building looked modern but made of wood and stone it had a nice feeling to it. The buggy had slowly began to stop. The door was opened and the headmaster got out and then I was again lifted up and set down on the ground my bare paws hitting the cold pavement.

The headmaster turned around to me and kneeled down and handed me a necklace then he said "Make sure you wear this at all times in public it shows that you are a representative of the academy and you will be treated properly by them, make sure you stay close to me its quite easy to get lost here."

            With that I put on the chain and looked at the insignia on it, it must have been the schools crest or something I looked up and the headmaster began to walk away I quickly had caught up to him and he began to talk to someone I took that time to look around at all the people and train cars I could definitely understand how easy it would be to get lost here. As I was looking around it was quite wonderful to see all the movement and sounds and smells of the station, someone had bumped into me and knocked me to the floor I hit my knee quite hard of the ground and gave out a small yelp of pain. The headmaster looked at me and helped me up telling me I should be more careful. We then boarded the train someone helping me up into the car.

            While looking around our cart it seemed to have a few private room and an upstairs to it, it was quite a fancy place. The headmaster had finished talking to another man and told me that this one was my room and that I would go in and take a nap or wait before we started going off. I walked into my room and he shut the door behind me. I looked around the room it definitely looked like a Childs room with all the bright colours they had used in it there was a mirror for me to check myself out and a bathroom that had a bathtub and a shower a toilet a sink a hamper for laundry and towels and a garbage can. I gave a great big yawn I was quite exhausted from not getting any sleep last night. I took the cloak off and crawled into the bed still wearing all my clothes there was a window right beside the bed I glanced out of it and took a look outside it appeared as though we had just begun to leave the station. Just relaxing it took only a few moments for me to fall asleep.

            I was awoken a few hours later to a knocking on my door and someone saying "lunch will be ready in 15 minutes young one."

"I will be out in a few moments." I responded rubbing my eyes to wake me up a bit.

             I walked into the bathroom and pulled my shorts down and took my soaked diaper off looked for the wipes and once I had found them I finished cleaning myself up and put a new one on and got back into my shorts throwing away the old diaper. I put the cloak on as the headmaster has instructed me and I opened the door and walked out of my room. I jumped I had bumped into someone I was not expecting to be on the other side of the door. The steward let out a small laugh and beckoned me to follow him, close on his heels we went up the small flight of stairs to where the headmaster was sitting at a table, I took my seat across from him. I took a look at the time and saw that I was not late but exactly on time. They began to serve us the meal and it looked so delicious, much better looking than the food in the hospital, I was just about to start eating when the headmaster scolded me.

"You are going to have to learn proper etiquette now that your part of high-society." He said to me.

            From then on it would have had to be one of the longest meals I had ever eaten with the way you had to pick something up hold it in what order it eat it was actually really exhausting. After the meal was over I found out that I was allowed to play my guitar but only in my room and as long as I did not make to much noise. I was plucking the strings playing a soft melody while looking out of the window it was beautiful to see the rolling foothills and the mountains in the distance the occasional farm, for a train it was very quite with how fast it was going, I put my guitar away and put my cloak on and went out of my room just to walk around the train car. I saw that someone was trying to come into our train car it was a young child looked about the same age as me the steward would not let them through as it was a private cart after all I ended up smiling and waving at the little one, I hadn't really seen may people of my age group yet so it was something I would remember. I walked up the stairs to the top floor where the headmaster had been sitting reading a book, I looked through the selections of the books they had and there was one about the current affairs in politics, I picked it up and began to read what was going on in the government affairs. I had gotten a few strange looks from the few people on this cart walking by, I guess I would give a weird look to seeing someone my age reading this stuff, all though I was not really interested in it, it kept me occupied until dinnertime. During the eating process I was being trained in more etiquette, scolded for messing up sometimes, the headmaster was a very strict man more than I would have expected.

            After dinner was over I retired to my room for the night getting ready for bed putting on the night time diaper and wearing a dark green t-shirt. I crawled into my bed and positioned the pillows so I would see the stars. I don't ever member getting a good look at them like this when I was a human but then again there were so much lights in the world it dimmed the stars beauty. Not to much longer after I had begun stargazing I had passed out. I was later awoken to the train making a large and urgent stop, it tossed me forward a bit. I got up and I was beginning to get dress to see what was going on when the headmaster opened my door and told me to stay put. He was going up to check why we stopped. I sat there for a few moments I was a little cranky being woken up from my sleep I had not gotten enough of it in the past day, wondering what was taking so long I ended up getting dressed and poking my head out the door to see what was going on there were a bunch of people in the cart a head by the looks of it trying to get answers. I began to sneak out of my room and into the other cart when a steward came and grabbed me by the back of the cloak.

"Go back to bed young sir, you cant let curiosity get the better of you, what's up there is something you should not see at such a young age." he said to me while picking me up and putting me back into my room.

            Realising I should be in bed getting a good nights sleep I got undressed again and went back to sleep hoping that we would not be delayed and further. I was woken up that morning by someone shaking me I opened my eyes and it was the headmaster.

"Get up I have to get your sleep schedule to the one you'll have in school." He said to me

I replied lazily. "Even if I am not going to be in the same classes as the regular students."

The headmaster nodded to me and said "Breakfast is in two hours so you have time to get ready."

            I slowly got out of bed and walked into the washroom I undressed and took of my diaper I stood on the stool I was provided and I brushed my teeth. After that I started running some water in the bathtub to see how hot it would go, I stepped into it and turned the shower on full blast the water was so hot and so nice, I began to wash my entire body, it took a considerable amount of time considering all the fur I had back at the hospital I did not have the option to bath myself someone always would do it for me. I hopped out of the shower and grabbed a tower and began to wipe all the water out of my fur but it did not get all of it but there was a hair drier so I decided to give that a try. It worked out fairly well but the only thing I did not like a bout it is that my fur was no so fluffy and poofy. I dried my hair and I began to brush it into a neat proper style so I did not have it standing up everywhere. Once all that was done I had gotten dressed and put the cloak on and left my room. I went upstairs to were the headmaster was waiting I looked at the time I had 30 minutes to kill, that could have been 30 minutes longer in the shower I thought to myself.

            The time flew by fast enough we finished eating and I got ready because we were going to be ending up in the town where the school was today, it was the weekend I was informed that all student had free time to go into the town on the weekends to buy whatever they wanted as long as they had the money for it, I was going to be able to see a few of them and see what they looked like a bit hopefully, though I could not interact with them. The train started to slow down a bit I could see in the distance a decently large city with the same type of buildings as the previous city I had been wood and stone to make a modern looking house the designs were quite well done. The train began to slow down a lot more I noticed we were going into some underground tunnel and could see small platforms with small amounts of people on them, we soon stopped at one landing zone that had a lot of people on it ready to board the train and many more were getting off. I had made sure to pack up my guitar and I was told to just leave it in my room and someone would bring my stuff to the school. I was then helped off of the train and stuck by the headmaster we walked for a minute and there was another buggy that looked a lot nicer than the first one I was on with the schools crest on it. We had gotten into the buggy and we headed off the headmaster showing me some of the sights of the city while we were heading towards the school. I saw a group of kids in the school uniforms they stopped and looked at the buggy going down the street they seemed to be staring at me burning into the back of my skull.

            It was only a few more minutes until we arrived at the school the building was huge it had stone wall just like a castle as we walked through the front part of the school they had a bunch of fountains and topiaries, as well benches and picnic tables. It was more beautiful than I had imaged it to be there were the giant letters above the main building stating the name of the academy. We walked towards the doors and they were then opened for us. The walls were expertly decorated with amazing paintings and colours that accented everything. the floors were marble and shiny. We then began to ascend a staircase and we ended up a door which had a nameplate stating Headmaster.

"I want you to wait right here, do not move and do not talk to anyone do you understand." he told me.

"Yes headmaster I understand." I replied to him.

            He walked into the room and was gone for a few minutes. There were students walking by who stared at me asking each other who that was no one knew. It was kind of awkward just standing there having people walk by me talking about me. One of the students stopped and looked at me.

"Hi there new kid, my name is Rico, what's your name?" Said the student in front of me

I did not respond to them because I was told not to talk to anyone, a few moments passed by and the started to look irritated.

"How rude of you to not tell me your name after I told you mine!" Rico exclaimed pausing for a few moments. "Can you not speak?.

            I shook my head no, Rico had nodded his head and began to yammer on, the headmaster came out a few minutes after he started talking and looked at me and then at Rico.

He cleared his throat. "Rico, did you need something from me"

            Rico jumped and let out a small squeak and shook his head no and ran away. The Headmaster signalled me to follow him so I did. He led me to a door and opened it up and began to ascend the stairs. Once we finally got to the top of the stairs my mouth dropped it was like a private sweet in a 5 start hotel. There was quite a large bed, a large bathroom, and a large lounging area, as well as a smaller room which had a desk the size of a child, a chalkboard and a desk for a teacher. I took a look around and all my bags and clothes and dresser had already been brought up for me. It was quite a nice place, though a bit to large for just one person I thought.

"So tomorrow we will begin the testing of all the subjects to see what you need to be placed in, if there is a course you would like to switch out just let me know and I will do my best to rearrange the schedules a bit." Said the headmaster

Looking over to the lounging area I said something to the headmasters "I do not think I will have a problem with switch out any classes but I do want to learn how to play that piano over there."

"Very well I shall see that it happens" Said the headmaster leaving me to my room alone.

            I was later brought my evening meal. A few hours after that I was told it was lights out. I rolled into my bed and laid there for a while wondering what was to come for me tomorrow, how hard would those tests be. Well looks like I will find out when the alarm goes off. I had blacked out into a blissful dream

The Reality Chapter Four: Inspiration

            I had awoken that morning somewhat dreading having to take the tests I did not know how much writing I would have to do or if it was a verbal test. At any rate I had no clue how it was going down I had finished eating and cleaned myself up for the big day. The first teacher that came in looked to be a tiger she had a sleek body and wore glasses, she was wearing a grey dress that had fit her quite nicely. Her name was Kay-lee, she handed me the test and I started by writing my name down on it, then I browsed the test, it did not look to hard from what I had seen of it but I was never the one to be good at math or many subjects for that matter, I ended up getting about 79% on it. I was hoping I would not have to take math because I had always found it to be quite boring.

            The next teacher who came in was a tall wolf who had grey fur and wore a black suit with a red necktie, His name was Jackl, all I could do was snicker at his name, he was the science teacher. Science had always been my best subject but checking over the test I saw there was a small portion was multiple choice, and the rest was all in writing. After I explained to him he said he would let me do it saying my answers to him and he would write it down. He was such so nice definitely one of the better people I have met. After I completed the test and he marked it I ended up scoring an 88%, not everything I remember had carried over for science but a lot of it did.

            The next few tests I had done completely horrible on, the subjects were social studies and language arts, I did not know to much on these subjects because my world had been flipped upside down, but as I expected, and I Knew I was going to have to take these few classes for sure, the teacher of these classes were the same though he was pretty strict but was also nice at the same time. It felt like he understood where I was coming from.

            Later that day someone had came a dropped off a schedule for me and the text books I was going to need, looking over the schedule I saw my classes L.A, Social Studies, Math, P.E, and Music. I was happy I was able to actually get a music class. I got to do music and P.E on Saturdays and the rest from Monday to Thursday. They needed me to do the P.E part on Saturdays because no students were allowed to be in the P.E room and at the outdoor P.E area on the weekends unless there were special circumstances.

            For the rest of the day I kind of lazed around looking over small portions of the text books I got and playing a bit of my guitar, writing down some new chord progressions, and playing to my hearts content. I did not have anyone come up to my room at all unless it was bringing my food to me or to give me tests so it was kind of a boring day no one to talk to like I could have at the hospital.

            The next few months I studied hard getting better at all the subjects and they had me working on understanding the language had gotten a lot easier sense I had someone who was actually a real teacher for it, and social was ok to I got to learn about the different areas in the world and their stances on the governments and points of views it helped me understand the culture of today. Math was again insanely boring at least they did not have me doing the easy stuff a normal kid my age would do, Music I ended up having a lot of fun it, being able to start playing the piano opened up a lot of options for me in writing songs they mainly taught me classical songs from this era, they were pretty decent but not like the ones of my culture like Bach or Beethoven. P.E was little more difficult for me however because of my special needs I had the hardest time climbing ropes I could only ever do a foot of climbing but running was easy the normal sit ups push ups and chin-ups were not that hard either. Not to long though after doing my studies they realised I was not actually bad at math and replaced it for something more suiting that I did not know, biology there was a lot more to learn in bio now that there were so many differences in the populace.

            In my spare time I would sit on the open balcony and play my guitar, it had actually gotten me quite a bit of attention from the students below doing P.E even one kid from the music class had brought out his drum kit not a full sized one but one that was easily transportable, and would play a beat while I was doing my notes, it was kind of awesome like we had a small band going on, after awhile of us playing with each other I had decided on my next trip to town I was going to get an electric guitar and an small amp just we could mix things up a bit.

             When I was at the Instruments store I saw the kid who used the played the drums there buying a new set of drum sticks, she spotted me and began to walk up to me and was about to say something, but then my escort told him we were not allowed to talk. After getting my new guitar and amp we headed back to the school, I tuned it up and plugged it into the amp made sure the amp was not to loud and started to rock a lot of my old songs  sense the room was private and no one would come up here or be able to hear me I would even sign the lyrics making my own private concert for no one. I was getting so into my song that I dropped my guitar pick and started to finger pick. My paws quickly became sore from that I had not had the callus I used to back in the day.

            The next day during Language Arts class the teacher had brought in a speech therapist in with them as well, we began to practice my vocalisations of every letter and putting them into small words and then into some larger ones and then back to learning how to spell properly, I had to say it was good to actually get to learn to talk to people instead of the using the tablet and speaker the whole time. The next music class I had Mr. Lenum had continuously praised me for how perfect my piano playing had become so quickly, after he had finished teaching me another song I without him noticing pick up my electric guitar and started playing, he seemed shocked that I was playing so fast without hesitation. He continued to praise me for that too all I could was smile and I attempted to make a request.

"Mr. Lenum, would you be able to get the Headmaster to approve the kid who plays the drums outside, to be able to come up here, and well so we can play some songs together?" I asked him blushing heavily, for I have never really asked for anything from the teachers before.

Mr. Lenum sighed. "Listen Kyo, I might not be able to get the headmaster to say yes, but I will ask him for you, there are no guarantees ok."

            I smiled and shook my head, and without him expecting it I had given him a hug it was one of my more childish moments but I had no way of saying thanks really so it was the least I could do, but then he did tell me that I was not acting proper in a sarcastic tone. He did not really care about that most of the time unless we were actually in the middle of a class and technically, ours ended before I asked him the favour. As he left I sat down at the piano bench and started to practice the new song because I had nothing better to do. An hour later my lunch was brought up to me with a note from the headmaster. I opened the note to see what it said, the note read. "Kyoga I would like to inform you that at this time I can not grant your request to have contact with another student for now you will have to just remain listing from afar." I let out a sigh, of course they weren't going to let me talk to someone even though I was lonely up here by myself. Well that just goes to show you life could be very cruel sometimes.

            It was now time for P.E and I again had another special guest someone who was said to be an animal trainer just to help me with my special needs in the way of how my paws were and to make sure I was taking care of them properly. The P.E teacher kept pushing me hard not letting me take breaks from going to one thing to another it was starting to get a little annoying. I was just so angry nothing I actually wanted would happen for me. After my P.E class was over I was curious as to why he was pushing me so hard.

"Excuse me Mr. Rae, I was just wondering why you have been pushing me so hard and not letting me take breaks." I typed into my tablet.

He replied quite angrily. "Listen you snot nosed brat, there are better ways I would like to spend my Saturdays other than being stuck here with you, you'll do what I say when I say it no questions asked, now get back to your room."

            I was now hurt it was actually quite a piss off for someone to treat me like that. My day however was coming to an end so I just went to my room and showered before my meal came making sure to carefully cut my hair so I don't have any uneven parts floating around, I seemed to be getting a lot better at doing it. I had eaten and played my music, and attempted to write a letter to The headmaster. It was not turning out how I wanted it to though so for the first time without permission I put my cloak and necklace on and descended the stairs leading out of my room. Luckily for me I knew he headmasters office was just a few doors down the hall but my room was a few stories higher. Once I had gotten to the door I knocked on it three times and waited a few seconds before hearing the ok to come in. I opened the door and walked in.

"I am sorry for coming here without permission Headmaster, but I need to talk to you about one of my teachers." I said perfectly and as clear as I could with a high pitched voice I did not use my tablet this time.

He was busy looking down at some papers a great way to greet a guest. He looked up curiously though because he did not recognize my voice, when talking in Koi I had a very childish tone to me.

He responded with a surprised look on his face. "Looks like you've made quite a bit of progress so far, and which teacher did you need to talk to me about, they were not doing anything as to have violated your personal space, I hope."

With the way he said "violated my personal space" it sounded as if he was saying did they touch me anywhere.

"No they did not, he just said some mean things to me." I replied trying to sound serious but only end up sounding childish.

"Who was it, and what did they say Kyoga?" The headmaster asked me soon after.

            My next response I definitely need the tablet for. As I explained to him what he had said and how it was said the headmaster nodded through the entire explanation. He had begun to write what I had said down on a piece of paper and had written something else on a different one and put that in an envelope, after he had done that he sealed it using wax and stamping the schools insignia into the wax.

"Well that should be the end of that now Kyoga, he definitely will not be saying things like that to you or the other students, but there is one more matter we need to discuss" I gulped in fear as he continued. "You had left your room without permission, and you know that breaking any of the rules that I had given you will result in a punishment, and this case is not an exception, this time will just we a verbal warning to not do it again, but next time it will definitely be more sever."  He said in a strong and stern tone.

            He then stood up and gestured me to stand up as well, I did as he commanded. He put his paw out making me think he wanted me to place mine over his, so I did. He then grabbed my paw and started walking. I was blushing as he started to walk me down the hallway. and unlocked the door to my room. I walked through the door and he closed it behind me. I went up the stairs and crawled into my bed. That was pretty embarrassing I thought to myself. I'm so glad no students were around to see it. I laid there and relaxed till I dozed off.

            I woke up the next morning there was something strange an new cloak was provided for me in academy colours with the insignia on it as well a note was with it too, saying that there was a school fair coming up next weekend and I was going to be allowed to go, only if I was able to score 80% or better on all my tests before then. I began to crack down on the books I really wanted to see what it was like, a school fair sounded like I could have some fun, I even asked some of my teachers if I could have extra lessons on my days off of school they did not seem to have a problem saying yes to it. I did end up asking Mr. Lenum about what went on at the fair, he told me they had talent shows and they even would be setting up some rides for the kids to go on, as well as the students would be able to bake things to sell to the other students. I told him that I wanted to sign up for the talent show, he made sure I would get onto the list for it. He warned me though that if I did not get the 80% or better I would not be allowed to attend, and I would have to sit up here and just watch the others. I was going to make sure that would not happen. I practiced harder and harder until I was sure I was going to pass the tests.

            My first test I had was going to be Biology, sense Biology was a science subject I did pay a lot of attention to it also because there were many interesting things that each different species had, the test I was given felt like Childs play I finished it quickly and double check all my work. Making sure I was not going to fail this one. The next few tests however were going to be more difficult. The next one I had to do was Social Studies, I basically had to give my view points on certain things that happened to other cultures and answer some things about the place we live it, as well as to explain why it was my point of view. I don't think I did to bad on that one I did have enough time to double check my answers so I felt confidant. I did not have my final test until two days before the fair would start and three days from today. So I then just cracked down completely on spelling, grammar, and writing. I had made quite a bit of progress over the time I have been in the school but I was not sure if I was going to get the necessary marks for this test.

            It had been quite a while sense I last relaxed and took a moment to myself so I sat out on the balcony with the acoustic guitar and began to play a relaxing tune. It looks like my drummer friend was not here today then again I was not there for a few days either. I believe that in order for anyone from the student body to be able to go to the fair they all had to meet the same standards. Well I'm pretty sure no one would really do bad on their tests here sense most of the teachers are strict. While I was playing I listened to the birds chirping and then I heard the worst noise of all. One of the strings on my acoustic had snapped I must not have checked to make sure all of the strings were ok before I started playing. I was actually pretty sad about it but I could always go into town sometime and buy new ones. Which I would definitely end up doing so. I went to bed that night spelling out words to myself to prepare for the next test.

            The test day had finally come up, and we first began with verbal spelling I was asked to spell 20 different words, those were pretty easy for me with all the practicing I had been doing. The next thing is I had to complete a few sentences, the work really seem like it was meant for a young child but it was still hard being new to the writing style of the language. The last part I had to write a single paragraph of my favourite thing to do. I definitely knew what I was going to write about, my guitars and how I loved to play them more than anything else. After I was done the essay I was told the time was up no time to double check my answers I had finished just in time. The teacher took away my test and bid me a good day and left me. Tomorrow I would get the results of my tests but for now I had to ask Mr. Lenum to do me a favour. I had asked the person who brought my lunch if they could ask him to come and see me. Sure enough half an hour later he was here.

"Did you have something you wanted to ask me Kyo?" He said happily.

Stuttering a little I replied. "I need a new s-string for my guitar, c-could you help me with it."

"Most definitely I can young man!" Mr. Lenum replied in such an upbeat tone.

            He went away for about 10 minutes and came back with a new string and we took the broken one off and replaced it with a new one. I had retuned the entire guitar just in case, and I was good to go ready for the talent show. Now I just had to wait for the results to come in from my tests. Playing all afternoon long practicing to make sure I was at my best. I was confident in myself, I went to bed nervous and excited hoping to see what the new day would bring me.

The Reality Chapter Five: The Fair, and a friend

            I woke up to a few surprises this morning, the first being I actually stayed dry the entire night, the second was that when I just got out of bed someone was standing in the doorway of my bedroom, and I had not covered up yet, it had been quite awhile sense someone has actually seen me in a diaper but I guess this time it was not avoidable. My L.A and Social Studies teacher walked into my room without saying anything and tapped me on the shoulder while I was making my bed. I jumped, I had not expected him to come until I was ready, he also ruined me being dry at the moment to.

"Yes sir." I squeaked while looking up at him.

He replied with a small chuckle. "Here are the results for all of your tests, I hope you will be as surprised as some of us where."

            He then handed me a folder and walked away out of my room and down the stairs. I quickly tore open the folder excited to see what was inside, my jaw had dropped as I saw the percentages I had gotten on each test. Biology 91%, Social Studies 87%, so far so good I thought to myself. I had turned to my last page to see the Language Arts mark, 80% I had barely gotten through that test written right beside my mark for L.A there was a small doodle of a cartoon character saying good job. That made me smile I decided that today sense I did not have classes on Fridays and the next few days I would not able to take P.E and the music teacher was the one in charge of the talent contest that I had no classes for the next three days so I decided just to stay in my diaper and t-shirt for the rest of the day and there was no reason for me to get dressed today, my breakfast was brought up to me by the headmaster this morning, it was different he never came up here for anything if he wanted to tell me something he normally just sent up a note with my food.

"So Kyoga, I believe you  have seen that you passed all your tests with the requited marks to attend the fair." He said to me, acting like I may not have checked yet.

I did my best to reply with my voice. "Yes sir, I did see that, I had really worked hard to get the marks."

            I smiled as I may have said it slowly but I did not stutter or mispronounce anything. The headmaster kneeled down to my level and patted me on the head smiling

"Just to let you know during the fair you will be escorted by a teacher." he paused for a second and then continued. "However you will be allowed to talk with the other students and make friends this time, but you still have to wear the cloak with the hood up at the fair, even when your on stage."

"Finally, I have been waiting forever to be allowed to!" I exclaimed while jumping into the air a small bit.

            The headmaster and then stood up and took his leave waving good bye as he descended the stairs. This day could not have been better so far I had so much great news today, I began to prep what song I was going to play. I was just filled with joy being able to go outside of this room and interact with the students that I had not noticed that it has started to rain. I later looked out the window to see the downpour. I looked down to where they were setting everything up for the fair they were still continuing it but if it was still raining tomorrow they were definitely going to cancel it. Just then a giant crack of thunder boomed through the sky. I had jumped thunder had always scared me it was loud and there was nothing I could do to quite it I did love to see the lightning rip through the sky but the loud noise that followed always scared me, being alone while this was happening did not make me happy before I would have Kiara by my side and when she was it was all ok. I crawled into my bed and covered my ears and waited for the storm ceased, it had went had been going on for hours. The kitchen staff had brought my food to me throughout the time the storm was going on, they had all would laugh at me when then thunder came because I could not help but jump every time. One of the ladies even tried to comfort me through part of the storm but I just ended up pushing her away, for it reminded me of Kiara, I was trying to be strong and not live in the past. The storm had ceased an hour before it was time for bed. I was still shaking though because I could not grip reality, I had no idea if I was going to be ok that night. When I ended up falling asleep I just had nightmares the entire night. I would wake up and scream for Kiara or Lex, the ghosts of my past had been haunting me that night. The pain did not end for me.

            I woke up that morning and changed myself, and took a shower as well. I got dressed and put on the cloak and the necklace. By the time I finished getting ready my escort was there waiting for me I grabbed my guitar and put it in its case. We then walked down the stairs and exited my room there were also stalls with kids selling baked good in the halls it was neat to see all this, we walked around the school for a bit checking out everyone things. I had noticed a lot of the kids staring at me while walking around. A few of the girls waved at me and I had waved back just to hear them giggle and run away.

Everyone was still used to not being allowed to talk or be around me that no one had come to talk to me at all, looks like I was still an outcast. Just then a girl had walked up to me on her uniform she had a badge saying student body president. She was a fox like me, she even had white fur with black tips on her ears and tail. She was quite a bit taller than me though so I had to look up to see her in the eyes.

"Hi my name is Felli, what is your name?" She had asked me in such a polite way but at the same time it felt as if she had authority over me.

I replied in my squeaky voice. "My name is Kyoga, I am not that good at speaking yet." I blushed but no one could see it

"Aww, you sound so cute, why are you hiding your face though?" She asked me inquisitively.

"I was told I had to wear this while I'm in public." I replied sheepishly.

"Now that's not fair, now we cant see how cute you really are, this is the first time you have spoke to the other students isn't it?" She asked, She was bombarding me with questions but she did seem really nice.

I nodded my head and this time using my tablet I responded. "Because of my difficulties speaking and other reasons I have been in a private room taking lessons from teachers, the headmaster though it would cause a few problems if I was not slowly integrated into the school."

She had seemed a little shocked at the mechanical voice and figured out that it was true that I difficulties speaking, she then leaned down and gave me a hug and said to me. "Oh darling, don't worry soon we will be able to see more of you, how about I your first friend and help show you around the fair?"

            I nodded and then we were off she kept talking about the different kinds of things there was to do, and how the talent show worked, how she was a singing something for the show, she had later noticed the guitar case I had in my hands and brought me to a bench and asked if I could play for her. Escort nodded that I could, so I removed it from the case and she requested a song, I knew the song she asked for and recalled it in my head, it was not from my era of music but I knew I could play it easily, once I had begun to play it she began to sing. She had the voice of an angel I was mesmerized by it, before I knew it I had finished the song. Some of the students that were walking by shouted "Go Felli and cloak kid." great I was known as the cloak kid just what I wanted a lame nickname. She then took me behind the stage where I could put my guitar. She brought me to one of the rides it was some find of ride that spun around really fast and went into the air and would flip you upside down.

"Kyoga, this one is my favourite will you come on it with me?" She was begging me to and she even was giving me puppy eyes.

"Sure what could go wrong." I replied happily

            Just as we were about to get on the ride my escort had warned me to keep my cloak closed at all times on the ride they did not want it to fly open or fly off of me while the spinning happened. I knew how to keep it on though I had brought a long blue piece of cloth with me and tied it around my cloak so it would stay closed. Me and Felli sat beside each other she held her paw out and motioned for me to grab it, so I did. She gave a curious look at my paw I knew where this was going to go, and I was surprised she did not notice while I was playing the guitar, the ride had begun before she said anything to me. It started to spin faster and faster, then it began to fling us into the air Felli and a few other girls and guys screaming in excitement, out of adrenaline I joined in. We went completely upside-down, this was the biggest thrill I have had in quite a long time I was definitely enjoying myself more than ever. After the ride was over and we were walking to the exit I was stumbling everywhere I was so dizzy. Felli was helping me keep my balance though. After that my escort told Felli certain things and to keep by my side because the headmaster said that she could watch over me for the rest of the night.           

            She then afterwards had treated me to some cotton candy other various sweets that were available, sugar was definitely something I did not get normally I had a bunch of pent-up energy. We heard from the stage that the talent contest was going to be starting soon, we both went backstage and there were a bunch of students getting ready, she took me over to were two other students were waiting. One of them was the guy I would see playing the drums outside when I would play on the balcony and another girl. Once we got over them Felli seemed a little angry

"Trast, Kay, where is Fonfon he should be here right now." she asked then realising I was here. "Oh so guys this is Kyoga, and Kyoga this is Trast and Kay"

Kay shrugged at her and Trast opened his eyes. "He said he would be back in like two minutes, oh no way cloak kid is here."

"His name is Kyoga, don't be calling him by some stupid nickname." She defended me.

"Well Fonfon is a stupid nickname and he just takes it." Trast said between a grin catching her in a trap.

"For one Fonfon got his nickname because of his real name and two I could give you a bad nickname as well." She said turning her head away from Trast.

            A few seconds later a person ran up to Felli everyone waiting was ripping on him saying he was late, it must have been Fonfon.

Fonfon said quickly. "Sorry Felli as part of the discipline committee I have to take care of something so I'll have to dip this time."

"Oh ok then Kyo here is gonna use your guitar and fill in for you then." said Felli, she seemed to think a lot of me already, this must have been her band.

"I don't think so." Fonfon said.

Trast and Felli both spoke up at the same time "He's a really good guitarist don't worry about it."

            Fonfon just shrugged it off and ran to what he had to go and take care of. I was them bombarded by Felli with a note sheet and was told to memorize the notes quickly, I picked up Fonfon's guitar and looked at the sheet and started to play the song, I think I got it down, I was hoping I would not mess up the song for them, and then the announcer had started to talk and introduced us onto the stage.

Felli took over the mic and said. "Hey guys we are the academies own Black Comet, but today Fonfon could not be here playing with us we have a substitute for him, let me hear you give it up for Kyoga!" The crowed screamed. "Kyo, why don't you play  a few notes to introduce yourself." I then shredded on the guitar for a few seconds, the crowed screamed more. "How guys without further adieu, this is our song Black Butterfly.

            Trast then started off the beat playing quickly on his drum set, once I heard the double pump of his pedal happen I had begun to play, A few seconds later Felli and Kay joined in singing and with the bass guitar. Everything was going perfect I was not messing up any of it, it was not to hard to learn the part. The crowed was screaming out Felli's Kay and Trast's names as we were playing. No one once screamed mine because no one really knew who I was. It was nice to be back on the stage hearing the screams of fans what a perfect show this turned out to be. The song was over and we exited the stage all panting a small bit because we had been giving it our all.

The Reality Chapter Six: So Kid?

            Felli and the others had begun to celebrate jumping around and screaming to each other. Kay went up to a mini-fridge and pulled out four drinks, she tossed on to everyone. I looked at it, it was pop. I sighed I never did like pop. While no one was looking at me I quickly snuck my way over to the mini-fridge and put it back. Everyone was there talking and I just sat there and remained quite, I had so much fun just now that I was content with just listening to everyone.

"So kid you played well, I did not think you had it in you." Fonfon said while walking over to Felli.

"Oh Fonfon it was amazing I wish you could have been on stage with us" She said while jumping on him.

"Thank you, I would like to hear you play sometime." The mechanical voice said while crackling a little.

Felli walked over to me and kneeled down. "Did you spill your drink on that now?" she asked me.

"I do not drink pop." I said, it had begun to crackle more now.

            Felli then went over to a different fridge and tossed me a bottle of water. I drank some if it and then sat down and looked towards the sky, the moon was huge and bright. I smiled to myself a talent show underneath the full moon, while looking up into the sky my hood had fallen off for the first time others had gotten to see my face and the marking by my eye. Trast leaned over me and grabbed my muzzle and turned my head.

"Now that marking is sick, pretty detailed it seems to go down farther to mind if I take a look?" He said trying to take the cloak off.

            I struggled against his grasp on me and while trying to remove his hands and push him away I had hit him the groin. He collapsed to the floor in pain. I had put my hood back up and begun to run away. Fonfon had tried to grab me but I moved faster than he did so he did not make it to me in time. I ran through the crowed of students they were moving apart to try to make sure I did not run into them full speed, It took me only a minute to get to the door of where my room was, but it was locked and I did not have a key to get in. I sat down at the door and put my head to my knees. What have I done I just hurt the only people who had accepted me, it was an accident but what if they did not care, self regret and loathing of myself is all I felt at that moment. I noticed a few kids that were about my age walking by asking one another who I was and what was wrong with me.

            A few minutes later a few older kids walked by one of them had picked me up by the hood and held me off the ground. They started saying how weak I was and how pathetic I was. This was my first encounter with bullies. He tossed me to the ground, I stood up and faced them  Raising my paw to taunt them to come at me. They began to walk forward, I slowly backed into a locker. The first one took his first swing and I moved out of the way he smashed his paw into the locker, I could hear a bone break, I quickly moved past the both of them and began to run away, they had started to chase me. I turned into a different hallway of the school and ran straight into someone.

"That would be the second time Kyoga, your gonna start owing me a lot soon." Said Trast smiling at me.

"Help, they are chasing me." I said stuttering because I talked to fast.

The two bullies came around the corner. "there you are pipsqueak now your really gonna get it." One of them said has he was raising his fist to take a swing at me.

            A black paw went over my face and pulled me down Trast had save me from the punch, I had never noticed his fur was black, or that he had purple running through the black that you could only see when the light hit them, what species was he I had to take a good look, he was a panther. The bullies were pissed and ready for a good fight. Trast had just laughed at them.

He spoke in a devilish tone. "You guys really think I'm going to let you pick on a small cub, you have to go through me first."

"Who do you think you are cat, you looked just as weak as the kid there." Said one of the bullies.

Snickering at them Trast spoke. "Who am I, I am Trast Klakcan, you don't want to get on by bad-side

            Trast had begun fighting the two bullies, two against one was not fair, it was low in any case no matter how old or how young they were. Trast had been successfully defending himself though, they were fighting for a good five minutes before it was coming to a close one of the bullies had gotten punched really hard in the eye and the other one had punch Trast's face in quite a bit. His nose had begun to bleed from the beating, Trast and knocked one of them to the floor and was holding the other against the way by the neck. He threw him to the ground and then the two bullies and ran away.

"Thanks, I'm sorry about earlier." The collar was crackling a lot now, it must have broke from over use or something.

"Don't sweat it buddy, we should get back to Felli before she gets in trouble because you ran away." Said Trast

            We walked back to the others behind the stage where everyone greeted us, and Felli took acre of Trast's injuries. Felli decided that we should all go on some rides before it became to late and they shut down for the night. We went on about five rides and we were all sitting on a bench I was sitting on Felli's lap because the bench was not big enough for everyone. I was yawning I was not used to being up this late normally I would have been in bed by now. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep on her lap.

            I woke up the next morning in my bed, but I could not remember how I got here, I was still in my clothes but my cloak was taken off. I sat up in my bed and realised that sense I was not in a night-time diaper I had leaked all over my bed. As I got out of bed I realised that I was more soaked than I had thought because even now I was leaking on the floor, I changed my diaper and cleaned up the floor and took my bedding off, and put it in the laundry hamper. I looked into the mirror my fur was all matted and looked dirty. I hopped into the shower and cleaned up. I got out and went into my lounging area my guitar was even brought up here. I heard someone come in it was the headmaster he looked around the room and saw my laundry hamper and saw me sitting there half asleep. He came and sat across from me.

"Looks like you had a big accident last night." He said.

I nodded my head and typed into my tablet. "How did I get up here last night? and this is not working properly anymore." It was hard to hear through its crackling

"Well as we were telling everyone to return to their rooms for the night we last came upon  your group, you had fallen asleep in Felli's arms, after we told them to leave I brought you up to your room." He told me.

            I was going to say something to the headmaster but as the voice came on from my collar it had begun to send out electric shocks to me. The headmaster and quickly removed it from around my neck. Just what I needed shock treatments it freaking hurt. I rubbed my neck a bit it felt weird not to have it on I slept with it on my neck for almost a year now. The headmaster then through the collar into the garbage

"Well you have no need for that now that its shocking you." He said smiling.

I was in shock I asked him. "Can I get a new one, my speech is bad still."

He shook his head no and said. "You will have to live without it now, you are getting better at speaking you should progress a little faster now that you wont be using it, Ill get them to send you up some food after you finish eating I would like to see you in my office."

            Just then he had left me alone walking down the stairs out of my room. A few minutes later one of the kitchen staff brought up some food and a lady had come to collect my laundry. It seemed I was brought up lunch not breakfast seemed like I slept in awhile to. I had finished eating and gotten my cloak on, I walked down the stairs and to the headmasters office. I knocked a few times on the door then walked in. There standing beside him was Felli, and Trast. Trast looked like he was hit by a train, he had swelling everywhere around his face and eyes. They were both standing there looking at me, what was this about did I do something wrong.

"The reason I got all three of you here together is because I did keep an eye on Kyoga last night, and you Felli treated him kindly and never let him out of your sight except one time, but you treated him like a little brother." The headmaster then looked at Trast. "And you Trast you had defended him when he was being pursued by bullies and you never let them lay a hand on him, even though you were putting yourself in harms way."

They both replied in unison. "We were just being good friends to him, it was nothing really." both of them lightly blushed.

The headmaster begun to speak again while walking towards me. "Well no matter what I am going to trust you with Kyoga's secrets, these stay between you guys only they are personal for him and makes him unique here."

            He then had grabbed my cloak and pulled it off I stood there somewhat in shock that he was doing this, he was all about keeping this a secret before hand but now he is just going to openly tell two people I had just met. The Headmaster has used his paw to brush off some of the lint from the cloak and had smoothed out some wrinkles in my shirt and my shorts he readjusted the shirt and everything trying to make me presentable.

"So as you can see, he has more feral qualities than we do with his paws and his legs, he also needs to be in diapers as well, his mental age and his bodies age are completely different." Said the headmaster while moving out of their way.

            They had both walked over to me and where looking at me they had both felt around me feeling the difference in my fur texture and paws and they had both looked down to see if it was really true that I needed diapers. Sure enough they were both pretty shocked to see it was true. They had both needed a second to take it all in, were they still going to be friends with me after finding this out or would they shun me. There were so many things I had wanted to say but I kept quite letting them think things over.

Felli then gave me a giant hug and started saying. "I thought I was imagining things at first but you truly are the cutest thing we have in this school." I could hardly breath from her iron grasp.

"Well kid you definitely more unique than I had thought you were but its cool I'll still be here for ya." Trast said blushing from the kind thing he has said.

"Now if I may interrupt you three, you guys will be allowed to have access into Kyoga's room and be able to take him places as escorts instead of the teachers as long as you follow the rule that he always has to wear the cloak and necklace provided for him. With great knowledge comes great responsibilities, you are all excused now." The headmaster stated has be sat down behind his desk.

            I grabbed my cloak and had put it back on the three of us had left and went back out into the school fair for the last day it was up. They were just talking away with me, helping me with my speech when I would stutter or ponder what words I should be using. I had known these two for less than 24 hours and they were already close friends who would do anything for me. I think my new life is going to turn out to be pretty sweet. I took the chain off that had bound me to my past, the one left to me by Kiara, I would always remember her just I should not keep her so close now that I have obtained a new life, I put it into my pocket and forgot about it. The rest of my day was filled with playing children's games like hide and seek, tag, and other things like that, we had gotten a few of the other cubs in the school to play with us to. The teachers gave Felli and Trast an odd look at them taking interest into the younger ones in the school, but I knew in their hearts they were doing this for me so I could have happy days at school. They fair had definitely been fun. We had all went up to my room and watched them start to take down all the rides from my balcony. I left them for a small moment and quickly got changed into a night time diaper and put pyjamas on, and went back and sat down by them.

"You're not gonna pass out of my lap again are you, cutie." Felli said giggling

"Stop calling me cute, and I get tired faster than you guys so I just got ready." I said pouting.

"Kyo, does have a point though we should get going we do have classes tomorrow." Trast said.

            Felli had nodded in agreement with him they said their goodbye's to me and left I had gotten up from the balcony and went and laid in my bed, curling up into a ball I was slowly drifting off to sleep smiling.

            Were am I, what is this place. I looked around it had felt familiar. I saw someone from a distance running towards me it was a girl, a human girl. Once she had reached me she gave me a giant hug looking into her eyes I realized it was Kiara, was I dreaming right now, or what I actually dreaming when I was in the other world. She grabbed me by the hand and then started to drag me down the street, I walked with her hugging her closely. This had to be real, I can feel her warmth I can feel her embrace. We got to the park where we had first met, and sat down the bench like we did the first time, we talked for hours on end, I looked up at the clear night sky, no stars no moon the air was hard to breath, I had started to cough a lot. I and then ended up falling to the pavement and Kiara stood over me.

"You left me Kyoga, you left me to live my life alone I will never forgive you, I would have rather you died instead of willingly leaving me to suffer." Said a demonic voice.

            It was not her this was all a dream I had then woken up in a state of shock, I was shaking why was I dreaming of her now of all times I just wanted to leave my past behind but leaving her still tormented me. Maybe I had done the wrong thing putting myself into the cryostasis. Well what is done is done after all and I can't change it no matter how much I want to, if I did not do it then I would have died so young in my life, and I would not have helped as much people as I wanted to, I did this to give myself a second chance and I can not let that haunt me even if I left the only one I would give my life for behind. It was 3 in the morning, I sat in my bed and waited, waited for someone or something to answer the questions I had.