Cats do not swim.

Story by KittehKitteh on SoFurry

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Warning:Contains few obscenities.

I just threw this together in 10 minutes at 3AM out of boredom.

Just something short,read if you like,i suppose.

So,this is just something i thre together in 10 minutes out of boredom...enjoy? x3

I opened up my eyes see the view in front of me,a pinkish amber colored sky behind the greyish water. This was a place i had been many times before,but not in recent time. I moved my paws from underneath my muzzle,setting them down softly on the sides of the large rock i had been sitting on these past few hours. It had always been favorite rock,just something about it,and the way it stood out compared to all of the others around it,made me love it. This had been my spot for a while,a spot to reflect on anything and everything going through my never calm mind. I could spend hours at this location,even days,i have before. I crawled down the rock,sliding down slowly closer to the water. I have always had a fear of the water. No matter how beautiful it was,i had always been afraid the waves would take me in their deadly grip. Plus,i'm not even sure i can swim. "Cats are not meant for water anyway,Kissa." i would mumble to myself everytime i felt the urge to just jump in. Of course,my thoughs had been interrupted by loud howls. "Here they come..." I mumbled as I rolled my eyes. The howls and laughter grew louder. "I knew we would find you here Kiss!" the two dimwitted foxes yelled as the sped past me,hauling ass into the water. "You know,the ocean is much more peaceful without you two crazy muts disturbing it!" I called out. These two dimwits were Kao and Save,two foxes so close,you could say they were brothers. "C'mon Kissa,you know you wanna!" Kao called out as he splashed water towards me. "No i don't! My clothes will get wet!" I yelled back. "That's not what it is,you are just a chicken shit! Bock bock!" Kao laughed as he acted like a chicken from the water. "Here kitty kitty kitty!" Save called. I could feel my face becoming red and angry as they taunted me. "FINE!" I screamed. I stood up,starting to pull my shirt and shorts off,leaving just my panties and bra. Was i really about to take the risk of jumping into the ocean? Was i really about to put my life at risk? I shook my head as i began to climb down the few rocks that were left until i hit the very small peace of shore,stopping dead in my tracks. "C'mon!" they both yelled. "Cats are not meant for the water..." I mumbled to myself,but before i could finish,i felt a paw around my ankle. Of course,it would have been Kao dragging me into the water. Before i knew it,i had been drug waist deep into the water. Letting go of my foot,Kao grabbed my hand,pulling me further out. Letting me go,he turned his head back in front of him. "C'mon Kiss,get out here!" He called from in front of me. Realizing i was sinking,i started to kick my legs and smack my arms against the water. I indeed did not know how to swim. Frantically i kept kicking,struggling to keep my head above water.

Two Tails,One Heart [Pt.1]

Well,here i am,back again with more story to tell! Here goes nothin'! _To this day,it is still hard to remember exactly how we met._ _I could barely remember my feelings,but that faint voice of what i thought about him will always linger in the...

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Two Tails,One Heart

_My talent for writing stories was short lived._ _That being said i am not sure if anyone would enjoying hearing them._ _So i suppose i could give a trial-epilouge,if you will._ _If anyone would like to hear the rest,you may notify me in some way._...

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