The Spirit Of Love: The doubtful hound and the curious cat

Story by Musica Wolfsbane on SoFurry

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#1 of The Spirit Of love

Everytime everyday me and Nathan Osworth would rp and play with each other; we one day got mated and married, but the problem was, we got fed up with telling the story of how we met. In order to tell of the day that I ran to nathan burned and half a man to becoming his love within 5 hours max; it was a beautiful thing to experience. We planned to do a joint commission; therefore, we can both give our perspective of how we felt about the other (We're not the first to think of it maybe). We were surprised with how the story turned out; however, we are also telling of the stories of other romances also ^^. WE are happy to do any commissions requested (couples only for the spirit of love saga). One day we'll look back on this, we'll be like "remember this" and we'll make us smile; one day our kids will be able to look back on this splendor and be able to have their own crazy adventures. For all those lovers and future lovers, a word of advise: It doesn't matter tha age factor, it doesn't matter what others say, if it is true love, never stop till the end ^^ Be free and live till you die. You only live once but love that unconditional, lasts a lifetime.

(Nathan's Viewpoint *written by Nathan Osworth*)

(Musica's Viewpoint *written by Musica*)

I started to run through the rain crying, my fur starts to slowly shreds and starts to collects smoke; I was being burned alive, but because of the rain, I was staying alive. It has been a run, run, run from my problems, so I could never see the end of struggles. Drago had lit me on fire using his maw and tried to leave me for dead; I felt nothing but heart-broken, destroyed, humiliated... I thought it was the end as I was then picked off the ground, my skin was boiling with blisters and pimples; I started to give a small gruent only to think that this was a rapist or one of drago's pets coming to do away with me. I started to growl weakly as of whomever grabbed me started to put out the flames of golden red from my grey fur; due to my emotional fur, that creates a sign that I don't have much time before I.... I started to relax as I felt my heart pump like the engine of a train when I noticed a light in the dark rain of a house in front of my face. Without even giving it, I ran for it: anything to get out of this rain and into someplace warm. I don't care if I have to beg, bribe them, or let them fuck me 'till I'm out cold....I HAD to get out and away.

Once I was at the door and started pounding on it with as much strength as I could....and, judging from what I just went through with Drago AND the rain during a cold night in fall, I didn't have that much left. Luckily I didn't have to wait long before I heard someone move around inside and then unlock the door. Who appeared was a rather tall otter with chocolate-colored fur, a tan belly, and eyes the color of the ocean.....he looked familiar.

"Can I help you-wait.....Musica? Is that you?" he asked me. The voice was familiar as soon as I came to the right conclusion, I made my move.

"A-are you....Nathan?" I asked; he nodded quickly. I let out a huge sigh in relief and smiled wide. At once he looked me over and almost gasped, "What're you doing out in the cold with NO fur or anything on? Come inside, we'll get you dried off." He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me through the door.

'No fur?' I thought as I looked at myself: true enough, my fur was gone in lumps and patches.....I guess it happened sooner than I thought it would. I let out a sad sigh and walked inside.


After a couple of minutes, he started to give me a quick tour of his house; it was a very blue with essences of tropical shells, pearls, and fish, it gave me a very "at home" expression as he then looked at me with a silly emotion on his face. "Well, what do you think? It's not much, know, it works....I mean I love the ocean...." he said meekly. He almost seemed like he was blushing, yet he turned before I could get a look.

"No, it's so roomy and I love how everything is crafted to create an "at home feeling. " I looked around the little house of Nathan: it was so amazing it be able to see him again; it was a very delighting experience for us both, "This is really unique, I couldn't think of anything as beautiful as this. I love water more than anything in my life... I'm just so surprised of how everything reveals your hydro-phillic nature." I spoke in a very meekly voice as similar as Nathan, it was a very peacemaking time for us both; however, dealing with the pain that was expressed to me through Drago, I was cutting and beaten without love. I hated that he would hurt me without giving me direct love afterwards, it was nothing but pain and depression.My comment only further made my otter host embarrassed....yet I could faintly hear a little giggle rise from him "Thanks, Muse....that's really sweet...."

"It was no trouble at all, I am glad that you were a-able to t-take me in." I started to shiver as I was out in the cold and rain for so long.

"Oh, you must still be," I heard him say as I felt two warm arms wrap around me from behind; if I had any fur left, the hairs would be standing on end, "Let's go sit down and get you warmed up....don't want you catching a cold from that we?" He walked me over to the nearby couch and we both sat down close to each other.

"No, I know you don't want me to catch a cold.....I shouldn't even stay here and trouble you.....but, where do I go? I don't have any family to look to, my friends act like they don't know me, and Drago....I don't want to talk about that right now." I looked at Nathan smiling greater than the sun hugging and cuddling over him. I was glad that I was able to see him again, but it was time for me to go: I moved out of his grip and started for the door "Thanks for having me over, hun, hope you're having a good life." I started to cry as I exited from the house by opening the door...yet I felt a paw catching my wrist. He blushed a bit when I called him "hun"...but I usually called him that before since we always acted so close.

"Hey, you don't have to's still raining out....and you might get sick if you go back out there again without anything least stay until it stops raining....please? Besides, it's been too long since I last saw you Muse....I missed you...." he said, blushing yet again.

"But I can maybe find somewhere to settle down; I can take care of myself- wait, did you just say you m-missed m-m-me?" I started to feel a warm feeling in my heart like it was going to cave out of my own chest. I was overwhelming by these weird feelings as I started to turn around and look Nathan in his eyes hugging him without a single thought passing my mind. I felt the same way about him as he did about me, but I don't want him to be cooped up helping me with my struggles. "I missed you too..."

" Of course I missed.....we haven't seen each other in a long time....." he almost seemed a little ashamed with mentioning our distance "So.....for at least a little while.....can you stay?" he asked finally, pulling me away from the door. I could feel my paw slowly close the door as I turn towards him: his voice sounded sweet and inviting, it tugged at my trying to mend what was broken or damaged.

I felt a smile break across my once frowning muzzle, and I felt my head move into a nod. He pulled me with him over to the couch nearby and we both sat down. Nathan almost immediately took a blanket from his side and draped it over me; it felt warm, yet I shivered a bit as I wrapped it tightly around me.

"Getting warmer now?" he asked in a small voice; though he was on the other side of the small couch, I could hear him perfectly.

"Yeah, I feel wonderful now... everything, everything's all cozy now. Thank you Nathan" I started to give a warm hug to Nathan as my maw started get closer to his; his lips were perfectly formed to where he gave no smile, no wince, nothing; however, he then started to get his maw closer to mine as well.

"You're welcome....oh, I got it. Gimme a second?" he asked, standing up. I fell forward before I could get close enough, cursing him to myself for moving away from me. As he left, I heard the sound of rushing water....followed by the faint smell of steam; he came back with red cheeks "Come on, let's get you warmed up...."


I start to smile as after a few minutes, four minutes to be precise, I then touched the water, it had a very steamy feel to it like a breezy volcano or a hot spring mixed with a icy blizzard. The second my skin came in contact with the water I gasped and backed away: it was piping hot!

"S-sorry, let me cool it down a bit..." Nathan said behind me, an arm going over and turning a once I felt the atmosphere cool a bit, yet stayed rather warm. I put a paw underneath is: MUCH better.

"Thanks, i-it was no problem at all, I love when hot liquids touches my body. It's so soothing and so beautiful to my body... I just want more and more of the liquid."

"Yeah, until it burns your skin and leaves blisters that can bleed....I suggest you start using cooler temperatures....maybe that's why your fur came out: the intense heat burned it off...." Nathan pointed out; I sighed and hung my head: yeah, that's why I did it....

"B-but, I love being wet... It makes me feel so free where I can be creative and be whatever I want to be. I want someone that will love me for how I am. No, the burn happened because I was attacked by Drago's pets... They were mad because they don't want me to move on."

"Pets? You mean his little friends that stick around him that he likes to fuck whenever he wants? Yeah, I don't think that's real love....that's just, basically, being used and liking it...." Nathan said, turning around and shaking his head in disapproval "I'd never want to have a pet.....maybe have "friends with benefits"...but, I'd rather look for someone I can really love...."

'I'm going to be really honest with you, I really want to be able to spend my time with someone like you. But maybe, maybe you have a boyfriend... so I won't be able to love you like I wanted to' My hands started to tremble as I felt the pain of being denied by the otter, I was just hoping that Nathan would give me the chance to be able to spend my life with him. I glanced over at Nathan as he said this: he was looking for someone....I thought he was with someone.

"What? You're single?" I asked him instinctively; the words came right out of my mouth way before I covered it with my paw and looking away from him; I heard a chuckle from behind, followed by a soft paw resting on my shoulders and squeezing it felt nice.

"Yeah....I've been single for some time now.....I kinda miss him, though.....but I promised myself I'd move on and find someone else....." he paused for a moment, his tone of voice changed ".....b-but I shouldn't just be telling you this...y-you probably don't care about my life....come on, let's get you cleaned up and warmed up...."

Nathan's paw brushed over my shoulders and sent shivers down my spine all the way to my furless tail tip. I could feel my cheeks heat up as he pushed me gently into the now much better feeling shower: a bit of water sprayed over me and hit the otter as I stood under the faucet. I looked back and saw he was wet; I couldn't resist laughing a bit.

"Oh, well...was gonna take this off later on..." he said carefreely; my face literally went red with color as I turned around to see the otter strip off his tee and tossing it casually on the ground.....then go to his pants and undoes them, bringing them to his ankles.....I turned my head away a bit when he dropped his underwear: that was as much as I wanted to see.....

'Calm down, it'll be fine....' I thought to myself as I heard Nathan pull the curtain back to keep the water in the shower area. I took a slow, steady breath to try and calm myself; my heart was pounding hard, like it was trying to escape from my chest to tell him I liked him. I felt a lump form in my throat that kept me from this is what it's like to utterly fall in love with someone....not gonna lie: not the BEST feeling in the world at the moment.

'1, 2, 3, 4.....I have to just keep breathing; you can do this Musica, come on, let him in the shower with you' My mind started to create a thought of desperation, I've never had sex or anything close to that with Nathan, I always thought of him as of a brother/best friend; as my eyes cornered his brown fur with his light black stroke, I started to shiver with my purple fur of desperation equipped. I started to look at him with a curious face and then a complete shutdown as I started to hold myself with both paws; what if he wanted to hurt me, he would be able to get me.

"Hey, is something wrong buddy?" I heard Nathan's drift through the room, even though he was right behind me: I felt a set of hands on my shoulder, rubbing them gently "You seem a bit....on edge.....everything alright?"

'I... I can't get hurt again, I can't let anyone hurt me anymore, I've been through too much to go back. I can't trust anyone ever again.' I thought in my head...yet no words came out in response: fear gripped my mind as tightly as it did with Drago....that's why I left....but, this was a totally different kind of fear.....I had no way of knowing what Nathan really wanted: maybe he was being true, maybe he has ulterior motives......or maybe, no, he wants to "do away with me". Can I.....really risk that....? Risk being hurt.....? But, he's my best friend, he would never hurt me,but how do I know... how do I know to trust him as I trusted Drago....?'

"Muse, something's up....." Nathan continued on; I felt him start to spin me on the spot to face him and I let out an involuntary "meep" as he did so "back when we were kids, I could always tell that something was wrong.....even what's wrong? Please....don't shut me out, not after so long of not being able to see you...."

"I-I'm going to be honest with you, Nathan, I're going to hurt me if I try to love you......I REALLY like you......but I don't know if I can really can do this........I'm going to risk it though I'm going to go out the way so I can be happy." I started to smile as I looked at Nathan as I gave a blush mixed with a few tears as though I was going through major mood-swings.

Nathan's facial expression went from concerned to flat-out bewildered....maybe even dumbfounded by my words. I noticed some color in his cheeks.....but that didn't stop him from pulling me into a close hug: at once I gave into it, unable to resist letting out more tears as I sobbed into his chest quietly. The otter's paw rested on my head and pet me gently as I cried quietly in his arms.

"I never knew......Muse.....I'd never hurt you.....ever...." I heard him talk softly to me; I just continued to cry as he held me tight against his body. He felt warm, REALLY warm....maybe because, even in a hot shower, I felt cold without any fur.....but that would always grow back, and fast, this was a different kind of warmth, wasn't it?

"Mmmm, you're so... so strong, I can feel your fur rubbing up against me...." the words slipped out my maw as though I just slipped on grease on the floor and said "oh shit", it flew out of my mouth without any consent from my brain; what was I doing? Here I was, just crying and pouring my heart out to my best friend I haven't seen in, like,'s NOT the time to get all flutter-hearted. Ironically, though, I heard him chuckle and pet me a little more thoroughly for a second longer before releasing me.

"You''re so sweet Muse; come on, let's get you cleaned up." Nathan said meekly: that wasn't, necessarily like him; as he spoke, I felt his tail start to coil around my left leg and he started to course a blue rag over my chest, it was so comforting and so relaxing to my skin. I gave a very smooth mur as the fur on my chest started to fall off, leaving it bare as of a mole rat's skin. I tried not to worry as my chest started to reveal to show my bulk chest faces.

" enjoying this?" he asked with a chuckle; my face darkened instantly and I thought about turning away.....yet I didn't: there was this new air around Nathan that I didn't notice until now. I wanted to have it, to be with it in peace.

"Yes yes, I enjoy this so much, I can't have enough." I started to speak more freely and more peaceful to Nathan as I started to pull his hips to my buttocks; I didn't do anything but mur as he started to grip up and down comfortably. I heard him murmur as well a bit, which surprised me...but, other than that, he seemed to enjoy it as much as I did.

Suddenly, I felt something on my shoulder: I looked over and saw it was Nathan, resting his head on it softly; his paws moved from around my waist and hips to my chest again....yet he didn't have the wash rag anymore. I felt his fingertips press into my man-breasts and I fought back the urge to moan by biting my lower lip.....yet I couldn't resist and I let out a louder murmur instead.

"Muse, I.....I have to tell you something...." I heard Nathan whisper to me, his lips barely grazing my ear; I bit down on my lip harder, regardless of the pain "I never stopped thinking about you......ever since you left......I felt so lonely......when I heard you had a boyfriend.....I felt SO jealous...."

'Wait, he was JEALOUS?' I thought as I tried to control my breathing; I moved just a bit, to see if I was stuck.....the otter's grip was like steel, he didn't ease up. He continued on.

"So I tried to find someone.....yet, no one compared to you......compared to how I feel about you......" then I heard those very words I felt I'd never hear from someone again "I love you..."

'W-what?! He.....he loves me?!' my mind went right into overdrive: ever since I saw Nathan again, all I could think about was him....even when I was with Drago and I saw him around town. I had a full-blown crush on him.....and, now, he says he likes me the same way.....even when I told him I liked him that way. I can't believe it! His fingers pressed deeper against my breasts and I started to feel blood from my lip as I tried to stifle my moans.

"N-Nate...." I managed to squeak out as he held me close and pleasured me so lightly " that true...?"

"Yeah.......I always have, ever since I saw you after so many years....." he slowed to a stop until his arms were just wrapped around my upper half; I let out a silent sigh of relief as I tasted blood on my tongue: bit too'll stop soon, though; I'm glad he stopped....anymore and my enjoyment of his little "treatment" would be noticeable.

"I love how you treat me, I've only been here for three hours and you've teached me to trust again; you've loved me like a king, but I want you to play with me like a slave." I started to smile and give a blush of red that was harder than my blood as I started to grip Nathan's otterhood and started to stroke it with the soap on my paw, I didn't know how desperate I was to do this, but I just kept quiet to hope that he got the hint.

He let out a gasp and then a smile, closing his eyes and letting out a quiet moan: he leaned in and I heard him whisper dirty nothings into my ear; I couldn't resist anymore and I let out moans one after another to him.

As I continue to grip Nathan's length, I felt mine stir from my furless sheath: I remember, one time (out of stupid curiosity), me and Nate compared each other.....I outranked him by a huge margarin. As it grew I felt the tips touch each I pulled myself closer and started to slowly, but strongly, stroke us off at the same time; a louder moan trailed from both of our mouths....then a chuckle from Nathan's. I was suprised that his length was larger than mine now.....and by a few good inches, I felt a bit jealous even though he was a year older than me.

"Mmm.....I've been waiting for a day like this for SO long....." I felt his arms take my shoulders and start to push me against the wall; I let out a surprised gasp as he pinned me against the wall: I looked at his face and he was his eyes, I saw that look Drago said I had when we would have a session (only me sucking him off, we never actually fucked)....yet I saw something else: complete love....and I knew it "I am NOT waiting any longer!"

With that, I knew what was gonna happen: I closed my eyes and leaned in a little.....right into Nathan's awaiting lips, out very first kiss. Water continued to fall from the faucet as me and Nathan kissed passionately; his tongue continuously flickered against my lips, searching for a way inside....yet I wanted to tease him: I wanted to see how dominant he could be.

'That's it, take advantage of me.....command me, Nathan.....I've been waiting for this moment just like you.... Show me your dominance, otter: take my virginity as your prize and let me be yours for centuries to come' that was the mindset I had the second I felt Nathan's lips against my own: the taste was enough to overcome me. I've never done anything this CLOSE to romantic with this was more than I ever wanted.....and I could TELL things were just getting started.

Once I felt satisfied enough that I teased "my" otter, I part my lips a bit and let his tongue push RIGHT past my lips into my maw. My tongue met his and my arms, restricted yet still free, pulled him closer as we kissed.

The second I felt Muse's lips open up I took that advantage and pushed inside; I searched his maw, like I was looking for treasure, and found it instantly: I started to rub my tongue against his hard and slow....there was NO WAY I was gonna let this moment go....not when I'm so close to having Muse....I WANTED him, more than anything in the world....and I was gonna get him no matter what.....he loves me and I love how couldn't I get him?

As we kissed, my paws slid down his figure until I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him tightly against me...but still against the wall. He let out a soft moan in the kiss as his tongue interlocked with mine; his paws rested on my shoulder and I felt him bunch up some of my fur to pull himself closer: God, I love him so much....I can barely stand it!

"Mm, Nathan.....m-more...." I heard Muse mutter as he broke the kiss for a mere second to catch our breath; he sounded like he wasn't joking he meant it. When I looked to his eyes I saw total lust fill them...yet I also could see that he WANTED lust to overtake him: did he really want me going all out? I mean, I can if he wants.....but I don't wanna hurt him or anything. Either way, I smiled and leaned into his ear and let my tongue lap at it a single time; he shuddered wildly in my arms, yet I kept my grip.

"Then why don't we dry off and go somewhere more....suitable?" I offered; he nodded crazily, yet I had the feeling he was just doing that at the thought of what was going to come next. I couldn't help but chuckle at his enthusiasm; one of my paws left his waist and turned off the water and the other took his paw and pulled him out of the shower; I gave him a towel and we both dried off quickly and thoroughly.....but we didn't take our clothes.

Still holding his paw, I pulled him into the bedroom: the room was rather small, yet it gave a mixed feeling of a hotel room bedroom and a homey feeling. The walls were a boardwalk brown and the wood was a dark oakey color. The sheets and pillows were white and the blankets, from bottom to top, were sandy brown and a dark chocolate brown.

S miling, I pulled him close and lead him to the bed; he got on quickly and faced me; I followed suit....but I crawled my way to him on the bed. Once I was near, I leaned into his ear and snickered a little.

"You have NO idea how badly I've been wanting this...." I whispered to him, getting closer to him and wrapping my arms around him and licking his ear a single time: like before, a wild shudder left him as well as a loud moan.

"Oh, please....just start already! I can't stand the wait!" he moaned to me: his voice sounded urgent yet with him saying it as a moan made me want to tease him a bit more....I took the latter.

"Lay down." I told him; he did so...and I made my move. From his stomach, I dragged my tongue up to his chest to his neck and pulled away, going right back and doing it again and again....all the while I was hunched over him on my hands and knees to stay close. Moans erupted from my new boyfriend's maw.

"N-Nathan!" he moaned out. I smiled: I think he wants more, I thought....maybe I should go a little lower.

So, from his stomach, I started to trail my tongue and lips to his growing length.....I gave the head a simple kiss and a shudder moved along the wolf's body and a louder moan left his mouth. He enjoyed it, I guessed.

With that, I made my move: I started lick the head roughly and thoroughly, swirling the head all around my tongue and coating it with my saliva. He moaned out louder in response, but this one sounded much hornier than the previous one; I felt his paw rest on my head as he goaded me on, muttering out "more"s to me. I complied and continued to pleasure him.

Slowly, Muse's length left its home and slowly went into my mouth; pre dripped out onto my tongue and I loved the taste so completely; I milked him with all I had. Without even having it touched my length continued to grow harder and pre leaked out onto the sheets; it throbbed harder and more painfully the more I sucked of my wolf....but I ignored it: the pleasure I got from the throbbing meat in my mouth was more than enough to override the pain If felt more inaction to my own organ.

'Hmm....seems a little smaller than I am.....looks like I grew a bit more than I thought I did in some aspects,' I thought, smiling softly 'not that I mind that: at least I can fit him, including knot, into my mouth....maybe...' That was something I was hoping on doing: I didn't want him to blow JUST yet, but I wanted him close....and I was getting him close with my tongue.

My wet muscle wrapped around Musica's shaft as I continue to give him head: more moans came out as I felt his knot start to form near the base; my right paw, the one that wasn't starting to stroke myself off, started to rub the knot and the base slowly and coarsely: no use not trying to feel him up since I had him in my mouth. I got my reward of a whine of pleasure, one that turned me on even more so.

Maybe after a minute of this I spat him out; he was throbbing madly like I was, yet wasn't pre-ing as much as me: I was literally oozing out the stuff...perfect.

"Turn around, wolf....I got a nice "bone" for you to have...." I smiled at the joke I made and Muse's face lit up; he turned over without any second thought, shaking his ass nicely and moving his furless tail up without any hesitation.

"Do it, Nathan.....breed me! Nice and hard!" he commanded me; I moved over to him and smeared my cockhead against his entrance, smearing pre all over it to lube him up.....only adding to the painful throbbing of both of our needy dicks. I placed the tip at his tailhole and took a deep breath......

Then I pushed, as hard as I could, into him.

I let out a pained/pleasured whine as Nathan entered my tight ass. I felt my cheeks heat up with a hard blush as I was impaled full of otter meat: it seemed as though I was more relaxed with being with him than I ever thought I was before. He knew that, from the little hints I gave him, I didn't want just some random guy to call my boyfriend or mate.....I wanted someone that truly loves me......and that's what Nathan is: someone that truly loves me for me.. But just an amount of affection will not just make me fall for him; because of his individuality, he is such a pure person to be in love with, his creativity and his wisdom seems to pass over others that I've affiliated himself with. I offered my life to him as I started to give a panted smile and started to nuzzle this fur; I knew that he was the one. I started to howl as he came deep into my tailhole, it was such a beautiful love; I started to kiss him as he started to kiss me deeply. "I love you Nathan."

"I love you too puppy... My, my mate."