Dreams Really Do Come True

Story by Care A Lot on SoFurry

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In search of trying to mingle with different favorite fur comics and cartoons, here is my tribute to Kit N' Kay Boodle. Props to Richard Katellis, illustrator of the comic. Thanks for reading!

I will never forget that warm June night in 2013, when I had let the idea of my window cracked open to the chance of a short cool evening breeze enter my room. It had been a very long day, a Sunday, June 02, 2013, nothing really spectacular, except that I had worked my job at S&S as a deli clerk from noon until 5:30, and then went to my twelve-step meeting. Coming home to see that my Mom had bought me some sharp new Nikes, all blue, white, and black was a nice surprise. A trio of hamburgers, fries, and salsa for ketchup was sweet comfort food. I liked taking the small, white hamburger bun, taking a large hamburger, placing a thin slice of provolone in between another thick patty, adding the top bun, throwing another hamburger between two more bread slices for good measure, adding cold fries, medium-level salsa, and some delicious kind of sauce left over in the refrigerator with some outrageous kind of tang to it made dinner spectacular. A meal fit for a king. If only I knew the royal word for mother, I considered, devouring the contents of the blue and white ceramic plate.

Later in the evening, I went upstairs to my room, took a shower, flicked on the Red Sox game for a while, grew bored with that, began "The Body" by Stephen King, and then started writing on the computer. I had been touring this fur website for a while, and found to my great pleasure that many people had the same interests that I did, in terms of sexual preference, creativeness, and other likeminded entertainments. I had made a few friends, and even managed to post a few stories. Being a member of the website had become a most excellent and very fruitful supplement to my otherwise sometimes seeming mundane life.

The time was around 9:30 or so that evening when I decided, like I did for the most part, to go against my typical five senses, and lay waste to that carnal instinct that ruins many a potential blooming artist: laziness, or in another word, apathy. Instead, I decided to go down to the kitchen to fetch the thermos of black silk iced coffee I had set aside earlier that evening, and to smoke a Pall Mall regular. And so, I did.

As I was outside, I played in a rather childish action. It was quite unplanned, but as I was feeling the burn of so many chemicals condensing in my body, I looked up in the night and saw a twinkling star, and said the old timeless Pinocchio chant: "Wish I may, wish I might, wish I have this wish tonight. . .that Kit N' Kay Boodle may manifest from fantasy tonight." Or something close to that.

If you do not know who Kit N' Kay Boodle are, they are a wonderful fur comic strip on the Web. I stumbled upon them a while back, and to me, they are what true loving yiff is all about.

I used to laugh at yiff, as if it was a childish thing, and I was above it. Then I saw Kit N' Kay Boodle, which is all about Yiffburg and the importance of love and free yiffing and I thought Wow, this is really a novel idea. I thought if there was a place as unique as Yiffburg, it must exist somewhere. For certain, this was the fur equivalent of the Garden of Eden, before shit got out of hand.

Well, being the deep and impossible dreamer which I am and I hope will always be, I said that wish with as much confidence as I could possess, and let it go. Then, I came back indoors and settled back into my writer's stance, my stepfather's Mt. Rainier's black cap planted backwards on my head, and my New England Patriots tee-shirt sleeves pulled up to my thin elbows.

After writing about 1,000 words on the drivel of what had happened to me during the day and saying good bye to my fur friends, I decided sleep would be my best friend. Bitter was how I felt as I had to work the next day from 3:30-10, but I knew I would have the next few days off. The document I saved and computer I turned off, and then afterwards I performed a few hundred arm rolls (my shoulders have been getting larger, I must say), and then I threw off my clothes (I sleep in the raw) and snuggled under my plush pink blanket with my small, brown teddy bear (yes I do).

Not bothering to use my melatonin, I fell asleep sound rather quick. I always enjoy listening to my MP3 before falling to sleep, and that night was no exception. I remember the song list: Hollywood Nights, by Bob Seger; You Are Everything, by The Stylistics. The way the mellow waves of music transfer into my young dreams every night always amazed me, and I enjoyed being surprised, so I always chose SHUFFLE ALL so I could get a little of everything.

The next thing I knew . . . well, I swear, I didn't think I was still alive.

Like I said, I had left the window open just a crack to let a possible breeze come through. Well, more than a breeze had come through that night. Oh, yes.

Something light fell on my bare feet, very light, just like several feathers. Well, okay, I thought, a piece of paper from my TV stand. Or several.

But pieces of paper do not walk on bare feet, or feel so full of . . . fur?

With a startle, my ocean blue eyes popped wide and I looked up, my hair kind of crawling and standing on end. There, on the end of my small twin, lay Kit N Kay Boodle, fucking, or I mean to say, yiffing each other like mad. Not only were they there, but the Anonymous Vixen was also standing watch, just a few feet away from my own body. She stood there, her large, soft brown eyes giving me a curious look and a wild grin planted on her muzzle, while all I could do was just lie there and slap myself a few times . . . then a few times more. What the fuck?

"Well, hey, there, Andy!" cried Kit and Kay at once, as Kit began to fill Kay's fox womb with an enormous amount of the most beautiful white cum I had ever seen. The Anonymous Vixen took the moment to leap onto my chest and commenced to lick her luxurious pink tongue over my smooth cheeks. Her enormous brown tail was curling around my unshaven white legs and her own pussy was drenching my own quick growing crotch in a mammoth amount of vixen cream.

"He . . . Hey!" I gasped, still in a state of semi-shock. "What . . . what's going on?"

"Well, you did request our visit, did you not, Andy? We could not resist the calling of such an eager participant into our sublime lifestyle. And, of course, Anonymous Vixen really wanted to taste your sweet self."

"So, I see," I managed to exhale, as the Anonymous Vixen began to lower her head down past my growing, muscular neck down to my almost hairless chest and little gut, which had been losing its flab over the last few weeks.

"Ooh, Kit, it looks like our Anonymous Vixen friend is hungry," murmured a sweat-slicked Kay, as she herself, her beautiful cream colored head fur all over her shoulders and back and face, moved around towards the front of her Kit, ready to lavish upon the love jewel of her perfect husband.

"Oh, yea. . .yeah!" cried out Kit, as Kay's pretty gullet sucked down all seven inches of her handsome hunk's unblemished tan member.

"Goddamn!" I whispered in a contented shudder as my own partner began to make wide butterfly laps with her own vibrant tongue over the entire surface of my own six-inch cock, stimulated so much by the feel of wonderful downy fur on the vixen's lips and the feel of fur on her cheeks through the naked skin on the palms of my hands as I rubbed them down as she gave me my first cross-species blowjob.

There was just one difference between what was happening, and what I saw on the computer screen almost every day and night: this was no fantasy. Kit, Kay and this beautiful, unbelievable Anonymous Vixen were as real as any reality I had ever experienced on this planet. They were no cartoons, no holograms, nothing to be purchased for $19.95 a month plus tax with my VISA or MasterCard. As my vixen's golden brown eyes gazed into my own, I could really feel a deeper love growing within my heart and soul, almost as if the guaranteed large shot of Yankee cream I was going to feed to this perfect creature was going to nourish myself as much as her.

All of a sudden, in the midst of this divine pleasure, a line from the little girl in the movie Poltergeist spoke up in my mind, driven from subconscious as things do happen from time to time: 'Something's happening!'

"Here, Andy, swallow this," cried Kit, as he tossed me a piece of what looked like an enormous blueberry. A boinkberry! Hot shit. All four of us ate a piece in desperate gulps, and our ladies continued with great earnest with their creamy meals, not stopping to wipe their pretty, happy mouths, or to say one goddamn word. My shaking and moist hands found the Anonymous Vixen's spectacular velvet ears and caressed them, causing me to grind my cock deeper into her willing throat. Guttural groans grew out of my vocal cords as I knew that the precedings of an orgasm were not far behind.

Meanwhile, something rather strange and crazy pleasant was happening to my insides, and it was apparent that all four of us were in on it. Bright purple, pink, and yellow beams of light began to burn a path into my eyes, and it was at that exact moment that Kit, Kay, the Anonymous Vixen and I felt like one throbbing unit. . .and there was inexpressible joy and come everywhere. I mean, fucking everywhere.

It was a fucking wonder my parents did not wake up. Maybe they're not here, I reasoned. My entire being felt weightless as I pumped my beautiful vixen lover's mouth like a virgin pussy, intent just on getting her stomach pregnant with the white cream essence of my eternal youth. Kit appeared to be doing the same, except that most of his ivory love juice was coating thick Kay's beautiful face, making her unidentifiable as her former self.

"WOW, GODDAMN, I CAN'T STOP CUMMMINNNGGG!!!"" I shouted in a deafening manner to whatever or whoever might hear, and it was after that shout that, well . . . I can't remember shit.

Now, you may be thinking, Yeah, this is like that movie 'Contact', where's your fucking proof. Well, that's the fucking amazing thing. I have it.

The next morning, I woke up around 9, with rainclouds creeping by where the sun should have been. Light rain was sprinkling into my room, and my bed was just torn up. Torn up? What the fuck happened here last night? _ I recall thinking to myself. _I just had the most fucking crazy dream.

Rubbing my bewildered eyes, I noticed the ghost remnants of large white splotches hanging to dry on my bed sheets. What the fuck? I thought. Nah. . . .

I stumbled out of bed, and shook my dazed head, my long, brown hair spilling over my eyes. It was then that two very unique things came to my attention; two very physical things that were undeniable proof of something.

One was a letter under my pillowcase-less pillow, with the initials, KKBA, written in blue and pink cursive on the envelope. Tearing the envelope open, I read with great nervousness and excitement:

Dear Andy,

Last night was the most wonderful event anybody from Yiffburg has ever experienced before. We have been watching Earth for innumerous generations, and yet have been so turned off by the horrible sights and sounds of warfare and destruction and utter hate by your humankind for so many centuries. You see, Andy, we are eternal beings, and while your race's time is temporal, we have all the time to be patient and wait.

_When you sent that perfect wish to the star above last night, believing fully that we could come down and visit you and give you some of our perfect love, well, how could we say no? _

I know our time was brief. We are sorry for that, but to be in your hostile Earth atmosphere for too long would have been to chance the diminishment of our own eternal sanities. How you and other 'earthlings' can survive in such tragedy is beyond perfect understanding.

_Andy, all here in Yiffburg send our fondest loves and wishes. _

Love, Kit and Kay Boodle, Anonymous Vixen, and all of YIFFBURG!!! XOXO

Everything stopped then, for this was just too much. I got to my knees, and folded my hands in happy prayer. This was my new faith, my new belief. This was everything I had ever wanted. "Thank you, Gods of Yiff," I prayed, in a kind-of but no longer complete naïve way. It was then that I was conscious of another gift, and I could feel it shimmering around my human neck: it was a brown, fox fur collar that had a wonderful musk-filled scent, which was attached at the center with a golden heart with the name ANDY engraved in large silver letters.

I stayed kneeling for quite some time that next morning, and very slow, came to the realization that my "dream" had been no dream. That blowjob . . . wow. The whole evening . . . wow. What was to become next? Wow. Let's just say I'll be listening much closer from now on, and I'm eager to share my next reportings very soon.

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