Missing Him...

Story by Durexia on SoFurry

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I'd been having late night drinks with a few friends at a great wine bar in town. Jen, Kitty, and I had made a date to celebrate Jen's 21st birth day. She's a really nice looking marmot hottie and Kitty is the sweetest Vixen I know. The two of them were letting me, the sheepish Lion boy escort them for a night on the town.

As I was getting ready for my hot date A.J. dropped by. She's a great friend of mine, a fine looking white "bunny" (as she likes to be called). I could not resist asking her to join our little group and she accepted excitedly as she too had recently celebrated turning 21. I was honored to be taking such close, attractive friends on a fun date.

The four of us headed down town after Jen took forever to figure out what to wear. Kitty looked like a knock out with her black lace and high heel straps. It was truthfully a struggle to keep back the dirty thoughts that began to perforate my thoughts. A.J. helped keep me in line. She's a tough girl who knows how to keep a young cat like me focused. Admittedly, I liked having her sock me in the arm so I'd stop looking in the rear view at the cut girls in the back of the car instead of watching the road. That rabbit is incredibly observant and can read me like a book. She played up the control freak attitude until we made it to the bar and then settled in with the rest of us in her relaxed social manner. What a cool head, I wished I could flirt more frankly with her as we sat together at the table.

Our bar was packed and the waitress was taking her time so we began to chat about school, memories from past years together, and the future. Well, I got a little distracted by a story Jen was telling about past exploits with other mates and decided to turn the conversation to personal pursuits and hidden dirt. What better way to let the cat out of the bag than with an innocent game of five fingers. Kitty suggested we play with ten and A.J. seconded the motion. Jen shook her head saying she would be the first one out. I challenged her claiming that I would beat her with experience. She shrugged and said "We'll see." A.J. said she would be the last out and none of us argued. I laughed though just to set her off. Of course she reprimanded me again with a swat and for that I challenged her to come up with the first question.

"I've never gone skiing." She slyly countered.

My plot had been foiled.

Everyone except her put down a finger. Jen said something about never eating red meat and then finally Kitty broke through the ice.

"I've never done anything kinky with food." She said.

Two fingers went down. Jen and I were tied up.

Now my turn...

"I've never had sex in a car." I proudly proclaimed.

Jen dropped a finger and we all looked at her in surprise.

"My parents were driving too." She confessed.

We all burst out laughing and congratulating her on being so bold.

Now it was A.J.'s turn again.

"I've never had sex with more than one person at a time." She claimed.

Jen and I looked at each other and laughed as we both dropped another finger. We had exchanged stories in the past about the debauchery of many a good party we had been to. Kitty dropped one too, but declined to share. A.J. rolled her eyes and we continued.

The game went on until at last I beat Jen by one finger and then Kitty went out. A.J. shook her head and admitted to being pretty much a prude. I was fascinated by her statement, as she had always been so frank with me about her sex life in the past. Admittedly, I was a little surprised. As we settled back into normal conversation our drinks were served and we slowly slipped into the warm buzz of alcohol.

By the end of the night no one was ready to drive back so we decided to head over to Jen's friend Sam's house. He was a raccoon who had recently graduated a semester before me. He shared his apartment with his younger brother Jay. I had been crushing on both these boys since I had first met them. Sam, Jay and I had hooked up at different times in the past and I was excited at the prospect of rekindling the relationships again.

Jen was teasing me a little. I had a thing for the raccoon and his younger fox brother. A.J. knew Sam too, but not his younger brother. She pawed at me to tell her why I was sleeping with both brothers and I explained to her that they had incredible stamina and great moves in the bedroom. Jen agreed as she had been dating Sam on and off for years. They were in a very healthy open relationship and I respected them both a great deal. Kitty chuckled as I mentioned that Jay was not turning 18 for a few more days. She teased me about liking the younger boys. I shrugged and confessed that I had approached him in the shower, but he had taken me to bed.

By now we had reached the house, which was only a few blocks away from Main Street. Jen lead us up the dark stairs to their floor. I was so eager to know if Jay was there. The lights were on in Sam's room and he rushed to greet us at the door. A.J. and I were being goofy in our tipsy state together. She had her arm around me and I was threatening to kiss her. Sam ushered us into his bedroom and we all crashed on the bed together. Kitty curled up in the pillows while Sam and Jen cuddled at the foot. This left A.J. and I together in the middle. Jay was no where in sight which was a little bit of a let down to me. Sam said we had missed him by about twenty minutes. I admitted to the let down and looked back at A.J. She was a little miffed that my interests lay in another animal who was not present.

Well, the hot bunny and I were lying together when Kitty began relating a story about a friend of ours who had died in a tragedy last year. We all took a moment to remember him. It was hard sometimes to remember the past. I had been with these guys for many years and we had become so close. I knew that soon I would be graduating and heading on. Letting go was going to be so difficult but I knew my life was ready for change. A.J. brought me back to reality by kissing my neck. She wanted me at that moment, but we were all sitting there on the bed together. Sam had been petting my ears and I was purring.

It was Jen who offered an out. She was tired and Kitty was ready to go home. I wanted to stay, for Sam, but more for Jay, as I had not seen him in over a week and I hungered for his scent on me. A.J. was another matter all together. I knew she would be in for going three way with Sam but would I be up for it? Jen was a little sad for having to go and leave Sam. They headed out quietly and A.J. and I began kissing each other in the kitchen. She was so hot! My tail was twitching as she brought her paw down the small of my back. Then I caught the smell of Sam entering the room. He pressed on me from behind and we all stepped back through the living room to his bed. The sexual tension was mounting fast but I was not looking for sex with anyone but Jay that night. I enjoyed a little making out with my other two friends but my mind stayed on Jay. I worried about him. Earlier that night I had wandered into his room and noticed his ID on the bed; he only left it behind when he was worried about being picked up by the cops. What was he doing right now?

I asked Sam where his younger brother was. The raccoon shrugged, "He said something about a rock music gathering happening under the bridge in town. I think he's there right now." My heart sank. That meant he might be drinking, he would stumble back to the apartment in the early hours of the mourning and I would not want to see him that way. I never had sex with others who were drunk.

Sam and A.J. were a lot of fun but soon I was tired and snuck out quietly with the excuse of wanting some water. Jay's room was dark but I easily found my way to the bed. His smell was every where and I curled up under the blankets thinking about how much I wanted to hear him come walking through that door. He would come to this room and find me here waiting. I wanted him so bad. I caught my paw between my legs and stopped. This was not the time to start fantasizing. Sam and A.J. were going to come get me soon. Sure enough, I heard my name being called and in a moment A.J. poked her head in. Sam followed and they both lay down on the bed.

"He's not going to be back any time soon." Said Sam as he stroked my head.

A.J. nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and I think it's a little sketchy that you're laying here in his bed while he's gone. Come back to Sam's room with us and we'll go to bed."

I nodded and reluctantly left the warm comfort of my fox lover's room.

Lying awake listening, I heard the back door open and close only a few minutes after we went to sleep. He was home at last. I crawled out of the bed quietly and went to the bathroom. The light was on in his room as I past. Please let him be sober. I thought as I finished washing my hands. Please let him be awake and coherent.

I knocked lightly on the wooden door. "Come in." Said the familiar voice of my lover.

All my weight fell against the door in relief as it pushed open. He was lying in the bed reading. As he put down the book and smiled at me I knew he was not drunk.

"I kinda hoped you would be in this bed when I got back." He said.

I blushed sheepishly and pointed to Sam's room. "Your brother and I are sleeping together with a friend of mine tonight in his bed, I need to stay their for her sake cuz she and Sam are not really familiar with each other.

He smiled and shook his head. "Man, I knew it was a fifty-fifty chance. I looked for you in town too."

I fell down on the bed with him and we hugged. "I'm here now and I'd like to lay with you for a while."

We cuddled until with great effort, I pulled myself away. My heart sank as I returned to the other room for the night. It's not that I didn't enjoy sleeping with Sam, but we had been seeing a lot of each other that week and I was missing Jay a lot. His car had broken down so it was difficult for him to come up to school to see me so we had been out of touch. Thoughts of Jay being just on the other side of the wall out of reach kept me tossing for most of the night. I had decided by 9:00am I would allow myself to sneak back to him for some together time.

The next mourning I happily retuned to his room where we lay together for most of the mourning. He put his arms around me and held me while we slept. It was a relief to feel him there with me in the bed; to be in his room, his smell, his heart beating against my back.

The shower awaited and as we rose from the bed I knew it would not be long till we were playing in the water together. This ritual had started when we first got together. Sam had encouraged me to go to Jay in the shower and surprisingly enough, I did. Jay was tall and lanky, but the scars in his fur told the story of past battles fought and won. He was a loner by nature, but with those he loved a different personality emerged. He was gentle and kind, loving and passionate; a very smart creature with a will of his own. This personality drew me in and I found myself completely enthralled by his nature.

The water was hot on my back, I shook my mane out until it was soaking wet. He laughed at me as I ran my paws through my hair until it was thoroughly drenched. Jay reached for the shampoo and began washing me. I was a little surprised by the gesture and I guess he read my looks because he smiled and said,

"Hey, you washed me last time so I figure I need to return the favor." His paw slid down my hip and I braced myself as his hand went under my balls. The skin was sensitive to the water and soap; I tried not to draw back as he began scrubbing gently.

The hard on was inevitable as he rubbed me again and again. I responded by purring loudly and throwing my arms around him as my knees went weak. He laughed as I wobbled in the tub. The feeling was so satisfying; being together in such an intimate setting, bathing one another in our little ritual. Jay amazed me. He let down his guard and shared that moment so sincerely, I felt such an honor to be allowed such an intimate glimpse into his personal side.

I felt his paws on my face; he was looking into my eyes and next thing I knew he was kissing me on the lips. The embrace was brief but in that moment I became fully a part of him. This was what I had been waiting for. When we had finished he turned off the water and we stood there dripping in the tub. I shook first and sent water everywhere. He shied away and tried to squeeze the water out of his tail. Dripping and clean, we raced back to his room and landed on the bed together laughing.

"I just put fresh sheets on the bed." He said and we rolled in the blankets.

"So it's a good thing we showered." I replied, pulling him over me.

We lay there licking one another dry. I took the opportunity to lick down between his legs. The bold move sent him into a frozen moment pure ecstasy as I went down. Give head was a pleasure and he enjoyed my talent. The taste of pre-cum only spurred me on more as he began to shake with anticipation. I knew he was close so I took hold of him with one hand and continued licking as I stoked faster. His breath drew shallower as the shaking became more intense, he started gasping and reaching for my head. The taste that filled my mouth was heavenly. The warm cum spilled into my throat and I gulped for more. Jay cried out with joy and he released and fell limp on the bed. When I had finished licking him clean I crawled up into his arms.

"You should come over more often." He said.

"Well, I'd like to Jay, especially when I need to take a bath."

We smiled at each other and kissed again. I wanted this feeling we were sharing to last forever. I knew I would have to get up to go soon. A.J. had to get back to campus for her car and I had work to do. Jay held me there and I happily fell asleep with him until Sam's voice woke us from our pleasant dreams. Sadly, it was time to go home. I brushed my paw through my beloved fox's hair and kissed him on the forehead.

"I'll see you some time next week." I said.

He nodded, "Next time you'll find me sleeping in your bed."

I smiled back at him and then headed out to find my cloths.