Draco and Lily: After Draco Left

Story by DracoMancer on SoFurry

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#4 of Draco and Lily

Decided to try and tell a story from Lilys POV

As Lily was cooking breakfast for herself she felt large arms wrap around her waist.

"You hungry?" she asked as she placed cooked eggs onto her plate

"Actually I kind of am." came the reply.

"Good, I left everything out for you so you can cook it yourself. Just make sure you put it up." She said with a smirk. Draco laughed at the remark.

"After all I do for you I get nothing in return?" he said with a mock look of sadness.

"I wouldn't say you get nothing." She said moving closer to him "After all, what would you call last night?" Draco smiled

"Any chance you could refresh my memory?" he asked.

"There is," she told him "but not right now, I'm hungry and you have to go see Leigh." She said turning around back to her plate. She smirked as she heard Draco give off a quiet groan and walked out of the kitchen. She grabbed her plate and took it to the living room. Sometime later Draco came downstairs with a duffel bag.

"You're going to have fun without me aren't you?" He asked as he stopped at the living room

"Well it's going to be the only thing that I'm going to be able to do to prevent the boredom." She got a laugh from him after saying that.

"It also means that you have to do the work that you usually make me do for you."

"Well there's that but I might be able to procrastinate enough for you to get home and do all the work for me." She got another laugh from him. He gave her a small kiss.

"Well I'll miss you anyway." He said as he turned around. As he was about to walk out the door he stopped and looked back. "Oh yeah, before I forget make sure you call someone to get my car okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'll get to it." She said and continued eating. Draco smiled and closed the door after telling her where the money was. It wasn't long before Lily heard the familiar sound of a dragon taking flight. She continued to watch TV until she finished her breakfast. As she took her plate to the kitchen she thought about what she was going to do for the time Draco was gone. She guessed she shouldn't be walking around the house wearing nothing and actually get ready for the day in case someone actually came by. She walked up the stairs and down the hallway to her room where the sunlight was giving everything a warming glow. She picked out her clothes for her day, a white t-shirt with a red splash made to look like a wound and said 'I'm fine' and a pair of black jeans. Afterwards she went downstairs, grabbed her phone and called Kara.

"Hey Lily, what's up?" She heard after the ringing

"Draco's going to be out of the house for awhile so I was wondering if you and I could do something." She said

"Yeah sure, Dagon went out of town with his family so I'm going to be free for the rest of the week. I was actually about to call you to relieve my boredom." Kara told her. Lily chuckled

"Great. Any certain time you want me to come over?" She asked

"I don't know, like in an hour I guess."

"Sounds great. I'll see you then. Bye."

"Bye." Kara said before hanging up. Lily sat down onto the couch and sighed. Now she needed something to pass the time.

"Might as well call someone to get Draco's car while I wait." She said to herself. After five minutes of searching for a good towing company she called and told them the details they needed. After entertaining herself for the next thirty minutes she heard a vehicle pull up into the driveway and looked out the window to see a black furred dire wolf hop out of the towing truck and begin unhooking Draco's car. She grabbed the money Draco had left for her to pay with and opened the door just as the wolf got there. She didn't pay much attention to him instead fishing out the amount of money she was told to pay while on the phone. She didn't see the look of surprise on his face when he saw her. She handed him the money, thanked him and was just about to turn around before hearing her name.

"Lily..." Lily turned around at the sound of her name. For the first time she actually took the time to look at the wolf. It was then that she recognized him. It was John, the wolf that left her when she didn't give him what he wanted then tried to take Draco away from her afterwards. She immediately let a scowl appear on her face.

"You again? What do you want?" She asked angrily. The wolf's ears flattened on his head as he took a deep breath.

"I can understand why you'd be angry at me and I just wanted to say I'm sorry... for everything. I know I've done some horrible things and hurt you but I just wanted to ask for your forgiveness. You've been weighing on my mind for months now and I just felt like I needed to do this. Lily, I miss you, and I want you back. So please, what do you say?" he said getting closer to her, smiling and looking sure of himself. Lily snarled and pushed him onto the ground. He looked up surprised.

"The hell's wrong with you!?" she yelled "Is this something you practiced? Did you expect me to actually say yes? To break down into tears and forgive you? You left me when I didn't give you what I wanted and only came back when you got jealous! This isn't some kind of movie and you're not the protagonist who it all ends up great for the end. You tried to kill Draco you idiot!" She smiled a little bit "I don't need you. You had your chance a long time ago and you blew it. Now do me a favor and never come near me again John. Goodbye." She said before turning around and slamming the door on him and hearing growls behind it.

She began to grin as she heard a door close and a truck speeding away. She thought about calling Draco but decided not to worry him about it. Besides, she felt that she handled that pretty well. Lily was happy she'd done that. This would be a great story to tell Draco when he came back. After reliving the moment inside her head for a few minutes she grabbed a gallon of gas and went out to Draco's car. She'd take it to the gas station on her way to Kara's house. She began to think about how great her day had started off and what would be next.

John on the other hand had left the house seething with anger and embarrassment. He was angry because he had been beaten, rejected, and all at the hands of that black dragon and Lily. He was embarrassed because Lily was right. He had believed he would get everything he wanted out of her. He gripped the wheel tighter and gritted his teeth. Draco had ruined his life. After the accident no college would accept him and the only job he could get was with his uncle's company.

"Fuck 'em." He said with a snarl. "Fuck the both of them."

After picking up Kara Lily told her about what happened that morning. She began to find the whole thing much more entertaining the more she thought about it. Kara seemed to be just of proud of her just as she was.

"You did good Lily," she said "he probably deserved the whole thing anyway."

"Probably?" Lily asked

"Ok so he did. After all he's done I can't believe he thought you'd fall for that B.S."

"You wouldn't believe how much fun it was to tell him that. I'm still enjoying the memory and I'll probably do so for a very long time."

"Does Draco know about it?" the feline asked

"I decided not to worry him about it and tell him when he gets home." She told her

"Tell me how he reacts afterwards. I'd love to hear that. Now, on another note, what are we going to be doing?"

"Well, Draco gave me some money to get his car but there's still a lot of it left so I was thinking we could spend it all on things we want. How's that sound?"

"You know sometimes I wonder how he deals with you."

"So you don't wanna spend his money? Fine then I'll keep it for myself."

"No, I'll take it, I just can't believe that you can get away with robbing him all the time." She said to Lily's amusement

"Easy," she started "I'm amazing." Kara laughed at that. They continued the conversation until Lily stopped at the mall.

For a few hours they were able to entertain themselves by spending what was left of Draco's money, buying whatever caught their eye. Lily enjoyed the company, knowing full and well that afterwards she would have to entertain herself without Draco home. After they left Lily drove the two of them to a local carnival and smiled when she saw Kara's eyes light up like a child's.

"I haven't been to the carnival since I was a kid!" she told her happily

"Well your coming back now." Lily said with a smile, happy to see her friend like this. The both of them had fun and spent the last of the money on everything there. It wasn't until day turned to night when they finally decided to leave. After dropping Kara off at her home and making plans for the next day Lily drove off thinking about how wonderful her day was. She got home and cooked dinner for herself and finished just as the clock showed eleven pm. After completing her nightly rituals she went to bed.

Her alarm woke her up at six and she began her daily grooming. Kara had invited her to come with her and a few friends to go to a club with them that night. Of course she would have to keep herself occupied until then and luckily she had classes today so that would help. After getting ready she got into Draco's car and drove to the campus. The classes kept her busy for a few hours and she was even able to spend time with some of her friends afterwards. When Lily got home she worked on some homework, read a few chapters in a textbook, and picked out the clothes she was going to wear for that night and continued studying to pass the time.

After some time the sun had set and Lily was dressed up and ready to go. It wasn't long afterwards before Kara had called and told her they were waiting outside. She got outside to see a dark green car in the driveway. When she got inside the car she was greeted by three different girls including Kara. One of whom was a bunny girl she knew as Alyssa and a bear who she would later learn as Kathryn. After leaving her house and getting downtown Kathryn asked:

"So where are we going?"

"I thought you all would tell me sooner or later." Alyssa told them.

"Don't look at me, I was invited here. I expected you all to know where we're going." Lily told them

"Wait, you had me driving around without knowing where we're going? What kind of plan is that?"

"Well sorry, I thought you all would have an idea. Got any?" Kara asked

"We could go to a gay bar so guys don't hit on us." Kathryn suggested. There was a few seconds of silence as the girls thought about that.

"That's actually a great idea." Lily agreed. Kara nodded in agreement.

"But that's the best part." Alyssa said

"Well we're sorry for not being single like you." Kara retorted

"Kathryn's not single, she just doesn't want to be hit on." She said

"What's wrong with that exactly?" she questioned

"You're sucking the fun out of it for me!" she told her getting a laugh from the rest of the car.

"Well at least you have us." Lily joked

"Yeah, yeah fine. Just tell me where to go." Alyssa told them. Kara gave her directions to the nearest bar and it wasn't long before they got to their destination. Throughout the night Lily had fun with the others. Of course being where they were Kathryn's plan worked and they didn't have any unwanted disruptions. There was a point where Kara had invited Lily to drink with her until she reminded her of last time that happened. Like all things the night soon came to an end and the girls left the bar. They had to help Alyssa, who had a little too much to drink, out.

"You know she's going to have one hell of a hangover when she wakes up tomorrow morning." Kathryn stated

"That's her own damn fault." Lily told her

"Yeah but we could still help her out a little bit." The bear said

"Aw, isn't that just sweet. Fine, we'll get her some aspirin and Gatorade for tomorrow then since you care so much about her." Kara said

"Aspirin and Gatorade?" Lily asked

"Just a little something I learned some time ago." she replied. They stopped a in a parking lot to pick up what Kara said would help. The only store that turned out to be open didn't sell any of the things.

"Hey Lily, I saw a small store down the street. Do you mind walking there for me?" Kara asked

"Yeah sure, no problem." She answered

"Great, we'll stay with Alyssa and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid." Kathryn told her. Lily began to make her way down the street. She got to the store and bought what she was asked to and left. As she made her way past the dark street she passed an alley. She heard a groan come from the back and stopped. She heard another one and began to walk down.

"Hello?" she said "Is anyone there? Are you alright back there?" Another groan from the alley. As she walked down and looked behind a dumpster. She was surprised to see a tape recorder lying on the ground. She quickly got up before she heard someone run in behind her. She was grabbed from behind her and she felt large furry hands grab her arms.

"Don't scream," he commanded letting Lil smell the heavy scent of alcohol on his breath. The voice sounded strangely familiar. "You're going to give me what I want." He said

"Let me go you bastard!" she yelled and he twisted her arm making her let out a short scream of pain. She heard her assailant unzip his pants and she growled. She immediately used her strong, thick tail and brought it between his legs. He howled and let go of her and just as quickly Lily began using her predatory endowments to attack. Scratching, biting and kicking she got away from him. She tasted his blood when she bit him and the taste almost drove her wild and before it happened she flew away. Once she got back to the car she opened the door and jumped in.

"We have to leave now!" she told them

"What? Why? What's happened to you?" Kara asked

"Some bastard just tried to rape me! We have to leave now!" she yelled. The two of them looked at her for a moment but quickly began moving. Kathryn grabbed the keys from Alyssa, who had fallen asleep, and started the car. She sped off and quickly left the parking lot.

"Is that your blood Lily?" Kara asked

"No, it's his. I bit him." She replied

"You sure you're okay Lily?" Kathryn asked worried

"Yes, just take me home. I'll call the police there." She told her. Kathryn complied with her wishes and took her home. Lily got out and Kara followed telling her that'd she stay for the night just in case. She called the police who told her that they sent an officer over to her house. She then called Draco but he didn't answer. She cursed and threw her phone on the couch. She walked up to her bathroom and went through the medicine cabinet to find something. She soon found a box of q-tips and used it to get the blood off of her maw. Kara walked up to her and asked her if everything was alright.

"Yeah, just cleaning up."

"Do you know what the guy looked like at least?" she asked

"No but I have a pretty good idea of who did it at least." She said as she pulled a black hair out of her teeth. She learned about this in school. How someone would be raped, go home, feel unclean and take a shower, removing all the evidence in the process. The voice, the howling, the fur, she wouldn't be losing this much in proving it was John. She explained everything to Kara so she could have a pretty good idea of why she suspected John. She heard a hard knocking at the door and looked out the window to see the expected flashing blue and red lights. She opened the door to see an officer. She explained to him everything he needed to know and then she told him about the blood and hair she had pulled off of her muzzle. He went back to the car and grabbed two small Ziploc bags. He put the q-tip in one and the hair in the other. She thanked him for coming as he left and went back inside the house. She tried calling Draco again but only got his voicemail again. Kara came into the room after she placed her phone down.

"You sure you're okay Lily?" she asked

"Yeah, I've told you this already. He was only able to put his hands on me, nothing else. Why are you worrying about me so much?" She answered

"Well my friend was just assaulted by who she believes was her horrible bastard of an ex-boyfriend, why shouldn't I be worried?"

"Because I'm okay, I crushed his nuts with my tail and fought back. If anything I hurt him more than he hurt me." She said getting a laugh out of Kara.

"You know, you're a tough cookie to crack. I would think that you'd be in some kind of emotional distress right now." She said with a grin

"Well I guess I couldn't say I'm totally oblivious to it. To be honest I'm kind of scared. When he first tried to kill Draco I thought it was just because of an extreme amount of stupidity and anger. Now I'm thinking it's something else. I'm not sure what but if he's desperate enough to do this, would he be willing to do it again?" she asked. Kara was unsure of what to say so she just nodded and pulled Lily close to comfort her.

"Don't worry Lily, unlike him you have people that want to protect you." She finally told her after a few moments of silence. She saw Lily smile after the words escaped her mouth. Lily got up and stretched.

"Well then, now that this is settled I'm going to take a shower." She said "Guest bedroom is upstairs when you want it. Feel free to take my clothes if you need them. I'm sure we're about the same size, though I may be a size or two larger." She told her

"Thanks," Kara said "You got another shower?" she asked

"Yeah just down the hall. Towels are in the closet."

Lily walked upstairs followed by quiet feline footsteps. She got to her bathroom and turned on the water to let it heat while she undressed. When she got into the shower she let the warm water soothe her body and relaxed. For a moment she imagined Draco coming in to join her before she remembered where he was. She smiled for a moment as she moved her hands down her body to her wet snatch. She let out a soft moan as she entered two of her fingers and toyed with herself.

Before long she wanted more, removed her fingers and moved her tail near her waiting pussy. She let another soft moan escape her lips as she slowly pushed in. After pulling out she pushed back in a little fast letting out a grunt of pleasure as she did so. She picked up speed as she went, imagining Draco behind her. She imagined letting the black dragon take her, to mark her as his. Her tail began to move faster as her thought became filled with lust. She grit her teeth knowing Kara was nearby, not wanting her to hear. She felt her orgasm coming near as she pushed her tail in harder. She pulled completely out and then quickly back in, biting back what would've been a scream of pleasure but came out as a growl as her orgasm racked her body. She slowly removed her tail as her juices dripped out along with it to be washed away by the water. She quickly began washing up as to not take too long in the shower. When she left the bathroom she saw Kara half naked and going through her closet.

"Lily, you sure do have a hell of a lot of clothes. I've seen a few tags on these from stores that went out of business a long time ago." She told her exaggerating the word 'long' "You should really get rid of some of these." She said as she pulled out a solid red t-shirt.

"What can I say, my parents spoiled me. Plus I've already tried and couldn't bring myself to do it." She explained "Now move out of my way cat." She commanded jokingly pushing her out of the way.

"That explains a lot." Kara joked as she put on the shirt

"That supposed to mean something?" Lily asked with mock anger

"Oh no, I would never insult my friend like that." She said getting a laugh from Lily. After a moment of silence Kara spoke with a serious tone.

"Lily, remember that night when we woke up in bed with each other naked?" she asked

"Yeah..." Lily answered not wanting to remember it.

"Did you ever think that it might not have been just a night of drunken curiosity? Maybe even a little bit more than that?" she said. Lily heard her get off the bed and the soft footsteps coming towards her. She soon felt soft, furry hands against her body and she immediately went stiff.

"Kara?" she asked

"You've never thought that maybe we actually wanted to do this before hand and maybe we needed a little encouragement? We could try it again Lily." She told her. Lily panicked and immediately pushed Kara away. The feline fell backwards onto the bed except she was laughing.

"The hell's wrong with you!" she yelled. She only got more laughing in reply. "What?" she asked

"You should've seen the look on your face! You thought I was serious didn't you?" she exclaimed still laughing.

"Not funny Kara!" she yelled

"Yes it was! Look you're about to break out laughing right now!" Kara said knowing she was right. Lily pulled her up and began pushing her out the door.

"Get out of my room! I'm not trying to get raped in my sleep by you!" she said as she slamming the door.

"Lily come on you know you thought it was hilarious." she pleaded still giggling

"Don't expect my door to be unlocked tonight either!" she told her trying not to be affected by the infectious giggling

"Fine Lily, have your way. Goodnight." She said as Lily heard the faint sound of her walking down the hallway. Lily sighed as she went back to her closet to put on something for the night. She fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.

She woke up fifteen minutes before her alarm went off that morning after hearing a hard knocking at the door. 'Who the hell could that be so early?' she thought. She hurried and got out of bed to find a pair of shorts so whoever it was wouldn't see her half naked. As she ran downstairs the knocking came again making her wonder what was so important. She opened the door to see the same officer from last night.

"Oh, good morning officer. Anything I can help you with?" she greeted

"Well ma'am there's a problem. The man you believed to have sexually assaulted you last night was found to match the DNA samples you gave us but when we went to go make the arrest he was gone. No one knows where he is now or what he's going to do now and I came to warn you." He explained. Lily froze for a moment thinking about what that meant for her.

"So what about me? What should I do?" she asked worried

"I've been told that there was going to be a patrol car focusing near this area just in case due to your past relations with him but the best I can do for you is tell you to lock your doors." He answered. Lily sighed and thanked the officer as she closed the door. She heard her alarm go off upstairs and went to go turn it off. Afterwards she tried to call Draco again knowing he had to know what was going on. She only got his voicemail again which made her wonder what he was doing. She put her phone down on the bed and sat down to think. She stopped only because she remembered she had to get ready for the day. She went down the hall to the guest room to wake up Kara.

"Hey Kara, wake up. It's morning time and we should get ready." She said opening the blinds. Kara groaned and rolled over.

"I only have one class today so I can sleep in." she told her.

"Yeah but I have to go and I want you the hell out of my house. Now get up and get ready." Lily demanded only receiving another groan as a response "Fine then, have your way Kara." Lily walked downstairs into the kitchen, grabbed a cup, filled it with water and made her way back upstairs. She walked back into the guest bedroom to see Kara still laying there.

"Hey Kara, guess what." Kara groaned again before Lily poured water over her head. The feline immediately jumped up and hissed to Lily's amusement.

"Not funny Lily!" she yelled

"Of course it was. It may not be on the same par as your joke last night but call it my revenge." She replied

"Dick move Lily, dick move."

"I love you too Kara, now get your clothes and get ready. I'm taking you home."

"Fine, thanks for waking me up so nicely."

"Your welcome. Aren't you glad to have a great friend like me?" she said leaving the room.

Lily began her morning rituals and thought about her current situation as she did so. She decided not to tell anyone but Draco if he would only answer his phone. She hoped John wasn't crazy enough to actually try and break into her house or at least not while she was the only one here. She was worried about her own safety to be honest.

After getting ready she took Kara home and proceeded to class but couldn't focus on her notes. The thought of John was constantly harassing her mind and the fact that she couldn't get into contact with Draco only stressed her more. It stayed that way for the rest of the day. She tried to call Draco a few more times and again only got his voicemail in return.

The days became uneventful and as time passed she became less worried with no news. Draco had to get back soon and then she could chastise him for not checking his phone and feel a little safer with him around. Sometime during the evening she heard the doorbell ring. Thinking it was Draco finally coming home she ran to the door, only having to hide her disappointment when she saw it was his brother's friend, the eagle named Veolis. She also saw Oliver's friend, Jeremiah, behind him.

"Hey Lily," he said happily "the other's were too tired to fly so they just called a cab. They should be here soon. But seeing as I'm here do you need any help with anything? I don't want to feel useless." She thought about it. 'Well, someone's better than no one.'

"You know how to cook?" she asked

"Don't know much but I can cook a delicious meal when I have to! C'mon rabbit, we're working for our stay." He said. Jeremiah came in and greeted her.

"So what do you need me to do?" he asked

"Well there's not much to do so I guess you can set the table." She told him. They set to work and to her surprise Veolis was actually useful in the kitchen. Pretty soon the door opened and Draco came in along with Leigh and Oliver. She didn't want to burn into him now while others were around so she was forced to wait.

"So V, since when do you cook?" Leigh asked

"I'm no chef but my mom taught me a few things!" answered pouring a liquid onto vegetables cooking in a pan. Lily saw the hunger in their eyes as the scent of food began to drift outside the kitchen and had to shoo them out a few times. When everything was finally cooked and set out on the table she got to see the others tear into their plates ravenously.

"Well guys, I need to go. Aevynne is probably worried about me and I need a place to stay." Veolis piped up after the food was gone.

"Who's Aevynne?" the rabbit asked

"His girlfriend," Leigh answered for him "the starling he just loves to talk about."

"Sure do, and I plan on keeping her. Lily, thanks for the food. Guys, bye to the lot of you. Are you coming Jeremiah?" he asked heading for the front door

"Nah, I think I'll stay here for a little while." He told him. They gave their goodbyes and he left.

"Well, I'm going to bed." Leigh said "Night LD."

"Goodnight Leigh. Jeremiah, there's a guest bedroom upstairs at the left end of the hallway." Draco said. Oliver followed Leigh upstairs and after Jeremiah was out of sight Draco looked at Lily and smiled.

"So how'd your week go?" he asked.

"You idiot!" Lily shot back suddenly surprising Draco. "Have you not been getting my calls? Have you not checked your phone at all?!" She said sternly, staying quiet enough so the others wouldn't hear. She looked him in the eye and waited for a moment. She broke down and kissed him a moment later.

"I needed you and you didn't answer." She told him. She felt his arms wrap around her and comfort her.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking about my phone. Now please explain to me what happened." He said with a loving tone. She looked up at him and saw a caring smile. She began to spout everything. From the moment he left to when she was assaulted all the way to that very moment. When she was done he had a completely different look on his face. It had gone from loving and caring to anger and hatred. He looked at here and for a moment she was scared. Then his look softened and he opened his mouth to speak.

"He's not going to touch you, I won't let him." Was all he said before getting up and leaving. After he left she turned off what lights were on and followed him upstairs. He was already in bed and Lily followed suit. She felt him put his arm over here and heard him mutter an 'I won't let anything happen to you' before falling asleep. She kissed him and smiled. She finally felt safe again. Before long, she too was asleep. She woke up to the sound of yelling and a loud thumping sound. She walked to the stairs wondering who could be up at this hour making so much noise.

"What's going on down here?" she asked yawning. She looked down to see Draco holding a black wolf by the throat and Leigh right beside him. "John?!" she gasped

"Go back upstairs, Lily, and call the police." Draco told her. Then John pulled out a gun.

"Move!" Leigh reacted quickly hitting his brother, making him drop John on the floor. A bullet went wild as the gunshot went broke the night's silence. Frozen with fear, she saw Jeremiah run down the stairs as Leigh got up holding his arm. The rabbit jumped onto John's back and the wolf reacted by throwing his back against the walls trying to get rid of him. John managed to get a hold of him and throw him on the table and make it break. He didn't get back up after that. Draco started punching the wolf but he wouldn't go down.

"Why won't you go down!" Draco yelled with hatred in his voice. Leigh picked up Jeremiah and took him upstairs before shouting back down at his brother.

"C'mon!" he commanded but Draco didn't listen. He kept punching, and though John was beaten and bloodied, he was still standing. His eyes were a milky white. Oliver came out of the room and saw the chaos. Leigh jumped downstairs to drag his brother back up as Oliver helped Lily get Jeremiah's unconscious body to the master bedroom. Leigh closed and locked the door behind them.

"Why'd you pull me away?" Draco asked angrily

"Idiot! He's gone feral, he wouldn't have felt a damn thing you did to him! He's got a lust for blood." He yelled back. Lily called the police, panicking trying to explain everything to the operator. It was then that wood began to snap and a milky eyed wolf appeared through the door with a gun. Without a warning he raised it and began firing. Lily closed her eyes, and for a moment everything had gone silent besides a ringing in her ears. She opened her eyes and she saw Leigh over Oliver and Jeremiah with blood on his back. He'd taken the bullets.

She looked over at Draco who seemed stun by the whole thing. All of a sudden his head snapped towards John and his pupils became slits. The white's of his eyes had gone yellow. He spoke but all she heard was a series of different hissing noises and in the back of her mind, her animalistic instincts understood everything. 'Attack the kin killer' he had said. With an ear piercing roar he attacked John and everything became hectic. She saw Oliver looking over Leigh in shock, mouth agape as if he could not believe what was happening.

She heard sirens, lots of them. Pretty soon there were multiple armed people appearing through the door with guns. When they pulled the trigger she expected to hear the loud crack of a gun but only a small sound of air. She looked and saw darts being fired on both Draco and John. It calmed them only in the slightest bit for they kept on fighting, only slower. This seemed to be enough for the armed men because they began to pull them apart from each other and begin to tie him up. They tied Draco's muzzle shut as soon as smoke began to appear from his nostrils.

After they pulled the two of them out, paramedics rushed in and headed towards Leigh and Jeremiah. One asked her if she was alright and she nodded yes, unable to speak. Oliver followed the paramedics carrying Leigh out of the room and as the chaos stopped she was able to think again. 'Why me?' she thought.

Draco awoke in a padded room. He looked around and saw that one of the walls was made of glass. He tried to move his arms and couldn't and after looking down he found that he was in a straightjacket. He tried to remember what happened. John. John came and tried to hurt Lily. He managed to get onto his knees and get up like that. He walked towards the glass wall and looked through. Lily was there, looking at the ground.

"Lily!" He called. She looked up at him and smiled cheerfully. She got up and walked towards the glass. "Where am I?" he asked.

"You're in the feral ward. You went off on John after he shot Leigh." She explained. Afterwards she called a canine sitting at a desk over.

"Put your eye to the glass and keep it open." He told him. Draco did as he was told as the man pulled out a small light and shined it into his eyes. "What are your thoughts like right now? Any anger or something like that?" he asked as he put the light away. Draco opened his mouth to answer. His thoughts were simple and flustered. The canine only smiled. "Completely normal," he said "You'll be speaking in short simple sentences until you've completely recovered. You should consider yourself lucky. It's not often that someone recovers from going feral so soon." He opened the door to the room and Draco turned his back on him so he could take of the straightjacket. "Once you leave they'll conduct a few more tests on you to make sure this won't happen again." he said as the constricting clothing fell off his body.

"Where's the exit?" he asked stretching his wings. The canine pointed him the way out and Draco left the room without another word. Lily thanked the man and followed after Draco. Looking around the room one more time she saw other people who had gone feral. Some still awake, throwing themselves at the door and foaming out the mouth. Others just waking up confused to their whereabouts. She didn't want to be here again.

Before they let him off they made him go through tests as the canine said. Over time he was able to return back to his normal speaking capabilities. He was going through them all as fast as he could for reasons obvious to Lily. His brother was seriously injured and he wasn't able to see him for as long as he had to do this. When they finally ended all the tests he had someone take him to the room his brother was located.

"Leigh..." Draco said when he saw his brother. Oliver was the only one in the room. He walked over to Oliver and sat down. "He hasn't been like this for a long time." He told him "I remember the last time... it's not important." Oliver said nothing. "He must have really loved you." There was a long moment of silence between the two of them before Oliver left the room looking close to tears. For awhile Draco sat there looking at the ground and before long Lily saw that he was crying.

"Draco?" she asked worried

"You know," he started "when I was twelve Leigh told me how he wanted to live through life. He wanted to be as nice to people as possible. He had become tired of causing people harm though even afterwards he had to hurt people. He said that he wanted to keep forgiving people. They would do him wrong and he would forgive them. Some would do it again and then he would forgive them again. There were time where it inconvenienced him and there were times where he had fun doing it. This was sometime after our parents were gone so he was my role model. I wanted to be just like him. He's the reason I decided to forgive John and now I'm regretting that decision..." he explained. He was still crying after saying this. Lily didn't say anything afterwards as she didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry for putting you through this. You don't need to hear this." he said getting up and wiping the tears from his eyes. Lily, on impulse, hugged him.

"Don't worry, I'm sure your brother will be fine. If you ever want to talk, no matter how stupid you think it is I'll be there for you." she told him. She didn't release him from her hug and pretty soon he was hugging her and she felt his tears again.

"I love you Lily." he said. They left the hospital and went straight home . Draco walked into the house and immediately went to bed. Lily followed him to bed and went to sleep along with him. For three weeks Draco seemed to become more depressed. When Lily got him to talk he would usually talk about something from his childhood with Leigh . He never seemed to cheer up. One night in particular Lily's parents came by. They were checking up on the both of them.

"I never liked him in the first place. I was relieved when Lily brought you home. You're so much better than him." her father said

"I'm sure your brother will be alright. If he's anything like you he's strong." her mother told him. Draco forced a smile for them.

"Of course. Thank you." was all he said. His cell phone went off and he looked at the screen. "It's Oliver, excuse me for a moment." he said before getting up and going into another room. For a moment it was quiet but then he heard him talking excitedly. Afterwards he came out happy and smiling. He picked Lily up and spun her around. "He's awake Lily! He's awake!" he yelled happily. He put her down before kissing her. "I have to go, he wanted me to do some stuff for him." he said before grabbing his keys and running out the door. Lily and her parents sat there surprised for awhile.

"Well that was a heartwarming event wasn't it?" her dad said interrupting the silence. Lily smiled seeing that Draco was finally out of his slump.

Draco came back sometime later at night. He came into the bedroom as Lily left the shower. He hugged and kissed her.

"I have to apologize for being such a downer lately. You've been trying to get me cheered up and all I've done is sulk.Thank you for being there for me love. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" he asked. Lily made a show of thinking about it before pushing him back onto the bed and moving over him.

"I can think of a few things." she said while unbuttoning his shirt. She removed his shirt and threw it behind her. Afterwards she turned around and moved her waist over Draco's muzzle and set her sights on the prize in his pants. She began to undo them and move them out her way before she felt her mate's tongue on her pussy. She let out a small groan before moving Draco's boxers out of her way letting loose his log, hard shaft. She let her tongue wrap around his shaft before taking it into her muzzle. She heard him moan loudly behind her before returning his tongue back ito her slick honeypot. They continued savoring each other's taste for some time before Draco stopped. Lily knew exactly what he wanted and moved from over him. She moved onto the bed lying on her chest with her backside presented to him and her tail raised.

"C'mon Draco, give me everything you've got." She told him.

"Gladly." She heard before feeling his cock at her cunny. Before she could say anything else Draco plunged himself inside of her making her scream out in pleasure. He began to pound into her without signs of letting up. She was still yelling out her pleasure when she heard Draco whispering in her ear. "What's wrong? Didn't you want everything I could give you?" he teased.

"Yes! Please, more!" she begged. He gladly obliged and sped up to Lily pleasue. He felt her get close to orgasm then slowed down before speeding back up. She could feel every inch of him pushing into her, reaching all the right places. Pretty soon she felt close to orgasm and noticed that Draco wasn't slowing to stoop her. She yelled in ectasy as her orgasm racked her body. She felt her body tighten up around Draco's length deep inside of her and heard him groan as he came inside of her and enjoyed the feeling of his hot dragon seed flooded her insides. He pulled out and lied down beside her before hugging her tight.

"Thank you Lily.Thanks for being there for me. Thanks for everything." he told her before falling asleep. Lily smiled and curled up as close to him as possible before dozing off along with him.