A Place to Belong - Chapter 28

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#31 of Malakye's Story - Part 1 (A Place to Belong)

This is it guys, the final chapter of 'A Place to Belong'. I will be writing the next part of it over the coming weeks, I had had a large portion already written before my comp decided to die and take it with it, so it will take longer than I had intended to get the next part posted, so please bear with me.

There may be some words marked with a (*), these mean that the word appears in the Encyclopedia and you can get a detailed description about it. There is quite a bit in the Encyclopedia and soon I will be updating it with even more!

Also remember that I've also posted a Character Summary, where you can find details on various characters that appear through they story. I will be updating this as well in the future.

I also want to give a big thanks to cheezburger (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/cheezburger) for proof reading this story for me.

Anyway, you didn't come here to listen to me, you came here to read the story so enjoy!

Since I have now split up the different parts of this story into separate folders I'll provide a link to the first chapter of part 2.

We all sat round the burnt remains of last night's camp fire and ate some bread with a fruit preserve in relative silence, thankfully though, the silence had lost a lot of the tension from the previous night, but it had been replaced by something else. I looked round and saw that Eric and Michael looked to be deep in thought. Were they thinking about me? That was the first thought that had sprung to mind, but I dismissed it as paranoia. However I couldn't dismiss the thought and I began to feel... well I didn't know what to feel. If they were thinking about me were they regretting taking me with them after my loss of control back in Rengilar Village*? If they had wanted to leave me they had had plenty of opportunity, I was bed ridden for nearly two days. No... I had to stop thinking like that. Eric and the others cared for me; they weren't like the wolves I grew up around. Eric was the father figure I never had, he had always been nice to me, even after all the trouble I had caused them and had never shown a hint of regret. Aceh... well Aceh was Aceh. It was hard to figure out how he felt but I doubt he would go through the hassle of training me if he thought I was a threat to the rest of the group. Cody, well no doubts there really. Jason and Michael however, Jason was always a joker but was always blunt with the truth, and I doubt he could hide any remorseful feelings for long. Michael was reserved with his opinions a lot of the time, but he was no liar and had always been friendly. No, it couldn't be me that their thinking about... could it?

"It's strange." Eric said, voicing his thoughts to no one in particular.

"What is Eric?" Cody asked, his left ear going slightly crooked in curiosity.

"We've been travelling the road to Bac'tou* for a day now and we haven't seen another traveller."

"Is that so strange?" I asked ignorantly.

"Very much so." Eric nodded. "This is the main route to travel east or west of the Zangarian mountains* without actually travelling across them, there should be other travellers."

"Maybe they heard what happened at Rengilar and decided not to head that way." Jason suggested. "The threat of the wolves attacking will put many travellers off."

"True, but the other thing that concerns me is that we have not seen any reinforcements from Bac'tou* heading to Rengilar." Eric explained. "We know that several furs travelled this way to seek help for the village, that was over three days ago."

"You're right, that is strange." Michael agreed. "Travelling as light as they did, they should have reached Bac'tou in less than two days. Even if they took a day to prepare we should have passed some form of reinforcements by now."

"Maybe they went by boat." Jason interrupted. "I mean the Yanzo Dragons* have a large fleet. They keep the Mordian Wolves* in check along the Dalton River*"

"That is a possibility." Eric agreed with a sigh. "But I can't shake this ominous feeling that something bad is heading our way."

"You're just paranoid ya old coot!" Jason chuckled.

"I hope you're right." Eric laughed, but I could see that it was forced. "Now then, I think I've eaten my fill, I think we should be making a move. Maybe I'll feel better once we are on the move." Eric stood and began walking over to the wagons where the fooshnar* were already hitched up and ready to go. The rest of us finished up and we climbed aboard our respective wagons, I was with Cody again in the middle wagon. As we rode along Cody decided he wanted to name our fooshnar*, he threw out a lot of ideas but they were either silly or just plain boring. In the end we decided to call the one pulling our wagon Vlad. It was the name of one of Cody's cub-hood friends and I thought it suited the giant lizard, so I readily agreed which made Cody happy. The mention of cub-hood friends did poke at a sore topic for me; I didn't have many happy memories of my past. I excused myself, saying that the midday sun was getting to me, Cody seeming to buy it and I climbed into the shaded back of the wagon. I sat against the side and reflected on how much my life had changed in such a short time.

It hadn't even been two months since I joined up with Eric, but before that I was living day to day, trying to ignore the solitude and loneliness of the life I was living without any hope that it would ever get better. But my life has changed, I no longer live day by day, I look forward to what the next day brings. Cody and the others have changed my life in ways I never thought possible, I have more happy memories from my time being with them than I ever had growing up. But then again, it's not all been happy memories, there have been some painful ones as well. I crossed to the other side of the wagon and knelt in front of a medium sized wooden box, big enough to store clothes and other items, but not that big it would be difficult to carry. Eric had given it to me so I could store any personal items in there, it was locked but didn't have a key. It was a trick lock, it would only open if you knew how to open it. I ran my paws round its varnished sides, feeling for switches, pressing in the sections of the box in order to unlock it. With a loud 'clack' I knew I had successfully unlocked it, opening the lid, I saw the loin-cloths I had bought back in Rengilar* were in here. Cody had stored them away for me when I had been bedridden; he said it was just something to do to take his mind off things.

I pushed them aside and found what I was looking for, the sapphire pendant I had gotten for Rose. Rose had been the best thing to have ever happened to me, but despite the painful memories I have of her death, I would not have traded the memories I have of her away just to escape that pain. They made me who I am and who I will become. I carefully put the pendant back in the box and closed it, locking it safely away. I felt a bit tired, my lack of sleep last night and the afternoon heat was getting to me, so I lay down on my bed roll and let the gentle sway of the wagon rock me to sleep.


Fire... it's all I could see through the blinding smoke that was choking me. I fumbled around trying to find away out. Hearing a loud creak from above and a loud cracking noise, I looked up just in time to see a large wooden beam breaking and falling right towards me. I jumped out of the way in the nick of time, landing in a heap on the floor. I scrambled to my feet and looked round, I saw a doorway. I ran through it and fell to one knee and sucked in the cool night air, trying to drive the smoke from my lungs. I heard someone scream and I looked up, I was back in Rengilar, the wolves were everywhere, the bodies of the dead and dying littered the ground, there were so many bodies you could barely see the ground. All the wolves had red glowing eyes, the same red glowing eyes that had been haunting me for weeks now.

"Why?" I cried "WHY!?"

"Why?" I heard a guttural growl from behind, I spun round to face someone I never wanted to see again. "I'll tell you why you dragon cunt!" Dog-breath snarled, his eyes glowing that menacing red. "Because I'm going to kill you!" He snarled as he launched himself at me.


I jolted awake, my heart pounding and my breathing heavy, but I relaxed as soon as I realised I was in the wagon. Why was I having these nightmares? It would be nice to be able to go to sleep without worrying about nightmares, they were always so real. It took me a few seconds to notice that we weren't moving any more, I had better head out and see what was happening. I climbed to my feet and was about to step through the curtain when someone stepped in, it was a wolf, a grey pelted wolf... Dog-breath.

Dog-breath stepped in but it took a second for his eyes to adapt to the darkness inside the wagon, but in that second I had drawn my knife and plunged it into his throat. I grabbed his muzzle to stop him from yelling out and dragged him to the floor, I wasn't going to let this bastard haunt my dreams any longer! Once he was dead I breathed a sigh of relief, but then upon looking at this wolf bleeding onto the floor below me, I realised, this isn't Dog-breath. This isn't a dream... then that means... Cody! I scrambled to the entrance of the wagon and peeked out, I could see Cody laying on the ground just a few yards away from the wagon, with another grey pelted wolf standing over him holding a spear. Cody was alive at least. I looked further ahead and I could just see Aceh standing surrounded by at least half-a-dozen wolves, his swords drawn but he wasn't attacking, I could see the hesitation in him, they had Cody and who knows else hostage.

"Stand down now or I kill the bird!" I heard a voice shout, they had Eric as well. Considering the lack of noise from the wagon behind I could only assume that Michael and Jason had been captured as well... I could only hope that they hadn't been killed. I pulled back into the wagon, I had to get out there and help, but one wrong move and they would kill everyone... I had to protect my family! I wasn't going to let this end like Rose.

I moved to the side of the wagon, away from where Cody was and leant over the wooden edge and lifted the canvas, poking my head through. I looked around but no one was in sight, so I carefully, and as quietly as I could, slipped out, careful not to land too loudly in case I aroused attention. I slunk round the back of the wagon, my knife in hand, my fingers were starting to feel sticky from the blood of the wolf I had just killed. I peeked round the edge of the wagons and saw another grey pelted wolf, his back was to me and he had his spear point held at the back of Michael's neck. I couldn't see Jason, I knelt down and saw a little further along that Jason in the same situation. I could only see the wolves' feet but I could tell that that wolf had his back turned to Michael... if I did this right I might be able to save them.

Stepping out from my hiding place I paused as I looked around for any wolves I hadn't seen that might spot me, I held my breath as I heard more shouting from down by Aceh and Eric. Obviously Aceh wasn't surrendering that easily. I was two steps away from the wolf standing over Michael, I paused a second to work out how to do this when I remembered Aceh's words back in Rengilar*.

'There are various kill and crippling spots in every species and gender, but only eight are always present regardless of species and gender. Jugular, heart, liver, kidneys, spine, temple, armpit, between the shoulder blades and finally the throat.'

I readied myself, picked my target and stepped forward, I quickly reached round and grabbed the wolf by the muzzle while at the same time plunging my knife into the side of his neck where his jugular artery was. He squirmed as his life spilled out of him, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I glanced over at the other wolf over Jason, praying silently that he wouldn't hear this and turn around. Once the wolf in my grasp went limp, I gently lowered him to the ground, never taking my eyes off the other wolf. I stepped over Michael who hadn't moved, I could see him looking up at me out of the corner of my eye. Each step seemed like an eternity, I could feel my heart pounding hard in my chest, but not just in fear, it was excitement as well. The thrill of the hunt had gripped me and I was the hunter and these wolves, they were my prey.

Finally I reached striking distance of the second wolf and again I leaped into action. I wrapped my arm round the wolf's throat and began to rapidly and repeatedly stab him in the chest puncturing his heart and lungs. He let out a gargled cry but a quick glance behind me showed that the wolf guarding Cody hadn't heard it, he was focused on the stand off with Aceh ahead of him. I had to act quickly, these wolves won't hesitate to kill Eric if Aceh refused to back down for much longer. Michael was now on his feet and had grabbed the wolf,s spear, it looked rather small and non-threatening in his hands since he was much larger than the wolf that had had him pinned. He silently motioned for me to go for the wolf over Cody while he went round the other side of the wagon, I nodded and we began to move, Jason following Michael.

I was moving closer to the wolf and glanced past him to Aceh, I could tell by the voice of the wolf shouting at him that he was getting impatient, we had to act now! I sped up, bursting into a sprint. The wolf heard me and turned but by then it was too late, I tackled him to the ground, impaling my knife into his chest as I did. I quickly grabbed his muzzle to muffle any cries of warning that he might have given out. He squirmed, and was beginning to fight back now, the knife wound I had given him wasn't a fatal one, or at least not a quick one. I pulled my knife out of him and brought it to bear on the soft flesh of his neck. Moments later he stopped squirming, I looked over to Cody, Cody's face displayed shock, but I didn't have time to worry about that. Cody was alive and that's all that mattered, I got up and began moving towards the front wagon.

I heard a cry of distress and then the body of a grey pelted wolf get thrown to the ground, with a spear impaled through his torso. Several of the wolves surrounding Aceh looked back to see what had happened and I saw their stern expressions falter. I stepped round the front of the wagon to see Eric a little worse for wear but alive and well. Jason had caught the wolf by surprise and freed Eric. Now surrounded and their leader down, I saw the moral of the wolf pack crumble. One of them yelled a retreat and they all began to run, but not before Aceh could cut two of them down. The remaining six ran into the distance and Aceh let out a ferocious roar after them, it made me jump, I can't imagine what the wolves thought of it.

"Is everyone all right?" I heard Eric ask. Everyone was fine, Cody had now recovered from his shock.

"What happened?" I asked.

"The wolves ambushed us before we could defend ourselves, they over powered us." Michael explained. "You saved our lives Malakye."

"Yeah man!" Jason cheered. "That was slick how you took out those wolves like you did. First time I knew about it was when that wolf fell dead on the ground next to me!" Jason slapped me hard on the back and I couldn't help but stumble forward a step, Jason doesn't really know his own strength. "You were scary man! But good scary." He grinned and I couldn't help but grin back and blush a little at the praise I was getting.

"Yes, we owe you our lives Malakye." Eric added, smiling. I looked to Aceh and he gave me a nod, it wasn't much but it conveyed not only his thanks, but a little bit of pride as well. I... I didn't know what to say...

"You okay big guy?" Jason asked.

"Yeah..." I mumbled, "It's just as well I have a good teacher." I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. Everyone gave a small laugh and suddenly everything seemed... normal. There was a pained groan from behind us, the wolf Michael had impaled with the spear was alive but obviously dying. We moved and stood over him.

"What the fuck do you want you dragon loving fucks!" He cursed before coughing, his coughs were rough and blood was spraying across the ground when he did.

"Why did you attack us?" Eric asked calmly, but a serious tone in his voice I had never heard from him before.

"Fuck you!"

"Your wound is fatal, but it will take time for you to die." Eric said coldly. "Answer our questions and we will end your suffering." The wolf went silent for a few moments but replied by spitting at Eric, that was the last straw for me. I kicked him hard in the side and grabbed the end of the spear and twisted it, making him cry out in pain.

"Answer or I'll make your last few moments as painful as I can!" I snarled.

"Malakye!" I heard Cody gasp. I glanced at Cody before returning my attention to the wolf.

"Fuck you dragon! Kill me if you want..." he spluttered, "but I'm going to die anyway. Once the rest of my pack regroups with the rest of our forces... they'll hunt you down!"

"Where is the rest of your force?!" I yelled, twisting and yanking on the spear to inflict pain on the wolf.

"ARRGH!!! Bac.... tou." He whispered. "Their attacking Bac'tou*..."

"That's not good." Michael muttered aloud. "If they are in Bac'tou* then we need to head back to Rengilar*."

"No way!" Jason argued. "We can't out run them, not with the wagons!"

"Jason's right." Michael added. "If we are going to out run them then we need to abandon the wagons."

"We can't do that!" Cody cried. "These are our homes, we can't just throw them away!"

"But if we don't then we get killed!" Jason said bluntly.

"Yeah... but... we just can't!"

"It doesn't matter what you do!" The wolf chuckled. "There is to be a second attack on Rengilar*, you're trapped!" He began to laugh hysterically, his amusement was cut short as Aceh ran his sword into his chest, the wolf was dead in seconds.

"Now we really are fucked!" Jason yelled kicking at the ground in frustration. "No matter what we do we're going to be fucked from both sides, we're going to get spit roasted, only it's not one we're going to enjoy!"

"Calm down Jason." Eric interjected.

"Calm down? Calm the fuck down!? How the hell am I meant to be calm about the fact that we are literally dead meat?!"

"We do have another option." Eric's statement caught everyone by surprise, everyone looked at him in silence waiting for Eric's plan to be revealed. "We can't go east or west or we run into the wolves. We can't go north as we can't cross the Dalton River* without a boat. So that leaves south."

"You mean across the Zangarian Mountains*?" Michael asked.

"Yes, precisely."

"We can't do that! We don't have the supplies to cross the mountains." Michael argued.

"We don't need supplies to cross them, we just need enough to get to Zangar*. Or more specifically, the ruins of Zangar* up in the mountains." Eric retorted.

"Why are we going there?" Michael asked. "That village has been in ruins for sixteen years, there won't be any supplies up there!"

"It's a long shot, but I have heard rumours that there are some dragons who've been living up in those mountains for years." Eric explained. "But there is a chance that the rumours are true and that the village has been rebuilt by survivors of the attack sixteen years ago, we could take shelter there."

"We would have heard if the village was rebuilt." Michael interjected.

"Not unless they wanted to keep it on the down low." Jason suggested. "No one ever goes up there, it's easier to take the Labyrinth* to cross the mountains. If they never revealed themselves to be living there, no one would ever know."

"It's a long shot but I believe it's the best option we have." Eric argued.

"No! We need to ditch the caravans and run!" Michael yelled in frustration. "If we're lucky we can avoid the wolves."

"We can't just abandon our home!" Cody yelled.

"Quiet!" Eric yelled, silencing everyone. "We are a family and we shall decide this as a family. We shall vote. Whatever is chosen we shall all do as a family, agreed?" We all agreed to the terms, even Michael after a heavy sigh, he wasn't going to cut and run from this family, he just wanted what's best for all of us just like Eric.

"If you vote for my plan, raise your paw." Michael said raising his own, Jason joining him.

"Really Jason!?" Cody cried.

"Sorry Cody... as long as we are all alive we can make a new home."

"Anyone who agrees with Eric's plan, raise your paw." Michael continued. Eric and Cody raised their paws, Aceh didn't do anything and I didn't know what to do. Jason had a point, as long as we were all alive and well we could find a new home as long as our family was okay... but the thought of just abandoning the wagons was a painful one. They were our homes, the thing that kept us together, if we lost that then there was a chance that we could drift apart, even if we did manage to make it past the wolves. If we head into the mountains and we die... well then that would be pointless as well. But if Eric was right, and the rumours were true that the village had been rebuilt by survivors of the attack sixteen years ago... then could my father be up there? That possibility changes everything.

How long have I dreamed of meeting my father, or any member of my father's family? All my life, and this is an opportunity, a chance to see if that dream could come true. But that'd be selfish, risking the lives of my friends and family just for a long shot at making a childish dream come true. How could I do that to them after everything they've done for me?

"Aceh? Malakye?" Michael asked. "What do you vote for?" I was torn, how could I make this decision?

"We go up mountain." Came Aceh's deep voice, snapping me out of my haze. I looked at Aceh and he nodded to me, telling me that it was alright. Could he have known about my struggle and made the decision for me?

"Malakye?" Michael asked again.

"Yeah... I vote for Eric's plan." I muttered, casting a glance back at Aceh. Michael let out a heavy sigh, but resigned himself to the fact that the decision had been made. We were going into the mountains, taking a chance that there was someone up there that could help us and hope the wolves wouldn't follow us. What waited for us up on those mountains?