Trick and Treat: Part Four

Story by Hemlyn on SoFurry

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#2 of Trick and Treat

Fourth chapter.

This is about nine pages of word at font size 12, but I can't help but feel that the paragraphs look a bit short when on SoFurry. I could write eight lines on word and it'll be stretched to look like four, maybe five lines at most. But meh, when life gives you lemons...

I know it's been dull, but the next chapter will be considerably more sexy, I promise.

"Oh, come on. I didn't hug him that hard." Ellie protested, sitting on the far end of the living room, away from me under Maria's orders. She had a point; she wasn't about to crush my ribcage or snap me in half, it was just the sudden physical contact with a half-naked bear that threw me off my feet; quite literally.

"I'm not saying you were crushing him!" Maria pointed at the bear accusingly; she was looming over me in an almost protective manner, as if Ellie would pounce at any moment. "But did you really have to take off Pepper's coat for him while you were still holding him in the air? And could you please put some clothes on?!"

"I have a lot of fur! It's hot! The curtains are all closed so nobody can see me or anything!" The bear started to rant on at Maria while I observed, still splayed out on the sofa that Ellie threw me down on. Fortunately the purple fabric was soft enough to cushion the impact.

All of Maria's...well, the flat was Ellie's as much as Maria's, and it was pretty plush. The chair Ellie was sitting in was of the same make as the sofa; soft, purple fabric that you could sleep on with ease. The walls of the living room were covered with cream wallpaper; the carpet was soft, tufted and ivory-white with a short teak coffee table resting in the centre, holding what had to be a dozen different magazines. Maria and Ellie even had an electric fireplace set in the wall; I'd probably have to work two jobs to keep a flat like that.

While the girls were still arguing, I took the time to study their kitchen as well. There wasn't much of a border between the living room and it, but it almost felt like looking into a new flat. The tiled floor was a mix of black and white, much like a chessboard; the walls were still cream - well, the parts that weren't covered up by the cupboards, the oven and a fairly large spice-rack. No doubt the kitchen window would greet anyone with a nice view of one of the parks that squatted around the neighbourhood; but for now the sterile-white blinds were shut.

The only thing left to observe was a lone corridor that lead off to the right as soon as you'd enter the flat; I guessed that it lead to the remaining rooms; one bathroom at least, maybe two bedrooms as well. Maria and Ellie didn't seem like the kind who would share one bedroom; Ellie would probably need a queen-sized bed. Not that there was anything wrong with being naturally big; in fact most of her 'size' seemed to come from her fur. If she brushed it all down or maybe had it shortened Ellie would be a fair bit smaller than she appeared. She wouldn't seem so cuddly or cute, but still...

"...and besides, I was...dumped today." I dragged myself back into listening to the argument that was being held. I looked over to Ellie, who had put on a pitiful look, making herself out as the victim. "Can't you let me off, Merry? Given what I've had to put up with today?"

"Well, I guess that's up to Pepper, not me." Maria decided to throw the responsibility over to me. I wasn't angry at Ellie at all; I'd wager anybody would find it hard not to be mad at her. She looked too cuddly to be angry with; her fur was softer than anything I'd ever felt, and she had that beaming smile, her breasts were plush I could sleep on them...

"Wha...oh, uh..." My mind snapped back to reality as soon as I noticed Maria and Ellie looking at me; Maria gave me a look that basically said 'I know what you were thinking about just now', and Ellie's look was a mix of worry and curiosity. ", yes. I's fine. Don't worry about it."

"Great! So it's settled!" Ellie announced, practically launching herself from her seat towards me. "So let's get a start on your costume, okay Pepper?"

"You're staying right here." Maria ordered, blocking the brown bear's path. Ellie would probably run Maria down if she didn't sound so intimidating. "Pepper, you were so focused on Ellie's breasts that your tongue might as well have been hanging out."

"I was not!" I lied, already blushing beneath my fur again as I got up from my seat. Clearly Maria didn't believe me, and Ellie was still looking at me with curiosity; maybe even a hint of embarrassment.

"You were so!" Maria turned and pointed at me accusingly. By this point there was absolutely no chance of me lying my way out of the conversation; I knew it and Maria knew it.

"We could always just pull his pants down and see if he's pitching a tent?" Ellie suggested. It took a few seconds for Maria and I to process what had just been said. "Aren't we going to strip him down so we can take his measurements anyway?"

"NO!" We both yelled in unison, looking each other dead in the eye as if we could tell what the other was thinking. Ellie was determined though, and tried opening her mouth again, only to receive a soft bat on the nose from her foxy friend.

"Eleanor, you are not stripping Pepper down!" Maria spoke in a stern, almost motherly way, only to soften her tone and almost whisper to her friend as soon as she looked her friend in the eyes. "Look. It sucks; believe me I know, Ellie. But Pepper isn't used to you being 'you'. I'm not asking that you don't be around him; just tone it down a little for now."

Ellie sighed and nodded; enough to get Maria to ease up on her. Meanwhile I was on the verge of getting a headache from all the drama that seemed to happen around me; between Maria finding out about my gender issues, me having to explain it to her, meeting her roommate and having to keep what was now 'our' little secret hidden from a bear that didn't quite know what personal space was at the time, I had almost forgot that I still had a costume to prepare; not to mention I had to go to a party the next day that I wasn't so sure about anymore.

" and Pepper are going to sort out his outfit." Maria sighed after a long minute of ear-ringing silence; one that I was glad to have, all things considered. "We won't be any longer than one hour, so just take it easy until then, Ellie; you've had a rough day."

"Fine; I'll order some pizza while you two get intimate." Ellie stuck her tongue out at Maria as she pulled me off the sofa, intending to guide me somewhere a little more peaceful. "Hey Pepper? Any issues with anchovies, sardines, jalapeno peppers?"

I shook my head at Ellie; frankly, anything to eat would do as long as it would put my stomach at ease. The longer I stared at the half-naked bear, the dryer my throat would become, and the more uneasy my insides would feel; I even started to feel a slight tingling around my sex at one point. Maria was almost dragging me to her room at the time, and it took a hard pinch and twist of my right ear in order to pull me out of my daydream and into the real world.

"You're such a dog." Maria hissed, now pushing me to the end of the corridor and into her room. "I swear you boys can't keep your eyes off of a girl's breasts to save your own hide."

"First of all; technically I'm not male." I argued back once I was sure we were out of Ellie's hearing range, pointing both index fingers down at my own waist to indicate what I meant. "Second of all...well, have you seen her? She's half-naked, her breasts were practically begging for freedom back there."

"Yeah? Well, practically shut up and strip, will you?" The amber Fox growled back, dumping the carrier bag holding all the individual parts of my outfit onto her bed. "I'm not sure how we're going to put the sawdust over your outfit without making a mess in my room, so I guess we'll do it tomorrow evening; outside at the last minute."

I silently agreed with her on that one as I removed my shirt and sat down on her bed. Maria's room was fairly big, but it still felt a little cramped; it was as if everything that belonged to her in the flat was stored in her room; she didn't bother spreading any of her books or her TV or her magazines into any of the other rooms. Instead, she had one short but wide bookcase to hold her magazines and books, a chest of drawers that supported her TV at the foot of her twin-sized bed, even her bath robe was hung up on the inside of her door. The walls were plain white, but were mostly covered with various posters she'd collected over the years.

"Is everything satisfactory, sir?" Maria knocked me back into reality once again with her sarcasm. "Your jeans and briefs are the only things left on you; do you want me to leave while you get changed into your other clothes?"

"...No; no, it's alright." I decided after she granted me a few seconds to think; my response took her by surprise, but once it wore off she seemed pleased that I accepted her presence.

Maria fell back onto her bed and watched patiently as I got up and unbuttoned my jeans with trembling hands. Of course I was nervous; anyone else in my situation would be; but I felt that I needed to let Maria know that I trusted her, and this was as clear an indication as any. My hands stopped shaking once the last button came loose; after that I just let gravity do its job and pull my jeans down for me, leaving me standing there, only covered by my white briefs as I stepped out of the black denim pile on the floor.

"I think I know what Ellie meant when she said you're cute." Maria broke the silence, getting up to toss me the pair of brown trousers and the long-sleeved red shirt I'd brought that afternoon. "Don't worry; I'm not making fun of you."

"Seriously?" I was a little sceptical any time anybody would call me 'cute'. Usually it would just be used as another way to tease me or make me feel insecure. "You've seen me almost naked and you can still manage to say that?"

"It's just that I can see why she would be attracted to you." She commented as I pulled my brown trousers up around my waist, not wanting to spend another second without a good amount of clothing. "You have that nervous, innocent look on you sometimes."

"Maria, I'm twenty-one." I said bluntly, catching my pair of black, pointed shoes as she gently threw them to me. "I'm not cute and I'm not innocent."

"Ellie's twenty-six, that doesn't stop her from looking like a giant teddy bear." Maria retorted, now tossing me the length of thin rope that we spent a full hour scouring the shops for. "You know, I'm sure she wouldn't mind if we told her about you being a...well your gender issues."

"Merry, I think we should stop calling it a gender issue." I pondered while I tied and separated a small length of rope around my ankles individually, then doing the same with my waist. "I think we should just go ahead and call me a...a 'cunt-boy' from now on."

"Isn't that a bit vulgar?" Maria pulled out a reel of bandages and held out both palms; indicating me to do the same. "I'm just going to bandage up your palms, if that's ok with you; I doubt the bandages will stay around your fingers for the entire duration of the party. Anyway, wouldn't you rather be called a hermaphrodite?"

"I don't have both male and female genitals, so it wouldn't really suit me." I explained, letting Maria wrap the bandages around each individual hand four times before she braced them with a large paperclip each, making sure they were well hidden underneath the bandages before grabbing the rope again and tying it around my wrists individually like a necktie so they could be tightened and loosened easily.

"Although I did look it up at one point" I continued. "I think it said something about 'sequential hermaphroditism' which was split into three different categories; one of them mentioned 'an organism born as a male', but they could 'change their sex to that of a female'; but I can't remember the term that was- AH! Watch it!"

"Sorry; you were starting to rant about smart things again." Maria smiled was she loosened up the rope she had around my neck, "I'm not too sure how to make a noose, so this might take a minute."

"I can wait; just try not to choke me to death." I joked as Maria pulled me down onto the bed by the rope she had around my neck; it made sense to get comfortable if she was going to be a while. " what's it like living with Ellie?"

"Hmm? Oh, it's pretty nice, actually." Maria explained between each attempt to tie the rope around my neck in the correct way. "She hardly ever wears any clothes when she's at home; when she does it's usually in the dead of winter."

"And...during the summer?" I probed, receiving a quick tug around my neck for my curiosity before Maria went back to making her fourth attempt. "Sorry. Just curious."

"Do you even need to ask me what happens with her in the summer?" Maria jabbed me in the back with a spare finger. True, I didn't need to ask; I was pretty imaginative. "I don't really mind her being naked a lot of the time; it's just her bad luck with guys that gets me."

"You know there's this rule with probability," I began as soon as Maria started on what was now her sixth attempt at a noose. "It states that for every time something doesn't happen, the chances of it happening increases by a small amount."

"So you're saying every bad guy she gets through brings her closer to a good one?" She pondered; this attempt was taking longer than all her previous ones, so I figured she was having some remote success. "You're thinking about dating her, are you?"

" there any right answer to that question?" I asked, fairly certain that any answer would be the wrong one. Seeing as Ellie was going through a breakup, it would seem rude to try and charm her; on the other hand, saying no might imply that I wasn't interested in her whatsoever.

"You're lucky I'm not going to hang you by this thing." Maria tugged at the end of the rope and twisted it around so I could see it resting against my chest. The noose the made wasn't quite as accurate as any of the others I'd seen, but I could hardly complain; it didn't hang too far down my torso, and I could easily loosen it and take it off just like the rope around my wrists and ankles, meaning Maria wouldn't have to put herself through the torture of making them again. "All I have to do now is your mask."

I waited patiently as Maria pulled out a small potato sack - just slightly larger than my head - a thick needle and some equally thick black thread, a pair of scissors and a black marker pen. The only way this was really going to work was if I put the sack over my head and had Maria work around it, marking the points she had to cut away like the eye and ear holes and the parts around my muzzle to make the mask fit comfortably over it; from there it would only be a matter of running the thread along each hole to make the mask convincing enough without limiting my vision.

"Just stay perfectly still while I mark these areas out." Maria ordered softly as she pulled the sack over my head, filling my vision with burlap for the time being.

For the next few minutes the only thing I could only pay attention to what Maria was doing. I twitched slightly when I felt her hands groping about around my ears, finding an appropriate area to mark out the ear holes; she was working her way down from there, making it clear that I should close my eyes completely before Maria poked them out trying to find them. Fortunately she was a careful Fox, feeling around gently and withdrawing her hand as soon as she came into contact with each part she had to cut; but I did withdraw my muzzle slightly as soon as I felt her feel around my mouth, running her index finger from one end to the other before she was finally satisfied. However, she didn't bother marking out that area before pulling the sack off of my head.

"Making a mouth hole is going to be difficult." She explained, turning the makeshift mask around so I could see what parts she marked out. "With a muzzle as long as yours, I'll have to make a couple of cuts just below the eye holes; in the end your mask will only cover a majority of your face, but I can tuck the back of it under your noose so it'll stay fixed to your head."

"I figured we'd have to do that; I don't mind." I reassured her; it was always hard to make a custom mask for any species with a long muzzle. "As long as it stays on my head I'll be fine; I'm more worried about how we'll get the hat to stay on my head."

"Don't worry; there's no wind predicted tomorrow so as long as you don't dance like you're in a rave party you'll be fine." A voice chirped from behind me; I had to look at Maria to make sure it wasn't her before I turned around.

Ellie was standing in the doorway to Maria's room; she was wearing a thin bathrobe now, but I could still make out the bra and panties I'd seen her in last. If anything the bathrobe she wore served to make her seem even more beautiful than before; there was just something about being loosely dressed that I was attracted to; more so than if she was full on naked. Unfortunately the sight didn't last long before Maria caught on to what I was thinking and pulled the burlap sack back around my head, fitting considerably better than before.

"Whoa. Nice scarecrow outfit!" Ellie gasped at the sight of me. It took me a few seconds to straighten my mask and pull my ears out of the recently-made holes so it fit the way it should.

Maria made considerably short work of the burlap sack, managing to cut out the parts she needed to and sew up the eye-holes loosely so I could still see my reflection. Other than the hat, which we decided on postponing for now, everything was pretty accurate. The red shirt I wore was an extra size up on purpose, the sleeves and waist tied up with rope; the dark brown trousers I wore were also tied with rope at the ankles. It was difficult to find gloves and shoes similar to what The Scarecrow wore, so we settled on black, pointed shoes and some bandages around the palms of my hands. At the very least anyone could tell a great deal of effort was made making the outfit.

"By the way, the pizza's here. You two took that long making that outfit." Ellie laughed as I loosened the rope bindings on my body, taking them off without untying them in any way. "Still, it took less time than Maria did when she made that fursuit of hers."

"Ellie, get out!" An orange streak almost launched out of the corner of my eye straight at Ellie, forcing her out of the room before I was about to strip in front of her. "Pepper, hurry up and get changed into your normal clothes before we eat."

With that, Maria slammed the door behind her with one foot, her hands occupied trying to stop Ellie from getting to the bedroom. I assumed Ellie just went with it; even if Maria and I joined forces, we wouldn't be able to move the bear if she didn't want to. It was already gone seven in the evening, so I had to make quick work with my outfit, stripping back down to my briefs and not bothering to fold my clothes up before changing back into my normal attire. The main reason for my rush, however, was in case Ellie decided to barge in again; she managed to appear out of thin air no more than a minute ago; she could easily do it again if I wasn't careful. Although...would it really be so bad if Ellie found out I wasn't as 'male' as she thought?

Trick and Treat: Part Five

Dinner started off fairly quickly; Maria and Ellie didn't waste time waiting for me to reach the kitchen before breaking out a pizza and a beer each. I didn't take Maria for much of a drinker; granted I wasn't either. With Ellie, however...well, most...

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Trick and Treat: Part Three

I was right when I thought that the subject about my...gender...wouldn't be dropped. It loomed over us all afternoon through town as we scoured each and every appropriate building for what we needed for my costume. What felt like three hours was really...

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Trick and Treat: Part Two.

I woke up in a bit of a shock; it was very typical of me to stay up until around 1:00am and wake up at 12:30pm on my days off, thinking to myself "you just wasted a good portion of your day; I hope you're proud of yourself". The process would repeat,...

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