The Lover

Story by Bityn on SoFurry

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#2 of A Bunny Called Bityn

Time dragged slowly along, with nothing seeming to happen. Bityn sat quietly in the corner, watching all of the furres that would pass by him, looking for any one of them that might offer a bit of fun, but none of them seemed interested, so he would sigh and continue to look. This had been going on for quite a while, and he was just beginning to think that the night was a loss when... he came in.

There in the doorway was a handsome, tall canine, wearing long blue jeans and a leather jacket, left open to show he was bare chested beneath. It was hard to tell what breed he was, fur a dusty grey with patches of black here and there. Bityn practically melted just at the very sight of him. However, he forced himself to peel his eyes away a little later, figuring that he'd be way out of his league. Then, much to his surprise, he heard the sound of pawsteps moving closer, looking up just in time to see the sexy beast pulling out the chair across from him, flashing a smile that had Bit's heart skipping a beat.

"Mind if I sit here?" came the deep, masculine voice.

Blinking, Bityn just sat silently, completely shell shocked. After finally gathering his wits enough, he nodded quickly, sitting up a little to give his legs a little more room under the table. "P... please do. By all means."

Nodding, the canine sat down, propping his elbows on the table and looking at him. "Thanks. So tell me. What is it you're doing all alone here in the corner, hm?"

The rabbit chuckled a little, crossing his legs and smiling shyly, starting to blush under the inspection. "Hee hee... Well, sitting. Watching. Wishing. I don't know. I was just kinda waiting to see what would happen. Hoping I might end up having a little fun before the night was over. But it's really been slow around here tonight...."

When he heard this, the canine nodded, scratching under his chin thoughtfully. "Well, this place is like that sometimes.... It's why I don't really come here much. But something told me tonight might be worth it. So... what's your name?"

Again the bunny blinked for a moment, adjusting his shirt before he answered, "It's Bityn. You?"

"Elmin. A pleasure."

As they made their introductions, the canine offered his paw, which Bityn took with a smile. However, much to his surprise, instead of shaking it, the canine actually lifted it to his lips and kissed the back side of it. Within an instant, the bunny's face was red, much to the amusement of the canine, who chuckled.

"Aw.... You know, you're much too cute for your own good when you blush, Bityn," he said with a smile. "Although even at normal color you're a knockout."

All this wasn't really helping his blush as he giggled softly, playing with his shirt and glancing around to see if anyone was really looking at them. Mostly, the room was empty, the few patrons in the area not seeming to care too much about the two of them. Overall, the place seemed dead, save for the red faced bunny and sexy doggy.

Still with a firm grip of the hand of the lapine, the canine smiled and leaned in a little, nuzzling the hand with his cold nose and smiling at the boy over it. "Say.... I hope you don't find me too forward, but would you like to maybe slip on out of here? Just feels so empty, and my place is just a block or two away."

Bityn could hardly believe it. He paused a moment, the look on his face almost as if he could hardly believe that even needed to be asked, quickly nodding and squeezing the canine's paw gently. "I would love to," came the eager response.

"Well, then need to go get your coat?" Elmin asked with a grin, releasing the rabbit's hand so he could get up as he did the same.

Turning to look at the other male, the bunny shook his head. "No. I didn't bring one."

In one motion, the canine slid off his jacket and put it over Bityn's shoulders, the well built male bare from the waist up. Bityn's eyes widened, just staring at the chest of his companion. He murred softly, the strong scent of the other male covering the warm jacket that rested on his shoulders now.

"It's cold out there, and my fur's a little thicker," the canine explained with a smile.

Nodding, Bityn followed as Elmin lead the way outside, then along the sidewalk in the direction of his home. It wasn't very long until they were climbing the stairs to the flat in which he lived. He opened the door for the bunny, stepping aside for him to enter, then closing it behind them.

The furnishings were modest, but not overly frugal. They gave the impression the buyer just got what he needed, but still had enough of an eye to make everything look nice. Just the sort of way Bityn would like to furnish his own house, if he could afford even that.

As the bunny looked around, Elmin smiled, heading off for the kitchen and giving a playful pinch to the firm rump just under his fluffy tail as he went. "Like anything to drink?" he asked with a wink as he headed for the kitchen.

A bit surprised by the pinch, Bityn squeaks, rubbing his rump and watching after him, unable to help watching the movements of the canine's tail before it disappeared, after which he came to himself again. "Oh... Um... Nah. That's alright. I kinda waterlogged myself back there...."

Coming back around the corner, Elmin nodded in understanding. "Yeah.... Well, then good thing I came when I did. Wouldn't want you to burst, hm?" Chuckling, he sat down on a couch, patting the seat next to him. "Come on. Sit down."

Blushing and nodding, the lapine moved in closer, sitting down next to the canine and smiling a little. Once they found a comfortable position, one of Elmin's large paws came down to gently rest of Bityn's thigh, rubbing it gently, starting into chatting. Elmin was the one mostly in charge of the conversation, asking questions of the bunny and smiling a bit as he listened to the answers. He asked about his past, about his plans, his hopes, his dreams. Just all the questions to paint a picture of the rabbit. And Bityn answered every one happily, listening to the deep voice of his companion as each question was asked.

He didn't notice at first, but little by little, the canine was leaning in a little closer to him. However, by the time he did realize how close he was getting, it was too late. Distracted by the realization, his words slowly trailed off, just looking into the eyes of the other male. Then, Elmin leaned in that little bit further, his lips pressing to the bunny's soft pair. And Bityn rose to meet the kiss, moving his body in closer and closing his eyes happily.

After a moment, they finally broke the kiss, though their faces stayed near one another. They just sat there, looking into each other's eyes, then Elmin's paw reached out, resting gently on Bityn's thigh. When he felt it, it was like a jolt of electricity ran through him, making him shiver in pleasure. At the same time, a the other reached up to gently stroke the delicate cheekbones of the boy with a thumb, the canine smiling a little as he got another kiss in.

"You're beautiful, Bityn," he said at last. "I knew the first moment I saw you in that place that I wanted to get you home.... But more importantly...." Grinning, the canine nodded towards a door nearby. "If you're interested, there's a bed back there.... I'd love to see you in it... and nothing else."

The lapine glanced up at the door, then looked back to Elmin, grinning before standing up slowly. "Well, then what on earth are we doing out here? We've got some serious work to do."

Thus saying, he headed off towards the bedroom, Elmin sitting back for a moment to watch the way his tail moved as he walked. Then, he also stood and followed along behind him, sneaking in a soft pinch at the tempting behind. Bityn squeaked, jumping and giggling loudly as he opened the door and bounced through it, landing on the bed on his back and smiling sensually up at the canine.

Again there was a momentary pause as the canine just took in the sight, then he slide up on the bed with the rabbit, who was pulling his shirt off to match the canine somewhat. Then he lay down on his side, looking up at Elmin and smiling just before receiving another kiss. Reaching out, the canine gently placed a paw on Bityn's shorts, eyes silently asking the question, and his nod serving as an answer. As he blushed, the larger male moved in closer, paws gently rubbing and prodding at the bulge present in the boy's shorts for a moment before undoing them and pulling them down and off, leaving the purple thong. Chuckling, he reached down, pulling that off slowly afterwards, leaving the rabbit bare and blushing.

Once all this was done, Bityn giggled softly, getting up onto his knees and moving over to Elmin. Again he locked in a kiss, paws moving down to undo the pants of his new companion. It was the work of a moment and then they too came down, nude bodies pressing against one another, eager for the touch of fur on fur. The cuddling then escalated, paws exploring one another's bodies as their kissing deepened and became more passionate, tongues working their way into the mix.

They kissed, they licked, they cuddled, they caressed.... Finally, there was only one thing left to do. Reaching over to the night stand, Elmin retrieved a small bottle of clear fluid, squirting some onto his paw and spreading it over his shaft before scooting in closer. Taking Bityn's ankles, he placed them on his shoulders, giving each long footpaw a tender kiss. Then, feeling a bit of the cold fluid touch his hot hole, Bityn gasped, giggling softly and grinning up at the canine, moaning in pleasure as a pair of fingers slid into him, working in the lubrication.

After that appetizer, it was time for the real thing. Bityn watched as the canine wiped his paws clean, then took hold of his hips and moved in closer, the head of the large member touching to his tight hole. There was a brief pause, then a happy moan came from the bunny as Elmin finally pushed forward, every inch of the cock rubbing against his tight, velvety interior. More and more slid into him, passage made easier by the lubricant, until the whole length was buried in his accepting rump.

Shivering in pleasure, Bityn smiled up at him, a similar look returned by the canine as he started to move himself in and out, keeping it slow and gentle. After a moment of that Elmin leaned over, Bityn easily folding himself in half as his own legs are pressed to his chest by the action, the lips of the two lovers meeting once again. And through it all the thrusting continued. Slow, but powerful. Again and again their bodies met and parted, a wet slap ringing through the room, accompanying the various moans and grunts of pleasure that the two of them made into each other's mouths, not once letting this kiss break. Even as Elmin sped up a little, they continued to kiss, though sometimes it was hard to do that and breathe at the same time. Especially as their mutual pleasure began to grow.

The rabbit's small body bounced with the thrusting motions of the canine, his moans becoming louder and more persistent as pleasure overwhelmed him. Finally, he couldn't help breaking the kiss, letting out a squeak and moan each time the canine's knot hit into the tight ring of his anus. Each collision of that fleshy bundle with his tight hole sent jolts of pleasure through him, the effects getting stronger all the time. And the bunny's lover seemed to be having similar sensations, his thrusting getting faster still as his climax began to build.

However, Bityn beat him to it. Unable to resist any longer, the rabbit threw his head back, letting out a cry and arching his back as hot seed sprayed out of his shaft, coating the soft fur of his belly and chest with strings of the gooey cum. Within moments, Elmin lost it as well. Thrusting forward hard, he buried the large knot in his smaller lover, locking them tightly together as his load was released into the rabbit's tight hole. This only brought more pleasure to the bunny as he writhed against the bed.

Finally, their orgasms began to fade, and they collapsed against one another, panting hard and kissing each other lovingly. Then, carefully, Elmin shifted his position, his shaft rotating inside Bityn and bringing a soft moan from him as he moved around behind the rabbit, wrapping his arms around the soft bunny and cuddling up against his back, both of them just savoring the after glow. Of course, locked together as they were they didn't have much choice, but both of them were perfectly content to be nuzzling up together.

And it was in that position that they gradually, little by little fell asleep, both smiling happily.